This form can be filled in online, printed, then mailed, emailed, or hand delivered to: City of Lompoc - 100 Civic Center Plaza, Lompoc, CA 93438-8001- Attn: Utility Conservation
Name________________________________________________________Date___________ Street Address________________________________________________________________ Phone number(s): Day__________________Evening____________cell_________________ Email Address________________________________________________________________
The location where the solar panels will be installed: __________________________________ Residence Business Other______________________________ Owner of the property__________________________________________________________
Information regarding structure where panels will be installed YES
Does the roof have at least 200 square feet of surface area Please indicate roof orientation (direction that the roof faces) : East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West Does this area receive full sunlight (no shadows during most of the day)? What is the current roofing material: Asphalt Composition other__________________________________________ When was the structure last re-roofed?________________________ The information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge: