Spiritual Poems

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  • Pages: 50

Spiritual Poems (Translated from Hindi)



Table of Contents Introduction 1- Who am I? 2-Who is He? 3-Cosmic Consciousness 4-The Glory of Ram 5-Dashavatar 6-Durga’s glory 7-Bhajan for the Lord 8-I have four passionate beloveds. 9-No one knows the Truth. 10-Show Your Form to me. 11-Tell me Who are you? 12-The world appears to be a dream. 13-Now I am in love with dust 14-Your light is seen everywhere. 15-Our life is blessed by the mind. 16-Blessings of the Lord 17-The Supreme Lord 18 -I became an angel 19 -Your glory 20-The speed of time


21-The Passage of Life 22-Moonlight 23-Distance among human beings 24-The Divine Light 25-Love towards the Lord 26-Divine blessings 27-Strength of the spirit 28-Glory of the Lord 29-One and zero 30-Glory of the Lord 31-Passage of time 32-The dreadful weather 33-The Kundalini 34- Four energies of speech 35-life 36-Search of God 37-The Beloved of a mystic 38-Drop and the ocean 39- Bhajan 40-Aarati of Devi 0 Top


Introduction Spirituality is a belief in the spirit as essence of all human beings. This spirit emanates from the Creator or the Supreme Lord of the universe. He has been given many names. He transcends description and His existence cannot be proved or disproved. Spirituality does not exclude the reality of mind and body nor the physical laws that regulate the universe. The reality of the spirit implies the reality of matter also. Spirituality is a holistic view of the body, mind and spirit. Spirituality is universal and is not confined to any limited area or group of people. It's values and message is relevant to all people without difference of religion, race, nationality etc. Principles of spirituality are eternal. They were taught in the times immemorial and are being continued to be taught at present and will be taught forever. Everything in the universe is governed by the forces of nature. which are properly regulated in time and space. Human beings are also governed by those forces of nature. Spirituality tries to promote equilibrium among the human beings through understanding of the forces of nature. Life of human beings is contained in the body and without this body, any activity is inconceivable. Spirituality tries to protect the health of the body and reinforce its energies and vitality. Human beings try to get happiness through sense satisfaction. Spirituality tries to promote real blissfulness which transcends the experiences of the senses. Human mind is active all the time and is prone to become restless. Spirituality attempts to promote peace and illumination of the mind. Spirituality is based on the ideas which are logical and rational. It is not against any human intellectual and scientific endeavor. In the progress of mankind, the creative powers of human beings have played a major role. Spirituality tries to cultivate and reinforce the creative capacities of human beings through the disciplines of concentration,

5 contemplation and medication. Welfare of the entire humanity should be the objective of all human endeavors. Spirituality, with its principles and practices, does not sacrifice the wellbeing of human beings. Spirituality promotes the values of truth, universality, eternity, equilibrium, health, happiness, peace, rationality, creativity, and humanity. Some of these values are not being well understood, accepted and promoted. It is necessary to create increased awareness and understanding of these values so that some problems of the human beings may be comprehended and resolved appropriately. The selected poems in this book illustrate various interesting aspects of spirituality. It is difficult to convey the true meaning of a poetic composition through translation. However, an honest attempt has been made, through this translation, to convey the splendor of spiritual ideas contained in the original Hindi language compositions. It is hoped that the readers will get a glimpse of the spiritual light reflected through these poems. Virendra

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01 Who am I? Vedas1 say “Aham Brahmaasmi” that means “I am the God”; Sufis2 say “Anal Haq”, which means “I'm the Truth”.

In reality, the God and the Truth are one and the same thing; There are many sayings of the Vedas and the Sufis to that effect.

I am a human being who has intellect, body, mind and spirit; But I am prisoner of the ego, for which I am very ashamed.

I am a twinkling ray of the light, that is present everywhere; I am a tiny wave of the flowing current of the creation.

I am a very small living form of the Consciousness of the universe; And in the infinite space of existence, I'm nothing but Ziiro.

