Spring Multiply

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No Matter What Happens

to Global Economics,


Investment in

People Through People is Not Slowing Down.

EE News Around the World

Look at what God did in 2008 n More than 1,000 leadership training clinics n More than 236,000 people equipped n More than 5.2 million professions of faith in Christ (Conservative estimates)


Dear Friends

The Office of the President

Dreaming BigReally Big


r. D. James Kennedy, our founder, was always excited by the results of spiritual multiplication. He wanted to know the result of the next round of this principle that has helped multiply the Gospel in every nation of the world. It’s easy to see. It doesn’t take a math wizard. When you multiply something, instead of add, the outcome is much more dramatic. After 47 years, EE is experiencing historic developments (some in the form of huge numbers) as these multiplications have effect. Our new Congress of Nations will bring cohesiveness to EE on an international scope like never before. The innovative Global Development Project will place more than 400 field workers side-by-side with pastors and have enormous impact for Christ. Through our China Initiative, introduced last year to renew our commitment to reach China for Christ, we’re seeing millions of people come to Christ. Our new partnership between Kids’ EE and OneHope (formerly Book of Hope) has the potential of reaching 20 million kids for Christ. These things are possible. Strategies are in place to track results. What is astounding is that the visions and numbers you’ll read about in this magazine are on the conservative side. While these developments are indeed phenomenal, every number represents a life, a life changed for Christ. EE people from around the world are building relationships, some that can take weeks and months, in efforts to see the Gospel move forward. Praise to God that great things are happening. I hope you are as thrilled as I am with these wonderful advancements for our ministry that always, always, focus on seeing peoples’ lives changed. God Bless,

Rev. John B. Sorensen President, Evangelism Explosion International


Evangelism Explosion International


Til Every One Hears



2008 Visible Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Building a Stronger International EE; Through EE’s Congress of Nations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 D. James and Anne Kennedy Center for World Evangelism-Thousands Trained . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Field Workers Spur Global Development Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2009-2010 Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Every Nation Equipping Every People Group and Every Age Group to Witness to Every Person. Content Development: Gerry Kumpf Mike Ferraguti Writing/Editing: Mike Ferraguti Joy Levins Graphic Design: Lance W. Mericle __________________________

Multiply © 2009 is published quarterly by Evangelism Explosion International of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. All rights reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form without written permission. Evangelism Explosion International P.O. Box 23820 • Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307 2007 Accomplishments Number of leadership training clinics 1,100 Number of believers equipped More than 225,000 Number of professions in Christ 5.1 million 15-year Estimates 2000 to 2015 Number of leadership training clinics More than 20,000 Number of believers equipped More than 4.5 million Number of professions in Christ More than 100 million

Four exciting developments for 2009 draw us closer to training more, reaching more, discipling more and, in turn, training even more.

Congress of Nations

Our mature national EE ministries around the world will now give voice to enhance our ministry and build better communication. The Congress of Nations kicks off March, 2010, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Global Development Project

Implementation field workers have proven to be an invaluable strategy to assist local pastors in their EE implementation. We have further plans for hundreds more in the field.

Kennedy Training Centers

More training centers are built in strategic venues around the world. More are being planned, more people are being equipped with the Gospel, and more full-time staff are joining the EE crusade.

Kids’ EE/OneHope

Kids’ EE, in conjunction with OneHope (formerly Book of Hope), will make affordable, quality materials readily available for Third World countries. This gives us the potential to reach almost 20 million kids with the Gospel within three years.


encompassing the globe

Building a Stronger International EE; Through EE’s Congress of Nations


E announces a major breakthrough following two years of organizational reviews with EE staff, board members, national leaders, and other ministries such as Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Navigators. It is the Evangelism Explosion International Congress of Nations. The Congress will give voice to the mature EE national ministries around the world. Indonesia is a good example of a nation exploding with the EE ministry. More than 200 clinics will be conducted there for 2009. They are nearing 200 EE staff members. Yet, they have never had a representative on the Board of Directors. In March, 2010, in Kuala 6

