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SONY LED & LCD TV Case History Vol.1

SONY LED & LCD TV: Memory Problems, Power Problems & Display Problems


Novacom Service

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The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precaution that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards. This E-book is for informational purposes only and the author do not accept any responsibilities or liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, errors, inaccuracies, omissions or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information. Most of the tips and secrets given should only be carried out by suitably qualified electronics engineers/technicians. Please be careful as all electrical equipment is potentially dangerous when dismantled. Any perceived slights of policy, specific people or organizations are unintentional.

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The authors and publisher of this book and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this program. The authors and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The reader is expressly warned to consider and adapt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities here in and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. This manual contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. No parts of this manual shall be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, printing and recording or otherwise. Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited. All product illustration, product names and logo are trademark of their respective manufacturers.

Dedication This book is dedicated to: Jestine Yong, Sunny, David Maltz, Teonna Flags, and Michael Danish. I would like to give special thanks to Jestine for being a great teacher to me and a great friend and always inspiring me to study harder to become an Engineer of electronics. Also special thanks to David for being my big brother and keeping my spirits up and always encouraging me to stay fit and healthy and to go further and to never give up. Thank you 


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Content 1

Documented Service Records – All Level Technicians



Quick TIPS on Sony T-con Flash and EEprom’s



SONY LED & LCD TV Main Board Firmware Upgrade



26 SONY LED & LCD TV models covered in this short case history



The actual SONY LED & LCD TV short case history begins now.



TV Manufacturer Reset Codes






Recommended Resources



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Documented Service Records – All Level Technicians. Power Faults - Display Faults - Memory Errors The following information in this SONY case history e-book was written and compiled according to Damon Morrow's in-house service records (or case history) of SONY LED & LCD TV failures. This e-book documents a descent range of SONY LED & LCD TV faults including various memory error's, display symptoms, and power failures. This SONY case history ebook is very easy to use, and it simply lists a fair range of popular problems and secretive fixes for SONY LED & LCD TV's. The information contained in these pages are complete with the model number of the SONY LED & LCD TV, the board-number of the faulty circuit, and the part-location number of the defective component(s). This SONY e-book is a simple and affective reference tool, revealing components which have failed causing performance issues with SONY LED & LCD TV's. This e-book documents known symptoms on SONY LED & LCD TV's such as Stand-by power only, dead-no power, no start-up cycle, double image on-screen, no audio, and much more. The components and IC's which have failed are listed in this e-book, and they are mainly standard parts and IC's. Standard parts such as diodes, resistors, mosfet's, NPN's, capacitors, and IC's such as memory IC's, control IC's, and bucking IC's. The test equipment used while compiling this SONY case history information was a standard DVM meter (Fluke), Capacitor meter (uF/ESR) and a 60Mhz digital Oscilloscope (the very basics all technicians use). The scope was primarily used to troubleshoot IC chips and observe their wave shaping performance, feedback-loops, start-pulses, duty-cycles, serialclock, and gate-circuits. However, in this e-book all of the troubleshooting has been done for you, with the causes and bad parts listed. This SONY e-book is for technicians of all levels, there are no complex diagrams or detailed graphics involved. This e-book is not a case history of troubleshooting and circuit evaluation (as with my other books). This e-book is a simple case history of SONY LED & LCD TV parts failure. Again, all of the troubleshooting work has been done for you and compiled in a simple and easy to follow format. This e-book is written text information correlating to shop records. There are no pictorial graphics or illustrative diagrams used in this e-book as it is not required i.e. 'case-history'.

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Note: Below is an example of how the Service-Case-History Records of each SONY LED & LCD TV model are laid out in this e-book, and also shows the meaning of each category. SONY LED & LCD TV Service Case history Layout Example 1) TV Model Number: Model number of TV issued by TV manufacturer (example KDL-46EX600). 2) TV Failure Symptom: The kind of problem the TV is having (example No main power, stand-by only). 3) Faulty Board: Which board inside the TV has the failure (example SMPS). 4) Faulty Board Number: Manufactures Part Number of faulty board (example 1-474-219-11). 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): The location number of the faulty part(s) on the SMPS-board (example IC6501). 6) Part(s) Failure Type: The way in which the part(s) have failed (example IC6501 no switching signal). 7) Shop Notes: (If available) shop notes relating to the repair (example IC6501 had an internal fault and pin# 23 was burned. SMD diode D6301 was also shorted and replaced. (n.a. Means shop notes are not available.


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The following are basic protocols used when servicing SONY LED & LCD TV's.

Quick Tips On SONY T-Con Flash/EEPROM's Quick Emphasis on SONY T-Con EEPROM Faults & Firmware upgrading

With-in the professional TV repair industry, Sony LED/LCD TV's have been known to develop flash memory or EEPROM problems, primarily on the TCon board. This memory problem on the T-Con board produces a small range of display symptoms on the panel. This e-book documents secretive case histories for a variety SONY T-Con memory issues resulting in a display fault symptom (as well as all other Sony faults). Throughout the case history section of this e-book you will find many T-Con solutions to known display problems on various Sony TV models, therefore the following information is very important to take note when servicing Sony T-Con boards or when replacing Sony T-Con boards. Software/Firmware upgrades are usually required on some Sony TV models when replacing Flash/EEPROM IC chips on Sony T-Con boards or replacing the entire T-Con board, (software/firmware upgrades are model specific). Go to the following link for the SONY T-Con software/firmware upgrade website: In the case history section of this book you will sometimes see (Go to Sony Support), this means go to the support link above to upgrade the T-Con board or Main-Board. IMPORTANT T-CON NOTE: Use the following key-commands when servicing the memory section of Sony T-con boards or replacing the entire T-Con board. Not all Sony T-Con's need upgrading after repair or replacement, but a fair number of them do require upgrades. After servicing or replacing the T-Con board (assuming the T-con is the correct culprit) the TV should not show an error code anymore (which is good) and if there's still no picture image on the screen......perform the following procedure to reset the core processor on the main-board which will be echoed by the micro-controller on the T-Con board. Both the coreprocessor and micro-controller will reset their own individual Flash/EEPROM when you use the following sequence. Sony T-Con hidden reset key-code sequence: (use original remote control) 7

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Press the power button on TV. Using the remote control, hold down the UpArrow key and simultaneously press the power button on the TV. The TV will turn off, then turn back on again, after which let go of the Up-Arrow key on the remote control. The TV will now perform in its normal function. Note, that all fields are automatically reset to factory formatted default after the above procedure is done.


