Social Capital Workshops

  • November 2019
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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

Human Resource Development – HRD -1-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Abstract These events report provides an overview how TRDP is planning to ensure the use of indigenous approaches, founded on traditional concepts, to respond & in increasing pressures and opportunities in a complex world of free market economies, competition, exploitation, and privatization, Westernization of culture, environmental degradation, and increasing globalization. Introduction Indigenous cultures are under enormous threat from burgeoning globalization as evidenced by: decreasing indigenous populations, disproportionately high poor health standards, disparities in employment to non-indigenous populations, relatively high crime rates, marginalization from traditional homelands, threats to natural resources, degradation of the natural and spiritual environment, decrease in the use of indigenous cultural practice, rapid social readjustment and transformation, breakdown of traditional societal values and traditions, and loss of traditional knowledge. Indigenous cultures are being increasingly swamped by a tide of global amorphous cultures dominated by capitalism, consumerism, and Westernisation, which are being used to define a new set of core values and principles based on these ideologies. Furthermore, “globalisation carries the threat of homogenization and universalisation” (UNESCO 1998), This will require acknowledgement of the place and richness of indigenous culture within the global environment, and the opportunities for indigenous concepts and values to provide solutions to complex and compounding world problems. Indigenous values will also be at the heart of any re-awakening of ideologies. A glimmer of hope has become patches of reality in the arid zones of Sindh similar to other parts of country, where, from federal government to the community level, examples provide increased recognition of the importance of indigenous culture and knowledge. Within the area of community development examples illustrate a realignment of indigenous concepts and values with contemporary thinking. This is an attempt to increase & empower indigenous groups; promotion of collaborative learning with indigenous organizations; growth of projects led by indigenous groups; increase recognition and use of indigenous culture; the paradigm shift towards holistic thinking about integrated catchments management; capacity building programmes for indigenous peoples; social policy and planning to achieve indigenous aspirations; and indigenous-led strategic planning for sustainable development and economic growth.

Human Resource Development – HRD -2-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Sustainable Development One of the best responses to globalization pressures is for indigenous peoples to take control of their own lives and destiny through some form of strategic direction that can be used as a pathway to empowerment, less dependency, and more active engagement and participation in planning, policy and implementation. A strategy for sustainable development, with a focus on building human and social capacity in availing basic necessities, provides one mechanism for empowerment. Centra l to this holistic d evelop m ent a re TRDP va lues, a strong sense of c ultura l id entity a nd p urp ose , a nd the retention a nd use o f RSP kno w led g e. It is a c onstruc tive a ttem p t to ta c kle the effec ts of globalization from the p ersp ec tive of a minority culture. What is Social Capital? Social capital refers to the institutions, relationships, and norms that shape the quality and quantity of a society's social interactions. Increasing evidence shows that social cohesion is critical for societies to prosper economically and for development to be sustainable. Social capital is not just the sum of the institutions which underpin a society – it is the glue that holds them together. The broadest and most encompassing view of social capital includes the social and political environment that shapes social structure and enables norms to develop. This analysis extends the importance of social capital to the most formalized institutional relationships and structures, such as government, the political regime, the rule of law, and civil and political liberties. This view not only accounts for the virtues and vices of social capital, and the importance of forging ties within and across communities, but recognizes that the capacity of various social groups to act in their interest depends crucially on the support (or lack thereof) that they receive from the state as well as the private sector. Similarly, the state depends on social stability and widespread popular support. In short, economic and social development thrives when representatives of the state, the corporate sector, and civil society create forums in and through which they can identify and pursue common goals.

(I am very much thankful and appreciate my team who really managed the time & took lead role in this very sensitive job.)

September 19,2006 Zaheer Udin Junejo Mithi

Human Resource Development – HRD -3-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time:

Mr. Zaheerudin Babar Manager- HRD Field Unit Chelhar August 08, 2006 11 a.m-2.30 p.m.

Introduction Tha rd eep field Unit Chelha r org a nized one d a y activist’s w orkshop on Aug ust 8, 2006. There w ere 19 p a rtic ip a nts inc lud ing 05 w om en from 13 villa g es of Ka ntio , Vijhia r a nd Chelha r Union Counc ils. The w orkshop sta rted w ith the introd uc tion of p a rtic ip a nts. The c ore ob jec tive of the w orkshop w a s to intera c t a nd sha re the new theories a b out the p a ra d ig m d evelop m ent shift & thereb y id entify p otentia l p a rtic ip a nts for Pha se III w orkshop s w hic h a re sc hed uled a t reg ion level. The m a in points w ere d isc ussed a b out the role of a c tivists a nd their a c hievem ents in the a rea of c om m unity d evelop m ent. The Sind hi la ng ua g e w a s used in the w orkshop ; the p a rtic ip a nts w ere ea sily und erstood entire discussion and did fully participate in it. Discussion and sharing The facilitator briefed about the relationship b etw een PDCs a nd TRDP, role of PDC a c tive m em b ers, their future p la nning for rura l a nd c om m unity d evelop m ent w ith the a c tive p a rtic ip a tion a t PDC/ VDC level. He sha red the selec tion c riteria that a nd p ha ses of w orkshop s a t field unit level, tha n reg ion level, hea d offic e level tha n honest c om p etent, potential and active PDC members would be selected for next workshop. During the w orkshop a c tivists shared their experiences, lesson lea rnt a nd p itfa lls w hy PDC a nd its m em b ers d id d e-active? Wa li Mohd shared tha t p olitic s a nd ind ivid ua l interest w hic h loosed the tem p o a nd interest of other m em b ers m ea nw hile, Mr. Rejho m a l Ex. Na zim UC ela b ora ted tha t som e m em b ers a re in ea c h PDCs w ho a re dishonest, corrupt, a nd una w a re a b out the p hilosop hy of c om m unity d evelop m ent. Mr. G ob ind sa id tha t PDCs d id d e-a c tive b ec a use there is no intera c tion a nd follow up from field unit if c ontinues series of follow -up a nd sup ervision is ensured tha n surely a ll inactive PDCs can be reactivated and move forward smoothly. The fa c ilita tor shared the Devolution Pla n 2001; Government is w orking w ith c om m unity a t Union Counc il a nd villa g e a t g ra ssroots for b oosting the rura l d evelop m ent w ith c om m unity p a rtic ip a tion. But it seem s tha t participation is still low tha n exp ec ted so here c om es the role of a c tivist to enc oura g e rura l p eop le to b e the p a rt of d ec ision m a king p roc ess & g et the b enefit from servic e p rovid ers. Governm ent plans a re m a inly of three types, a) short term, b) m id term and c) long term for development purpose. Thardeep believes in the potential and power of peoples, so we need honest competent, transparent, voc a l, visiona ry, a nd d evelop m ent w orker for villa g e d evelop m ent. TRDP is working w ith the people. In d esp ite of, Tha rd eep is extending the m a na g eria l tra ining to PDC m em b ers for hum a n susta ina b le d evelop m ent a nd w e b elieve tha t tra ined c a d re would play lead role in village development. Thardeep creates awareness and enhance the c a p a c ities of PDC m em b ers by their p a rtic ip a tion in d evelop m ent w ork a nd ownership of d ifferent a c tiva tes in their vic inity. Tha rd eep m ob ilizes a nd m otiva tes the loc a l p eop le tow a rd s the ind ep end ent & susta ina b le d evelop m ent initia tives not on d ep end enc y a nd relief. Tha rd eep extend s the op p ortunity for the loc a l p eop le a nd Governm ent to sit tog ether, sha re the exp erienc e a nd solve the p rob lem s a nd w ith joint venture a t villa g e level. This is to g ive voic es to voic eless less p eop le, to op en forum s for p roving our selves tha t w e a re c a p a b le to c a rry out every a c tivity w hic h m a y b enefit our hopeless people.

Human Resource Development – HRD -4-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Critique is always there where there is work but nothing to critique where there is nothing. The workshop ended with thanked to all participants and nomination for next workshop

List of nominated Active PDC members for next workshop Sno

Name Of Prt.




Wali Mohd





RRDO New Harijan Paro

Rejho Mal


Menghwar Main Paro



Imam Bux


Menghwar Main Paro Nohri Paro

Ghulam Mohd


Murad Paro

Mithrio Muslim



Mithrio Peer

Bhajo Mal


PDC No 1 Gandher Paro








Chelhar Qabool Jo Tar




Characteristics Saving, Record, Active, Negotiation skill, Networking with NGOs , Proposal writing, educated , water project from TVO, trained different training from TRDP Saving, transparent record, internal lending, honest, cooperate, all members educated Internal lending, saving, transparent record, conflict mgt, advocacy, networking with line department, retired Govt. services and Ex Nazim of Chelhar UC, member coaching center. Internal lending, saving, transparent record, conflict mgt, advocacy, networking with line department, PST and a, member coaching center., got more training BMT, TFD, teachers training from AKU by TRDP, mentor, supporter, negotiation skill and active member in PDC


Saving, internal lending, protect gaucher, active, negotiation skill, Patient, cooperative, saving, record keeping, acceptance, determination and networking with local Govt. Young, negotiation skill, record, regular meeting, cooperative, honest, trained managerial training Educated, saving, active member, internal lending, motivator, tolerant

Human Resource Development – HRD -5-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time:

Mr. Zaheerudin Babar Manager- HRD Mubarik Rind Field Unit August 09, 2006 10 a.m-2.00 p.m.

