Spring Newsletter March 2008 Final

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www.medwynsurgery.nhs.uk. From Medwyn Practice Business Manager I would like to take this opportunity to bring all our patients up to date with some new developments at Medwyn. In October 2007, in response to patient feedback, we undertook an overhaul of our appointment system. The main objective of our review was to increase the number of pre-bookable scheduled appointments, particularly with the Partners, whilst retaining sufficient numbers of appointments for urgent and emergency situations. The change meant that we could also stop the procedure where patients were asked to call us back at 11.30a.m. for afternoon appointments – now that day’s easy access appointments can be booked any time from 8.00a.m.

We feel that the change has gone very well indeed and certainly we have had a lot of very positive feedback on the new arrangements. In December 2007 we launched an online facility to enable our patients to book advance appointments with the Doctors via the Internet. We advertised the service at Reception, in our waiting rooms and on the self check-in screens, and in the first two months more than 819 patients have signed up for this service! More information is

-SpringNewsletter available from reception or you can sign up on our website at medwynsurgery.nhs.uk We will be looking at the best way to expand the type of appointments available and it is likely that appointments for blood tests with our phlebotomists will shortly be available via this Internet service. The self check-in screens introduced last year continue to be a great success as more than 59% of all check-ins are now recorded via the computer screen. This has saved patients time on arrival and relieved pressure on our reception team and allowed them to spend more time with patients who have queries and requests. We have had enquiries from new independent practitioners wishing to use consulting rooms at Medwyn. As a result the services being offered from the Centre now also include hearing aid dispensing and holistic massage. The Samaritans decided to move their clinic time to Tuesdays from 4.30 to 7.30 pm in order to make themselves more available to working and commuting patients. 1

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Over recent weeks we have undertaken our annual, confidential patient survey to gather your feedback on our doctors, nurses and reception services and the general facilities at Medwyn. The survey will be sent out to be fully analysed. We will then share the results with the Friends of Medwyn committee, to obtain patient representation and input any further improvements we can make. A big thank you to all those who took time out to complete the forms – your feedback is invaluable to us. Deborah Slade Jean Lacey

I have been with Medwyn Surgery for 18 months, and am still really enjoying my full time position as receptionist. During this time I have trained as a phlebotomist, I fill in to help when the other phlebotomist is on holiday.

general Medwyn e-mail address. Useful NHS web sites www.NHS.UK/Live Well www.NHS Direct. Nhs.uk

Jean Lacey handing over the Newsletter responsibility to Cathy Bateman.

I am the link with the Friends of Medwyn, facilitating the transfer of information to the Newsletter Editor. I also oversee the donations kindly given by the Friends of Medwyn Committee for the use of Medwyn Centre. I have enjoyed this role very much. It is with regret then that I leave the Medwyn Centre at the end of February to move back to Ireland and will miss all the Medwyn patients very much. I am glad to hand over my FOM work to my colleague Cathy. From Editor: It is a double loss, one to Medwyn Surgery and the other to the Friends of Medwyn. No doubt all those who knew her ever smiling face at all times will wish her happiness and prospects in whatever she undertakes anew. Medwyn Patient Survey The results of the patient’s feedback, including written comments, a patient profile, four tables and three graphs are displayed on the notice board in the waiting room of the Medwyn Surgery. Any comments on the survey results may be dropped in the suggestion box or on the FOM notice board. Alternatively, the comments can be e-mailed to Deborah Slade, Practice Business Manager at the

Patch for FOM raffle Thanks to Patricia for a very nice stuffed toy (named Patch) has been donated for FOM raffle by. Patricia Ezzard 33 Orchard Way Dorking RH4 2JJ From Jane Brooks Carers’ Support – Mole Valley (on the first floor of Medwyn Centre) offers help and support to all Carers in the Mole Valley area. If you are caring for a relative or friend who has a physical disability, a learning disability, a mental health problem, a long term illness, is frail and elderly or is a child with a disability then you are a Carer. It doesn’t matter if the person you care for is young or old: if he or she is a relative, partner, child or friend, whether they live with you or some distance away, you are still a carer. It might even be that you have relatives or friends who are approaching the time when they may need your help and you want to be prepared.

Carers’ Support Mole Valley can provide information on respite care, benefits and on all kinds of practical help. We can visit you 2

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at home or talk to you on the telephone to find out what you need and how best we can provide support. We publish a regular newsletter and also offer the opportunity for carers to meet and enjoy a break together by organising outings throughout the year. We recently held two coffee mornings in the Capel and Ockley area to publicise our services for Carers and more are planned in other parts of Mole Valley in the New Year. Do look out for our posters or contact the office for more details. A new card for Carers, the ‘Carer Emergency Card’ has just been introduced. This can be carried in your purse or wallet in case you have an accident or are taken ill and will alert the services attending to you that you are a carer and there is someone at home needing help. If you would like a Carer Emergency Card, or you would like information about any of the services available for carers please contact: Carers’ Support – Mole Valley Reg. Charity No. 1081718 01306 640020 [email protected] Samaritans at the Medwyn The new “Listening Surgery” provided by Samaritans at the Medwyn Surgery has now completed nine successful months of operation. It is the first time that Samaritans have had a physical presence at a GP practice. Two trained volunteers from the local Leatherhead & Mid-Surrey branch of Samaritans are available every Tuesday

evening at the Medwyn Surgery between 4.30pm and 7.30pm. Eamon Fay, the Samaritans’ Outreach Coordinator, explained: “All you have to do to speak with one of our Samaritan volunteers is phone the surgery on 01306 883816 and make an appointment or you could just turn up on a Tuesday afternoon. So far most of our callers have been referred by the doctors or the other medical practitioners at Medwyn; but actually you can make an appointment yourself if you need help.”

