Speech Of A Blind Man

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Speech of a blind man www.wisdominlife.net Intension: Want to achieve great success in Akherah, want to become a neighbour of our beloved Prophet SAW remain in boundaries of Sunnah and Shariah and consistency to fulfil the Commands of Allaah and demand of Dawah. A firm Yaqeen whosoever will have these qualities in their heart Allaah SWT will definitely provide them plenty of Barakat in their Qalb and material world (Asbab). Strict vigilance has to be taken towards Nafs so that it doesn’t run towards worldly name and fame. Strategy: Allaah’s influences are everything and everything. Foolishness (Jehalat) should not touch your thoughts in the name of pleasures. Ghaflat (laziness) should enter in your Body at any cost to avoid mother of all the sufferings. Our common enemies are forgetfulness of consequences, deception of Nafs, Satan, khawaish, love of Duniya, Thoughts, washvasha, greed and proudness, it is not so easy to counter these enemies, those who will handover themselves to Commands of Allaah, Sunnah, Shariah, ILM (knowledge) Maswara, work of Dawah and sacrifice own mind InshaAllah will achieve good guidance and success in the world and Hereafter. Body and Qalb must remain focus how to earn more and more rewards (Neki) at all time, then Nafs and body should not be diverted towards Ghaflat (laziness) and sins. Without Jahudh (Hardship, Mujahada) these are not possible. Nafs and body are designed in such a way that they will do torture (Zulm) to our own life, time and money. Which we realises only after substantial damaged. Learn how to get rid of from their clutches. Have firm Iman and Yaqeen in Allaah & Salat and refusal of all the Yaqeen in materialistic world are the foundation of Islam. Whenever there is a tussle between Allaah’s Commands and Nafs or material world fulfil His Commands and sacrifice Nafs and material world to achieve long term success. It is only possible if we have the importance of Allaah’s commands and Sunnah. To develop this precious faith work of Dawah is the only key to do so, that is why we need to do this work with sincerity and consistency. The best strategy is to Send Amaal of Sunnah to Allaah—because every thing we do lands up in Allaah’s court, then certainly He will reward us with His Guidance, Grace, Help, Blessings, Noor, peace and Sakina. Simultaneously we must have firm Yaqeen that by sending evil deeds to Allaah will bring troubles, problems, poverty, humiliation and night mares which will make our life miserable. Be extremely cautious about Nafs (Khinzir) every moment definitely he will try to influence us through various worldly pleasures of desires (Khawaish) or in the form of foolishness and faults of weak understanding people (ignorant) to make us tense, stressful, irritated and anger by outside Satan tricks, so immediately excuse their faults like the prophets of Allaah (Dar gu jar karna) otherwise excess stress, anger and tension will create chaos and Satan will enjoy the game, never take quick action; wait for a suitable moment. In all stressful events try to handover Qalb to Quran and Zikr of Allaah. Remember one thing in life that function of the Nafs is automatic but effort has to be done for good deeds, it’s not something automatic. Nafs never dies, we have to suppress him by doing good deeds throughout our life, the moment we leave to perform good deeds, immediately he will take advantages towards bad and evils. Handover Nafs to Hardship, work of Dawah, Sunnah, Maswara and hunger then InshaAllaah it will be under control.

Nature of human are haste, less patience. Seeing obstructions and displeasures gives us pain. Whatever pain or hardship need to be follow just bear with it, try to increase your threshold level of tolerance (Sabr) to maintain peace and harmony in the environment. Be tough with own Nafs about sins, Zulm and right suppression of others to avoid serious consequences in the Duniya and Akherath. Never forget Nafs every moment he will take us towards destruction and loss develop self control in every matter.