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Micro-wire EEPROM #3 In LCD TV technology micro-wire is much older than SPI or I2C EEPROM interfaces. This IC has two data pin-outs data-in (DI), data-out (DO), clock input (CLK) and a featured chip-select (CS) (NU= not-used). For memory configuration this chip has an ORG feature that determines if the format of data is 16 bits or 8 bits. Micro-wire EEPROM's had a few 'in-circuit' programming issues that caused T-Cons to fail quite often. This is because in order for the Timing IC chip to read from the EEPROM, the Timing IC chip writes a 'read' instruction to 'DI' which is followed up by the 'read' address. When the EEPROM receives the last address bit, a dummy '0' is written to 'DO' then the data request is written on the CLK's rising edge. This causes confusion or an unwanted interruption with the 'BUS-read' operations. This is because when the EEPROM puts out a dummy '0' when receiving the last address bit, the Timing IC must pull both the 'DO' & 'DI' lines to a logichigh but it cannot do this because the address bit is 1. No amount of firmware upgrade could permanently fix this problem.

SPI EEPROM #2 The second EEPROM interface to arrive on the LCD TV scene was the SPI (serial Peripheral Interface) EEPROM. This chip has two lines for data (SO/SI), clock (SCK), chip-select (CS) and ground. This chip has two other inputs, and that is the write-protect (WP) which allows the code inside the EEPROM to be unchanged 'logic-low', write-protect must be 'logic-high' in order to be programmed. The (HOLD) input feature allows the Timing IC to stop during transferring states in order to perform a more important task on the link of the SPI which can only happen at a 'logic-low'. One known problem with this EEPROM is that it will ignore all BUS activity until 'HOLD' returns to a 'logic-high' and many times this SPI EEPROM will remain stuck at 'logic-low' which means a permanent HOLD on its operation. This causes the T-Con to shut down.


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I2C EEPROM #1 I2C means (Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus) which is the latest form of Flash memory being used today in many SONY LED & LCD TV T-Con boards and main boards (and other LCD/LED TV brands also). This Flash device has a bidirectional serial-data-address line (SDA) which is where most of the failure happens on this kind of Flash memory because it requires an opendrain or open-collector output and the Timing IC sends a slave address on the SDA line. An open-collector/drain means any output that’s a logic-low will also pull the SDA at a logic-low also. The SDA is not always released back to a logic-high because a 1 is not always written to the Flash memories output. When this happens the Timing IC knows something is wrong and will shut down the T-Con operation, thus meaning the TV go's onto protect mode. These particular Flash memory devices usually have an SDA or SCL fault. Of course there are other reasons why Flash/EEPROM's fail.


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Why Flash/EEPROM's Fail

Note: If critical signals such as the clock signal and data-address signal are not sustaining upon TV start up, this is a Flash/EEprom problem. Flash/EEPROM's usually fail at the data address pins or the serial-clock pin, but these devices also fail internally in two different ways, which affects the EEPROM's overall functionality. The two ways in which EEPROM's fail internally has to do with Stamina and Data- Retention. 11

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Stamina: It all comes down to what the EEPROM can endure while conducting 'write/rewrite' transactions. During these transactions of 'write/rewrite' stages the gate oxide in the floating-gate transistors of the memory cell will eventually collect trapped electrons. There's an electric field related to the trapped electrons, and the electric field joins with the desired electrons in the floating gate. All of this results in a memory stage cycle where there are no electrons available in the floating gate (zero-state), but the gate-oxide still has a leftover electric field. When this condition rises (because of more electrons getting trapped) a faulty situation will occur in which it is no longer possible for the Flash/EEPROM to distinguish between the threshold for the 'zerostate'. As a result, the memory cell is stuck in the 'program-state'. This is the reason why Flash/EEPROM manufacturer's will specify the amount of 'write/rewrite' cycles the Flash/EEPROM can handle (5 million read/write cycles or more). This is what causes T-Con's and main boards to shut down, when the Flash/EEPROM gets stuck in 'program-state'...... Data-Retention: Data-Retention time is critical for Flash/EEPROM's which house software that's required for the proper functionality of the T-Con board (this also holds true for the main board as well). The Data-Retention time period is limited in its ability to store data indefinitely. This is largely due to the fact that during storage, the electrons that are directed into the floating gate can drift straight through the insulator especially at high thermal temperatures. This results in the charge being stored at the floating gate to become discharged, and when this happens the memory cell will default back to its 'erase-state'. This will cause the Timing IC to shut down all operations on the T-Con because the Flash/EEPROM is in a constant 'erase-stage'.


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Above Fig 3AB typical components that fail on SONY T-Con. Flash/EEPROM's and Regulators fail more often than any other components on SONY T-Con's.


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Above Fig 4AB typical components that fail on SONY T-Con. Flash/EEPROM's and Regulators fail more often than any other components on SONY T-Con's. This concludes Quick Tips On SONY T-Con Flash/EEPROM


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Final NOTE:

Be sure to check the value of the base/gate resistors before replacing the transistor or FET, otherwise there's no sense in installing a BJT or FET which have damaged Base or Gate resistors because either transistor or FET will not turn on.


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SONY LED & LCD TV Main Board Firmware Upgrade The following are the necessary steps to upgrade various models of SONY main-boards. You will need a flash drive, like the one shown in the photo below which I have used for years.

