~ Some Wonderful Bible References In German

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Some Wonderful Bible References Preparation for Heavenly Living Correspondence School http://www.geocities.com/bibleloverbill TW 101 from PFHL Course 111-- Thankfulness Study Directions:


Write an essay about how you personally relate or have experienced the concepts in the following Bible verses and passages about thankfulness. This is assignment worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

By May 1977, I believed that I was more thankful to God than all of the Christians I knew. But a five day collapsed lung experience taught me how far short I was from matching God’s desires in this area. I realized that I should be thankful for every breath I am allowed to take whether I am in a good or bad situation. Thus, I investigated what the Bible says about this area of appreciation. Try to determine why I chose each of the following and placed it where I did.

Serious Thankfulness Problems: 1.) Römer 1:21 2.) Lukas 18:11 *************************************************************************** Commandments: 3.) Psalm 136.1-4 4.) Psalm 147:5-7a 5.) 1. Chronik 16:8, 10-11, & 34 6.) Psalm 105:1-4 7.) Kolosser 2:6-8

8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.)

Kolosser 4:2 1. Timotheus 2:1-4 Kolosser 3:14-17 1. Thessalonicher 5:15b-18 Hebräer 13:15-16 Philipper 4:4-8

************************************************************************** The Righteous and Thankfulness: 14.) Psalm 106:1-3 15.) Psalm 140:12-13 16.) Epheser 5:1-4 17.) Epheser 5:15-21

18.) 19.) 20.)

Psalm 97: 10-12 Psalm 30:4-5 Psalm 79:9 & 13

************************************************************************* TW 101 from PFHL Course 112-- Divine Glory and Proper Human Glorifying Directions:

Write an essay about how you personally relate or have experienced the concepts in the following reference list of verses. This assignment is worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

2. Mose 15:11 2. Mose 24:15-17 2. Mose 29:42-43 2. Mose 40:31-35 3. Mose 9:22-24

4. Mose 14:21-24 4. Mose 20:6 5. Mose 5:22-29 Johannes 14:15 Jakobus 1:22 & 2:17-20


Offenbarung 12:17 & 14:12-13 1. Samuel 2:1-10 1. Könige 8:9-12 1. Chronik 16:1-36 1. Chronik 29:10-20

TW 102 from PFHL Course 120-- Divine Peace from God for Believers Directions:

Try to figure out why the verses were put where they were. You might want to copy the verses that really “hit you directly”. Write an essay about divine peace and what you think the best verses in this collection are. How would you teach the best 3 verses? This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 3 quality pages.

God the Father of peace-Richter 6:23-24 1. Korinther 14:33

2. Korinther 13:11 1. Thessalonicher 5:16-24

Jesus Christ is the King/Prince/Lord of peace in the past and forever Hebräer 7:1-3 Lukas 8:46-47 Jesaja 9:6-7 Johannes 14:25-27 Römer 1:7 Johannes 16:33 Lukas 7:36-38 & 47-50 Johannes 20:19-21 & 26 Peace from the Holy Spirit Galater 5:22-26

Kolosser 3:15-17 2. Thessalonicher 3:13-16

Epheser 4:1-5

God’s wisdom leads to peace for the seekers-Jakobus 3:17-18 2. Petrus 1:1-2 Sprüche 3:13 &17 2. Johannes 1:1-3 God’s peace via Salvation Jesaja 53:5 Jesaja 54:5-10

Lukas 2:13-14 Apostelgeschichte 10:34-36

God the Father gives peace to keepers of Bible commandments (His people who want to be righteous because they love Him)-Psalm 29:11 Apostelgeschichte 9:31 Psalm 85:8-10 Römer 2:6-11 Römer 14:17 Römer 8:5-8 Psalm 119:165 Römer 14: 13-19 Jesaja 32:17-18 Römer 15:13

Römer 5:1-5 Epheser 6:13-18

Philipper 4:4-9 Hebräer 12:7-11 Jesaja 57:2 Offenbarung 1:4-5

An important result of peace from God-- Sprüche 14:29-30 Future peace for humble believers-Römer 16:17-20 Psalm 37:7-11

Jesaja 25:8-26:4

TW 102 from PFHL Course 121-- Divine Joy from God for Believers Directions:

Try to figure out why the verses were put where they were. You might want to copy the verses that really “hit you directly”. Write an essay about divine joy and what you think the best verses in this collection are. How would you teach the best 3 verses? This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 3 quality pages.

