Spiders 2007

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Welcome to the first issue Welcome to our issue of Spiders this school year.We hope you´ll find articles interesting and useful. by editor Organizer: Zdenka Cvijanović, English teacher Editor: Ivan Abičić,7c Writers: Ivan Abičić,7c David Andrijević,7c Sara Murat,7d Filip Halak,7b Berislav Ruška,7b Marina Bošnjak,8c Kasandra Musović,7d Antonio Vranješ 7b Cover illustrator: Berislav Ruška,7b Contributors: Tea Cvijanović 8a ˝I.Filipović˝ Osijek, June 2007

CONTENTS: COLUMNS News Problems Electronics LIFESTYLE Film/Video Theatre Pets Sports BUSINESS Fashion Comics Poetry LANGUAGE Do you know Horoscope Friendship Ecology ACTIVITIES Music Train your brain Just for fun

NEWS by Kasandra Musović,7d

HY, lovers of English language! We are very happy because our school magazine SPIDERS has been done once again.Are you happy too?In this issue of SPIDERS you will read about the unusual animals, spiders, new films, fashion, poetry, horoscope,AERO CLUB, Osijek and many more…Read it and maybe you´ll find out your favourite article. !HAVE FUN!!!!!!

*A trip to Plitvice lakes… Last year we went on excursion to the National park. It was amazing to see those magic and shining waterfalls which are falling into mystic lakes. «WOW!», we all said!!! Later we went across the lake by pleasure boat. Then we went to a hotel «Matija Gubec», and everyone enjoyed there. We were also swimming in the pool there, and in the evening we had a great time in some our rooms. We were all sad because we wanted to stay longer there. The next day we had to go back home. On our way back, we saw some monuments. It was unforgetable trip for all of us!

*The lake Balaton, Hungary Some of us went to Balaton, the largest lake in Hungary. We slept in small bungalows or tents. It was more like camping. None of us will forget that beautiful experience. We made some new friends and saw a piece of the World.

*Walkin' to Copacabana All students of our school went to our sports center Copacabana, which is on the other side of the river Drava. Each student had an important assignment. It was fun, too. Some boys were playing football and some girls were playing volleyball. Some other were talking, playing cards or just walking around. There were all sixth, seventh and eighth grades, so it was our first () trip. Amazing!

*Bikes, bikes, bikes…

It was a nice day and a lot of our students were in front of our school. We want to get a cycling lane from Retfala to the centre of our town, so we decided to do something. We informed our mayer Ante Đapić about our plan. The plan was to go to our famous square of Ante Starčević and back to Retfala school by bikes. That day came and our mayer came to our school and talked to us. He promised us to get a cycling lane. Our headmistress Blaženka Jelaš and some teachers were cycling together with us. When we arrived to the Square, some other teachers waited for us and gave us croissants and juice. After some time we returned home. It was great cycling in such large group.

*Theatre… Students who went to the theatre watched some of interesting plays. Some of them were operas. One of the play is˝ Ero s onoga svijeta ˝ and the other play is˝ Nikola Šubić Zrinski¨, also interesting play.

*Concerts in school… We had a chance to watch and listen Jazz concert by group Akvarijus in our school. Students said that it was nice music and fantastic organization.

*Music from the movie “Harry Potter” Some students had a chance to go to Zagreb to see and listen music from film “Harry Potter”. That was wonderful music. Listening that music, we could imagine some scenes from that film. That auditorium was so big that we were all admiring at it. On our way to the center of Zagreb, we stopped in McDonald’s and have something to eat. Some teachers insisted to walk for 3 hours around Zagreb. That was so cool to walk and talk with friends, laugh and enjoy… But that 3 hours passed so quickly and it was time to go back home…

*New things in school…

Many students noticed that our school wardrobes in our cloackroom were painted in different colours. Now they are cleaner and

more beautiful. And the other thing is our hall. It also get painted and now it’s beautiful and clean. In front of our school all students could and can admire the entrance wall adorned with mosaic. They are masterpieces of some our students as well as of our Art teacher, Sandra Vehabović .Look how busy they are!