Use the flash drive to plug in the USB port of the SONY LED/LCD TV. See the example from the photo below

To acquire firmware/software upgrade go to SONY support link here:


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Update Procedure: It is important to download the proper firmware/software for the SONY TV model your servicing. Instructions: For Main-Board and T-Con Board Firmware Upgrading 1) Plug flash drive into USB port of PC as shown above, then go to the SONY support link above 2) Configure or format the flash drive to FAT-32 (not NTFS) 3) Download SONY firmware to the flash drive (extract file/folder) Note that the firmware requires the folder to be extracted too the flash drive along with the file inside the folder. Do not extract the bin-file only. 4) Turn TV off, and insert the flash drive into the USB port of SONY TV. 5) Plug in AC cord of TV for power and wait a few seconds. Note if the TV remains on stand-by only, press the power button on TV. If the standby light indicator switches from amber to green allow the TV to run the update process. Allow 15 minutes for the update process to complete, the TV will cycle several reboots during the update process. If the update is successful the light indicator will switch from amber to red. 6) When update process is complete the TV screen will message you to remove the flash drive from the USB port. Note if the update is unsuccessful, remove AC cord from outlet, then remove the flash drive and start the procedure over again from #1. Be sure flash drive contacts and USB ports are clean.

SONY LED & LCD TV Main Board Firmware Upgrade NOTE: After a successful update process the TV may appear to function in a slow, and delayed manner. This happens when the new firmware/software is being configured and initialized by the micro-controllers on the main-board and T-Con board. The TV will resume normal response time and operating speed once the firmware/software are completely configured by the main-board and T-con board.


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26 SONY LED & LCD TV models covered in this short case history KDL-60EX703 LED, KDL-55X830B LED, KDL-55XBR8 LED, KDL-55NX720 LED, KDL55HX750 LED, KDL-55EX710 LED, KDL-55EX640 LED, KDL-52LX900 LED, KDL52EX700 LED, KDL-46HX800 LED, KDL-46EX700 LED, KDL-46EX723 LED, KDL46EX600 LED, KDL-46VL160 LCD, KDL-46W5810 LCD, KDL-46WL135 LCD, KDL46W2000 LCD, KDL-46W5100 LCD, KDL-46V25L1 LCD, KDL-46S2000 LCD, KDL46V5100 LCD, KDL-46W3000 LCD, KDL-46WL140 LCD, KDL-32L5000 LCD, KDL32EX600 LCD, KDL-32BX330 LCD

“Once again here's the case history layout example” SONY LED & LCD TV Service Case history Layout Example 1) TV Model Number: Model number of TV issued by TV manufacturer (example KDL-46EX600). 2) TV Failure Symptom: The kind of problem the TV is having (example No main power, stand-by only). 3) Faulty Board: Which board inside the TV has the failure (example SMPS). 4) Faulty Board Number: Manufactures Part Number of faulty board (example 1-474-219-11). 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): The location number of the faulty part(s) on the SMPS-board (example IC6501). 6) Part(s) Failure Type: The way in which the part(s) have failed (example IC6501 no switching signal). 7) Shop Notes: (If available) shop notes relating to the repair (example IC6501 had an internal fault and pin# 23 was burned. SMD diode D6301 was also shorted and replaced. (n.a. Means shop notes are not available. 20

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The actual SONY LED & LCD TV case history begins now. -Power Problems, Display Problems, Memory Problems-

SONY LED & LCD TV Short Case history 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32BX330 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV will not turn fully on, stand-by only 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1866-797-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): U150 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC U150 no SCK signal. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32BX330 2) TV Failure Symptom: Picture will disappear, no tuner signal 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1866-797-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): U750 6) Parts Failure Type: Adjustable buck regulator chip U750 no output voltage. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ================================================================ 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32BX330 2) TV Failure Symptom: Audio cuts-off intermittently 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1866-797-A


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5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): U400 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio Amp IC U400 internal problems and warmer than usual. 7) Shop Notes: A heat-sink was mounted on replacement Audio Amp IC U400. ================================================================ 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32BX330 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: T99P088-01 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): FP801, QF802, RF809 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse FP801 open, switcher QF802 shorted, SMD resistor RF809 out of OHM value. 7) Shop Notes: Disc capacitor CF801 was out of pF value and replaced. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32BX330 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: T99P088-01 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): FP801, QF802, BDM801, RF817, DM806 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse FP801 open, switcher QF802 & BDM801 shorted, RF817 open, DM806 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: Diode DM813 was also shorted and replaced. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32BX330 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no full start-up 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: T99P088-01 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): RM891 22

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6) Parts Failure Type: Box wire resistor RM891 open. 7) Shop Notes: Jumper JP39 cold solder joint. ================================================================ 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32EX600 2) TV Failure Symptom: No audio on all inputs 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-593-51 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC8151, C8152 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio Amp IC8151 no audio signal output, capacitor C8152 high ESR. 7) Shop Notes: Electrolytic caps C8151, C8302 very high ESR levels and replaced. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32EX600 2) TV Failure Symptom: Brief start-up screen logo, then back-lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-712-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): DD1 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD diode DD1 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: SMD diode DD2 was replaced as a service precaution. Problem rooting from IC3. ================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32EX600 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV fully on, back-lights only then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-712-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. 23

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1) TV Model Number: KDL-32L5000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-163-41 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6101, Q6302, R6527, C6516 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F1 open, switcher Q6302 shorted, R6527 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Disc capacitor C6516 shorted, disc-cap C6515 was replaced as a service precaution. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32L5000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-163-41 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6101, Q6302, Q6502, Q6503, IC6501 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F1 open, switchers Q6302/Q6502/Q6503 shorted, control chip IC6501 dead. 7) Shop Notes: IC6501 dead switching control, at pins 14,15,16. ================================================================ 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32L5000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Partial start-up then immediate shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-163-41 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): D6104 6) Parts Failure Type: Diode D6104 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: Resonant chip IC6102 replaced as a service precaution.



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1) TV Model Number: KDL-32L5000 2) TV Failure Symptom: No back lights 3) Faulty Board: Inverter Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-518-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): Q101, Q102, D172 6) Parts Failure Type: Switchers Q101, Q102 shorted, SMD diode D172 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: D172 connected to Q102. ================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32L5000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, no picture, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02832H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6 6) Parts Failure Type: Power-Supply chip IC6 no switching signals at pins 4, and 5. No panel voltage (18V). 7) Shop Notes: IC6 replacement chip was removed from another spare T-con board. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-32L5000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Intermittent audio 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-322-33 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC901 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio Amp chip IC901very hot, and jumping output voltages (internal fault). 7) Shop Notes: IC901 was not available. Entire main board replaced.



