Specification Lcms V1 0

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Software Requirement Specification (SRS) Version 1.0 20 January 2006

Learning Course Management System Team Size: 6 Anurag Sachan Ankur Agarwal Amit Rai Sirvash Sharma Jaideep Verma Parikshit Mishra

Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of this Document 1.2 Scope of the Development Project 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 1.4 References 1.5 Overview of Document 2 System Overview 2.1 User Personas and Characteristics 2.2 Product Perspective 2.3 Overview of Functional Requirements 2.3.1 Course Management Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Data Element 2.3.2 Learning Topics Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Data Element 2.3.3 Assessments Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Scope Data Element 2.3.4 Discussion Forum Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Data Element 2.3.5 Calendar Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Scope Data Element 2.3.6 Reports & Performance Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Scope Data Element 2.3.7 Surveys Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Scope Data Element 2.3.8 Assignment Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Scope Data Element 2.3.9 Grade book Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Data Element 2.3.10 Learning & Content Delivery Existing System Proposed System Context Diagram Flow Chart Scope Data Element 2.3.11 Authoring Capability

1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose of this Document This document contains a description for "Learning Course Management System" enhancement. This document will contain the functional requirements of the project and how the developers will enhance the project to achieve all the objectives. The SRS will serve as a guide for the client and the developers. Section 2 is concentrated more on the client perspective and Section 3 is directed more for the developers. 1.2 Scope of the Development Project Learning Content Management System (LCMS) is a Learning Management System (LMS), which combines learner administration capabilities of an LMS with the content creation and storage capabilities of a CMS. Many LCMS can offer basic course administration features, but their functionality isn't as robust as that found in most LMS. It also typically use skill assessments to track learners' competencies and recommend courses, but most systems lack the capability to dynamically deliver personalized courses. eZ LCMS should provide authoring, sequencing, and aggregation tools that structure content to facilitate the learning process. The main components should minimally include,           

Authoring capability Course Management Learning Topics Assessments Discussion Forum Calendar Assignments Surveys Grade Book Learning & Content Delivery Reports and Performance

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations LCMS LMS CMS

1.4 References

Learning Course Management System Learning Management System Content Management System

1. Forum For LCMS On eZ Sysyem. Internet. [15 November 2005]. Available on the web: http://ez.no/community/user_groups/ezug_edu/forum_of_ezug_edu/ezedu _lcms 2. Discription About LearningManagementSystem http://www.e-learningsite.com/lmslcms/whatlms.htm 3. Discription About CMS, LSM, LCMS http://www.elearningpost.com/features/archives/001022.asp 1.5 Overview of Document Section 2.0, the general description, gives an "executive overview" and is very clientoriented. It expounds on the functional and data requirements of the application. It also lists the limitations, assumptions and dependencies of the application. Section 3.0, the specific requirements section, includes the developers' technical view of the client's expectation of the application. It also touches on the performance and quality requirements of the application and provides a solid definition of the interface.

2 System Overview 2.1 User Personas and Characteristics The primary users of "Learning Course Management System" will be  Students of schools from children to graduate level.  Companies which sell courses (traditional or e-learning) as well as medium size and large companies.  People who are currently working in the corporate world. And have a desire to learn new things. The program will feature a simple point-and-click graphical interface similar to that which most students use. The users are expected to have basic knowledge of Web Accessing. Detailed Description of three personas that will be the user of Learning Course Management System is as fallows:  Students of schools from children to graduate level. I think the student of schools can get the schedule of their current courses they are enrolled in. secondly they can track their current progress in the course. Thirdly they can better analyze the future scope of the technology they are working on.  Who are currently working in the corporate world. And have a desire to learn new things.

