Specie Circula1

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of Grade 8 social studies standards By Spencer Lee on 4/30/07 to Mr. Haskvitz

Specie Circular

A main cause of the Panic of 1837, specie circular halt the cause of problems with the settling land and expansion. Specie Circular also known as the Coinage Act, also helped with the Indian Removal Act. The money paid for the act had caused many problems due to revolts and fights that broke out among the removal process. Specie Circular was issued by Andrew Jackson in 1836. In order to gain respect of the settlers that had to pay a large amount of money for the Indian areas. Therefore, Specie Circular was passed to pay for the soft money. Hard money, specie, was made when the value of soft money or rather paper money was devalued. The new development of specie circular was made for hard money to be made again for the payment of the eastern area of the United States. There was a possibility of the Unites States not using Specie Circular or evening having Specie Circular being issued. However, the British did not give the United States a transfer of specie. Therefore, a main cause in the Panic of 1837. Specie Circular a order made by Andrew Jackson was carried out by Martin van Buren, successor of Jackson. Specie circular was intended for the purpose of making the government better it made the government and economy worse. As Specie Circular tried to rise the value of soft money and devalue the cost of hard money it made many matters worse. The coining of the money did not directly help the economy. Money was minted but did not help support the economy when it entered the Panic of 1837.Cotton had become a major support of the economy in the South and the whole nation. It can be expected that with the endangerment of cotton the economy of the United States would fall apart. Exactly what happened when the panic began with the Specie Circular. The minting of new specie caused devalue of many products of American materials. Therefore, led the problem with cotton with part demand low due to cost, it became difficult to sell. When it was difficult to sell, the producers were force o also lower the price of cotton. Majorly severing the economy of the United States. Though, Specie Circular was not intended for the effect after the panic it had severe effects to the economy and the cotton industries. Thus, Specie Circular caused many problems but did have the effect of making more money possible for trade. Though Specie Circular made the Panic of 1837 worse, it provided a new sense of leaning experience especially with Andrew Jackson and his problems with the national bank. Transcendentalism Idea of new literature and beliefs can be most compared to the Progressive and reform movements in the late 1800’s or early 1900’s. The movements brought about the ideas of mainly the idea of reform through literature. Transcendentalism started to be against the state of cultural society and the needs to change into something better. Many transcendentalists included many of the reformers such as Cady Stanton, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau. These reformers, or transcendentalists, wanted to improve the ways of society and its cultural influence. Core belief of transcendentalists was to go beyond average rules and limits and to make something better. That is what the reformers did. In a sense, transcendentalism helped the American society become what I is today. The idea of going beyond expectations to do what is possible and what is best for the people and society. the ideas of transcendentalism is expressed in a society with a

perfect living. Literally, a utopian community, where everything is perfect. Transcendentalists want to move closer and closer to the perfect society of utopia. Basic morals were the belief of religion, culture and society. The transcendentalists moved through social change and reforming the changes. However, transcendentalism did not only link with utopian ideas but also with socialist ides as well. They did not focus as much on the idea of a perfect society but rather on the improvement of society and what was wrong. The socialists held the desire to influence rather than to change. Reformers became concerned with the mind set goals. Rather different than Utopian societies.

McCulloch Vs. Maryland The court case started with Alexander Hamilton’s want for a better bank control by the government. Even though the National Bank was out of the Congress’ control, Congress was the one that first started the National Bank. Though the charter for having the bank only lasted for twenty years it was reissued after the crisis of money in the united States. Maryland in conflict with money, forced any banks that were not Maryland designated they must pay fifteen thousand dollars. The Unite States National Bank was located in Maryland. Therefore, Maryland want the bank to pay money to Maryland. However, the bank refused to pay for the fee. James McCulloch who was the banker of the Uniteed States in Baltimore, was trialed upon by Martin Luther. Maryland described that the Constitution did not state anything about a national bank. Therefore, the national bank was unconstitutional. Judge Marshall described that the Constitution holds together the people and the government. Meaning that if the people chose the they want represented. Marshal described that the Constitution was a greater power therefore, had power to make a bank. “If any one proposition could command the universal assent of mankind, we might expect it would be this– that the government of the Union, though limited in its power, is supreme within its sphere of action.” This quote made by Marshal stated this to support the fact that the Constitution is a greater supreme power to hold the government. The clauses in the Constitution also supports the making of a national bank by the federal government. The clause, Taxes and Spending clause, expresses the power of ledning and trading money. Not only that clause but Necessary and Proper Clause also meant that many things were to be “assumed” to be in the Constitution. The answer to the problems lie in the understanding of how the Constitution is supposed to be interpreted. Marshall understood and explained that the broad interpretation must be true and real not only to earn money. As Marshal describes, “Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consist with the letter and spirit of the constitution, are constitutional.” The final decision of Chief Justice Marshall was declared that Maryland was acting unconstitutionally. Maryland was not allowed to tax at any circumstances, Maryland did not have the state’s rights power to have the ability to tax the federal government. Therefore, acting unconstitutionally. Because the tax was unconstitutional the