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Ancient Hindu scriptures in Sanskrit language. A group of mystics mostly in Islam.


02 Who is He? Who bring us here? Who takes us away from here? Who sees everything here? Who shows all those things?

Who fills so much beauty in the flowers and in the buds? Who makes the tree of a seed? Who makes the seed from a fruit?

Who understands the words before they are uttered? Who remembers the words and who repeats the words?

Who involves us in arguments and who solves the riddles? Who learns mathematics and the knowledge of physics?

Who fills the eyes with tears on seeing somebody’s pain? Who feels sympathy for someone who shows love?

Who lights the fire inside us when someone comes close? Who makes cold sighs when someone goes far away?

Who keeps awake inside us when we are fast asleep? Who sees the dreams and who shows those dreams?

Who shows the waves of light when our eyes are closed? Who fills peace and happiness in minds when we meditate?


Answer to all these questions given to us by the saints, is one, There is One Truth inside everything that manifests itself in different forms. 0



03 Cosmic Consciousness There is commotion in the world, You should eliminate this commotion; Oh Cosmic Consciousness! Eradicate the restlessness of human beings.

Your eternal particle comes to this world as a living being; After death, it merges in You, but the being is frightened; The cycle of Your coming and going is not comprehended by people; Explain the secret of being born from You and merging in You. Oh Cosmic Consciousness! Eradicate the restlessness of human beings.

Colorful things are being seen, that could dazzle the eyes; Magnificent buildings are being built, that touch the sky; Enemies of humanity have come to fade the colors and destroy the buildings; Teach all people that to protect the humanity is the duty of everyone. Oh Cosmic Consciousness! Eradicate the restlessness of human beings.

The spirit of everyone is searching to attain peace and happiness; People are involved in luxurious consumptions but do not find contentment; Life is entangled in grabbing things, and that has no end; Give to all people the knowledge of what is real peace and happiness. Oh Cosmic Consciousness! Eradicate the restlessness of human beings

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04 The Glory of Ram3 By incarnating Yourself on this earth, You had reformed the world; Thanks, Oh Ram! Thanks to You Who gave love to everyone.

Obeying the father, You had even renounced the throne; You accepted to go to the forest barefoot with Sita4 and Laxman5. Kevat6 had only made you cross the river on his small boat; In return, you enabled Kevat to cross the ocean of this world.

Your kind eyes did not ignore even the dumb statues on the ground; By touching Ahilya7, who was lying as stone, You liberated her from the curse.

You embraced intimately even the native people of the forest; by eating the fruits pre-tasted by Shabarii8, You gave an unusual love to her.

You showed kindness to those who were tortured by the demons; You liberated Jatayu9, the vulture, whose wings had been cut by Ravana10.


Incarnation of Vishnu, Wife of Ram 5 Younger brother of Ram. 6 A boatman who took Ram on the boat to cross the river. 7 Wife of a saint who was turned into stone by curse of her husband. 8 Name of a tribal woman. 9 Name of a vulture who fought Ravana. 10 A demon king , thr ruler of Lanka, who kidnapped Sita. 4

11 How cruel was a human being, this was shown by the abduction of Sita; In order to protect humanity, you had gathered the army of monkeys.

It was not difficult for You to move in the skies in the company of the son of wind (Hanuman); But You preferred to cross the ocean on the bridge built by Niil and Nal 11.

After killing Ravana, You could have Yourself become the ruler of Lanka; But You gave the entire kingdom of Lanka to Vibhishana12

On return form the forest, You showed a strange form of love to Your subjects; On the complaint of an ordinary person, you banished Sita to the forest.

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Names of the two engineers. Brother of Ravana.


05 Dashavatar13 To demonstrate the evolution in every age, an appropriate form was taken by You; Thank You, Oh Lord Vishnu14! Thank you. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

When the entire earth was an ocean and life was in water only; You came Matasya15 (fish) and swam in the water. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

Earth appeared from the water, some amphibious animals came out; You came as Kurma16 (tortoise), to move in water and on the earth. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

With the growth of greenery, animals started to appear on earth; You wandered in the forest in the form of Varaha17 (boar). Glory to You, Oh Lord!