People who are working in the corporate world want to join some new latest courses depending upon the needs of the organization. And to promote himself/herself in organization. But the problem with these type of people is they do not have time so the Universities have to manage the time for them by arranging some evening or night classless or by distance learning. 2.2 Product Perspective The program will be a web-based application, meaning it runs from a browser. The product should be able to be run from a remote client machine with an Internet connection. This decision is made depending on where the data file is stored. If it is stored locally, then the program will run on the local machine. The external interface with be through the browser, through HTML, PHP 4.4.2 etc. The current hardware running the software is a Pentium 4 2.4 GHz, running Mandriva 10.1 Linux using My Sql-standard 4.1.12 as a Database system and Apache 1.3.33 as Web Server.

2.3 Overview of Functional Requirements 2.3.1 Course Management Existing System: In the Existing System the courses offered by the educational organizations are managed semester by semester which incur the duplicity in course content and increase the overload on the instructors to prepare the same lectures again and again for different semester. Which results only a satisfactory performance by the instructor as well as by the student? Proposed System: The Proposed System will have the Capabilities allowing instructor the ability for creation, migration, and archiving of courses by implementing the methods for reusability of the content. We will have the capability to reutilize content information from a course that is offered semester after semester. We will also archive the entire course and all student data for future use by storing it in database. Context Diagram:

Course Content MIS


Instructors Course Management nt

Student Flow Chart:

Instructor Instructor

Read the course Information

Check the student is applying for the course before last date


Reject the Form


Check the student is valid for the course


Send the student for the other courses

Yes Create the student ID and Give the course content

Stop Data Element: After logging in, use the Create Course link from My Start Page.Some course properties include:

Description Enter a meaningful but brief paragraph describing the course. This will be displayed under the course name in Browse Courses as well as on the My Start Page for those enrolled. Export Content Choose the availability of the "Export Content" link on course content pages. Syndicate Announcements Enable this setting if you wish to make an RSS feed of the course announcements available for display on another website. Access determines who can have access to the course content - any user, only logged in users, or logged in and enrolled users. Initial Content initialise the course content to be either empty, basic place-holder content, or a restored backup from other courses you teach. Enter the necessary information and use the Save button to proceed into the newly created course. 2.3.2 Learning Topics Existing System: There is a course content for learning topics, which sometimes proves to be complicated for the students. Current systems have their course contents not in sequence that sometimes leads to anxiety among the students. Also if our current course content needs to be updated, it seems to be a tedious task. Proposed System: To overcome the problems faced in the existing system, our LCMS will provide a facility to the instructor to manipulate the course contents in a way that is easy to understand and which proves to be fruitful for both the instructor as well as for the students. It also provides the facility of DipStick which will help the instructor to evaluate the current status of the students i.e. how much the students have grabbed from the course. It will

also help the university / college to modify the course contents and also to evaluate the performance of the instructor. Context Diagram:

Course Management MIS

Specialized Instructors Provide the Contents & Sequences of topics

Learing Topic Management

Provide their views

Alert for Approval Approved/Reject

HOD/Principal Flow Chart:

Specialized Instructor and Student

Give Input for the content and sequence of topic

HOD analyze their views

If content and sequence is valid

Yes Approval their view

Stop Data Element:

Alert for the approval



Main Index 1 General information about the lesson and its methodology      

1.1 Pages, questions, answers and responses 1.2 Logical order and navigation order 1.3 Answers 1.4 Grading 1.5 Re-takes 1.6 Building lessons

2 The Flash card lesson 3 Types of questions available within a lesson      

3.1 Multiple choice, multiple answer 3.2 Short answer 3.3 True / false 3.4 Matching questions 3.5 Numerical Question 3.6 Essay Questions

4 Branches and branch tables Creating a Lesson                    

Name Timed 3 The Maximum Number of Answers / Branches in a Lesson 4 Practice Lesson 5 Custom Scoring 6 Maximum Grade 7 User can re-take 8 Handling of Re-takes 9 Display ongoing score 10 Allow Student Review 11 Display Review Button 12 The Maximum Number of Attempts (by a Student) 13 Action after a Correct Answer 14 The Minimum Number of Questions in a Lesson 15 Number of Pages (Cards) to Show 16 Slide Show 17 Display Left Menu 18 Password Protected Lesson 19 Available from / Deadline 20 Tree View