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1) TV Model Number: KDL-46WL140 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no full start-up (only one click) 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1511-380-D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): RY6000 6) Parts Failure Type: Relay RY600 was stuck. 7) Shop Notes: Relay was replaced instead of opened and readjusted. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46WL140 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1511-380-D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): FY6042, Q6552, Q6551, R6565 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse FY6042 open, switchers Q6552/Q6551 shorted, resistor R6565 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Disc capacitor C6562 was also out of pF value and replaced. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46WL140 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1511-380-D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): FY6042, Q6552, R6533 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse FY6042 open, switcher Q6552 shorted, wire-resistor R6533 open. 7) Shop Notes: Switcher Q6551 replaced as a service precaution.



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1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W3000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Blurred double images on screen (ghost images) 3) Faulty Board: LCD Panel 4) Faulty Board Number: LTY460HT-LH1 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): LTY460HT-LH1 6) Parts Failure Type: LCD TFT Panel LTY460HT-LH1 flex connectors detaching from gate driver boards. 7) Shop Notes: Pressure pads installed to fix problem. TV returned in 4 days, same fault. Repair canceled. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W3000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Whole screen flickers intermittently 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01855H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC321 6) Parts Failure Type: V-REF Control chip IC321 output problems (scope). Check SMD caps CG4/5/67. 7) Shop Notes: IC321 was not available. Entire T-con board replaced. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W3000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Scrambled screen with multiple pattern lines changing colors. Then shut down. 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01855H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC3 6) Parts Failure Type: EEPROM IC3, dead at SDA pin, SMD resistor RT45 out of Ohm value. (RT45, SDA pin) 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install.


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1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W3000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1362-549-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6000, Q6502, Q6503, R6512 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F600 open, switchers Q6502/6503 shorted, resistor R6512 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Disc cap C6513 was out of pF value and replaced. C6514 replaced as service precaution. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W3000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1362-549-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6000, Q6502, Q6503, D6506, R6513 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6000 open, switchers Q6502/6503 shorted, rectifier D6506 shorted, R6513 open. 7) Shop Notes: R6512 was replaced as a service precaution. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W3000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1362-549-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6000, Q6502, Q6503, D6000, R6009 6) Parts Failure Type:Fuse F6000 open, switchers Q6502/6503 shorted, bridge-rec D6000 shorted. R6009 open. 7) Shop Notes: Box capacitor C6018 out of uF value and replaced. R6323 also replaced as a service precaution.