“Every one of us has emotional health problems at different times of our life,” continued Eamon. “These days, life seems to be so busy and hectic that often there is no one who is available to listen. We know from our 24/7 help-line that many people would like to talk to someone about their troubles right now. Our volunteers will give you as much time as you need to explore feelings of distress and will listen in absolute confidence.” “This experiment of an integrated on-site Samaritans service at the Medwyn surgery is working very well,” added Eamon. “It is gaining popularity with the patients as more and more find out that it is available. The Doctors and other health professionals may not always have as much time as they would like to explore their patient’s feelings. Well, Samaritans have that time, and are happy to give it freely to people in need.”

Of course the Samaritans do not operate within the clinical pathway, but there are a number of circumstances where people have found it helpful to talk over their issues in a session with the Samaritans volunteer. “At Samaritans,” concluded Eamon, “we concentrate on feelings. We do not offer any advice, but we do offer two things that can really help. First our volunteers are trained to listen in an accepting and effective way to what our callers are saying. Secondly we can and do give as much time to listening to our callers as they want us to give. Over 50 years of experience, we find that applying listening skills and giving time very often allows callers to come to terms with their issue and to work out a way forward for themselves.” Deborah Slade, Practice Business Manager of the Medwyn Surgery, commented: “Our new building has been specially designed to enable us to expand the range of services to our 8000 patients. As well as a traditional family practice, the Centre offers NHS dentistry, an on-site pharmacy, a base for the Thamesdoc out-of-hours service, physiotherapy, podiatry and a base for the community nursing staff. “However, to be fully well,” continued Deborah, “patients need to be healthy in mind as well as body. I believe that the availability of a Samaritans listening service has already proved a welcome addition to the other services we offer, and I am delighted by the development.” Katy Price Before joining Medwyn Katy worked as a personal trainer 3

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and fitness instructor in Godalming.

Dr Giovanna Hornibrook whose profile was reported in the Summer 2007 issue of the Newsletter has left Medwyn surgery on completion of training as a Registrar GP. She has conveyed the following words to Medwyn. “I just wanted to say a quick and very heart-felt thank you to all the wonderful staff and patients at Medwyn surgery. I had a fantastic year there and the time really flew by. Many thanks particularly to Dr Monella for all his patience whilst being my trainer and I wish Dr. Julia Hassan as much enjoyment in the post as I had.” Dr Julia Hassan

I am Dr Julia Hassan, I'll be a GP Registrar at Medwyn for one year. I live in Croydon with my wonderful husband George and my adorable 4 year old son Jojo. I would like to say a big thankyou for the warm welcome from all the staff and I am looking forward to working here.

New clock

The new timepiece in the waiting room - have you noticed. Just to remind you of the missed appointments and to stress how important time is for the Medwyn Surgery Medical Staff as it is for yourself. The appointments missed are December 2007 - 167 January 2008 - 144 February 2008 – 126 Conquering Back Pain (a talk and presentation by Cranfold Physiotherapy Centre) Friends of Medwyn organised a talk on “Conquering Back Pain” on Friday 8th February from 7 p.m. for 90 minutes at the meeting hall of Medwyn centre. Cranfold Physical Therapy centre has a team of HPC registered Chartered Phisiotherapists, Wendyanne Harrison, Alison Campbell and Jenny Dallow. All the three of them are MCSP.

The talks by the three covered: 1. Back facts, 2. Anatomy, 3. Diagnosis, 4. Self-management,

5. Red flags and “ 6. How can Phisiotherapy help?. Each of these topics was explained with further subtopics accompanied by a collaborating OHP display. The “Red Flags” listed the following symptoms for which a patient should see their GP: q q q q q q

Significant weakness of leg or foot Numbness in the perineum, buttock, leg or foot Altered bladder or bowel control Unexplained weight loss and feeling unwell Pain that develops slowly and gets worse Significant night pain.

Under the topic of anatomy, the sub-topics of vertebra, discs, ligaments and nerves were explained. The erector spinae and multifidus in deeper muscles were demonstrated with an actual model. Evidence now supports that specific exercise taught by your physiotherapist will be the best way to control and manage back pain. For more information or for an appointment contact: Cranfold Physical Centre at The Medwyn Centre, Reigate Road, Dorking RH4 1SD. Tel: (01306)-740784; web: www.cranfoldphysio.co.uk. It may also help to contact “The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy” in London Tel: 020 7306 6666; Fax: 020 7306 6611; e-mail: enquiries@ csp.co.uk; and web: www.csp.org.uk. In particular readers can ask for the “ clinical guidelines for the physiotherapy management of persistent Low Back Pain (LBP) 4

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Part 1 for exercise and part 2 for manual therapy.

There were in all 35 attending. The talk and display by the three speakers held the audience keen and attentive. In the end, these were the words of Ann Heaps, Chairman of the Friends of Medwyn, “ Thanks for the exhilarating talks and display by Cranfold speakers. Judging by the questions being fired at you, the assembled group of back sufferers took a great interest. Here's hoping Cranfold get lots of new custom and they creak less as a result”. Future FOM events Friday 16th May 2008 Quiz night. Please await details and ask at reception. Cancer Support Group Julia Disney reports that another meeting is contemplated in May/June time. Julia and her team are looking at different ways of contacting more patients who may benefit from attending the group.

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