   

21 Display High Scores 22 Number of High Scores Displayed 23 Use this lesson's settings as defaults 24 Visible to users

Viewing a Lesson     

When the lesson has no content When the lesson already has content All pages view Navigation View Tree View

Adding a Question Page To add a question to lesson teacher need to go to the All-Pages View of lesson. Above each existing page teacher will see a link Add a Question Page here.This link will take teacher to a page where teacher can create question. Before teacher type in any information, teacher should decide about the kind of question which will end question page. The default type is mutiple choice. Teacher can easily change that to any of the following: True/ False, Short Answer, Numerical, Matching or Essay question. To find out more about question types available in the lesson, click on the name of the question. If teacher decide to choose a multiple choice question, teacher will need to decide if teacher want question to be multianswer as well. If teacher decide to choose a Short Answer question, teacher will have to decide if the answer will be case sensitive or not. Next, teacher decide about the name of page (Page title) and the page contents. Finally, teacher add a question at the end of page. Depending on the question type teacher chose at the beginning, the lateachert of the answers and responses will vary. After writing answers and responses to them, teacher will have to specify the jumps after each answer. To learn more about jumps click here. Teacher must click on Add a Question Page to save page. 2.3.3 Assessment Existing System: In the existing system the instructor taught to students in a way provided in books or in syllabus, which is sometimes very much complex and confusing to instructor as well as to students. And he is not very expert in designing and formatting the puzzles, quizzes

and surveys by which he will become to know the current level of knowledge of students. Proposed System: Our System will provide the ability for an instructor to create custom learning paths through course content and supporting activities for any easy and interactive learning. Due to which student can grab the knowledge about the course contents with an easy and understandable form. Context Diagram: Assignment –Student-Status


Instructor Give the student’s behavioral Report

Report & Performance System

Request For Performance Report

Performance-Report-Tracker Provide the Performance Report to Student/Guidance

Attendance-Register Flow Chart: Instructor

View and track the usage of course material by student

Calculate additional analysis and reporting both of aggregate and individual usage

Post the report of assessment of the student on the forum

Stop Scope:  Questions will be capable of containing images, audio, video, or Flash.  Instructors will create survey and/or poll questions.  Instructors will create self-assessments that students can take.  It will display instructor-created feedback with links to relevant course material for review and remediation to items missed on exams.

 Instructors will set a time limit on a test.  Instructors will set a specific password to restrict access to tests.  Instructors will create topic-specific, lesson-specific tests or course-level tests.  Instructors will create a database of questions that the system will randomize to create a unique self-assessment for each student. Would help to avoid cheating and passing along of test items?  Instructors will import questions from existing test banks.  Instructors will differentially weigh tests and create their own grading rules.  The system will provide analysis data for surveys  Instructors will see assessment submissions to know which assessments have been completed, which need review or grading, and which have not yet been submitted.  Instructors will get a report that shows number of attempts and time per attempt on each assessment for individual students.  Students will take exams, quizzes, surveys, polls and self-assessments. Data Element: Couse ID Couse Name Subject Topics Grade Assessment Authority Approved By Date of Assessment Require Modifications (it will be Boolean) 2.3.4 Discussion Forum Existing System: In the existing system the university / college have their own manual way for discussion of the topics. Such discussion involves the people who are related to the discussion. And

no additional views from the outside world are included. There exist no documentation for the discussion for the future use. Proposed System: In the proposed system the existing system of discussion would be automated such that the entire summary of the discussion is available on the internet and all the people in an out of the college university are invited to express their views and enlighten the topic. Context Diagram:

Member-Record Validity Check

Other Viewers



Read/Post/Edit Message Flow Chart:

Read Privilege Message of Forum

Discussion forum

Request for Read Msg.