Introduction On Aug ust 9, 2006, one d a y activists’ w orkshop held on Aug ust 8, 2006 a t M.Rind Field Unit. Tota l 19 p a rtic ip a nts w ere invited b y field tea m b ut 10 p a rtic ip a nts inc lud ing 04 w om en w ho p a rtic ip a ted in the w orkshop . To ta l 10 PDCs, from 10 villa g es of 05 union councils – Chachro, Rajoro, Heerar, Saringhiar and Mithrio Charan covered the workshop. The workshop started with the introduction of participants. The fa c ilita tor briefly sha red the d evolution p la n w hic h im p lem ented from 2001 a nd a ll p ow ers w ere d ec entra lized a t UC level. All seg m ents of soc iety (m en a nd w om en) w ere inc lusive in the p roc ess of d evolution p la n b ut p oor p eop le w ere not took a c tive p a rtic ip a tion a nd lea d role. Governm ent of Pa kista n und ertook the a ssessm ent in selec ted d istric ts for a ssessing the c om m unity p a rtic ip a tion, b enefits a nd a c hievem ents of this system b ut it w a s found tha t there w ere few er b enefits to voic eless p oor p eop le. Governm ent p la ns a t three levels like the m id , short a nd long term s for c om m unity enha nc e a nd im p rove the life sta nd a rd s of p eop les. It is now rea lized tha t w ithout c om m unity p a rtic ip a tion its im p ossb le to g et d esire outp ut & era d ic a te p overty. There is immense need of honest, experience and deducted active PDC member for community a nd villa g e d evelop m ent, Tha rd eep nom ina ted suc h typ es of a c tive PDC m em b ers for tod a y w orkshop . Field unit selec ted a nd sent the list of a c tive PDC m em b ers, we discussed and tha n fina lized for invita tions. The p a rtic ip a tion w ould b e filtered a nd selec ted a t unit, reg ion a nd hea d offic e level. The c om p etent honest a nd a c tive m em b ers w ould be selected from p ha se to p ha se. The fa c ilita tor sha red tha t Governm ent a nd c om m unity b oth a re g oing a s p a ra llel a nd b oth strive for c ollec tively a nd joint venture b ut b oth d o not d o a ny c ollec tive a nd tog ether w ork yet. The role of Tha rd eep is a c a ta lyst b etw een g overnm ent a nd c om m unity. Tha rd eep c rea tes op p ortunity tha t c om m unity a nd line d ep a rtm ent sit tog ether a nd sha re the issues a nd p la n for joint w ork. It is m ore need s to streng then the PDC a nd VDC throug h your va lua b le inp uts. Your inp uts w ould a d d the va lue to PDCs/ VDCs tow a rd s sm ooth a nd sound d irec tion. The m a in w orks of a c tive m em b ers is interaction a nd d ia log ues w ith ina c tive a nd d ea d PDC to ena b le them to ow n a nd p a rtic ip a te & g et b enefit fro m d evelop m ent a t villa g e level. Tha rd eep d elivers lec tures a nd org a nize the d ifferent sitting s, w orkshop a nd m a na g eria l tra ining for your effec tive c om m unic a tion a nd enhancing the skills. When PDC d o nothing , you c onsid er them a s a d ea d or ina c tive b ut d o som ething to g et that organization a c tive a nd a live. You m ust think b eyond the b ound a ries w hic h you ha ve d ra w n on your PDC sketc h. PDC is a g ood p la tform w here you sit tog ether, m eet a nd d isc uss the issue a nd seek their solution w ith c ollec tively thinking . If a ll w e a re honest, c o m m itted a nd d eterm ina tion to w ork for c om m unity d evelop m ent tha n I a ssure you there w ill b e susta ina b le & via b le struc ture of our org a niza tions & no b od y w ill refuse to invest for b etterm ent of loc a l c om m unities. You must not w a it for a ny outsid er to c om e & solve your p rob lem b elieve m e no b od y else solve your p rob lem s you ha ve to solve on your ow n. We ha ve to p la n d evelop m enta l w ork b y ourselves a nd im p lem ent w ith c om m itm ent a nd honestly. We a ll g ive inp uts in the p roc ess of w ork a nd m onitor the intervention or infra struc ture, If w e a re not p la nning long term w e w ill not im p rove a nd d evelop ourselves a nd our future g enera tion. You a re b est jud g e a nd w ell know n tha t a va ila b le resourc es a re less a nd w ill not g o w ith us

Human Resource Development – HRD -6-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” forever it need s a p p rop ria te utiliza tion a nd ow nership . You a re honest a nd c om m itted in your PDCs a nd villa g es so w e a re exp ec ting m ore inp uts a nd c oop era tion from you in line with reorganize the PDCs and village in your area. I think that you all have learnt and listen m e a lot, if a ny q uestions from m y d isc ussion p lea se do a sk m e. I tha nk you a ll p a rtic ip a nts from on the b eha lf of TRDP m a na g em ent, reg ion a nd our tea m . The w orkshop end ed w ith selec tion/ nom ina tion the p a rtic ip a nts a re a s und er for next workshop.

List of nominated Active PDC members for next workshop #







M. Raffique

















Sanwani Jo par












Saving, regular meeting, Initiator, active, young educated, negotiation and coordination, resource mobilization, develop. worker and networking with stakeholders Saving, internal lending, regular meeting, records transparent, vocal and tolerant and honest Saving, willingness, acceptance in village, record, experience and notable Record, willingness, active, bold, decision power, commitment, water schemes, and ownership Active, willingness, Hon. BoD member, look after finances, saving and transparent record BoD member, active, honest, community develop, initiator, compromiser, concept of participation, ownership and leadership skills

Human Resource Development – HRD -7-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time:

Mr. Zaheerudin Babar Manager- HRD Islamkot Field Unit August 10, 2006 1100 a.m-2.30 p.m.

Introduction Tha rd eep org a nized a one d a y a c tivists w orkshop on Aug ust 10, 2006 a t Field Unit Isla m kot. 14 p a rtic ip a nts from 14 PDCs of 13 villa g es, w hic h c overed Seeng a ro , Kehri, Sona l Boh, Ta g usa r, Pillo Isla m kot a nd Kha rio Ghula m Sha h union c ounc ils p a rtic ip a ted in the w orkshop . The w orkshop sta rted w ith the rec ita tion from Holy Qua r`a n b y Sod ho Khan Wasaipoto. Discussions The fa c ilita tor sha red tha t w e a re here to sha re a nd d isc uss how w e b eing a p a rt of this soc iety c a n c ontrib ute in our own d evelop m ent. He also b riefed a b out the c riteria of selec tion a nd filtra tion a t d ifferent level like unit, reg ion, hea d offic e , and than might a b roa d from Sind h, At Hea d Offic e, Sono Kha ng ha ra ni- CEO Tha rd eep w ill d isc uss on volunteerism , honest c om p etent a c tivists, a nd their role in d evelop m ent. The fa c ilita tor a lso sha red future stra teg y a nd need of active p a rtic ip a tion of a c tivist in p a rtic ula r & Village organization in general. He sha red a b out the d evolution p la n 2001 w hic h im p lem ented a nd d ec entra lized the p ow ers a t g ra ssroots b ut with less b enefit and less involvement of p oor p eop le, so Governm ent of Pa kista n c ond uc ted PRSP d ia log ues in la st yea r to a ssess the m erit a nd d em erit of d evolution p la n. Now the Govt. rea lized tha t Ac tvist is key p la yer a nd need s b e streng thened , there is a hea vy junk of a c tivites a t a ll servic e p rovid ers level w e ha ve to c rea te rec eiving m ec ha nism Tha rd eep a lw a ys striving to c rea te rec eiving c a p a c ity of villa g e level org a niza tions w e ha ve to the p a rt of these new waves of d evelop m ent a nd c ha ng e otherw ise w e w ill loose the op p ortunities entities a nd id entity. The organizations/ institutions a re rec urring p henom enon a nd not susta ining m ore tim e b ut Governm ent a nd p eop le a re the sa m e sid e of one m irror a nd susta ining a nd relying on ea c h other. The org a niza tions a re susta in w hen they a re m oving a hea d . sta g na nt is b a d indicator. You ha ve to keep your em otions & need s on a sid e & w ork for other p eop les w ho a re off c ourse from your ow n. You ha ve to p la n & a c t for not only you b ut for c hild ren. If you think a s you a re living your c hild a lso ha ve to live like tha t tha n its ok b ut I a ssure you tha t situa tion is g o ing to w orse if w e d on’ t p la n & a c t jointly. Being a n a c tivist you ha ve to b e resp onsib le for your a rea . Believe m e the only soc ia l id entity w ill rea m in for long all other materialistic things will be vanished when we are no where. Ra ta n La l - Nia b Na zim told tha t if a c tivists ta ke p ositive role it w ould b ring fruitful a nd g ood a c hievem ents, the a c tivist know s a rea a nd p eop le m ore tha n the outsid ers b ut if he/ she ha s know led g e, p ositive a ttitud e, a nd skill to im p lem ent a nd lea d the p eop le tow a rd s their d evelop m ent. He sa id tha t he sup p orted a nd fa c ilita ted the c om m unity m em b ers in line w ith PDCs form a tion a nd how to c ond uc ting the m eeting a nd p roc eed ing s. He tra ined the a c tivists fa c ilita ted in netw orking a nd p resent the p rog ress reg ula rly to the m em b ers. He d isc ussed a b out volunteerism a nd its p erform a nc e is very low, not countable and from two decades they all are paid workers before they did work as a volunteer in c onnec tion of w elfa re, c ha rity a nd d evelop m ent for their offsp ring a t village and its surroundings. Akb a r a s a p a rtic ip a nt sa id tha t Tha rd eep tra ined PDC m em b ers tha t they do not believe in c ha rity or relief, it is short term intervention to sa ve a nd p rotec t m em b ers &