Now the mosaics are finished and the entrance of our school is wonderful.



*Going to Bleiburg , Austria We are the first generation who went to Bleiburg, Austria. We travelled this May, 2007 with Mrs. Tonka Petrović. It was midnight when we began our trip to Bleiburg. We travelled nine hours and finally we came there. First we went to the graveyard and prayed for all victims of the big disaster that happened in May, 1945. Then we walked to a small church where Requiem, (Mass for the dead) had been started. It lasted about 3 hours and later we went to the bus where we woke our driver and went back home.

PETS by Ivan Abičić,7c

Hello,animal lovers! New school year has already tarted,so we also have a new stuff. As a new editorial stuff we thought about pets and hen we decided to write about spiders.Why do we want to write about spiders again? Well,first you didn't read about them for a long time. Second, we have found some new facts about piders,and we believe you 'll see how unusual and special animals spiders are. And third , ur newspaper is called SPIDERS, so we think that we have to know as many facts as ossible about them, haven´t we?

SPIDERS There are 40,000 kinds of spiders in the world.They live inside( in houses, buildings),and outside( in trees and flowers).Spiders make webs. Why do they make webs? Because the web can catch the insects..and spiders usually eat insects. House spiders make webs in the corners of the rooms,in cupboards and behind pictures. Some spiders don't make webs. The Wolf Spider doesn't make webs, but it can move very quickly. It chases insects and catches them. The Wolf Spider can eat irds,too! Some spiders are very dangerous.Thew Black Widow Spider is very poisonous –it can kill you! Carolina wolf spider We did our best and we've also found something for fun about spiders. We hope you 'll enjoy reading.

The Itsy Bitsy Spider Man

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up And the itsy bitsy spider went up

The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spider out Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again The itsy bitsy spider never gave up She tried and tried even though it got rough

all the rain the spout again

Rabid wolfi

Falling down didn’t make the spider stop She just got stronger and made it to the top The itsy bitsy spider never gave up She tried and tried even though it got rough Falling down didn’t make the spider stop She just got stronger and made it to the top Never gave up!! Wolfi 1 Wolfi 2

PROBLEMS by Marina Bošnjak,8c

Hi! You˙ve just reached the problem page. But this time

you´re going to read about a bit different problems. Actually, about the project CHILDREN TOGETHER.This project should help young people in developing friendship and tolerance no matter of nationality/excluding their nationality identity. Mr. Jorge Fuentes is the leader of the project. Read my interview with him. I talked to Mr. Fuentes when he visited our school. That day Mr. Fuentes was handing the prizes to the winners of the competition Children together. Beside Mr. Fuentes, there were also other guests as the diplomatic representatives of Spain, Belgium, Norway and lot of others. There were also winners (pupils and the teachers ) from our Osijek-Baranya County.

Interwiev with Mr. Jorge Fuentes Marina: Excuse me, could I have a word with you? I am Marina, a reporter in our school magazine and I wish you a pleasant stay here. May I ask you a few questions? Marina: What motivated you to make such a project? Mr. Fuentes: For the years, as you, know it, here, in this part of Croatia, in Eastern Slavonia, there is a very big mistake in education, in my opinion. And the mistake is that there is a separate education of the children of different minorities. Particularly this is true in a regime with the children of Serbian minority and Croatian majority. So what we want is to avoid that children go separately to kindergarten, separately to schools, separately to

universities, they marry separately. They create separated societies. This is a big mistake. We want to avoid this. The best way to do it, is to start from the very beginning. Children should be together. Because the human nature is like that. They want to be together, they don’t know for differences. And this is why we wanted and make this program in which more of 600 children from different minorities worked together in literature, in art, they danced together, they played together. And this is, what I believe is going to be the future of Croatia. Marina: Which are the main goals of your project? Mr. Fuentes: As I told you, the main idea is that we have to create the habit in the new generations that they are going to grow together and they have to work together and live together for the better of the future Croatian country. Marina: Are you satisfied with the results of the project? Mr. Fuentes: We are very satisfied, so far. This morning we gave the awards to the children in Vukovar and now we are going to do the same here in Osijek. As you can realize we use the best of their drawings they produced, to prepare our official cards, we have sent to all ambassadors and to all authorities of the country the literary texts and drawings that were produced by the students in different teams, working together. There is no drawing of Serbian student and another one of a Croatian, no; the drawing is one by the combination of children from different cultures. And now we are going to do the same here. They were also dancing, they were playing music. As you saw, there were some fantastic produces. I’m sure the one in Osijek will be as good as the one in Vukovar.

