Solutions To Mock Cat Test

  • November 2019
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Section 1 Tickle your Brains Marks: 15X1=15 1. A farmer bought some mules at Rs 50 each, sheep at Rs 40 each, goats at Rs 20 each and pigs at Rs 10 each. The average price of animals per head worked to Rs 30. How many goats did he buy? Ans: d.One 2. A train 150mts long passes a telegraph post in 12 secs. In what time will it pass a bridge of 250 mts long? Ans: c.32 secs 3. A single tennis tournament is held in which 30 men participate. In a Knockout tournament how many matches are required to determine the winner? Ans: b. 29 4. A reduction of 10% in the price of Sugar enables a man to buy 6.2kgs of Sugar more for Rs 279. Find the reduced and the actual price of Sugar per kg. Ans: b. Rs 4.5 and Rs 5 5. A man can row three quarters of a kilometer against a current in 11 ¼ mins and return in 7 ½ mins. Find the speed of the man in still water. Ans: e. None of the above 6. A person has to make a journey of 72 kms. He rides a bicycle at 12kmph. After going a certain distance the bicycle is punctured and he walks the remaining distance at 4 ½kmph. Find when the bicycle is punctured if the total time for the journey is 4 ½ hrs. Ans: d. 54 kms 7. A cistern contains 50 kgs of milk, 5 kgs of milk is taken out of it and replaced by water. Then again 5 kg of mixture is taken out and replaced by water. The proportion of milk and water in the resulting mixture is? Ans: b. 81:19 8. By selling 200 chikkis, a seller gains the selling price of 40 chikkis. The gain of seller is: Ans: d. 25% 9. A farmer had 1798 sheeps and 986 lambs. He forms those flocks, keeping sheep and lamb separate and having the same number of animals in each flock. If these flocks are as large as possible. How many flocks will be there in all? Ans: b. 48

10. In a kilometer race A can beat B by 40 mts. And B can beat C by 50 mts. By how many meters can A beat C in a 500 mts race? Ans: e. None of the above 11. 1323 mangoes 2457 apples and 3024 bananas are to be made up into heaps of equal number of fruits without mixing fruits of different kinds. Find the greatest number of fruits in a heap? Ans: d. 189 12.

While dialing a telephone number, Rahul forgot the last 2 digits, remembering only that they were different. He dials the number at random. If he takes two trials, what is the probability that he dials the correct number? Ans: c. 1/45


The population of a town increases 10% every year. If the present population is 10000. what will be the population after 3 years? Ans: b. 13310



If x^4 + (1/x) ^4 =727. What is the value of x^3-(1/x) ^3? Ans: e. None of these. A, B and C enter into a partnership and invest respectively Rs 20000, Rs 18000 and Rs 12000. A and B get 12% and 8% profit of the business respectively. The remaining profit is divided in the ratio of their investments. If A gets Rs 648 more than B. Find A share in the profit. Ans: e. None of these. ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~

Section 2 Brain Teasers Marks: 3X5=15 1. Carmen, Evelyn, Leslie and Marion are related. a. Carmen or Evelyn is Leslie’s only son b. Evelyn or Leslie is Marion’s Sister. c. Marion is Carmen’s brother or only daughter. d. One of the four is the opposite sex from each of the other three. Who is the opposite sex from each of the others? Answer: Leslie 2. One of the four people is a Singer and another is a dancer. a. The four people are Mr. Brown, his wife, their son, and their daughter. b. If the singer and the dancer are the same sex, then the dancer is older than the singer. c. If neither the singer nor the dancer is the parent of the other, then the singer is older than the dancer. d. If the singer is a man, then the singer and the dancer are the same age. e. If the singer and the dancer are of the opposite sex, then the man is older than the woman. Whose occupation do you know? Answer: Mr.Brown’s daughter’s occupation 3. The owner of the mansion has been murdered! The visitors to mansion were Allen, Bixby, and Crain. a. The murder who was one of the three visitors, arrived at the mansion later than atleast one of the other two visitors. b. A detective, who was one of the three visitors, arrived at the mansion earlier than atleast one of the other two visitors. c. The detective arrived at the mansion at midnight. d. Neither Allen nor Bixby arrived at the mansion after midnight e. The earlier arriver of Bixby and Crain was not the detective. f. The later arriver of Allen and Crain was not the murderer. Who Was the Murderer? Answer: Allen ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~