Animals started showing some signs of the human beings; In Narasingh18, both the forms were manifested by You. Glory to You, Oh Lord!


Ten incarnations One of the trinity of Hindu gods Who sustains the universe. 15 First incarnation of Vishnu. 16 Second incarnation of Vishnu. 17 Third incarnation of Vishnu. 18 Fourth incarnation of Vishnu. 14

13 When the first form of human beings appeared on the earth; You came as a very small Vaman19 (human dwarf). Glory to You, Oh Lord!

Man of ancient times was wandering in the forest without any fear, At that time You took the form of Parashuram20. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

When demons increased in the world, the peace and security was disturbed; You took the form of Ram21, the protector of human beings. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

When the desire for knowledge, devotion and action increased for liberation; You came as charioteer Krishna22, the Lord of Yoga. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

In order to save itself from sorrows, when humanity wanted to attain nirvana; You took the form of Buddha23 to give shelter to all. Glory to You, Oh Lord! In the Kalayug24, life moves only with the aid of machines; In this age, You will come as Kalaki25. Glory to You, Oh Lord!


Fifth incarnation of Vishnu. Sixth incarnation of Vishnu. 21 Seventh incarnation of Vishnu. 22 Eighth incarnation of Vishnu. 23 Nineth incarnation of Vishnu. 24 Current age according to Hinu time cycle. 25 Tenth incarnation of Vishnu (yet to come?). 20


In order to the reform the world, You have descended on the earth; So far You have taken ten incarnations on this earth. Glory to You, Oh Lord!

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06 Durga Bhajan26 Oh Mother Durga! We sing your glory. Seeing you, we become fearless. How beautiful is your appearance; We decorate the mind and temple with it. You ride on the back of lion: Seeing You, we become fearless. In Your ten hands we find, Nine digits along with zero. Give the blessings to us all; We bow our heads in front of you.

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a devotional song


07 Bhajan for the Lord Come and sing the songs of the Lord; Come and meditate upon His glory.

Let us bring that Light in our minds; Which is illuminating the universe.

Let us become the flowers of that garden; Where His fragrance is wide spread.

No truth is deeper than knowing Him; Let us flow in the Ganges27 of his wisdom. . He has given the pleasures and pains in life, Let us ask for His blessings for peace.

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Sacred river of India


08 I have four passionate beloveds. The first one comes in a red dress, Full of fragrance and sweet music, She wakes me up from the sleep, The glory of Usha (dawn) is very peculiar. I have four passionate beloveds.

The second one only stays outside, Bears everything in heat and sun, Through the windows, she tells something, Kiran (ray) protects me throughout the day. I have four passionate beloveds.

The third one comes with beautiful make up, Lights the lamp and spreads the smoke; Gives me food and prepares the bed. Sandhya (evening) brings the cup of wine. I have four passionate beloveds.

The fourth one puts on a black dress, On which there are bright ornaments, She comes to say sweet words of love. Nisha (night) is my companion for sleep.

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09 No one knows the Truth. Everyone is competing through religion and creed, Without understanding the complete truth, What is real and what is unreal, Life of everyone is in turmoil. No one knows the Truth.

Everyone looks through reading the books, But, nowhere can the future be read, At the end, it is the writing of the time one faces, Through which our destiny is known. No one knows the Truth.

All are running away, leaving this world, Some are ahead and some are behind, Pity on them, they never return back, So that they could tell us the meaning of death. No one knows the Truth.

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10 Show Your Form to me. I have heard about You only from others, Still I have remembered You always, I am dreaming to see You, You should fulfill my dream. Show Your Form to me.

You should come in my courtyard, And in my beautiful garden, Stay inside my purified heart, I may see my face in You. Show Your Form to me.