Human Resource Development – HRD -8-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” community from w orst a nd d isa ster c ond itions b ut d evelop m ent p roc ess w ill b ring changes slowly and gradually. The fa c ilita tor sha red in first p ha se, Tha rd eep org a nized the Villa g e Develop m ent Com m ittees (VDC) in villa g e. The nota b le a nd m id d le m en w ere the m em b ers in VDC b ut very less p a rtic ip a tion of p oor a nd voic eless p eop le w a s ob served . Tha rd eep c ha ng ed stra teg y a nd a p p roa c hed voic eless a nd p oor so they m a y ta ke a d va nta g e a nd p a rtic ip a te in our p rog ra m m e. Tha rd eep tra ined PDC m em b ers to ena b le in c onfid ent, voc a l, a c tive p a rtic ip a tion in d ec isio n forum s. Developm ent of a d yna m ic hum a n resourc e c a d re w a s the m a in stra teg ic inp uts in the p roc ess of streng thening PDCs. The role of a c tivists w a s g ea red up b y shifting the p rim a ry resp onsib ilities of m a na g em ent to them . Ma na g eria l tra ining s w ere initia ted to im p a rt c onc ep tua l orientation regarding the participatory planning and management at grassroots level. The fa c ilita tor sha red a b out the future stra teg y a nd w orkshop a t reg ion, hea d offic e a nd outsid e from Tha rp a rka r a nd selec tions p roc ess of a c tivists from these w orkshop s. After than Ra ta n La l N. Na zim sug g ested tha t selec tion of a c tivists w ould ensure the representation of Deh level. The fa c ilita tor sha red tha t rea l c ha ng es a nd reform s a re p ossib le if you a re w ith us sp iritua lly & w ith your souls but som e tim es it seem s tha t w e a re not sp iritua l, w e m ore foc us on ec onom ic a l need s of w hic h is m a inly related to our b od y, so if w e follow the need s of our b od y w e will ha ve to b e rea d y to c ha ng e a nd m old our thinking , a nd w orking a p p roa c h a t a ny tim e. The volunteer w orks w ith c om m itm ent a nd fully determination but employee work for package so be volunteer & show the spirit. Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of tha nks a nd selec tion/ nom ina ted the a c tivists for next workshop.

Nomination the participants are as under for next workshop. # Name Design Village UC Characteristics 1






Ratan Lal












Adhe Jo Tar

Kh. Gh.Shah







Essro Bheel






Press Sec.



Negotiation and communication skill,, notable, educated, willingness, AMG member, local knowledge, trained in managerial training and PST Leadership, confident, mobilizer and support role, negotiation skill, analytical skill, commitment, initiator, trained in managerial training, and UC N Nazim VDO, leadership, WLC, acceptance and respectable, religion, honest, hard worker, positive attitude, experience, commitment, networking, long- suffer, active and trained different training Managerial and NRM Active VDO, trained in managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts. And educated Active PDCs, saving, internal lending, active, experience, honest, willingness, tolerance Saving, regular meeting, Gender balance, ownership, NRM plot, Honest, willingness, literate, patient and trained in managerial and NRM training Saving, commitment, regular meeting, transparent record, networking

Human Resource Development – HRD -9-

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” 8

Rano Mal


Bhanbhan.T obho





Malho Bheel

Sonal Boh



Sonal Boh

10 Amlan Bai

PDC, saving, internal lending, notable, retired PST, regular meeting and experienced Active PDC, regular meeting, networking, notable, willingness to work for development Active, confident, willingness, saving, internal lending, regular meeting and trained in TBA, WRM, BMST

Human Resource Development – HRD - 10 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Participants: Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD HRD Training Hall Mithi August 15, 2006 1100 a.m-2.30 p.m. Ms.Nazia PO- HRD and Ms. Akhtri- HRD Jalal Jani –PO- HRD

Introduction In the series of Ac tivist w orkshop s of p ha se II Tha rd eep ’ s HRD org a nized a one d a y a c tivists w orkshop on Aug ust 15, 2006 a t HRD Tra ining Ha ll Mithi, som e 24 p a rtic ip a nts from 24 PDCs inc lud ing 03 w om en, p a rtic ip a ted in the event. The p a rtic ip a tion rep resented the 20 villa g es of Bha kuo , Mithi, Ma la nhore Ve ena , Mohra no , Mithrio Bha tti, a nd Joruo Union c ounc ils. The w orkshop sta rted w ith the rec ita tion of verses from Holy Quar`an by Mr. Akbar Dars participant. Discussions Mr. Zaheer udin shared the objectives of the workshop & said today our discussion will be foc used on our (Ac tivist) role in d evelop m ent of our c om m unities how w e c a n m a xim ize the b enefits of & for our c om m unities how w e c a n m a ke to b e listened . He a lso b riefed a b out the selec tion c riteria a nd nom ina tion p roc ess of the a c tivist for the w orkshop . Fina lly, short listed a c tive PDC m em b ers w ill a c q uire the tra ining on ro le in volunteerism for c om m unity d evelop m ent. This is sim p ly a n a ttem p t to ha rness the p otentia l of the p eop le & sha re the d ifferent exp erienc e a nd id ea s a b out the c om m unity d evelop m ent and active participation of grass root institutions at decision making forums. Zaheer ud in Ba b a r sha red tha t Tha rd eep is striving to b rid g e the g a p b etw een c om m unity, Governm ent a nd other servic es p rovid ers to ensure the servic e d elivery m ec ha nism & enha nc e the rec eiving c a p a c ity a t g ra ss root institutions. The org a niza tions/ institutions a re rec urring p henom enon a nd not susta ining m ore tim e b ut Governm ent a nd p eop le a re a lw a ys there they a re like tw o river b a nks our role is o f bridge & this is an attempt to bridge the gap. We should a lso look in our future stra teg ies & up c om ing d evelop m ent a c tivities in the a rea ra ther tha n foc using on short term a c tivities. Believe m e this w ill op en up a venues for new thoug hts & d evelop m ent in the a rea other w ise w hile foc using on short term a c tivities our g ra ss root org a niza tion m a y b e sta g na te a nd your role a s a c tivist w ould b e m inim ized if w e a re sta g na nt it m ea n w e a re no m ore. Org a niza tions a re know n a s exec ution w ith w ell d efined system s, stra teg y a nd struc ture enthusia sm & volunteerism a nd it ha s c lea r vision, set g oa ls a nd sp ec ific o b jec tives. The need & d em a nd c ha ng es every d a y there a re lots of fa c tors w hic h a ffec t. All of us ha ve to b e vig ila nt & m ore a na lytic a l so w e m a y m old a ny d evelop m ent initia tive in the fa vor of our c om m unities. Believe m e you a re the only hop e & you c a n b ring the c ha ng e if you b ec a m e the p a rt of the waves of change otherwise we may loss our identity. The Org a niza tion like us a lw a ys p la n to enha nc e the m a na g eria l & tec hnic a l skills o f p eop le like you; w e think & p la n tod a y for our next g enera tion this need s c ollec tive actions. Tha rd eep b elieves tha t you w ill g ive m ore tim e, inp uts, ow n a nd a c tively p a rtic ip a te in d evelop m ent initia tives a t your villa g e vic inity. Develop ing a d yna m ic hum a n resourc e c a d re is the m a in stra teg ic inp ut in the p roc ess of streng thening PDCs. The role of a c tivists is g ea red up b y shifting the p rim a ry resp onsib ilities of m a na g em ent to them. Managerial trainings were initiated to impart conceptual orientation regarding the p a rtic ip a tory p la nning a nd m a na g em ent a t g ra ssroots. The volunteer w orks w ith c om m itm ent a nd fully d eterm ina tion b ut em p loyee w ork for sa la ry. We extend the op p ortunity to honest, ha rd w orker, exp erienc e a nd w ell know n a c tivists in c onnec tion w ith org a niza tiona l tha t they c a d re w ill d o som ething for their d evelop m ent a t villa g e a nd its surround ing . The c om m unity w ill resp ec t a nd a c c ep t to a c tivist w hen he w orks a s

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” c ha ng e a g ent w ith volunta rily a t g ra ssroots level. Your selec tion for this m eeting ha ve a na lyzed c ritic a lly a nd I think tha t PDCs m em b ers a re a c tive therefore your selec tion for this m eeting . Za heer ud in Ba b a r b roa d ly ela b ora ted the role a nd resp onsib ilities of a c tivist a nd w orking stra teg y w ith TRDP a nd Governm ent Volunteer is w orking for others a nd g ive the inp uts w ith p ositive b eha vior a nd if s/ he is honest tha t result w ould b e p ositive a nd it runs a nd susta ins long tim e otherw ise fa ilure. We d o not think ourselves for our future d evelop m ent, if w e think c onc ep tua lly tha t w e c ha ng e the soc iety a nd w orld . He g a ve exa m p le of Bill Ga tes Mic rosoft w a res, he utilized his b ra in only 12 per cent; he is c ounted a s the ric hest/ w ea lthiest m a n in the w orld , so w e w ill use our b ra in in our c a reer a nd d evelop m ent w ork tha t w e m a y b e b etter of a nd red uc e/ a llevia te the p overty in our society. Mr. Kha ng ha rsing h q uestioned a b out LSO a nd its func tion? Mr. Za heer ud in resp ond ed w ith b roa d ly LSO, its func tion, w orking stra teg y, struc ture a nd reg istra tion p roc ess he a lso m entioned tha t soc ia l c a p ita l & LSO b oth a re d ifferent from ea c h other b ut w ill c om p lem ent ea c h other. We b eing a c tivist should foc us on id entifying the loc a l resourc es a nd ensure their p rop er utiliza tion, p rioritize the p rob lem s a nd p la n for c ollec tive a c tions & stra teg ies, em p ha size on the p rod uc tive netw orking w ith sta kehold ers. We m ust m a na g e a nd m onitor a ll situa tions & c ha ng es w hic h a re ta king p la c e in our surround ing s & soc ieties, fa c ilita te the c om m unity to g et b enefit from it. For d oing a ll this w e ha ve to sc a rify w hic h m ig ht b e sc a rifying o ur ow n need s sc a rifying our tim e etc . w hen you a re the p erson w ho is d oing & thinking for c om m unity tha n you a re m ore lia b le & resp onsib le for the b etterm ent of the p eop le. This b uild s the ra d ius of trust b etw een you & the c om m unity, I a m sure you c a n d o this role b etter tha n us so join our ha nd s & b e w ith us for the b etterm ent of your ow n fa m ilies, trib es, org a niza tions. We believe the change is possible when you are with us. Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of tha nks a nd selec ted / nom ina ted the a c tivists for next workshop.

