Something For Preserving Enviroment

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  • June 2020
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Something for preserving enviroment This is an attempt to contribute at least as it is possible in solving some problems that are imperil for rebellion of Life on this Planet (and unfortunately, we are the one to bi blamed). This is not an approved scientific work. This is the brain storm of one unnonimus ingeneer. There is a small industrial town i one Republic in Europe. that town is proclaimed as one of the most polluted in Europe and as black ecological point. Just to concern you, that town numbers around 76.000 statements and during just one week a few years ago 800 children was received in hospital because of problems with lounges and breeding, which is more then 1% of population. Trough life I am directed with some facts or rules, and few of them that are vital for solving some problems: •

There is no problem that is man made, that can’t be solved (by his own or as a team). The question is only in readiness for finding solutions and their concrete realization.

The most important are strategy of war and firm believes, more important then stronginess and amount of army.

At the start, hear I will specify some solutions that already exist for more then 20 years. Unfortunately, many of them are not practiced because they are expensive and can react enormous consequences on World Economy. Not one World force can permit that. My question is with what and with whom Worlds grate forces are going to rule if there is no life any more? No solutions that I am going to specify in extension can solve problem unless they are not realized together and if the problems of water and soil pollutions are not solved. Particularly, the Nature is harmony of water, air, soil and all living beings that are making her. I will try to write as short as it is possible, so I am apologizing for everything that can be read „between lines“of text. If I try to number some arid data and facts, this text will be too long. You will see that for some ideas I am not competent enough, but the importance of the problem is too big so I used the third roll of slowing problems that some times the stupidest or illogical suggestion can bee the one that solves the problem. 1.

Maximum possible recovering of main forests, forest bands, smaller growths, shields and all types of green surfaces in region and populated places in the World and recovering of the „Worlds bayonet“. That is the only way to filter the air and recover ozone layer. In Libia are bilding factories for production of the sveat water from the solt sea water. The Israelians are one of the best for developing watering sistems and making oasis from desert. By this matter some new solutions or better to say sugestions can bee given.


Everywhere in the World as a problem still occurs clear cutting, as a procedure and concept in forestry and exploitation of forests. This procedure must be eliminated and replaced with much better procedure known as thin cutting, which is in tune with principles of maintaining navigation of natural resources.


Replace aeroplane fuels with another, which less pollute or do not pollute. I think that there are possibilities of ions and there energy to be used and focused for solving of this problem. Long time ago I heard for that possibility but it is of course in domain of competent scientist and other experts.


Gas as substitute fuel for automobiles is already known. Problem is weak economical power of residents in undeveloped countries and countries in developing procedure. Solution is not impossible, but the consequences are enormous and may result downfall of Stock exchange, downfall of World Economy. It could be solved with parallel assimilation of strategy for employing people, „rerouting“ of production, „recycling“ of constructions, over qualification of workers and etc. which are already known measures.


How to find another solutions for fuels for heavy vehicles. In our country and in another country (especially during the times of crisis of any kind) in usage were substitution fuels like, for example oil turpin for tractors, but not with ought consequences. The information’s abut this matter can be find on University for agriculture in Belgrade, or in some big agricultural firms.


Incentive solar and wind energy. Sun and winds as sources of heating and electrical power are more and more in use. Unfortunately, they still are inaccessible to common people. Transformation on these sources is possible in greater part of the World. Influence on the World Economy is huge because it can imply nullify of heating and nuclear power plants. In my country, we have relatively cheap solutions for homes, but the problem is with the rest of energy that is not spent.


All industry installations in all countries of the World, especially chemical and oil installations of high risk must incorporate filters and constructions for refining sewages, gasses and materials. To realize that, tax eases could be offered, that is not too hard, but is not a practice in undeveloped countries.


In relation with previous it is necessary to bring more acute Laws, not just in amount of money but also establish punishment like for example owners and directors that did not realized prescribed must for one year to work as common people and to live in their conditions completely, together with their families. There is no worst punishment then that one. I am writing this because some countries do not respect laws.


Finding more efficient way for destruction of city waste and all the other firm waste material, in such way that it takes less space, pollute less and recycle more. Solutions of this problem are already realized, but sporadic, mostly in countries that can afford it.


Launch mass production of laundry machine that use ultrasound in the procedure of launder. I think that one Japanese scientist invented this machine more then 17 years ago. Consequences on World chemical industry are huge and because of that, this product was not launched. I am sure that this machine exists because this procedure is used in practice for cleaning the parts of wheicycles that are not accessible.


Incentive biological way of strife against plant diseases and pests, cleaning the site and its preservation of further pollution. Many of solutions that refer

in practice undeveloped countries could not afford. Consequences for World agrochemical industry are high. 12.

Do I have to mention the problem of World armament? However, US was one of those country, which without cause bombed my country, and used depleted uranium. Do I have to mention problems in undeveloped countries, famous third world?


What about Mr. Nicola Tesla and his solutions, especially in domain of electrical power and its transportation trough soil (do you remember the light bulbs on the ground without any plug-in source)?


etc. - all other solutions that are known for decades backwards.