Jesus Christ Related: Psalm 45:7 Lukas 10:21

Hebräer 12:2 Johannes 15:10-11 & 17:13


Related to True Christian: Galater 5:22-23 1. Petrus 1:8

Römer 15:13 Philipper 4:4

J-- Jesus O-- Others Y-- Yourself {in that order chronologically} Hoping for joy and divine promises: 1. Sprüche 10:28 7. 2. Sprüche 12:20 8. 3. Psalm 126:5 9. 4. Psalm 126:6 10. 5. Johannes 16:20 11. 6. Johannes 16:22 12. Source of joy: 1. Psalm 43:4 2. Psalm 16:11 3. Psalm 28:7 4. Psalm 105:43 5. Psalm 145:7 6. Psalm 51:12 7. Psalm 94:19 8. Psalm 149:5 17. Judas 24 Commandments requiring joy: 1. Job 33:26 2. Psalm 33:1 3. Psalm 100:2 4. Psalm 65:8 5. Psalm 92:4

Johannes 16:24 Psalm 5:11 Psalm 90:14 Psalm 86:4 Psalm 71:23 Jesaja 12:3

13. 14. 15. 16.

Psalm 68:3 Römer 15:13 Jesaja 35:10 Jeremia 31:13

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Psalm 126:3 Lukas 1:14 Lukas 2:10 Matthäus 28:8 Apostelgeschichte 13:52 Römer 14:17 Galater 5:22-23 Apostelgeschichte 14:17

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Jesaja 65:18 Jesaja 49:13 Römer 12:12 1. Thessalonicher 5:16 Jakobus 1:2

Joy is a result of obedience to God and His commandments for believers: 1. Apostelgeschichte 16:34 11. Psalm 97:11 2. Job 6:10 12. Sprüche 21:15 3. Psalm 19:8 13. Sprüche 15:23 4. Psalm 119:111 14. Lukas 10:17 5. Jeremia 15:16 15. Sprüche 15:30 6. 1. Johannes 1:4 16. Johannes 15:10-11 7. Lukas 8:13 17. 1. Thessalonicher 1:6 8. 3. Johannes 1-4 18. Hebräer 1:9 9. 2. Johannes 1:4-19. 1. Petrus 1:8 10. Psalm 45:7 A joyful attitude commitment: 1. Habakkuk 3:18 2. Prediger 8:15 3. Johannes 3:29 4. Lukas 10:21

5. Römer 15:32 6. Philipper 1:4 7. Hebräer 12:2


TW 100 from PFHL Course 101-- About Christians Directions:

Write the answers to the first 3 questions from the information stated in the following 3 groups of Scripture passages. This assignment is worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

Why did God create you? Matthäus 22:36-39 Psalm 63

Epheser 1:3-14, 2:4-7 & 10 Sprüche 3:5-6

What are characteristics and goals of a true Christian? 1. Johannes 2:3, 5-6, 10, 15-17 1. Johannes 4:6-7, 12, 16, 18a, & 21 1. Johannes 3:2-3, 6a, 7-11, 1. Johannes 5:2-3, & 18-21 14a, & 23-24 2. Johannes 9b What are characteristics of professing "Christians"? 1. Johannes 1:8 2. Johannes 9a 1. Johannes 2:4, 9, 11, & 15b-17a 3. Johannes llc 1. Johannes 3:4, 6b, 8, 10, & 15 Römer 8:5a 1. Johannes 4:18c & 20 Galater 5:19-21

Philipper 4:4-8 Römer 12 & Epheser 3-6 3. Johannes 3-4, & 11ab Römer 8:24-26 & 28-30 Römer 6:1-4, 11-19, & 22 2. Timotheus 3:2-5a 2. Petrus 2:20-22 Hebräer 6:4-8

TW 100 from PFHL Courses 103-104-- Importance of the Bible Directions:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

If you really believe most of the verses in this paper, please tell me which ones. Also, indicate any questions or doubts you might have about the ones you don’t believe yet. Then write an essay as if you had the opportunity to try to persuade an individual to become a true Christian. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

2. Timotheus 2:8-10 Römer 10 Johannes 6:63 Psalm 19:7-8 Psalm 33 Matthäus 24:35 1. Johannes 5:4-15 Hebräer 10:7 Johannes 17:8 Johannes 20:30-31 Lukas 24:25-48 1. Thessalonicher 2:13 Johannes 1:8-10 Matthäus 22:29 Römer 1:16-17 Hebräer 4: 12 Römer 16:25-27

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Epheser 6:10-17 1. Johannes 2:14b Matthäus 4:1-11 or Lukas 4:1-13 Apostelgeschichte 4:31 2. Timotheus 1:7-10 Römer 15:4 2. Korinther 5:17-21 2. Timotheus 3:16-17 Kolosser 3:16 1. Johannes 5:19-20 1. Korinther 10:1-15 Römer 2:7-10a 2. Thessalonicher 1:3-12 Hebräer 6:1-2 Jakobus 1:18-27 1. Petrus 1:22-25


34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49.