The list participants who nominate for next workshop;








Khanghar Singh

President VDO




Sikander Azeem

President VDO














Pertab rai





Tikam Das









BoD member, leadership, communication skill,, notable, educated, willingness, local knowledge, trained in managerial training, (CMST, BMST), notable, and HST Leadership, confident, negotiation skill, analytical, commitment, initiator, trained in managerial training(CMST, BMST, TFD) and teacher VDO, leadership, hard worker, positive attitude, commitment, networking, active and trained Managerial Active, trained in BMST, FST, TFD, managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts and business Active PDCs, saving, internal lending, active, experience, honest, willingness, tolerance, ex-UC councilor and trained BMST and TFD AGM member, saving, regular meeting, ownership, respect and acceptance in Para honest, willingness, literate, patient, trained in managerial (BMST), and PST teacher Commitment, young energetic, regular

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”





Akbar Ali Dars

Chairman VDA

Kharo Dongro Posarko

Jouro Jouro

10 Sikander Ali




11 Hathiram




12 Jalal



13 Bhagwandas


Tayab Junejo Tahoo Bheel

14 Lehri Bai


Darzi Paro


15 Jaloo Mal


Tabho Menghwar



meeting, transparent record, networking, and teacher PDC, saving, notable, regular meeting and record, trained in managerial (BMST) Active, networking, notable, willingness to work for development, young, negotiation skill and teacher Active, confident, willingness, saving, regular meeting, teacher and managerial training Active, young, willingness and regular meeting, Regular meeting, honest, willingness, hard worker, negotiation skill Active, regular meeting, willingness, commitment, facilitator, and educated Active, regular meeting, internal lending, and trained in CMST and BMST Active, honest, regular meeting, trained in managerial training, willingness

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD Dr. Ashok Bakhtani Kaloi August 18, 2006 1100 a.m-2.30 p.m. Jalal Jani –PO- HRD

Introduction One d a y a c tivists w orkshop w a s org a nized on Aug ust 18, 2006: a t Govt. Hig h Sc hool Ka loi, 20 m em b ers from 18 a c tive PDCs of 11 villa g es from Ka loi a nd Khetla ri UCS participated in the workshop. Mainly the PDC members were new with HRD & some other input The majority of the participants was literate and educated. The w orkshop sta rted w ith the rec ita tion from Holy Qua r`a n b y a p a rtic ip a nt a nd tha n after getting introduced with each other the workshop proceedings started. Discussions Za heer ud in sta rted w e know you a re very m uc h b usy in these ra in fa lls & w e ha ve rec eived g ood show ers b ut your p resenc e in this w orkshop show s tha t you a re keen interested to know a b out soc ia l c a p ita l & you a re rea d y to ta ke over I m ust sha re w ith you the b a c kg round & exerc ise of w hole the p roc esses, so first I tha nk you for your p resenc e & m ust b e looking for your a c tive p a rtic ip a tion you a re req uested to ta lk just d on’ t hesita te. He sha red the selec tion p roc ess from b ottom to top , selec tion c riteria , so w e a re here in first step , to c ond uc t the m eeting a nd w e w ill short list the a c tivist for next m eeting w ill b e held on Aug ust 22, 2006 a t reg ion a nd in 4th p ha se a Hea d Offic e level m eeting w ould b e org a nized w here our a c tivists from a ll reg ions w ill b e p a rtic ip a ting . In the Hea d Offic e b a se m eeting Sono Kha ng ha ra ni Chief Exec utive Offic er w ill m eet a nd d isc uss on c om m unity p a rtnership , volunteerism a nd role of honest a c tivists in their d evelop m ent a t villa g e a nd its surround ing s. After tha n a 15-20 d a ys long w orkshop w ill b e org a nize a t outsid e from Sind h, w here a d evelop m ent w orker a nd renow ned Mr. Shoib Sulta n Kha n Cha irp erson –RSPN w ill d eliver lec ture a nd exc ha ng e the id ea s, sha re exp erienc es a nd d isc uss on c om p etent honest a c tivists a nd their role in c om m unity development. so d uring a ll these p roc esses if w e d on’ t selec t som e one tha n it d oesn’ t m ea n you a re not c om p etent b ut resourc es a re lim ited . Why w e a re d oing this? Bec a use w e b elieve & its truth org a niza tion a re m a inly d ep end ent & rely on resourc es if som e w here shortfa ll oc c urs org a niza tion lim its a c tiva tes. Neither you nor w e w a nt to stop g row ing this c hild (c om m unity org a niza tions) w hic h is of c ourse ours. Governm ent a nd p eop le a re a lw a ys there b ut la c k of c om m unic a tion & w ithout ha ving rec eiving m ec ha nism w e c ould m a y be not getting the upcoming or ongoing benefits. Non Governmental Organizations may not susta in or c a rryout a c tivities w hic h a re they c a ring a lrea d y, for long tim e b ec a use their fina nc ia l, p hysic a l a nd hum a n resourc e a re lim ited b ut Governm ent ha s unlim ited resourc es in fina nc ia l, p hysic a l, a nd hum a n. Governm ent invested a lot for c om m unity d evelop m ent b ut result w a s not effec tive a nd fruitful b ec a use less p a rtic ip a tion, ow nership a nd p a rtnership b y the c om m unity. I a lw a ys a sk m yself if the sta te d ec entra lizes servic es tha n w e b eing resid ent of tha t p a rtic ula r villa g e w e c a nt ta ke tha t over the a nsw er is the c a p a c ity our c a p a c ity is the issue. If I a m w rong tha n p lea se c orrec t m e m a inly Governm ent p la ns a t three levels; short term , m id term a nd long term for set the ind ic a tors a nd g oa ls to red uc e the p overty, a c hieve universa l p rim a ry ed uc a tion, im p rove the hea lth, em p ow er to w om en a nd c om b a t the d isea se a nd

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” d evelop the infra struc ture a nd ensure the a c c ess to fa c ility a t d oor step s. The Governm ent a nd c om m unity w ill live (m ig ht b e w ith d ifferent fa c es ) a long b ut org a niza tions or p rojec ts a re tim e b ound . Therefore , w e a re not sa ying to w ork for us b ut w ork for yourself, your g enera tion, neig hb ors a nd villa g es. Com m unity a nd Governm ent a re tw o b a nks of a river; RSPs a re b rid g e for b oth, so Tha rd eep is p rovid ing op p ortunity to b uild the c a p a c ities & b rid g e the c om m unic a tion g a p & thereb y ensure c om m unity empowerment. Dr. Ashok Ba khta ni sha red tha t ed uc a tion is third eye of m a n a nd p ow er to ha nd le a ll a ffa irs of the Wo rld . The m a nkind is the only enem y of m a nkind , a nd first he m a d e the m a n m enta l a nd m a d a nd then he op ens hosp ita l for their trea tm ent he ea rns a lot of dollars per day. Ma inly w e ourselves m a ke others a w a y from ed uc a tion a nd d evelop m ent we d estroy a nd m isled the g enera tion w ith g reed a nd p ersona l b ia s. All c ountries a re a g reed tha t no susta ina b le d evelop m ent is a c hieva b le w ithout a c tive c om m unity p a rtic ip a tion, w illing ly p a rtnership a nd ow nership a t g ra ssroots level. We a re c lea r a b out our role a nd resp onsib ilities a nd future d irec tion. He a lso sha red the c ha ra c teristic s of a c tivist a n a c tivist m ust b e w illing to ta ke the lea d role in d evelop m ent p roc ess, c lea r a b out responsib ilities, c om m itm ent for sc a rifies, p a rtnership , m ob ility, c lea r vision, a nd netw orking w ith c ivil soc iety org a niza tions. He d efined the role of TRDP a nd a c tivists in d evelop m ent w ork. You m ust ena b le your self to m a na g e a nd m ob ilize the resourc es, develop the village development plan, allocation of the responsibilities and lead the vital role a t g ra ssroots level. All resourc es a re a va ila b le a t villa g e, b ut need is of ow nership , p la n m a na g e a nd utilize this p rop erly for their ow n d evelop m ent. We a re d ep end ent on outsid ers if it is so tha n b elieve m e w e w ill not d o w ork ind ep end ently for our next generation. He briefed about the CCBs, community share of 20 per cent and partnership. Governm ent is p la nning for p riva tiza tion of servic e d elivery d ep a rtm ents tha t c om m unity w ill ta ke m ore b enefits a t d oor step s. Tha rd eep thinks tha t you w ill m ore exp ert a nd c a p a b le to m a na g e a nd exec ute w ith susta in a nd long run. Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of thanks and selected/nominated the activists for next workshop.

