Spring 2009 Sta630 2 Vuabid

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STA 630

Instructions: Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment. • Read the given Case Study and then solve the assignment by giving answers of the questions using the correct option. • This assignment consists of 20 questions carrying 2 marks each. • Due date for assignment submission is June 11, 2009. • Read the question statement carefully and select one most appropriate answer for each question.

• In the “Correct Option” column, write down only the option number (e‐g A, B, C, D) against  each question number which you consider is the correct one.  

• All instructions will be considered while marking. So, be careful while attempting the assignment. • You must attempt the assignment in the following tabular format\shape in Excel file only: Question no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

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Total Marks


Correct Option

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Questions Read the above Case study and give the answers of the questions by using correct options. 1. What is the primary focus of establishment surveys in this case study? A. B. C. D.

Collect the data through past studies Analyze the literature review Using of quantitative techniques Data collection through mail and Interview

2. Which one of following is generally common in establishment survey and household survey? A. B. C. D.

Cognitive recall Homogenous respondents Error free Response burden

3. Which one of the following is not of important consideration in establishment survey while designing questionnaires? A. B. C. D.

Response burden Professional terminology Cognitive recall Use of Records

4. Which of the following method of data collection is not discussed in the case study? A. Questionnaires B. Interviews C. Mail survey D. Observations 5. Which of the following sampling technique is used for Employee Turnover and Job Openings survey? A. B. C. D.

Simple random sampling Cluster sampling Stratified sampling Convenience sampling

6. Which one of the following is the limitation of establishment survey in this case study? A. Cost B. Limited data C. Unskilled interviewer D. Small sample size

7. Which of the following is not the part of specific protocol of focus groups in ETJO? A. B. C. D.

Concept and indicators Definition Availability of records Cognitive recall

8. Which of the following is the draw back of pretest interview in ETJO survey? A. B. C. D.

Small simple size Non cooperative response Probing Questionnaire format

9. Which of the following method of data collection is not used in the case study? A. B. C. D.

Questionnaires Focus groups Correlational method Secondary data

10. What is the basic purpose of ETJO survey? A. To assess the feasibility of collecting job-vacancy and turnover data by occupation B. To analyze the problem of labor shortage C. To assess the motivation level of employees D. To analyze the factor contributing towards employee turnover 11. Which of the following is the basic purpose of pretest interview in this case study? A. B. C. D.

To identified the potential problem To know the sample size To develop the questionnaire To use agency representative

12. Which one of the following sampling type is used in operations test to select the units? A. Simple random sampling B. Cluster sampling C. Quota sampling D. Judgment sampling

13. Which of the following is the basic purpose of Response analysis survey in the case study? A. To assess the quality of ETJO survey data B. To know the sample size of ETJO survey data C. To develop the questionnaire for ETJO D. To use agency representative for ETJO

14. After Operation test, which of the following test findings were suggested by the researcher? A. Need of highly skilled and well trained interviewer B. Sample size should be increased C. A decent increase in survey budget D. Focus group should be included 15. In which one of the following stage researcher consult the literature? A. B. C. D.

Operation test Response analysis survey Document design analysis Pretest interviews

16. Which one of the following sampling type is used in Response analysis survey (RAS)? A. Simple random sampling B. Cluster sampling C. Quota sampling D. Stratified sampling

17. Which one of the following could be helpful for minimizing the bias in this case study? A. B. C. D.

Cognitive research Focus group Pretest Interview Response analysis survey

18. Which one of the following is useful in assessing and clarifying concepts and definitions at the beginning stages of questionnaire? A. B. C. D.

Operation test Document design analysis Focus group Response analysis survey

19. Which one of the following can be more helpful than others in order to determine the exact source of measurement errors in establishment survey? A. B. C. D.

Focus group Operation test Response analysis survey Document design analysis

20. Which one of the following could be very useful for behavior analysis in this case study? A. B. C. D.

Cognitive research Focus group Pretest Interview Response analysis survey

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