Sole Searching Apr-jun 2009

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Patron & Founder I P Bahl President Kusam Aggarwal Gen. Secretary Kuldeep Mongaa Vice President Sheila Bhargava Jt. Secretary Manjula Hanagodu Treasurer P. Madhuri


2 0 0 9


A Quarterly Newsletter For In-House Circulation

By Kusam Aggarwal Dear Colleagues and Fellow Members,




Dr. Krishna Dalal

Here is another issue of sole searching in your hands. We are making every effort to bring it out regularly for you.

I.P. Bahl

Dr. Usha Vishwanath

Lot of work has also been done on Association‘s website In case you have not visited yet, please do see it. We will really appreciate your opinions and suggestions to improve it further.


R.B. Verma

Kusam Aggarwal

Veena Nanda

Here I will like to thank our general secretary Kuldeep Mongaa for his effort, time and dedication in all this work.


Sheila Bhargava

Kuldeep Mongaa

Kuldeep Monga

On 26th March, our patron and founder Sh. I.P. Bahl has turned 88 this year. We all wish him happy and healthy life.


As you know the elections were held in January this year and here is the list of current office bearers and GBMs:


The Neglected Part


Case by Kuldeep




What reports guide


Foot Chart


Case by Nirmala


Case By Manjula


In the past four months we all enjoyed many festivals.

Did You Know?


Just feel what these festivals bring in our life — togetherness.

Case By Surbhi


Trilok Singh

Madhu Seth VICE PRESIDENT Sheila Bhargava


Manjula Hanagodu

P. Madhuri

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I.P. B


By the General Secretary Be-lated HOLI Wishes to all!

In the previous issue Association had promised to come out with its website. I feel proud to announce that the website of

AIAAR ® is now uploaded and you can have a look into the same. If anyone wishes to get his/her name included in the pages of the website, please feel free to contact us with your postal address at [email protected] I once again request you all to

send/share with us your experiences about cases you handled/ solved through foot reflexology. This will help us all to be a better healer. Send us your views for website. LOOK OUT FOR THIS SPACE NEXT TIME FOR MORE. ENJOY READING!




Case Study By Kuldeep Mongaa FROZEN SHOULDER Mrs. S., age 52, Bangkok origin now living in Delhi was suffering from stabbing pain in the shoulder region.


Both active & passive movements were limited means the shoulder was totally frozen called ‘shoulder of fifties‘. It‘s a retrograde and inflammatory disease of the shoulder joint capsule and the soft tissues around it. She previously tried every treatment available for her problem in India and abroad but nothing worked.

I treated her for12weeks— twice a week and there after once a week for another 4weeks, in which her pain was totally eliminated and the movement was restored fully to the normal. She was able to comb her hair herself without any help. The treatment generally consist doing full feet specially the cervical (45) & upper thoracic area (46) along with shoulder (20) and neck region (16). Apart from these I also gave emphasis to Intestine (38, 40-

44), Lungs (26), and Gall Bladder (32) points. During the treatment period the lady was encouraged not to be afraid of pain, but to do active functional exercise on the shoulder joint, under the supervision of a qualified physiotherapist, perform activities of abduction, external rotation, extension and raising of the shoulder joint. It is almost 5 years since I treated the lady, still in my contact, has no relapse till date.

The Neglected Part Of The Body: THE FEET WENDY E PIANG OWI (Web News)

“the nerve endings of all major organs are at the sole of your feet, so if you have not been caring for them, it’s time to start paying attention now”

Who goes for a foot checkup? Next to nobody and that is a problem because the foot is just as important as any other part of the body. For starters, you need your feet to get around! Plus, the nerve endings of all major organs are at the sole of your feet (that‘s why foot reflexology work), so if you have not been caring for them, it's time to start paying attention now. Here are common injuries caused by improper support and what you can do to prevent them. Heel pain

Heel Pain

The most common cause for heel pain is plantar fasciitis an inflammation of the connecting tissue between the forefoot and heel bone, and often associated with strenuous exercise (especially repetitive jumping and running), obesity, standing

for prolonged periods or wearing ill-fitting shoes, If you don't get proper treatment for plantar fasciitis it can cause heel spurs, a calcium formation at the bottom of the heel bone where the plantar fascia connects. This actually happens very often. Achilles tendonitis This inflammation of the Achilles tendon is most common in poorly conditioned athletes. Achilles tendonitis can be caused by a single incident or may result from a series of stresses that produce small tears over time. This condition can also develop in people who exercise infrequently or who have just started to exercise because inactive muscle and tendons have a little flexibility. It's important for people who are just starting to exercise to stretch properly start slowly and increase gradually.