The list participants who nominate for next workshop;








Govand ram





Arbab Ali












Allah Jurio



Neck Muhammad





Muhammad Ramzan


Goth Sudhar


Leadership, communication skill,, educated, willingness and trained in managerial training, Leadership, confident, negotiation skill, analytical, commitment, initiator, respect and acceptance in Education Dept. trained in managerial training (CMST, BMST,) HST teacher and President –GSTA Tharparkar district VDO, leadership, hard worker, positive attitude, commitment, networking, active, trained in CMST& BMST and Teacher Active, trained in CMST, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts. and Teacher Active PDCs, saving, active, experience, honest, willingness, and trained in CMST Regular meeting, ownership, respect and acceptance, honest, willingness, literate, patient, trained in managerial (BMST), and


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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” 7



Al Amir Org







HST teacher Active, networking, notable, willingness to work for development, young, negotiation skill, BMST holder and teacher PDC, saving, notable, regular meeting, record, trained in managerial (BMST) and Councilor

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Facilitator Venue: Date: Time: Report by:

Jalal Jani PO- HRD Ms. Nazia Suhrab- PO-HRD Ms. Akhtri HRD Field Unit Diplo August 19, 2006 12.00 -1.45 p.m. Akhtri & Jalal

Introduction Thardeep organized one day activists workshop on August 19, 2006 at Diplo, total 10 PDC members participated in the event. The participation was less due to heavy rains, most of the m em b ers w ere eng a g ed in reha b ilita tion of their w rec ked houses. These p a rtic ip a nts represented 09 villages of union councils Sobhiar, Diplo, Mitho Dabhro and Jhermerio. The w orkshop sta rted w ith the rec ita tion from Holy Qua r`a n b y Noor Muha m m a d a participant. Discussions Ja la l Ja ni sha red the p ha ses of Soc ia l c a p ita l w orkshop s from nom ina tion to hea d offic e p ha se selec tion c riteria , nom ina tion/ rec om m end a tion a t d ifferent p ha ses how the selec tion of a c tivist w a s d one in b ra instorm ing session w ith hea d offic e & field tea m s. We b elieve & w e ha ve trust on our a ll m em b ers b ut the throug h these w orkshop s w e a re intend to select honest competent & committed activist the willingness is important for all of us so these a c tivist m a y ta ke lea d role for d evelop m ent of their villa g es a nd thereb y p a rtic ip a te d evelop m ent intervention.w e ha ve p la nned to hold three typ es of w orkshop 1st is w e d oing tod a y the sec ond one w ill b e d one on reg iona l level & third one a t hea d offic e level. Our senior m a na g em ent w ill fa c ilita te the w orkshop . This a ll is d one to ensure the p rop er sc reening of the a c tivists the short listed a c tivists a fter third p ha se w ill g et a 15 d a ys long tra ining m a y b e out of Sind h. This tra ining w ill b e foc used on role of a c tivists, a nd susta ina b le c om m unity d evelop m ent a long w ith som e m a na g em ent & org a niza tiona l d evelop m ent sessions a w ell-know n d evelop m ent w orker, Mr. Shoib Sulta n Kha n w ill d isc uss a nd d eliver the lec tures on c om m unity p a rtic ip a tion a nd their partnership with Government / NGO in development activities. Ja la l Ja ni a lso sha red som e c ha ra c teristic s of a a c tivist, He ela b ora ted the volunteerism and its role in Tharparkar, like Sachal and Maskeen Jan Khan Khoso and so on. Ja la l Ja ni sha red tha t a lot of PDC m em b ers tra ined in d ifferent tra ining c ourses a t field unit, reg ion a nd hea d offic e , Tha rd eep p la ns to c a ll a c tivists a nd sit a nd d isc uss w ith them a b out their d evelop m ent. So w e a re here , tod a y in one – tw o hours m eeting , w here w e d isc uss op enly a nd unstruc tured , w ha t w ill b e our role in d evelop m ent w ork a t g ra ssroots level. You a re p ioneer of your Pa ra Develop m ent Com m ittees, so you w ill ta ke lead role towards the sustainable development with active community participation. He told tha t d evolution p la n is one of the series of c om m unity em p ow erm ent a nd p a rtic ip a tion a t g ra ssroots b ut result w a s not fruitful a s show n in Poverty Red uc tion Stra teg y Pa p er a ssessm ent. Therefore Governm ent revises the stra teg y to w ork w ith g ra ssroots level a nd d ec entra lized the p ow ers a nd d ep a rtm ents, to ensure the availability of services & ownership at grass root level it might happen & it may be not but we must be prepared to take the benefit rather than sitting and looking who do what for us b eing c a ta lyist our role is to fa c ilita te you your role is to ta ke the lea d role w ith skills & exp ertise these initia tives w ill ena b le you to ta ke over the servic es effic a c y a nd honestly a nd ensure p rop er exec ution a nd m onitor w ith a p rofessiona l m a nner. Tha rd eep ‘ s role is b rid g e the c om m unic a tion g a p b etw een c om m unity a nd Governm ent a nd enha nc e your skills & exp ertise. We w ill d o your a d voc a c y w here it need ed . But w e enc oura g e to c a tc h fish on your ow n ra ther tha n looking for som e one to c a tc h fish for you, w e w ill just

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” tra in you how to c a tc h a fish. First you reorg a nize, rea c tiva te, if you need to c ha ng e , reshuffle a nd restruc ture your PDC, a nd susta in a nd im p rove it a nd tha n to w ork a t other sid e , otherw ise p eop le w ill not m otiva te or m ob ilize b y you. The m ob iliza tion is m ost d iffic ult thing in the w orld . So you w ill b uild your c a p a c ity a nd ena b le to m a na g e the d evelop m enta l a c tivities otherw ise your w ill fa c e fa ilure in a c hievem ent of your ob jec tives a nd g oa l. Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of tha nks a nd selec ted / nom ina ted the activists for next workshop.

The list participants who nominated/short listed for next workshop;






Noor Muhammad


Karam Saman


Gul Muhammad





Muhammad Mithan





Rano Mal





Mitho Mal





Soorath Bai








Leadership, communication skill,, notable, educated, willingness, local knowledge, trained in managerial training, (CMS), notable, and PST Saving, regular meeting, commitment, initiator, trained in managerial training(CMST, BMST, TFD) and teacher Leadership, hard worker, positive attitude, commitment, networking and active Active, trained in BMST, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts. and business Active PDCs, saving, internal lending, active, experience, honest, willingness, tolerance, and teacher Saving, regular meeting, ownership, honest, willingness, literate, patient, trained in managerial (TCT, BMST), and teacher

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Participants: Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD HRD Training Hall Sewhan August 25, 2006 1100 a.m-1300 p.m. Mr. Noor Muhammad Baladi PO- HRD Jalal Jani-PO-HRD

Introduction Thardeep- HRD org a nized a one d a y a c tivists w orkshop on Aug ust 25, 2006 a t HRD Tra ining Ha ll Sew ha n, som e 21 p a rtic ip a nts from 20 PDCs inc lud ing 11 w om en, p a rtic ip a ted in the event. The p a rtic ip a tion rep resented 10 villa g es of Sew ha n –I, Jha ng ha ra , Bha n, Da l, Cha na a nd Am ri Union c ounc ils of Da d u a nd Ja m Shoro d istric ts. The workshop started with the recitation of verses from Holy Quar`an by Mr.Nizam udin. Discussions Mr. Za heer ud in sha red the ob jec tives of the w orkshop & ra ised the q uestion how m a ny yea rs you d id w ork w ith TRDP, w ha t a re m a in a c hievem ents of your PDC/ VDOs? The p a rtic ip a nts resp ond ed tha t w e a re w orking w ith TRDP sinc e 2004 a nd our m a in a c hievem ents a re netw orking w ith line d ep a rtm ents; sit tog ether, a c tion c ollec tively, sa ving for sec urity p urp oses, a c q uired the m a na g eria l tra ining for ena b ling ourselves to manage and execute the projects / activities for our PDC/VDO. Za heer b riefed a b out the selec tion c riteria a nd nom ina tion p roc ess of the a c tivist for the w orkshop . Fina lly, short listed a c tive PDC m em b ers w ill a c q uire 15 d a ys long tra ining c ourse on role in volunteerism for c om m unity d evelop m ent m a y b e som e w here out of Sind h p rovinc e. Mr. Shoib Sulta n Kha n Cha irm a n RSPN a nd Dr. Sono Kha ng ha ra ni CEO TRDP w ill d eliver the sessions a nd sha re the exp erienc es w ith a c tivists how to w ork fo r c om m unity d evelop m ent a t a rid zones. This is sim p ly a n a ttem p t to ha rness the p otentia l of the p eop le & sha re the d ifferent exp erienc e a nd id ea s a b out the c om m unity d evelop m ent a nd ensure the a c tive p a rtic ip a tion & ow nership of g ra ss root institutions a t ensure the a c c ess a nd p a rtic ip a tion of c om m unity org a niza tion a t d ec ision m a king forums. Za heer ud in Ba b a r sha red tha t Tha rd eep is striving to b rid g e the g a p b etw een c om m unity, Governm ent a nd other servic es p rovid ers to ensure the servic e d elivery m ec ha nism & enha nc e the rec eiving c a p a c ity a t g ra ssroots level. The org a niza tions/ institutions a re rec urring p henom enon a nd not susta ining m ore tim e b ut Government and people are always there, they are like river banks our role is attempting to bridge the gap between community, Government and service providers. We should a lso look in our future stra teg ies & up c om ing d evelop m ent a c tivities in the a rea ra ther tha n foc using on short term a c tivities. Believe m e this w ill op en up a venues for new thoug hts & d evelop m ent in the a rea other w ise w hile foc using on short term activities our grass root organization may get stagnate and your role as activist would be m inim ized if w e a re sta g na nt it m ea n w e a re no m ore a nd w ill not b e a b le to susta in our org a niza tions. The org a niza tion like us a lw a ys p la n to enha nc e the m a na g eria l & tec hnic a l skills of p eop le like you; w e think & p la n tod a y for our next g enera tion this needs collective actions. Thardeep believes that you will give more time, inputs, own and a c tively p a rtic ip a te in d evelop m ent initia tives a t your villa g e vic inity. Develop ing a d yna m ic hum a n resourc e c a d re is the m a in stra teg ic inp ut in the p roc ess of streng thening PDCs. The role of a c tivists is g ea red up b y shifting the p rim a ry

Human Resource Development – HRD - 19 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” responsibilities of m a na g em ent to them . Ma na g eria l tra ining s w ere initia ted to im p a rt c onc ep tua l orienta tion reg a rd ing the p a rtic ip a tory p la nning a nd m a na g em ent a t grassroots. We b elieve tha t volunteerism c a n only b ring the c ha ng e The volunteer w orks w ith c om m itm ent a nd fully d eterm ina tion b ut em p loyee w ork for sa la ry. We extend the op p ortunity to honest, ha rd w orker, exp erienc e a nd w ell know n a c tivists in org a niza tiona l c a p a c ity this is to m a ke them a b le to g et b enefits from up c om ing d evelop m ent initiatives. The p a rtic ip a tion in w orkshop w a s very m uc h low b ec a use of c oord ina tion g a p a nd not p rop er follow up b y resp ec ted tea m . Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of tha nks a nd selected/nominated the activists for next workshop.

