Some Themes

  • June 2020
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some themes/SBA (randomly) 1 Brachial plexus related nerv injuries diagnosis 2 Blood supply related -HNF 3 Psychiatry diagnisis-hypomania ,paranoid schizophrenia 4 Thyroid related 2-3 Qs-anemia in hyporthyroidism,diagnosis hyperthyroidism 5 prostate cancer investigations 6 tetanus prophylaxis 8 ECG+ cxr diagnisis-pnumothorax,MI,pul embolism,pnumonia 9 pnumonia t/t theme 10 ca cell origin theme-multiple myeloma, glioblastoma multiforme,AML 11 child vomitting diarrhoea t/t 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

cns-Dementia diagnisis theme rash.ecxema in child t/t acid -base balance-electrolye imbalance theme t/t child with projectile vomitting-metabolic alkalosis -sba ectopic pregnancy-DD diagnosis management of labour theme ca cervix investigations urinary incontinence t/e in woman-sba child failure to coma..paracetamol poisoning?

21 supraspinatus tendinitis-sba 22 chest injury-2 themes related to it 23 scrotal swelling/pain management 24 varicocele-sba 25 girl querrel with boyfriend-taken paracetamol-what to do next 26 hypertension+DM +renal problems t/t 27 diet /wt loss management theme-in parkinsonism, low pretein diet in liver disease etc 28 ascitis type-cause 29 bleeding disorders diagnosis 30 erythema nodosum-sarcoidosis 31renal investigations(UTI?hematuria investigations?can't remember..) 32 alchohol dependancy t/t theme 33 cocain/canabis/LSD drug intoxication related..2 sbas 34 t/t supraventricular tachycardis 35 tongue- nerve injury+recurrent laryngeal n injury 35 trapezius-winging scapula n onjury 36 burn ulcers stomach t/t 37 staph/strepto infections of skin-cellulitis,abscess in axila.. 38 depression t/t sba 39 DVT diagnisis sba 40 man -moving furniture-muscle sprain.. 41 orthopaedics fractures-complication like somthing.. 42 gradual loss of visison diagnosis-macular degeneration,hypertensive and diabetic retionopathy etc

43 conjunctivitis diagnisis sba 44 eclampsis t/t sba 45 breast milk jaundice as above.. 46 panic attack-hyperventilation.. t/t sba 47 diagnisis/investigations..?(cant rembember) of dizziness theme 48 raised icp-focal signs-head trauma..investigations?cant remember.. 49 agrresive behaviour theme-hypomania.. 50 child faul smelling discharge from nose diagnisis-sba 51 ulcerative colitis not too complications,t/t 52 acute dysnea inv theme like in pulm embolism-woman returned from america etc.. 53 old woman+warfarin+hyprtension/heart disease+fall so dioriented..what is initial diagnisis .sba 54 dyspepsia, gastric ulcer management/INV theme 55 non accidental injury what to do next..?admit in peads ward etc..-sba 56 submandibular gland-salivery stones-sba 57 high ferritin,bronze DM -liver ca.. 58 management of labour theme-shoulder dystocia etc 59 when to measure progesterone level in woman of 32 days cycle-repeat sba 60 lithium to start which inv..haloperodol..hyperprolactinemia etc.. 61 diabetes malitus complications-DKA,hypoglycemia etc-t/t theme? 62 lang ca-which electrolyte abnormality occurs..? 63 LUNg function test related 1 sba 64 child-epilepsy theme? 65 polymyositis diagnisis sba 66 neuropathy theme-facial palsy?cant't remember 67 diagnisis of intracranial lesions?/head injury /raised icp.. something like that 68 nocturnal enuresis in child t/t sba 69 diagnisis of anemia theme-thalessemia..etc? 70 SLE -SBa? 71 antibiotic prophylaxis in woman with mitral valve disease for operation for overian torsion ..sba 72femure neck fracture diagnisis 73 vaginal bleeding theme? 74 t/t menopause symptoms 75 pelvic infamatory disease sba 76 bulimia-sba 77 basal cell/sq cell ca-diagnosis 78 hemoptysis?

