Social Studies Charts -6th - Anstey

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 7,071
  • Pages: 24
Social Studies Charts Anstey and Elligan Grade 6

Week 1

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

SACE SS 6.1 Longitude and Latitude

SACE SS 6.1 Maps

SACE SS 6.1 Maps

SACE SS 6.1 Sequence of Events

SACE SS 6.1 Sequence of Events

T: The teacher will instruct the students on what latitude and longitude are respectively, and teach them tricks to remember the differences. Pass out the worksheets and maps

T: The teacher will teach the students what symbols mean what in map keys and how to identify physical features.

T: The teacher will grade presentations.

T: The teacher will overview to the students information on the chronological events from the Civil War to the present.

T: The teacher will assign each group a specific event and they will make a poster containing a picture or song or some other creative element that will allow them to remember the event.

St: Students will have to plot major US cities on a map according to their latitude and longitude, and will also have to find cities at specific latitudes and longitudes.

St: Students will draw and create their own island using the symbols that they learned about, and will present a short presentation the next day.

St: The students will present the maps and stories of the islands that they created.

St: The students will split into groups and make timelines to hang around the room of the major events from the Civil War to the present.

St: The students will create a poster with the afore mentioned criteria.



SS, VA, Mvmt

SS, VA, Mvmt, E

SS, VA, Mu

DA: For extra credit, allow for gifted students to write a short paragraph about an event of their choice.

Week 2

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Day 9

Day 10

SACE SS 6.1 Patriotic Slogans

SACE SS 6.1 Primary Sources

SACE SS 6.1 Secondary Sources

SACE SS 6.1 Connect Past and Present

SACE SS 6.1 Connect Past and Present

T: The teacher will present patriotic slogans to the class from some of the specific time periods discussed on the timeline from Friday and will lead a discussion on their meaning.

T: The teacher will explain what a primary source is. Supervise the students in the computer lab while they are doing their research.

T: The teacher will explain what a secondary source is, and have the students give examples.

T: The teacher will discuss how the past effects the present and will open up the discussion to the students.

T: The teacher will observe the students.

St: Students will discuss the patriotic slogans to determine their meanings, and will then make their own patriotic slogans for the island that they created the week before.

St: The students will be separated into groups and each will have to find a primary source in the computer lab from the time/event that they are assigned. Write down facts from the primary source.

St: The students will take the facts that they wrote down previously and will make their own secondary source. Students will also discuss pros and cons of each type of source.

St: Students will participate the discussion and will each choose an event to write a paragraph on what would have happened had the outcome been different.

St: The students will present their idea of what the country would have been like were their event different. They may dress up, act it out, present a report, etc.


E, SS, Tech



SS, E, D, Mvmt

DA: Gifted students can be given the earlier events since primary sources may be harder to find.

Week 5

Day 21

Day 22

Day 23

Day 24

Day 25

SACE SS 6.2 Phy. Char. and Westward Expansion T: The teacher will go over some major physical characteristics of the US and the westward expansion that was effected by it.

SACE SS 6.2 Phy. Char. and Westward Expansion. T: The teacher will go over some major physical characteristics of the US and the westward expansion that was effected by it.

SACE SS 6.2 Phy. Char. and Westward Expansion T: The teacher will listen to the presentations.

SACE SS 6.2 Phy. Char. And Transportation and Industry T: The teacher will go over major transportation and industrial advances and how they connect with the physical characteristics of the country.

SACE SS 6.2 Phy. Char. And Transportation and Industry T: The teacher will go over major transportation and industrial advances and how they connect with the physical characteristics of the country. The teacher will listen to the presentations.

St: Students will listen to the teacher and prepare to pick their presentation topic.

St: The students will describe the differences in the US if the physical characteristics had been different in a short presentation the following day. It can include diagrams, charts, etc. They can work on this in class.

St: The students will present their ideas to the rest of the class with a good explanation of how they came to that conclusion.

St: The students will be separated into groups and will be given a type of transportation that they must advertise. The must create a jingle, a brochure or picture, and a slogan.

St: The students will be given more time to finish their projects, and will then advertise their transportation method to the rest of the class.

SS, VA, Mu, Mvmt, D SS

Week 6



DA: Students can include a dance for extra credit, which will appeal to students who have trouble sitting still.

