Sri Sai Baba Manifestation

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SRI SAI BABA'S MANIFESTATION Sri Satchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj Ki Jai. Baba's Punyathithi & Vijayadasami Celebrations on 21st and 22nd October, 2004. Today's man is full of attachment and hatred with possessive nature filled with ego. He deludes himself with the feeling that there is no one greater than he & has lost power of discrimination. He feels that he can buy the whole world with money power. But forgets that there is Creator of this Universe, who is the Protector, the Father & the Mother of this world. This is the Truth, but this realisation does not fit in our system. Carry on, one day you will have to pay the price for your actions. There may be delay but not the injustice. That's why the Guru veils his doctrines in fables. GURU'S thoughts are intent on that Godliness; & are mmersed in His affairs neck deep.Oh my friend, think not this Guru as a mere outward form,but these are pure mysteries of God & you will beexalted above the seven heavenly spheres. Why the Gurus were sent.God sent these Messengers of God for this purpose,Namely, to sever infidelity from faith.God sent them to mankindThat they might gather the pure grain on their tray.Infidel and faithful, Hindus, Buddhists & people of all creeds,Before the Gurus came, seemed all as one.Before they came we were all alike, No one knew whether he was right or wrong.Genuine coin and base coin were current alike;The world was a night, and we travelers in the dark,Till the sun of the Gurus arose, and cried,"Begone. O slumber; welcome, O pure light!" Now the eye distinguish colors & difference between rubies and pebbles,to lead you, to guide you, to pave the ground for youto realise the Truth. Whosoever offers to ME with or devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit, a water that offering of love of the pure & self controlled man is willingly & readily accepted by ME (IX 26). God comes down in human form or sends His messenger to help His Creation. It is really tragic that we human do not strive to benefit from Him as we all preoccupied with the materialistic desires or Vasanas & are not at all interested to follow or pick up an iota of what is being communicated by the messenger of God. His representative comes down to love, to guide, to awaken, to pave the ground & to shed the light on the subtlety of the subject but man listens, learn and obey only those where he draws self profit. SAI BABA of Shirdi is a name to conjure with. In fact, His name is used as a sacred and powerful mantra by thousands of seekers & devotees. He is not a non-historic or remote personality, but one who is with & within us in flesh even now, moving with every one of us, provided one has Shraddha & Saburi. A small narration of Sri Sai Baba on this auspicious occasion will be a more befitting and will prove a turning point in the lives of many seekers, as has been reported elsewhere. Of Sai Baba’s birth, parentage, and antecedents, there were a few persons who had association with Baba, whom Pujya Gurudev Sri Sai Narayan Baba had met, interviewed them, who indicated some hints on those subtle points, which could be corroborated with happenings in Baba's life which also depends upon each one's own imagination. Probe in and you will unearth certain ecstasy of Love. It was the firm conviction of Baba that Knowledge of self realization is not possible, unless there is the prior act of grinding of all our impulses, desires, sins and of the three gunas viz Satwa,

Rajas & Tamas and the Ahankar which is subtle & necessary. Be ever immersed in the search for Truth; & never yield to the vagaries of the mind. Stick to the Spiritual practices & the Atma itself will sustain the seeker with strength and steadiness. If a man utters My name with Love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his devotion & if he sings My life & My deeds, I shall beset in front & back & on all sides. Those devotees, who are attached to Me, heart and soul will naturally feel happiness. NAMAME SAI GURU PAADA PANKAJAM KARO MEE BABA TAVA PUJANAM VARAM VADAAMEE SAI SUBH NAAMA NIRMALAM MAARAME BABA TAVA TATVAMAVYAYAM I bow to the lotus feet of the Sai Guru. I do Thy sacred Puja. I utter Sai’s auspicious & immaculate Name.Oh Baba!! , I meditate on Thy imperishable truth. SACHIDANANDA RUUPAAYA BHAKTAANUGRAHA KAARINE SHIRDINYA STAIKA DEWAAYA SAAISHAAYA NAMOH NAMAH Prostrations again and again to you, who is Sai Shah of Sachidananda form who has left His physical body at Shirdi & showering His blessings on His devotees. MRITYUNJAYAAYA RUDRAAYA SARVADAAYA CHA VISHNAVE SRISTAI CHA TRISVA RUUPAAYA SAINAATHAAYA