Sql Command Cmdnew

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 261
  • Pages: 2
SqlCommand cmdNew this.sqlConnection1);

= new SqlCommand("ProcessNewOrder", SqlDataAdapter sdaNew = new SqlDataAdapter(cmdNew); // Let the SQL command know the type of command we are

going to use // In this case, it is a stored procedure cmdNew.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // We will need a SQL parameter to carry the arguments // Declare its variable SqlParameter parNew = new SqlParameter(); // Specify the name of the argument parNew.ParameterName = "@ProcessedBy"; // Specify the SQL data type of the argument parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; // Specify the value passed as argument parNew.Value = this.cboProcessedBy.SelectedIndex; // Once the argument is ready, add it to the list of arguments cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew); parNew = new SqlParameter(); parNew.ParameterName = "@DateOrdered"; parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallDateTime; parNew.Value = this.dtpOrderDate.Value; cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew); parNew = new SqlParameter(); parNew.ParameterName = "@TimeOrdered"; parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.SmallDateTime; parNew.Value = this.dtpOrderTime.Value; cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew); parNew = new SqlParameter(); parNew.ParameterName = "@ContainerType"; parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; parNew.Value = this.cboContainer.SelectedIndex; cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew); parNew = new SqlParameter(); parNew.ParameterName = "@SelectedFlavor"; parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; parNew.Value = this.cboFlavor.SelectedIndex; cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew);

parNew = new SqlParameter(); parNew.ParameterName = "@NbrOfScoops"; parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; parNew.Value = int.Parse(this.txtScoops.Text); cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew); parNew = new SqlParameter(); parNew.ParameterName = "@WhatIngredient"; parNew.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int; parNew.Value = this.cboIngredient.SelectedIndex; cmdNew.Parameters.Add(parNew); // Inform the user about the action that is going to occur // (You can also do this after the action has been carried MessageBox.Show("A new customer order has been created"); // Update the data set with the new information from the data adapter sdaNew.Fill(this.dsOrders1, "Orders"); // Change the caption of the button to inform the user this.btnNewOrder.Text = "New Order"; // And move to the last record this.BindingContext[this.dsOrders1, "Orders"].Position = this.BindingContext[this.dsOrders1, "Orders"].Count

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