Read the forum by the user

Post the information/query on to the forum

Check the user is valid

User login their ID


Registration form for the user


Add the Information/query on to the forum


Query reply Data Element: Forums can be of two types:  General forums  Learning forums Forums are organized under following headings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Forum (the name of the forum) Description Discussions (the number of discussions started) Unread posts (the number of posts you have not read yet) Track (the 'yes/no' information about your choice whether or not track the unread posts - if your choice is negative, you will find an '-' sign instead of the number of the posts unread) 6. Subscribed (the 'yes/no' information about your choice whether or not get the posts transferred to your mail box) 7. RSS (the 'RSS' (Really Simple Syndication) button - please refer to RSS in forums for additional information Creation Of Forum • • • • • • • • • o o •

Creating a new forum Forum name Forum type Forum introduction Can a student post to this forum? Force everyone to be subscribed? Read tracking for this forum? Maximum attachment size Allow posts to be rated? 9.1 Use ratings 9.2 Restrict ratings to posts with dates in this range Visible to students

Viewing Of Forum What you can see under the introduction text to the forum depends on which of the three options you have chosen in the Forum type field while creating the forum. 1. If you have chosen A single simple discussion, you will see the text you have written at the 'Forum introduction' space while creating the forum as the first post of the discussion: there will be a heading, which is the forum name, the information about the author and its date. Below you will find the replies that have been posted (if there are any).

2. If you have chosen Standard forum for general use, you will see the introduction text in a separate space above the discussion field, in which you will the information such as the title of the discussion (which means the forum's title), its author, the number of replies and the date of the last post. 3. Choosing Each person posts one discussion the view will be basically the same as in the previous case, the only difference being the 'Add a new discussion' option. Viewing a forum page, you will see the text you have written at the 'Forum introduction' space while creating the forum, and, if there are any, the discussions that have been started. In all cases, above the introduction to the forum you will find options concerning subscription to the forum as well as the 'Update the forum' button and the 'Jump to' field, with which you can 'jump' to any part of the course. Viewing a Discussion A discussion thread may be displayed in four ways. 1. Display replies flat, with oldest first - the discussion will be displayed in one line and the chronological order from the oldest to the newest 2. Display replies flat, with newest first - the discussion will be displayed in one line and the chronological order from the newest to the oldest 3. Display replies in threaded form - only the post starting the discussion will be displayed in its full form; replies will be reduced to the headlines (including information about its author and date of release) and organized chronologically; moreover, replies will be shifted towards the right so that only replies to the same post were in the same line 4. Display replies in nested form - all posts are displayed in their full forms; replies will be reduced to the headlines (including information about its author and date of release) and organized chronologically; moreover, replies will be shifted towards the right so that only replies to the same post were in the same line You may also move the whole discussion to any other forum in the course. To do that, use the 'Move this discussion to...' field positioned in the right-side corner above the discussion thread. Forum Posting The default content of Subject is usually 're: '. You can change it though. There are several tips concerning careful reading, writing and asking you might consider worth following - you will find them on the left-hand side of the Message field.

When writing text in Moodle there are several formats you can choose to produce your text, depending on your expertise and the type of browser you are using. Please refer to Formatting text for further information. Forum Subscription When a person is subscribed to a forum it means that they will be sent email copies of every post in that forum (posts are sent about 30 minutes after the post was first written). People can usually choose whether or not they want to be subscribed to each forum. However, if a teacher forces subscription on a particular forum then this choice is taken away and everyone in the class will get email copies. This is especially useful in the News forum and in forums towards the beginning of the course (before everyone has worked out that they can subscribe to these emails themselves). Choosing Everyone can choose to be subscribed enables you to check (and modify) the number of subscribers ('Show/edit current subscribers') and to subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) the forum ('Subscribe to this forum' / 'Unsubscribe from this forum'). 2.3.5 Calendar Existing System: In current system used by the university / college all the schedule viz. Examination schedules, time sheets for the classes and other activities are all done manually which sometimes leads to ambiguity in the time sheet of the events involved which needs to be corrected and it becomes really tedious task for any human coz it might again involve some human errors. Proposed System: The proposed system would include the facility to set and show due dates to assignments, forums, short quizzes, exam dates, etc., It will also let its users to view previous or future months by clicking left or right for the calendar year. For the benefit of its users this system will include some color schemes to point out some of the events viz. important things will bear Red Color etc. Our system will provide its users with the Tree view of the events as they are scheduled which makes the calendar user-friendlier. It will also provide the facility to add a user event, a group event, or a course event. Context Diagram:

Alert Generate to reschedule the chart

Req. to modify the Schedule


Chart out the schedules for the events

General Mass

Provide a Convenient look of schedules



Calendar-Event-Schedule Flow Chart:


Input for the schedule

Check the schedule is valid



YES Makes the schedule for event

Stop Scope:  A user event will be private – no one else should be able to see account holders user events (a personal date book).  The members of the group will only see a group event.  A course event will be viewable by everyone enrolled in the class. Data Elements

1. Name – This can be anything you like, but probably should be short. 2. Description – This is the full details of the event. 3. Date – This sets the date and time of the event. The default is today’s date. 4. Duration –This sets how long the event lasts. 5. Repeats – This field sets if the event repeats weekly or not. If it does repeat, you must set how many events to create.

2.3.6 Reports & Performance Existing System: In the current system this task is the most difficult and hectic job because instructor has to keep a track of the performance of each individual student and then finally have to generate the reports for the students on monthly and yearly basis, which adds to the workload of the instructor. Proposed System: Our system will offer desired specifications for Student Report and Performance Tracking as functionality for the LCMS. The Student Report and Performance Tracking is a managed area where the instructor has the ability to view and track the usage of course materials by students, and to perform additional analysis and reporting both of aggregate and individual usage. Instructors will be able to track where the student has been within the components supporting the course and it will provides the time each student spent on specific course units, lesson topics, discussion forums, course assessments, assignments and self-assessments. Also he will be able to view the summary of all discussion posts by student. Context Diagram:

Assignment –Student-Status


Instructor Give the student’s behavioral Report

Report & Performance System

Request For Performance Report

Performance-Report-Tracker Provide the Performance Report to Student/Guidance

Attendance-Register Flow Chart:


View and track the usage of course material by student

Calculate additional analysis and reporting both of aggregate and individual usage

Post the report of performance of the student on the forum

Stop Scope:  Instructors will be able to monitor students who are currently logged in to the course.  Instructors will be able to export all student tracking data.  Instructors will be able to maintain private notes about each student in a secure area.  Instructors will be able to get a report that summarizes individual student performance on assignments.  Instructors will be able to set up custom reports.  Students will be able to see progress and status on each assignment for the course. Data Element: Couse ID Couse Name Subject Topics Grade Assessment Authority Approved By Date of Assessment Require Modifications (it will be Boolean) 2.3.7 Surveys Exiting System: In the present system all assessment and surveys are either done manually or not done at all. Assessment and surveys are the most important pillars of a college/university which helps them to analyse the current status of the reasoning and aptitude power as well as the knowledge in their subjects. Proposed System: Our System will provide an overall summary description and desired specifications for Assessment functionality to be created to support LCMS functionality. The Assessment area will be a separately managed area available for instructors to create and manage surveys, polls and quizzes and exams. Context Diagram:



