Sow Adm And Oper

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,765
  • Pages: 4
Sample Task #1 STATEMENT OF WORK for Administration and Operations 1.0 OBJECTIVE: The objective of this task is to provide support related to DTRA funded tasks for the general administration and operation of the overall contract to Government Furnished Property/Equipment/Facilities (GFP/GFE/GFF), and General Support. To include non-direct test instrumentation support, such as repair, maintenance and calibrations of equipment that is required for basic test readiness. The contractor is required to maintain an adequate quantity of instrumentation data collection and signal conditioning equipment channels in calibrated and operational state to support scheduled tests, ready for immediate use. 2.0 APPLICATIONS DOCUMENTS: See base contract Statement of Work (SOW), dated 6 July 2005. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS (TASKS): The contractor shall perform the following tasks in accomplishing the technical requirements of this TO. 3.1 Program Management: Develop and use a cost effective management scheme to ensure successful execution of all tasks under the contract with an appropriate amount of documentation and following all government/DTRA regulations and procedures. The contractor shall manage the execution of all tasks to include program planning, monitoring program progress, cost management and reporting. The contractor shall develop a detailed support plan and shall include a detailed work breakdown structure. The plan shall include a master schedule with a complete discussion of timelines, resources required, and associated risk. The contractor shall monitor and manage all aspects of assigned programs to include the progress of the program against the program plan, instrumentation issues, and current and anticipated costs. The contractor shall include systems to track the following KPPs: (CDRLs A001, A002, A003, A005, A006, A007, A008, A009) Requirements – Key Performance Parameters (KPPs) KPP



Performance Data Quality – Data

100% delivery of recorded, usable data

95% delivery of recorded, usable data

Data Quality – Photo

100% delivery of recorded, usable data

80% delivery of recorded, usable data

Risk Mitigation

100% avoidance of repeat failures from last 5 years of DTRA testing

95% avoidance of repeat failures from last 5 years of DTRA testing


No violations

2 or less non-reportable incidents per year and resulting in no work stoppage


No violations

2 or less non-reportable incidents per year and resulting in no work stoppage

100% delivery performance based

99% delivery performance based


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upon contracted schedule

upon contracted schedule

No cost overruns

No cost overruns

Cost Admin & Ops

3.2 Safety: The contractor shall provide basic safety program required by Public Law 91-596, herein known as the Act. Provide a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to employees. Comply with the standards, rules, and regulations provided pursuant to the Act. Recognize and anticipate hazard compliance requirements specific to work and test efforts. Incorporate means to mitigate hazards yet to be identified or prior to conducting operations. Manage safety programs ensuring OSHA compliance and DTRA specific programs including HazCom, PPE, respiratory protection, fall protection, underground operations and confined spaces, and other core programs as directed by DTRA. (CDRLs A001, A002, A005, A006, A007, A008, A009) 3.2.1 Industrial (Ground) Safety: Implement a ground safety program, which conforms to the applicable Air Force Occupational Safety and Health (AFOSH) standards, OSHA standards, and recognized national consensus standards. Comply with all applicable traffic safety requirements. 3.2.2 Operational Safety: Establish a safety plan and training for contractor personnel for all government facilities or test sites were work is performed. 3.2.3 Mishap Reporting: Report injuries to Government personnel and damage to Government property/equipment that occur as a result of the contractor's activities. The Government may elect to conduct an investigation of any mishap. Cooperating fully and assist the Government's personnel on any investigation. 3.2.4 Safety Inspections: Allow no-notice safety inspections. Abate all safety problems identified during such inspections within the time period specified by the inspector; otherwise, contractor operations may be ordered to stop by the Government. All operational delays, due to contractor safety infractions, shall be at the expense of the contractor. 3.3 Operational Services: Provide cost effective operation, maintenance, installation, modification, and repair of all contractually provided Government Furnished Facilities (GFF) and Government Furnished Equipment (GFE) in accordance with DoD Directives and DTRA Instructions. The contractor shall perform preventive maintenance, repair, calibration, installation, and modification of all contractually provided GFP/GFF/GFE, including vehicles, specialized test equipment, and other test support equipment and instrumentation. The contractor is required to maintain an adequate quantity of instrumentation data collection and signal conditioning equipment channels in calibrated and operational state to support scheduled tests, ready for immediate use for general test support. Maintaining and managing computer networks and systems including secure networks through effective Automated Information Security (AIS) program. (CDRLs A002, A003, A004, A005, A006, A007, A008, A009) 3.4 Security: Provide all necessary support to meet security requirements for all tasks. Provide personnel with the appropriate clearance for each task. Follow all applicable security guidelines. (CDRLs A001, A002, A005, A006, A007, A008, A009) 3.5 Quality Assurance: The contractor shall establish an effective quality assurance program ensuring excellence in achieved in test design and implementation of instrumentation data systems HDAR2-05-R-0001 Attachment L-3 2 of 4

