Southern Perspective Oct 09

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Southern Perspective


FROM THE DIRECTOR We are definitely entering a new season.

Team Leadership: Susanne and I have resigned from overall leadership of the base, effective from the end of this year. This new season requires a different style of leadership to take the ministry into the 10s and 20s. This will be team leadership and there is a call for individuals to make the sacrifice, step up and be committed. As leaders and trustees we continue to pray that the Lord would make very clear to us all those who are to take the baton.

We’ve been through different seasons before, seasons of growth as more students have come and new schools started, and a season of winter, in 2008, marked by a sharp decline in students. The Lord alerted us to that impending season in a dramatic way. It was a day of prayer and fasting. As we all moved toward the classroom, under the walnut trees, for an hour of prayer, specifically themed to ask the Lord what was happening to us, the leaves on the walnut trees all fell off in a period of five minutes, raining down upon us. There was no wind; it was a totally calm, frosty day.

Central Asia: J.R. has been our man there for the last year. Susanne and I plan on joining him over there by ANZAC day next year. Our heart is to see the mobilisation of many teams to that country with the Good News, in an attitude of friendship, love and service. This “call” is not just personal, but a long term mission the Lord has been speaking to us about as a base here in Oxford and YWAM nationally.

It became a season of root growth with the Lord sorting out issues and searching hearts and ultimately making us clean and strong for the next season of growth. That season saw a surge of spiritual vitality in our midst, the construction of our new premises and the emergence of two new schools: the Earthcare DTS and the Father’s Love Crossroads DTS and the germination of a future School of Basic Trade Skills.

We are definitely excited and a bit nervous about this new season!


And now, we are in a new season. At our annual staff and trustees retreat at beautiful Hanmer Springs last month, the Lord spoke to us about three things: Prayer, Team Leadership and a particular central Asian nation we prefer not to publicise too much..


Prayer: We have almost completed the stairway to heaven! We have a big prayer room, situated in the attic space above the new administration wing but to make this accessible, we required the construction of a staircase. The intrepid clamber up a ladder! The Lord is encouraging us to make prayer more of a priority in this season.




BY LAUREN - SNOWBOARD STAFF I am currently staff on the Ski & Snowboarders DTS, and let me tell you that every second of being on this base has been an amazing adventure that has not only allowed me to meet God in such a plausible way, but also a chance to meet some of my best friends that happen to have the same passions as me, and that is to reach the “lost” culture of board sports. It is now the outreach phase of the ’09 school and the 29 epic students and 8 rad staff members are off doing their part in God’s Kingdom as they reach out to 5 different countries with 5 different focuses, from Snowboard ministry in Argentina to a Skate outreach in China, our crew is keen on reaching the world with the passions that God has given them. This year was such an eye opening lecture phase, with Relationship teachings from world-renowned councilor David, to The Character and Nature of God taught in such a real way by Dalton from the International House of Prayer in Tauranga. Lecture phase came to an end with an excellent meal called “Love Feast” where we got together and thanked God for the amazing three months He allowed us to be part of, which transitioned us nicely into the next phase we were about to embark on. After everyone gets back to base after the 8-week outreach phase we will be meeting together for one more week of lectures and the much-awaited stories from outreach! Then ending this amazing time with Graduation in mid-November, allowing everyone to go on their own way and follow after the amazing things God is calling them to! So in closing I hope this inspires you to not only search out God more deeply for yourself but to ask Him if you have any part in reaching the board sport world, and if so what that looks like for you individually. If you feel God laying it on your heart to come do a DTS, please contact us for more information. 2