1. Petrus 2:1-3 Johannes 15:3 Hebräer 13:22a Philipper 2:13-16 Lukas 11:28 1. Johannes 2:5-6 2. Petrus 3:9 & 13-18 2. Timotheus 1:13 Johannes 8 2. Timotheus 3:13-15 5. Mose 30:10-20 2. Timotheus 2:15 1. Timotheus 1:3-11 2. Timotheus 2:22-26 Kolosser 4:5-6 Titus 1:7-11, 13b-14

TW 107 from PFHL Courses 170 or 171-- God to His Children (Fill in the Blank or Short Answer Versions) Directions:

For each of these three groups of Bible references, briefly write a phrase or statement about each Scripture passage. Such is a great depression eliminator. This assignment is worth 4 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

What does a true Christian receive from God? Note: Many of the following indicated Bible verses were from Jack Taylor's “Who We Are In Christ” list.). I have a one page hand-out which I titled “The Wonderful Children of God”. It includes the references in the “About Christians” part of the first course and the below. 1. Divine Assurance-- Johannes 3:16, Römer 6:23, 1. Johannes 2:25 & 5:11-15; Johannes 10:27-29 & Philipper 4:6-7; Römer 5:1; Römer 5:10a; Römer 5:17; Römer 6:2-6 & Galater 2:20; Römer 6:12-14 & 12:1-2; Römer 8:1, Galater 2:16-21, Epheser 2:8-10, & Kolosser 1:10-14; Römer 8:28-39; 1. Korinther 15:58; 2. Korinther 1:22 & Epheser 1:12-14; 2. Korinther 4:1; 2. Korinther 5:17; 2. Korinther 5:21; 2. Korinther 9:11; Epheser 1:7; Epheser 2:8; Philipper 1:6 & Hebräer 12:1-11; Philipper 1:20; Philipper 3:20-21; Hebräer 3:6; Hebräer 3:14 & Johannes 6; Hebräer 4:1

2. Divine Importance-- Epheser 1:4-14 & 1. Petrus 2:3-10; 1. Korinther 6:15-20, Römer 6:12-23, & Römer 8:26; 1. Korinther 1:26-31, Matthäus 18:3-4, 1. Korinther 3:16-17, Hebräer 10:19-22, Epheser 3:8-12, 2. Mose 33:11-34:8, 2. Korinther 4:15-17, Epheser 2:7-10, Römer 8:28-32, 2. Korinther 5:18-20 & 9:8, Galater 2:20b & 5:1, 22-23; Epheser 2:18-22, 4:13 & 15; Kolosser 3:4 & 24; 1. Thessalonicher 4:3 & 7; 2. Thessalonicher 2:13-14, 3:1; 2. Timotheus 1:9; Titus 2:14 & 3:5-7; Hebräer 6:4-6 & 10:39, Hebräer 12:28; 1. Petrus 1:3-5, 7, 2:5 & 9; 1. Johannes 2:1, 27, 3:1, 2, 4:17, & 5:20; Offenbarung 1:5-6 3. Divine Help-- Titus 2:14; Römer 5:1; 1. Korinther 15:56-57 & 1. Johannes 4:18; 2. Timotheus 1:7; 2. Korinther 5:1-8 & 1. Thessalonicher 4:13-18; 1. Korinther 2:12; Kolosser 1:9-12; Römer 8:3-6; Römer 5:17; Römer 8:28; Römer 8:38-39; Römer 5:3-5; 2. Korinther 1:3-5; 2. Korinther 2:14; 2. Korinther 3:5 & Philipper 4:11-12 & 19; Hebräer 13:5-6; 2. Thessalonicher 3:5; Philipper 4:6-7; 1. Johannes 5:14-15; Philipper 4:13; 1. Thessalonicher 5:23-24 & Philipper 1:6; Hebräer 13:20-21; Hebräer 12:7-11; 1. Johannes 2:5, 3:24, & 4:12; 2. Thessalonicher 2:16-17; 2. Timotheus 3:16-17; 2. Korinther 12:9-10 & Philipper 4:13 & 4; Hebräer 4:16; Hebräer 1:13-14; Epheser 1:17-19; 2. Petrus 1:2-4; 2. Petrus 3:13; Matthäus 11:25-30; Epheser 3:16-20; Philipper 2:13; Epheser 6:10, 13, & 16; 1. Petrus 5:7; 2. Timotheus 4:18 & 1. Korinther 10:13; Hebräer 12:2-3; 1. Korinther 2:16 & Philipper 2:5-8; 2. Korinther 10:4-5 & Epheser 6:14-18; 2. Thessalonicher 3:3; Jakobus 1:2-5 & Matthäus 5:1116; Philipper 3:7-11; Hebräer 6:17-20 & 12:22-24; Judas 24

