Sources Of Financial Assistance Leaflet 08

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Oxford Bursaries Oxford Bursaries are available for all Home students and students from the EU (accepted before 2006) with full fee remission. They are entitled to £1,000 in their first year and £500 in subsequent years of their course. Forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. Oxford Opportunity Bursaries Oxford Opportunity Bursaries are available for Home students (accepted from 2006 onwards) from lower income households. Eligible students starting courses in 2008 are entitled to up to £4,000 in their first year and up to £3150 in subsequent years of their course. When applying for UK government funding, students and their sponsors/parents must agree to share the data relating to their household income assessment with the University. The University then calculates the level of bursary a student will receive. Those who are entitled to an award will be sent a notification letter by the central Student Funding Services Office of the University. Further information about the scheme is available at aries/ Enhanced Bursaries Enhanced Bursaries are available to students in certain subjects, and who also hold an Oxford Opportunity Bursary. They are sponsored by external bodies, which provide £1000 per annum (in addition to the student’s Oxford Opportunity Bursary), for the duration of the student’s course. Awards are made to all deserving students on the grounds of academic ability and social commitment. Application forms will be sent to all eligible students identified by the Student Funding and Access Office in the middle of Michaelmas Term. Application deadline: Friday 1st week Hilary Term. IBM Bursary Eligible subjects: • Computer Science

• Computer Science and Mathematics Citi Foundation Bursary Eligible subjects • Economics and Management • •

Modern Languages

• • • • • • • • • • •

Economics and Management

PPE Man Oxford Scholarship Eligible subjects: • Computer Science Engineering Science Engineering, Economics and Management Materials Science Materials with Economics and Management Mathematics Mathematics and Computer Science Mathematics and Philosophy Mathematics and Statistics Physics Physics and Philosophy


For further information see aries/more_first_year_opps.html

The Apollo Bursary The Apollo Bursary scheme has been created through donations from the Apollo University Lodge. This is the Freemasons' Lodge for members of the University of Oxford ( and is part of the United Grand Lodge of England ( Eligibility is restricted to students who are entitled to an Oxford Opportunity Bursary, are in their second year of study in any subject area, and have obtained excellent exam results and are making outstanding academic progress. Bursaries are provided as a single payment of £1000, in the second year of studies only. Forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. Application deadline: Hilary term, week 1. Access to Learning Funds (ALF) This is a government fund for Home students who need extra help to meet their living costs, providing up to a maximum of £3,500 in exceptional circumstances. Before applying, students must have taken out the maximum student loan to which they are entitled and the government also expects students to earn some money during vacations. It cannot be used to help meet tuition fees. Application forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. The above information is based on the academic year 2007-8. The ALF is expected to continue in 2008-09, but full details are not yet available. University Hardship Fund: For financial hardship as a result of unforeseen circumstances. The University Hardship Fund aims to help Home, EU and international students who find themselves in unforeseen hardship after starting their course. Applicants should already have applied for College funds. The size of awards, which may be grants or loans, has varied widely, ranging from £100 to £3,000. Forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. Childcare Grant & Parents Learning Allowance Available for Full Time, UK, Undergraduates, with dependant children under 15 in qualifying childcare. Students should apply to their Local Authority. Disability funding Information about funding for disabled students and those with learning difficulties (including dyslexia and dyspraxia) is available on the web pages of the University Diversity and Equal Opportunities Unit at The staff of this unit are very pleased to provide individual advice; phone 01865 (2)89825 to make an appointment. Oxford University Society Student Awards Scheme The Oxford University Society runs an awards scheme for current students, offering support for travel, sports and hardship. Awards are for current resident University members working for a degree or diploma. The application deadline in 2008 was 14 March; 2009 deadline not yet announced. For further information, including a Student Awards Archive where you can read about the activities of previous successful applicants, see . Oxford University Society Regional Awards In addition to the main Society awards for students, a number of regional alumni groups in the UK and overseas make awards to students from their area currently studying at Oxford. Awards are currently advertised for students from East Kent, Hertfordshire and Dorset. For further details see (click on Regional Networks Awards).




