Software Release Process

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 2,597
  • Pages: 12
Net Integration Technologies Inc. Software Release Process

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1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8

Introduction............................................................................................................. 3 Multi-Tiered Multi-Flow Process ........................................................................... 4 Standard Release Process Overview....................................................................... 6 Preview Release Process Overview ........................................................................ 7 Patch Release Process Overview ............................................................................ 8 Process Phases Explained ....................................................................................... 9 Software Development........................................................................................ 9 Software Development Testing........................................................................... 9 Alpha Characterization Testing ........................................................................ 10 Alpha Regression Testing ................................................................................. 10 External Preview Testing.................................................................................. 11 Internal and External Beta Testing ................................................................... 11 Release .............................................................................................................. 12 Final Release..................................................................................................... 12

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1.0 Introduction Net Integration Technologies (“Net Integration”) recognizes that sound software development, quality assurance, and rapid time-to-market are fundamental to both Net Integration and our customers’ success. It is with this philosophy in mind that Net Integration employs a multi-tiered, multi-flow software release process. This helps us to ensure that we are responsive to customer needs in a quick and efficient manner, yet we do not sacrifice the quality and stability of the customer’s network. The intent of this document is to outline and explain the goals and objectives for each of the tiers of the software release process. The secondary purpose of this document is to serve as a statement of official corporate release policy for internal [and external] sources to become both familiar and comfortable with the release process.

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2.0 Multi-Tiered Multi-Flow Process Net Integration Technologies recognizes that there is a multitude of customers with a wide variety of system needs. At one end of the spectrum are those customers for whom receiving the latest and greatest features is critical to their competitive advantage, while at the other end of the spectrum are customers that demand stability above all else. With opposing requirements in terms of their demands upon the software development and testing infrastructure, it is virtually impossible to satisfy both camps simultaneously. In addition to the two contrasting customer needs noted above, there may occasionally be the need to provide urgent patches in a rapid time frame. It is advantageous to both Net Integration and to the willing customers to provide them with the ability to preview the software and influence the development of the software during an early stage where it is much easier to accommodate changes. Rather than planning on achieving the impossible task of trying to tailor a single software release process that is capable of meeting all the disparate needs noted above, it is more prudent to separate the software release process in order to meet the many different demands. Net Integration thus releases software using the three process flows diagrammed in Figure 2-1 - Net Integration's Release Processes. The exact process flow being utilized is dependant upon the disposition of the particular software release.

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Figure 2-1 - Net Integration's Release Processes Standard Release

Software Development

Software Development Testing

Internal Beta Testing Alpha Characterization Testing

Alpha Regression Testing

Release Candidate


External Beta Testing

Preview Release

Software Development

Alpha Extensive Testing Software Development Testing

Alpha Regression Testing External Preview Testing

Patch Release

Software Development

Software Development Testing

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Alpha Regression Testing

Release Candidate

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3.0 Standard Release Process Overview Figure 3-1 - Standard Release Process Flow

Internal Beta Testing Software Development

Software Development Testing

Alpha Characterization Testing

Alpha Regression Testing

Release Candidate


External Beta Testing

Net Integration utilizes the Process shown in Figure 3-1 - Standard Release Process Flow for the release of all software that is destined for customer release (this excludes patch releases and preview releases discussed later). During the initial software development, the flow allows for early testing to be tightly coupled within the Software Development team, permitting rapid resolution of bugs. At the Alpha level, Net Integration’s software Quality Assurance (QA) team becomes involved. The team provides additional resources and a different point of view and approach. During the Beta stage, the deployment scenarios are further broadened by the incorporation of external beta customers. In the final stage, the software is promoted to Release level. At this point, all of Net Integration’s internal systems are migrated to this software level. Customers also have the ability to load the software on their systems, allowing early adopters to access the latest features. If a Release level has been determined to be stable and bug-free after a good amount of live use, the software is promoted to Final Release.