One day when I will find You, Seeing You I will become crazy, Will scatter like a cloud, and, Want to fall as rain everywhere. Show Your Form to me.

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11 Tell me Who are you? You were when nothing was anywhere, There was no place where You were not there, Still Your whereabouts were unknown, Now explain the deep knowledge to me. Tell me Who are you?

Why the stars come in the night? Where they go in the day light? How they hover in the sky? This is a mystery, explain to me. Tell me Who are you?

Morning and evening, I want only this, To see only Your real Form, And if You cannot come to me, You should call me near You. Tell me Who are you?

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12 The world appears to be a dream. After coming here, one has to go, Without carrying anything with him, At the end, everybody has accepted, There is nobody who is our own. The world appears to be a dream.

All are lost in the darkness, Entangled in the web of words, They are shaking each other, Trying to grasp whatever they find. The world appears to be a dream.

This is dream yet it is nice, Except this dream, nothing is real, Even if the bond of world is weak, The mind has to wander here. The world appears to be a dream.

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13 Now I am in love with dust Dust of atom is in the world, Dust of particles is in the atom, Now I understand this knowledge, The whole universe is full of dust. Now I am in love with dust

All colors are filled with dust, Dust is scattered in the air, Dust makes this earth evergreen, Garden is blossoming due to dust. Now I am in love with dust

One day this body will be dust, Bedding for sleeping will be dust, At the end, what remains is dust, This is the strange reality of life. Now I am in love with dust.

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14 Your light is seen everywhere. Whether it be the snow capped white peak, Or it be the yellow dust of the desert, Or it be the blue wave of the ocean, Everything has been colored by you. Your light is seen everywhere.

You have made the heart of every person happy, You have made the flowers to blossom, Without you every function is dry, You have made everything to work in order. Your light is seen everywhere.

A person who has known You, He has also accepted this fact, Whatever has been done by human beings, All of that has Your blessings. Your light is seen everywhere.

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15 Our life is blessed by the mind. Mind is awake all night and day, Mind bears all the pleasures and pains, Mind listens and mind speaks, Entire life flows in the mind. Our life is blessed by the mind.

Mind teaches us all the sciences, Mind makes for us all machines, All Mantras are made by the mind, All knowledge is inside the mind. Our life is blessed by the mind.

Body cannot imprison the mind, Time also can’t catch the mind, Mind can wander in all the worlds, All self-knowledge is through mind. Our life is blessed by the mind.

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16 Blessings of the Lord I'm not afraid in the world, of losing anything or being defamed, After attaining You, if I have any fear, that is the fear of separation from you.

In pain and suffering, I need you, and there is no need of anything else, Getting you is the only cure for me, there is no need of any medicine.

You are present in all living beings, and in all the particles, There is nothing here other than You, and all the show is of only One.

Companions have separated from me, leaving me all alone, When my eyes fell upon you, there was no fear of loneliness.

Through Your kindness, I have been able to see the colorful scenes, With your blessings, I have been able to fathom the mysteries of the creation.

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17 The Supreme Lord The One who has created us, why is He far away from us? Why are we helpless in meeting Him, while this should be very easy?

Existence of everyone is an ocean, you may call it a drop or a wave; When the whole universe is made of water, why there is desert around?

When all the pleasures are available in the world of beauty and youth; Why the fairy in the heavens continues to tantalize our minds?

All the spectacles of this world in front of us are like a curtain; Why the light of God is hiding from us behind this curtain?

That which is seen, and That which is showing, both are existing forever; Why a human being, who is seeing only for a short while, is so arrogant?

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18 I became an angel When relations with the human beings in this world became fragile; To build a lasting relationship, I became an angel.

So long as there was desire, the sorrows continued to increase; To remove the root cause of the sorrows, I became an angel.

After bearing all the pains on this earth, I will be dissolved in the dust; To enjoy the pleasures of the sky, I became an angel.

I saw the ghosts of religions, and got frightened by the ghosts; To protect myself from those ghosts, I became an angel.

