Speaking And Listening Group Discussion

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 363
  • Pages: 2
Speaking and Listening Group Discussion Grad e

General Skills I show are... • •


I speak clearly I listen and concentrate

In Group Discussion, I... • •


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I speak in a relevant, organised way, thinking about what I will say I can vary my style to fit different tasks I listen and pay attention

I speak fluently (flowingly) without slang I listen closely and with respect I am confident and appropriate in different situations

I speak with skill in more challenging situations I listen sensitively

make useful contributions stay on topic and avoid taking over or switching off make a range of contributions listen to what others say and take it on board/respond to them take a full part and make a significant contribution follow on closely from what others say

lead discussion when appropriate build on and challenge points made by other people

Writing a Formal Letter to Persuade Grad e

Appropriate content, Organisation


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Shows awareness of the reader and task (formal letter) Some focus on persuading; ideas

Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar • •

Sentences are varied Some control of

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sometimes supported with appropriate reasons Some range of vocabulary, avoiding slang Paragraphs used in a logical order

Clear understanding of formal letter style Clear awareness of the reader with writing adapted to fit Clear focus on persuading; ideas developed with appropriate reasons to support Range of vocabulary, precisely chosen Paragraphs used deliberately to structure

Confident understanding of formal letter style Sustained, sensitive awareness of the reader Content is well judged to persuade the particular reader, ideas well chosen/ordered Wide range of appropriate, ambitious vocabulary Paragraphs varied in structure and used to build up the whole text

punctuation (‘!?””) Simple/regular spellings correct

Range of sentence structures, controlled Range of punctuation (,””?!’), used accurately Most spelling correct

Wide range of sentence structures, used to create particular effects Wide range of punctuation (-:;) used to create particular effects Virtually all spelling correct

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