SS, VA, Mu, Mvmt, D

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

SACE SS 6.2 50 States and Significant US Cities T: The teacher will instruct the students about important cities in the US and the fifty states. Learn the state song by the end of the week. Assign each student a state.

SACE SS 6.2 50 States and Significant US Cities T: Lead in the state song. Take the students to the computer lab to work on their states projects.

SACE SS 6.2 50 States and Significant US Cities T: Lead in the state song. Take the students to the computer lab to work on their states projects.

SACE SS 6.2 50 States and Significant US Cities T: Lead in the state song. Take the students to the computer lab to work on their states projects.

SACE SS 6.2 50 States and Significant US Cities T: Allow for other classes to come in and view the students projects and ask questions if they wish.

St: Students will be given a state to do a project on. They will be given class time to work on this for the rest of the week. The class will go to the computer lab and library for research purposes. The project includes a diorama, report, and dressing up in something applicable to their state.

St: The students will be given time to work on their states projects, and will also work on learning the state song.

St: The students will be given time to work on their states projects, and will also work on learning the state song.

St: The students will be given time to work on their states projects, and will also work on learning the state song.

St: The students will have their projects for other classes to view, and will also know all fifty states. Each student will give one fact about their state that will be put on a state test for the whole class to take.

SS, E, Tech, VA, Mu

SS, E, Tech, VA, Mu

Week 9

SS, E, VA, Mu, Mvmt

SS, E, Tech, VA, Mu

SS, E, Tech, VA, Mu

DA: Students with learning difficulties can name the 50 states on paper or will be able to recite them to the teacher alone as opposed to in front of the class.

Day 41

Day 42

Day 43

Day 44

Day 45

SACE SS 6.3 Westward Exp. And Immigration

SACE SS 6.3 Westward Exp. And Immigration

SACE SS 6.3 Racial Segregation

SACE SS 6.3 Racial Segregation

SACE SS 6.3 Racial Segregation

T: The teacher will instruct the students on major points on Westward Expansion and Immigration in America from 1877 to the present day.

T: The teacher will instruct the students on major points on Westward Expansion and Immigration in America from 1877 to the present day. Have a special speaker that is either 1st or 2nd generation immigrant come in and speak to the class.

T: The teacher will discuss racial segregation from the end of the Civil War to the present.

T: The teacher will discuss racial segregation from the end of the Civil War to the present.

T: The teacher will show a video about Martin Luther King and the Civil Rights Movement.

St: The students will fill in a map showing the major areas of Westward Expansion. Color it.

St: The students will ask the special speaker questions and will take notes on the presentation. Write a paragraph on how you would feel if you were an immigrant.

St: The students will follow information found at

St: The students will follow information found at

St: The students will watch the video and take notes on said video.


SS, Col, E

SS, Tech

SS, Tech

SS, Tech

DA: Gifted students will research the topic more and present their findings to the class.

Week 10

Day 46

Day 47

Day 48

Day 49

Day 50

SACE SS 6.3 Big Business

SACE SS 6.3 Big Business

SACE SS 6.3 Progressive Mvmt and Child Labor

SACE SS 6.3 Progressive Mvmt and Child Labor

SACE SS 6.3 Progressive Mvmt and Child Labor

T: The teacher will instruct the students on the history and advances in big business.

T: The teacher will instruct the students on the history and advances in big business.

T: The teacher will take the students to the computer lab and have them go to u-s about the progressive movement.

T: The teacher will instruct the student on what child labor was and when laws were passed to change it

T: Testing

St: Students will define terms like democracy, capitalism, etc. and will then put into their own words what they mean.

St: The students will make a poster depicting the rise of a “big business” of their choice (steel, textiles, etc).

St: The students will be assigned terms and will be given the opportunity to look up said terms during class.

St: Students will write a paragraph on what life was like for a child that had to work all the time

St: Testing



SS, Tech



DA: Intercultural connection: research child labor that is still around in other countries.

Week 13

Day 61

Day 62

Day 63

Day 64

Day 65

SACE SS 6.4 Spanish American War Reasons T: The teacher will supervise the students in the computer lab.

SACE SS 6.4 Spanish American War Reasons T: The teacher will show the students pictures depicting battles and scenes from the Spanish American War.

