Sop 1

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 901
  • Pages: 2
DUSA UPENDRA Computer Science and Information Technology

STATEMENT OF PURPOSE “Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.” – Swami Vivekananda I strongly believe in the statement that perfection is already there in man, inherent in his heart and soul. And education is the medium through which we are able to manifest that perfection in us.

My Love for Computers -- My Dream Career A fascination for Science and keen interest in the ever-growing world of technology motivated me to take up Engineering. I chose to major in Computer Science and Information Technology with an intense urge to delve deeper into this challenging field. This century can be credited with have given birth to many ideas, visions, ways of living and working. It can be credited with almost as many revelations of thoughts and practices. One of this faith in technology as the panacea of all the problems of mankind and a means to human progress. Perhaps our age will be known as the Information Revolution or the Computer Revolution, for we are witnessing a remarkable growth and development of computer and information technology and applications. I have learnt various fundamentals of Computer Science and information technology, which together with practical course work reinforced my interest. In a world, which moves at the click of the mouse, the best blessing one could be bestowed with is the understanding of COMPUTER SCIENCE. I have been among the privileged few who have jumped into this endeavor. For me Computer is the nervous system of the modern world where in everything form business to shopping to discoveries takes place at the hit of the key. It has been both the market value and professional satisfaction that has driven me towards it.

Why the USA? Knowledge and proper training are essential to succeed in today's highly competitive world. The best place where I can achieve this is in the United States of America - the undisputed leader in developing new products and processes. Not only is the USA the birthplace of my chosen field of study, it has also nurtured it for its full growth and continuous development.

Areas of Interests: Excellence in any sphere of life can be achieved through hard work, dedication and perseverance. The field of the mathematics gave me the initial boost to comprehend the logic behind every discovered and undiscovered thing in life. My proclivity towards COMPUTER GRAPHICS field developed in my years at under Graduate College. I take a keen interest in Networking and Database Management Systems. I am also interested in Internet Technologies and Web Designing. . I am currently working on a project using DBMS, VB and java.

Skills I have mastered: I have a strong command on languages like C, C++, COBOL, HTML, Visual Basic, Visual C++, Java and DBMS like ORACLE 8i. I have worked on various platforms - i486, Pentiums with the operating systems – UNIX, Windows 9x/Me/NT and MS-DOS. I am also comfortable with various applications software like Microsoft FrontPage, Macromedia Flash and Adobe Photoshop. Besides academics, I take a keen personal interest in music, painting, sports and poetry. I am a violinist, a certificate holder from Sri Pottisriramulu university of arts-Andhra Pradesh .I bagged awards in several music competitions (all 1st prizes). I bagged the 1st prize consecutively for 3 years in our college in music competitions. I also gave performances at many institutions, in A.I.R (All India Radio), in television. I even taught violin for 3 years for nearly 20 students, who r now good violinists themselves. PROFESSIONAL AREA OF INTEREST: The old adage "A picture is worth a thousand words” is certainly true. Computer Graphics allows communication through pictures, charts, and diagrams a vital alternative to the typewriter's string of symbols. I always had a fascination for animation and computer-aided design and this has motivated me to pursue a carrier on Computer Graphics. I strongly believe that through COMPUTER GRAPHICS computer has become a new tool for artist and animator. For me learning Computer Graphics would mean both satisfy both my personal and professional goals. I would like to pursue a course that not only supplements the knowledge that I possess but also provides a strong foundation to my research oriented study. Through my graduate education I wish to specialize and gain expertise in my chosen area of Computer Engineering and work in Computer Graphics. My ultimate goal is to be an active member in the fast growing world of Computer Science as an important part of tomorrow's Computer Graphics field. The reason why I want to study at your esteemed university is that it provides the kind of exposure needed to broaden my thinking and undo any insular prejudices that might be still prevalent in me. Your university is a confluence of people from every culture, nationality, religion, race and Ideology, I am sure that my exposure to these kinds of diverse influences would aid in the overall development of my personality and help me broaden my concept form the narrower confines of nationalism to internationalism. I am eagerly looking forward to become a part of the intellectual family residing at the university; and if I become one, I'll try to bring the best out of my Institute in terms of academic excellence. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing my dream come true. Thank you for the opportunity given to me to express myself.


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