Scientific basis of the disease 1. a person got stabbed on the right side of the neck. Later when asked to protrude the tongue it was deviated to right......hypoglosal nerve injury 2. a person was not able to close the eye and some difficulty with mouth movement....facial nerve injury.... 3. a persin with left sided upper and lower limb weakness and left sided facial weakness. 4. a patient comes after a week after thyroidectomy complains of difficulty with the

speech......recurrent laryngial... 5. a patient gets up in the morning and finds difficulty in speaking. He has an incoherent speech but comprehension was normal.,....broca supresion 6. lady with 32 days cycle, she wants to check if she is ovulating, on which day wud she do her progesterone test:........25 day test..... 7. man with wound due to sharp object in garden ......... tetanus vaccine+antibiotic 8. Multiple myeloma - plasma cells 9. AML - neutrophil precursor 10. Rhabdomyosarcoma - skeletal muscle cell 11. Glioblastoma multiforme – astrocyte 12. A woman with flushing....premenopausal symptoms what is best treatment of her symptoms.....Ans. clonidine theme about what is vessel invloved in each condition of following : 13- lip injury then followed by proptosis .......... cavernous sinus thrombosis 14- fracture to temple bone then confusion ..........middle meningeal artery 15 trauma to mandible infront of masseter with bleeding ........ facial artery 16. SBA: A patient is having local anesthesia with xylocaine 1% + adrenaline what`s the effects of adrenaline : ...........prolonge effect of Anaesthesia 17. commonest ca due to high ferritin level picture of haemochromatosis adrenal liver pancrease testis 18. child with projectile vommittin feeding and eating well –pyloric stenosis ....... met alkalosis 19. sba testicular swelling which disappears on lying down...varicocele 20.a child with in school is anarousable with tachaycardia and dilated pupils follwing a seizure. morning he was normal when he met his granmother??.......... POISONING? 21. Sba about submandibular calculus 22. a woman who is 37 weeks pregnant had an episode of fits and now she comes to hospital. On examination BP is normal. Which drug will you give to prevent further attacks of fits ........ magnesium sulphate.......... 23. Eating disorder ------bulimia nervosa 24. Ulcerative lesion on the helix: basa cell Carcinoma....... 25. boy who had some fracture n bruises was splinted further follow up in should b followed by trauma center or pediatrician confused........ 26. bmi34....heavy smoker....heavy drinker....hiatus hernia...hoarseness for 8 weeks......who to refer to?? I chose ENT 27. sba about woman 35 paracetamol tablet overdoses..... admit in medical unit 28. sba about 20year old sexually active recurrent uti....what advise......Hygiene n double voiding....... 29. One was about swelling in calf of 55 yr old fit man......Dvt 30. Large folds in mucosa with acini into columnar epith. Of lamina propria......???? Gastritis Adenoma Adenocarcinoma 31. Post w/ bilateral lower leg oedema.....900ml peritoneal cavity fluis....yellow.....300 ml pleural sac fluid.....cause of death......maybe there was something about alcohol history......cardiomyopathy/cardiac failure....... 32. a man while working in the garden had an episode of syncope. By the time the GP reaches the patient about half an hour later , he is fine. Investigation? options;a. 24 hrs ECG b. 24hr video ECG monitoring c. echocardiography 33. a woman with a diagnosis of mild ulcerative coliti is not on any treatment . She develops diahrrea

and mucus in stool in the last 3 months. all other examinations are normal. her HB is 9.8g/dl idea..... 34. a person comes with sweating, palpitations, hyperventilation and perioral tingling. Thinks he is having a heart attack. what is the best appropriate management......breath into a bag 35. a woman? with diabetes and hypertension presents with proteinuria........ ACE inhibitors 36. a young man presents with nausea and vomittingn weight loss/ or gain..investigation show...... n saline plus steroids.... NA 129 K 5.2 UREA 12 GLUCOSE 4 37. young man with weight loss,thirst and urinary frequency..... n saline with insuline NA 148 K 5.2 UREA 12 GLUCOSE 30 38. 20 yr old man involved in RTA suffers multiple fractures and crush injuries.4 days laster he is anuric with pulmonary oedema......dialisis NA 150 K 7.7 UREA 60 39. 50 year man has had admitted for investigation breathlessness and weight loss.he has been taking a thiazide diurectic for raised blood pressure for 2 years.His blood pressure is 150/100......potasium orally.... NA 138 K 2.9 UREA 5.8 40. an 8 YR OLD boy with gastroeneritis gave a 2 day hostory of profuse diarrhoea and vomitiing......n saline plus potassium.... NA 148 K 2.2 UREA 20 41. squamous cell lung cancer.....what electrolyte abnormality.........hypercalcemia..... diagnosis of gout 42. old lady with atrial fibrillation on warfarin falls and hurts her head with haematoma around orbit..... What investigation?......ct scan..... 43. one sba about woman who is anaemic with Hb 6.4. macrocytic anaemia w/ MCV of 103 and chronic constipation and features of hypothyroidism .........B12 def....... 44. woman had had a fall and a colles fracture some months back.....what test to be done to assess her bone status Dexa scan.......