Lumpur, Indonesia, and other mature EE nations like South Korea, will have their voice at the first EE Congress of Nations. These mature, selfsupporting, successful EE nations will now have input into our direction, priorities, key issues, and build a capacity for the nations to share success with one another including practices, solutions, brainstorming of strategies, tools, and programs. Priority issues such as reaching Muslims for Christ, how to fundraise, and how to best work together will be incorporated. The purpose of the Congress will be to enhance the international ministry. March, 2010— First EE Congress of Nations Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

What do Extreme Makeover, Home Edition, Super Nanny, and John & Kate Plus 8 all have in common? They are all unscripted. We live in a world where drama comes not from the pages of a screenplay, but from the very lives of everyday people. So how do you connect the unchangeable Gospel with an ever-changing, unscripted world? XEE equips people with:

Pick your launch today, call Sandy to register at 954-465-2233, or register at xee.info. • Hermon Baptist Apr 30-May 2, 2009 Hermon, ME (Thursday - Saturday PM) • Gracepoint Church May 11-13, 2009 Ft. Lauderdale, FL (Monday - Wednesday) • First Baptist Magnolia May 14-16, 2009 Magnolia, AR (Thursday - Saturday) • Lighthouse Community Church July 23-25, 2009 Allendale, MI (Grand Rapids) (Thursday Saturday) • Vietnamese Presbyterian Aug. 13-15, 2009 Conyers (Atlanta), GA (Thursday - Saturday)

• 5 ‘Entry Points’ into a Gospel conversation • DVD driven, discussion oriented training • 2 tracks of training to meet both churched and unchurched people • Tools that adapt to every situation and every ministry structure • A simple and exciting implementation process through the XEE Launch The Buzz about XEE: “XEE helps us to connect with the people around us.” – Katherine, 42 “It’s really about engaging with people and showing them we’re interested in them.” –Matt, 23 “Now I can share with people about life…now and forever!” –Harold, 61 XEE—The Gospel, Unscripted.

• Houston’s First Baptist Aug 20-22, 2009 Houston, TX (Thursday - Saturday) • Living Hope Church of CMA Sept 10-12, 2009 East Canton, OH (Thursday - Saturday) • Briarwood Presbyterian Oct. 19-21, 2009 Birmingham, AL (Monday - Wednesday) WANT TO HOST A LAUNCH IN THE U.S.? Please contact: 954-465-2233 or Email: [email protected],



Fiji Training Center

D. James and Anne Kennedy Training Centers for World Evangelism–Thousands Trained Centers located in Fiji, Ukraine,Vietnam, Indonesia, and Middle East leading to salvations by the hundreds of thousands


lready, training centers have been established on the Pacific island of Fiji, on the Eurasian continent in Ukraine, on Asian soil in Vietnam, on the Oceania islands of Indonesia, and in the Middle East. These centers are focusing on long-term training and have had far-reaching implications for the Gospel of Christ: •A  ssuring top quality EE teachers, trainers, field workers, and witnesses


•E  stablishing effective EE ministries in local churches • Training and appointing full-time leaders around the world • Winning to Christ and discipling new believers At the Fiji campus, hundreds of people have been trained. Meet three of them:

Anthony Phan

Director for EE in Vietnam and is involved in the development of the new training center

there. He is currently living in California where he is responsible for running EE training for Vietnamese in the U.S.A.

Lincoln Wee

Comes from Singapore, is married with four children, and is a lawyer. Attended EE adult training in 2006 and then implemented EE in his local church. Following the training in Fiji he plans to work part-time with EE in Singapore encouraging other churches to use EE to equip their members

to share the Gospel as a way of life.

Pamela Amini

Comes from Papua New Guinea and is responsible for the development of Kids’ EE and is the Executive Secretary and Evangelism Coordinator in her local church in Port Moresby. These are just three examples of what is occurring at all of the training centers. The centers facilitate greater opportunities to train Christian leaders

from many countries, especially from Third World nations. The broad aim of the training centers is to equip people for evangelism in obedience to the Great Commission in Matthew 28.

