Speak Up Speak Out

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 524
  • Pages: 2
Totara Inquiry Topic Plan Speak Up, Speak Out Level


Term 3/4

Enduring Learning

Citizenship is everyone’s business

Key Idea

People & Communities Express themselves in a variety of different ways

Key Competencies

Curriculum area

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Relating to others Thinking Using language symbols and text Participating and contributing

Curriculum Objective


Health & P.E.

Social Studies

Technology Visual Art

The Arts


Lines of Inquiry

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Cultures express themselves in a variety of different ways. People have a right to express themselves and a responsibility to respect other’s rights.


Specific Learning Intentions We are learning to…

Success Criteria We will know we are successful when we …


Identify and use keywords about a topic.


Ask good inquiry questions


Gather information from several different sources.

1. Can write a list of key words/phrases related to our topic. 2. Can find synonyms of our keywords. 3. Can explain and use our keywords/phrases correctly. Write questions that have one or more of the 7 servants, keywords/key phrases. Can find pictures and information using a combination of 3 or more different websites and/or books.


Make useful notes about our information.

Write a sentence that explains the main idea in our own words.


Make digital movies to communicate information


Prepare and deliver a speech to the class


Be reflective learners

Can make a Movie that combines words, music & pictures to show information about a culture. 1. Can draft and rehearse a short speech. 2. Speak confidently, clearly and with appropriate pace in front of an audience. Evaluate our personal feelings & attitudes before and after the unit

Inquiry Rich Task Relevant Learning Intentio n

Task: Make a mask that fits our agreed class design criteria to wear in the masked parade. Justify why Human Rights are important and explain why we want to promote Human Rights through the NCS entry in the masked parade.


Possible Learning Progressions





? 1

Setting the scene: 1. View images, music & videos of the culture we are inquiring about. 2. Discuss memories of previous masked parades & why we participate in them. (Is there video footage or images from previous masked parades?) 3. Vocabulary development activities – keywords, synonyms, silent card shuffle, crosswords etc. Acquire 1. Pose questions about the culture & masks using ‘7 servant + keyword + culture’ strategy. 2. Use questions to gather information & visual images of the culture and combine to make a short movie (set to music). 3. Identify the design features specific to that culture/mask Use 1. Agree on & set class criteria to define the final design of the mask. 2. Make masks to meet the criteria. 3. Prepare a speech for the school speech competition relating “citizenship is everyone’s business” to the set topics (provided by the inter-school speech competition). Communicate 1. Participate in the Masked Parade 2. Deliver a speech to the class. Evaluate 1. Peer evaluation of the mask against the class criteria.

Relevant learning Intention

Finding information

Assessment tasks •

Locate and interpret images to gather information relevant to their inquiry questions.

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