The Theme was on Alcohol detoxification,Question was Man is on abstinence n craving for alcohol,answer is Acamprosate,another was man is detrrent regarding Alcohol n answer is Dislfiram,another was man started having seizures n answer is Carbamazepine, again man started having symptoms of Delirium Tremens n answer is Chlordizepoxide. Another was man is on some medication n he started having Impotence,i think answer was due to medication side effects. Theme was on Hematology, the answers were ITP,VONWILLEBRAND,HSP ETC.


3.INVESTIGATIONS OF RED EYE 4.SHINGLES MANAGEMENT( TOPICAL ACYCLOVIR,ORAL ACI,7 DAYS ETC) 5.INVESTIGATIONS OF SYNCOPE 6.HEART FAILURE MANAGEMNT(AORTIC VALVE SURGERY,IV DIGOXIN,PROPRANOLOL) 7.DIAGNOSING VAGINAL DISCHARGE(ACTINO,NISSERIA,CHLAMIDIA,TRICHOMONA) 8.MANAGENT OF INCONTINENCE 9.STAPH ,STRP PYOGENES,( REPEAT 10.IMMOBILISATION( TIBIA FIBULA FRACTURE IN A CHLD, CRYING WTH PAIN) 11.DISTRACTION( CATHERISATION IN A CHILD 6 YRS) 12.TERMINAL PAIN RELIEF(HYOSCINE,HALOPERIDOL,METRONDAZIL,ORAL DEXAMETHASONE) 13.inv of vaginal bleed 14.sba about multiple myeloma inv(?)- BENCE JONE PROTEIN? SBA- 20 yr girl,fought wth BF,took paracetamol not exceeding limits,concious,agrees that it was incorrect, what is ur next managemnt 1.discharge home 2.referal 2 psychtry opd 3.cognitive behavioral therpy 4.admision in psychiatry(? dnt rember exactly)ward 5...? few more after a break... time managemnt, recollection of past papers would help, i bliv, for me i was very short of time, not able 2 read through the whole qustions... all the best 2 all. 1. a lady afraid to fly has to go to her daughter's wedding in NZ. Treatment 2. complications of breast Ca (diagnosis) a. lady with a swollen arm b. lady with headache and papilloedema c. lady unable to pass urine, back pain and weakness in legs 3. Terminal care (treatment) a. lady with malodourous breast ca b. man dying of bronchial ca has cough 4. a 3 yo with crust and lesions 10-20 mm peribuccal. with yellowish secretion (diagnosis) 5. 8 yo fell and complains of severe pain in middle tibia. there is no abnormality at exploration. 6. 14 yo boy unable to swallow, fever, pain in lower end of right jaw, faetor oris and swelling gum. 7. a man thinks there is a metal foreign body in his eye (investigation) b. a man complains of eye pain while gardening c. a woman complains of blurred vision, eye pain and vomiting. she has history of migraine 8. A man on warfarin complains of painless haematuria, INR 2.1(diagnosis) a woman on warfarin has painless haematuria INR 5.1 9. 28 yo girls complains of infertility, laparoscopy shows perhepatic adhesions 10. main cause of dementia in IK investigation for curable dementia it responds to tryciclics.

a dementia with personality changes and minimal intelectual deterioration a dementia with neurofibrilary tangles in cortex

1. Anemia in vegetarians - B12 defeciency 2.Antibody to intrinsic factor-Pernicious anemia 3. Management of tension pneumothorax -needle thoracocentesis 4.Man working in a metal factory/foreign body in eye investigation-Xray orbit 5 s/s of meningitis/inv 6. man with hypoglycemia blood sugar-2.0 mmole tt-50%dextrose 7.A ?6 month Baby with lethargy .constipation inv- TSH 8.A presents with c/o urge incontinence when she plays tennis ? detrusor 9.Bloody diarrhoea after tt cyclosporine- Clostridium 10 A child presents wihh vomiting /Pyloric stenosis metabolic alkalosis 11.villous adenoma - metabolic acidosis 12.Inv for cystic fibrosis .sweat test 13. COPD ACUTE exacerbation -24% oxygen 14.18 yr old boy presents with 4 hrs h/o red swollen testes

2. 1. about shingles options av acyclovir oral acyclovir for 2 days oral acyclovir for 7 days immunoglobulin steroids(high dose) reassure n advise 1.30 wks pregnant women with shingles..oral acyclovir for 7 days elderly man in institution. steroids 3. a child with leukemia has shingles. immunoglobulins 4. a man with shingles on chest n trunk. ...oral acyclovir for 7 days 5. a man whose shingles has resolved only scratch marks left. ...reassure n advise.