the heel have a higher risk of developing Achilles tendonitis. Women who wear high heels and switch to sneaker for exercise also can develop Achilles tendonitis. Mortons neuroma Women who wear high heels must be aware of this condition. It's an enlarge nerve, commonly in the third interspace ( between the third and fourth metatarsals), and it leads to severe pain. This is common amongst women who wear high- heeled shoes as these shoes increase the pressure on the forefoot and narrow toe boxes compress the forefoot.

Patients who have arthritis in CONTINUE








ASTHMA & REFLEXOLOGY Asthma is a Greek word meaning ‗Short drawn breathe‘. It is a problem of respiratory system in which breathing (especially breathing out) becomes difficult. Mostly the patients are otherwise healthy, but they got an attack of asthma unexpectedly. The attack may last a few minutes or a few weeks and may be mild or severe. The attack may vary from patient to patient. When attack is very severe and the patient is drastically fighting for breath, it is a frightening picture, but usually not life threatening.

more relief than the inhaler.‖ The treatment continued for four months on twice a week sessions to get the relief. Since then for eight years he had no problem of asthma. He is enjoying good health. 2.

Asthma is also a common chronic condition of childhood. It is generally believed that asthma is apparently not curable, but my experience is different. There may be some bad cases which are not curable, but all are not. I quote two cases: 1.

A.K.-35, owner of a factory suffered from asthma for ten years. The day he was given appointment to see me, he got an attack. Against the advice of his family members, he kept the appointment, saying that he would like the reflexologist to see the attack. After the treatment session he remarked ―Reflexology has given me

TS-16, a case of childhood asthma, she suffered for eight years before she came to me for treatment. It took her three months of twice a week session to get the cure. After she was cured I had lunch with her. Then after seven years I got an invitation card for marriage. There she introduced me to her husband with the remarks ― Bahl uncle cured me through reflexology my eight years old distressing asthma. Since then I am enjoying good health.‖

Nose & Mouth— entrance & exit of gases.

Para nasal sinuses (four pairs)

Throat— area at the

Respiratory System The lungs are two spongy bags, pinkish in color, protected by ribs inside which they fit tightly. They are joined to the wind pipe that brings in inhaled air. The wind pipe divides into two branches, one leads to right lung while the other to the left lung. Either branch of wind pipe divides itself again and again into fine tubes (bronchioles) with air sacs at their ends.



by I.P. Bahl back of mouth.

Trachea— from front of the throat it extends to the bronchi.

Lungs— most of the chest cavity is filled with two lobes called lungs.

Diaphragm— the process of inhaling and exhaling is managed by this domed shaped muscle.

Alveoli— all bronchioles terminate into millions of air sacs, life sustaining oxygen is entered and the body gets rid of carbon-di-oxide.

Pleura— a layer of moist membrane called the pleura, covers the lungs and another layer covers the inside of the chest cavity. These lubricating surfaces allow the lungs to inflate and deflate smoothly.

CAUSES OF ASTHMA In reflexology treatment if we know the causes of the sickness and can eliminate them, the treatment becomes more successful. The causes of asthma are: 1.

Allergy: it‘s over reaction by the lining of bronchioles to substance called allergens. The range of allergens is very wide. Mostly allergens are some common place things, normally harmless for nonasthmatics but having the effect of poison on asthmatics. Allergens are like dust, smoke, plant pollen, carpet mites, different items of food, drugs, perfumes, weather changes (hot, cold, moist, dry). When a patient comes in contact with an allergen, hyper sensitive muscles in bronchioles go into intense spasm and the air passages tend to close down causing strangulation. Reflexology is effective to cure allergies.


Respiratory infections: may cause inflammation of bronchioles, narrowing their openings and restricting free flow of gases in the bronchioles. Reflexology should be applied in conjunction with conventional

Since asthma is a respiratory problem, it will be appropriate to discuss respiratory system in brief. The respiratory system is associated with (See Box Below):











Stress & Emotional Imbalance : Cause asthma or aggravate it. If stress is on account of injury, surgeon‘s help should be taken. If mental, do plenty of relaxing techniques. Reflexology treatment is itself relaxing. In addition positive attitude pays.