TW 300 from PFHL Course 300-- For God-Pleasing Hope Directions:

Tell in you own words how each the following Scripture passages relates to hope. Why is each put in the group it is? This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 3 pages.

Where does this type of hope come from-Psalm 119:49 Römer 15:1-4 & 13 Jeremia 29:8-14 Epheser 1:15-23 2. Thessalonicher 2:16-17 Epheser 4:1-16


Römer 5:1-5

Benefits of hope in the right things-Psalm 16:8-11 Römer 12:9-13 Psalm 146:5-10 1. Petrus 1:3-5 Sprüche 10:27-28 Kolosser 1:3-8 Galater 5:1-10 Hebräer 7:18-28 Who we should hope in and about-Psalm 39:7-13 Jeremia 17:12-18 Jeremia 17:5-8 Klagelieder 3:21-24 Things believers of God should hope in and about-Psalm 33:12-22 Psalm 130:5-8 Psalm 147:6-11 Psalm 119:81-82 Psalm 119:166 Psalm 119:114 Klagelieder 3:21-26 Psalm 119:116-117 Römer 8:16-25 Psalm 119:147-148 1. Thessalonicher 5:6-10

Sprüche 23:17-18 Sprüche 24:13-14 2. Korinther 3:7-14 Philipper 1:19-20 Römer 15:8-12

Apostelgeschichte 2:25-36 Apostelgeschichte 24:10-21 Apostelgeschichte 26:1-8 1. Korinther 15:12-19 1. Thessalonicher 4:13-18 Titus 1:1-4

What is required for having hope in God-Psalm 38:12-22 Psalm 43:1-5 Psalm 42:1-11 Psalm 71:14-24 Commandments for hopeful living-1. Korinther 13:8-13 Kolosser 1:27-29 Kolosser 1:19-23 1. Thessalonicher 1:2-4

1. Johannes 3:1-3

The only right hope in other human beings-Hebräer 3:1-6 1. Thessalonicher 2:17-20 Hebräer 6:9-20 Titus 2:11-14 Hebräer 10:19-39 Titus 3:1-8

1. Petrus 1:13-25 1. Petrus 3:8-17

TW-300 from PFHL Course 301-- Waiting for or on God Study Guide Directions:

Tell in you own words how each the following Scripture passages relates to patience. Why is each put in the group it is? This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 3 quality pages.

Hebräer 12:1-2 Psalm 37:7-8 1 Timotheus 6:11-12 1. Thessalonicher 5:14 Römer 12:10-13 Jakobus 1:2-4 1. Petrus 2:20 Römer 5:3-5 2. Petrus 1:5-7 Hebräer 6:11-12 Römer 15:4-5

2. Thessalonicher 3:5 Lukas 21:19 Jesaja 40:31 Offenbarung 3:10 Prediger 7:8 Psalm 25:1-5 & 20-21 Psalm 27:14 Psalm 37:3-9 & 28-34 Psalm 62:5-8 Psalm 130:1-6 Sprüche 8:32-36


Jesaja 8:16-18 Jesaja 30:18-19 Klagelieder 3:22-26 Micah 7:7 Zephania 3:7-9 Römer 8:18-28 1. Korinther 1:4-10 Galater 5:5 2. Thessalonicher 3:3-6

TW-300 from PFHL Course 310-- Upward For Intimate Communion with God for Intercessory Purposes Directions:

Write an essay about how you personally relate or have experienced the concepts in the following reference list of verses. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 3 quality pages.