CURRENT SCHOOLS BACKPACKERS DTS Our vision is to radically impact the GLOBAL NOMADIC YOUTH of the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. We are called to reach out to these intrepid adventurers by way of relational (friendship) evangelism, hospitality, and discipleship training. We will travel alongside them, eat with them, live life with them, and share the love of God with them. We will be their family. We see them searching. We see them being transformed by the places they have seen and the people they have met along their journey. We refuse to be bystanders. We insist that we have what they are searching for and we commit to sharing THE TRUTH with them, even if that means we are cold, hungry, lonely, and road weary. They are on the heart of God and so on our hearts too. This is the vision of the Backpacker's DTS at YWAM Oxford. Our community's desire to be out among the global nomadic youth of this world. We want to give students an opportunity to see how they can take their passion for travel / the outdoors / meeting new people, and share the love of Christ with others as they experience those things. We are equipping a generation to be family and community to those who are seeking. This year, 22 students and 6 staff will undergo the DTS process, allowing God to shine new truth and healing power in to their lives. By Christmas time, they will be out among the travellers of New Zealand and many other nations, bringing the knowledge of God's great gift to those who are searching. Their outreaches consist of staying in Hostels, tramping on New Zealand's many great walks, being among the rock climbers of New Zealand and other countries, making food, and simply being family.

FATHER’S LOVE CROSSROADS DTS We are so excited as we prepare to welcome 8 students to the very first Father’s Love crossroads DTS which started Sunday 4th October. We have 5 staff (all Kiwi’s – Yay!!). We sense the theme is “entering God’s rest” as we discover what it is to be God’s sons and daughters. Derek Prince the great teacher of this last century only encountered the Father at 80 years old after 50 years of ministry. Its one thing to know about the Father theologically, but it is quite another to know about Him intimately as “Abba” Daddy. This is how Jesus knew Him and this is the desire of our school. God is revealing Himself as Father to the church at this time in history.


Earth Care DTS We have lift off!!! On October 4th the three schools came together for the first time for a welcome at the wonderful new meeting and training building at YWAM Oxford What a joy to see our students gather in anticipation of a life changing season of growth in our relationship with our Father, one another, and His creation. We have 8 students from USA, Canada, Germany and New Zealand (halleluiah for kiwis!!) My wife and I are co-leading and we have been blessed with Laura from Canada as staff. After much prayer and exchange of documents our special friend Seang from Cambodia will be joining us in Mid October as another resource staff. Veteran back packer missions George is also working with us helping where needed with his many skills and gifts. Already the students are going deep and jumping in to what God is doing and there is a sense of anticipation of amazing times ahead as we prepare for outreach into SE Asia for 3 months from mid December. Rob and Jenny

Basic Leadership School The whole course is designed to assist the development of leadership skills. The student is coached and mentored in the task of leading others. Students meet for one afternoon a week for discussion, lectures and instruction on such topics as personal skills, utilizing spiritual gifts, small group dynamics, basic management principles and leading outreaches. In addition the student meets regularly with a mentor for feedback and evaluation. Assignments are given covering basic leadership topics and issues.


SECOND LEVEL SCHOOLS Bible Core Course Roger and Julie reporting on their 3 month Outreach to Malaysia, Uganda and Tanzania. In Malaysia we attended and spoke at Gereja Peace Church Camp then on to Uganda with two Bible Seminars with over 20 pastors and leaders at each one. Also spoke at a gathering of churches in a remote village and several people were healed of physical ailments. We were joined by Rebecca from BCC, 2007 who had a great ministry with young people and sharing her testimony. Another highlight was being present in Mbarara for a wedding ceremony for 15 couples, who had not previously exchanged vows, in the church, followed by a great celebration afterwards, all provided by an American team of six people. On to Tanzania with a further 3 seminars on Bible Study with pastors and leaders. There is a great need for teaching of the bible. Floyd McClung states in his latest book, “You see bones, I see and Army” p.205 in which he writes that “Africa has actually been evangelised over and over again. But it has not been discipled.:” This is a challenge for the future, for Christians of all ages to go and join those already working in Africa and be part of the discipling process.

BCC STUDENT TESTIMONY - Kieran Hey, I’m Kieran and I was asked to drop you a wee few lines about my BCC experience! I was staffing the Backpacker DTS at YWAM Oxford when God led me to stay on after the school to do the BCC. This was an amazingly intense crazy busy school that continually blew my brain (thankfully it wasn’t just the workload that was blowing it, but also the stuff I was learning :-D ). The staff, school leaders and lecturers continually persevered teaching us the induction method of bible study and really worked hard making sure we were getting all we could out of the school and the Word of God. The skills I learned during the three months of study I am continuing to apply during my personal study; its incredible how much more alive the bible has become. If you want to set aside three months for an insanely busy but even more insanely rewarding school….then take the BCC!