The short list of participants, we recommended for next regional workshop;








Ms. Zarina



Sehwan UC–I


Ms. Shahzadi




Ms. Zeenat



Sehwan UC–I -





Sehwan UC –II


Ms. Arbab




Ms. Allah Bachay



Sehwan UC-II Sehwan


Ms. Tahmina





Ms. Nusrat





Rasool Bux


Siddique Buririo


10 Mitho Khan


Datoo Khan


11 Nizamudin



12 Ghulam Akbar


Rabdino Ganbheer Bachal Chana

13 Mohd


Allah Rakhio Shahani Shakel Khaskheli


Willingness, local knowledge, trained in managerial training, internal lending and saving Trained in managerial training, active, saving, willingness Hard worker, positive attitude, commitment, networking, active and trained managerial Active, managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking with line departments and business Active PDC, saving, , experience, honest, willingness, tolerance Saving, regular meeting, ownership, acceptance in Para honest, willingness, literate, Commitment, young energetic, regular meeting, record, networking Saving, notable, regular meeting and record, trained in managerial Active, networking, notable, willingness to work for development, young, negotiation skill Active, confident, willingness, saving, regular meeting, and managerial training Active, young, willingness and regular meeting, Regular meeting, willingness, hard worker, negotiation skill Active, regular meeting, willingness, commitment, facilitator, and educated Active, regular meeting, record, confident


Shahani Jhando Khan





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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Participants:

Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD Dadu Office August 25, 2006 4.00 a.m-6.30 p.m. Mr. Noor Muhammad Baladi PO- HRD Mr. Sikiladhoo Rahimoo LP M. Jo Par Mr. Noor Nabi Panhwar NRM Jalal Jani –PO- HRD

Introduction Thardeep- HRD org a nized one d a y a c tivists w orkshop event on Aug ust 25, 2006 a t Da d u Office. Total 12 participants from 12 PDCs including 04 women, participated in the event. The p a rtic ip a tion rep resented the 12 villa g es of 05 Union c o unc ils. Very low p a rtic ip a tion in women side was observed only 04 women members participated in the event. It might b e d ue to va rious rea sons; w e felt over a ll in b oth w orkshop s a t Sehw a n & Da d u seriousness of tea m tow a rd s the soc ia l c a p ita l w a s m issing they w ere ta king this lig htly, not properly followed by HRD professional and no proper invitation. Discussions After introd uc tion Mr. Za heer ud in ela b ora ted tha t tod a y w e d isc uss on a c tivist a nd its role in sharing, cooperating and networking with different stakeholders to strengthen and sustain the Para/Village Development Committees. The process of organization would be c ontinuing till you a re a nd your offsp ring ! He a lso sha red a b out the selec tion c riteria a nd a c tivists nom ina tion out of 150,000 PDC m em b ers. There a re three elem ents a re b a sed on selec tion; a ) honest c om p etent a c tivists, b ) exp erienc e, a nd c ) c om m itm ent a nd sacrifice. He sha red the ob jec tives of the w orkshop , our d isc ussion w ill b e foc used on a c tivists’ role in d evelop m ent of c om m unities how w e c a n m a xim ize the b enefit our c om m unities how w e c a n m a ke to b e listened . There is the g a p a nd sp a c e b etw een Governm ent a nd c om m unity. So Tha rd eep w ish to fulfill the sp a c e a nd b rid g e the g a p e b etw een Governm ent a nd c om m unity, b oth a re everla sting b ut w ith c ha ng e in fea tures a nd faces some times. He told tha t a c tivists w ill g o to the p eop le , listen a nd tell them p hilosop hy of org a niza tion, w ork tog ether, they w ork w ith enthusia stic a nd fully c om m itm ent b ut p a id w orker w ill c ount the d a ys for sa la ry. The role of a c tivists is g ea red up b y shifting the p rim a ry responsibilities of m a na g em ent to them . TRDPHRD is extend ing the tra ining to d evelop a d yna m ic hum a n resourc e c a d re this is the m a in stra teg ic inp ut in the p roc ess of streng thening PDCs. Ma na g eria l tra ining s w ere initia ted to im p a rt c onc ep tua l orientation regarding the participatory planning and management at grassroots.

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Za heer ud in told tha t need & d em a nd c ha ng es every d a y there a re lots of fa c tors w hic h a ffec t. All of us ha ve to b e vig ila nt & m ore a na lytic a l & som e tim es w e need to b e opportunist to get the benefit for our people so we may mold any development initiative in the favor of our communities. Za heer ud in sha red a b out the p ha ses of short listing a nd fina l selec tion p roc ess of soc ia l c a p ita l initia tive in the la st a c tivist w ill g et the 15 d a ys long tra ining c ourse in the sup ervision of w ell know n Mr. Shoib Sulta n Kha n he w ill b e sha ring his exp erienc es on volunteerism a nd role of honest a c tivist in d evelop m ent w ork. If you look in your surround ing s there a re m a ny g overnm ent servic es w hic h a re a lrea d y d ec entra lized a re g oing to b e d ec entra lize w hy w e a re not ta king those over, the only our rec eiving & m a na g ing c a p a c ity is the issue , w e a re c onvinc ing Governm ent to g ive the 1st p riority to the village level organization to take over the available services at village level. For the p urp ose w e w a nt to tra ined c om p etent honest a c tivists to ta ke the lea d role in community development at grassroots level. Tha rd eep looking for yo ur tim e, inp uts, ow n a nd a c tively p a rtic ip a tion in d evelop m ent initia tives a t your villa g e vic inity. We b eing yours c a n extend the op p ortunity to honest, ha rd w orker, exp erienc e a nd w ell know n a c tivists to b rid g e c om m unic a tion a nd g ive them voic es & eq uip w ith a ll nec essa ry know led g e a ttitud e & skills for the d evelop m ent of your village and its surrounding. During the d isc ussion the m a in g a p s a nd p itfa lls w ere ob served tha t p oor introd uc tion/ soc ia l m ob iliza tion, la c k of tea m sp irit, c oo rd ina tion b etw een sec tion/ reg ion, less ow nership , im b a la nc e inp uts, a lot of p rom ises w ith PDC m em b ers in line w ith CPI sc hem es a nd m ic ro c red it p eop le m isund erstood our m essa g e & there w a s no b od y to c lea r the m isund ersta nd ing w e b elieve every p rob lem ha ve a solution, only if w e p erha p s c ha ng e our a ttitud e to think b roa d ly g et p rob lem solved . There is p ow er lying la tent everyw here w a iting for the ob serva nt eye to d isc over it. Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of thanks and selected/nominated the activists for next workshop.

The list participants, we recommended for nomination in next regional workshop;








Mr. Syed Ghuffar Shah





Mr. Abdul Jabbar




Mr. Abdul Wahid


Din Mohd Shahani Nabi Bux Solangi


Mr. Shafi Muhammad Jamali


Bakhar Jamali

Drigh Bala


Mr. Sharafdin




Mr. Mukhtiar Ali


Chakar Khan Lund Mitho Khan


Mr. Haji Khan


Dodo Khan

M. Balawal


Ms. Rashida



Dadu UC. 04

Willingness, active, local knowledge, trained in managerial training, and saving Trained in managerial training, active, saving, willingness Hard worker, positive attitude, commitment, networking, active and trained managerial Active, managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts. and business Active PDC, saving, , experience, honest, willingness, tolerance Active, networking, notable, willingness to work for development, young, and negotiation skill Active, willingness, saving, regular meeting, and managerial training Saving, regular meeting, ownership, acceptance in Para and willingness,


Tando Rahim Khan

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” 9

Ms. Abida

10 Ms. Nasrat

President F.Sc

Jamaludin Solangi Sultan Bhund

Dadu UC. 04 Pipri

Commitment, regular meeting, record, and networking Saving, regular meeting and record and trained in managerial

Human Resource Development – HRD - 23 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Participants: team Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD Sitaroad Field Unit August 26, 2006 11.00 a.m-2.00 p.m. Mr. Noor Muhammad Baladi PO- HRD, Ms. Zaibu nisa and unit Jalal Jani –PO- HRD