TE NAMAH I bow unto you Oh! Sainatha of triple form being Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu the Bestower of all boons and Rudra the Conqueror of death. SAAI SAAITHI SAAI SAAITHI SMARTAVYAMNAAMA SAJANAI SAHASRA NAAM TATULYAMSAI NAAMVARAPRADA A True devotee of Baba keeps on repeating Baba’s name with devotion & faith. For, By repeating His name with devotion and faith a Single time is equivalent to casually repeating His name thousand times. SRI SAAI TI SADAA SNAANAM SRI SAAI TI SADA JAPAH SRI SAI TI SADA DHYAANAM SADAA SAAI TI KIIRTANAM Such a devotee remains in Ajapa Jap of Baba but with faith and devotion or Even while he is having his bath, he chants the name of Baba. During his Japa, he chants the name of Baba, while in meditation, he chants the name of Baba and he ever chants the name of Baba by singing His Glory. MRITYUNJAYAAYA RUDRAAYA SARVADAAYA CHA VISHNAVE SRISHTAI CHA TRISVA RUPAAYA SAI NATHAYA TE NAMAH I bow unto you Oh! Sainatha of triple form being Brahma, the Creator, Vishnu the Bestower of all boons and Rudra the Conqueror of death. Sri Sai Baba’s Omni Presence, Omni Potence and Omniscience are unabatingly realized and experienced by innumerable devotees who concentrate on Sri Sai Baba with Faith, Devotion, Love & Shraddha, whether they be at Shirdi or far away from Shirdi.

To narrate all the experiences, and the inner joy of such countless devotees and the countless experiences either individually or collectively is physically impossible. The whole of the countryside worshipped and gathered around Him with the instinct with which ants surround a big lump of Sugar. While many came from long distances at great expense and trouble and each went away not only satisfied but also anxious to repeat his/her visit as often as it could be made. It was a Celestial sight to see and enjoy the wonder of wonders of the personage so universally admired and worshipped though not even a single human being knew his real name. Sri Sai Baba is not his name. Once during the course of an inquiry, which had come up in the Magistrate’s court of Dhulia, Baba as a witness at Shirdi was asked what was His name? He paused and smiled and said “ I have no Name”. When He was asked what was his Creed or Religion? He said “Kabir”. When He was asked what was His Caste and Community? He said “Parvardigar”. Not a single answer was of a least help in establishing his Real Identity. Eventually He said I don’t want to disappoint you I have no Name but people call me “Sai Baba”. Sai Baba is not a Name. Sai is a Persian word for Saint and Baba is a Hindi term of endearment & respect like father. It was 168 years back from now on, Thursday, the 11th March, 1836 at about 9.00P.m., He incarnated on the Earth in Jafagate, the old city of Jerusalem, where Pujya Gurudev Sri Sai Narayan Baba visited on the 25th March, 1995 to see the land mark of Baba's manifestation. So it was Thursday, the 11th March at about 9.00P.M., Baba was found at a solitary place by a Muslim fakir. There was nobody to claim the child. He took up the child and he handed him over to a childless Vishnu Brahmin Hindu couple by name Nandlal & Jamnabai, who were on this Pilgrimage.They had thirsted to have a child & had visited many places of pilgrimage, followed all rituals, without any result. So the Muslim fakir asked them to take care of the child who had come to take care of the entire Universe. They considered the child to be a great blessing and a manifestation of the Supreme as assured by the fakir & they had requested fakir to name the child before they left the place.The fakir spontaneously told them to call the child as"Sai" & left the place. The fakir also earlier predicted that they will be with the child only for 7 years. Soon Nandlal & Jamnabai returened to India and settled in Pathri near Mandvi and Sai started growing with Love and Affection. When He was 7 years old, and as predicted by the Fakir it was in the year 1843 Nandlal expired Following Jamnabai become seriously ill, She was not concerned about her seriousness but she was concerned, about this child who was going to take care of him after her? At that juncture a miracle took place as a great coincidence to the will of The Supreme, the Fakir appeared calling “Allah Malik Allah Malik Allah Accha Karega”. Jamnabai was overwhelmed she welcomed the fakir and handed over the child saying, “Fakir Saheb Please Take Care of this Child Now the time has come for me to depart from this world “ The Fakir smiled and said Don’t worry I have come for the same purpose. I will take care of this child you need not worry and Jamnabai breathed her last. So it was 1843 when the young Sai Baba was only 7 years old and the Fakir