Marina: Do you plan any similar projects in the future? Mr. Fuentes: Yes, we want this to have continuity because we believe this can not be an exercise for any four months. It has to be for years. And this habit of working together has to penetrate in the life of the new generations. Marina: Could you compare Croatian education with education in other countries? Mr. Fuentes: Well, I think that education here is on at very high level. I have seen some kindergarten in different cities of the country, for instance in Daruvar, where the kindergarten was better from many in the European

countries, in the world or even in America. So the education in all the levels is really good.And what we have to avoid is to make separated educations. Marina: Do you like visiting our school? Mr. Fuentes: I am very happy but I’ve just arrived. We, my wife and I, we are going to spend one hour with you here and I’m looking forward to see how your students are able to perform. For the time being, we have been very well received by young people with guitars, with mandolins and very nice original dances and it was all very impressive. And I see you have very good service of papers in the school and you have the most brilliant journalist. Thank you very much, indeed. Marina: Thank you for your time and goodbye!

ECOLOGY by Ivan Abičić,7c Hi, nature lovers, especially lovers of our planet EARTH. Are you worried for our planet? You have to be. Read my text and you'll find out some things, I´m sure. Maybe you´ll do something important in your future. Who knows!

Climates of the world Polar In polar areas, it is very cold The temperature in the The sun never rises above

with strong ,dry winds. summer never rises above 10ºC. the horizon, even at midday.

Tundra In areas with a tundra very little rain. It is usually summer is very short. Not in these areas.

climate, there is cold there and the many trees grow

Tropical Places with tropical climate are near Equator. It is always hot there , and the temperature is usually between 24ºC and 27º.There is a lot of rain all the year.

Cool temperature In these areas they have rain almost all the year. The summers are usually warm(about 1820ºC) and winters are usually not very cold.

Mountain The climate in mountain areas changes a lot with the height of the mountain. It is always colder in the mountains than in the lowlands. Sometimes , they get a lot of snow and ice.

Warm temperature

Places with warm temperature climate have very hot , dry summersoften over 40ºC.The winters there are not normally very cold.

Desert Places with a desert climate have less than 25 cm of rain each year. There are very few clouds. This means that during the day , it is very hot (up to 52ºC) but at night it gets very cold.

Monsoon In areas with a monsoon climate, there are usually two very different seasons- a wet one and a dry one. In India , for example, they have very heavy rain from June to October. Then, in October, there is a sudden change and it is very dry until about March.

As a new editorial stuff we were thinking about our dear planet Earth and what things we do to make it comfortable. Well,we found out some interesting ways how to save the Earth from catastrophies and disasters. Last month there was a conference in to“rest”

. Themes

of the meeting were how

. They decided to turn off the lights in the whole world for five minutes.

We all think that it is a good idea.

We should do more ecological actions like: -don’t destroy woods and trees(plant the trees) -don’t evoke fires -don’t trow atomic bomb -don’t leave the trash everywhere around ( in the countryside, towns, villages ,etc.) -Acid rain and acid snow poison rivers and lakes too. Fish and other animals cannot live in acid water. Acid rain are dangerous for buildings too. -Trees and grass blackened and died. Because of PEOPLE!!! With toxic we could destroy the world but we can change all. It isn’t too late. -Carbon dioxide(CO²) in the air has increased a lot.(comes from burning oil, coal and wood)This formed a “blanket” around the Earth. It’s very bad. -These problems are very serious for our future, but we can do something now. In many places, they have already taken action to improve the environment. Many countries now use the wind , the sun and the sea to make the electricity. If you know some other things we should do,write to us and we´ll write here.

Plant trees, bushes, flowers, etc. This picture showes a place on our planet. Isn´t it beautiful? Keep our planet great.