Introduction In the series of a c tivist w orkshop s, Tha rd eep - HRD org a nized a n a c tivists w orkshop on Aug ust 26, 2006 a t Sita roa d field Unit, tota l 15 p a rtic ip a nts from 14 PDCs p a rtic ip a ted in the event. The p a rtic ip a tion rep resented the 05 villa g es of 03 Union c ounc ils. The workshop started with the recitation of verses from Holy Quar`an. Discussions Mr. Zaheer udin shared the objectives of the workshop & said today our discussion will be foc used on the role of tra ined honest a c tivists a nd its vita l role in d evelop m ent interventions a t g ra ssroots levels. We w a nt to enc oura g e your p a rtic ip a tion let others know tha t you a re c a p a b le to d o ea c h & everything . He b riefed a b out the selec tion c riteria a nd nom ina tion p roc ess of the a c tivist for the w orkshop . Fina lly, sho rt listed a c tive PDC m em b ers w ill a c q uire the tra ining w hic h c onsist 15 d a ys long c ourse on role in volunteerism for c om m unity d evelop m ent. We w ill selec t the a c tivists from series a nd d ifferent sta g e of w orkshop s. At Hea d offic e Dr. So no Kha ng ha ra ni CEO TRDP w ill d eliver the session on soc ia l c a p ita l a nd tha n a renow ned Mr. Sho ib Sulta n Kha n w ill d eliver the lec ture on soc ia l c a p ita l, volunteerism s a nd role of honest c om p etent a c tivists in d evelop m ent intervention a t villa g e level. This is sim p ly a n a ttem p t to ha rness the p otentia l of the p eop le & sha re the d ifferent exp erienc e a nd id ea s a b out the c om m unity d evelop m ent a nd a c tive p a rtic ip a tion a t decision making forums. Mr. Za heer ud in Ba b a r sha red tha t Tha rd eep is to b rid g e the g a p b etw een c om m unity, Governm ent a nd other servic es p rovid ers to ensure the servic e d elivery m ec ha nism & enha nc e the rec eiving c a p a c ity a t g ra ss root institutions. We a re Fa c ilita tor “ to m a ke p ossib le or ea sier” Fa c ilita tion is a ll a b out m a king a p roc ess, a d ec ision or som e w ork ea sier to a c hieve. The p eop le use fa c ilita tion in line w ith to w ork b etter, to w ork sm a rter, to w ork fa ster, to g et the w hole a nsw er, to g et m ore p eop le involved to g et new id ea s, w ild id ea s, a nd g rea t id ea s a nd to foster und ersta nd ing , sup p ort a nd follow -through. Fa c ilita tion is a servic e to others. The m ost im p orta nt job of a fa c ilita tor is to p rotec t the p roc ess of those b eing fa c ilita ted . help c rea te the p roc ess, a d just the p roc ess, a nd keeps it leading in the right direction.

Human Resource Development – HRD - 24 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” We should a lso look in our future stra teg ies & up c om ing d evelop m ent a c tivities in the a rea ra ther tha n foc using on short term a c tivities. Believe m e you a re the only hop e & you can bring the change if you became the part of the waves of change otherwise we m a y loss our id entity. We extend the op p ortunity to honest, ha rd w orker, exp erienc e a nd w ell know n a c tivists w e b elieve you c a n d o for yourself better than we do for you. TRDP-HRD is im p a rting the tra ining to c a p a c ity b uild ing a nd ena b ling the honest c om p etent a c tivist in line w ith soc ioec onom ic d evelop m ent a t villa g e. The role of a c tivists is g ea red up b y shifting the p rim a ry resp onsib ilities of m a na g em ent to them . Ma na g eria l tra ining s w ere initia ted to im p a rt c onc ep tua l orienta tion reg a rd ing the p a rtic ip a tory p la nning a nd m a na g em ent a t g ra ssroots. The volunteer w orks w ith commitment and fully determination but employee work for salary and package. Wo rkshop end ed w ith vote of thinks a nd selec ted / nom ina ted the shortlist a c tivists for next workshop.

The list participants, we recommended for nomination in next regional workshop;










Ibrahim Chano





Ibrahim Chano



Ms.Naseem Shah







Ganwar Rind























Ms.Lal Khatoon







Willingness, local knowledge, trained in managerial training, communication, and saving Trained in managerial training, active, saving, willingness and honest Hard worker, positive attitude, commitment, networking, active and trained managerial Active, managerial training, saving, regular meeting, Active PDC, saving, , experience, honest, willingness, tolerance and UC councilor Saving, regular meeting, ownership, honest, willingness, literate, Commitment, young energetic, regular meeting, record, networking Saving, negotiation skills, notable, regular meeting and record, trained in managerial Active, networking, notable, willingness to work for development, young, negotiation skill and UC councilor Active, confident, willingness, saving, regular meeting, UC councilor, and managerial training

10 Ms. Zeenat

Human Resource Development – HRD - 25 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Participants: Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD K.N.Shah Field Unit August 26, 2006 2.40-6.30 p.m. Mr. Noor Muhammad Baladi PO- HRD and team from Kakar and K.N.Shah field units Jalal Jani –PO- HRD

Introduction In the series of a c tivist w orkshop s, Tha rd eep - HRD org a nized one d a y w orkshop on Aug ust 26, 2006 a t K.N.Sha h Field Unit, tota l 58 p a rtic ip a nts from 54 PDCs p a rtic ip a ted in the event. The p a rtic ip a tion rep resented the Meha r, Ka ka r, Sita , a nd K.N.sha h field units. Som e 54 villa g es of 15 Union c ounc ils w ere c overed in the event. The w orkshop sta rted with the recitation of verses from Holy Quar`an by a participant. Discussions Mr. Za heer ud in sha red the ob jec tives of the w orkshop w e w ill d isc uss how w e jointly c a n ta ke efforts for b etterm ent of our c om m unities. We w ill jointly think a nd a c t to m a xim ize the b enefits from servic e p rovid er institutions. He a lso sha red a b out the selec tion c riteria and nomination process of the activists. If you look in your surround ing s you w ill find there a re m a inly four typ es of hum a n behavior; I) Honest but not competent II) Dishonest but competent III) Dishonest and not competent IV) Honest and competent I a nd m y tea m c a n’ t sa y w ho is honest & c om p etent, TRDP b elieves ea c h one of our c om m unities is honest b ut you know w ell w ho is w ho? So w e a re selec ting the honest a nd c om p etent a c tivists for next p ha ses, short listed PDC a c tivists w ill a c q uire the tra ining on 15 d a ys long tra ining c ourse on role of a c tivists in volunteerism a nd d evelop m ent of c om m unity. This is sim p ly a n a ttem p t to ha rness the p otentia l of the p eop le & sha re the d ifferent exp erienc e a nd id ea s a b out the c om m unity d evelop m ent a nd a c tive p a rtic ip a tion at grassroots level. Za heer ud in Ba b a r sha red tha t Tha rd eep is striving to b rid g e the g a p b etw een c om m unity, Governm ent a nd other servic es p rovid ers to ensure the servic e d elivery m ec ha nism & enha nc e the rec eiving c a p a c ity a t g ra ss root institutions. He b riefed TRDP is fa c ilita ting p eop le to org a nize them selves, id entifying true a nd g enuine a c tivists, imparting the training and capacity building of village activists. Identifying and prioritizing w ha t p eop le a re w illing to und erta ke in term s of op p ortunities. Und erta king fea sib ility of identified op p ortunities, soc ia l m ob iliza tion enta ils g oing to the p oor a nd id entifying their p ortfolio of op p ortunities. It req uires a n institutiona l m ec ha nism w hic h ha s the c red ib ility of the g overnm ent a nd flexib ility of a n NGO suc h a s Rura l Sup p ort Prog ra m m es (RSPs). Ma ssive investm ent b y the Governm ent is exp ec ted in c oup le of yea rs w e b elieve if you are ready to take on than why not you take the lead role our responsibility being catalyst

Human Resource Development – HRD - 26 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” is to sha re the op p ortunities & tra in you to ta ke the lea d role. Crea ting a rec eiving m ec ha nism in the c om m unity req uires “ Soc ia l m ob iliza tion entailing”. You should a lso look in our future stra teg ies & up c om ing d evelop m ent a c tivities in the a rea ra ther tha n foc using on short term a c tivities. The need & d em a nd c ha ng es every d a y there a re lots of fa c tors w hic h a ffec t. All of us ha ve to b e vig ila nt & m ore a na lytic a l, so w e m a y m old a ny d evelop m ent initia tive in the favor of our communities The role of a c tivists is g ea red up b y shifting the p rim a ry resp onsib ilities of m a na g em ent to them. Managerial trainings were initiated to impart conceptual orientation regarding the p a rtic ip a tory p la nning a nd m a na g em ent a t g ra ssroots. The volunteer w orks w ith c om m itm ent a nd fully d eterm ina tion w hile em p loyees w ork for sa la ry. We extend the opportunity to honest cadres, that they will do something for their development at village and its surrounding. Ma inly d uring the w orkshop it w a s ob served tha t there a re lots of m isund ersta nd ing between c om m unity & tea m , m ore p rom ises b ut less c om m itm ent, no c lea r/ uniform m essa g es, intric a te a nd illusion in m ic ro c red it (risk m a na g em ent, a nd insura nc e), attitudinal problem, lack of team cohesive and no sharing with team. Not social set up of PDC b ut a g roup of influentia l p ersons/ m ic ro c red it g roup . For us it w a s very m uc h d iffic ult to a na lyze & fina lize the a c tivist for next w orkshop d ue to hug e num b er of p a rtic ip a tion how ever w e (HRD) sug g ested for p a rtic ip a tion 25-30 p a x. The sta rting p oint of a ll a c hievem ent is d esire. Keep this c onsta ntly in m ind . Strong d esires b ring strong results, just as a large amount of fire makes a large amount of heat.