took Sai Baba to His Humble Abode where he and his wife considered Baba as Allah , The Lord of The Universe.. They started loving Him, taking care of Him, and providing Him with all the necessities. As they were very poor, the fakir also used to take Sai Baba along with him during the daily alms collection. First the Fakir used to announce in front of the entrance of the houses “Allaah Maalik Allaah Acchaa Karega Bakri De Amti De” and Baba also used to repeat the same. This is how Baba had developed that sort of Sanskar pronouncing the same words as pronounced by the Fakir. Baba was brought up with great Love and Affection by the Fakir and his wife. In 1848, when Baba was 12 years old, the Fakir expired. Before leaving his Mortal Coil, he presented to the 12 year young Baba His Shoulder Bag containing some very humble things like a pair of tongs, a wooden stick, clay pipes, earthen lamps, some caps, and some tattered clothes. Though these paraphernalia were old and simple they were precious and vibrant, something like Alladin’s wonderful lamp. He asked Baba not to part with them and that he(Baba) will know the value of them in due course and he should neither lose them nor give them to any body. And he told his wife while leaving the mortal coil, “No sooner I leave my mortal coil there will none to recognize the great master. There is one person only at Selu, a distant village, who is the saintly Zamindar and a very rich person of Selu. On seeing Baba, he will recognize Baba as the Supreme being and will take care of him and accept Baba and Baba will derive maximum Spiritual knowledge, Spiritual power and eventually accept him as his Guru.” Saying so the Fakir breathed his last. As instructed by the Muslim peer, the widow took the 12 year old Baba to Selu where it was not a problem for them to locate Gopalrao Deshmukh who was a very prominent and a rich saint of Selu.He has also constructed many forts and temples. As she was standing at the entrance of his house to seek permission at that juncture, as a coincidence, the Zamindar came out. On seeing Baba, he burst into tears and fell at his Lotus feet, offered full Maryaada, prostrations, salutations, prayers as one would offer to God and considered him as a great incarnation of the Supreme. Then he said to the Fakir’s wife not to worry that he would be taken care of properly. He also welcomed her to stay along with Sai Baba but with a heavy heart, she said that she had to go back following the instructions of her husband and that he should take proper care of Baba. And saying so she returned and Baba stayed along with Gopalrao Deshmukh. They lived together, prayed together, meditated together. Everything was so harmonious, there was a perfect rapport between them. The service they used to do together was a treat to watch. They were inseparable eventually, after acquiring spiritual knowledge and spiritual powers from Gopalrao Deshmukh Sai Baba accepted him as His Guru The relation between the Guru and the God, between G. Deshmukh and Sai Baba was unique, Baba was in the association of G. Deshmukh for a period of 3 years 1848 to 1851.In the year 1851 the great Guru G. Deshmukh who loved Baba, who respected Baba who used to pray in the presence of Baba, passed away. Once it so happened though it is not mentioned in the Sai Sat Charitra, the villagers became jealous of such a relationship, and wanted to separate Baba from G. Deshmukh. They tried all methods and asked G. Deshmukh to give whatever he wanted but he should be sent back but G. Deshmukh would not. He realized the importance, the significance, the living Divine Light of the Supreme in Baba. One day it so happened that a jealous villager saw the young Baba all alone. He flung a brick on him, the brick was about to hit Baba on his forehead but a great miracle happened Baba saw it was G. Deshmukh who was bleeding from his head. He himself was unhurt, What a sacrifice of such a Guru for a disciple, G. Deshmukh fell down Baba immediately attended to him and after some time G. Rao recovered Baba preserved that brick. So even after coming to Shirdi Baba