Hi! I'am Antonio, and I´m not going to write you about computers games as I did last year I´m going to write about our famous inventor Nikola Tesla..


Nikola Tesla was born in July, 10th 1856 in Smiljan, Croatia. He was an inventor,a physicist,a mechanical engineer and electrical engineer. Tesla was a brilliant man who spoke a dozen languages including Italian, French, German, English. in addition to his own native language. He is best known for his revolutionary work. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power (AC) systems, including the polyphase power distribution systems and the AC motor. EARLY YEARS Nikola was one of five children, having one brother (Dane, who was killed in a horse-riding accident when Nikola was five) and three sisters (Milka, Angelina and Marica). His family moved to Gospić in 1862. Tesla went to school in Karlovac, then studied electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz (1875). While being there, he studied the uses of alternating current. Nikola Tesla as a young man In December 1878 he left Graz and broke all relations with his family. From 1881 till 1882, Nikola lived in Hungary and worked for American Telephone Company. In 1882 he moved to Paris, France where he worked for Continental Edison Company. UNITED STATES In 1884, Tesla arrived in the USA. Tesla's work for Edison began with simple electrical engineering and quickly progressed in solving the company's most difficult problems. Edison also never wanted to hear about Tesla's AC polyphase designs, believing that DC electricity was the future. Tesla focused intently on his AC polyphase system.

MIDDLE YEARS In 1886 Tesla formed his own company, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. In July 30th,1891 he became a citizen of the United States in the age of 35. Tesla founded his laboratory in 35 South Fifth Avenue, New York during this same year. Some of Tesla´s closest friends werw artists. He was a friend of Century Magazine editor Robert Underwood Johnson, who adapted several poems translated by Tesla. LATER YEARS

200 hp (150 kw )

On his 50th birthday in 1906, Tesla demonstrated his 16,000 rpm bladeless turbine.

Nikola Tesla died alone of heart- failure in New York Hotel. It was between the evening of January 5th and the morning of January 8th, 1943. Althought he sold his AC electricity patents, Tesla died with debts. Last year(2006) was proclaimed as ˝The year of Nikola Tesla˝. An international scientific meeting was held by a company ˝Ericsson Nikola Tesla˝ . A point of this meeting was to invest into the scientific work based on electrotechnics and computer engineering. A company ˝Ericsson Nikola Tesla˝ celebrated ˝The year of Nikola Tesla˝with many activities as well as with electronic publications. Our country rebuilt Tesla ´s house in his birthplace Smiljan and made as

Last year (2006) was marked by one man. He is Nikola Tesla. Last

year was the year of Nikola Tesla. Croatian Ministry of Education proclaimed the year 2006 as˝ The year of Nikola Tesla.¨ This year was a jubilee (150 th anniversary of Nikola Tesla´s birth).An International Scientific meeting was held by a company ˝Ericsson Nikola Tesla˝. The reason t of this meeting was to invest into the scientific work based on electrotechnics and computer engineering. The company ˝Ericsson Nikola Tesla˝ and Croatian Council celebrated ˝The year of Nikola Tesla˝ by organizing many activities including printed and electronic publications. Above: Tesla's house and a Tesla Monument in front of his birth house. Above: Opening ceremony of the Nikola Tesla Memorial Center, July 10, 2006. The background shows Tesla's birth house (left) and the Serbian Orthodox Church (right) where his father Milutin Tesla was a priest. Right: Tesla´s Monument at Niagara Falls unveiled on July 9, 2006.

Tesla´s Monument at Niagara Falls unveiled on July 9, 2006. Tesla is standing atop an AC motor, one of the 700 inventions he patented. In the background is Niagara Falls, Canadian side. by Antonio Vranješ,7b

THEATRE by Filip Halak,7b

Dear readers, hi! This time we´ll read about our theatre,HNK (Croatian National Theatre). Why?