Section 3 Reading Comprehension PASSAGE 1: Progress in life depends a good deal on crossing one threshold after another. Sometime ago a man watched his little nephew trying to write his name. It was hard work, very hard work. The little boy had arrived at an effort threshold. Today, he writes his name with comparative ease. No new threshold confronts him. This is the way with all of us. As soon as we cross one threshold, as soon as we conquer one difficulty, a new difficulty appears, or should appear. Some people make the mistake of steering clear of thresholds. Anything that requires genuine thinking and use of energy, they avoid. They prefer to stay in a rut where thresholds are not met. Probably, they have been at their job a number of years. Things are easy for them. They make no effort to seek out new obstacles to over come. Real progress stops under such circumstances. Some middle-aged and elderly people greatly enrich their lives by continuing to cross thresholds. One man went into an entirely new business when he was past middle age and made a success to it. De Morgan did not start to write novels until he was past sixty. Psychologists have discovered that man can learn throughout the life. And it is undoubtedly better to try, and fail than not to try at all. Here, one can be placed in the category of the Swiss mountaineer of whom it was said, “He died Climbing”., when a new difficulty rises to obstruct your path, do not complain. Accept the challenge. Determine to cross this threshold as you have crossed numerous other thresholds in your past life. In the world of the poet, do not rest but strive to pass ’from dream to grander dream’. 1.

What does progress in life depend in life depend upon? Ans: b. Overcoming one difficulty after another.


What does ‘he died climbing’ signify? Ans: a.Strove hard till the last moment of life.


What does ‘to pass from dream to grander dream’ mean? Ans: b. Always having greater and greater aspiration in life.


How can u accomplish the most difficult of tasks? Ans: a. By mobilizing all possible resources?


What obstructs real progress in life? Ans: a. Remaining at one and the same post.

PASSAGE 2: Nationalism, of course, is a curios phenomenon which at a certain stage in a country’s history give s life, growth and unity but, at the same time, it has a tendency to limit one, because one thinks of ones country as something different from the rest of the world. Ones perspective changes and one is continuously thinking of ones own struggles and virtues and failing to the exclusion of other thoughts. The result is that the same nationalism which is the symbol of growth for the people becomes a symbol of the cessation of that growth in the mind. Nationalism, when it becomes unsuccessful sometimes goes on spreading in an aggressive way and becomes a danger internationally. Whatever line of thought, you follow, you arrive at the conclusion that some kind of balance must be found. Otherwise something that was good can turn evil. Culture, which is essentially good becomes not only static but aggressive and something that breeds conflicts and hatred when looked at from a wrong point of view. How are you to find the balance, I don’t know. Apart from the political and economic problems of the age, perhaps that is the greatest problem today because behind it there is a tremendous search for something which it cannot find. We turn to economic theories because they have an undoubted importance. It is folly to talk of culture or even of god when human beings starve and die. Before one can talk about anything else one must provide normal essentials of life to human beings. That is where economics comes in. human beings today are not in a mood to tolerate this suffering and starvation and inequality when they see that the burden is not equally shared. Other profit while the bear the burden.