SACE SS 6.4 Spanish American War Results T: The teacher will discuss the results of the Spanish American War

SACE SS 6.4 Spanish American War Results T: The teacher will discuss the results of the Spanish American War

SACE SS 6.4 Spanish American War Results T: The teacher will discuss the results of the Spanish American War

St: The students will separate into groups and summarize the categories from the official Spanish American War website.

St: The students will compare the pictures and will look for clues about battles in the pictures. They will also create a story involving a picture of their choosing.

St: The students will fill out a worksheet showing the major battles of the Spanish American War, showing who won which battles through color

St: Students will write an essay on what would have happened if the outcome of the war had been different.

St: The students will separate into groups with each group taking a specific topic related to the war. One group can have theatres, one commanders, etc. Each group should make a poster or some sort of visual art to hang in the classroom.

SS, Tech




SS, VA DA: Gifted students can do a report on one of the commanders or one of the theatres of the war.

Week 14

Day 66

Day 67

Day 68

Day 69

Day 70

SACE SS 6.4 United States Role in WWI

SACE SS 6.4 United States Role in WWI

SACE SS 6.4 United States Role in WWI

SACE SS 6.4 United States Role in WWI

SACE SS 6.4 United States Role in WWI

T: The teacher will discuss the two sides of the war, what started the war, and what caused the United States to get involved.

T: The teacher will instruct the students on the aspect of the home front.

T: The teacher will go over the major battles and aspects of the war as they relate to the United States.

T: The teacher will go over the major battles and aspects of the war as they relate to the United States.

T: The teacher will go over the final phases of the war and the outcome. Discuss with the students what some direct results of the outcome of WWI are.

St: The students will write letters to the soldiers in Iraq.

St: The students will research things that they can do to help the soldiers now, and their community as well.

St: The students will do a project on one aspect of the war of their choosing. Students will have the opportunity to go to a WWI and WWII site to learn about WWI information.

St: The students will work on their projects to be handed in the next day. Students will have the opportunity to go to a WWI and WWII site to learn about WWI information.

St: Students will hand in their projects and will be allowed to visit the sites again. Students will participate in the discussion.


SS, Col

SS, Tech, VA

SS, Tech, VA

SS, Tech, VA

DA: Students can watch a documentary on WWI and compare it with the war in Iraq for extra credit.

Week 17

Day 81

Day 82

Day 83

Day 84

Day 85

SACE SS 6.5 Development of Trans. And Commun. T: The teacher will go over early transportation, pulling from lessons that have been previously taught, and will connect them. Include communication.

SACE SS 6.5 Development of Trans. And Commun. T: The teacher will help the students make models of transportation and communication devices out of clay.

SACE SS 6.5 Great Migration North

SACE SS 6.5 Music, Art, and Lit. of the ‘20’s and ‘30’s T: The teacher will display art from the time period. The teacher will discuss the significance of the paintings. The Teacher will assign students to read excerpt from influential book of the period.

SACE SS 6.5 Music, Art, and Lit. of the ‘20’s and ‘30’s T: The teacher will play various music from time period and display photos of famous musicians with an about me section underneath the photo.

St: Students will discuss the difference between transportation after the Civil War and transportation after WWI. Students will do a Venn Diagram showing similarities and differences.

St: The students will each make a device that depicts either transportation or communication of the time period out of clay. The students can then label what they have made, what year it is from, and the significance of their device.

St: Students will read letters from people of the times who were migrating. Students will watch the parts of the movie The Promised Land: Sweet Home Chicago

St: The students will browse through artwork making notes of similarities and differences in each one. The students will read a book excerpt and write a synopsis of what they think is going on in the book.

SS, Tech


St: Students will listen to various music from the time period ad jot down the way they are feeling during each song. The students will learn the about me sections and their corresponding musician. The students will then race to see who can match the about me with the correct musician the fastest.

T: The Teacher will describe key events that took place during the period known as the Great Migration North. The teacher will show clips the movie The Promised Land: Sweet Home Chicago.

SS, M DA- Students with difficulty sculpting can draw their device SS, S, VA


Monday Day 91 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will introduce the start of WWII and the US involvement. The teacher will present a slide presentation specifically noting key terms, people, and places. St- The students will follow along as the teacher teaches. Students will be given a handout to complete during the lesson. This handout will be used for further review for the test.