Well, this year our theatre is celebrating 100 years of existence and that is the reason why I want to introduce you with some details of this important building of our city. The Croatian National Theatre(CNT) started as a performance building in 1907, and it was designed by Karl Klauser. But the building is from 19th century, built in 1866. For a long time this was the major cultural and art institution in the town, with a rich musical and drama programme. During our homeland war in 1991, the roof of the building was damaged, but it was more damaged in the fire caused by bombing. Osijek is known as the city of operettas, so it isn’t unusual for the theatre to start this season with operetta called “Vesela udovica”. This operetta is so popular that the theatre is always full of people of all ages. So we can say that we need more these cheerfull operettas. Our music teacher Mrs.Ferić took us to the theatre to watch two operas, “Ero s onoga svijeta” and “Nikola Šubić Zrinski”. “Nikola Šubić Zrinski” is very interesting opera which shows us how our ancestors had fought for the homeland as well as we did in 1991.It has got a sad and tragic ending. ”Ero s onoga svijeta is funny and also very interesting opera. This opera has got a happy ending.You can even laugh . We enjoyed there, so I decided to make a short interview with our music teacher Mrs. Ferić. Here it is. Me: Do you like theatre? Teacher Ferić: Yes I do, I like it very much. Me: Did you go to the theatre when you were in primary school? Teacher Ferić: I´ve gone to the theatre since I was five years old. Me: Did you want to be a teacher as a little girl? Teacher Ferić: No, I didn't. I wanted to be a hairdresser. Me: Have you ever sung in our theatre? Teacher Ferić: Yes, I sang for seven years. Me: What are the names of theatricals you participated ? Teacher Ferić: I sang in operas and operettas like ˝Cavaleria Rusticana˝,˝Don Quiote˝, ˝Krabuljni ples˝, ˝Carmen˝, ˝Zemlja smješka¨,... etc.

Me: Do you like teacher´s job more than the job in the theatre? Teacher Ferić: I like both jobs equally. They are creative and nice, but when I had to choose I chose to work as a teacher. Me:Thank you very much answering my questions. Teacher Ferić: You´re welcome.

On Friday, 23th March we went to Croatian National Theatre to see and learn more about the history of this building and of the institution itself.We were very curious to see it, and I can tell you that we had fun.

FILM/VIDEO by Berislav Ruška,7b Hello film lovers! We are back again. Well what to say? Just sit in your cinema armchairs and read what films are awaiting for you.

We are lucky because this year there are many of new films. The list of them is too big to read it and you can't whole year spend in cinema. So, I picked the best (well, best for me). Our dearest wizard with scar on his forehead is back again in his new film HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. Harry is meeting with new problems. He and Dumbledore know that Voldemort is ready to take the leardship in wizards´ world but no one believes them. And the worst thing is that Dumbledore has ordered that nobody even Ron, Hermione and Sirius mustn't tell Harry what is really happening. And when Harry starts thinking that he is going to get crazy of insecurity , his holiday was stopped on the worst way . This part we can expect this summer on July 13.

In 1909 a man stood on the north pole, in 1953 a man conquered Everest, in 1969 a man landed on the moon , but this year you must tie your seatbelt and get ready for the ultimate conquest of one man's journey TO THE BEACH. For our famous humoristic character it has to be a holiday of dreams,a chance to enjoy in new food, friends and to impress the locals,but there is only one problem how to get there. And that character is MR. BEAN. My advice: ˝Be ready for the journey of a lifetime which is called Mr.BEAN'S HOLIDAY. I wish you to have a good time and delicious pop-corns.

FASHION by Sara Murat,7d Hello, trend-setters! Welcome to a new fashion & trendy page. I just want to tell you that I made this page for everyone not only for fashion freaks (no hard feelings).I´ll show you the most wanted trendy clothes as well as usual ones. So I hope you´ll like them. This page will be all about diffrent styles of fashion.If you don't have your own style check these ones, maybe you´ll find one you´d like to wear... Look at this brand new page about the newest trends and the hottest fashion styles you can see! This style is all about baggy clothes. You can wear baggy T-shirts, baggy pants, but as long as it's baggy it's ok. You need to wear chains, sneakers, caps,tatoos. As long as it looks cool…