1. ‘Others’ in the last sentence refers to; Ans: a. Other people 2. Suitable title for this passage can be: Ans: b. Nationalism a road to world unity. . 3. Aggressive nationalism: Ans: d. Isolates a country. 4. ‘The greatest problem’ in the middle of the passage refers to the question: Ans: b. How to contain the dangers of aggressive nationalism. 5. Negative national feeding can make a nation Ans: b. Self centered

PASSAGE 3: Several years ago my parents, my wife, my son and I ate at a restaurant. After a wonderful dinner, the e waiter set the bill in the middle of the table. That’s when it happened; my father did not reach for the bill. Conversation continued. Finally it dawned on me. I was supposed to pay the bill. After hundreds of restaurant meals with my parents, after a lifetime of thinking of my father as the one with money, it had all changed. I reached for the bill, and view of myself suddenly alerted. I was an adult. Some people mark off their lives in years; I measure mine in small events- in rites of passage. I did not become a young man at a particular age, like 13, but rather when a boy strolled into a shop where I worked and called me “mister”. The realization hit me like a punch : I was suddenly a mister. I never thought that I would fall asleep in front of the television set as my father did. Now it’s what I do best. I never thought I would prefer to stay at home, but now I find myself forgoing parties. I used to think that people who watched birds were weird, but this summer I found myself forgoing parties. I found myself watching them, and may be I’ll get a book on the subject. I yearn for religious conviction that I never thought I’d want, feel close to my arguments with my son, I still lose. One day I became a father, and not too long after that I picked up the bill for my own father. I thought then it was rite of passage for me. But one day, when I was a little older, I realized it was one for him too. 1. The passage tell us about the author’s: Ans: a. Growing into an adult. 2. The realization of adulthood for the first time dawned on the author: Ans: a. in a restaurant.


Some people mark off their lives in years, but the author measures his life in: Ans: b. small events.


‘I was suddenly a mister’ here means: Ans: a. the author felt that he had become an adult.


The author had begun to forgo parties because: Ans: a. he had begun to take interest in watching birds.

Section 4 Attitude with Language Select the closest meaning of the word in italics. 1. During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full cognizance of the international situation Ans: a. knowledge 2. Having stuffed themselves with goodies until they were satiated, the guests were so full they were ready for a nap. Ans: c. satisfy 3. The thought of lecturer failing the student had jeopardized the chances of her securing a seat in MIT. Ans: a. endanger 4. The junior grade student’s pragmatic answer stunned the audience. Ans: b. practical 5. The CEO’s candid interview about his forthcoming project left the stock market in a tizzy. Ans: d. outspoken 6. We tried persuading him to give up smoking, but he was obstinate and refused to give up. Ans: c. stubborn 7. Pooja learnt karate so that the bullies won’t intimidate her any more. Ans: b. frighten 8. A bird that can not fly is an anomaly. Ans: b. irregularity 9. A sudden change of adrenalin can negate the effects of fatigue. Ans: c. nullify 10. The hero of Jonathan’s mystery novels is an antique dealer who gives the reader advice how to tell spurious antiques from the real thing. Ans: c. false

Find the errors in one of the underlined words of sentences given below by highlighting on it. 1. Luther Burbank was a pioneer in the process of graft immature plants onto fully mature plants. Wrong: Graft immature Correct: Grafting 2. The change from day to night results in the rotation of the Earth. Wrong: Reults in the Correct: is the result of 3. Studies of ant life shows that ants live in colonies, keep farms, go to war, carry off slaves and have a society somewhat similar to that of human beings. Wrong: shows that Correct: Show that

4. Built at the beginning of the century, the Library of Congress houses one of the largest and the fine collections of books in the world. Wrong: the fine Correct: the finest 5. Kitchen appliances called blenders became established in the 1930s, when Stephen J. Poplawski developed a machine that excel at making his favourite drink. Wrong: excel Correct: excelled


