Software Project Management

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Course Student ID / Login ID. Name. Total marks. Assignment. No 1

CS615 – Software Project Management mc080200528 Rizwan Shamim 25 Spring 2009

Solution to Question 1: Factors causing increase in cost If we look at the problem from the point of view of “Pareto Principle “we come to know that 20% i.e. 12 workers are directly involved in the project while the rest are indirectly involved. We can say that 20% of workers are producing the maximum output while 80% of workers are having little or no value in the output. . Similarly out of the total budget for the project the factory facilitating 80% of workers which causes the low profit out of the given budget. It shows that the budget meant for 20% of workers in being utilized on 80% of workers .Further more the factory is also giving extra benefits to the 80% of workers which adds more to the loss in profit. Suggestions According to the Pareto Principle we should focus on 20% that really matters because those 20% produces the 80% of the work. Another suggestion will be to cut down the extra benefits being given to 80% of workers out of the allocated budget for the project which is adding more loss to the expected profit. Solution to Question 2 (a): From the given scenario it can easily be said that the “Spiral Model” would be a better choice to apply by the project management team. The reasons for this choice are: 1. The spiral model allows for a non-linear and more flexible development method. Phases can be revisited at any stage in the process and as many times as need be 2. Progression is constantly under scrutiny so there is little chance of mishaps being overlooked 3. As there is a huge amount of risk involved at each step we have a component in spiral model called “Risk Assessment”. Risk assessment is included as a step in the development process as a means of evaluating each version of the system to determine whether or not development should continue 4. Spiral model allows the facility of iteration which continues until final system is complete as in the given scenario there is a requirement for it

Solution to Question 2 (b): 1) Abstraction Abstraction is the process of reducing system complexity. It is the presentation of a simple concept to the external world, while hiding or delegating the detailed implementations. In abstraction, one captures only the essential attributes and behaviors of a component. Abstraction is the elimination of the irrelevant and the amplification of the essential. Advantages of abstraction are the hiding of implementation details, component reuse, extensibility, and testability. When we hide implementation details, we reveal a cleaner, more comprehensible and usable interface to our users. We are separating our interface from our implementation, and this makes component reuse more practical

2) Encapsulation Encapsulation is a pivotal concept for software development. Its many definitions range from simple information hiding all of the way up to encompassing a style of programming. The key issue is that encapsulation isolates and controls the details. It is how it relates back to complexity that is truly important. Encapsulation is a way of breaking off parts of the system and hiding them away. The critical concept is that encapsulation is a way to manage complexity and remove it from the higher levels of the project. Controlling software development is really about controlling complexity growth. If it overwhelms us, the likelihood is failure. 3) Binding Time Binding time is the time at which a binding is created. Binding time refers to the use of an identifier id in a situation that establishes a binding for id. Conventional software engineering in software development has a presence of variation in some of the software assets. These software assets contain variation points that represent unbound options about how the software behaves. During the production process, product decisions are used to select among a list of options for each variation point. The final product’s variation point is fully specified after this process. The point of time for which the variation point’s decisions are bound is referred to as binding time. There are different types of binding times available to the designer e.g., compile time, link time, load time, and run time and the choice of a binding time often depends on the application domain being targeted.

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