All the time I remained too far from Him who created me; To stay close to that Creator I became an angel.

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19 Your glory Seeing Your glory, everyone tried to control his heart; Leaving everything aside, I also remembered your name.

The brightness of your glow had made me very ecstatic; I did not have any other intoxication except the wine of your glow.

You gave me everything but I could not give you anything; I have accepted, the blame of remaining always, in debt of You.

Everybody is waiting not knowing when it will be possible to meet You; I am also waiting in the same hope and have not had any repose.

On the unknown paths of life, I had to do many difficult jobs; It was my helplessness if I could not do what you had assigned to me.

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20 The speed of time Seeing the fast speed of time, I feel scared, Seeing the short duration of life, I feel embarrassed.

I had made determinations to do many thing; Realizing that I could not do anything, I feel regretful.

Springs came and went away, and I did not even notice; At the arrival of the winter, Why do II feel frightened?

At one time, my life used to be a colorful dreams, Now, the existence of real life, I see in dreams.

When I sang the songs of love, my pains increased; Therefore, now I sing the songs of spirituality and the Lord

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21 The passage of Life

A bud in the garden gave me the message of spring; There, under the shade of a tree, I took some rest.

There were beautiful flowers, but I kept away from them; When I saw my blisters, I held a thorn in my hand.

I had the treasures of memories, both happiness and sorrows; Where could I keep the happiness? I tied the sorrows to my heart.

I thought of getting some relief, if the brain could control the heart; The intellect could not reduce the pain, it only gave it a different name.

All the people in the world appeared to me like a mirror; Nobody knew what is inside and believed the outside to be true.

Among the people looking at my condition there were strangers as well as close ones; The strangers showed some sympathies, but the close ones only defamed me. At last, I was shown the path by the celestial ecstasy; I made my pathfinder the One who was sitting inside me.



22 Moonlight My body is like the silver and I have traveled a long distance; From the land of fairies, I have come to meet you in the night.

The doors wrere closed, but I saw that your windows are open; That is why I came straight to you through the window.

Everyone is fast asleep and is engrossed in the dreams; There is no fear of anyone waking up and I am not afraid of anyone.

I show affection to all people and I embrace everyone; I'm not shy of anyone and that is why I am a available to all.

I will stay with you but not wake you up from the sleep; To spend the night with you, I have come in the form of moonlight.

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23 Distance among human beings What should be the distance between the human beings? I can tell you if you show to me the difference between them.

The destination of everyone is one, and the path of everyone is also one; Then, why should we keep distance during the course of the journey?

Look at the garden and learn some lessons from it; Keep as much distension as you find between the flowers.

If the light of God is the same in all the souls; Keep the same distance from others as you have from God.

After death, all differences among human beings disappear; The life should learn some lessons from the death.

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24 The Divine Light I have found everything in loving You and nothing is left to attain; In front of your light, Oh God! No other light appears as bright.

Your light contains in it every form and in all those forms it is You alone, This is being said by others also, and not by me alone.

You are present in my heart, my mind and also in my soul; It will never happen that I should ever give up thinking about you.

Without you this is no happiness, even if I get all the world’s wealth; Whosoever finds you is really rich, and no one is richer than him.

I do not need anything except the fulfillment of my desire to be near You; Only in Your presence I find peace, nowhere else can I have any peace.

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25 Loving the Lord In my love to You, I am crazy, I have become indifferent to the world.

Everybody sings his own songs, But I always sing Your songs.

How to eliminate the ego in me, I knew, when I saw the fireflies.

Whenever there was darkness in the mind, I closed the eyes to get light from You.

It was not very easy to get You, I had to suffer a lot before getting You.

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26 Divine blessings Ever since you have made me Your own, I have become merely Your shadow.

I did not know that You are so close, I could find You just across the limits of ego.

Whenever I was troubled by the world, I found the comfort through Your Name.

The end of life is to merge with the dust, How weak is this body of the human beings?

