Sos 0909 Welcome Newsletter

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Science One Survivors Club |

September 8, 2009 SOS Welcome Edition

Message from your SOS President Inside this issue: Message from your SOS Prez


What YOU Need to Know


Meet your SOS Execs!


SOS Mentors—here to help!


SOS Whistler trip!


Science One Sports!


10 Things to Know to Become 4 a Science One Superstar SOS Charities


SOS Calendar of Events


Pictures! (from last year)


Contact us!


On behalf of the Science One Survivors Club (SOS) I would like to extend my welcome to you, the incoming Science One students of UBC. You have chosen one of the most engaging, interesting and perhaps challenging first year science options. One of the greatest advantages of Science One is that it offers a very unique educational environment as you will soon see. In Science One you will face challenges like physics labs, term projects, and Bio140 presentations; get real hands-on experience about marine life during the trip to Bamfield; even hold conferences that most first years would only dream of doing. So who are we you ask? We are a club within the UBC government made of dedicated past Science One students who know all the ups and downs of going through Science One. Our job? To make your experience in Science One as memorable as possible, as well as helping out with the transition from high school to university. We, the execs (page 2 for more info), have been working throughout the summer, and will be during the school year, to plan and organize events (page 5 for a tentative schedule) just for you. Please look forward to the update e-mails for more detailed information closer to the event dates! I look forward to a great year with you all. Sincerely, Shoujun Chen, SOS President

What YOU Need to Know… (and do!) 1) Join SOS! You will get your SOS membership form at the end of your Science One lectures on Wednesday Sept 9th. 2) Pay your $10 lifetime SOS membership fee, and hand it in with your SOS membership form by Thursday Sept. 17th.

3) SOS + SUS leadership positions! If you would like to represent your Science One class at SOS meetings or at SUS council meetings, please visit or for more info. We will hold an election for these two positions later this month.

4) SOS has a new website—it has many cool features that will help to keep you updated on SOS happenings! Please visit us at : 5) Finally...enjoy your first week! Prereadings are fun!

The Survivor’s Guide

SOS Welcome Edition

Page 2

Meet your SOS Executives!







Sup guys, I'm an average guys who checks his e-mail every other minute, and facebook twice as often. Currently in second year planning on getting a combined major in micro-bi & comp sci. Looking forward to getting to know most , if not all, of you! Drop me a message and we’ll DotA sometimes ;)

Besides Science, my interests include doing crossword puzzles, buying expensive coffee, and complaining about the price about said coffee. I'm also a fan of talking about Science One so if you have a question, feel free to grab a cup of (overpriced) coffee with me or simply send me an email! Best of luck and most importantly, have fun!




I am best known for my obsessive Microsoft Outlook organizational skills. I am also a hard-core fan of Chinese pop music (lol!). This year I begin my 1st year in UBC Pharmacy. Please facebook or email me if you have any questions, and do enjoy all that Science One has to offer!

My hobbies include Mixed Martial Arts, running, and jazz. I'd like to describe myself as caring and approachable, as you'll find out if you try! You guys are the next generation of Science One, and I know that you're going to find this year the most memorable of your life so far!




I am a meticulous collator who always has a stapler hand. I am prone to adding fluff. I enjoy playing volleyball and bass clarinet, as well as puddle jumping (despite the horrendous accident I've had). I look forward to working with all of you!

I am best known for my lively personality, hair designs, as well as my personal bell. I assure you I never read Naruto and Bleach before I came to UBC. If I don't scare you away with boring jokes: Can't wait to see you all! =)




By consensus, I am best known for my face-painting skills, enthusiasm, and mean push-up technique. I enjoy sports, reading, and writing; my scientific interests lie mainly in aerospace technology, physics, and biological engineering. I’m very excited to meet you all—please don’t hesitate to ask me questions if you need help getting around!

Warning: the following passage may not be suitable for non-sci1ners. Viewer discretion is advised. Hey sci1 09-10s, this is your so-co speaking. I’m very soft-hearted and tofu like despite what you see on the outside. Really looking forward to meet all of you! Cheers!


The Survivor’s Guide

SOS Welcome Edition

SOS mentors—here to help you! Starting your first year of university can be stressful and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! We encourage you to seek out an SOS mentor! As part of the benefit package after you become an SOS member, you have the unique opportunity to be paired with a graduate of Science One as your mentor. Whether you have

Science One Sports!! Alas, the journey begins! Welcome to UBC—we, the SOS, are ecstatic that you have chosen to join us in the time-honoured tradition of excellence that is Science One. Yes, my friends, you have all endured much to arrive at this crossroads, and exciting but arduous trials await you yet this year. Fear not, however; for rest, release and rejuvenation, Science One Sports is here!!

By Joan Ng, Secretary

questions about campus life, need some help learning Calculus, or just need someone to talk to about all the challenges of starting University, your mentor can help! The degree of commitment between your mentor and you depends on your needs and your schedules.

the adjustment to university, especially at the beginning of the year. Please consider!

Having an SOS mentor will really help you make

[email protected].

SOS Whistler Trip! What is the best way to kick off an awesome term 2 of Science One? a) Rereading prereadings b) Having an all-night DotA/starcraft marathon c) Chilling with all your Science One friends at WHISTLER!!! That's right! From January 8th-10th, just before the

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The option to sign up for the SOS mentorship program is included in your SOS membership form. If you have any questions, please talk to Joan or Benj, or send an email to

By Jennifer Chu, VP External

start of the 2010 Winter Olympics, SOS will be going on its annual ski trip! 18 lucky people will have the opportunity to check out the attractions for the Olympics while enjoying a weekend filled with skiing, relaxing and fun. Best of all, the trip will be very affordable as we will be stay-

ing at the AMS Whistler lodge. Remember, spaces are limited to only 18 people so be sure the act quick or else you'll be missing an awesome weekend at the slopes! If you have any questions, please email Jennifer at [email protected]!