1. man using crutches , loss of sensation over dorsum of middle n index finger.which nerve injures. 1. median 2. radial............i marked this but am not sure. 2. a man treating himself for dyspeptic h/o wt loss. on endoscopy. narrowing of lowes end of oesophagus n inflammation.he is alcoholic n smoker n BMI is 34. a. barrets oesophagus b. oesophageal stricture....i think this is correct??due to alcoholism?? c. ca oesophagus

d. hiatus hernia. rolling type 3. a boy with vesicles around mouth which have bursted n discharge coming out from them. a. bullous impetigo..i marked this...donno but it was in my mind b. shingles c. chicken pox 4. management of pain. 1.a boy had accident came to a n e with fractured tibia n fibula n crying with pain...........i marked it paracetamol instead of immobilization coz it was management of pain n OHCM says that paracetamol is first choice to relieve pain n it was a child also. coments pls? 4.Ear infection.. a. a boy with fever n earache but tympanic membrane was normal. otitis media b. a boy with earache n disharge. Otitis externa 5.a women 48 yrs with irregular vaginal bleeding, hot flushes..etc. cyclical hormones 6. a women post menopausal with hot flushes..continous hormonal therapy. 7.what causes liver cancer in 3-4 years.......alcohol drinking 8.nasal bleeding30yr old lady with h/o nasal septal bleeding2-3 times in two days with rash. mother also had this problem.......vonwillibrand lady with nasal bleeding,her father had h/o repeated blood trasfusion. bleedig disorder. 9. there was also question abt disease inheritance. like..haemophilia...x linked recessive..dont rem others but it was easy. 10 treatment of svt....amidarone 11..poisoning question. digoxin , amytryptaline etc

8.acid base... pyloric stenosis..met alkalosis villous adenoma.hypokalemia women breathless after hysterectomy..fluid overload 9 .A women presents with c/o urge incontinence only when she plays tennis ? detrusor ...i dont think its detrusor coz she has it only when she plays tennis.......i think there was an option of anxiety also. 10. SBA 57 yr old male tierd and pale urine 2 plus protein and 2 plus blood, haemoglobin 9.5, serum creatinine 350, which urgent investigation u do -MSU -urine for bence jones -u/s abdomen 24 hr urinary proteins...this was also amongst options

.11. a lady afraid to fly has to go to her daughter's wedding in NZ after 2 weeks.Treatment its phobia a lawer cant speak infront of ppl...cognitive behavioural therapy a girl collapsed in assembly also collapses in dentist's clinic. a man collapsed after donating blood. vasovagal syncope 12.vaginal discharge,,,,,,green coloured..trichomonas iucd related..actinomuces israeli 13. a pt with heart failure..medical treatment failed.........heart transplant 14. a diabetic with haemochromatosis has risk of cancer of which organ...........pancreas

pls give comments to find the correct of luck.

3. 4. Q:-1) management of labour: a:- patient at term,has passed meconium, cervix is 3 cm dilated. b:- patient at term,head had been delivered, but baby has shoulder distocia. c) patient at term,membranes ruptured,meconium passed. cervix 3 cm dilated. 4) patiend with previos h/o of HT,membrane ruptures,meconium passed. cervix is 3cm dilated.

Q2: 19 yr old boy has exercise induced asthma,taking inhaled solbutamol,now has to use more than a twice to reliev syptoms: Ans:-Na cromoglcate..........? Q3:- Diagnosis of Poisoning. opoid, digoxin,aspirin,parecetemol,organophosphorous,paraquat. Q:4:- paitent has delieved a baby 2 days back,she is having bilateral deafness,worried about weather her baby has too? Ans:- reassure...........................? Q:-5) paitent with bilateral deafness,sensioneual,now chances in baby to develop? Q:-6) management of arrythmias:Q:-7) paient has cervial smear 6 months ago. which appeared to be normal.Next managment? Q:

sexual active women with depovera,has dismenorrhea and break-through bleeding?