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4.0 Preview Release Process Overview Figure 4-1 - Preview Release Process Flow

Alpha Extensive Testing Software Development

Software Development Testing

Alpha Regression Testing External Preview Testing

Net Integration is built upon a solid foundation of being able to deliver products that meet our customers’ needs. Thus, it is beneficial to allow customers to have the ability to influence the software development as it occurs. Preview releases are prepared during very early software development and the release is earmarked specifically for “Preview Purposes Only” (PPO). The intent of the PPO release is to solicit feedback on the new feature(s). To facilitate a rapid feedback cycle, the standard software release process is modified to accommodate the altered testing requirements. Specifically, the preview release requirements are to ensure that software reaching the Preview stage is free of critical bugs that prevent the system from being recovered, including reverting to an older Final or Release level of software. The new features will be required to work with only low to medium priority bugs present in order to be promoted to Preview level, however, it is to be understood by all parties that the PPO software may contain bugs that are serious in nature. Both the External Beta/Preview customers and the internal QA team will work at the Preview level to provide feedback and bug reports to the development team.

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5.0 Patch Release Process Overview Figure 5-1 - Patch Release Process

Software Development

Software Development Testing

Alpha Regression Testing

Release Candidate


Despite everyone’s best efforts, bugs may appear at the Release and Final Release level. Depending upon the urgency and severity of the bug, it may necessitate an ultra-rapid patch release to the customer(s). To provide the rapid response time required, a third process flow is required (see Figure 5-1 - Patch Release Process). Once Net Integration is made aware of the critical bug (i.e. security flaw), the software development team immediately works on the bug as a top priority. During this process, the software development team tests the software to ensure that the bug is fixed; the QA team verifies the bug fix and checks that the bug does not manifest itself in a different manner; additionally, the Alpha level software is put through a limited regression test to ensure that the system is capable of reverting to a previous software version, and that no critical bugs were introduced. Upon completion of the steps noted above, the software is released to Release level where the typical Release level rules apply.

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6.0 Process Phases Explained Figure 6-1 - Process Phases Software Development

Software Development Testing

Alpha Characterization Testing

Alpha Regression Testing

Internal Beta Testing

External Preview Testing

External Beta Testing

Release Candidate


Each of the different processes covered share several distinctive stages. Each step serves a unique purpose in helping Net Integration deliver a quality end-product in an expeditious manner.

6.1 Software Development Software development has been completed with modularity in mind. Each development team is responsible for a subset of the features within each release. Testing is performed by the development teams on their components. Upon the completion of the features scheduled for the specific software release version, the separate software components are merged together. This merged software is then released for testing.

6.2 Software Development Testing The development team itself is the first team to test the completed and merged software. The goal of this testing is to ensure the base level functionality is present and that there are no obvious problems. The purpose of this stage of testing is to ensure the software image is not overtly problematic. If there are any bugs found during this time, the bugs are reported immediately and the software is returned to the software development phase. Software that passes this testing (as deemed by the Software Development Manager) is promoted to the Alpha level.

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6.3 Alpha Characterization Testing Alpha Characterization Testing is mostly comprised of feature targeted test suites. The test suites are intended to go through the complete functionality of the new features. The objective is to understand and characterize the behavior of the features and/or functionality. All medium to critical level bugs will necessitate a return to the software development stage. All low priority bugs will be judged on a case-by-case basis with respect to their impediment to the continuance of the software towards becoming a Release. Promotion of the software shall be made upon the judgment of the Software QA Manager.