tax laid upon the bank was voided. The states power to tax also meant the states would be able to destroy the government. Chief Justice John Marshall also exclaimed that t\in the two clauses supporting the bank, also meant the powers were still given to the government. Though the statement was not directly written in the document. However, it was also to be implied about the powers that were to be given to the government. All the decisions made in the case, helped realize the ideas of federal and state power issues that were to be effected in the future. First National bank The first Bank of the United States was written on charter for twenty years. The charter bank was to help the money and debt of the new United States. The bank united many of the thirteen banks of the thirteen colonies. Although each bank had different regulations and functions, Alexander Hamilton propsed the idea of the idea of the national bank. northerners greatly supported the idea of a National Bank for industry. The Southerners did not have industrial companies meaning they did not need a national bank. One of the goals achieved by the national bank was Establishing the national mint and unit of money. This was a major improvement because it helped unionize the new nation. The financial order created allowed the new mint to be recognized by the nation. The next goal made by the National Bank was giving credit to foreign and inside accounts. The two goals achieved helped most importantly to bring the nation together. Alexander Hamilton chose to follow the Bank of England system for the United States National Bank. The first idea Hamilton chose was to start a fund for the bank. The initial idea was to pay ten million dollars for ten years annually. By paying only two million a year they could still pay for the bank. Although as a new country the United States did not have two million dollars, they made loans from the bank to pay for it later on. Hamilton’s idea also forced that the bank be both commercial and private. The business company bank would be backed by the federal government while making loans for the country. A problem with the bank was the amount of companies wanting to control the bank with the influence of money. therefore, it also helped to make sure the bank would run efficiently because companies would not want to lose money at the use of the bank. At the end of the twenty year charter the Congress could decide whether to renew or deny the charter. No action took place until a few years later. The many proposals for foreign stockholders of the bank were decided upon to\o have the money or continue shares. Hamilton in assuring that the bank would continue running smoothly he made sure of the money contracts. Paying 788,333 dollars a year with 38,921 to cover funds that support the bank. All the new additions after the bank had helped but one thing that did not was raising the money to pay for everything. The only thing the government could do was to tax on products. However, taxing on whiskey led to the whiskey rebellion. Not the most intelligent thing to do but the bank did help to unionize the nation.

Imperialism Imperialism greatly affects other countries, often imperialists will take control over another standing country through military, economy, politics, or trade. A imperialist government tries to achieve a flourishing economy that can be gained cheaply and with least materials needed. A imperialist government will dominate another area or nation to earn power or wealth. Once an imperialist government, if a country controls over another region, it is likely the country will use the country’s power to gain more additional land. Colonization of land began as early as the Spanish and English explorers started to explore the Americas looking for land. When the explorers wanted to find more land and places to “control”. The rulers wanted riches heard to have been in a far land across the ocean. Through force, many of the old civilizations such as the Aztec and Maya lost the empire through domination by outsiders. By taking over and gaining power in different areas that were not naturally the ruler’s, examples of imperialism were first shown. The term, colonization, can often be disregarded through almost the same as imperialism. however, it is a more lenient term , rather than saying another territory is “forcefully” taking control of another. Colonizing is rather described as people moving from one area to another newly developed area far away. However, one of the greatest realization of imperialism. During the 19th centuries after the Industrial Revolution, the United States began trying to expand in Asia and other areas which were “uncivilized”. Using the more advanced technology, the united States were able to influence the other countries. With it other countries have also done the same to gain more power and a greater economy. The goals in each imperial empire was to gain wealth at the cheapest rate possible while earning the highest amount. However, the use of imperialism causes a interruption in international affairs. because of the disturbance it is a negative act to use imperialist powers. often imperialism is exploiting the goods out of any country. Imperialism is not the best from of government for a country. It may bring in a lot of wealth for one country. However, it greatly disturbs the balance between the countries and domination in the world. It will hurt the country itself if other countries will call war on the country who uses imperialism. Thus, a cause of many wars such as world war II.

Reformers Reformers help the community in distress. Reformers cat to help the poor, the weak, the defenseless. The people have had the help of reformers throughout the entire history. Without reformers, the lives many have today would be unavailable. the reformers made sure of the living habits of many and took control of a corrupt government to make it what the people want. Reformers have become the representatives of what the people want and what they need.

