Social Media & Crisis: Everybody's Talking (presentation)

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,622
  • Pages: 70

Brendan Hodgson Senior Vice President, Digital Communications Hill & Knowlton [email protected]



THIS IS NOW… Facebook: 300M users Wikipedia: 60M visitors / mth Youtube: 75B videos streamed to 375M viewers in 2009 Twitter: 25M users in 2009

4th most popular online activity: Social networks & blogs (more than email) 900k+ blog posts are created within a single 24hr period

Social Networks: 55.6M US adults – or just less than 1/3rd of the population –visit social networks at least monthly


“We are living through the largest increase in human expressive capability in history.” Clay Shirky Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations.

JANUARY 15, 2009

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 3:49 PM ET *– first image appear on Flickr (within approx. 10 min of incident) * All times are approximate

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Circa 4:00 PM ET – traditional media reports begin feeding online

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:05 PM ET – US Airways site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:07 pm – Online media coverage reaches 30+ articles/feeds in within minutes of crash

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:12 pm – Within 30+ minutes, video pulled from online media coverage is posted to YouTube

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:16 pm ET – Twitter moves into overdrive with hundreds of tweets on the crash

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:21 pm ET – Multiple photostreams appear on Flickr

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:22 pm ET – Up to 90+ articles online within 40+ min

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:23 pm ET – US Airways site 45+ minutes after incident

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:24 pm ET – Continued addition of photos to Flickr – 17+ added within the hour

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:25 pm ET – Already mass coverage internet-wide, (‘000s of mentions across blogs, media, forums etc.)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:25 pm ET - Twit pic / iPhone – first mention of citizen photos through twitter

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:30 pm ET – The definitive image of the crisis: the original twitter post as provided by Silicon Valley Insider

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:30 pm ET - US Airways Site (intermittent service outages)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:30 pm ET – Site ads are removed from main corporate site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:33 pm ET – more images – Citizen and media-generated - begin aggregating across key sites

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:38 pm ET – First statement hits US Airways site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:38 pm ET – First statement hits US Airways site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:40 pm ET – News articles hit 400+

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:42 pm ET – Already more than 20+ videos on Youtube – primarily news coverage (no original video coverage)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:45 pm ET –FAA site / no mention of incident

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:45 pm ET - already 180+ comments on national/major media article (USA Today)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:45 pm ET – Wikipedia tracking at speed of media

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 ONGOING – Live video streaming of passenger rescues / commentary / 3rd party experts etc.

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 4:50 pm ET – Story leads on home page of virtually every major media website

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:00 pm ET – 2nd statement from US Airways posted to site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:00 pm ET – 2nd statement from US Airways posted to site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Approx 5:00 pm ET – Dark Site launched

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:00 pm ET – updates continue to feed through major blogs / blog publications

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:01 pm ET – personal impact statements – how they or people they know have been directly affected

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:01 pm ET – 3rd party sites feed critical data related to incident (e.g. FlightAware’s tracking of the plane)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:09 pm ET – live streamed video press statement from CEO

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:25 pm ET - 350+ comments within nearly 2 hours of incident

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:45 pm ET – approx. thousands of blog mentions within 2+ hours

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 5:55 pm ET - diversity of observations from Twitter – re. media calling for eye witnesses, spread of images, ambulance chasing lawyers, media analysis etc.

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 6 pm ET - third statement posted by US Airways

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 6 pm ET - third statement posted by US Airways

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 6:10 pm ET – ex-US Airways employee Twittering on accident – misidentified as spokesperson / inadvertent brand-jacking(?)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Approx 6:30 pm ET – ‚Ambulance chasers‛ move online (3 hours after incident)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 6:30 pm ET – Fourth statement – transcript of CEO’s media statement posted online

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 6:30 pm ET – Fourth statement – transcript of CEO’s media statement posted online

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Approx 6:31 pm ET – Message posted to site

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 6:35 pm ET – Pilot’s web site (found and disseminated via Twitter)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Approx 7:00 pm ET – more photos emerge from citizen journalists

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 As of 8:30 pm ET- US Airways FB group comes to life with messages

