Solved Interview Questions-1.docx

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Interview Questions 1. Do you think testing is required? 1. Software Testing is necessary because we all make mistakes. Some of those mistakes are unimportant, but some of them are expensive or dangerous.hence we all need to check our own work. 2. Software testing is really required to point out the defects and errors that were made during the development phases. 3. It’s important to ensure that the application should not result into any failures because it can be very expensive in the future or in the later stages of the development. 4. It is very important to ensure the Quality of the product. Quality product delivered to the customers helps in gaining their confidence. (Know more about Software Quality) 5. Improve Quality of Product/Application 2. Why do you want to switch to testing field? 1. Initially I did not find suitable job in IT but now I see the opportunity coming in my way so wanted to explore it out since I already have pursed my degree in computer (IT). 2. I am ready to start something new after achieving my career goals at the previous company etc. 3. What was your roles and responsibility in a project? 1. Responsible for Black Box Testing 2. Involved in Manual Testing of the Application. 3. Responsible for Functional Testing, System Testing and Regression Testing. 4. Interacted with developers, users and various members of my team to discuss and to resolve defects and their priorities. 5. Participated in peer reviews of test cases. 6. Analyzing the test results and creating the bug Report.

4. What are the roles and responsibilities of Tester? 1. Verify that system is working as per functional and non-functional requirement. 2. To find out as many bugs and make sure that they get fixed or not. 5. What was your roles and responsibilities in a Style_icon project? 1) Analyzing the Requirements from the client 2) Preparing Test Scenarios, test cases 3) Defect Tracking

4) Preparing Suggestion Documents to improve the quality of the application 5) Communication with the Test Lead / Test Manager 6) Conducting Review Meetings within the Team 7) Need to identify valid defect and raise the defect with all the detail and make sure the defect gets closed 8) Analyzing, reviewing and assessing requirements and design specifications 9) Maintaining the quality of the system as per the specification and business requirements. 10)Risk Identification 6. How to test website manually? Do you follow any specific process? 1. Yes I follow a specific process. The first step is requirement understanding. Second step is test case preparation and development. Once build is generated for particular application we start with smoke testing to verify system is ready to test or not. 2. Perform functional testing with positive flow then validation testing which is a part of functional testing to verify core functionalities with invalid data. 3. If bug found send it to developer , once bug is fixed perform retesting and regression testing. 4. Perform performance testing, Usability testing , Database testing , compatibility testing and security testing. 7. Define test cases for Pen. Functional: 1. Check whether it writes on paper or not. 2. Verify whether the ink on the paper is belongs with the similar color as what we see in the refill. Performance and load: 1. Verify how it performs when writing on wet paper. 2. Verify how it performs when writing on rough paper. 3. Verify how it performs when writing on hand because we occasionally do that 4. Check load test means when pen is pressed very hard against the tough surface then pen refill should not come out of the pen. Negative: 1. Verify whether ink is available or not. 2. Check if ink is available, than the pen does not write on the paper. 3. Verify by bend the refill at multiple ends and then try to write with it. 4. Verify by dip the pen always in to the water and then write it again.

5. Check whether it write on leaves or not. 8. Define test cases for Fan. Check whether it moves or not. Check it should have minimum 3 blades. Check it should be on when electric button (switch) is on. Check whether Speed of the fan definitely be controlled by the regulator. Check it should be stop working once the electric switch off. Check the proper “company name” should be displayed on fan or not. Check the fan during (while) in motion should not vibrate. Check whether the blades should have decent distance from the ceiling. Check the size of the fan blades according to room. Check whether speed varies when regulator adjusted.

Check if the all parts of the fan is fitting properly and no loose fitting. Check the condition of fan’s when fan is running ON continuously for long period of time Check if fan is started only if electric switch ON. Check if fan is stopped only if electric switch OFF Check if fan is running with minimum noise and vibration. 9. Define test cases for Laptop And AC. 10. What is Failure? - If multiple defects found by end user than your project is considered as failure. 11. How to write Test Cases? - Test Case ID - Test Case Title - Test Case Description - Test Data Requirement - Steps - Actual result - Expected result - Test Priority - Test Status(Pass/Fail) - BugID - Screenshot - Requirement ID - Dependency - Comments For example: Verify login button functionality with valid data.

12. What is test case and - Test procedure?  Testcase is a Set of inputs, conditions and expected result developed for a particular objective to verify product with specific requirement.  Test procedure is nothing but a group of small test cases maximum of 10. Why we write test cases?

The basic objective of writing test cases is to validate the testing coverage of the application.

13. Which is the best model for SDLC that you have come across? 

Agile - By breaking the product into cycles, the Agile model quickly delivers a working product and is considered a very realistic development approach. The model produces ongoing releases, each with small, incremental changes from the previous release. At each iteration, the product is tested. This model emphasizes interaction, as the customers, developers and testers work together throughout the project.