Gives Survey

General Mass

Surveys Request for Survey Request to give Survey


Survey Report Flow Chart: Instructor

Read the request for the survey, polls, quizzes and exams

Conduct the survey, polls, quizzes and exams

Collect the report of survey, polls, quizzes and exams

Send information to instructor

Database of survey, polls, exams

Discard the report


Compare this report with the previous one that is good for system


No Scope:  Instructors will be able to create diverse assessments utilizing templates that include: true/false, multiple choice, multiple answer, ordering, fill-in-the-blank, matching, and short answer/essay questions.  Questions will be capable of containing images, audio, video, or Flash.  Instructors will be able to create survey and/or poll questions.  Instructors will be able to create self-assessments that students can take.  It will display instructor-created feedback with links to relevant course material for review and remediation to items missed on exams.  Instructors will be able to set a time limit on a test.  Instructors will be able to set a specific password to restrict access to tests.  Instructors will be able to create topic-specific, lesson-specific tests or courselevel tests.  Instructors will be able to create a database of questions that the system will randomize to create a unique self-assessment for each student. Would help to avoid cheating and passing along of test items.  Instructors will be able to import questions from existing test banks.  Instructors will be able to override the automated scoring and determine alternatives to communicate test results to students.  Instructors will be able to differentially weigh tests and create their own grading rules. Data Element: The Survey module provides a number of verified survey instruments that have been found useful in assessing and stimulating learning in online environments. Teachers can use these to gather data from their students that will help them learn about their class and reflect on their own teaching.

2.3.8 Assignment Exiting System: The existing system instructor has the limited resource and hence genrates a limited assignments to the student. There are times when the students are not able to submit their assignments due to some reasons. Also some students didn’t take their asssignement seariously because they know they might skip through the eyes of their instructors. Proposed System: Our system will provide an overall summary description and desired specifications for Assignment capability to be created to support LCMS functionality. The Assignment area will be a separately managed area available for instructors to use for creating assignment activities, and managing those activities to support their course.The system will give instructors capability for setting up unlimited amount of assignments associated with a course. And it will allow designated templates for specific types of assignments with designated attributes for each kind. It also allows the teacher to grade various types of student submissions. There are three types: Upload A student can upload a single file. This could be a Word document, spreadsheet or anything digital. Multiple files could be zipped and then submitted. Online Text This assignment type asks users to edit a text, using the normal editing tools. Teachers can grade them online, and even add inline comments or changes. Offline assignment This is useful when the assignment is performed outside of LCMS. It could be something elsewhere on the web or face-to-face. Students can see a description of the assignment, but can't upload files or anything. Grading works normally, and students will get notifications of their grades. Context Diagram:


Send Alert to Instructor regarding Submission of Assignment

Upload the Assignment

Provide request assignment

Assignment Management System


Request for the Assignment & Submission of the assignment


Assignment –Student-Status Flow Chart:


Read schedule date for submission of assignment


Checks all assignment by the schedule date

Give the next date of submission of assignment

YES Assignment read by the instructor

Approve assignment by the instructor

YES Give the grade to the assignment



Given back the assignment to student Scope:  The system will allow instructors to associate assignments with specific lessons or units within a course.  Instructors will be able to have the flexibility to determine if an assignment is a mandatory reading assignment, homework, project (individual/group) etc.  The instructor will be able to determine whether or not the assignment is to be graded/non-graded, if it is for extra bonus points, etc.  Instructors will be able to create individual assignments, group assignments, or customize assignments with different instructions for each individual or group receiving the assignment.  Instructors will be able to specify timelines and due date for completion.  Instructors will be able to specify different options for returning assignments Email assignment, respond via the system, upload a file to the system etc.  The system will allow students to save their work so that they can come back later to work on their submission and submit it only when they are ready. Once they have submitted their assignments, students can also be given the option to recall their submission if they change their mind and want to make additional modifications.  The system will organize assignments in one central place so that instructors can easily see which assignments have been submitted, which have not been submitted, which have been graded, and which have been published.  The instructor will be able to email reminders to students when due date is near.  Instructors will be able to provide feedback on all assignments.  The system will automatically associate each assignment that needs tobe graded into the instructor's grade book. Data Element: Creating an Assignment     

