Spring Newsletter 2008

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7 March 2008 Dear Parents/Guardians As another busy term draws to a close there are several items I would like to draw to parents/guardians attention. Firstly can I thank those parents who have purchased raffle tickets to support our parents association who continue to support school by providing much needed resources for our pupils. The draw takes place on Thursday 13 March at the Careers Convention in school so there is still time to purchase those sent home with your child. School Uniform I would like to thank all parents for their co-operation in ensuring that our pupils continue to come to school dressed in the correct uniform. We would like to maintain this very high standard and would ask for parents continuing support with the few remaining specific problems outlined below: Shirts – these must be long enough to tuck into skirts/trousers, not fitted or with darts, and should have a top button. Jewellery/Body Piercing – Apart from a watch (boys/girl) or one pair of earrings in the form of gold/silver studs or SMALL sleepers for pierced ears, jewellery must NOT be worn in school. No other forms of body piercing allowed. Hair – some boys have adopted a rather short hair style – if pupils wish to have very short hair please ensure it is cut on Razor Setting No 3 or above. Tram lines are not acceptable for school. Skirts – Plain navy blue, medium weight material, smart uniform type of a practical/appropriate length for moving around school/school type activities (not too short, too long or with splits). Cardigan – navy blue with buttons – not zipped. Shoes Black or brown, flat heeled, with laces tied, not trainers or boots (footwear that covers the ankle and above). Please continue to support us to maintain this high standard throughout the school year. In particular this is a reminder for parents of Year 11 pupils who will of course be required to wear their full school uniform until the end of the examination period on the 30 June. Clothes for Little People on Pasture Road in Goole are very helpful in supplying items of uniform all year round. We are holding a uniform sale on Monday 30 June from 5.30 pm onwards. Parents who bring their children to school by car and/or collect them at the end of school – a further reminder. We remain concerned about the potential for an accident as parents’ cars compete for space with buses at the front of school as they offload/collect pupils between 8.40 and 9.00 am and 3.35 and 4.00 pm. It would be in everyone’s interest if this procedure could take place a short distance away from the school, with the pupils walking the last stretch. We have recently had the situation at 3.45pm, in particular, when parents have been waiting in cars at the front of the school in such a way as to prevent buses from accessing the site properly, leading to problems on Pontefract Road itself. I would be grateful if parents could bear these points in mind. Year 11 Parents should have received a letter this week about the Easter Revision School which is open to all Year 11 pupils and will run from Tuesday 25 March – Thursday 27 March. If you have not received a letter please let Mrs Yates know.

Year 9 The SAT’s examinations take place week commencing Tuesday 6 May – pupils should spend some of their Easter Holidays preparing for the tests. Pupils have been given a revision CD ROM and other materials produced by the school, which they can use together with their class notes and revision guides. In addition, all pupils have access to SAM learning through the internet. If pupils do not have access to a computer, but would like to use either their CD ROM or get access to the internet for revision there will be some ‘drop in’ sessions after school on Tuesday 22 April and Wednesday 23 April between 3.45 pm and 5.00 pm if pupils wish to attend. Use of pupil photographs A number of curriculum areas now use digital photography. The images will only be used in school to feedback teaching and learning points or provide presentations to parents. Occasionally pupils appear in press releases or on the school website (we would never include pupil details). We always ensure that any article is appropriate and hope parents would not have a problem with their child taking part. If parents do not wish their child to be included in any media releases or would like further clarification please contact the school office. 50 Years of The Snaith School Snaith School will officially celebrate its 50 years anniversary on Saturday 19 April. We intend to have an Open Day (11 am – 1.30 pm) when former staff and pupils can visit the school. We are just starting to organise the event and more details will be sent home nearer the date. Refreshments will be available and there will be an opportunity to look around school. If you are a former pupil please join us. Term Dates Below are the term dates for the next school year – September 2008 – July 2009. As a reminder term finishes for Easter for all pupils on Wednesday 19 March and reopens on Wednesday 9 April. The school profile can be viewed at http:/schoolsfinder.direct.gov.uk and the school website on www.tss.eriding.net. This letter can be viewed on the school website. The Snaith School will, on request, provide this document in large print. If English is not your first language and you would like a translation of this document please contact the school. Yours sincerely J D Pickerill Headteacher

________________________________________________________________________________ School Opens School Re-opens School Re-opens School Re-opens School Re-opens School Re-opens

Tuesday 2 September 2008 Monday 3 November Tuesday 6 January 2009 Monday 23 February Tuesday 21 April Monday 1 June

School Closes School Closes School Closes School Closes School Closes School Closes

School Closed, Bank Holiday – Monday 4 May 2009 Teacher Training Days Teacher Training Days Teacher Training Days Teacher Training Days -

Monday 1 September 2008 Friday 24 October 2008 Monday 5 January 2009 Monday 20 April 2009

Thursday 23 October Friday 19 December Friday 13 February Friday 3 April Friday 22 May Friday 17 July

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