Heredity: Asthma tends to run in some families. It is beyond the scope of reflexology. If asthma is in the family , you have to be extra careful about respiratory problems. Even for ordinary cough and cold, medical care should be sought for so that a small problem does not develop into asthma.

DID YOU KNOW? The lungs contain around 300 million air sacs (alveoli). The alveoli create a huge surface area, estimated to be 1,000 sq.ft., where the blood exchange its carbon dioxide for a fresh supply of

Components of Respiratory System— Healthy respiratory system will help in avoiding strangulation of air passages in lungs


Nose & Mouth (12+13)

Throat (14)

Coughing, wheezing and breathing difficulty.


 

3D model of Alveoli

whole body (as per the foot chart attached on opposite page) through the reflexes in the feet and keep a note of the condition of each point. Very often we get unhealthy signals from organs/glands not directly linked with asthma. We keep a note of all of them and work on them in repeat treatments. We want to keep the body fit as a whole and not in parts. Of course directly linked parts will be given more attention. The directly linked reflexes with asthma are shown below. The reason for their inclusion is given against each and the foot chart reference has been given in bracket against each to facilitate locating the reflexes

Fast pulse rate. In children, persistent coughing at night may be the only symptom. Drawing in of ribs on breathing in, is more obvious in babies.

REFLEXOLOGY TREATMENT Advantage of reflexology treatment is that it is a holistic treatment. On the very first session we evaluate the

Para nasal Sinuses (11) Trachea (25) Bronchioles, pleura, alveoli (26) Diaphragm (1) Endocrine Glands Pituitary (3) - master gland controls the working of other endocrine glands. Thyroid (6+7) - regulates basal metabolism

Ovary/Testis (55) Pancreas (10) - control sugar levels and produce digestive enzymes. Nervous System— for any part of body to remain in good order, uninterrupted nerve supply is essential. Brain (11) Sp. Cord Cervical (45) Thoracic (46) Lumbar (47) Sacral/Coccyx (48) Kidneys (33) - master chemist of the body. Retains all chemicals required by the body and throws out unwanted wastes through the urine. Ileocecal valve (39) - area around the ileocecal valve controls the elimination of mucus. If this control is out of gear, mucus can be absorbed into the blood stream and can cause mucus related problems. It is therefore important to work this reflex for problem like sinusitis, hay fever, colds, asthma, bronchitis. Asthma is usually a chronic disease. Chronic cases take long time for the cure. Meantime the patient should be protected from attacks. Lot of care is required. You have to follow a number of things and you have to avoid a number of things. Some practical guidelines are given below which should be followed along with reflexology treatment.

Adrenals (9) - the hormones produce by these opens air passages in lungs.

Dietary Considerations

Thymus (8) - reduce inflammation and allergy effects. Working is very helpful for children.

Fruits and vegetables are helpful. They act like medicine. Eat plenty of them (6 to 8 servings per day). Chicken soup bowl

Foods can heal and foods can harm.







ASTHMA & REFLEXOLOGY CONTINUES... and other fluids to protect from bronchial mucus.

Mental and physical stress is not good.

Foods high in omega-3 as mackerel, salmon, herrings and sardines to counter inflammation are good.


Avoid all such foods and additives as seem to trigger attack (according to your susceptibility). Avoid over-loading of stomach particularly hard to digest food like fried and fatty stuff. Sleep Asthma patient should have regular hours of sleep and he should have sleep as much as he needs.

Regular exercise in fresh air is good, but only as much as he can cope with without physical strain. Furniture Heavily cushioned furniture, heavy curtains and carpets can harbor mites. Therefore such things should not be there in the room of the asthmatic. Even doom pillows may not suit. Furry pets are not recommended.

Asthmatic Child : If you have an asthmatic child, do not be over protective. Over protectiveness creates fear in the mind of the child. Fear is not good. What he needs is lot of parental love. There are some medicines prescribed by physician like inhaler etc to help in emergency. Always should be carried by the patient. The patient gets confidence when such medicines are with the patient. Some patient cannot tolerate cigarette smoke. There can be some other limitations. Those limitations should not be hidden, declare them openly so that they can be attended to.

You can check the number mentioned in

this chart with the main story about “ASTHMA” by I.P. Bahl

WHAT MEDICAL REPORTS GUIDE US? We are starting a series on the reports which patient usually brings to us? This will help reflexologists to understand the report in a better way.