Lessons from Mount Sinai-- 2. Mose 19; 2. Chronik 7:14, Matthäus 7:1, Markus 11:26, Epheser 6:10-1 Lessons from the Sermon on the Mount-- Matthäus 5-8 Lessons from the Mount of Transfiguration-- Matthäus 17:1-13; Matthäus 16:13-28 Lessons from Mount Calvary-- Lukas 23:33-49, Matthäus 27:33-54, & Johannes 19:17-37 & 23:46 Lessons from Mount Zion-- Psalm 78:67-72, Psalm 48:1-14, Klagelieder 5:1-22, Zechariah 8:1-8, Epheser 2:1-10, Hebräer 12:22-13:6, Offenbarung 14:1-16

TW 500- from PFHL Course 131-- The Name of Jesus Christ Directions:

The word “name” also means “character”. Look up each of the Scripture references which have “name” in relation to Jesus Christ and determine why they are listed in the respective sections they are in. Then write an essay stating your conclusions about each of the sections. This course is worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages.


False use-- Matthäus 7:21-23; Lukas 21:7-8 (Matthäus 24:3-5 & Markus 13:4-6); Apostelgeschichte 19:13-16; 1. Korinther 1:13-17 2.) True believing-- Johannes 1:12, 2:23, 3:18, 20:30-31, Apostelgeschichte 2:38, 3:6-8 & 13-16, 4:712 & 29-32 & 40-42, 8:12, 10:42-48, 15:26, 19:1-5 & 13-20, 21:13; Römer 1:1-7, 10:8-13; Epheser 5:18-21; Philipper 2:1-11; Kolosser 3:17, 2. Timotheus 2:19; 1. Petrus 4:12-14; 1. Johannes 3:23, 5:13; Offenbarung 3:8 & 10 3.) Assurance-- Matthäus 12:14-21; Johannes 14:26-27; Johannes 14:12-14, 15:16, 16:23b-24; 1. Johannes 5:10-15; Apostelgeschichte 10:42-43; 1. Korinther 1:2-3, 6:11; Hebräer 1:1-4; Offenbarung 3:7-10 4.) Proper use-- Markus 9:38-41 (Lukas 9:49-50) Lukas 10:17, 24:46-47; Apostelgeschichte 3:6, 4:710 & 16-21 & 29-30, 5:26-32 & 40-42, 8:14-17, 9:20-22 & 26-31, 16:16-18; 1. Korinther 1:10, Epheser 5:20; Kolosser 3:17, 2. Thessalonicher 1:11-12, 3:6; 2. Timotheus 2:19 5.) Unity-- Matthäus 18:3-6 (Markus 9:37 & 42, Lukas 9:46-48); Matthäus 18:19-20; Apostelgeschichte 4:29-35, 9:26-31, 15:24-29; 1. Korinther 1:2 & 10; Philipper 2:1-11


TW 103 from PFHL Course 132-- The Commandments of Jesus (Source Unknown) Directions:

First try to determine why each verse is in the section it is in and how it can be applied to living in today’s world. By these Biblical statements, take inventory of your allegiance to and obedience to Christ. If you really believe most of the quotes in this paper, please tell me which ones and indicate any questions or doubts you might have about the ones you don’t. Or/and write an essay as if you had the opportunity to try to persuade a new Christian to want to be more Christ-like everyday. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

Covetousness 1. Lukas 12:15 2. Matthäus 6:19 3. Matthäus 6:20 4. Matthäus 23:23 5. Matthäus 5:42 6. Lukas 11:41 7. Lukas 14:12-13 Hypocrisy 1. Lukas 12:1 2. Lukas 20:46-47 3. Matthäus 23:2-3 4. Johannes 2:16 5. Matthäus 6:1-4 6. Matthäus 6:5-6 7. Matthäus 6:16-18 Meekness (Humbleness) 1. Matthäus 11:29 2. Matthäus 20:25 3. Markus 10:43-44 4. Matthäus 23:8 5. Lukas 14:8-11 6. Lukas 10:20 7. Lukas 17:10 Prayer 1. Lukas 21:36 2. Lukas 22:40-46 3. Lukas 10:2 4. Lukas 6:28 5. Matthäus 6:6 & Johannes 16:24-26 6. Matthäus 6:9-13 7. Matthäus 6:7-8 Searching the Scriptures 1. Johannes 5:39 2. Johannes 15:20 3. Lukas 9:44 4. Lukas 8:18

5. Markus 4:24 6. Matthäus 16:6-12 7. Matthäus 7:15-17 Supreme Love to God 1. Markus 12:30 2. Matthäus 4:10 3. Johannes 4:23-24 4. Matthäus 23:9 5. Matthäus 4:7 6. Lukas 12:5 7. Johannes 5:22-23 Faith 1. Markus 11:22 2. Johannes 20:27 3. Lukas 12:29 4. Matthäus 6:25-34 5. Johannes 14:1-27 6. Matthäus 14:27 7. Markus 5:36 & Lukas 12:4-7 Believe (Trust for Your Life) 1. Markus 1:5 2. Johannes 14:1 3. Johannes 6:28-29 4. Johannes 14:11 5. Johannes 10:37-38 6. Johannes 12:36 7. Markus 11:24 The New Birth (“Born Again From Above”) 1. Johannes 3:7 2. Matthäus 23:26 3. Matthäus 12:33 4. Johannes 15:4 5. Markus 9:50 6. Johannes 6:27 7. Lukas 10:20


