Different Databases in SQL Server-> 1) Master -> This is a master database which contains all the necessary tables in the database. 2) Model -> This is a database which contains the different models of the
database. 3) Tempdb-> This is a database which contains the temporarily database in it. 4) Msdb- > This is a database which contains the Microsoft Database in it. These are the built –in databases which are already designed in SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
Different File groups & Files in Sql Server-> 1) Primary Files -> These are the primary files in the SqlServer, by
default there is only one Primary File in the Sql sErver. Its extension is .mdf . The user can create his own primary file. 2) Secondary File- > These are the secondary files whose information is already stored in Primary files. 3) Log Files -> these have the extension .ldf which are used to store the information of the user.
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