14. Tell me the advantage of an automation testing over manual testing.  Automation testing takes less time to perform regression and functional testing.  It gives high accuracy result.  It is considered as more reliable.  It is considered as high quality. 15. How much testing is enough (When you stop testing)? -Decision to stop testing is mostly dependent on Time, Budget and Extent of Testing. - The most common approach is to stop when either Time / Budget is exhausted or all test scenarios(test cases) are executed -When bug rate drops below some specific level. 16. What is bug? - When testing team found actual result do not match with the expected result. This variation is called bug/defect. - Bug occur because of an error in logic or coding. - Bug is terminology of Tester 17. What is inspection?  

It is the most formal review type It is led by the trained moderators

    

During inspection the documents are prepared and checked thoroughly by the reviewers before the meeting It involves peers to examine the product A separate preparation is carried out during which the product is examined and the defects are found The defects found are documented in a logging list or issue log A formal follow-up is carried out by the moderator applying exit criteria

The goals of inspection are: -

It helps the author to improve the quality of the document under inspection It removes defects efficiently and as early as possible It improve product quality It create common understanding by exchanging information It learn from defects found and prevent the occurrence of similar defects

18. What is Test plan? - Test Plan is a dynamic document. The success of a testing project depends on a well written test plan document that is current at all times. Test Plan is more or less like a blue print of how the testing activity is going to take place in a project. - A document describing the scope, approach, resources and schedule of intended test activities. It identifies amongst others test items, the features to be tested, the testing tasks, who will do each task, degree of tester independence, the test environment, the test design techniques and entry and exit criteria to be used, and the rationale for their choice, and any risks requiring contingency planning. It is a record of the test planning process. 19. How to write Test Plan - Scope , approach , schedule ….. 20. What is Walkthrough?     

It is not a formal process/review It is led by the authors Author guide the participants through the document according to his or her thought process to achieve a common understanding and to gather feedback. Useful for the people if they are not from the software discipline, who are not used to or cannot easily understand software development process. Is especially useful for higher level documents like requirement specification, etc.

The goals of a walkthrough:

i. ii. iii. iv.

To present the documents both within and outside the software discipline in order to gather the information regarding the topic under documentation. To explain or do the knowledge transfer and evaluate the contents of the document To achieve a common understanding and to gather feedback. To examine and discuss the validity of the proposed solutions

21. What is traceability matrix? - It is one type of document which is developed to trace each and every requirement and verify all requirements are tested in the protocol. - Document consist RequirementID, Summary, BRD , SRS, TestcaseID, Automation , Status , Completion date, JIRAID, Module. 22. What are the automation testing tools there in the market? Apache JMeter , LoadRunner , Telerik test studio, Selenium, QTP, SOAP UI 23. If you don’t have much time for testing then how will you test it? - Verify core functionality is working as per requirement or not. Perform testing with positive data only. 24. What is configuration management and why it is so useful to testers? -A software or application is made up of number of physical entities which includes requirement documents, source codes, test cases, reports, test scripts, third party software etc. During the course of creating the software, series of reviews and meetings happen and these entities change very often. Since all these entities are quite complex and very dynamic, it’s very important to manage and have control on these changes. So here is the place or situation, where configuration management comes into picture. Configuration management is a technique or discipline to systematically manage, organize and control the changes in the documents, codes, artifacts and other entities during the development life cycle. Features of a good CM tools are:   

Ease for the developers to work simultaneously Ensuring that the developers don’t over write watch others code Maintenance the history of everything.

List of Software configuration management tools available are:  

VSS – Visual source safe CVS- Concurrent version system

     

Rational Clear Case SVN- Subversion Perforce TortoiseSVN IBM Rational team concert IBM Configuration management version management

SVN : SubVersion

SVN is the most popular open source Configuration Management tool used for version controlling. Being open source, it is freely available over the net. It provides many quality control and cost effective benefits to switch to mid projects. Some of the key features include: o o o o o o

Ease of set up and administration Fast and flexible update commits Provides high visibility to changes with the ease of reverting the changes of a file SVN has automatic merging and conflict resolution which makes locking unnecessary. Full revision history is maintained by for the files that are renamed, copied or moved. Switching between the branches is easy

25. How do you analyze risk? - By analyzing and understanding each and every requirement. 26. How to check boundary values of an object? - For example object accept minimum input 6 and maximum input 10. - Then boundary value of object is 5 , 6, 7 and 9,10,11 - 6 and 10 can be removed by validating with 5,7,9 , 11 inputs. 27. What is Boundary value analysis and Equivalence partitioning?


Both are the types of black box methods. In boundary value analysis tester has to decide the boundary value of an object . In equivalence partitioning tester has to divide object into equivalence valid and invalid class.

28. How to check response time of a web based application? - By using any performance automation tool for example Jmeter,Google Page Speed Tool, GTMatrix 29. What is TRM? Explain it in detail.