Many reformers such as Jane Addams, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Upton Sinclair can be recognized as one of America’s greatest reformers. Those people have made the government make sure what the people want. They made sure the people were pleased with the government they had. But during the industrial revolution, there were reform needed everywhere. From the jobs people worked in to the living conditions people had. All the problems needed were noticed by people, but few people stood against the government for the people. Reformers took what they thought was wrong and tried to make it a right. Suffragists during the progressive era were also reformers. The women wanted their own voting rights. Women thought that if men were able to vote, why should’ women be able to vote also? Men have always been considered the “greater” gender. However, it became more and more important as women did not have a choice in what they wanted. The Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 became one of the first suffragist signs from the women. Though, during that time it was not fully solved. More women helped the suffragist cost. Though, it took almost a century for the women to have their rights, it may have been worth it. Women and men now are treated equally. Voting rights of everyone have been Established though it may not have seem such big deal it was a difficult struggle. Women suffragists show a great determination in how the people will persevere to obtain their goal. The women during the convention in 1848 knew by the time they have voting rights they would not be alive. But, they did not le that stop them knowing it would not help them. However, they thought for their posterity, aiming to make sure their lives would be better than theirs.

Reconstruction During the Reconstruction Era, new government people helped to repair the government after the Civil War. The Confederacy, was in major problems after it had lost the war. in need of help the Southern states had aided help from the North. However, the plans for Reconstruction had varied and few Southerners had agreed on the plans. For Lincoln it became difficult for him to gain the support of the Congress on his plans. During his last three years from 1863-66 as president, Lincoln tried for a lenient plan for the Reconstruction. However, the Republicans, preferred a more strict plan, thus the radical Republicans. Lincoln proposed the Wade-Davis Bill. The wade-Davis Bill was a ironclad oath that made sure that no state would continue and enter the Confederacy again. During one of his last addresses he still wanted a lenient plan for the Reconstruction. During Johnson’s election in 1865, he served for only one year till 1866, supporting a black code plan. One part of the plan was the using of more strict black codes. This code made free black people have less rights than the white males. Many Southern planters had feared of equality with their black workers. Therefore, the Radical Republican’s favoring Southern power, made sure of lowered status of blacks, but also discrimination. Though the black codes were in effect it was difficult to use it due to the

north and the Freedmen’s Bureau which protected the black’s rights. Because of the black codes many republicans made of the Freedmen’s Bureau, recalled President Johnson. Johnson wished to veto the Civil Rights bill. Though the democrats had supported him, the House made of Republicans overrode his veto. Therefore, canceling the black codes. After the recall, the Radical Reconstruction phase began from 1866-73. The radical era ended with the addition of three new amendments. The thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth amendment. the thirteenth stating no more black slaves. The fourteenth stating equal rights of Senators from the citizens. The fifteenth amendment stating that no racial discrimination for voting rights. Public schooling also ended segregation with the blacks. Most blacks approved the segregated schools because they provided jobs for black teachers and kept their children in a much safer learning environment. Most of the schools were poor of the poverish cities. Many schools also were one-roomed for a classroom. Freedmen also supported the educational cause for the South. Schools were ineffective in the south because of the uselessness for the cities. The reconstruction helped the Union put together the nation back. it was a difficult process, however, this was the beginning era of politics and reform movements. Schools may have not have had the largest impact however, they did perform a movement for education for the middle-low class people and children. Mexican-American War The Mexican-American War was a war between which the United States fought with Mexico for the border of Texas. However, the border of Texas was not the award the United States received new Mexico and California. This war was favored by the Democrats but was not approved by the Whigs. The first problems arise with Jackson’s presidency. Jackson did not want to annex Texas into the United States. Nine years later, however, Texas became the 28th state in the Union. When Texas was admitted into the Union in 1845 Mexico declared that it was declaring war with the United States. To stop the war from starting Polk decided to negotiate with Mexico for the teritories. However, Mexicao was not willing to have a deal with the United States. The New Mexican power stood firm with their cliam on Texas and held for war. In California the settlers mostly white, held a garrison for one week holding the bear flag, the U.S. troop replaced the settlers on June 23, 1846. One of the major battls included Mexican General Jose Castro against General Stockton. They fought on bloody days where Jose was able to siege Los Angeles and slaughter many Californians. At the end of the war, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This treaty gave the United States complete control over Texas and the border of the United States of the Rio Grande. Later in 1853, the Gadsen Purchase was made. The United States paid 10 million dollars for the territory to also compensate for the war. The Gadsen purchase is now the southern area of Arizona.