Are you a sportsperson ? If you’re closet is full of tracksuits, sneakers, favourite jerseys…If your room is full of your favourite sport teams posters then I must say:˝ I’m sorry but you´re just obsessed with sports!˝ Look at this athlete in the picture.That’s Carmelo Anthony, famous basketball player. He is wearing a tracksuit with his jersey number on, sneakers, a gold watch with his nickname, sports wristbands and more…

When you want to look special you probably say something like:˝Oh man,my closet is full of clothes but nothing to wear!˝ Many girls feel the same. Trust me I know that. This is all about fancy dresses, shiny jewlery,and high heels.And ,of course, one thing we all love and that´s Make- up! Check RIHANNA’s Fancy look…

Well, we all know that women like fashion, and we mostly know what they like to wear,but what about men ? I decided to ask our teacher Krunoslav Bogut about fashion. Let´s see. Sara:

What kind of fashion style can we see in your wardrobe? Mr. Bogut: I like wearing baggy sportswear because it´s comfortable and I feel well earing it. In special situations I like to wear a suit and a tie. Sara: Do you like the way we, pupils are dressed ? If you on´t like what´s that thing you don´t like? Mr. Bogut: I like it very much. I think you´re dressed smartly. I can see that pupils have their own style and everyhing they wear is all right. Sara: Thank you very much for answering my questions. Mr. Bogut : You´re welcome.

We went to Copacabana.

The day of bread.

As we all know Mr. Krunoslav Bogut won´t be teaching in our school anymore, so we all wish him good luck in the future, He has been a great teacher.

MUSIC by Sara Murat,7d A,B,C,D,E,F,G... Do you know this Alphabet song? I believe you do. But I´m not going to write about it, I´m going to write about different styles of music. Are you fond of music? I like it very much.What do you prefer rock,punk or...? Look at my choice! I hope you´ll like it. PUNK ROCK is an anti-establishment rock music genre and movement that emerged in the mid-1970-s.Punk rock developed between 1974 and 1977 in US,UK and Australia where are groups such as The Ramones, Sex Pistols, The Clash In general modern punks wear: leather, denim, spikes, chains and combat boots.

Hip hop,also known as rap music is a style of music which came into existence in the US during the mid 1970s and became a large part of modern pop culture during the 1980-s. There are two main components: rapping and Djing. Parts of hip hop also are: hip hop dance and graffiti. Hip hop is a cultural movement that was initiated by inner-city youth, mostly African Americans and Latinos in New York city in the early 1970s.HIP HOP BEGAN IN THE BRONX-ONE OF NEW YORK CITY BOROUGHS. Then I decided to make a top list of singers and groups, so I asked my classmates about their favourite singers and groups.Look at the results.


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POETRY by David Andrijević,7c Welcome to the poetry page! Here you can read some poems about school and my hometown and some other things. They may inspire you to write your own poems and then send them to us. Maybe in the next issue we´re going to read yours. Who knows! Read this page carefully please…. MY TOWN I can tell u: ˝Look at my city, It is very pretty˝. In my town there are no mountains, only few fountains.

to remind us that Osijek was under the siege.

There is a beautiful bridge During the night our big church is bright “Oh God you’ve sent us a perfect light!” Now, I’m watching the sky and my town is saying u: “Bye-bye !”

MY SCHOOL My school is my second mother, and sometimes my second father.

So I know how to say A,B,C the school is over I’m free.

In my school I often stay the whole day It teaches me how to play and some letters how to say.

I’m just a kid and I know what I need. What I need is someone who’ll feed my heart like no one.

DO YOU KNOW? by David Andrijević,7c


know you are very curious, but we decided to write you about some unusual informations.We hope you´ll like these facts. Read this text and then you'll see!

Tallest buildings: Constructing buildings is business where you can make a lot of money. People who have a lot of money want to show that they have a lot of money constructing tall buildings. They want to have as many tall buildings as possible. So it’s a kind of a competition. Having the tallest building means you are the winner. But sometimes you can loose a lot of money, because it takes few years to finish it. In meantime somebody else builds a taller one and you become a loser. Can you name some very tall buildins? Here are some tallest buildings in the world.