TRM stands for traceability requirement matrix. It is one type of document which is developed to trace each and every requirement and verify all requirements are tested in the protocol. Document consist RequirementID, Summary, BRD , SRS, TestcaseID, Automation , Status , Completion date, JIRAID, Module.

Fault : It is a condition that causes the software to fail to perform its required function. Error : Refers to difference between Actual Output and Expected output. Failure : It is the inability of a system or component to perform required function according to its specification. IEEE Definitions   

Failure: External behavior is incorrect Fault: Discrepancy in code that causes a failure. Error: Human mistake that caused fault

Note:  

Error is terminology of Developer. Bug is terminology of Tester

On what basis is the acceptance plan prepared? In any project the acceptance document is normally prepared using the following inputs. This can vary from company to company and from project to project. 1. Requirement document: This document specifies what exactly is needed in the project from the customer’s perspective. 2.

Input from customer: This can be discussions, informal talks, emails, etc.

3. Project plan: The project plan prepared by the project manager also serves as good input to finalize your acceptance test. What impact ratings have you used in your projects? Normally, the impact ratings for defects are classified into three types: •

Minor: Very low impact but does not affect operations on a large scale.

Major: Affects operations on a very large scale.

Critical: Brings the system to a halt and stops the show.

What are different types of verifications? Verification is static type of s/w testing. It means code is not executed. The product is evaluated by going through the code. Types of verification are: 1. Walkthrough: Walkthroughs are informal, initiated by the author of the s/w product to a colleague for assistance in locating defects or suggestions for improvements. They are usually unplanned. Author explains the product; colleague comes out with observations and author notes down relevant points and takes corrective actions. 2. Inspection: Inspection is a thorough word-by-word checking of a software product with the intention of Locating defects, Confirming traceability of relevant requirements etc. Why we write test cases?

The basic objective of writing test cases is to validate the testing coverage of the application. What is coverage and what are the different types of coverage techniques? Coverage is a measurement used in software testing to describe the degree to which the source code is tested. There are three basic types of coverage techniques as shown in the following figure: • Statement coverage: This coverage ensures that each line of source code has been executed and tested. • Decision coverage: This coverage ensures that every decision (true/false) in the source code has been executed and tested. • Path coverage: In this coverage we ensure that every possible route through a given part of code is executed and tested. What's the difference between System testing and Acceptance testing? Acceptance testing checks the system against the "Requirements." It is similar to System testing in that the whole system is checked but the important difference is the change in focus: System testing checks that the system that was specified has been delivered. Acceptance testing checks that the system will deliver what was requested. The customer should always do Acceptance testing and not the developer.

The customer knows what is required from the system to achieve value in the business and is the only person qualified to make that judgment. This testing is more about ensuring that the software is delivered as defined by the customer. It's like getting a green light from the customer that the software meets expectations and is ready to be used. Can you explain regression testing and confirmation testing? Regression testing is used for regression defects. Regression defects are defects occur when the functionality which was once working normally has stopped working. This is probably because of changes made in the program or the environment. To uncover such kind of defect regression testing is conducted. The following figure shows the difference between regression and confirmation testing. If we fix a defect in an existing application we use confirmation testing to test if the defect is removed. It's very possible because of this defect or changes to the application that other sections of the application are affected. So to ensure that no other section is affected we can use regression testing to confirm this. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30. What is verification and explain in details 31. What is validation and explain in detail 32. What is System Testing? Explain about it. 33. What is Functionality Testing? And explain it with an example. 34. What is Usability Testing? And explain it with an example. 35. What is Configuration Testing? And explain it with an example. 36. What is Compatibility Testing? And explain it with an example. 37. What is Availability Testing? Why it is required to perform? 38. What is an Acceptance Testing? 39. What is an Agile Testing? 40. What is white box testing? 41. What is black box testing? 42. What is Style_icon project? Explain it and how many bugs did you find out? 43. Validation Activities- Testing Type 44. Configuration Management 45. Explain Agile Testing 46. How to test web based application? 47. How to test mobile based application? 48. Explain SDLC 49. Explain STLC 50. Explain defect management life cycle

51. Explain Bug Management Life Cycle -----------------------------------DIFFERNCES---------------------------------------

1. What is the difference between retesting and regression testing? 2. Difference between Test Scenario and Test cases. 3. Difference between smoke and sanity testing 4. Difference QA and QC 5. Difference Verification and Validation 6. Difference Black box testing and white box testing 7. Difference SDLC AND STLC 8. Difference Alpha and Beta Testing 9. Difference Severity And Priority 10. Difference Functional VS Non- Functional Testing 11. Difference Positive And Negative Testing 12. Difference GUI VS Usability Testing 13. Difference Manual And Automation 14. Difference Severity and Priority 15. Difference System Vs Acceptance testing 16. Difference Unit Vs Integration testing

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