Social Responsibilities

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 464
  • Pages: 4
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Social responsibilities and organization to need the expectations norms and values of society. social responsibilities generally related to current issue. According to keith denis, “social responsibilities refer to the businessman’s decisions and actions taken for reasons at least partially beyond the firm’s direct economic or technical interest” Social responsibilities says that the corporation has not only economic and legal but also certain responsibilities to society which external beyond these obligation. Responsibilities towards different groups (A) responsibilities towards share holder 1.fair rate of return of investment 3.steady appreciation of investment 4.regular,accurate and full information about the worker and progress of organization. (B) responsibilities towards employee 1.fair wages and salary 2.good and safe working condination 3.adequte service benifts such as gratuity,insurance,provident fund. 4.opportunites for aducation promotion,trading 5.worker participation and decision making. (C) responsibilities towards customer 1.regular supply of right quality goods at right time and right place 2.charge reasonable prices goods that meet the needs of different classes and taste with different purchasing power 4.prompt adequate and continuous services 5.prompt of soluation of customer 6.true and fair information through advertisement 7.avoid unfair and unethical like black marketing and auultration.

(D) responsibilities towards government pay the taxes honestly and timely avoid corrupting public servants encourage fair trade avoid monopoly (E) responsbilities towards community make best possible or efficient use of societies resources provide max.possible employee opportunity keep environment healthy and free from all types of pollution contribute to the upliftment of weaker secation of society improve public health,educations nad cultural life of community.

Arguments for social responsibilities of business Change in public expectations The need’s of today consumes have changed ,resulting in a change in their expectations of business.since businesses owe their profits to society ,they have to therefore respond to the needs of society. Business is part of society Society and business are benefited when there is a symbiotic relationship between the two. Society gains through economic development and the provision of employment opportunities and business benefits through the workforce and consumers provided by society. Avoiding intervention by government By being socially responsible,organizations attract less attentation from regulatory agencies. This gives them greater freedom and flexibility in their operations. Balance of responsibility and power Businesses have considerable power and authority. The exercise of this power should be accompanied by a corresponding amount of responsibility. Protecting share holder interests By being socially involved, a company can improve its image and thus protect its shareholder’s interest. New avenues to create profits Social responsibility involves the conservation of natural resources. Conservation can be beneficial for firms. Favorable public image Through social involvement, affirm can create a favorable public image for itself and ender to society. By so doing, a firm can attract customers, employees and investors

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