In our hometown, Osijek we don’t have a lot of tall buildings. But hotel Osijek and our “cathedral”, St.Peter and Paul´s church are the tallest ones. If you try to compare them, the church looks taller. But it’s not. Hotel Osijek is, taller than the church because it is on the lower altitude.

JUST FOR FUN by Ivan Abičić,7c

Hi,falks! Do you know that laughing is a very good „medicine“. You probably heard about the expression:“Laugh cures˝.Well,we thought about you and we want you to laugh loudly. This time jokes are in connection with unusual characters and things. I hope you like such things.So take your broom and let´s fly together to the fantasy land ! a) Have you

seen Quasimodo?

-I have a

hunch he's back! b)How can you tell that a vampire likes baseball?

- He c)How

turns into a bat every night. can you tell when a vampire has been in a bakery? -All the jelly has been sucked out of the jelly


d)What did the little ghost have in his rock collection? -Tombstones. e) What -"Don't f) What -He had

did mother ghost say to the baby ghost? spook until you're spoken to." did the cannibal do when he saw an "All you can eat" restaurant? two waiters and a busboy.

SPORTS by David Andrijević,7c

Hi! Are you a sports buff? Well, I am, and as a new member of the editional stuff, I also checked all previous issues and I realized that nobody talked or wrote about flying, so if you are aeroplane lover this is the right thing for you… Last year, in autumn, we visited AERO CLUB OSIJEK to find out more information about it. It was cold, the wind was blowing, but we were tough and ready to go to the airport. When we came there, we made some interviews trying to find out more about its history and our famous pilots. AERO CLUB OSIJEK

Here are interviews with Milan Tominac and Josip Vrbotnik Josip. Pupil: Who was the first flier in Osijek? Pilot: It was Italian called Bologne, with hot-air ballon. Pupil: When was the first airplane flight in Osijek? Pilot: On 28th of August 1903. It was an army flight, on Zeleno polje. Pupil: Who was the first Croatian pilot in Osijek? Pilot: It was Dragutin Novak. He landed in Vinkovačka road in 1914. It was also the last flight before World War1. Pupil: Were some flights between world wars? Pilot: Yes, but only the one flight. It was in 1927 on Zeleno Polje. Pupil: What was the most famous flight in Osijek in the 20th century? Pilot : It was in the beginning of the century. In 1910, a pilot was Leon Versepuy with aeroplane Demoisselle made by famous constructor, Sanots Dumonta . Pupil: Pilot: Pupil: Pilot: Pupil: Pilot: Pupil: Pilot: Pupil: Pilot:

Who were our famous pilots? They were Dragutin Novak, Milan Ban and many others. What was your occupation in our homeland war? We were scouts with our own aeroplanes. How many members of your club lost their lives in homeland war? I think about 10 of them. What were the facilities of club in the past? Just flying from point A to point B. What facilities do you offer now? Well, members can be flying model constructors, or they can

join to parachuting group, or to gliders or hangliders ,or to fly planes, etc. Pupil:. Can we join the club, although we are 14 years old? Pilot: Yes you can, but you will be just a flying model constructor. To be full active member , you must be 16 years old or more.

Then we went outside. Some members of the club were practicing parachuting. It was nice to watch them, but we think it’s hard to do it . Once again we talked with one of the pilots, and once again we got the answers. Pupil: How did you decide to be a pilot? Pilot: Well, I was a student of the primary school Retfala. One day my teacher of Tehnical Education took us to this airport and I fell in love with it right away. Pupil: Did you fly a lot? Pilot: Yes. I did. I almost saw all continents . Pupil: Were some flights unusual? Pilot: Of course, they were. I remember our flight to Africa. Pupil: Why? Pilot: We flew to help Africans to fight with grasshoppers. Pupil: How was it? Pilot: It was successful. Pupil:.Thank you very much for your time. Pilot: You’ re welcome.