Week 21

Tuesday Day 92 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will discuss when the president should use military force. The teacher will specifically note who was president during this major world event. What events or issues justify the United States’ going to war? St- Once the students are split into groups, they will debate whether or not the president, acting as commander in chief, should be able to use military force abroad without the consent of Congress, which has the constitutional authority to declare war.

Wednesday Day 93 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will introduce terms such as conciliate, diplomacy, mobilization, neutrality, offensive, sanction, and war hawk. St- As each term is discussed, students will copy the word within their social studies notebooks. Using their own words, they will provide their own definition for each key term. Students will be instructed to find at least 3 more key terms for homework that relate to the war. DA- Students will work with an aid while coming up with their own definitions.

Thursday Day 94 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will introduce the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Students will be instructed to write down the main key events.

Friday Day 95 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII

St- Students will be split into pairs. Each pair will interview each other about the course of events that transpired during the bombing of Pearl Harbor. This activity will allow students to see the story from another perspective.

St- With the materials provided, each group will construct their own collage, mainly portraying the key events that transpired over the course of World War II. These collages will be hung around the classroom.

T- The teacher will split students into groups of 5 or 6. Each group will be given a 3ft by 6ft size brown paper to construct a collage.

Week 22 Monday Day 96 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will focus upon the Pacific Theatre, the European Theatre, and the Normandy Invasion and Campaign over the nest two class periods. The teacher will present a video that briefly covers each content area mentioned. St- During the video, students must note one main event that they will write a two page paper on for homework. This paper must include how this particular even contributed to WWII.

Tuesday Day 97 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will focus upon the Pacific Theatre, the European Theatre, and the Normandy Invasion and Campaign. The teacher will use interactive maps so that students may visualize the information presented. St- Students will listen closely as the teacher discussed the actual location where each “theatre” took place. Students will be called upon to come to the front of the class to briefly describe the events that occurred at a particular location.

Wednesday Day 98 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will construct cards with events that occurred during and after the war. St- Each student will be given a 3x5 card with a specific event that occurred during WWII. When the teacher calls upon the class as a whole, students must organize themselves in timeline order. They may not look at their book or their notes. They must work with each other to discover the correct timeline.

Thursday Day 99 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will play a review game with students. The game is called baseball. St- The entire class will be split into two teams. Each team will collectively decide upon an answer after the teacher calls upon each to answer the question provided. The winning team will score an extra three bonus points on their test.

Friday Day 100 SACE SS 6.6 United States Involvement in WWII T- The teacher will administer a test covering the materials about the US involvement in World War II. St- The students will take a test covering the materials over the course of the last two weeks in regards to United States involvement in WWII. DA- Students will receive an aid to assist them in taking the test if necessary.

Week 25 Monday Day 111 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will discuss with students the economic boom as a result of the war and a social transformation of the United States. St- Students will demonstrate ways in which society has boomed as a result of the war. Each student will construct a poster denoting one main result of the war.

Tuesday Day 112 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will teach students how the expansion of military air power in the first half of the 20th century led to the establishment of the United States Air Force and the Air Force Academy.

Wednesday Day 113 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will show a video covering America’s Space Program. NASA, in addition to other research institutions will be noted in enabling man to land on the moon.

St- Using the materials provided, students will be split into groups and construct their own airplane, specifically modeling after an air force jet.

St- Students will watch a video about space and fill in the blanks provided within their worksheet that correlates with the video. DA- These students will not be given a worksheet with blanks, but rather all the answers will be filled in so that they may focus on the movie.

Thursday Day 114 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will introduce the special individual who revolutionized the sport of baseball, Jackie Robinson. He was the first African American to play. St- The teacher will allow the students to play a real game of baseball as a class treat!

Friday Day 115 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will conduct a survey noting how many individuals have flown before. St- With the answers recorded from the survey, students must create a graph and chart recording the percentage of students within their classroom that have flown before.

Week 26 Monday Day 116 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will note the struggle for racial and gender equality within the United States. The teacher will read the story of Rosa Parks. St- Students will be instructed to write a two page summary of how they might have responded were they in Rosa Park’s shoes aboard the bus that day. How have they seen recent examples of racism within their own country?