used to preserve that brick and he used to keep it below the pillow which many persons did not know from where this brick had come. In 1851 G pointed out a barren cow to Baba and asked Baba to milk the barren cow. On the order of the Guru Baba took the tumbler and started milking. To the great surprise of all, the tumbler was filled with milk. Gopal Rao in a divine voice asked Baba to drink that milk immediately, It was the Guru’s order. No sooner Baba consumed the milk, Gopal Rao Deshmukh saw Baba in the form of Vishwa Roop just as Lord Krishna showed his Vishwa Roop to Arjuna in a huge divine form. Then Gopal Rao Deshmukh said, “My duty is to worship Oh Lord. It’s your duty to take care of the Mankind”, saying this he collapsed . Before collapsing, he asked Baba to proceed towards Selu showing his hands towards the west, he collapsed and attained immortality . At the physical departure of Gopal Rao from this world, Baba developed total Vairagya; He did not want to live without His Guru, and wanted to commit suicide but the Great Guru’s Spiritual power consoled Baba. “Oh Master you have a lot to do to the human beings. I am with you. You proceed towards the West of Selu. “And the grace of his physical Guru consoled, comforted Sai Baba. Baba with utter Vairagya, surrendered all the comforts of Gopal Rao and wearing the Kafni, Cap, a shoulder bag proceeded in the year 1951 towards the west of Selu as directed by His Guru. For a period of three years from 1851 to 1854, nothing is known about Sai Baba. In 1854 Baba appeared in Shirdi for the first time as a lad of 18. He had incarnated in the year 1836. So after 18 years and at the age of 18 he appeared in Shirdi in the year 1854. Unfortunately , the villagers including Tatya Patil , the son of Bayja Maa who later became a most ardent devotee of Baba could not recognize Baba and mistook him to be a mad , crazy Fakir and they started throwing stones at him. And they drove out Baba from Shirdi. While leaving Baba told “Allaah Maalik Allaah Acchaa Karega, I will come back again for your welfare”. Saying so Baba left the village. There is a gap from 1854 to 1871 about which nothing is known about Baba. In 1871 there was a rich Muslim by name Chand Bhai , the Patil of Dhoop Khed village, Aurangabad district in the then Nizamabad State . He was the headman of Dhoop Khed village and was on his way to Aurangabad City from Dhoop Khed village on horse back . During one of his night outs early morning he missed his horse. He made frantic efforts for a period of 2 months but all his efforts were in vain. In utter disappointment & carrying the saddle of the lost mare , he was returning to his village, and had covered a distance of about 40 miles when he came across the Fakir seated under the mango tree with Kafni & Cap. The young Fakir on seeing him spontaneously asked him, “O Chand , you look so tense. Don’t worry can you see a small stream , there you will find your mare”. Chand Bhai was wonder struck. How the young Fakir could know his name and his problem . The young Fakir was no other than young Sai Baba. Then Chand proceeded towards the stream as directed by the Baba and was amazed to see his lost mare grazing over there. Though it was lost about 40 miles away for which he had made frantic efforts for about 2 months he could not trace it but now he finds it. This was the first miracle of Baba i.e. Teleporting the lost mare trough the Telekinesis. Chand Bhai promptly brought the mare to Baba to thank him where he found that Baba had kept ready the clay pipe but there was neither fire to light it nor any water to dampen the Safi through which the smoke is drawn , Chand Bhai was wonder struck How Baba was going to use this clay pipe . Baba took the pair of tongs, thrust it on the ground and said, “Allah Malik” and picking up the live coal, placed it on the pipe. Then he picked up the wooden stick , and thrust it on another

place and said, “Allah Malik”. From there water started oozing out and the Safi was dampened Baba smiled and started using the clay pipe .Again, Saying, “Allah Malik, Chand Bhai this is I how I remove the grief and the sufferings of the people this clay pipe is not an ordinary pipe. Just Try? When Chand Bhai used this pipe & found that it was quite different like Alladins Wonderful Lamp he totally surrendered and prostrated at the feet of Baba and requested him to accompany him to his village Khed where he was the headman. Out of a sense of gratitude , he wanted to do some service to Baba. Baba said “Okay , I will be there tomorrow , I don’t need your address or location. I know all the places . You proceed.”Chand Bhai left. To his great surprise on the following day , Baba was there. At the appearance of Baba , there was all round peace , happiness and prosperity not only in the residence of Chand Bhai but also in the entire Khed village. Then the marriage of Chand Bhai Patil’s brother in law’s son was settled. The bride was from Shirdi. The marriage party was to go to Shirdi from Dhoop Khed village by bullock cart , the only mode of transport in that village in those days and they requested Baba to accompany them. Then Baba willingly accompanied Chand Bhai Patil by bullock cart . There were many bullock carts. It was the year 1872 