Financial Support Fund For financial hardship as a result of unforeseen circumstances. All students (graduate and undergraduate) are eligible to apply. Forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. Applicants must already have applied to the Access to Learning Fund (see above). St Peter’s Alumni Student Support Fund This is a fund made up entirely from donations from old members of the College. It is used to provide help for Home undergraduates who do not receive the Oxford Opportunity Bursary and whose family are unable to give them any substantial support. To qualify for assistance, students must have taken out the maximum student loan to which they are entitled. Forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. Application deadline: Friday of week 6 (every term) Vacation Grants The College has limited funds to assist publicly-funded* UK and EU undergraduates with the cost of vacation residence in Oxford for the following purposes: (i) the sitting of University Examinations (excluding re-sitting); (ii) directed reading. Priority for grants for directed reading will be given to third and fourth year finalists. *This term refers to those students who have established their entitlement for public financial support under DfES regulations, irrespective of whether they are required to make a contribution to their University tuition fees. Please note that applications for vacation study grants for compulsory courses in the vacation should be made to the University Department concerned. The standard rate of grant per night is £10.00. A higher rate of £12.00 will be paid for nights that students are required to remain in Oxford outside term in order to take University Examinations. Application forms are available in the Porters Lodge in week 6 of every term; applicants should ask their College Tutor to countersign their form before handing it in, marked for the attention of the College Secretary. Susan H Weiss Scholarship The Susan H. Weiss Scholarship is an annual award available to matriculated students of St Peter’s College, in the final year of their undergraduate degree course. The scholarship consists of a single award of up to £1,200, which will normally be set against the successful candidate’s college charges. Applicants will be required to demonstrate financial need and, more importantly, evidence of non-financial philanthropy. Advertised in Hilary term. Craythorne Scholarships (awarded by the Cutlers Company) The Cutlers Company normally make awards totalling £2000 per annum to St Peter’s students in Medicine and Natural Sciences (Biochemistry, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Mathematics, Physics). Nominations are made by the College during Hilary term. Awards are made primarily on the basis of financial need. Enquiries to the Student Finance Officer or the College Registrar. Grants for academic travel and other projects (i) Fieldwork grants Undergraduates reading Archaeology & Anthropology, Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences and Geography may apply for grants of up to £200 per year for compulsory fieldwork courses. They are expected to make parallel applications to their academic department. Grants may be authorised by subject tutors or the Tutor for Undergraduates. Forms are available from the College Finance Office. (ii) Durham Award Available to undergraduates reading Geography, Earth Sciences and Archaeology & Anthropology. Up to £400-450 is normally available; sometimes divided between two applicants. Advertised in January.


(iii) McKinsey Award Available to Modern Languages undergraduates to facilitate foreign travel for study purposes during their year abroad. The donor wishes the money to be made available to Modern Language students with good academic performance but limited means. Up to £450 may be awarded. Advertised in March. (v) McCartney Fund Payments may be made from this fund to help cover the expenses that History undergraduates incur in researching and writing Final Honour Schools dissertations. Payments are made on the basis of tutors' recommendations, normally in Hilary Term. (Variable sums awarded) Grants for recreational travel (not linked to the applicant’s course of study) (i) Arabella Travel Fund Available to undergraduates only; intended particularly for those who would otherwise find the possibilities of travel very limited. The overall amount of money available is usually around £800 and is split between 2-4 people. The funds are allocated by the Travel Funds Committee. Advertised in January; decisions made in Week 8 of Hilary term. (ii) Christian Deelman Fund Available to undergraduates and graduates. The fund is intended particularly for applicants whose proposals combine a sense of adventure with the traditional desire to broaden the mind or affect some immediate scholarly aim. The overall amount of money available is usually around £1000 and is split between 2-8 people. Advertised in January; decisions made in Week 8 of Hilary term. Scholarships and Exhibitions (i) College Domus Scholarships are awarded in recognition of a First/Distinction in the First Public Examination. The holder receives a single payment of £100. Students who do not receive a scholarship at the end of Year 1 may be considered for an award at end of Year 2 (also year 3 for those doing 4-year courses) if their performance is exceptional. Domus Exhibitions may be awarded at any time after the end of Year 1 on the basis of tutors' recommendations; they are titular only, with no financial benefit. (ii) Choral Scholarships/Exhibitions (value £200/£100 respectively) are awarded on the basis of auditions held in Michaelmas term (normally October). Awards may be renewed in subsequent years of the holder's course on the recommendation of the Music Tutor. (iii) Instrumental Awards are made annually following competitive auditions held in Michaelmas term (normally October). There are a number of named scholarships and exhibitions awarded each year. They may be renewed in subsequent years of the holder's course on the recommendation of the Music Tutor. For details of other College prizes and awards, mainly awarded on the basis of tutors’ recommendations in accordance with academic criteria, please refer to: C.


Tutor for Graduates Research Fund The Tutor for Graduates has at his disposal a small discretionary fund to which applications can be made to help defray the costs of attending conferences, making field trips or other projects which are essential to a graduate’s research. Forms are available from the Deputy Registrar.


College Graduate Awards College graduate awards are normally advertised during Trinity term. Eligibility is restricted to current graduate students of St Peter’s College who will be in their second or third years of graduate studies at Oxford during the year in which the award will be used. The awards will be for up to £400, and are intended to be used for research expenses (including travel to conferences). One of the awards (the Emeritus Fellows Travel Award) is reserved for non-conference researchrelated travel. Expenditure on equipment is not allowable. Awards will be made on the basis of academic achievement. Application forms available from the Deputy Registrar. Vice-Chancellor’s Fund Awards from the Vice-Chancellors’ Fund will be made to DPhil students of exceptional academic merit who require extra funding to complete their research. Applicants should expect to complete their thesis within twelve months of the closing date (March). Candidates will be in their third or fourth year of research when applying. Forms are available from the Student Finance Officer. The J Bossanyi Graduate Bursary in Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Resource Use The Bossanyi award (up to £400) is intended to support graduate research on environmental issues, particularly with respect to environmental and biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource use. There is no restriction with respect to eligible disciplines or topics. The research undertaken (i) should be interdisciplinary, (ii) should show sensitivity to diverse cultural, political, social and/or technological environments and iii) should aim, where possible, to formulate strategies to promote action. Advertised in Hilary term.

September 2008


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