Blurbs from some students... Kenny: "...this is a part of life where you can experience more than doing many different things for the Kingdom. You will find yourself in a position to seek, listen, go, be stretched, and be tested. This is a time where true growth and intimacy can happen in very unexpected ways with the Father. Your life will only be the same if you look to yourself. Look to Him for the Walk-renewing experience of a lifetime...." Kadi Love: I went on a DTS because it was time for me to run away from my comfortable, complacent life. God and I had hit a plateau in our relationship, and it was nice, but it was comfortable. Change was in the wind, and the wind was speaking to me, whispering in my ear, "Go shake things up with God at YWAM Oxford, and while you're at it help people, show them Jesus, and travel the world." So that's exactly what I did. I met with God in New Zealand, and from there He led me to many people, places, and experiences. I saw people healed, released from guilt and shame, renewed, transformed, and loved by an Almighty Father. I saw Jesus in the faces of people all over this world. He spoke to me about bringing art where ever I go, because He instilled that in me. He spoke to me about being a missionary to whoever is around, wherever I am, which at the core of it all is just showing the love to others that He has shown me. He spoke to me about just being with Him, and delighting to be in His presence always, especially being with Him in the mornings. God spoke, and I listened. My number one expectation of going to this DTS was to have a deeper relationship with God, and I got that. But God had more planned for me, He said, "Yes Kadi, let's go deeper. But let's not stop there." And so God took me beyond the mere request of going deeper that I had lain at His feet, and took me beyond what I could imagine, and He continues. 6

SOME STAFF PROFILES From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16

Ally - Head Chef/Kitchen Manager I came here to YWAM back in May after a series of divine coincidences, and I love it here! My role is to provide a nutritious diet for the students and create an atmosphere in the kitchen and dining room during meal times that prompt Christ cantered conversations and inspires the students in their own ministries. The Lord has blesses me abundantly and I feel privileged to be cooking for the princes and princesses of our King! As for the future, I am leaving that up to God. I feel that He is preparing me to set up a restaurant that helps to fund long term missionaries and outreach building projects, whilst glorifying God in a western community!

Angela, Andrew, Brooke and Josiah We have been on base staff with YWAM Oxford since the beginning of 2008. Our heart, and family mission statement, is to train and equip others. Ephesians 4:12 To equip His people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. We desire to help the young people that come through this base reach their full potential in Christ, and see them sent out to journey further in becoming all they can be. Andrew has been serving as Operations Manager; Angela in the office in an Administration role.

Ben - Maintenance Supervisor My name is Ben, and I have been here on the Oxford base for about 8 months now. I completed my DTS in Maui, Hawaii and came straight from there to help with the building project 8 months ago. As that was underway I realized the calling that God has called for my life of serving Him daily and that is when I decided to stay. I am now the staffing as the Maintenance supervisor and I am loving the opportunity to be able to serve God and people here on this base. Future plans? Well, ever since I was young I felt like God was calling me to someday pioneer I YWAM base….a crazy plan, that’s why I think it is His. Everything in between is going to be a continual process of serving God and seeking His will. I am extremely excited for all that God is doing in this base, and it is an honour to be a part of it!


Jake Hi I'm Jake, I'm 23 and I'm from NZ. I do PR work, fundraising, getting people aware and interested or involved with YWAM. I am currently between decisions with regards to proximal prospects, though a decision is eminant- Most likely one directed towards theistic felicity. (I don't know what I'm doing in the near future, but knowing God and finding pleasure and satisfaction in him is the most important thing to me - that will direct where I go next). I am passionate about everything and being reconciled to God. Not sure how that will look in my future but its exciting!

Joanna In March this year I came to Oxford to do the AW80 DTS. As the ticket was an around the world one, I had organized after travel and wasn’t due back to NZ until December and coming back to base in Feb ‘10. But in July, God knocked on my door and told me to come home after I graduated. I wondered why at the time but didn’t argue. The week I got home, I was asked me to come back in September... long story short, I did. I can honestly say that it is a “God thing”. I have been here a month and am being blessed daily not only by seeing the new students flourish, but by the incredible base staff who I will be sharing the next couple years of my life with! I have finally found where I belong (for now at least!!).