5. 6. Diagnosis of Acute abdomen young women a.acute appendicitis b.cholecystitis c.constipation

d.gastroenteritis e.pancreatitis f.perforated peptic ulcer g.pneumonia h.pyelonephritis i.ruptured ectopic pregnancy j.salpingitis k.ureteric colic l.urinary tract infection A 17 year old girl presents with a 12-hour history of lower abdominal pain with urinary frequency.She is pale and has temperature of 37.8 C.She has tenderness with rebound pain in right iliac fossa. I answered-salpingitis(not sure) A 40 year old woman presents with a 6-hour history of severe upper abdominal pain and vomiting.She is sitting forward and restless.She is shocked with diffuse abdominal pain. I answered pancreatitis (not sure) A 28 year old woman, who smokes heavily and takes antacids regularly for indigestion, presents with sudden onset abdominal pain.She is lying very still and shocked.She has diffuse abdominal rigidity.She had normal menstrual period 2 wks ago. I answered perforated peptic ulcer disease(not sure) A 22 year old woman presents with a sudden onset of severe abdominal pain She complained of dizzines when she sits up.Her last menstrual period was 8 wks ago.On examination of the abdomen she has rebound and guarding. I answered ruptured ectopic pregnancy(not sure)

A 32 year old woman presents with severe right sided abdominal pain of 3 hours duration.She is rolling around because of pain.She has no abdominal signs.The pain radiates to the groin. I answered ureteric colic(not sure) Comments/corrections please.Ty

7. 8. Next management in the following conditions A- USG abdomen B- Catheterisation C- Ascending urethrogram D- Splenectomy

E- Laparoscopy F- Observation G. Abdominal tapping H. Laparotomy I. Blood transfusion J. Get an expert opinion K. IVU L- MRI A rugby player was hit in the back & come with loin pain & haematuria. management Young man with one episode of frank haematuria & he was stable but presented with anuria. A male with anuria brought to A&E after injury with brusing on perineum, the digital rectal exam was normal next step A pt with h/o RTA have FRACTURE of Left lower ribs. Pt is having left sided abdominal pain & progressive guarding of Left hypochondrium. O/E, PR=110/min & BP 90/60. What is the next step? q 120 i was thinking at usg to see if there is any damage,but why not ivu? 121. catheterization or ascending urethrogram. i don't know which one is more indicated here as is it a case of trauma. it could be a urethra rupture. one episode of frank hematuria and after this could it be urethra rupture? 122. c 123. PR=110/min & BP 90/60, left sided abdominal pain & progressive guarding of Left hypochondrium i was thinking at a hypovolemic shock so....blood transfusion,am i right?

9. 10. A couple had a child with cystic fibrosis,what is the chances for the next child to be affected A- 1;1 B- 1;2 C- 1;4 d)1:8 11. Theme 5 Investigation of Unconsciousness Options a. CT scan b. MRI scan c. Blood Glucose d. Toxicology Screen e. Xray Skull f. U&E g. Blood Alcohol Questions 19. 21 year old Female found unconsciousness next to her 22 year old husband, who was found dead. Her ECG shows evidence of Acute MI 20. 42 year old Female, previously normal, was suddenly found unconscious. Brought to the

A&E shows respiratory depression, dilated fxed pupils and extensor plantar response 21. 21 year old rugby player, had suffered from an episode of brief unconsciousness. Comes to the A&E the next day with paresthesias of the left arm. my answers 19. toxicology screen 20. toxicology screen 21. CT scan 12. Management of Ear complaints Options A. Admit & IV antibiotics. B. Oral Amoxacillin C. Oral Amoxacillin + Metronidazole. D. Syringing. E. Pack the ear. F. Surgical intervention G. Out patient review. 16. Girl with fever, earache not able to swallow 17. A 24-year-old man newly joins swimming classes and presents with earache and diminished hearing. On exam he is found to be normal except for some wax in the ear 18. A 24-year-old Rugby player has ear discharge and loss of hearing in right ear, on exam there is small ragged perforation in the tympanic membrane 19. A 34-yearold woman presents with high fever, vomiting, headache and rigors. She has already been having earache along with ear discharge, tenderness over mastoid antrum20. A 33-yearold female undergoes root canal treatment at a dentist. 5 days afterwards she has tenderness over the maxillary sinus associated with earache. 21. A 32-year-old boxer has bleeding in the ear after an injury sustained in a boxing match. 13. In question posted above: An elederly showing signs of pneumonia.... Most likely cause of condition? a)Haemophilus influenzae b)Staphylococcus .. c)Klebsiella pneumoniae d)Streptococcus pneumoniae.. e)..... It is also said in the question that pneumonia came as a complication of influenza virus infection and that o/e bilateral crepitations can be heard. Therefore I think the answer is: Staphylococcus aureus (I checked OHCM, but I may be wrong). In the question with 17 year old girl having tenderness and rebound pain in the right illiac fossa I agree it is ACUTE APPENDICITIS. My general impression was that there were many questions most of us felt quite familiar with, but it was rather difficult to find the right answer. I think there were many tricky questions, and that is what worries me most.