Section 5 Data Sufficiency 1. What proportion of a work is done by Anil? I. Shyam does 24% of the work which is 3/5 of the work done by Sunil. II. The work has been completed by Anil, Shyam and Sunil working together. III. The ratio of the time taken alone by Anil, Shyam and Sunil is 33:105:76 Ans: a. Either I or III 2. The length of a diagonal of a parallelogram is 18 m. What is the length of the other diagonal? I. Area of the Parallelogram is 256 m². II. Sum of the squares of two adjacent sides is 512 m². III. Sum of the squares of one side and height is 484 m². Ans: c. Only I and III 3. An article is sold at 15% discount. Find the percentage gain I. If the article had been sold for Rs 150 less, there would have been no profit no loss II. Had the article been sold for Rs 50 more, the gain would have been 15% III. Cost price of the article is Rs 1000 Ans: b. Anyone of them 4. If 7 is added to numerator and denominator each of the fraction a/b, will the new fraction be less than the original one? I. a=73 b=103 II. The average of a and b is less than b III. A-5 is greater than b-5 Ans: c. Any two of them 5. The amount of Rs 1500 is distributed among A, B, and C (wage-earners). What amount does B get? I. A is twice more efficient than C II. A and B work for 10 days which is twice the no. of days C works. III. If C can do a work in 2 days, then B can do it in 3 days Ans: d. None

6. What is the final ratio in the mixture? I. Initial ratio in the mixture is 3:8 II. 2 litres of water is added to the mixture of water and alcohol III. Before mixing of additional water, the amount of mixture is 22 litres. Ans: e. Data insufficient 7. What is the length of the carpet covering the floor of a rectangular hall? I. The length of the hall is 20m II. The width of the carpet is 3 m III. The area of the hall is 180 m² Ans: a. Only I 8. A trapezium-shaped lawn is having parallel lines in the ratio 7:4. What is the vertical distance between the parallel lines? I. The length of the lawn is 604 sq.m II. The ratio of the length of the two non-parallel sides is 3:5 III. The sum of parallel lines is 121 metre Ans: b. Only II 9. What is the difference between two numbers p and q? I. q is 20% less than another number ‘r’. II. p is 30% more than r III. The sum of q and r is 100. Ans: c. None 10. Is a>b, a,b are integers I. If a is reduced by 20%, then it is less than 80% of b II. Ratio of a and b is greater than 1 III. Square of a is greater than square of b Ans: d. None ~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~

Section 6 Logical Reasoning Directions (Qs. 1 to 5): See the column 1 and 2 below in which the words and codes are given random rows. Decipher the code used tick the options that uses the correct code in the words that follow.


Column (II) ghylvh vwduw glvflsolqh vbvwhp sudbhu ylvlw

1. PRODUCT Ans: (b) surgxfw 2. HONOUR Ans: (c) krqrxu 3. TOPPER Ans: (d) wrsshu. 4. POLICY Ans: (d) srolfb. 5. MODULE Ans: (b) prgxoh

Study the information given below and answer the questions 6 to 9. The tourism department has organized 4 hours site-seeing tours in the city of Mumbai. The department operates 7 buses for this purpose. The buses are marked alphabetically as A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. from Monday to Friday, first bus leaves at 8 am sharp. Subsequent buses leave at intervals of 45mins and 30 mins alternatively. On Saturdays and Sundays, the first bus leaves at 7.30am and other follow regularly after a gap of 1 hour each. Bus E leaves immediately after A and immediately followed by G. Bus C is not followed by any other bus. Bus F leaves immediately before A but not immediately after D.

6. On Sunday, when Bus D completes its tour. Which of the following buses will begin its tour? Ans: d. E 7. If the time gap after Bus A, leaves on Saturday- Sunday increased by 30 mins, at what time tour of Bus C will be completed. Ans: d. 7pm 8. At what time Bus A leaves on Saturday Ans: c. 10.30 am 9. If the time gap between 2 buses in uniformly kept at 45 mins from Monday to Friday, then the beginning of tour of Bus C will mark the completion of which of the following buses. Ans: e. None of these

10. Five boys participated in a debate Alok ranked higher than Suresh, Suresh ranked higher than Prakash, Alok ranked lower than Nabila, Kabir’s rank is between Alok and Suresh. Who is the highest ranker? Ans: e. Nabila

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