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  • Pages: 4
LOVE Eduardo Destrajo

I am here today to discuss about love. This topic reminds me of a friend that is why I will discuss it. This topic is not just for you to understand but this is also for me. Love aims to break our hearts but it also sometimes committed to make us happy. But love is not simply just love. I am sad to say that 'love' nowadays is often defined as the attraction between two opposite sex. I hope you would agree with me. If you don't, try surfing the net and search for it. That is why, in this lesson you will learn a lot of things about it. So, ladies and gentlemen let us talk about 'love". Love is a term most often used since time memorial, since the creation of mankind. It existed since then. Rather, I must say even before the creation when there was nothing but only the creator. In the modern age, there are a lot of talks about love. But I am afraid, that nowadays, love is mostly just about sex and nothing more since there are millions of couples who may not have loved each other but still they are married, increasing the population. Hmmm. I am seeing smiles on some faces and maybe there is sarcasm in some eyes too. But what I am thinking about is the bright facts and every day experiences. Love is sacrifice, selflessness, and not demanding submitting to the will of one’s beloved. These are the aspects which fulfills the instinct of a man kind as regard to physical as well as in spiritual. "Mother", a mother is the most sacrificing person for her children. It may be said that it is in her instinct to love her children. Also, friendship involves love for each other. So now we known that love has a bad and at the same time and good effects. Despite its negative aspects there are still a whole lot of the positive aspects. So never chase love, affection, or attention. If it isn't given freely by another person, it isn't worth having.

FRIENDSHIP Fernando Olguerra Jr.

Good morning teacher and my fellow classmates. I am standing here to deliver a speech about friendship and the important role it plays in our lives. First let me ask all of you, what is friendship? Well, friendship consists of true friends that can make you laugh when skies are the darkest, friends that will hurt you only if it’s for your own good, will protect you under any circumstances, will make you feel like you're on the top of the world when you're feeling crushed. Have you ever noticed that when a friend is happy, you also find yourself happy? Even when it has nothing to do with you? A true friend is like a mirror. Do you know why? It is because they reflect yourself. When I say that, I mean emotionally, spiritually, and many more. Because when you're happy they're happy and when your sad they're sad. They're feeling pretty much the same way you’re feeling too. Friends love unconditionally. They do have their little angry moments from time to time, but at the end of the day all is forgiven and forgotten. As quoted by Oscar Wilde, "Anybody can sympathize with a friend’s success”. True friends are very rare to find. But if you found them, don't let them go because not everyone has a true friend even if they're popular and famous. I hope all of you as my audience get the meaning of friends because it’s wonderful to be with such amazing friends.


Research has shown that marijuana has negative effects on attention, memory, and learning that can last for days or weeks after the acute effects of the drugs wear off. Depending on the person's history with the drug, they also had a much higher chance developing dependence, using other drugs, and attempting suicide. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), marijuana reduces school performances. A student who smoke marijuana tends to get lower grades and are more likely to drop out of high school than their peers who do not use it. The effects of marijuana on attention, memory, and learning can last days or weeks, reducing life satisfaction.


Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide. It starts as a way of having fun, but ends into an addiction that is therefore so difficult to give up. Smoking has so many effects to students as it is dangerous to one’s health. It is universaly understood that cigarette smoking causes a number of health problems that often ultimately result to death. According to a global health survey, men who smoke contract lung cancer 22 times faster than non-smokers. Smokers are also highly at risk for heart diseases, e1mphysema, oral cancer, stroke, and so on. The danger of tobacco also has its effects on their family’s health. People around a smoker inhale what is known as "second hand smoking". This the unfiltered poisonous, waste that goes into the air. Information given by the ministry of health states that second hand smoking aggravates asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory problems. Smoking can also be addictive. The addiction to tobacco is a physical response that often interferes with one’s life and worship. More importantly smoking is a waste of money.


The evolutionary emergence of language in the human species has been a subject of speculation for several centuries. The topic is difficult to study because of the lack of direct evidence. Consequently, scholar wishing to study the origins of language most draw inference from other kinds of evidence such as the fossil records. Archaeological evidence contemporary language diversity studies of language acquisition and comparison between human language and system of communication existing among animals (particularly other primates). Many argue that the origin of language probably relates closely to the origin of modern human behavior but there is little agreement about the implication and directional of this connection.


A treasured friend is someone to trust and who is so hard to find now a days. Friends are like diamonds, precious and rare. A friend, who stays in our life, is the one with characteristics that makes our days better. Loyal, supportive, and honest are words that describe a "True Friend". Loyalty is necessary in any relationship. A good friend is loyal to the friendship. Being loyal means to stand by your friend's side whether in good or bad moments. There are some people make use of a problem as a weapon to destroy a person. However, a loyal friend won’t use it to spread false rumors about their friend. Being loyal is being faithful. An example is keeping secrets of your friends which is very important. Moreover, a loyal friend is someone who you can rely on when you are in trouble, when no one understands you and when you need attention. Someone who is supportive and willing to listen to your problems. Equally important, friends offer encouragement and positive support. Friends also try to be accessible anytime. Being supportive means being there, regardless of the distance since one can communicate by phone, email, or some other methods. Being supportive means physically being present if you can and offering your help and encouragement in good times and bad times. Thank you.

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