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1) TV Model Number: KDL-46V5100 2) TV Failure Symptom: Full start-up, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02642J 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1, D116 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open, SMD diode D116 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: IC29 was replaced as a service precaution. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46V5100 2) TV Failure Symptom: Bad audio, static and echo 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1727-315-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC2017 6) Parts Failure Type: Power Amp Comparator chip IC2017 error boot signal at pins 20, 22, 27, 29. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46V5100 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back light flicker once then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: Inverter Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 19.46T02.002 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): M301 6) Parts Failure Type: Control IC chip M301 no switching signals and hot. 7) Shop Notes: SMD diode D311 also shorted and replaced.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46S2000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-789-619-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC202 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC202 no serial data (SDA) at pin 5. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46S2000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Power-up attempt, then immediate shut down into protection mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1144-543-E 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): C6204, C6205, C6207 6) Parts Failure Type: Electrolytic capacitors C6204/6205/6207 very high ESR levels. 7) Shop Notes: C6207 slightly bulged. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46S2000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only no relay click upon power-up attempt 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1144-543-E 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): R6002 6) Parts Failure Type: Wire-Wound resistor R6002 open. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46V25L1 2) TV Failure Symptom: Full start-up, then back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01547D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC324 6) Parts Failure Type: LDO regulator dead at output pin and tab. TO-263 package style. 7) Shop Notes: CD119 was replaced as a service precaution. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46V25L1 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no full power up 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1207-096-C 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6100 6) Parts Failure Type: Regulator Control chip IC6100 dead at pin #7, soft-start signal (SS). 7) Shop Notes: Diode D6103, capacitor C6109 replaced as a service precaution. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46V25L1 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1207-096-C 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): FH6001, Q6500, Q6504, R6537 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse Fh6001 open, switcher Q6504 shorted, resistor R6537 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Box capacitor C6004 was out of uF value and replaced. R6540 replaced as service precaution.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W5100 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back light flicker once then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: Inverter Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1663-190-B 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): Q6803 6) Parts Failure Type: Switcher Q6803 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. =============================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W5100 2) TV Failure Symptom: No back lights, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: Inverter Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1663-190-B 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): Q6806, Q6807 6) Parts Failure Type: Switchers Q6808/Q6807 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ================================================================ 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W5100 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back light on for a few seconds then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: Inverter Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1663-190-B 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): D6814, C6815 6) Parts Failure Type: Diode D6814 shorted, electrolytic capacitor high ESR level. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W2000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back light only, scrambled picture raster, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01547D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): ICT5 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM ICT5 no serial clock data at pin #6. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W2000 2) TV Failure Symptom: Brief start-up screen, then back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01547D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC324 6) Parts Failure Type: LDO regulator IC324 no output voltage from pin or tab. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W2000 2) TV Failure Symptom: No picture raster, and white screen flashing once, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01547D 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC323 6) Parts Failure Type: Panel Power supply chip IC323 no switching voltage at pins #3, #5. 7) Shop Notes: A custom heat-sink was installed on new replacement chip IC323.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46WL135 2) TV Failure Symptom: Left side of screen has no picture (black) 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01953H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): ICD7 6) Parts Failure Type: Panel Power supply chip ICD7 no switching voltage at pins #4, #5 7) Shop Notes: SMD diode DD14 was replaced as service precaution. ================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46WL135 2) TV Failure Symptom: Right side of screen has scrambled noise and pattern lines (left side normal) 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01953H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC6 no serial-clock data (SCL) at pin #6 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46WL135 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, no raster, then shutdown into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-01953H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1, DD5 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open, SMD diode DD5 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W5810 2) TV Failure Symptom: Scrambled picture on screen, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02937H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC45 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC45 no serial-clock (SCL) signal data. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W5810 2) TV Failure Symptom: No picture raster, back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02937H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1, D116, IC29 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open, SMD diode D116 shorted, IC29 no output voltage. 7) Shop Notes: TV had other main-board voltage problems and customer canceled repair service. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46W5810 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV turns fully on, then immediate shutdown into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02937H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): ICF4 6) Parts Failure Type: Bucking regulator ICF4 no output voltage. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46VL160 2) TV Failure Symptom: No back lights 3) Faulty Board: Inverter Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1536-222-B 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): Q6603, Q6603, D6604 6) Parts Failure Type: Push-Pull switchers Q6603/Q6604 both shorted, diode D664 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: Diode D6607 also replaced as a service precaution. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46VL160 2) TV Failure Symptom: Bad audio, sound levels 'in-and-out' 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1641-959-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC2005 6) Parts Failure Type: Stereo Amp IC chip IC2005 very warm at start-up, and intermittent audio signal output. 7) Shop Notes: This IC was not available. Entire main board replaced. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46VL160 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on with back lights only, then prompt shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-253-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F701 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F701 open. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46VL160 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1564-648-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F100, IC701 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F100 open, BGA video timing processor IC701 cold solder grid. 7) Shop Notes: IC701 re-balled. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46VL160 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-089-12 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6101, Q6101, Q6104, R6112 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6101 open, switchers Q6101/Q6104 shorted, resistor R6112 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Resistor R6115 was changed as a service precaution. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46VL160 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no start-up prompt 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-089-12 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6301 6) Parts Failure Type: Resonant PFC control chip IC6301 no switching signal to turn on boost converter.. 7) Shop Notes: Switchers Q6101, Q6104 were replaced as a service precaution.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX600 2) TV Failure Symptom: Picture scrambles, then suddenly disappears with back lights on, then shut down 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03500F 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): ICE1 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM ICE1, no Serial-clock data (SDA). 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX600 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV fully on, then back lights only, then immediate shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03500F 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): ICS 6) Parts Failure Type: Bucking regulator ICS no output voltage. Boost circuit can not supply (-) panel voltage. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX600 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, no picture raster, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03500F 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open. 7) Shop Notes: SMD diode D15 was leaky and replaced.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX723 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn TV on, blue-ish screen flicker once then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03925E 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F2 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F2 open. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX723 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-309-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6001, Q6503, Q6504, R6525 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6001 open, switchers Q6503/Q6504 shorted, resistor R6525 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Resistor R6526 was replaced as a service precaution. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX723 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no start-up cycle 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-309-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6501 6) Parts Failure Type: PFC Resonant Control chip IC6501 no switching gate signal output. 7) Shop Notes: Switchers Q6503 and Q6504 were replaced as a service precaution.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX700 2) TV Failure Symptom: Bad audio, static, popping & snapping sounds 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1763-462-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC4200 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio amp chip IC4200 very warm upon start-up, distorted audio output signal. 7) Shop Notes: A software update was done after servicing this main board. (Go to Sony Support). ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX700 2) TV Failure Symptom: Picture cuts off intermittently with back lights only, shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: RUNTK4353TPZB 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC501, IC106 6) Parts Failure Type: LVDS-RGB Timing processors IC501/IC106, both re-balled and re-seated. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-46EX700 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no relay clicking 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-212-12 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): RY6001 6) Parts Failure Type: Relay RY6001internal mechanism stuck. 7) Shop Notes: Relay RY6001 was replaced instead of being fixed.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-46HX800 2) TV Failure Symptom: HDMI signal distortion on all HDMI ports 3) Faulty Board: Main-Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1778-906-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC2200 6) Parts Failure Type: HDMI Interface chip IC2200 very hot with bad video signal output on scope. 7) Shop Notes: After changing IC2200 this main board needed firmware update. Go to (Sony Support). ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number:


2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on with sound and no back lights, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: LED Driver Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-777-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): Q2002 6) Parts Failure Type: Switcher Q2002 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number:


2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03812A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F5, D25 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F5 open, SMD diode D25 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-52EX700 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-212-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6001, Q6501, Q6502, R6508, R6008 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6001 open, switchers Q6501/Q6502 shorted, resistor R6508 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Also R6008 open, R6509 and SMD R6523-(Q6502) out of Ohm value and replaced. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-52EX700 2) TV Failure Symptom: Partial start-up then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-212-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): D6251 6) Parts Failure Type: Diode D6251 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: Electrolytic capacitor C6252 was replaced as a service precaution. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-52EX700 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by mode, then immediate protection mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-212-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6501 6) Parts Failure Type: PFC-chip IC6501 no enable signal, no switching signal, near 0-volts on feedback. circuit. 7) Shop Notes: C6521 was replaced when new PFC-control chip IC6501 was installed.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-52LX900 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, then immediate protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-221-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6501 6) Parts Failure Type: PFC-chip IC6501 no enable signal, no switching signal, near 0-volts on feedback. circuit. 7) Shop Notes: Also check diode D6002 on this model. Electrolytic capacitor C6521 was also replaced. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-52LX900 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn on, scrambled screen on left-side only, then back lights only, then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: RUNTK4351TPZF 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC109 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC109 dead at serial data (SDA) pin #5. Cold solder on thermal pad. 7) Shop Notes: Be sure to properly solder the thermal pads on this VDFPN8 package style

memory chip. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-52LX900 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn on, scrambled screen on right-side only, then back lights only, then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: RUNTK4351TPZF 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC111 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC111 dead at serial data (SDA) pin #5. 7) Shop Notes: Be sure to properly solder the thermal pads on this VDFPN8 package style memory chip. 43

Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX640 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-895-175-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1, Q601, Q701A, R603A, C787 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F1 open, switchers Q601/Q701A wire-resistor R603A open, disc cap C787 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: Spark-Gap GT2 was damaged and replaced with box cap CX4. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX640 2) TV Failure Symptom: Start-up attempt then immediate protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-895-175-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): D950 6) Parts Failure Type: Diode D950 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: C950 was replaced and inductor coil L950 re-soldered as a service precaution. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX640 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn TV on, back lights only, no raster, then shutdown into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-24877C 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F11, D11 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F11 open, SMD diode D11 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX640 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on for 5 seconds then, back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-24877C 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): QC02 6) Parts Failure Type: Regulator QC02 no output voltage. Voltage for panel data absent. 7) Shop Notes: QC01 was replaced as a service precaution. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX640 2) TV Failure Symptom: Start-up attempt, then screen flickers a raster, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-24877C 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): DD01 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD diode DD01 shorted. No 17 volts for analog circuit. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX640 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on, scrambled screen raster with patterns various colors, then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-24877C 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): ICT5 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM dead at serial data (SDA) pin #5. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX710 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on with scrambled voice data and scrambled text data 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03895F 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC5 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC5 error at data-input/output (DI/DO) pin #5. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX710 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on with quick raster flicker, then back lights only, then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03895F 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC5 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC5 dead at serial-clock (SCL) pin #6. Pin #7 error at 'Hold Data'. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. Check IC3 for proper (SCL) also. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX710 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn on TV, start-up, then back lights only then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03895F 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F2 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F2 open. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX710 2) TV Failure Symptom: Bad audio quality, snapping and static sound 3) Faulty Board: Main Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1763-462-B 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC4200 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio amp chip IC4200 extremely hot, bad audio output signal on scope. 7) Shop Notes: A custom heat-sink was installed on replacement IC4200. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX710 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, turn on, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-212-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): R6008 6) Parts Failure Type: Wire-wound resistor R6008 open. 7) Shop Notes: Relay RY6001 was replaced as a service precaution. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55EX710 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by, turn on, then immediate shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-212-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6201 6) Parts Failure Type: Power supply chip IC6201 no source control voltage at pins #7, and #8. 7) Shop Notes: R6201 out of Ohm value and replaced.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55HX750 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn on TV, quick welcome screen, then back lights only, then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-895-192-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): SDDC01, LDC01 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD diode SDDC01 shorted, inductor LDC01 out of micro-Henry value. 7) Shop Notes: If this T-Con board is replaced it will need software update. Go to (Sony Support). ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55HX750 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV has dim shadow image on left side, occasional colored vertical lines on left side 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-895-192-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): CN1008 6) Parts Failure Type: Connector CN1008 dirty. CN1008 cleaned and re-soldered 7) Shop Notes: Other connectors CN1005/1006/1007 were also cleaned and re-soldered. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55HX750 2) TV Failure Symptom: USB ports not responding 3) Faulty Board: Main Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1868-413-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC5000 6) Parts Failure Type: USB Interface chip IC5000 hot with no detection signal on scope. 7) Shop Notes:Entire main board replaced. New software update needed for this board. Go to (Sony Support)


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55NX720 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-330-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6001, Q6501, R6508 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6001 open, switcher Q6501 shorted, wire-resistor R6508 open. 7) Shop Notes: Resistor R6509 also out of Ohm value and replaced. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55NX720 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-330-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6001, Q6501, Q6502, R6508, R6518 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6001 open, switchers Q6501/Q6502 shorted, resistor R6508 open. 7) Shop Notes: Resistor R6518 out of Ohm value and replaced. Check resistor R6509. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55NX720 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by, turn on, immediate protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-330-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): R6001 6) Parts Failure Type: PFC wire-resistor R6001 open 7) Shop Notes: PFC rectifier D6003 replaced as a service precaution along with R6005.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55NX720 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn on TV, white screen, then power down into stand-by, then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-03929H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open, no data-bus. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55NX720 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn on TV, back lights flicker, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: LED-Driver Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-944-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): CN1001 6) Parts Failure Type: Flat cable not seated properly in connector CN1001. 7) Shop Notes: As a service precaution all other connectors (1101/1201/1301) were cleaned and re-seated. ===================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55NX720 2) TV Failure Symptom: TV on, dim back lights, immediate shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: LED-Driver Board 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-857-944-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): PS2001, D2010 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD Pico-fuse PS2001 open, SMD diode D2010 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.


Novacom Service

1) TV Model Number: KDL-55XBR8 2) TV Failure Symptom: Back lights only, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02343H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F1 6) Parts Failure Type: SMD fuse F1 open. 7) Shop Notes: n.a. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55XBR8 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn TV on, scrambled screen, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02353H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6 6) Parts Failure Type: Flash/EEPROM IC6 no serial-clock upon start-up (SDA) pin #6. 7) Shop Notes: Flash/EEPROM must be programmed before install. Check SCL at IC8 also. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55XBR8 2) TV Failure Symptom: Quick menu flash, menu text shadowing upwards, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: T-Con 4) Faulty Board Number: LJ94-02353H 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC20 6) Parts Failure Type: RGB Matrix chip IC20 problems with VSYNC signals on scope. IC20 very warm. 7) Shop Notes: IC20 was not available. Entire T-con replaced.


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1) TV Model Number: KDL-55X830B 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no start-up (relay click once) then protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-577-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC6301 6) Parts Failure Type: Resonant IC6301 dead at pins #7, #8, no source voltage, feedback pin #2 near 0 volts. 7) Shop Notes: D6302 leaky and replaced. ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55X830B 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-577-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6101, Q6503, C6509 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6101 open, switcher Q6503 shorted, disc capacitors C6509 out of pF value. 7) Shop Notes: R6511 out of Ohm value and replaced. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55X830B 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-577-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6101, Q6503, Q6504, R6528 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6101 open, switchers Q6503/Q6504 shorted, resistor R6528 out of Ohm value. 7) Shop Notes: Check for proper source voltage at pin #7, #8 of IC6301 after replacing Q6503/6504.


