Sources Of Secondary Data

  • November 2019
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SOURCES OF SECONDARY DATA 1. In this modern era, technology backed advancements are required for the swift and speedy clearance of cargo from ports. (Message by KPT chairman Vice admiral Ahmed Hayat) KCA, news and views, march 2006

2. Reduce port dwell and custom clearance time: The Prime Minister directed that the freight should have direct “ship to truck” access without wastage of time in offloading and reloading and desired that there should be no avoidable activities at the ports. (Meeting of the prime minister on national trade corridor (NTC) improvement on 28 Jan 2006)

3. CBR is already committed to the progressive rollout of PACCS in the country, and has initiated ‘one custom’ program as an interim semi-automated clearance system, pending implementation of PACCS across the country. Both these initiatives represent crucial segments of CBR’s modernization strategy and the trade facilitation agenda being pursued by it. In order, therefore, to accomplish the task assigned to CBR under the NTCIP for reducing the custom clearance time to two days by June 2006, it is imperative that the collect orates should take a thorough analysis of their existing clearance procedures, a device a strategy to identify and remove the hurdles in the swift clearance of goods. (Reduction of custom clearance time under the NTC improvement program, CBR, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, 7 Jan 2006)

4. KCAG’s plea for 10% variation in export consignments weight: Shortage of sniffing dogs and vehicles were causing delay in the shipment of exports. The inefficiency of Pakistan Revenue Automation Limited (Pral) system was not only responsible for delay in clearance of goods but also causing loss of revenue. (Business Recorder, Wednesday 14 April 2004)

5. KCAG threatens to stop work at QICT, private terminals: Addressing a press conference on Wednesday regarding extreme delays in handling of export containers at QICT, KCAG President Sultan Mehmood said the trucks, carrying export cargo, had to wait for 12 hours outside the gate and the import containers were delivered in 8 days. (Delay in cargo handling, Business Recorder, Thursday 4 March 2004) 6. KCAG laments high PQA charges: Karachi Customs Agent Group has criticized private container terminal at the Karachi Port trust and the Port Qasim Authority for exorbitant charges and inefficient working, which was causing delays in clearance of textile cargoes. (Daily Times, Thursday, march 4, 2004)

7. Government urged to devise policy for container terminals: Sultan Mehmood, president, KCAG, said that KICT and QICT are imposing charges of US$ 10 per hour as delay fee. He said that at the QICT the handling and the clearing time has gone up resulting that exporting community is suffering losses of millions of rupees. (The NEWS international, Thursday, march 4, 2004)

8. Revamped customs clearing system from March: CBR Chairman (Updated at 2300 PST) KARACHI: Chairman Central Board of Revenue (CBR) Abdullah Yousuf said Friday that a new prompt, transparent and simplified custom clearing system would be implemented from March 2006. He was speaking at Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI). He said new electronically devised system called "Customs Administrative Reforms" (CARE) would be implemented at Karachi. He said it was a part of an aggressive program of reforms being implemented in Customs with simplified procedure and aimed at ensuring transparency. It is being presently tested internally. This will deal with almost all of the problems facing business community at customs clearing, he added. Abdullah Yousuf said this system would have all the information about the bill of entry, value and duty of the imported consignment before the arrival of vessel and the goods will be cleared within "one day". Similarly, the present sales tax systems need thorough review to ensure better results in the refunds of claims and improve role of auditors. We will re-look at this regime to produce better results. He said that CBR has realized that there was an unsatisfactory role of auditors and unsatisfactory procedures of refunds. The role of audit will remain in the system but it will be equitable and realistic, he added. Abdullah Yousuf said that Pakistani exporters need to be competitive in the international market under the forthcoming WTO regime and this competitiveness can only be achieved through cost cutting. CBR was playing its dominant role in this regard, he noted. Earlier, KCCI President Khalid Firoz in his welcome address highlighted the problems facing business community due to delay in the payment of refunds under sales tax. He said that delay in refunds is severely hurting textile sector, miserably affecting the liquidity of exporters. He suggested that all in-put raw materials supplied to the value added textile subsector should be free from sales tax. This will resolve refund problems, he added.

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