SODIUM (136-145mmol/L)

First in the series will Blood Serum studies. First line will show the test with normal range in brackets, then the function and then the interpretation by increase or decrease functioning:

Increased (hypernatraemia): excessive fluid loss or salt intake, water deprivation, diabetes insipidus, excess aldosterone secretion, diarrhea.

Function : Regulates body‘s water balance, maintains acid-base balance and electrical nerve potentials.

Decreased (hypoatraemia): kid-

ney disease, excessive water intake, adrenal insufficiency, diarrhea, profuse sweating, diuretics, congestive heart failure, inappropriate secretion of ADH. UREA (2.5-6.5 mmol/L) Function: waste product of metabolism. Increased : renal failure, decreased renal perfusion because of heart attack, shock. Decreased : high carbohydrate/low protein diets, late pregnancy, drug toxicity, severe liver damage. TO BE CONTINUED IN NEXT ISSUE...



The Neglected Part...Continues Bunions

Knee Pain

One of the most common foot problems, they often run in families, suggesting that the inherited shape of the foot may predispose people to bunions. Flat feet are unstable and often cause bunions. Body weight is repeatedly transferred to the hallux while walking, and in flat feet, this transfer of weight allows certain muscles to become stronger than others. This overpowering of muscles

causes the toe to bend and deform. Bunions may be caused by tight, pointy-toed or high-heeled shoes and shoes that are too small. Women get bunions much more often than men because they wear high-heel shoes. Improper shoes intensify the underlying cause of unstable flat feet.

Case Study By Nirmala Bhatti “If sincere effort is applied, any ailment will show a sign of improvement and can be cured.”

Spinal Cord Injury can result in Paralysis

I was called to see a patient, during his visit to the Tau temple. He had been reported to have suffered a paralytic stroke about 15 years back. The patient had been unstable occasionally while moving, since both legs and hands were affected. All other systems of the body were normal except the limbs. The patient was taken for medical support to various doctors, but none of them could able to give the correct clinical diagnosis of the problem. There was no previous medical history of the family regarding the ailment. Physiotherapy is the main treatment recommended by some doctors around April, 08. In the absence of the medical history, my approach to diag-

nosis of the problem was confined to visual inspection only. Though it was challenging task, nevertheless I accepted the challenge. It was unbelievable to see the improvement in him as the treatment progresses. He had started feeling tightness in calf muscles and could feel blood circulation all over his body, which was not before. Before starting reflexology, this boy had problem in urination also. He sweats a lot and was also having gastric problem .His body had started responding to the therapy and got rid of these problems over within three sitting. Improvement could be seen on his face also which started looking like normal and mature like a grown up man. By the ninth sitting he was able to balance his body in chair and not fall forward. Such improvement gives me a confidence to continue this treatment to this boy who continues to do things on his own

Knee and back pain Knee pain can have many causes most patients usually have it due to osteoarthritis, which is often caused by wear and tear especially when the posture of the feet is not correct and the pressure distribution in the knee not equal. Back pain, especially lower back pain, is very common due to a leg length difference which cause the pelvis to be unlevel.

Continue at page 7

PARALYTIC STROKE and is now full of positive thinking. In the 10th sitting, just to see strength I asked him to lift my hand, which he did quietly and is a good sign of improvement. His legs are getting power. His positive attitude and acupressure foot reflexology helped him improving day by day. By the end of 16th sitting, his mother told that he does not take much time to change his cloths himself. He now exercise his legs with the help of his mother and is improving further. He even tries to write affirmations though small sentences on his own. These days while giving him treatment, when he feels pain in his legs he tries to stop me by moving his other leg. The treatment is still on. This case boosts my confidence and belief that if sincere effort is applied to any kind of ailment, it shows improvement and can be cured.






The Neglected Part...Continues Other common problems: * Corns and calluses are caused by pressure on the skin. They usually occur on the big and fifth toes. Well-fitting shoes that do not press against the skin or the bones of the foot will help alleviate this condition. * Sweaty feet and foot odour are common problems. They can be triggered by stress, strain, fatigue, emotional distress, synthetic materials, changing hormones or weather, and so on.

Wear footwear and socks made from natural materials.

inwards and may cause pain when walking. They should be treated by a medical professional.