Tuesday Day 117 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will introduce the Brown vs. Board of Education case dealing with integration in the schools. St- Students will be instructed to write a journal entry within their social studies notebooks specifically writing about how they would feel if they were discriminated against.

Wednesday Day 118 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will discuss recent United States relations within the Middle East. The teacher will discuss the Jordan- Israel Peace Treaty. St- The students must construct their own peace treaty for someone with whom they do not get along. As long as the terms are reasonable, each student must agree to their part of the deal.

Thursday Day 119 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T-The teacher will discuss the recent events of 9-11. A slide presentation will be presented to the class. St- Students must interview two individuals in regards to where they were when the Twin Towers fell and their initial reaction.

Friday Day 120 SACE SS 6.6 United States since WWII T- The teacher will administer a test that covers the materials presented over the course of the last two weeks covering the United States since WWII. St- Students will complete a test covering the materials taught over the course of the last two weeks. DA- Students will receive an aid to assist them in taking the test if necessary.

Week 29 Monday Day 131 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century T- The teacher will discuss the Great Depression that occurred when the Stock Market crashed in the early 1900’s. The teacher will provide internet access so that students may explore more about this topic. St- Students will be encouraged to explore the internet (within strict guidelines) to find a news article depicting the event that occurred the day, known as Black Friday.

Tuesday Day 132 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century

Wednesday Day 133 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century

T- The teacher will explain to students the purpose of the New Deal.

T- The teacher will introduce WWI and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The teacher will show students a video clip in regards to the beginning of WWII.

St- Given textbooks and other reading materials, students will research the New Deal. Students will be required to write a one page summary of the purpose of Roosevelt’s New Deal.

St- Students will be given a worksheet that correlates with the movie. Students will be expected to fill in all the blanks. DA- These students will not be given a worksheet with blanks, but rather all the answers will be filled in so that they may focus on the movie.

Thursday Day 134 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century T- The teacher will again focus on the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Have students imagine what it would have been like to be at the military base when the Japanese attacked. St- Students will write a journal entry regarding the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Students must write about how they would have responded had they been on the base that had been attacked.

Friday Day 135 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century T- The teacher will instruct students to find a war veteran or someone related to a war veteran and discuss the events of the war. St- Students will interview individuals that lived through WWII. Students will present their findings to the class in presentation form.

Week 30 Monday Day 136 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century T- The teacher will discuss with students the GI Bill of Rights that was passed in 1944, particularly to provide money for the veterans to attend college. St- Students will be split into groups to develop a plan in which their class can raise money or goods to help support those serving in the US military. Students will present their ideas as a group to the class.

Tuesday Day 137 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century

Wednesday Day 138 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century

T- The teacher will introduce and explain the Cold War and its effects upon the United States. The teacher will present a video presenting the Cold War.

T- The teacher will discuss communism and its effects on a nation. How the CIA backed the overthrow of Guatemala will also be discussed. The teacher will provide the students with research materials

St- Students will view a movie in regards to the Cold War. Students will be instructed to complete the handout during the movie. The class will collectively discuss some of the key events that transpired during the movie.

St- Students will deliver a short talk on different aspects of the Guatemala coup. How was it carried out? What was the role of the US?

Thursday Day 139 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century T -The teacher will specifically display the recent US involvement within the Middle East over the course of the last 30 years. St- Students will construct a map that depicts the specific countries within the Middle East that were involved with the liberation of the nation of Kuwait during the Bush presidency. Thumb tacks will be used to point out particular areas recognized. DA- Students will be given a pre-constructed map to work with.

Friday Day 140 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of the 20th Century T- The teacher will instruct the students in a game over the materials presented. St- Students will play a review game that covers the materials during the 30th century. There will be two teams: the United States and the Soviets. Each team will attempt to win the game by answering as many questions as possible correctly.

Week 33 Monday Day 151 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today T- The teacher will introduce the materials covering the Middle Ages. The teacher will teach students that only the wealthiest learned how to read during this time. St- The student will be instructed to make up names for themselves with titles such as knight, lord, and lady. Each student will be instructed to write an entry within their journal as if they had that role during the Middle Ages. St- The students will read their entries to the class.

Tuesday Day 152 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

Wednesday Day153 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

T- The teacher will discuss with students the role of the church during the Middle Ages. The teacher will instruct students in an art activity.