15. Q: 7 y old boy had 3 episodes of tonsilitis during 1 year. TTT Due to OHCS tonsiloectomy in children is >5 attacks for the last 2 years. Can we choose tonsiloectomy for this boy? **Ans Patients with 3 or more infections of tonsils and/or adenoids per year despite adequate

medical therapy = adenotonsillectomy** Options A. Admit & IV antibiotics. B. Oral Amoxacillin C. Oral Amoxacillin + Metronidazole. D. Syringing. E. Pack the ear. F. Surgical intervention G. Out patient review. 16. Girl with fever, earache not able to swallow Ans: A 17. A 24-year-old man newly joins swimming classes and presents with earache and diminished hearing. On exam he is found to be normal except for some wax in the ear Ans: D 18. A 24-year-old Rugby player has ear discharge and loss of hearing in right ear, on exam there is small ragged perforation in the tympanic membrane Ans: G 19. A 34-year-old woman presents with high fever, vomiting, headache and rigors. She has already been having earache along with ear discharge, tenderness over mastoid antrum Ans: A 20. A 33-year-old female undergoes root canal treatment at a dentist. 5 days afterwards she has tenderness over the maxillary sinus associated with earache. Ans:C 21. A 32-year-old boxer has bleeding in the ear after an injury sustained in a boxing match. Ans: G Q: 7 y old boy had 3 episodes of tonsilitis during 1 year. TTT Due to OHCS tonsiloectomy in children is >5 attacks for the last 2 years. Can we choose tonsiloectomy for this boy? Ans adenotonsillectomy. Patients with 3 or more infections of tonsils and/or adenoids per year despite

adequate medical therapy.

1. A lady presents for follow up six months after cervical smear was done (showing mild dyskariosis/CIN 1). 2. A lady presents for follow up after cervical smear was done (CIN 2 on the previous smear). 3. A lady comes for examination. On examination, ulcerated cervix found.

A. Cervical smear B. Colposcopy C. Biopsy Trimetroprim was ordered for some paediatric condition in a child (weight 10 kg) in a dose 4 mg/kg twice daily. Pharmacological preparation contains 50 mg/5 ml. What is the appropriate prescription for the drug: A. 0.4 ml twice daily B. 4 ml twice daily C. 0.8 ml twice daily 1. 20 yrs old primigravida, 32 weeks gestation, presents with profuse vaginal bleeding with pain in the abdomen and tender abdomen on examination. 2. 30 (or something) yrs old pregnant lady 36 weeks gestation (or something like that) presents with fresh bright red vaginal bleeding. Fetus in transverse lie. 3. Over 30 yrs old multipara presents with blood tinged watery discharge for 3 weeks. On examination, cervix with multiple scars and ulcerated. 4. Something something old lady, second pregnancy (first one finished with Caesarean section because of failure to progress or some other reason) presents with pain in the scar area and blood tinged amniotic fluid. A. Abruptio placentae B. Placenta praevia C. Marginal sinus bleed D. Vaginitis E. Cervical carcinoma F. Uterus rupture A lady (more than 40 yrs, don't remember age exactly) with several repeated episodes of amaurosis fugax, with complete recovery after attacks. What is the single most appropriate investigation that would diagnose the condition: A. CT scan B. Carotid doppler echosonography C. Echocardiography D............ A pt presents with pain in the back radiating to the left leg. Sensation over lateral aspect of calf and sole decreased. Most probable level of pathological process: A. L3-L4 B. L4-L5 C. L5-S1 answer. D. S1-S2

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