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1) TV Model Number: KDL-55X830B 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by only, no power-up attempt, immediate protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-577-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): D6302 6) Parts Failure Type: Diode D6302 shorted. 7) Shop Notes: Resonant control chip IC6301 replaced as a service precaution. ================================================================= 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55X830B 2) TV Failure Symptom: Stand-by, then immediate protect mode 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-577-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): R6720 6) Parts Failure Type: Wire-resistor R6720 open. 7) Shop Notes: Electrolytic capacitors C6522 and disc cap C6711 replaced as a service precaution. =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-55X830B 2) TV Failure Symptom: Dead, no stand-by power 3) Faulty Board: SMPS 4) Faulty Board Number: 1-474-577-11 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): F6101, Q6503, IC6502, 6) Parts Failure Type: Fuse F6101 open, switcher Q6503 shorted, PFC chip IC6502 no switching signal. 7) Shop Notes: After replacing Q6503, IC6502 still had no switching signal and was replaced.


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1) TV Model Number: KDL-60EX703 2) TV Failure Symptom: Audio static and popping sound 3) Faulty Board: Main Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1763-462-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC4200 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio Amp chip IC4200 hot and distorted audio output signal on scope. 7) Shop Notes: IC4200 was replaced and a software upgrade was need for this board. (Go to Sony Support). ==================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-60EX703 2) TV Failure Symptom: Turn TV on, loud buzzing noise from speakers, then shut down into protect mode 3) Faulty Board: Main Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1763-462-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): IC4200 6) Parts Failure Type: Audio Amp chip IC4200 had shorted pins (solder) from other work by another shop. 7) Shop Notes: The entire main board was replaced. When upgrading this board (Go to Sony Support). =================================================================== 1) TV Model Number: KDL-60EX703 2) TV Failure Symptom: No tuner signal 3) Faulty Board: Main Board 4) Faulty Board Number: A-1763-462-A 5) Board Location Number Of Faulty Part(s): TB2031 6) Parts Failure Type: Threaded jack on tuner box was physically broken from inside. 7) Shop Notes: n.a.

This concludes SONY LED & LCD TV Case History


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TV Manufacturer Reset Codes WARNING The following information is to help TV technicians fix code problems with various LCD TV's and Plasma TV's. Many of these TV's are misprogrammed, locked, or in a programming mode that is not situated for home-use. Be sure to record what the original values are before changing them, if you enter the wrong value while the TV is in service-mode it can cause permanent software damage to the TV and the TV will not work again. Use this information at your own discretion and don't put the TV in servicemode if you’re not sure what you are doing. AKAI: AKAI Service Menu Method 1 Press the MENU key. Then press the 1, 9, 7, & 9 keys. The Service Menu will now be displayed on screen. To exit service mode, power off the TV. AKAI Service Menu Method 2 Turn TV power on. Press the MENU, 8, 2, 0, & 2, keys on the remote control. The Service Menu will now be displayed on screen. To exit service mode, power off the TV. ELEMENT: ELEMENT Service Menu: Turn TV on.. Press menu 0000 Or press menu 1147 TV is now in service mode.


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Emerson LCD Service Menu Access Code Method 1 1. Turn the power on using the {POWER} button on the TV keypad 2. Press the {STANDBY-ON}, {2}, {7}, {1} & {MUTE} buttons on the remote control. 3. The Service Menu will be displayed on screen. 4. To exit, press the {STANDBY-ON} button on the remote control Emerson LCD Service Menu Access Code Method 2 1. Turn the power off. 2. Press and hold {MENU} button on the TV keypad 3. Then press the {STANDBY-ON} button on the TV. 4. The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed on screen 5. To exit, press the {STANDBY-ON} button on the TV. Emerson LCD Service Menu Access Code Method 3 1. Turn the power off. 2. Press and hold {SETUP} button on the TV keypad 3. Then press the {STANDBY-ON} button on the TV. 4. The TV will turn on with the Service Menu displayed on screen 5. To exit, press the {STANDBY-ON} button on the TV. Emerson LCD Service Menu Access Code Method 4 1. Press the {CH -} & {VOL -} buttons at same time. 2. Then press the {MENU} button. 3. The Service Menu displayed on screen. 4. To exit, turn the power off. Emerson LCD Service Menu Access Code Method 5 1. Press the {CH+}, {CH -} & {VOL +} buttons at same time. 2. Then press the {MENU} button. 3. The Service Menu displayed on screen. 4. To exit, turn the power off.


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FUNAI: FUNAI Service Menu: Funai LCD Service Access Code Method 1 Turn the TV power on using the POWER key on the TV. Press the STANDBY-ON, 2, 7, 1, & MUTE keys on the remote control. The Service Menu will be displayed on screen. To exit service mode, press the STANDBY-ON key on the remote. HAIER: HAIER Service Menu: Haier ****************************************** Bring the menu up, move the hi lite-bar to “audio” then enter 8893 on remote keys (Another method for Haier) Press the 'Menu' key Then enter 8893 Press "OK". The TV is now in factory mode To "Exit" from service mode, press the 'Exit' key on the remote control HP: HP Service Menu: While the LCD TV is on, unplug the AC power cable. Then while pressing the INPUT & VOL down keys on the remote, plug the AC power cable back into the wall outlet. When it powers up you will see a small letter "k" appear in brackets on the screen. Then on the TV, press and hold down the VOL down & CH down keys and release. CH up & CH down keys navigate through screen menu. VOL up & VOL down keys adjust various field values. Turn the TV off to exit the Service mode. HITACHI: HITACHI Service Menu: There are many Hitachi reset codes try either one until the right code works. Hitachi TV Service Method 1 Turn the TV power on. 57

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Press the MENU, MENU, 8, SELECT, keys on the remote. The Service Menu will be displayed on screen. Use the UP DOWN keys to select items. Use the LEFT RIGHT keys to change the data. Press the EXIT key to exit the Service mode. Hitachi TV Service Method 2 Turn the TV power off. Press and hold the INPUT key on the TV then press the POWER key. Hold both keys until the TV turns on with the Service Menu displayed on screen. Use the UP DOWN keys to select specific field options. Use the LEFT RIGHT keys to change data values. Press the EXIT key to exit the Service mode. JVC: JVC Service Menu: JVC LCD/PLASMA Service Access Code method 1 Press the MENU key and go to the User Menu screen, make sure that the indicator arrow is positioned and highlights "Picture Control". The keys on the top part of the remote are set to TV & VCR. Put the sleep timer to "0" minutes and while its being displayed on screen, simultaneously press the VIDEO STATUS & DISPLAY keys. The Service Menu will be displayed on screen. Use the number keys {1-9} used to select a particular category. Use the CH up CH down keys to select various options. Use the VOL up VOL down keys to change initial settings. Use the MUTING key to save the settings. Press the BACK key to exit Service Menu.

