Sri Sooreendra Theertharu Madurai

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 177
  • Pages: 2
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Sri Sooreendra Theertharu (Rayara Mutt)

Vrundavana @ Madurai Poorvashranama Naama – Vasudevacharya Father - Venkatanarayanacharya Period 1686 – 1692 Aradhana – Jyesta Shudda Dwiteeya Vrundavana pravesha – Angeerasa Samvatsara Vidyagurugalu – Raghavendra Swamigalu Ashrama Gurugalu – Yogeendra Theeertharu Ashrama Shishyaru - Sumatheendra Theertharu Sri Sooreendra Theertharu is the son of Rayara Poorvashrama brother of Rayaru Sri Venkatanarayanacharyaru. Venkatanarayanacharyaru’s four sons – who became the pontiffs of Rayara Mutt parampare after Rayaru are : 1. Sri Yogeendra Theertharu - Venkanna 2. Sri Sooreendra Theertharu – Vasudevacharya 3. Sri Sumatheendra Theertharu – Muddu Venkatakrishna 4. Sri Upendra Theertharu - Vijayendra Rayaru had given the Ashrama to Sri Yogeendra Theertharu (He is also the son of Venkatanarayanacharyaru) and instructed him to give ashrama to Vasudevacharya.

Collection by : Narahari Sumadhwa (9916904341) [email protected] for

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