6.4 Alpha Regression Testing If the software is marked as “Preview Purposes Only”(PPO), the alpha testing will be constrained to a limited set of regression tests and feature walkthroughs. The objective is to ensure that all high to critical level bugs are found and reported, and all low to medium priority bugs are documented. Critical bugs will necessitate a return to the software development phase. High-level bugs will be judged on a case-by-case basis. In any circumstance, the software shall not be released to Preview level if it is not possible to safely revert to a previous Final software release version. Alternatively, if the software is intended to ultimately reach Release/Final Release (Standard Release Process), tests are performed to ensure that the behavior of features from previous software release versions have not been unintentionally modified. Additionally, testing is conducted to ensure that the systems can safely backtrack to previous software versions. Once the internal QA team has deemed that the software has passed regression testing, is feature complete, and does not have any known medium to critical level bugs, the software is promoted to Beta level. In the case that the software is a Patch Release, the Alpha Regression Testing follows an accelerated path that ensures that the behavior of all features remain intact with the possible exception of the feature affected by the patch. Additionally, testing is conducted to ensure that the systems can safely backtrack to previous software versions. Once the internal QA team has deemed that the software has passed the accelerated regression testing, the software is promoted to Release level. Judgment on the suitability of the promotion of the software to Beta or Preview level shall be made by the QA Manager (consultation with the Support and Development Managers is expected). For Patch releases, promotion of the software to Release shall be made at the discretion of the Support Manager.

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6.5 External Preview Testing Early revisions of software will be made available for Preview level testing. Software that is released for External Preview Testing will not have received the normal amount of testing, so bugs are to be expected. The known bugs will be documented in the Preview release notes. However, Net Integration will only release software to the Preview level that we deem to be free of critical bugs. Only Beta Testers will have access to Preview level software. Feedback is expected through the use of surveys to help guide the development of the software on the specific feature(s). Beta Testers are to understand and accept that PPO software has not received the same level of internal scrutiny as standard Beta Level software.

6.6 Internal and External Beta Testing The goal of the Beta Level testing is to expose the software to a larger range of usage and deployment scenarios. The internal QA team transitions to testing with the intent of exposing any potential longer-term stability and integration problems; it is not feasible to cover off all deployment scenarios. Thus, at the Beta level, external beta customer testing is incorporated. Beta customers are required to explicitly sign a waiver and non-disclosure agreement. Feedback from beta customers is solicited through the implementation of a Beta Program. If an external Beta Tester finds any problems, the internal QA team will work towards the replication of the problem(s). If the problem has been verified, the decision will be made by QA and Support as to the pending status of the release. One of the following outcomes is expected: A) Critical Bug – Software is instantly returned to Software Development phase. Beta Customers are notified of the findings and are requested to continue at their own discretion. B) Medium to High Priority Bug – Software is returned to Software Development phase. Beta Customers are updated with information pertaining to the bug. Beta customers are requested to continue, but are asked to avoid specific scenarios. C) Low priority bug - Internal decision is made as to correct this bug or await next software release. Beta Customers are updated with information pertaining to the bug. Beta customers are requested to continue, but are asked to avoid specific scenarios. D) No Bugs – no action required. If no bugs are found that require the software to return to the software development phase, the software is then promoted to Release at the discretion of the Support Manager. External - Confidential

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6.7 Release Release level software is provided to serve two purposes. The first purpose is to allow for early technology adopters to get the latest available software as quickly as possible. The second purpose is to allow for a method to distribute critical patches as swiftly as possible. Release level software is available to all customers, but requires them to explicitly accept the terms of use before it is installed on their system. Should customers encounter any erratic behavior with Release level software, they are to report the behavior to Customer Support. Net Integration Technologies’ QA team will work with the support team to reproduce and understand the behavior and file it as a bug as necessary. Depending on the nature of the bug the following actions may take place: A) Critical Bug – the release is returned to the Software Development phase; the software is removed from Release level status. B) Medium to High Priority Bug – the software is returned to the Software Development phase; release notes are updated to indicate the bug and Release level users are requested to avoid specific scenarios. C) Low priority bug – an internal decision is made as to correct this bug or await next software release; release notes are updated to indicate the bug and Release level users are requested to avoid specific scenarios. D) No Bugs – no action required. Software at the Release level is monitored as to the prevalence of its usage. Using time and number of deployments as factors, a determination is made as to whether a specific software version has received enough stable usage to be promoted to Final Release. All promotion of software to Final level is conditional upon the assessment of the Support Manager.

6.8 Final Release Software that has reached the Final Release level is deemed to be as tested and stable as possible. This is the software version universally recommended to all Net Integration customers. For customers that demand stability above all else, it is highly recommended that they only use software that has been promoted to Final Release level.

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