‘’Focus and thoughts’’ are immensely connected with the Wisdom (Qalb). Let Sefat E Ehsan, Zikr of Allaah and Sunnah be connected with our ‘’Dil and Demag’’ (thoughts and focus) in all our activities. The moment we remain in Ghaflat or forget to follow the Commands of Allaah and Sunnah, immediately Nafs and Satan influence our ‘’focus and thoughts’’ so, always be sincere to follow Sunnah. Whether we understand or not understand. It’s a fact, whosoever will be reluctant to follow Sunnah, sayings and characteristic of Huzur SAW, will certainly be surrounded with ignorance (Jehalat) and laziness (Ghaflat). Regularly supply 7 things to your thoughts and focus namely firm Yaqeen in the sayings of Huzur SAW and his Sunnah, Sabr, Akhlaque, hardship (Jahudh) Zikr of Allaah, silence, Sefat E Ehsan ( ie, either you are looking Allaah or Allaah is looking at you, are called ‘’Sefat E Ehsan’’) to recharge your Thoughts and Focus (labbaik) which will give you ability (Taufiq) to follow Deen. Beneath of our (Heart)Qalb, desires of Nafs ( Khawaish) is hiding and Satan is running in our circulatory system, we don’t see them but they see us, they enter in our heart very quickly in the form of various useless thoughts (washvasha) such as love and pleasures of Duniya, Haram and sins to divert our focus from the main subject. Another way they will attack us through talks, eyes, ears, addiction, excessiveness and forgetfulness. We need to strengthen our Qalb’s foundation with 6 things namely Iman, Yaqeen, Taqwa, Sabr, Hatred for sins, moderation and Haya Sharam, if the foundation is not strong spirituality cannot develop within us. We know the power of the material world but ignorant about the power of Allaah. Too much self confidence and faith in the material world will take us far away from Allaah’s Blessings. Nothing is important than Iman and Yaqeen; your necessities will be fulfilled according to your Iman and Yaeen. Clean all the obstruction which creates hindrances in this path, especially during the demands of Dawah. Satan will put obstruction in the path of Dawah; just sacrifice Duniya when they come in the path of Dawah or any other Wishes of Allaah or Commands of Allaah. Learn humbleness from Namaz and stop all evil talks and acts by following Sunnah. Always have Sabr and the Fikr of Akherath in your priority list. Remember few things in your day to day life: World is a place of ‘Test’ nobody will be spare in this ‘Test’. Allaah will send different types of Commands in the form of different situations favourable or unfavourable. By seeing these situations, Nafs, Satan and Khawaish will try to take our Qalb in their court by various tricks but one has to take his Body and Wisdom towards the obedience of Allaah, Zikr and Sunnah. Dua: Yeah Allaah never provide me such a thought, Washvasha, focus, hardship or poverty which will put my Iman and respect in danger. Exercise regularly and be active to destroy laziness (Ghaflat). Eat less calories detoxified diet to get rid of from many deadly diseases. Be concern to protect all vital organs, such as High BP, Diabetes, Cancer, Heart ailments and Kidney failures. Don’t eat too much meat and protein and junk foods. Avoid Nafsani

pleasures of everything as it is one of the most dangerous habits to cross all the boundaries and limitations. Later it turns in to addiction which will make us slaves throughout our life. Anyway all the wrong destruction and addictions are known Fithnas, one has to strive hard to get rid of from it. Tricks of Nafs: Knowingly or unknowingly will accept all those things which will ultimately give loss, sufferings, humiliation and destruction. It will violate the Commands of Allaah and Sunnah when facing obstructions or displeasures. It will do Zulm to own Nafs and other family members by adopting wrong attitude and accepting wrong things. Be sincere and determined for the construction of Iman, Yaqeen, Ibadat, (by doing the work of Dawah) Health, business, family and destressing. Channelize time proportionally so that you cover all aspects of life. Live with goodness, die with goodness, Know nothing other than goodness, Whatever Allaah and His beloved Prophet sws has said is good, whatever they said is bad is bad. Make sure that you are not diverted or off-track from these precious advices.

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