Whosoever knew that the universe is illuminated by You, His eyes had the real sight from You.

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27 Strength of the spirit Whosoever has known the weakness of the body, He has recognized the strength of the spirit.

Why are people opposed to me even when, I accepted, in my soul, what they had to say.

In order to give a lesson to the blisters, I decided to make a friendship with the thorns.

No one ever gets relief from the external world, I have seen by roaming all over the world.

I have recognized the fairy inside me, That can give me company in solitude.

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28 Devotion to the Lord Only after attaining You, I have found some tranquility, The life was, otherwise, just a shadow of sorrows.

When you are present in my heart and my mind, The time of solitude passes very smoothly.

When I saw the lightening in the clouds, I realized, Your glory can be seen even in the sky.

It is You who gives support when we are restless, At the time of pain, only Your name comes on the lips.

I tried in this world to find someone else like You, In the end, I returned and came back to You.

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29 One and zero You are One and I am zero, who will be able to understand this? Whoever will comprehend this, his knowledge will be complete.

If I am ahead of You, the value of both of us increases, My remaining behind You, does not increase anything.

Inside You there can be found infinite zeros like me, Inside me, even a small particle of You cannot be held.

Difference between one and zero cannot be understood by pundits and wise men, But the computers will show the miracle of these two numbers.

If we both stay together, many objectives can be achieved, If anyone of us is absent, then all the show will be over.

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30 Glory of the Lord Whenever I stare at the moon, I know that you are inside it.

The flowers have only Your color and fragrance, The garden is beautiful because of You.

You have made so long rivers on earth, That cannot be made by any human beings.

Even in the faces of fairies it is Your form, All the beauties have been given to them by You.

When I saw Your light scattered everywhere, The lamps lighted by me appeared to be very dim.

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31 Passage of time When the dry weather will come, the garden will be deserted, one day, In place of the flowers and the buds there will remain only thorns, one day.

Do quickly, whatever you want to do, because the time is passing, If you do not do quickly, you will have to regret, one day.

Look at your body through the mirror, only for a short while, This body will sure be converted into dust or ashes, one day.

My abode is modest and humble, yet I am contented, Even the palaces here get transformed into ruins, one day.

We should feel happy at our meeting, although it is very brief, Even such brief meetings will become just a dream, one day.

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32 The dry weather The dry weather is coming, all the flowers and buds will wither away, Flowers, that are full of fragrance in the garden, will merge with the dust.

Those who feel proud of their face by looking into the mirror, In a very short time, wrinkles will start appearing on the face.

It is just a matter of days, the youth will pass away, All the glamour of the body, will become just a dream.

Sing the songs of happiness, so long as you are on the road, On arrival at the destination, only their reverberations will be left.

Now, only the death will show the miracle of Jesus Christ, When his eyes will close, the eyes of the world will open.

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33 The Kundalini28 You have come in my solitude, now there is no fear of the solitude; My eyes are full with intoxication of the beauty of your movements.

You are in fragrance of flowers; You are in the notes of music. You are accessible everywhere; I am grateful for your faithfulness.

No one else can see you, and no one can ever stop you; There is no fear of an evil eye, and no fear of being defamed.

Earlier, I was afraid of sorrows and used to feel pain in my heart. All sorrows have disappeared and the only fear is to lose you.

I pray that as long I am alive, you remain with me as my companion What else can I ask the God when I have found the secret of godliness?

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The psychic power that can be aroused through spiritual discipline. When it passes through the psychic centers in the body, it gives blissful feelings.


34 Four energies of speech Whenever ideas are exchanged through the medium of speech, Four types of energies of speech regulate it.

The first is the energy Para, that has a mystic form, It produces the ultimate point of sound or the Bramha-Nad29.

When we get inspiration of new ideas in our minds, It should be known that the energy Pashyanti is behind it.

When we convert the ideas of the mind into a language We organize them in our brain through the energy Madhyama .