and they arrived at Shirdi. The marriage was well conducted near Khandoba village by the side of the present Shirdi Sansthan hospital. After the marriage Chand Bhai requested Baba to return along with him but Baba said Chand “ No , I have to stay here for my mission. You return. I am with you , the moment you think of me , and I will be with you. Now onwards , I will be here.” And Chand Bhai with a heavy heart returned with the entire marriage procession to Dhoop Khed village by bullock carts. Baba overstayed in Shirdi for the whole lifetime, helping everybody without any distinction. He knew the inner thoughts of every body, relieved their wants and brought comfort to all. He attracted men of higher social attainment , position, mental culture and almost all the leading men of Maharashtra in government service. Great journalist like, the Late Balgangadhar Tilak who came just a year before Baba’s Maha Samadhi, and many eminent lawyers, advocates, pleaders, judges, doctors, mathematicians , engineers, saints and sages flocked to his Lotus feet for his blessings. Some of the most orthodox Hindu shastris, Parsis , Christians Mohamedans , Maulvis vied with each other to pay their obeisance to him. The toes of his holy feet were washed and taken as a sacred holy tirth. His cryptic remarks , his teachings through parables and above all his intense love for human beings are unique. His eleven popular sayings if one gets to the depth of them, are highly elevating and evoke greater faith and devotion. The eleven sayings are as under: 1. He who puts his feet on Shirdi soil , his sufferings will come to an end. 2. The wretched and the miserable will rise to plenty of joy and happiness as soon as they climb the steps of this mosque. 3. I shall be ever active and vigorous even after leaving this earthly body. 4. My tomb shall bless and look to the needs of my devotees 5. I shall be ever active from my tomb. 6. My mortal remains would speak from the tomb. 7. I am ever living to help and guide those who come to me, who surrender to me and who take refuge in me. 8. If you look to me, I look to you.

9. If you cast the burden on me, I shall surely bear it. 10. If you seek my advice and help, it shall be given to you at once. 11.There shall be no want in the house of my devotees. The Grace of Sai Baba is for those who ask for it. The Grace of Sai Baba is found by those who seek it. The Grace of Sai Baba goes to him who knocks the door . “Ask and it shall be given. Seek and it shall be found . Knock and it shall be opened.” Sri Sai Baba’s grace is boundless, His is mercy illimitable, His knowledge infinite, His power immeasurable, His glory illimitable, His splendour indescribable, He grants his devotees material prosperity as well as Spiritual freedom. Approach him with an open heart, Lay bare your heart to him with frankness and utter humility. Be as simple as a child, Sing his praises Repeat his name, Worship him with faith and unflinching devotion, Perform special worship especially on Thursdays when he is more vibrant to answer the prayers of his devotees, Practise intense repetition of the most powerful, most dynamic and the most effective name. “OM SAI RAM” And try to get to the state of Ajapajap through this Mantra. A unique feature of Sri Sai Baba is that he has never written anything nor has he ever spoken from a platform, delivered no discourses. He had also never left Shirdi. Yet he has achieved more than what writings and discourses can ever accomplish.. He was very simple, most natural , unassuming, pure in heart and never got intoxicated , always chanting Allah Malik, Allah Accha Karega , Laa Illahi Ill Lalaah. He was a true lover of life , who could see eternity even in lepers like Bhagoji Shinde and the simple villagers of Shirdi. In every plant and every stone , he saw the Supreme presence that thrilled the sense of divine joy. He exposed that it was a real blessing to belong to the brotherhood of the poor. He used to say that it was a quicker journey to God from a hut than from a palace. The peculiar feature of Sri Sai Avatar is that it contains the essence of all the avatars and for that reason the Sai Avatar can be rightly called the Sampurna Avatar i.e. the most perfect and complete incarnation. Normally a religious experience is interpreted as receiving some kind of benefit or favour from Baba but what actually happens here is something more than material – Baba arouses God Consciousness and instills faith in the hearts of His devotees. Some devotees expect repetition of material favours and feel frustrated when such demands are not answered. But this is a commercial relationship and is not the right attitude towards Baba.