Assignment name Description Headline text Grade Available from

 Due date  Prevent late submissions  Assignment type Assignment Details    

Allow Resubmission Email alert to teacher Maximum Size Comment Inline

Viewing an Assignment Viewing/submitting an assignment you will see the assignment name and its description with the 'View “Number of assignments submitted” and the opening/closing dates & hours ('Available from' and 'Due date') of a given assignment. What's (and if there is anything) below depends on the type of assignment.  In the Offline activity assignment there are no additional options.  In the Online text assignment you will also see assignment submission (if you have done so) with the Edit my submission option as well as the Feedback from the Teacher field.  In the Upload a single file assignment, you can go for the Upload a file option, the execution of which demands using the Browse link allowing you to choose the file on computer you wish to be uploaded. Assignment Submissions  First name & Surname (along with the photograph)  Grade (for the submitted assignment)  Comment (the feedback information you have written in the feedback field while grading the assignment)  Last modified (Student) (the date of the last modification of the assignment by the student)  Last modified (Teacher) (the date of the last modification of the assignment by the student)  Status (with which you can move to the page where you grade the submitted assignment or, in case it's been graded, update the grade and/or the comment) 2.3.9 Grade book Existing System: In existing system, instructor has to make the Grade Book manually for student acadmic and other activities performance. And it is also for the grading of lessons of a subject.There are times when the instructors are not able to judge or keep an eye on the

student’s acadmic and other activities due to some reasons. Which results wrong grading of the student and it will effect the student acadmic future. Proposed System: Our System will give an overall summary of the student’s acadmic and other activities performance using the prestored databases like their mark sheet,attendance register,assignment register etc. The online Grade Book will be a separately managed area available for instructors to use for online grading of all assignments to support their acadmin & other performances and course activities. The chances of wrong judgement is very less in this system because it is fully automated system. Context Diagram:

Alert on Requesting /receiving of grade book by student

Grade Book Provided to Student



Request for Creation of Grade Book

Grade Book System

Request for his Grade Book

Mark Sheet

Grade Book Performance-Report-Traker Flow Chart:


Input the student ID

Check the student ID

YES Fetching the student’s data from performance-report tracker

Calculate the grade of the student


NO Register the student Data Element:          

Course Name Instructor Name Student ID Student First Name Student Last Name List of assignments Due Date for each assignment Completed/Not Completed for each assignment Grade earned for each assignment Current Overall Grade for the course.

2.3.10 Learning & Content Delivery Existing System: The educational organizations are using the manual functioning for creation and management of various courses as demands by using the market needs and the necessary and elementary contents, which sometimes results wrong selection of content for the specific course, which will be very irrelevant for the student career. Proposed System: Our System “The Learning and Content Delivery” will support all functions and capabilities necessary for course creation and management. Instructor will be able to design courses for facilitating learning or system managed self studies. He will also be able to create their own look and feel templates i.e. he will be able to create images,header and footers etc. Context Diagram: Alert on Requesting /receiving of course content by student

Content Provided to Student


Creation of course

Course content


Content and Delivery System

Request for delivery the course content via web

Delivered Course content Flow Chart: Scope:  Instructors will creation.

have the capability of built-in authoring Web-based content

 Instructors will create both linear and nonlinear learning sequences.  Instructors will organize learning objects (topics, pages) into learning sequences. 

Instructors will use ready-made templates to create announcements, FAQs, calendar entries, links, discussion forums, course descriptions, course content, course units, instructor biography and syllabus, glossaries, handouts, learning objectives, lecture notes, multimedia content, tips, and resources.

 Instructors will personalize access to specific course materials and assessments, based on access rights, group membership, previous course activity, or student performance and/or specific start and end dates or other criteria. 

Instructors will selectively release materials, assessments, announcements, and emails based on previous course activity or specific start and end dates.

Instructors will set up specific course content that is released on a specific date and that students must complete before they continue with course.

 Instructors will designate whether their files are private or publicly accessible.

 Instructors will describe course content using metadata. 

Instructors will search content repository for content previously created by anyone within the educational Institution for reuse.

The system will provide a central content repository where course content files can be stored and accessed by other instructors if necessary.

 The system will launch and track progress of Web-based learning.  The system will support links to other training sites or other resources.  The instructor can disable a course without removing it from the LCMS.  The system will support creation and management of workflows for collaborative content creation and review.  The system will support various types of content:  Audio  Video  Animation  HTML  JAVA  Flash  PowerPoint  Word

2.3.11 Authoring Capability Already made in eZ Publish. So we are not concentrating more on that and we will simply add this module at the time of design.

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