Kiev, Ukraine Training Center Eurasia

Vietnam Training Center Asia



8,000,000 people Field Workers Spur Global Development Project More than Doubling the Worldwide Ministry


n 2004, EE kicked-off the Rodney D. Stortz Implementation Field Worker Project to increase EE implementation in churches. Through this program, first employed in Indonesia, more than 100 field workers were trained, raised support, and joined EE to assist pastors in that part of the world. Their task was clear: Help these pastors start the EE ministry in their churches. Almost immediately, implementation skyrocketed. Implementation, that averaged 5 to 20 percent, and was a grave concern to the ministry, jumped dramatically to more than 50 percent and soared as high as 90 percent! What if this strategy was utilized around the world? The Global Development Project far surpasses the 10

success of the Rodney D. Stortz program. Through the Global Development Project, EE will place more than 400 implementation field workers beside pastors to assist them in implementing the EE ministry. Pastors have countless responsibilities. When we place a field worker to work sideby-side with them, it not only creates a wonderful working relationship, but also helps them work through the many details that result in EE being implemented and people getting equipped for the critical work of evangelism. If each of these implementation field workers help pastors in just 15 churches each year for three consecutive years this will result in: More than 19,000 new churches implementing EE

If each of these churches train just 10 people each year for three years, this will result in: More than 571,000 people trained If each of these witnesses lead just five people to the Lord in three years, this will result in: More than 8 million professions of faith in Christ



Kids’ EE and OneHope Project Bringing the Hope of the Gospel to Millions


s we talked to staff around the world, it became clear that the single greatest roadblock to the spreading of the Gospel through Kids’ EE in urban U.S. areas, overseas, and especially in Third World countries, was the lack of affordable materials. In this exciting joint partnership with OneHope (formerly Book of Hope), Kids’ EE will be able to provide quality training materials at reasonable prices to millions of people. OneHope’s mission is to provide God’s Word to all the children and youth of the world. To date, OneHope has printed and distributed more than 540 million evangelism books. Through this unique partnership with Kids’ EE, OneHope provides the material, and they


get the material distributed knowing that the Gospel, through Kids’ EE staff around the world, goes along with every printed piece. “We get reasonably priced, quality materials. They get their materials distributed with the Gospel attached,” says Rev. John B. Sorensen, EE President. “It’s a match made in Heaven!” Using the Kids’ EE worldwide staff, OneHope can count on predictable results. This will include the development of three key materials for overseas use: • Teacher manuals • Student manuals • Witnessing books to hand out to unbelievers Books will be distributed and the Kids’ EE Gospel shared with people from places like

Africa, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, India, Haiti, regions of Mexico, Egypt, Solomon Islands, Fiji, and China. Using these materials, a three-year plan has been developed: • Conduct 1,980 Kids’ EE clinics • Equip 10 churches in each clinic. Total: 19,800 churches • If each church, over this threeyear period, trains 100 children (33 kids per year) the results would be 1,980,000 kids trained to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If these kids would each hand out 10 witnessing books over three years (just 3 per year!), the results would be more than 19 million kids hearing the Gospel.

your contributions at work

July 1, 2009 -June 30, 2010 Budget A Look at our Fiscal Year Budget for the Year


od has been faithful. At a time when so many ministries are cutting back, Evangelism Explosion has stayed on course. We recognize that this is not about us as an organization. Instead it is about God’s empowerment to equip others to take the Good News of Jesus Christ, share it, and teach others as well. Dr. Kennedy used to say that laypeople are the most strategic key to the evangelization of the world. Our driving force is to equip people until everyone hears.