T- The teacher will read the story of Camelot. The teacher will discuss the specific role of the knights, focusing on the Knights of the Round Table.

St- The student will trace the outline of a picture using crayons. The students will cut pieces of cellophane (of different colors) to fit into their outline drawings and tape the cellophane onto the waxed paper or acetate. Next students cut out thin pieces of black construction paper and pasting them on the base to cover the spaces between the cellophane.

St- Given the materials provided by the teacher, students will construct their own Camelot within a shadow box. Students will be given three days to complete this project. Once completed, they will be displayed throughout the classroom. DA- Students will be given extra time outside of class to construct their shadowbox so that it may be promptly.

Thursday Day 154 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today T- The Teacher will introduce terms such as jousting, feudalism, crusades, renaissance, moat, etc.

St- The students will copy key terms in their social studies notebook, writing a summary of the definition in their own words. St- The students will work on their shadow boxes.

Friday Day 155 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today T-The teacher will instruct students to find a picture within the magazines provided by the teacher to display to the class. Pictures must contain objects to key terms discussed throughout the week. St- The students will work on their shadow boxes. Today, the boxes will be turned in for grading and display.

Week 34 Monday Day 156 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

Tuesday Day 157 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

Wednesday Day 158 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

Thursday Day 159 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

Friday Day 160 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

T- The teacher will read the story of King Arthur to the class.

St- Read to students an ageappropriate version of the legend of King Arthur. Have groups of students re-create chosen scenes as a play. Have them write the dialogue and stage directions, make costumes and props, and act out the scene for their classmates.

T- The teacher will introduce the sundial and the role that it played both in medieval times up until today.

St- Students will construct their own sundials with the materials provided by the teacher.

T- The teacher will read the story Castle by David Macaulay. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1977 This awardwinning classic book illustrates and describes in detail how a castle and town were planned and constructed to keep people safe during an attack.

T- The teacher will discuss the Act of Suppression that was passed in 1536. The teacher will access the websitehttp://web. ~begieral/start. html to take students on a virtual excavation tour.

T- The teacher will introduce a variety of different poems to the class. Different styles such as ballad will be discussed.

St- Given materials needed, the students will construct their own castle and present it to the class.

St- Here students will learn what archaeology is, how to excavate an ancient site, and how to draw conclusion.

St- Each student will read his or her ballad aloud to the class.

St- Students will be instructed to write their own ballad.

DA- Student will work with an aide to construct their own ballad.

Week 29 Day 131 Day 132 Day 133 Day 134 Day 135 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of Key Issues of Key Issues of Key Issues of Key Issues of the 20th Century the 20th Century the 20th Century the 20th Century the 20th Century

T- The teacher will discuss the Great Depression that occurred when the Stock Market crashed in the early 1900’s. The teacher will provide internet access so that students may explore more about this topic.

T- The teacher will explain to students the purpose of the New Deal.

T- The teacher will introduce WWI and the bombing of Pearl Harbor. The teacher will show students a video clip in regards to the beginning of WWII.

T- The teacher will again focus on the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Have students imagine what it would have been like to be at the military base when the Japanese attacked.

T- The teacher will instruct students to find a war veteran or someone related to a war veteran and discuss the events of the war.

St- Students will be encouraged to explore the internet (within strict guidelines) to find a news article depicting the event that occurred the day, known as Black Friday.

St- Given textbooks and other reading materials, students will research the New Deal. Students will be required to write a one page summary of the purpose of Roosevelt’s New Deal.

St- Students will be given a worksheet that correlates with the movie. Students will be expected to fill in all the blanks.

St- Students will write a journal entry regarding the attacks on Pearl Harbor. Students must write about how they would have responded had they been on the base that had been attacked.

St- Students will interview individuals that lived through WWII. Students will present their findings to the class in presentation form.

Week 30 Day 136 Day 137 Day 138 Day 139 Day 140 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 SACE SS 6.8 Key Issues of Key Issues of Key Issues of Key Issues of Key Issues of th th th th the 20 Century the 20 Century the 20 Century the 20 Century the 20th Century

T- The teacher will discuss with students the GI Bill of Rights that was passed in 1944, particularly to provide money for the veterans to attend college.

T- The teacher will introduce and explain the Cold War and its effects upon the United States. The teacher will present a video presenting the Cold War.