required for deliverables to meet DTRA and DTRA’s customers’ requirements. (CDRLs A001, A002, A005, A006, A007, A008, A009) 3.6 Logistics, Inventory, and Procurements: The contractor shall provide logistics support for all task areas procuring equipment and materials as needed to support test requirements. The contractor shall provide all materials, parts, and labor necessary to repair instrumentation and support equipment or implement a system modification in a timely manner and in such a way to ensure maximum operational capability. The contractor shall keep maintenance records and statistical repair data on all required equipment. The contractor shall maintain an inventory of equipment, supplies, and spare parts consistent with the maximum operational capability associated with task areas. The contractor shall maintain control and accountability of items in accordance with the provisions of the contract through a computer based inventory control and management system to manage all equipment, materials, and capital equipment assigned this contract. Provide cable management and issuing of cable at cable yard. Establish a use rate of all standard and special all-purpose component parts, including consumables. Maintain a spare parts inventory based upon the use rate. The contractor shall provide for fuel, lubricants, and other maintenance of GFE vehicle fleet. Of the funds provided for basic contract support, the contractor should plan to use approximately $120,000 for the purchase of supplies, materials, and GFE vehicle operation/maintenance. Coordinate procurements of single items with an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more and total purchase orders up to $50,000 with the COR. Procurements totaling more than $50,000 shall be coordinated with the CO. The contractor shall, whenever possible, use Government acquisition procedures to acquire needed items to maintain the inventory. The contractor shall recommend through the COR, to the CO, equipment or spare parts that are not serviceable or are excess to the contract for excess/turn-in through Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) located at Kirtland AFB, NM. Provide long-term storage of Underground Test (UGT) and Nuclear Test Ban Treaty verification equipment. (CDRLs A002, A003, A004, A005, A006, A007, A009) 3.7 Equipment Calibration, Maintenance, Inspection, and Acceptance: The contractor shall calibrate all instrumentation equipment requiring calibration, in accordance with (IAW) manufacturers’ specifications, or as directed by DTRA to support the testing schedule and maintain a record documenting all calibrations.. In some special cases, manufacturers’ assistance in equipment calibration may be desired and COR approval shall be necessary. Mark equipment with a marking system to indicate current calibration date and date next calibration is due. Calibrate all calibration references and secondary references used by the contractor to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) within required intervals set forth by manufacturers or NIST. The contractor shall repair and maintain assigned equipment and all GFP/GFF/GFE. Establish a preventive maintenance program, then schedule and perform preventive maintenance. The work shall included inspection, troubleshooting component replacement, repair, and all necessary adjustments to insure proper operations. In special cases, the COR may direct contractor to return items to the manufacturer for maintenance or repair. Maintain maintenance records and analyze statistical repair data on all repairs performed. Records shall include such information as type of malfunction, remedy, replacement part required, and cost and repair time involved. Per item maintenance costs shall be limited to 65% of the total initial acquisition costs. Maintenance/repair costs in excess of this per item cost limitation shall be approved by the COR. Maintain a complete file of manufacturers’ equipment manuals, as well as documentation of all DTRA test instrumentation modifications. The contractor shall perform incoming inspection and acceptance testing of DTRA instrumentation. Procedures of inspection and acceptance testing of new equipment shall be prepared by DTRA Instrumentation Engineers and implemented by the contractor. Substandard performance of equipment after acceptance shall be reported to the responsible DTRA Instrumentation Engineers and COR and handled IAW DTRA COR approved procedures. Check-out instrumentation reclaim from HDAR2-05-R-0001 Attachment L-3 3 of 4

outside the test programs (i.e. from research programs, service surplus, etc.) for operational status and evaluate such equipment to determine suitability for use in the DTRA test or research programs. Recommend salvage, disposition instructions, or continued use of equipment. Recommend modifications when appropriate and modify at COR direction. Make modifications to DTRA test instrumentation as required and approved by the COR, document all such changes, and mark modified equipment. (CDRLs A002, A003, A004, A005, A007, A008, A009) 3.8 Software Maintenance, Modification, Development, and Documentation: The contractor shall be responsible for the deployment and documentation of all software or firmware produced and for all maintenance changes or modifications to all software or firmware. The contractor shall use modular, top-down, structure design techniques. Use software development systems, methods, and programming languages compatible with existing machines, existing operating systems, and intended applications. Use documentation systems and methods which include data flow diagrams, verbal descriptions of each function and sequence of program steps, source and object code in hard copy form and object in electrical or magnetic form compatible with intended machine and application. Maintain a main library of referenced and master copies of all software or firmware developed, produced, maintained, and/or modified and all documentation for all such software, in appropriate operating locations. The contractor shall be responsible to design, develop, test, and implement software/firmware, tailored to individual event and experimenter requirements, for all programmable instrumentation equipment. (CDRLs A002, A003, A005, A006, A007, A009) 4.0 OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION: 4.1 Performance Period: 20 February 2006 through 31 December 2006 4.2 Task Order Contract Type: Firm-Fixed Price (FFP)

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