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Day 2 – More than 39 Facebook groups celebrating the pilot

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Twitter Traffic

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Blog traffic (compared against recent Mumbai Attacks/bombings)

US AIRWAYS FLIGHT 1549 Search trends (US Airways)






WHAT THIS MEANS... Loss of journalistic control over Information market Everybody is “talking”

Increased opportunities to reach stakeholders beyond traditional media filters Barriers to broadcasting / narrowcasting no longer exist

WHAT THIS MEANS... Speed by which issues escalate into crises

The impact of new media on traditional media

Increased “noise” & Commentary

Role of employees: “Brand Guardians”

Misinformation & Speculation

Unprecedented Transparency

Importance of Your web footprint: timely, credible, transparent

“Google Effect”: The impact of digital permanence on reputation

Are you prepared?


AND START ASKING THE RIGHT QUESTIONS? 1. Where are you vulnerable to social media use? How do you mitigate risk?

2. How effective is your current monitoring? 3. How, when and where should you engage these new ‚influencers‛? 4. How could you be more effectively using digital technology & social media to deliver your messages? 5. Do you have sufficient policies in place to guide the behavior of your employees / contractors etc.? 6. Mainstream media is still important. So how does social media change your overall strategy? 7. Does your current response structure support this need for greater speed and transparency?

8. How do you ensure that you remain current on this changing landscape?

FIRST PRINCIPLES Speed & Visibility

Authority & Credibility

„ Monitor social media space

„ Communicate frequently

„ Deploy Dark Site within minutes

„ Be transparent

„ Communicate when you need to ‟ not when media dictates „ Know who / how and when to reach out to

„ Be human „ Exploit online strengths ‟ video, images, text etc.

Integration & Amplification

Buy-in & Leadership

„ Do not ignore traditional channels ‟ support them

„ All team members must understand new dynamic (legal, HR etc.)

„ Lever partners (emergency response etc.)

„ Policies to guide employee behaviour\

„ Make content distributable

„ Comms must lead / learn

„ Have contingencies


WHERE DIGITAL FITS Monitoring / Auditing (media/direct)

Traditional Media

Media Employees

Governments Customers Partners / Suppliers General Public Activists / NGO’s Other Influencers

Communications Channels / Tools

CIM Focus

Print Broadcast Specialized/Trade

Direct (In-Person) Telephone In-person meetings Employee Newsletters Collaterals / Info kits

Direct (Online) Dark Sites Blogs / vlogs / podcasts Social Networks RSS / SEO etc. Monitoring / Auditing (online)

THANK YOU Questions?


Senior Vice President, Digital Corporate and Public Affairs A senior vice president with Hill & Knowlton’s Digital Communications group, Brendan provides strategic counsel and project leadership on all facets of digital PR and social media activation, including social marketing, online advocacy, crisis and stakeholder relations, issues management, corporate and public affairs. His value is his ability to develop effective online strategies that integrate with traditional communications and public affairs methodologies.

Insert photo here – resize if necessary to fit this space

Brendan’s 10 years experience in digital PR and public affairs, community building, employee engagement, and online issues and reputation management encompasses a variety of sectors and issues, including campaigns for clients in the aerospace, technology, not-for-profit, government and energy sectors. Past assignments include developing and executing digital PR and social media strategies for clients such as Motorola (blogger outreach, Facebook strategy, viral marketing campaigns), Intel (online community management ‟ electronic gaming), Hewlett-Packard (blogger outreach, Facebook strategy), Petro-Canada (social media strategy, online crisis communications), Bruce Power (social media strategy), EnCana (social media best practices audit), WestJet (internal social media activation, online crisis communications) and Molson (corporate blog / blogger outreach). Working with his team of digital PR practitioners, Brendan has also led online advocacy campaigns for the Canadian Association of Income Funds and EADS (parent corporation of Airbus), developed strategies for the corporate web re-designs for the State University of New York at Potsdam, and the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation, and counselled organizations across North America on social media and digital risk management

Hill & Knowlton Canada 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1100 Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L5 Tel 613-786-9953 Fax 613-238-3658 [email protected]

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