Spanish American War The Spanish American War fought for the unsolved peace that Spain was unable to do in Cuba. The problems arose quickly after the exploits of the USS Maine was destroyed. Yellow journalism caused the United States to feel distress. The different feelings caused the United States to attack the areas in Puerto Rico. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the major fighters in the Spanish-American War. He made a group of amateur fighters called the Rough Riders. The Rough Riders were lead to many victories by Theodore Roosevelt. On July 1, 1898, The Battle of San Juan Hill began as 1,200 American troops including the Rough Riders, fought against over 1,000 Spaniards. Cervera decided to run away from San Juan Hill after losing half his troop and being covered by Gatling fire. Not only that, but also the Americans fought in Puerto Rico, U.S ships also bombed San Juan later on. On July 25, General Miles took over the island of Puerto Rico with only 3,300 men. Spain realizing they were going to lose sued for peace when its two naval ships were sunken. The Treaty of Paris allowed The United States to gain the countries of Guam, Philippines, and Puerto Rico. Cuba, however, was granted its own independence. Once the colonies were taken special government issues were established for the colonies. However, the Philippines became an issue when the Philippines were angered at the United troops in their country. Causes of the Civil War The Civil War was one of the greatest wars the nation has ever faced, fighting against itself. The war split the Union in half fighting over slavery and abolition. Problems arose before the war making it difficult for the economy and the nation itself. The secession of the Southern states formed the Confederate United States. Southern fears of losing control of the federal government to antislavery forces, and northern fears that the slave power already controlled the government, brought the crisis to a head in the late 1850s. The problem was the representation in the government if there was imbalance the North would overrule the South’s voice. The Whigs and KnowNothings were one of the two most influential parties during the postwar. In addition, the acts before the war had not helped as much as it seemed it would. The Northerners, therefore, did not follow the Fugitive Slave Act left useless. South, angered, was hostile to secede. Many Scared of what to do the Confederates were formed by the first secession. It can be learned that the Confederate States were only wanting their rights in government, meaning pro-slavery. However, with sectionalism, it was impossible for one to agree on anything. Without agreement, the Southern states seceded wanting slavery while the North wanted to abolish slavery.


I do expect many different accumulative information to be on the test. My best guess would be that the Constitution would have a lot of questions based on it. I may have problem on the geography section because we have not reviewed the geographical questions to be prepared. There may be many problems that have difficulty because it is difficult to answer the information given 2 years ago. I think the sixth grade information testing problems will be much more difficult than the Constitution problems because it is not what we have learned this year. The sixth grade information is difficult to review especially without any textbooks to know what was in the sixth grade standards. The information would probably be about how the certain civilizations lived and how they flourished or died in their agricultural state. The sixth grade information had a similar pattern in each new chapter or civilization. The new civilizations always had its own special achievement that dealt with its progress in time. Such as the Sumer and Kush were united together. Then there was the Egyptians with their amazing architectural ability in building tombs. Each different civilization had different achievements which makes them a little easier to expect. The important people would probably about the American history or one of the many prophets from the seventh grade text. Most likely a quote will be given with the multiple choice. Then either choose what it may man or who was the person or era it is related to. These are the common kind of questions that many times lay in the CSTs. Most common people that the test would put is the reformer’s quotes and probably what the quote stands for or means during which era. The Constitution would probably have questions stating what a section means or a piece of information from Article two. The test could probably ask “At what age does a Senator have to be?” These kind of questions are probably about the Constitution. However, there is also a possibilty about the history of the Constitution. Asking how it was made, who it was signed by, or even the dating of an amendment. The Constitution questions would probaably be around 5 percent of the social science test. The Constitution is a large basis of the government so it is a large part of information that is needed to be learned and is expected to be known by eight graders. I think the geography sections should not be to hard, but rather it is finding out on how to determining how to interpret a map. It is most likely showing a battle map with arrows but then asking how does the army or infantry are moving and what war it probably is. However, it may also ask the land features when given a map or whether it is a physical or political map. Those are probably he kind of questions that the CST has prepared for the eight grade students. The questions may not have a big difficulty but rather how difficult it is to interpret the questions but rather your memory on the past information you have been taught. The information asked would be closely related to hat I anticipate because it has much of the same pattern on every test. The questions ask for the basic information of a topic but rarely goes on an in depth detail of a topic.

Annotated Resources The Causes of the Civil War . Toronto: n.p., 1989. 59.

American Civil War. Wikipedia. 30 Apr. 2007 .

Specie Circular. Wikipedia. 20 Apr. 2007 S. Gertrude Millin, Rhodes, London, 1933, p.138 Graebner, Norman A. "The Mexican War: A Study in Causation." Pacific Historical Review 49 (1980): 405-26. Walter Lynwood Fleming, Documentary History of the Reconstruction (Cleveland, 1907), II, p. 328-9 Reconstuction. wikipedia. 30 Apr. 2007 . Imperialism. Wikipedia. 30 Apr. 2007 . The Transcendentalist, by Ralph Waldo Emerson, A Lecture read at the Masonic Temple, Boston, January, 1842

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