Repentance (Change) 1. Matthäus 4:17 & Offenbarung 2:5 2. Matthäus 11:28 3. Matthäus 6:33 4. Matthäus 11:25 5. Matthäus 16:24 6. Matthäus 7:7 7. Lukas 13:24 Following Jesus 1. Johannes 12:26 2. Matthäus 3:13-15 & 28:19 3. Lukas 22:17-19 4. Johannes 13:14-15 5. Lukas 9:23 6. Matthäus 11:29 7. Johannes 15:9 Perfect Love 1. Matthäus 5:48 2. Matthäus 19:21 & Lukas 12:33 3. Matthäus 5:44 & 26:52 4. Lukas 6:27-28 5. Lukas 6:35 6. Matthäus 5:39-41 7. Lukas 21:19 Receiving the Holy Spirit 1. Johannes 20:22 2. Markus 7:27 3. Johannes 7:37-38 4. Johannes 14:15-17 5. Johannes 16:24 & Lukas 11:5-13 6. Lukas 24:49 7. Johannes 15:26 Letting Your “Light” Shine 1. Matthäus 5:16 2. Lukas 11:35

3. 4. 5. 6.

Johannes 15:16 & 8 Lukas 6:36 Markus 5:19 Johannes 4:35

7. Johannes 12:35 Our Duty to God and Others 1. Markus 12:17 2. Matthäus 5:34-37 & Markus 4:22 3. Matthäus 19:5-6 4. Matthäus 5:25 5. Markus 9:38-40 6. Lukas 10:8 7. Johannes 6:12 8. Matthäus 19:17 Our Love for Other Christians 1. Johannes 15:12 2. Matthäus 18:10-14 3. Markus 9:50

& Matthäus 5:24 4. Matthäus 18:15 5. Lukas 17:3-4 6. Johannes 7:24 & Matthäus 7:1-5 7. Lukas 6:37 Our Duty to Our “Neighbor” 1. Matthäus 19:17-19 2. Lukas 6:31 Faithful Unto Death 1. Offenbarung 2:10 2. Offenbarung 3:11 3. Lukas 6:23 4. Matthäus 10:23 5. Matthäus 10:19 6. Johannes 6:41 7. Lukas 21:28 Preaching the Gospel 1. Markus 16:15

& Matthäus 10:7 Lukas 24:46-47 Matthäus 28:19 Matthäus 28:20 Matthäus 10:27 & Markus 4:22 6. Johannes 21:15-17 7. Matthäus 10:8 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wisdom 1. Matthäus 10:16-17 2. Matthäus 15:12-14 3. Matthäus 7:6 4. Lukas 22:35-36 5. Matthäus 10:11 6. Lukas 9:5 & 10:10-11 The Second Coming of Christ 1. Offenbarung 2:25 & 3:2-3 2. Lukas 12:40 3. Lukas 12:35-36 4. Lukas 21:34

TW 104 from PFHL Course 140-- After an Individual Becomes a Christian Directions:

1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) 8.) 9.) 10.) 11.) 12.) 13.) 14.) 15.)

If you really believe most of the verses in this paper, please tell me which ones. Also, indicate any questions or doubts you might have about the verses you don’t believe. Otherwise, write an essay as if you had the opportunity to try to persuade an individual to become a true Christian. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

Matthäus 11:28-29 Epheser 2:8-9 Johannes 3:16-17 Lukas 19:10 Römer 3:23-25b Johannes 14:6 2. Korinther 5:17 Johannes 3:8] Römer 12:2 Johannes 7:38 Johannes 15:5 Johannes 8:31b-32 Jakobus 3:17-18 2. Timotheus 1:7 2. Thessalonicher 3:3

16.) 1. Korinther 10:13 17.) Johannes 14:1-3 18.) 2. Korinther 4:17-18 19.) Jesaja 26:3 20.) Galater 5:16-17 & 24-25 21.) 1. Johannes 5:1-5 22.) 1. Johannes 1:7 23.) Hebräer 13:5 24.) Lukas 6:38 25.) 1. Johannes 5:14-15 26.) 1. Petrus 1:3-6 & 8-9 27.) Matthäus 5:3-12- 31 28.) Römer 8:28 29.) Galater 6:9-10 30.) 2. Korinther 3:4-5

“My life is to trust the will of God. My walk is to obey His commandments. I would rather be poor by the divine will, than rich by my own.” [Source unknown.]


