
  • October 2019
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Course Syllabus Spanish I Instructor: Señora Muenzenmayer Office Hours: My office is upstairs in the staff center Please see me during my plan periods for help Or before school for late work. Office Phone: (720) 972-4569 E-Mail Address: [email protected] Course Description: ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Spanish I. This course is an introduction to the language and culture of Spanish-speaking countries. All four skills involved in learning a second language (listening, speaking, reading and writing) will be addressed each day in this class. Participation in all of these areas is a must. The focus of this class is to allow students to use the language in meaningful and purposeful ways. By the end of the course, you will be able to communicate at a beginning level on a variety of topics.. Course objectives: 1. Students will comprehend spoken Spanish through listening. 2. Students will communicate by speaking Spanish. 3. Students will comprehend written language through reading Spanish. 4. Students will communicate by writing in Spanish. 5. Students will develop an acceptance of diversity through exploring cultures of Spanishspeaking people in various countries. Necessary Materials: (All of these materials are required in class each day) Horizon High School Daily Planner Realidades II Text book (Replacement fee will be charged if lost or damaged) Realidades II Practice workbook ($12.00 due if student chooses to write in the book) 3- Subject Spiral notebook with dividing pockets (to be used for Spanish ONLY) Dark Blue or Black ink pens OR pencils (no other color will be accepted) Instructional Strategies: The purpose of learning Spanish is to communicate with the people who speak this language as well as to understand various cultures. A variety of instructional methods will be used to give many opportunities to learn and practice Spanish. These include: speaking practice, partner work, group work, individual assignments, listening activities, video activities, reading assignments, writing practice and written or oral assessments. Grading Scale: o 90%-100% = A o 80%-89% = B o 70%-79% = C o 60%-69% = D o 59% and below = F

Grading: Grades will be determined according to the following weighted scale: o 50% of the overall class grade will be based on summative assessments (chapter tests, in-common assessments, Final Exams, etc.) o 30% of the overall class grade will be based on formative assessments (quizzes, written assignments, answering questions orally, projects, etc.) o 20% of the overall class grade will be based on communication and daily participation (including warm-up activities, presentations, partner work, in-class discussion, etc.) Student Expectations and Responsibilities:  RESPECT!!!!! The number one rule in this class is respect!! Follow all of the school rules in this class. Please be attentive and courteous to anyone that is speaking in class.  Homework: Spanish is a high-level, fast-paced course. Success in this class requires DAILY PRACTICE in class as well as at home! Homework should be expected every day and all students are encouraged to spend 10-20 minutes studying vocabulary every evening (after completing the homework assignment for the night).  Attendance: It is vital that students are in class, actively participating each day. Frequent absences often result in lack of comprehension in the class. In the case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to get the make up work and to seek help from the instructor when necessary. (1) After an absence, please plan to see me BEFORE SCHOOL on the day of your return. (2) Only work from excused absences may be made up for credit. (3) Work and/or tests given during an unexcused absence will receive a zero. (4) To excuse an absence, a parent or guardian must call the attendance office within 24 hours of the absence.  Tardy Policy: Arriving late is not acceptable. Three or more tardies in one quarter will result in work duties, detentions with the teacher and/or a disciplinary referral.  Electronic Devices: Cell phones, CD Players, iPods, and other electronic devices are not allowed in class. Items being used will be confiscated and turned over to the Dean’s office where students must pick them up at the end of the school day.  Progress Reports: Grades will be updated weekly. Please keep track of your grade in this class. If you notice a significant drop in your grade, be sure to see me about what to do to get the grade back up. Grades can be accessed through email or on scholarsmart. (Printed versions may be requested if the electronic versions are not accessible.)  Late Work: The purpose of homework assignments is to allow the student additional practice in the language. If an assignment is missing (zero credit) students may come in before school to turn it in as LATE. Late assignments will be accepted for full credit up until the cut off date for each quarter. (The cut off dates will be posted each quarter.)  Extra Help: I am available to help any day before school and/or during my office hours. I encourage any questions or concerns. Peer tutors are also available on a limited basis. Remember, this is a fast-paced class and any struggles will continue to grow if not addressed; therefore, it is imperative that you come in as soon as there is a problem. Note to Parents: Please feel free to contact me through email or by phone if there are any concerns. If you notice an issue with the emailed progress reports or if there are any questions about what we are doing in class, please don’t hesitate to ask.