When we utter the words by mouth to convey the thoughts of our mind, The energy of speech that is behind it, is called Vaikhari.

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First sound created at the time of origin of the universe.


35 Life

Life is like the game of chess, human beings are just its pieces: On the board of nights and days, we (the human beings) are continuously attacked.

We are continuously attacked, this is causing me grief, Destiny plays the game, and it is human beings that lose.

Ziiro the poet says, the life passes in playing this game, Everyone has been checkmated, and no one has ever won.

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36 Search of God

Just as the lights of the world emanate from the sun, Same way, all the earth and skies emanate from the God,

All the earth and skies, can be known by the intellect, But, the God, from Whom they come, no one can know.

Ziiro the poet says, to find God through the intellect, Is like searching the sun with the help of a lamp.

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37 The Beloved of a mystic

My beloved is very strange, she attacks with cruelty, She changes her form and appears to be a strange fairy.

Appears to be a strange fairy, I am very much astonished, How to maintain relationship with her, this woman is very quick moving.

Ziiro says, when I sleep, she stays far away from me, When I wake up and see, she obliterates my existence.

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38 The drop and the ocean

The drops are held in the ocean and there is no beginning or end to them, The ocean is also contained in the drops, this is said by the saints.

This is said by the saints, that the difference between the two is the same, As the difference between self-knowledge and the knowledge of God.

Ziiro says, the Self and the God are united in our mind, This way, difference between the drop and the ocean is removed.

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39 Bhajan30 After coming to this world, everyone has to go; It is very simple to say but difficult to explain.

Life is short, yet people are arrogant; They are to be made aware of this ignorance.

Whatever good things we have to do, we should do them soon; After the time passes, only regrets will remain.

All are all getting drowned in the deep ocean of sorrow; We have to sail our boat and cross through the whirlpools.

To get happiness in the life and some peace to the mind, We should concentrate on Karma31, Gyan32, and Bhakti33.

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a devotional song action 32 knowledge 33 devotion 31


40 Aarati34 of Devi35 Atma36, Gayatri37, Shri Vidya38, Sarasvati39, Lalita40 Gauri41, Shanta42, Maya43, Durga44, Shri Mata45.

You are Atma, inside everyone, You are the supreme spirit; It is a mystery, but it is true, we are all one spirit.

Gayatri, You have awakened devotion in the world; Through Your Mantra46 You have given strength to all. Shri Vidya, we have made Yantra47 for Your residence; It contains all the knowledge of language and script.

Oh Sarasvati! In your sweet voice we heard our songs; In the strings of Vina48, we got the musical notes.


Devotional song sung collectively at the end of a devotional ceremony. The Divine Mother. 36 The spirit. 37 Wife of Brhammaa, the first God in Hindu trinity. 38 The supreme knowledge. 39 Godess of knowledge and learning. 40 Godess with playful nature. 41 Godess of fair complexion. 42 Godess of peace. 43 Illusion. 44 Godess that rides a lion and destroys the enemies. 45 The Supreme Mother Godess, 46 Gayatri Mantra is the most popular and is considered very powerful mantra. 47 A geometrical formation in square shape having dot in the center and triangles, circles etc. that gives a beautiful appearance. 48 The musical string instrument carried by Godess Sarasvati. 35


Lalita, Your beautiful form is liked by everyone; Seeing You, our desolate hearts are full of joy.

Gauri, Your glow contains all colors and all figures; Sun and moon just reflect, the light that is You.

Oh Shanta! Your lovely form is granting peace to all; Your moonlike face contains in it all the blissfulness.

You are Maya and You also create all illusions; Your network of the illusion, is puzzling everyone.

Durga, when You are near us, no sorrow comes close; Seeing You, our enemies, run very far away.

Oh Shri Mata! In Your lap, we get all happiness; Bless us always, we are, bowing our heads to You

Atma, Gayatri, Shri Vidya, Sarasvati, Lalita; Gauri, Shanta, Maya, Durga, Shri Mata.

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