* Dry cracked heels are caused by hot, dry weather, inactive sweat glands and constant walking without proper footwear. They can lead to painful skin cracks and bleeding. Use a moisturizing cream, exfoliate with a pumice stone and protect feet with proper shoes.

* Hammertoe is a type of toe deformity that causes permanent sideways bend to the middle toe joint. Choice of footwear has to accommodate the toe so as not to aggravate the condition further. Adding shoes inserts or pads may also help.

* Plantar warts are caused by a viral infection at the sole of the foot. The resulting wart grow

Case Study By Manjula Hanagodu KNEE & SHOULDER PAIN Mrs. T, aged 54, came with pain in her knees and shoulders (unable to even lift). On examining her foot I found her digestive system in a poor state, which she confirmed while diagnosing the feet. She does not like to eat and was never felt hungry, her mouth inside was also very dry, foul smelling and bad breathe. I started giving treatment and just

after the 2nd session she started feeling hungry and desire to eat increases as the treatment goes on. Her digestive system was activated fully.

pain was nearly gone and she was able to walk comfortably.

After the 8th session, she was able to lift her right hand normally which otherwise she could do only with the help of her left hand.

She thanked me at the end and was amazed by the results of FR just by pressing the trigger points in the feet.

Four more sessions reduced her knee pain and by the tenth session

“Digestive system can be one of the cause of knee pains”

Did You Know? 

The average red blood cell lives for 120 days.

Nerve impulses travel at over 400km/hr.

A sneeze generates a wind of 166km/hr and a cough moves out at 100km/hr.

The adrenal gland is also responsible for humming in humans.

Of the 206 bones in the average human adult‘s body, 106 are in the hands and feet. (54 in the hands and 52 in the feet) The largest cell in the human body is the female egg. The smallest cell in the human body is the male


The human body has about 100 trillion cells – that's as 20,000 times more than the number of people in the world.

People are more likely to die if they have a heart attack in winter than in summer.



ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF ACUPRESSURE REFLEXOLOGY (Regd.) Registered under SR Act XXI of 1860. No. S/25886 of 1994

Registered and Centralised Office : 63, Ganga Apartment Alaknanda, New Delhi-110019 Phone: 26020405

You can now download newsletter from:

E-mail: [email protected]

Right Step Towards Right Direction

Case Study By Surbhi Agarwal I learnt foot reflexology in 1996 to treat myself, family and friends. Today, for myself, I perform reflexology on the onset of any ailment such as common cold, lower back ache, indigestion, etc. Also to mention, I have seen some miraculous results while treating one of my friend in Austin,TX suffering from chronic frozen shoulder problem. Here, I want to share one of my very recent experiences

Stye in eye follicle

with Foot Reflexology. 4th February 2009 ,India, I underwent a retinal hole surgery in my left eye. I was assured by the doctors that the surgery was a success and I could peacefully return to California. Upon return, I regained work (which involves 10-12 hours in front of computer) but continued to take necessary precautions and continued the medicinal eye drops. On 16th March 2009, I discovered in the evening that my left eye had developed a growth on the eye lid (sort of a stye). It was extremely painful and uncomfortable. Getting a doctor‘s appointment would not have been possible until next day. I was sure that I would visit my eye doctor as soon as his office opens the next morning. I washed my eyes with cold tap


water. But within 30 mins I realized that this has developed into some eye infection since both my eyes had become swollen, red and started watering and also, blinking my left eye was very painful. I didn‘t want to waste any more time. I quickly started working on my left foot reflex areas of eyes, adrenal, thyroid & pituitary gland. As expected the reflex points were tender. I continued to work on same reflexes on my right foot as well. I was worried because any infection could mean a severe complication to the eye surgery that happened a month ago. After 45 minutes of treatment on both my feet (more time spent on left), I felt that blinking was getting normal. I instantly, went to the bathroom to see how my eyes were doing. To my amazement, the redness was reduced and the growth (stye) in the left eye had totally vanished. I couldn‘t believe myself and was extremely happy to get the situation under control. My visit to the eye doctor next morning confirmed that a severe eye infection that could have caused more complications was under control. He only gave me ‗tear drops‘ to keep the eyes lubricated and asked me more about ‗foot reflexology‘. The doctor was impressed with the instant result that I received with the reflexology treatment. I continued my treatment for next 5 days till the infection was completely gone. I am thankful to be empowered with such a remarkable therapy !

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