TW 104 from PFHL Course 141-- What will not be in Heaven Directions be Christians. Then write an essay about how you personally relate or have experienced some of the sins in the following verses. State how you have dealt with them or are planning to deal with them. Confession and repentance is throughout the Bible; it is not just for the initial Salvation. This assignment will not be shared to anyone outside this ministry. It should be used for self ministry (self improvement introspection). The list and essay are worth: First list the wrong attitudes and actions that are common among those who profess to 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies). 1. 2. 3. 4.

Matthäus 5:17-30 Matthäus 11:23 & Römer 1:17-32 Galater 5:15-21 2. Timotheus 3:1-5 TW 104 from PFHL Course 142-- Study About Pride and Humbleness


Respond to the Bible verses and passages by writing an essay for both parts-- 2 essays. There are reasons for the order of the Scripture references. I have tried to not include the controversial verses on this subject. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least quality pages.

Pride-Note: Pride= “An undue sense of one's own superiority, arrogance; conceit”. Results in boasting. Arrogant= “Full of or characterized by excessive pride or self-esteem; overbearing; haughty.” Conceit= “Excessive self-esteem or vanity.” Boast= “To extol the deeds or abilities of oneself or of another; brag; to be excessively proud.” 2. Samuel 22:28 2. Könige 19:28 Job 40:11-12 Psalm 40:4 and 131:1 Psalm 73:3 and 75:4-5 Sprüche 6:16-19, 8:12-13, 14:3, 15:25, 18:12, and 21:24 Jesaja 2:10-12, 3:16-17, 5:14, 16:6, and 28:1 Jesaja 13:11 Jeremia 48:29 Zephania 2:8-10 and 3:1-4

Daniel 5:17-23a & 30 Malaechi 4:1 Römer 11:17-23 Lukas 1:46-51 Markus 7:20-23 Römer 1:28-31 Judas 16-19) 1. Timotheus 6:3-5 2. Timotheus 3:1-5 1. Petrus 5:5

Humbleness-Note: Humble= “having or expressing a sense of selflessness, meekness, modesty, etc.” Contrite= “remorseful”. Broken-hearted= “overwhelmed by grief, despair, etc”. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.)

Sprüche 16:18-19 and Sprüche 29:23 Jesaja 57:14-15 and Philipper 2:5-8 Psalm 51:15-17 Psalm 34:15-22 Jeremia 44:9-11 2. Mose 10:3

7.) Jesaja 66:2 8.) Moses said, 5. Mose 8:1-6 9.) 2. Könige 22:10-20, 2. Chronik 34:29-33, and 2. Könige 23:1-30 10.) 2. Chronik 7:11-22 11.) 2. Chronik 12:1-12

12.) Psalm 34:1-2 13.) Psalm 10:17-18 14.) Jakobus 4:6-10 and Jakobus 1:9-11

15.) Matthäus 18:1-4 and 23:11-12 16.) Kolosser 3:8-15 and 1. Petrus 5:5-7

TW 106 from PFHL 160-- Christian Permission Directions:

Write an essay about how you personally relate or have experienced the concepts in the following Bible reference list of verses. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages.

Part A-- Believing and Commitment 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Johannes 7:37-38 Apostelgeschichte 2:36 Offenbarung 22:16-17 Markus 8:34 1. Johannes 3:16 & 18 1. Johannes 2:24-25 Hebräer 6:1-3 Markus 4:23-24 Johannes 14:27 Johannes 14:1 Jakobus 1:5-6 Hebräer 4:14-16 1. Korinther 10:12-13

14. 15. 16.

1. Petrus 4:16 & 19 Jakobus 1:2-4 2. Thessalonicher 2:1-

26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37.