The right attitude arouses our inner feelings of love and sacrifice and only then we make real spiritual progress. A true devotee of Baba must have the courage of Prahlad, the conviction of Dhruva, the heroism of Sudaama who had 27 children, the depth of Shabri, the perseverance of Gopis, the ardour of Radha and the faith of Kunti. Such spiritual seekers must develop more and more faith towards Baba because the path of devotion is greater than all other paths. Baba has given the Nav Vidhaa Bhakti in the form of nine silver coins to Mata Laxmi before he left his mortal coil. Daily it was the practice of Baba to offer 5 coins to Mata Laxmi early morning. On the day of His Maha Samadhi,it was Tuesday, the 15th Oct 1918, at about 2.30 p.m., after giving the 5 silver coins again, He offered her 4 more coins i.e. 9 silver coins in all indicating the 9 kinds of Bhakti. The 9 kinds of Bhakti are: [as based on the Bhagavad ] 1. Shravanam: Hearing the glories of God just like Raja Parishad hearing the Bhagavad Saptaha to attain immortality. 2. Kirtanam: Singing the glories of the Lord just like Vyasputra Sukhdevji. 3. Sumaranam: Remaining in the contemplation of Lord just like Bhakta Prahlad 4. Pada Sevarnam: Offering holy services at the lotus feet of Saints and Sages, Parents and elderly people, as such Ahankar gets destroyed. Mata Laxmi is known for the Pada Sevarnam of Lord Vishnu. 5. Archanam: Just like Prithy Maharaj offering Archanaa Om Sai Nathaya Namah. Laxmi Narayanay Namah Om Ram Krishna Samarth Rupaya Namah so and so. 6. Vandanam: Just like Akrur offering Vandanas to the Lord 7. Dassyam: Servant of the Lord just like Hanuman 8. Sakhyam: To become just like Arjuna who became the companion of the Lord and the Lord became the companion of Arjuna. 9. Atmanivednanam: Just like Mahabali Chakravati totally surrendering to the Lord from within. The most spectacular exhibition of Baba’s power or miracle was in the year 1886, on the Maargashiish Purnima. He announced that in order to get rid of his severe asthma from which He was suffering since long, He had decided to go into a state of deep trance and so he asked his closest devotee Bhagad Mhalsapati, to take care of His body for 3 days and in case He did not return to life, His body must be buried, pointing out the place where one now finds the Tulsi Patra in the Dwarkamai hall and in case He returns by the end of the 3rd day it would be all right and He will be taking care of the Humanity. He took a deep breath and all of a sudden collapsed. At 10 p.m. on Margashish Purnima His body became chill, there was neither heart beat nor pulse beat and eventually He was declared dead by the medical authorities of Shirdi. Now Bhagad Mhalsapati who was an ardent devotee of Baba, took care of the body along with his associates i.e.. Appa Kulkarni, Kashiram Shilpi and Molvi, He would not allow anybody to touch Baba’s body, not even the medical authorities. On the 3rd day at about 3.00 a.m., it was the greatest miracle of Baba; Baba revived by saying Allah Accha Karega and continued to serve Humanity physically upto 1918. This was the greatest miracle of Baba. Another miracle! One fine morning when there was a heavy hailstorm, thunder and lightning followed by heavy down pour, the villagers rushed to Baba who was standing at the door of Dwarkamai, Baba looked up at the Sky and raising his hand up and said “ Allah Malik this is sufficient. You need not go beyond this “ and the rain stopped. On another occasion, a fire which Baba used to keep burning, burst in to flames. The flames rose up till they almost touched the roof top. Those present in the Mosque began to fear that the roof would be burnt out and Baba saw what was happening and He rose angrily from where he was

seated and tapped the pillar in front of the fire pit saying “ Allah Malik Allah Accha Karega Shant Ho Jao” and just with three or four strokes the flames subsided. Other miracles which took place, have been described by Govindrao Dabolkar in Sri Sai Charitra and need not be repeated over here. He who visits Shirdi, for the first time the first impression he gets is the unique, 5’ 5” marble statue of Baba made in Italian Marble by the world renowned Sculptor Balaji Vasant Talim, Art Studio, Mumbai. What a wonderful statue!. The eyes have the lustrous brightness and compassionate glow which is seen only in real life and the smile of Baba curiously resembles the live smile. It is not static, but alive and real – a thing of flesh and blood -not a cold statue in marble. It is not some static likeness of Baba, which has been sculpted, in the Italian marble but it is as if Baba himself has descended into the statue, live and immortal. Mr. Balaji Talim, who testified to this fact to Sri Sai Narayan Baba in person,, which is being narrated for the benefit of all, that while designing the statue Baba himself directed the sculpting of the statue and at every stage, Talim could very clearly hear the divine voice of Baba guiding him. At one stage a great miracle took place. He said that when the statue was almost ready in 1954 and while working with his workers at the last stage, and only a small additional portion below the left knee was to be removed they found an air pocket below the left knee. It is very dangerous when a Murti or a statue has an air pocket. While removing the air pocket there is every risk of the left knee coming down and the entire Murti would have gone waste. That is known as Khandit Murti, which cannot be worshipped. They found the air pocket, stopped the work and informed Mr. Talim. When Balaji examined , he also found the air pocket below the left knee. He stopped and hesitated to strike. He feared that the entire Murti may be destroyed, His labour, time , money and everything would be a waste. He became nervous. He stopped. He prayed to Baba, “Baba have mercy on me. Your Murti is ready. Please Baba have mercy on me. He heard the voice “Balaji , Carry on”. Then he instructed the workers to carry on and chisel out that portion, but they refused. They were sure that the entire knee portion would come out. So Balaji became totally nervous, took the chisel and hammer and praying “Baba , help me” and gave a small stroke touching the additional portion of the marble below the knee. To his great surprise, only the additional portion of the marble came down. He started crying, tears were rolling down. He experienced such a wonderful miracle of Baba. He prostrated before Baba , started dancing and distributing sweets to all. What a miracle of Baba!. After a continuous life long service of the devotees in general and the poor and the needy in particular, on Tuesday, the 18th of October 1918 at 2.30 p.m. , Baba left his mortal coil in Dwarkamai, saying that “I am not the physical body . I will continue to live and help those who surrender to me, who pray to me. And always be by them”. This has been experienced by so many people. Another miracle! Even after casting off His mortal body, Sri Sai Baba is alive and indeed more alive than when He was confined in the body. Devotees visiting Shirdi for the first time, even now feel the vibrant presence of Baba in many spots. Devotees are advised to visit Dwarkamai in particular, offer oil with faith and devotion to light the lamps and some sandalwood sticks in the Dhuni. Offer some Prasad in Kolomba Patra. And also drink some water from the mud pot from masjid and sit and recite Sai Mahima . And from there you can go to Chavdi and recite the Sai Mahima again over there . Then come back to Gurusthan, sit and offer your obeisance to Baba by reciting the Mahima over there. Then come to Lendi Baug, where you find a Nanda deep. Chant one more Sai Mahima over there. Finally,

come to the Samadhi Mandir, and see the living statue of Baba. How he consoles you, how he clarifies your doubts, what an immense difference and immense peace you feel there”. In the interest of the Sai devotees, one should read Sai Satcharitra of Dhabolkar, and Pujya Gurudev Sri Sai Narayan Baba have personally interviewed many people, who were with Baba like:- Laxmibai, who had Baba’s Navvidha Bhakti coins, Bhagad Mhalsapati, Balaji Pilaji Gurov, Nivriti Patil, Bappaji Laxman, N.P. Avasti, M.S.Dixit, Sai Sharananda, Nana Saheb Rasne, and Sri Uddhav Madhavrao. These interviews are in cassette form & arrangments are being made to release them through this channel for the first hand knowledge of the devotees to have glimpses of those contemporary associates of Baba, since majority of them have attained immortality by now . Mangalam Sai Nathaya, Mangalam Sarva Murtiye, Mangalam Bhakta Avashya, Shirdi Vasaya Mangalam, Mangalam Bhagwan Sai, Mangalam Puravikrmaah, Mangalam Pundariy Kaksho, Mangalaye Tanam Hari. Sai Tera Bana Rahe Darbar… This entire material has been lifted from "The Searchlight", the granth written by Sri Sai Narayan Baba for the benefit of all devotees. Trust you will love it. OM SAI RAM

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