T- The teacher will discuss communism and its effects on a nation. How the CIA backed the overthrow of Guatemala will also be discussed. The teacher will provide the students with research materials.

T- The teacher will specifically display the recent US involvement within the Middle East over the course of the last 30 years.

T- The teacher will instruct the students in a game over the materials presented.

St- Students will be split into groups to develop a plan in which their class can raise money or goods to help support those serving in the US military. Students will present their ideas as a group to the class.

St- Students will view a movie in regards to the Cold War. Students will be instructed to complete the handout during the movie. The class will collectively discuss some of the key events that transpired during the movie.

St- Students will deliver a short talk on different aspects of the Guatemala coup. How was it carried out? What was the role of the US?

St- Students will construct a map that depicts the specific countries within the Middle East that were involved with the liberation of the nation of Kuwait during the Bush presidency. Thumb tacks will be used to point out particular areas recognized.

St- Students will play a review game that covers the materials during the 30th century. There will be two teams: the United States and the Soviets. Each team will attempt to win the game by answering as many questions as possible correctly.

Week 33 Day 151 Day 152 Day 153 Day 154 Day 155 SACE SS 6.9 SACE SS 6.9 SACE SS 6.9 SACE SS 6.9 SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages Middle Ages Middle Ages Middle Ages Middle Ages and and their effects and their effects and their effects and their effects their effects

today T- The teacher will introduce the materials covering the Middle Ages. The teacher will teach students that only the wealthiest learned how to read during this time. St- The student will be instructed to make up names for themselves with titles such as knight, lord, and lady. Each student will be instructed to write an entry within their journal as if they had that role during the Middle Ages. The students will read their entries to the class.

Week 34 Day 156

today T- The teacher will discuss with students the role of the church during the Middle Ages. The teacher will instruct students in an art activity.

today T- The teacher will read the story of Camelot. The teacher will discuss the specific role of the knights, focusing on the Knights of the Round Table.

today T- The Teacher will introduce terms such as jousting, feudalism, crusades, renaissance, moat, etc.

today T-The teacher will instruct students to find a picture within the magazines provided by the teacher to display to the class. Pictures must contain objects to key terms discussed throughout the week.

St- Given the materials provided by the teacher, students will construct their own Camelot within a shadow box. Students will be given three days to complete this project. Once completed, they will be displayed throughout the classroom.

St- The students will copy key terms in their social studies notebook, writing a summary of the definition in their own words. St- The students will work on their shadow boxes.

St- The students will work on their shadow boxes. Today, the boxes will be turned in for grading and display.

Day 159

Day 160

St- The student will trace the outline of a picture using crayons. The students will cut pieces of cellophane (of different colors) to fit into their outline drawings and tape the cellophane onto the waxed paper or acetate. Next students cut out thin pieces of black construction paper and pasting them on the base to cover the spaces between the cellophane.

Day 157

Day 158

SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

SACE SS 6.9 Middle Ages and their effects today

T- The teacher will read the story of King Arthur to the class.

T- The teacher will introduce the sundial and the role that it played both in medieval times up until today.

T- The teacher will read the story Castle by David Macaulay.

T- The teacher will discuss the Act of Suppression that was passed in 1536. The teacher will access the websitehttp://web. ~begieral/start. html to take students on a virtual excavation tour.

T- The teacher will introduce a variety of different poems to the class. Different styles such as ballad will be discussed.

St- Here students will learn what archaeology is, how to excavate an ancient site, and how to draw conclusion.

St- Each student will read his or her ballad aloud to the class.

St- Read to students an ageappropriate version of the legend of King Arthur. Have groups of students re-create chosen scenes as a play. Have them write the dialogue and stage directions, make costumes and props, and act out the scene for their classmates.

St- Students will construct their own sundials with the materials provided by the teacher.

St- Given materials needed, the students will construct their own castle and present it to the class.

St- Students will be instructed to write their own ballad.

Social Studies World War I and World War II. Accessed 10 Dec 2007. Accessed 10 Dec 2007. Accessed 10 Dec 2007. Events - SpanishAmerican War. Accessed 10 Dec 2007 The World of 1898: The Spanish American War Homepage. Accessed 10 Dec 2007. Westward Expansion Map. Accessed 10 Dec 2007. The Progressive Movement Accessed 10 Dec 2007.

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