The concrete answer for rebellion of Life on this Planet is unfortunately in the domain of science fiction, but I think that a similar approach could be found. Of course, this is only an idea and suggestion, which you can partially take for serious. Do not adjudge me, but for solution is asked for so many times, and maybe this one could be helpful. Who knowes, there is so many good scientists in the World. The most important is the strategy of realization, more important then concrete method or make, because only quality usage of solution can maintain concrete results. I task

Filtrating of Air

It could be done in the layer of atmosphere on the height with the highest accessible concentration of contaminant. Particularly the clouds are acting as natural filters. In them, rather in the droops of water and in steam, contaminant accumulates in different conditions. Concrete suggestion is based on next - four aeroplanes are navigating trough clouds dragging special net, which „filtrate“clouds, and partially disseminating them. The procedure is slow; it could be realized in smaller straps, whose dimension is dependent of the size of net and pulling strength of aeroplane and their strength, so the number of the rounds high as all cloud could be implied. Quantity of Sky is unessential because this action could be located on the most polluted areas. Normally the number of teams, which are scattered on the firmament sky, is huge. The costs of realization are enormous. The „Net“ could be constructed in different ways, for example: •

Tubular structure (from elastic and perforated firm tubular), with gaps on both sides, situated in the direction of the movement, to relive the resistance of air. Tubules can be filled with substance, which can absorb great amount of contaminants. It is inherently that substance is as least hygroscopic as it is possible, to prevent absorbing of moisture, and successfully provide sup blot of contaminants. It has to be partially leakage for air to relive the resistance of air.

Constricted from two layers firm and elastic wires (or as previous from tubular), between which is texture like „felt“, vigorous, leakage for air and hygroscopic. The biggest problems are heaviness of material and its replacement, the replacement of „net“ with new one. Absorbing is maximum,

likewise the destruction of clouds, and if the special substances are put in it cud be possible to prevent the biggest possible filtrating of contaminants. In booth cases elastic of net is essential for the safety of aero planes. Because the net is becoming heavier, during operation, the choice of aeroplanes (or helicopters) should be on their strength, not on speed. The old bombardiers had that strength, I hope that the new ones have bigger one. Practice of pilots is also essential, because they risk most. Time when this action should be realized is before storm (which must not be a risk for airplanes and pilots). It is important not to break clouds completely so that the storm could be developed (normally, the meteorologists should give their opinion about this suggestion), because the wind is the best way for over blowing contaminants that present. With les amount of contaminants in air chances for Nature to do her part of job are bigger. II task

Closing of ozone holes

After the privies action, other plains could puff ozone in ozone layer. It could be don on places where is a crossing from middle density to rear and further to ozone holes, in a way so destabilization does not cause unwanted and unexpected effects. It is most important to simultaneously realize activities or realize it by specified order, close enough to all registrated ozone holes. Procedure should be repeated several times if it is successful. Probably attempts like this one are tried before, but never in that amount. However this is a case of enormous battle with world vide ranges, about battle of mankind against its undead. Necessary amounts of ozone except from production could be prevented and from another sources. It is known that the biggest amount of ozone is made above forests after storm. Likewise, it is known that ozone is produced in tunnels. Finding ways of producing, collecting and maintaining such amounts of gas are world vide attempt. III task

Saving Ice

At the same time with these activities or before them, it is necessary to cool the Ice. It is extremely hard attempt, in which construction engineers and chemists must show their skills. There could be used for example a „liquid nitrogen“ or other mean that is not going to generate greater pollution. I suggested nitrogen because it is a structural part of the atmosphere. Those that are competent for this matter hav better solution. Freon destroy ozone layer, so nor it or its mixtures could be used by any matter. The procedure is based on cooling of exterior side of Ice, till maximum possible thickness, with purpose of forming „ice supporting wall“. This supporting walls should keep masses behind which is broken and physically prevent forder inrush. Temperature of Ice is not still stabile, but it will win time until previous measures start giving results. Normally hear is also an action of worldwide range and is maintained with all-important Ices at the same time or in curtain order. The urgency of action has advance. Procedure must be maintained and more times organized, until notifications about the beginning of closing ozone holes, dropping of the temperature in air and dropping of the temperature in oceans, until the level which show stopping of global heating. Normally,

because all activities are artificial simulation of „Ice age“ it must not be exaggerated with them, so it is necessary that scientists find critical point on which all the actions must be stopped and to let Nature to make new balance. Of course that scientists should give answers on the question how much oxygen is necessary for making balance in atmosphere between bigger amounts of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. Now here are some theses that could be developped in a short time and that are important for this matter: 1.

Strategically planning of economical green surfaces in urban areas and its surroundings by complete usage of main principals of maintain development (as an complete with this work comes work about economy of plants and suggestion about the codes for all plants on the world, which can result the bigist database about plants that was ever made)


The green walls in urban arias (a small tesas that can solve some problems in areas of city that cannot be green because lack of space. This work of course is not the concrete solution for the main meter but can help. With this work I will send the latest results of small experiment that I made during 2002/2003 which is dealing with the elastic of plant production)


The main ideas about strategy and possibilities for greening the deserts etc.

The knowledge that I have about rebellion of Life on this Planet is limited, but I tried to present possibilities that can be fulfilled. This is the problem of as all, problem that no body wants to remit to our children to solve, because they are not going to have a chance to act, as we maby have it. To make it possible we must forget egoism and vanity because they made this situation. Humans are always aspiring to something better. Unfortunately, today everything is committed to “something wealthier” and the necessity for money is endless. That is why differences between humans in whole world exist. Economy power is in hands of several countries and their possibilities to dedicate to solve problem are larger then in other countries, which means the survival of humans on this Planet. Unfortunately the question is how much politicians and Global industry organizations are ready to accept allof the efforts that are made. Till the end of my life I’ll never forget famose sentance: “We borrowed this Planet”. Thank you for reading, an thank you eaven more for your concearn. Made by Greanflore

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