4 1

2 7


1 0 9 8


1. To be violent 2. Opposite of ugly

From letters in the coloured boxes you must make a

3. He repairs teeth


4. You wear it to see better 5. Last name of the 1st American president 6. Country that looks like a shoe 7. A day ago 8. We live on the planet ... 9. Very strong wind 10. Not generous

Hello,clever fellows! I believe you´ve solved this crossword puzzle.If you aren´t look at the back of this issue. by Filip Halak,7b

HOROSCOPE by Ivan Abičić,7c

Hi,astrology lovers! This page will be a little bit different than the page from the previous issues.We have chacked all of them and we´ve found out that we don´t have this kind. Let´s see this unusual horoscope. It doesn't say what will happen to you, it says what precious stones are good for your zodiac sign. We hope you´ll have fun and maybe you´ll buy something.

Power of stones and zodiac Aries Diamond: It´s white and light symbol of firmness and innocence.Some people believe that diamond fixes trust of two lovers.Because of that it's very often decoration on rings.It brings luck and power to aries and keeps them from evil.


Emerald: It´s green and it's the symbol of wisdom and immortality. It's also the symbol of kindness and brings luck to all tauruses.

blue and it's a

Gemini Beryl :

Different colours in different tones. It brings health and long life to geminis.

Cancer Ruby:

It´s red. Ruby is the symbol of freedom, power and

dignity. It has got almost the biggest power on blood and “creating” blood.

Lion Sardonix: It´s red-brown and keeps courage, virtue and power. It’s a patron of beards.

Virgo Jasper :

It’s the symbol of trust and luck. During the day


brings poetical inspiration.

Libra Opal:


´s transparent,

white, black

and it’s lucky stone only for libras. It increases optimism, spirituality and helps with stress.

Scorpio Topaz:

It´s yellow, white, pink or some other colour. It’s patron of love , loyalty and success at work.

and blue

Sagittarius Turquoise:



blue and it’s the symbol of

uniqueness. People believe that it protects you from jealousy and conspirancy.

Capricorn Garnet:

It´s dark-red and it’s the symbol of trust. That stone makes your heart better, the rhythm of heart is better and the blood preasure, too.

Aquarius Amethyst:

It´s pink or

sometimes violet. It’s the symbol of

modest and clean soul. Traditionally

ametist is the stone of lovers.

Pisces Aquamarine : It´s blue-green ( the colour of the sea). It brings harmony and luck in marriage, so it’s a very good choice as a wedding ring.In the marriage it prolongs trust and love.

Keys to crossword puzzle: 1 aggressive, 2 beautiful, 3 dentist, 4 glasses,5 Washington, 6 Italy, 7 yesterday, 8 Earth, 9 tornado, 10 selfish. Sentence: Letters: G V L I I N E L E S H O I love English.

FRIENDSHIP Well, we still have this page. We thought it wouldn't,but we were wrong.As you can see this time we have only one story. It´s unusual, unreal, but interesting.It talks about faith which we all need.in our lives.Well that´s my opinion, and what´s yours? A REAL EASTER BUNNY No one knows why Easter Bunny brings presents on Easter. I mean, how could a bunny give presents to all children all over the world in only one day? That's impossible.. First Bunny is too small to give all the presents. Second he can't live so long to give presents to all the kids. There's a story about present giving mystery. This is how it all started. One bunny named Zitss lived on a farm with his family. He was special. He was always kind, gentle and happy. He wanted to make people happy. He needed a job, such job where he can make people happy. Well, Christmas was taken, but Easter was free. No one believed that he could cheer up people for just one day. But he believed in himself. And he really cheered up all the children on Easter Sunday.They were happy, because they believed. But one day, a grown up kid came. He said: '' What are you talkin' about? There is no such thing as Easter Bunny!'' After that everyone agreed that Easter Bunny didn´t exist. In that moment Easter Bunny was sad. He was the saddest of all. He cried... He just wanted to make others happy. They didn't believe. So, he dissapeared.

Legend says; ˝If someone believes in him,he will see him.˝Some people do believe. But they never say a word. They know, if they say something, them. So, the faith is the thing together. Another lesson for the

no one will believe that keeps us human beings. Just like Lord who

gave us Paradise, and what we did? He sent us His Son, and we killed Him. I believe Easter is not Bunny, not even eggs. It is FAITH. Faith in Lord and faith in these who are worth to be saved. by Tea

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