LG: LG Service Menu: Press and hold keys on remote as well as the OK key on TV panel for a few seconds and the service menu will be on the TV screen. For some LG TV models, it may be required to press "Menu" keys on remote and TV panel simultaneously for a few seconds to get too the service menu. In a few TV models, both methods work and they open different 58

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service menus. If the service menu requires a password, enter 0000 (four zeros). If 0000 doesn't work, use 7777 or 0413 or 8741 or 8743 or 8878. Now you can easily make changes to your desired settings. To save the data changes, press key on the remote. MITSUBISHI: MITSUBISHI Service Menu: Power on the TV, then press Menu 123 or menu 2470 The above code (123, or menu, 2470) is most popular but there are many codes available for accessing service menu in various Mitsubishi TV models. You can try following codes one by one until you get access to service menu: (Other Mitsubishi Reset Codes) Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 1 MENU 0 1 5 7 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 2 MENU 0 3 5 3 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 3 MENU 0 3 5 7 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 4 MENU 1 2 5 7 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 5 MENU 1 2 5 9 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 6 MENU 1 3 7 0 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 7 MENU 2 3 5 6 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 8 MENU 2 3 5 7 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 9 MENU 2 3 5 8 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 10 MENU 2 3 5 9 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 11 MENU 2 4 5 7 Mitsubishi Service Menu Method 12 MENU 8 2 5 7 59

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PHILIPS: PHILIPS Service Menu: Turn TV on Reset is achieved by holding the "Menu" key, for approximately 5 - 15 seconds. The menu key should be located on or around the frontal area of the set. (Another method for Philips is) Turn TV on. Push menu, select”Features”then select”current software info” push 062596info on remote then push info again then ”initialize" appears in red and changes color to green then complete and ready for data change. Push power button to exit service mode. The above code (062596) is most popular but there are many codes available for accessing service menu in various Philips TV models. You can try following codes one by one until you get access to service menu: (Other Philips Reset Codes) 062597, Menu, Info, Status 061596, Menu 061597, Menu 162596, Menu, Status 123654, Menu Philips Extra Tech Tips: How TO EXIT Philips TV out of 'Store Mode' Turn on the TV then press "Menu" Scroll down to "Installation" once in installation. Go down to "Preferences"option Once your in "Preferences", go down to "Location" option In Location there is the choice to change this from "Store Demo" to "Home Use" Press "OK" on the remote control for "Home Use or Store Use. PIONEER: PIONEER Service Menu: Turn the TV off/in home menu key. Approximately 5 seconds turn the TV on , Integrated Menu will be displayed on screen. 60

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Hold Display key until Final Setup appears in the top menu. Use arrow left or right until 'yes' appears in lower section of menu. Hold enter until menu disappears from screen. Wait approximately 60 seconds. Power the TV off and unplug from the wall outlet for 5 or more minutes. (Another method for Pioneer) Press the INPUT key on the remote. The input list will appear on screen. Then press the 0 9 1 7 keys on the remote. To exit service mode, press the EXIT key on the remote. PROSCAN: PROSCAN Service Menu: Turn TV on. On the customer menu go to the setup, then select parental control menu, enter 0000 then select “clear channel list”. TV is now reset in service mode. RCA: RCA Service Menu: Turn TV on Press Menu, 1147, TV is now in service mode. SANYO: SANYO Service Menu: Press and hold vol down key on TV, press and hold number 1 key on remote, volume status bar will go to halfway and Then TV shuts off. Turn the TV back on then you will see the first time setup screen menu. SYMPHONY: SYMPHONY Service Menu: Turn TV On. Press Source or Input Key, then 2580 TV is now in service mode. TOSHIBA: TOSHIBA Service Menu: Toshiba LCD Service Code Press the {MENU} key on the remote. Then Highlight the "Picture" icon. 61

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Press the 9 3 0 1 keys on the remote. The OK key will access/navigate through various modes VOL up, VOL down, {P+} & {P-} keys move through options and change values. To exit service mode, press the MENU key. VISION QUEST: VISION QUEST Service Menu: Turn TV On. Press Source or Input key, then 2580 TV is now in service mode. WESTINGHOUSE: WESTINGHOUS Service Menu: Unplug the AC power from the LCD TV. Wait approximately 35 seconds Then plug AC cord back in LCD TV. Now press and hold the power key (on the lower left hand side on the TV) for approximately 15 seconds The Westinghouse logo will appear. Then go to "Menu" then "Settings" scroll down to "Factory Reset" then click "Yes". This method is also to fix HDMI ports not working on these particular TV's.


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Conclusion This manual is dedicated to the greatest technicians David Maltz, Jestine Yong, Sunny, Teonna Flags and Micheal B Danish. For any questions or concerns with SONY LED & LCD TV Case Histories Volume 1 you can email me at [email protected] All material and illustrations in this manual are original, written, compiled, and illustrated by Damon Diode at Tech Society in USA. To your success,

Damon C Morrow Author of “SONY LED & LCD TV Case Histories Vol 1” and Plasma TV Repair Guide LCD TV Repair Secrets LCD TV SMPS Repair LCD TV Mainboard Power Faults Samsung SMPS Case History Sanyo LCD TV Case History Emerson LCD TV Short Case History Toshiba LED/LCD TV Repair case history 1


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