PFLNet Order# 25594092
From: Dear
On October 1 1961, The UN overode the strong wish for self determination of the Southern Cameroonian Nation by insisting that it became independent by ‘joining’ one of its larger, already independent neighbors. This flawed form of independence was strongly opposed by US Representative Amb.Clement Zablonski. It also violated Article 76(b) of the UN Charter. The result was that the British Southern Cameroons (SC) was joined to French la Republique du Cameroun (LRC) in a federation of two equal states not unlike the US. Since then, LRC dissolved the federation, annexed SC, plundered its economy, brutalized and marginalized its people and completely abrogated the understanding that brought the states together. It would be the equivalent of a large state such as California tearing up the founding documents and annexing smaller neighbouring states. We are calling on the US to: • Recognize the Independent Southern Cameroons • Enable the Southern Cameroons to regain her UN seat • Apply pressure on France and LRC to prevent conflict by negotiating a peaceful separation of these incompatible countries. PFLNet Order# 25594092
Contact: British Southern Cameroons Communications Commission 2121 K Street, NW Suite 800 Washington, DC 20005 Phone: (202) 261-6595 Fax: (202) 261-3508