By Adrian Lee, Sports Coordinator

That’s right—as you can imagine, being the best for so long means we’ve made a lot of enemies with lesser programs (such as CSP!) all over campus. Jealous rivals (CSP!) who will try to defeat us in the only remaining avenue of exhaust they have—athletics. So come out and defend our identity of superiority! Come out and uphold the great legacy of your Science One forebears! Sure, we are busy with school-

work, and we are already indisputably better at everything else; but there’s still no sense granting others bragging rights when they are not well deserved, right? So look out for the opportunity to sign up for Science One sports teams this month! Whether you’re interested in volleyball, ultimate, badminton, or soccer (just to name a few), there’s bound to be something for you!

The Survivor’s Guide

SOS Welcome Edition

Page 4

10 Things to Know to Become a Science One Superstar Compiled By SOS Execs 2009 2010 on to your student card will save you 5% at Ikes!

1. Know the properties of a green house gas. 2. Get to know your profs—feel free to email or book an appointment with them if you have questions! Facebook also works… 3. Own your own stapler! In a situation where you lack a stapler, fancy shmancy origami creases on the corners of the pages do NOT suffice! 4. (For commuters) Adding money

SOS Charities!

5. Ensure that you are not sleeping in class, especially when sitting in the front row. 6. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS remember to read the question! (and answer it!) 7. Your happiness level at Bamfield is inversely proportional to the wetness of your feet. 8. The diagrams in the textbook

are in there for a reason. Look at them! 9. Just because we can call our Science One profs by their first name, never ever do it in your electives. "Excuse me, I didn't get my PhD to be called by my first name!" 10.Participate in SOS events. Participate in events in general! Get the most out of your Science One experience!

By JC^2 (Justin Chang, Treasurer & Jennifer Chu, VP External)

As science students, we have a duty to uphold: to first improve our understanding of how the world works, then proceed to apply that knowledge to make the world a better place. It would take a lifetime to learn everything we can, but we can start making a difference now by participating in charitable work. There are many existing events and organizations that you can take part in around metro Vancouver. On a local scale, there are often many conferences

Justin is enjoying his time at the Canadian Blood Services donation clinic! (Nov 2008)

held in UBC that you could volunteer to help facilitate. Regionally, there are organizations such as Volunteer Vancouver and Greater Vancouver Foodbank Society that are always looking for more volunteers. Nationally and globally, there are projects such as Habitat for Humanity and Volunteer Opportunities Exchange to join. If the above ventures seem too daunting at first, then you can start with something as simple as growing your hair out for Cuts for Cancer, or doing some exercises for Jump Rope for Heart. If you are passionate about making a difference, but none of the existing causes interest you, then perhaps it is time to start your own organization. Janny Ke, a fellow SOS, has successfully launched the NOW! Organization*

by herself, and the organization now has members across the nation. Do not be intimidated by the task; you are surrounded by a pool of talent in Science One. The person sitting next to you might help you get started on something great. SOS will organize a blood drive for the Canadian Blood Services during early October. Such events will be available throughout the year, but we highly encourage you to take the next step and rally up your peers for other worthwhile causes. Make a positive and lasting impact, and show your solidarity as a global citizen. * Visit for more information.

The Survivor’s Guide

SOS Welcome Edition

SOS Calendar of Events 2009/2010

Mark these dates! (Event details subject to change.)




SOS Welcome Back BBQ


Pre-midterm study sesh

- Time : 12:00pm—3:00pm - Location : MacInnes Field (between SUB, REC, and swimming pool) Please join us for a few hours of food , fun, and networking! Meet people both from your class and SOS members from past Science One classes! There will be lots of food for everyone and tons of activities! Bring a soccer ball, a Frisbee, or a hacky sac!


Halloween party


Meet your Mentor Night!


NOVEMBER 11.16.09



Pre-final study sesh.

SOS membership forms + $10 due! Make sure to hand in your completed membership form and fee into the hands of an SOS Exec by September 17th! (The membership form includes the mentor program application.)


Page 5

JANUARY 1.8.10 - 1.10.10

SOS Whistler trip

Calculus Crash course - Time + Date : TBA - Location : Science One Lounge Never took Calc in high school? Need a little help putting concepts back into your brain? No Fear, for we are here! Join us for a tutorial with past Science Oners!

MARCH 03.__.10

Ultimate Sports Day SOS Executives 2010/2011 Elections “Beyond 1st-Year” Presentations

Election for new SOS and SUS reps. -Times + Dates : TBA See article on page 1 for details. Also visit, and for more info.

CSP Sci One Soccer Cup

APRIL 04.08.10

Sci One CSP Semi-Formal

Sign up for sports teams. See article on page 3 for more info.

Note : Please also periodically check our website ( for the Events Calendar, which will frequently be updated!

The Survivor’s Guide


SOS Welcome Edition

Page 6

Here is a selection of pictures from Science One 2008-2009...having fun!

On the bus to Bamfield!

Craziness at the Sci One CSP Semi Formal!

A bunch of us feeling rebellious after Physics lab.

Skating fun! (with last year’s SOS Execs) All at our Year-End BBQ! (Can you spot math profs Mark and Eric?) We couldn’t resist putting this in—it so perfectly portrays what happens in the lounge… all the time. They’re playing ! Hard at work in Bamfield!

Contact us! We hope you enjoyed this newsletter! Expect a few more from us later this year. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us :

Website :

Email :

[email protected]

Facebook :

Science One Survivors

Editor : Joan Ng Brought to you by SOS Execs!

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