Revenue Interest/Royalty Income Unrestricted Gifts Restricted Gifts USA Material Sales US Clinic Income Total

$113,414 $400,000 $7,560,936 $750,000 $350,000 $9,174,350

Expense Administration Development Materials Department Restricted Expense Cost of Goods Sold US Clinic Expense Total Net Funds

$757,500 $602,500 $295,000 $6,502,405 $375,000 $350,000 $8,882,405 $291,945

Program Administration Development


The following pages contain continental reports from around the world In the midst of a generation screaming for answers, we work tirelessly on every continent to help believers regularly introduce others to the Savior. We start by training believers, who reach out to unbelievers and care for them,

fellowship with them, share the truth with them, and then train them to share their faith. In doing this, we follow the example of Jesus.





uring the summer, 325 EE-trained people visited 26 of the most unreached areas of Burundi in a campaign coordinated by the EE National Coordinator, Onesphore Manirakiza. As a result, they were able to share the Gospel personally with 45,696 people, which included

more than 20 years. His wife died long ago. He earned money by performing witch practices. After hearing the Good News of salvation, he gave his life to Christ. He burned his fetishes as a symbol of his new freedom in Christ. When his relatives heard that he became a Christian they were angry and put pressure on him to


• E E Africa materials translated into 34 languages • C  onducted 195 clinics in 2008 • 3 ,700 pastors and leaders trained in 2008 140 witch doctors. Out of that number, 18,548 prayed to receive Christ, including 63 witch doctors. One of them was Stany, who had been a witch doctor for

change his mind. But Stany is standing firm in his faith. Stany, like other witch doctors who accept Christ, need our prayers and support in their new lives in faith.

• 1 4,000 people trained in 2008 • M  ore than 380 people groups are EE trained





n early September, we held the first EE Khmer clinic for youth. Pastor Lalano Badoy, EE Asia Coordinator for youth and Kids’ EE, joined us in the provincial capital of Siem Reap Town in Cambodia

when you consider the cultural pressures and spiritual strongholds that keep Khmer youth from accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord. Our vision for the next 12 years is: “Project MK 2021” (Mission Kampuchea 2021).

• A  ddition of four new staff members to the EE Asia Team • A  ppointment of a new Regional Director for the Middle East • A  pproval for the establishment of an EE training center in Middle East • F irst EE clinics conducted in the Middle East in 2008 • A  ppointment of three key leaders in South Asia • A  greement formed between Kids’ EE and the Evangelical Fellowship of India’s Sunday School Department that provides training for one million children every Sunday across India • XEE launch held in Delhi, India • B  uilding of the Vietnam EE training center in the coastal area of Nha Trang • T wenty EE field workers were equipped and commissioned to serve among Cyclone Nargis victims in Myanmar

to serve as our Senior Clinic Teacher. The 65 clinicians were from four Khmer provinces. Also included were three Americans and two Vietnamese. Thirteen churches from five denominations were represented. During the training, 99 people heard the Gospel presentation and fourteen prayed to receive eternal life. This number is a miracle


Our goal is to see God being worshipped in every village, town, and city of Cambodia. Research has shown that Jesus Christ is known and being worshipped in seventeen percent of all villages, towns, and cities in Cambodia today. Please pray as EE works to partner with all the evangelical denominations serving in Cambodia to accomplish “Project MK 2021!”

• X  EE launched in Singapore, Malaysia, and at an International  (expatriate) church in China • A  ppointment of new regional director for Northeast Asia • C  hina Initiative accelerates growth of EE in China • E E Korea celebrates its 25th Anniversary. EE Hong Kong celebrates its 30th Anniversary • E E ministry in Japan revitalized by conducting two Share Your Faith Workshops in Yokohama laying the foundation for two EE clinics which will be held in Japan in 2009




rother Zholsa attended the Summit conference in Kyrgyzstan where EE leaders learned about implementing effective evangelism in a major religion of the world. Zholsa is from Chimkent, Kazakhstan. He use to be faithful to his religion and taught it to people vigorously. After making a profession of faith, he became a follower of Jesus Christ and dedicated his life to reach out to unbelievers. He called himself a Messenger to those of his past faith. The Summit conference assisted his efforts by providing effective materials and sound strategy in eaching out to people of his parst faith.