Mary Hi my name is Mary and we’ve just joined YWAM Oxford as a family. My role is Training Co-ordinator which means I’m supporting the school leaders and their staff any way I can with training, planning, administration and mentoring. I did a DTS in 1984 in Brisbane, Australia then worked in Manila, Philippines with YWAM as a nurse. Next, I went to England to do a School of Biblical Studies with an outreach to Italy and former Yugoslavia. Back home to NZ to train and work for my church as a Youth Pastor for 2 years. Happily, I returned to YWAM to be staff on a SBS in Canberra, Australia. It was here I felt called to Germany to disciple those from the East as the Wall had just come down. I spent the next 7 years there running hospitality, leading DTS’s and starting a ministry called “Member Care”, caring for former students that were now on the field long term. I also went to Netherlands as ‘staff in training’ to run a School of Frontier Missions. I then returned to NZ to find a husband. It wasn’t long after that I felt to go to Vancouver, Canada to lead DTS’s there and run a Basic Leadership School alongside the schools with outreaches to North Africa, North India, and Thailand. It was here I found my husband Jay. We married in 2003 and had our son Joshua in 2006, settling in Christchurch NZ. My husband Jay is currently doing the CDTS and then he will hopefully be able to go on staff here at Oxford. Together we want to motivate and help Young Adults to find their role in Missions. 8

Building Update

A lot has happened since the April Update. The building is now officially OPEN, with a moving ceremony on June 6th with a good attendance of friends and fellow workers from all over New Zealand. The administration wing is fabulous to work in! It is warm, roomy, airy and light. There are open plan areas as well as private offices and meeting rooms. It is such a pleasant place to work in. The Classroom works very well, with plenty of room for bodies as well as musical instruments. The dining room is excellent, with plenty of room for 100+ seating. The kitchen, which was only installed and completed two weeks ago, in time for the incoming schools, is a stainless steel marvel! Ally chef is ecstatic. The few things we have left to complete include the geothermal heating ($NZ35,000), a stairway into the upstairs prayer room and installation of four small windows ($10,000), the manufacture and installation of a walk in chiller ($10,000), the purchase of two steam ovens ($35,000). Any donations toward these needs would be very much appreciated. Thanks to everyone who has prayed, encouraged us and given toward this project. God is so good. It seems like he has multiplied the little we have received just like He did with the loaves and fishes. We had a fundraiser concert in Blenheim last weekend with pledged giving of $6000. Praise the Lord! That will be going toward the cost of the new stairway up to the prayer house. Our fund raisers planned for England and the USA did not eventuate. Anyone out there willing to organise something? I will personally attend and speak if you do. Blessings to you, Chris 9

Prayer Needs • Outreach fees for the 3 schools running currently - Backpackers, Earth Care and Crossroads and also for safety when they are on outreach • Chris and Susanne as they prepare to head to Turkey • Continue to pray for more long term base staff • Pray for the new leadership that will take over once Chris and Susanne leave, that God would appoint the right people

Final Words One of the encouraging things that happens when you grow a bit older is that you can reflect on what our Heavenly Father has said through prophecy over the years and see what has come to pass. When we were here in the 70’s the Holy Spirit was speaking and one of the words which came through was that he would send the nations of the world here to Oxford. We did not see this in our time here then. The scripture in Isaiah 55v10-11 tells us that our Heavenly Father does not speak a word without sending with it the power for its fulfilment. Now we come back to staff the Father’s love CDTS we see the fulfilment of this word 30 years later (it doesn’t have to take that long!!!). For each of us God speaks to us and sometimes we receive a word over our lives on our DTS and nothing seems to happen, but be encouraged for it surely will, it may take time for there are seasons in our lives, but hang in there for God is always faithful and wants the best for you and me. Maybe He is calling you back to serve as staff here at YWAM Oxford as He did with us. Be open to His word to you today. Blessings Peter and Christine


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