Sounds: Voice And Accent

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  • Words: 1,692
  • Pages: 77
Consonant Sounds

t voiceless sound 

The front part of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge.

Produce it without moving your voice box.

Rule 

Whenever this sound comes in the beginning of the word, it gets aspirated.

      

Tongue Touch Tip Together Torch Attach paint

      

He takes the bus to work everyday. He is tall and has dark hair. Turn left. Walk three blocks. It’s taking a long time. The package weighs two pounds. The soup tastes salty. He always studied hard before a test. Did you use to travel a lot for work.

d 

voiced sound

Produce from the same place as t sound by moving voice box.

      

Doctor Doll Dance Division Deep Bad blade

       

I don’t understand. She’s making dinner. We don’t own a car. Someone is at the door. I drink coffee every morning. Would you like some tea? You could meet for lunch or dinner. Doctors study for many years.

s voiceless sound 

The front part of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, similarly as t and d sounds.

Produce it without moving your voice box.

      

Soft Set Social Society Sing Assume miss

  

 

Doctors study for many years. I always eat cereals for breakfast. School starts at 8:00 and finishes at 3:00. It sometimes rains here in the summer. The soup tastes salty. Bicyclists must obey all traffic lights in the city. You are a student, aren’t you?

z 

voiced sound

Produce from the same place as s sound by moving voice box.

      

Zone Zip Zebra Zeal Rise Froze rose

     

 

Be careful! The floor is wet. It was raining. I have a car, and so does she. This town is too small. Every one knows each other. He works more quickly than she does. My office is as big as his office. When you visit a national park, you can go fishing.

sh (ʃ)

voiceless sound

The front part of the tongue touches the back side of the alveolar ridge and front part of the hard palate.

Produce it without moving voice box.

      

Ship Shoulder Sharp Show Fresh Smash crash

  

  

She seems angry. Sure. You can use my computer. Can I have coffee with milk and sugar. Where should we go for dinner? You have got to finish today. We’ve got to send out the invitations today. He works more quickly than she does.

Z (ʒ) voiced sound 

Produce from the same place as sh sound by moving voice box.

     

Measure Vision Treasure Visual Leisure pleasure

      

It was a pleasure to go to Asia. His vision was to find treasure. The invasion created division among the people. There was a collision and an explosion. While the student did some revision for his exam, he watched television. It was a happy occasion. I saw how he measured the erosion on the television show.


voiceless sound

The back part of the tongue touches the velum or soft palate.

Produce without moving voice box.

Rule 

When it comes in the beginning of the word, it gets aspirated.

      

Car Keep Kite Kangroo Call Speak tackle

     

The club meets in the library every Friday. They want a new car. We belong to the soccer club. My mother often cooks for us. The cafeteria food is usually bad. Stop the car. In order to finish my Christmas shopping early, I started in November.

g 

voiced sound

Produce from the same place as k sound by moving voice box.

      

Group Game Goal Gun Gum Mango mug

 

 

My grades are improving this semester. Computers are getting cheaper all the time. The garden was beautiful last year. I will be able to see better after I get new glasses. I forgot to go to her party. Keep up the good work.

ch (tʃ) voiceless sound 

The middle part of the tongue touches the back of the alveolar ridge and front of the hard palate.

Produce without moving voice box.

      

Chicken Chinese Chocolate Chips Chin French bench

 

    

I’m looking for a cheap car. They’ll probably win the championship. I ate too much pizza. I bought a lot of potato chips. You could meet for lunch or dinner. We have few sandwiches. There are so many choices in this menu. He is a champion.

J (dʒ) voiced sound 

Produce from the same place as ch sound by moving voice box.

      

Jar Jungle Jump Job Gem Bandage budget

   

   

They have a large house. Just put it on my desk. You ought to look for a new job. There is some juice in the refrigerator. Just don’t drop the jar. She earned an average wage. She is coming in June. Put this jug on the table.

m nasal sound 

Lips are pressed together, but the air escapes through nose.

      

Mango Man Mouth More Mountain Name game

   

   

Come to my office, please. He called five minutes ago. I’ll move in the summer. Would you please look over my report? Will you help me for a minute? I have to hurry. I’m going to be late! May I have this pen. She might come tomorrow.

n 

nasal sound

The front part of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge, but air escapes through nose.

      

Noun Needle Nose Neck Nurse Jane main

   

  

She knows the answer. He never cleans his room. She is making dinner now. Electric car will become popular in the next ten years. She’ll find a new job. Can I use the computer now? Your name should be at the top.

n~ (ŋ) 

nasal sound

The back part of the tongue touches the velum or soft palate, and air escapes through nose.

      

Sing Ring Bring Drink Singer Finger wrinkle

  

  

She seems angry. It wasn’t raining at lunchtime. At six o’ clock she was making a phone call. I was studying at Tokyo university in 2001. I am going to study hard for the test. I have worked here for a long time. When I was sleeping, the telephone rang.


three different sounds

There is a complete closure between the centre of the tongue and the alveolar ridge.

The only way for the air to escape is along the sides of the tongue.

Rule 

It gives different sounds as it change its place in the word.

It is different in the beginning, middle and end.

Three different sounds of ‘l’ 1.



Whenever it comes in the beginning of the word, sound gets prominent. Whenever it comes in the middle of the word, sound gets merge with the next sound. Whenever it comes at the end of the word, sound stops.

      

Language Large Held Melt Sold Middle shrill

  

 

 

She likes sports. Look! It’s snowing. This week I’m doing research at the library. I’ve lived here since I was 20. Strong winds can cause a lot of damage. Turn left. Walk three blocks. Let the door be open.


approximant sound

Lips get round.

Tongue will not touch any part in the mouth. It remains in the air.

      

Water War When Warm Wait flow below

       

We have dinner at 6:00. Be careful! The floor is wet. Please watch your step. I don’t feel well. I was at the concert. We weren’t angry. We went shopping yesterday. I worked there for many years.

r 

approximant sound

Tongue rolls back to the middle of the alveolar ridge and the hard palate, but do not touch it.

      

Role Right Roof Rank Mark Borrow rubber

      

She has a red car. He never cleans the room. It rained hard all afternoon. Sally walked home in the rain. When the phone rang, I answered it. If you elect me, I won’t raise taxes. Would you please look over my reports? The roots of this plant are very long.

Y (j) approximant sound 

The middle part of the tongue raise towards the hard palate, but do not touch it.

      

Yellow You York Yet Pure Cure tune

     

 

I believe you. Please watch your step. We went shopping yesterday. She used to be unfriendly. When I get home, I’ll call you. The baby can walk, but she can’t talk yet. Don’t yawn in my class. Yes you may leave class.


narrow vocal cord sound

Vocal cords get narrow and air escapes out.

      

House Harm Heart Healthy Hand Horse hard

   

   

He is tall and has dark hair. Please come home early. I’m painting my house this week. He always studied hard before a test. He seemed happy to see me. I’ve worked here since 2000. How old are you? Have a nice day!

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