For many years, it was difficult to open their hearts to Jesus, but understanding the culture and having effective training materials makes an impact in reaching them. During the five-day Summit, Zholsa shared the Gospel with four of the Kyrgyz people. He testifies that EE became became a great help to him. People of his former faith were praying to Jesus Christ near the hall where the conference was held. There is a vision for EE There is a vision for EE Eurasia to continue to spread the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Astana, Kazakhstan

• Developed EE materials for kids three to six years of age • Summit celebration held in Kyrgyzstan for EE leaders. 202 leaders attended the five-day conference. We focused on how to share the Gospel in Muslim countries. • Developed EE for the deaf in Moldova and Belarus

Brother Zholsa





lexandra lives in Bucharest, Romania. She was not enthusiastic about going to church or about anything spiritual. She called church-goers “hypocrites” and was skeptical about God and His involvement in peoples’ lives. Alexandra then heard the Gospel and about the importance of a personal relationship with God. She was uncertain of her eternal destiny. After listening to the Gospel and understanding, she made a profession of faith in Christ as her Savior. Several months later, she was baptized and now attends EE training in her church. She is eager to help

Rodica Verzea (left) with Alexandra


people who are skeptical and hesitant about spiritual things. She once was a skeptic herself. Now she is an evangelist.

• XEE translated into Dutch and the first XEE training taught in Dutch language • Currently translating XEE materials into German, Norwegian, and Romanian • High level of interest for XEE in Europe • Equipped 2,400 church leaders in 320 churches and conducted 42 clinics • 1,600 professions of faith in Christ

EE training during clinic in Holland

Latin America



ith the implementation of EE, the First Baptist Church of Salvador, Bahia, has experienced tremendous growth. Already, several cell groups have been established that include 2,000 cell leaders. These cell leaders are being trained in key training sessions. At another Baptist church in Bogota, Colombia, 68 clinicians participated in a Kids’ EE clinic. More than 100 children made professions of faith in Christ. Various churches from different Latin America countries were represented.

• EE Latin America executive team organizes and evaluates ministry progress • Three-year projections established as ministry moves forward on continent • Spanish adult EE to be reorganized into eight-week format • XEE to be used in Peru, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina • XEE to be culturally adapted and translated in Spanish • Kids’ EE expands into Costa Rica, Ecuador, Argentina, and Chile • Regional clinic teachers training expands • More than 100 EE clinics conducted • More than 130 Share Your Faith Workshops conducted • Director for Youth EE appointed in Central America


North America



Beverley Grey had a burning desire to be trained in EE. As the evangelism coordinator for his church, and with a passion for personal evangelism, he wondered, “Would the vision for evangelism be caught?” Following his training, he brought EE back to his church. Immediately, they began to see the impact that personal evangelism could have. An elderly man made a profession of faith in Christ and was baptized into their church. More professions followed. After teaching the course for four semesters, T. Beverley Grey wanted to share EE with other churches. In March, 2005, 24 people representing 10 churches attended his training. Three of the clinicians were pastors, one of whom was Rev. Devon Linton, who has since joined EE as Director of the Caribbean. Despite wonderful results, there was still some resistance to EE at his church. Using EE’s Share Your Faith student manual, he trained many members with the hand presentation of the Gospel. During the third Sunday


of May, instead of the regular Sunday morning service, they sent groups into strategic areas of the town to share the Gospel. The groups were told to spend an hour on the street. Some were so excited they spent up to five hours! The report-back meeting was filled with excitement. 102 people were contacted; the Gospel was presented 69 times and 38 people made professions of faith in Christ. They decided to make the Sunday outreach a monthly event. On the second Sunday, 91 people were contacted; the Gospel was presented 68 times and 35 people professed Christ as Savior. Says T. Beverley Grey, “Thank God for Evangelism.”