3 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Philipper 4:4-7 Kolosser 3:15-17 1. Timotheus 6:6-8 Jakobus 1:9 Hebräer 13:5 Hebräer 12:28 2. Korinther 9:6-8 Hebräer 13:15-16 Johannes 12:26

1. Korinther 7:21-24 1. Korinther 3:10-13a 1. Petrus 4:10-11 Markus 10:13-16 1. Korinther 3:18-21a Matthäus 5:37 1. Korinther 16:13-14 Philipper 1:27 Matthäus 19:5-6 Epheser 5:24-25 & 33 1. Petrus 3:1-4 Römer 13:1

Part B-- Relating to Sin Markus 7:14-16 Jakobus 1:13-14 1. Johannes 3:7-8 Hebräer 2:1 1. Korinther 11:26-32 1. Korinther 5:8 Römer 6:11-12 1. Thessalonicher 5:8 Epheser 5:6

1. Korinther 10:6-10 Epheser 5:3 Korinther 6:16b-7:1 1. Thessalonicher 5:6 Kolosser 4:2 & 5-6 Römer 13:12b-14 Sprüche 17:14 Jakobus 3:13 & 17 2. Timotheus 2:14-16 & 19

Part C-- True Christian Unity Goals 1. Galater 6:6 & 8-10 7. Römer 12:9-12 2. Hebräer 10:22-25 8. Römer 15:1-2 3. 1. Korinther 10:2 9. Jakobus 5:13-l4 4. Philipper 2:3-4 10. 1. Korinther 1:27-31 5. 1. Johannes 4:7 11. Römer 14:1-3 6. Hebräer 13:1 12. Römer 14:16-17


Epheser 4:25-27, 29, & 31-32 Jakobus 1:19-20 Galater 5:25-26 Philipper 3:16 Hebräer 12:1-3 1. Petrus 3:8-12 1. Korinther 14:40

13. 14. 15. 16.

1. Timotheus 4:12 Römer 14:19 Römer 14:13 1. Korinther 7:17 & 20

TW 500 from PFHL Course 102-- How Important is Christian Baptism? Directions:

If you really believe what the following passages say about baptism, please tell me which ones. Also indicate any questions or doubts you might have about the verses you don’t believe. Otherwise, write an essay as if you had the opportunity to try to persuade a new Christian to get baptized. This assignment is worth 2 units, so write at least 2 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

Markus 1: 1-8 Matthäus 3:7-10 Matthäus 3:11-12 Lukas 12:50-51 Matthäus 3:13-17

Lukas 3:1-6 Matthäus 21:23-32 Matthäus 20:17-28 1. Petrus 3: 18-22 Apostelgeschichte 18:24-28

Apostelgeschichte 19:1-5 Apostelgeschichte 8:26-40 Epheser 4:4-13 Römer 6:1-18 Kolosser 2:6-12

TW 500 from PFHL Course s 510-- Bible Study About the Holy Spirit (Compiler Unknown) Directions:

Write an essay about how you personally relate to or have experienced the concepts in the following Bible passages and verses. Remember, the focus is on the Holy Spirit: Who is He and what does He do. This assignment is worth 3 units, so write at least 4 quality pages (single spaced lines and no redundancies).

Names, Attributes, Symbols, Sins Against related to the Holy Spirit’s Apostelgeschichte 5:3-4 2. Korinther 3:18 1. Korinther 2:10 1. Korinther 3:16 Johannes 15:26 Hebräer 9:14 Lukas 1:35

Psalm 139:7-10 1. Korinther 12:11 Römer 15:30 Apostelgeschichte 13:2 Matthäus 3:16 Johannes 3:8 Apostelgeschichte 2:3

Matthäus 12:31 Apostelgeschichte 7:51 Hebräer 10:29 Apostelgeschichte 5:3 Epheser 4:30 1. Thessalonicher 5:19

What the Holy Spirit does for true Christians Römer 8 Sprüche 3:5-6 Epheser 2:18 Lukas 4:18 Römer 8:15, 16 Galater 4:6 2. Petrus 1:20-21 Johannes 1:32-34 1. Korinther 12:13-14 Johannes 3:3-6 Apostelgeschichte 13:24; Apostelgeschichte 20:28 2. Thessalonicher 2:13 1. Petrus 1:2 Johannes 16:9 & 14 1. Mose 1:2

Job 33:4 1. Thessalonicher 1:5 Apostelgeschichte 2:4 Apostelgeschichte 4:29-31 Apostelgeschichte 5:18-20 1. Korinther 12:8-11 Johannes 16:14 Johannes 16:13 Römer 8:26 Römer 8:9-14 Galater 4:6 Epheser 6:18 Judas 20 Römer 8:26 1. Korinther 2:1 & 14 Epheser 1: 17


Römer 8:14 Römer 8:2 Galater 5:22-23 Römer 8:11 Titus 3:5 Epheser 1:13-14 Epheser 4:30 Epheser 3:16 Apostelgeschichte 1:8 1. Korinther 2:4 Johannes 14:26 Johannes 15:26 Römer 8:2-4 Galater 4:6

Philipper 3


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