Song For Those Who Fell In The War

  • Uploaded by: Rodolphe Blet
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  • June 2020
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Lantaner I Ohtassë Lantainë lá exë lá qualmenen, A, yondor nerion caitainë arta i palari! sercelya evéuië faila casta, ara nirmë sa lá hehtuvalmë úquétina. A, yondor tollo, nehtainë failassen, ucúnielyë i sangar monieo, anámbielyë falquaninë quárilya casintannar; ve etelehtielyë oira moialellon. A, yondor alta nóreo, yondor léra lieo, úquén exë pollen rahta apairë, úquén exë pollen ovanta i mácier aqua mí anta, mal qualmë cernë nessë cuililyë. A, yondor aranen yeryaina as i yenta yaltë loaron, elyë harë tuller i saurë hormar, elyë pelehtaner i tauri angë ranquion, termanelyë erië ar caurelónar imíca únótima liyúmë. A, yondor atario nyényë estelimmoryassë, yondor nero quétala er orolaitaleron ar poicë selmaron, írë hísië ar sai úfantaner queletsilya imíca cotumorilyon, nolyanenyë sa fairië ner paityaner lungavë. Ai, yondinya, úvalyë racinë ú noireo, ar noirilyon úvar racinë i quettar cardalyon, ar apairinyon nortuvar endanyassë, ar sucuvanyë i yulmallon nucumniéo ar nyéreo. Song for those who fell in the war Vanquished by none other than death, O, sons of men strewn across the plains! your blood has served a just cause, a noble deed that we shall not leave unspoken. O, sons of a remote island, slain for justice, you have conquered the throngs of darkness, battered your sworded hands on their heads you have saved us from eternal throes. O, sons of a great land, sons of a free people, None other could achieve victory, None other could meet the slayings fully in the face, But death reaped your young lives. O, sons of a king weary with the yoke of years, you alone did approach the befouled legions, you alone did hew the forests of iron arms, you stood alone within the multitudes. O, sons of a father crying over his dignity, sons of a man speaking only of values and ideals, when mist and fire unveiled your bodies among your enemies’, I learnt that duty and freedom had a heavy price. O, my sons, you shall not be left without a grave, and your graves shall not miss the words of your deeds, and your deeds shall dwell in my heart, and I shall drink of the cups of humbleness and sorrow. © Copyright Rodolphe Blet 2009

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