• X  EE rolled out at the National Outreach Convention in San Diego, CA • A  dam Bond joined staff to serve as Director of XEE Expansion • N  orth America Field Worker Initiative kicked off with our first recruit, Kevin Morton, in Asheville, NC. Praise the Lord for other new staff added this year: David Clark of Fort Collins, CO, as Western Director; Lori Aubuchon of Fresno, CA, as Kid’s Specialist for the western states; James Stewart of Knoxville, TN, as Regional Coordinator for southeast region; Devon Linton of Westmoreland, Jamaica, as Director of the Caribbean • W  ill Rodriguez appointed fulltime Director of Hispanic EE for North America; he conducted eight EE clinics, trained 108 people, taught 21 Share Your Faith Workshops with 817 people, and held leadership training with 10 EE leaders




uring July of 2007, a church team from Australia joined the summer intern program in the town of Nadi on the island of Fiji. While running two clinics, the team participated in on-the-job training. During the first week, the team joined with members of a local Methodist church and visited homes in the local villages. Two of the summer interns, Emma and Kelsey, visited a 16-year-old girl named Adi. They sat down with her family and shared the Gospel. That night Adi prayed to receive Jesus as her Lord and Savior. Adi was deeply touched by the girls’ passion and confidence in sharing the Gospel. Immediately, she signed up at her local church to begin the EE training. During 2008, Adi was involved in sharing the Gospel and training others, as well. In June of 2008, Adi’s pastor encouraged her to attend the summer intern program at the D. James and Anne Kennedy International Training Center in Fiji. During the training, she

learned new skills and began to help other churches with their evangelism training. Adi’s growth in Christ blossomed, and God instilled on her heart a vision for a lifetime of evangelism ministry. Today, Adi continues to share the Gospel and help other churches. She will also serve as a leader in the 2009 Fiji summer intern program and will help other young people from around the world discover God’s call on their lives.

• Launch of XEE in Australia and New Zealand • Field test of XEE in Indonesia • Establishment of D. James and Anne Kennedy International Training Center in Fiji • First Implementation Field Worker training with 20 candidates from a number of nations • Intern training at the Fiji training center resulting in six full-time staff


Dr. Ronald D. Tyler Senior Vice President for Global Ministries [email protected]

Rev. Rodney D. Story Senior Vice President for Global Innovations V.P. for Oceania [email protected]

Dr. Thomas H. Stebbins Global Ambassador [email protected]

Mr. J.M. (Twakkies) du Toit Vice President for Africa [email protected]

Dr. Ken Silva Vice President for North America [email protected]

Rev. George Verzea Vice President for Europe [email protected]

Dr. Nickolay Revtov Vice President for Eurasia [email protected]

Rev. Tom Mangham Vice President for Asia [email protected]

Dr. Cecilio N. (Woody) Lajara Vice President for Latin America [email protected]

Rev. Rick Bond Vice President for Youth EE Director for XEE [email protected]

Rev. John B. Sorensen President

Rev. E.H. (Buddy) Gaines Vice President Emeritus [email protected]

Rev. Fred Kress Continental Director NA US Director for East Region [email protected]

Rev. Bill Hirons Continental Director NA Director for Canada [email protected]

Rev. John Holland Regional Coordinator, Appalachian Region [email protected]

Mrs. Marcia Ardis Director for Kids’ EE NA [email protected]

Dr. George E. Roller Executive Director for The Center for Christian Statesmanship [email protected]

Rev. Art Hallett Director for Prison EE NA [email protected]

Adam Bond Director for XEE Expansion [email protected]

Gerry Kumpf Vice President for Ministry Advancement [email protected]

Rev. Bob Nowicki Director for Deaf EE [email protected]

Dr. Darrell Farney Continental Director NA US Director for Cent. Region [email protected]

Rev. Scott Smith Director for Materials [email protected]

Bryan Mitchell Vice President for Operations [email protected]


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