The list participants, we recommended for nomination/short list activist for next regional workshop; # Name Design Village UC Characteristics 1 Mohd Siddique President Lal Bux Choore Willingness, local knowledge, trained Wadho in managerial training, and saving 2 Essa Khan President Bahaderpur Choore Trained in managerial training, active, saving, willingness 3 Ali Gohar President Murad Thalhoo Hard worker, positive attitude, Chandio commitment, networking, active and trained managerial 4 Mohd Younis F.Sc Shahded Piaro Active, managerial training, saving, Khan Station regular meeting, networking with line depts and business 5 A. Majeed G.Sc Daim Khan Bughia Active PDC, saving, , experience, honest, willingness, tolerance 6 Amanat President Kara Bhan Parya Saving, regular meeting, ownership, acceptance in Para honest,

Human Resource Development – HRD - 27 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” 7

Aijaz Ali


Sattar dino



Sahit Khan




Shah Nawaz


Wadi Chowhan Wadi Chowhan


Bakhat Ali





Roshan Ali





Mehar Ali





Photo Khan


Lal Bux



Khair Mohd





Ghulam Qadir


Gul Mohd



Mohd Bux




Mohd Yousif


Khachar Khan Kanyara







Wali Ahmed





Mohd Bux


Ghando Gogai



Mir Mohd



Qazi Arif


Ali Murad





Qurban Ali



Ali Sher Abro


Sayed Jo Gahi Goth Mehesar Guberji Sitaroad


Imdad Ali





Yar Mohd





Mohd Khan






willingness, literate, Commitment, young energetic, regular meeting, record, networking Saving, notable, regular meeting and record, trained in managerial Active, networking, notable, willingness to work for development, young, negotiation skill Active, confident, willingness, saving, regular meeting, and managerial training Active, young, willingness and regular meeting, Regular meeting, willingness, hard worker, negotiation skill Active, regular meeting, willingness, commitment, facilitator, and educated Active, regular meeting, record, confident Saving, honest, active, networking, willingness and negotiation skill Active, honest, negotiation skill, saving, commitment Regular meeting, active, decision making, communication, networking, and saving Regular meeting, networking, saving, active and willingness Saving, active, commitment, willingness and networking Decision making, negotiation skill, commitment, willingness and trained in managerial Saving, commitment, active, regular meeting, honest and willingness Active, honest, saving, meeting and negotiation skill, networking with line depts. Active, regular meeting ,saving, negotiation skill, commitment, honest Saving, regular meeting, willingness, decision making and trained managerial training Educated, boldness, tolerance, saving, regular meeting, decision making and networking with stakeholders Active, meeting regular, saving, networking with different organizations and line depts. Saving, meeting, networking,

Human Resource Development – HRD - 28 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”


Arbab Ali


Mitho Jhetal

Thari Mohbat


Moharam Ali


Qazi Arif


Javed Ali


Loung Mehsar Qazi Arif


Altaf Ahmed




Qazi Arif

commitment, honest, willingness educated, local knowledge, and trained in managerial training Active, enduring, decision making, networking, regular meeting, and willingness Saving, regular meeting, educated, networking and willingness Active, saving, regular meeting, networking, willingness, decision making Active PDC, saving, networking with different organization and line depts.

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Event Participants Facilitator Reported by

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD Head Jamrau Field Unit September 12, 2006 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. Activists Workshop 23 Activists Mr. Shabir Somroo PO- HRD Jalal Jani PO- HRD

INTRODUCTION Thardeep- HRD org a nized one d a y a c tivists w orkshop on Sep tem b er 12, 2006 a t TRDP Field Unit Hea d Ja m ra u. 23 a c tivists from 21 villa g es rep resented the Sika nd era b a d a nd Khenw a ri union c ounc ils. The w orkshop sta rted w ith rec ita tion of verses from Holy Quar`an, Lead Person formally welcomed all.

DISCUSSION Mr. Za heer ud in Ma na g er HRD b riefly sha red the im p orta nc e of honest tra ined a c tivists a nd role in d evelop m enta l interventions a t g ra ssroots level. The c om p etent honest a c tivists a re the c ha ng e a g ent a t d oorstep s a nd d o w ork w ith full c om m itm ent a nd d eterm ina tion w ith volunteerism for villa g ers this c a uses p rosp erity a nd p ow er a m ong the residence in the area. In addition to the valuable work that they do, through their service, these volunteers often c ha ng e their ow n p ersp ec tives a nd those of the c om m unities in w hic h they w ork. Suc h p rog ra m s ra ise a w a reness a b out d isa b ility issues, inc lud ing w ha t they rea lly a re. This p ra c tic e a lso p rovid es sp ec ific g row th op p ortunities for the g ra ss root org a niza tions, a s w ell a s for the volunteers them selves. Reg a rd ing b usiness, a d iverse volunteer p ool p rovid es b enefits suc h a s im p roved p ub lic im a g e, inc rea sed a c c ess to ta lented g roup s, a nd im p roves overa ll fina nc ia l op era tion. In a d d ition to this, g ra ss org a niza tions g enera lly a re rep resenta tive of soc iety. This is p lus p oint w hic h som e tim es a ttra c ts a g rea ter num b er of servic e users a nd p rovid ers, even other volunteers too he tha n sha red tha t volunteerism is not new for our soc iety he sha red the som e exa m p les of volunteerism. Mr. Za heer ud in sha red tha t tod a y w e a re sitting only tw o hours to sha re a nd d isc uss ea c h other a nd p la n for future d evelop m ent w hic h is ofourse for b etterm ent of our people and us. He briefed about the selection criteria and short listing at different levels He sha red a b out the d evolution p la n 2001 w hic h im p lem ented a nd d ec entra lized the p ow ers a t g ra ssroots b ut less b enefit or less involvem ent of p oor p eop le, so Governm ent of Pa kista n c ond uc ted PRSP d ia log ues a t 16 d istric ts in la st yea r to a ssess the m erit a nd d em erits of d evolution p la n. The m a in find ing s w ere less b enefit to p oor, d ue to less involvem ent of the p oor. Governm ent a nd p eop le a re the sa m e sid e of one m irror and susta ining a nd relying w ith ea c h other b ut org a niza tions/ institution a re tim e b ound a nd p rojec t oriented . Peop le ha ve p ow er b ut the need p la nning a p p roa c h to d o w ork fo r them selves, so Pa ra Develop m ent Com m ittees/ Villa g e Develop m ent Com m ittees a re good p la tform to sha re a nd exc ha ng e exp erienc e a nd w ork tog ether for up lifting the community at grassroots by active participation and realistic planning. Wo rkshop end ed w ith selec tion/ short listing the a c tivists for next reg iona l a c tivists’ workshop.

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” List of shortlist activists # Name Design





A.Quam Aradin





Karim Bux Rajpar


Shah Beg Rajpar



Zahid Aradin





Majno Khan Shar


Wazir Shar


Barkat Ali


Ali Bux



Mohd Saifal




Liaquat Ali


Allah Obhayo Aradin Chiber Khan


Ali Mohd


Jan Mohd Kariro


Ali Khan


Kamal Khan

Shah Sikandera bad Khanwari

Negotiation, communication skill,, notable, educated, willingness, local knowledge and saving, Leadership, confident, negotiation skill, trained in managerial training, saving, and regular meeting VDO, leadership, acceptance and respectable, hard worker, positive attitude, experience, commitment, networking, active and saving Active VDO, trained in managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts. and educated Active, saving, internal lending, active, experience, willingness, tolerance and internal lending Saving, regular meeting, honest, willingness, literate, patient and internal lending Saving, commitment, regular meeting, transparent record, networking and veteran VDO saving, internal lending, notable, regular meeting and experienced

10 Ali Nawaz


Mohd Ismail


11 Daim Khan Sohito


Talib Hussain Sohito






Active VDO, regular meeting, networking, notable, willingness to work for development and saving Active, confident, willingness, saving, internal lending, regular meeting and networking Saving, internal lending, bank account, regular meeting, and networking with line department

Human Resource Development – HRD - 31 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Person: Venue: Date: Time: Participants: Facilitator Report by:

Mr. Zaheer udin Babar Manager- HRD Tharimirwah Field Unit September 13, 2006 12.00--2.30 p.m. 22 Activists Shabir Somroo PO- HRD Jalal Jani –PO- HRD

Introduction In the series of a c tivist w orkshop s, Tha rd eep - HRD org a nized a w orkshop on Sep tem b er 13, 2006 a t Field Unit Tha rim irw a h. In w hic h, 22 VDO a c tive m em b ers inc lud ing 7 w om en p a rtic ip a ted the event. Som e 20 villa g es from 4 UCs c overed d uring the event. The workshop started with the recitation of verses from Holy Quar`an by a participant. Discussions Mr. Za heer ud in sha red the ob jec tives of the w orkshop he sa id our d isc ussion w ill b e foc used on role of the tra ined hum a n c a d re (a c tivists) to d evelop & p rom ote the skillful p ersons for the b etterm ent of c om m unities, their a c tive p a rtic ip a tion in d ec ision m a king forum s & how to m a xim ize the b enefits from servic e p rovid er. Why a re RSPs w orking w ith c om m unity? The p a rtic ip a nts resp ond ed tha t w orking for m ic ro c red it, d evelop m ent a nd CPI sc hem es a nd so on. Za heer ud in Ma na g er HRD b riefly told tha t Governm ent is taking efforts to reach the poorer at their doors but obstacles and hindrances were there. The m a jority of the p op ula tion need s sup p ort & they a re p oor they a re not a b le to rea c h the servic es & g et b enefit the only op tion w ith Govt. w a s to c om e to the p eop le & org a nize them on p la tform . So Rura l Sup p ort Prog ra m m e w ere initia ted their w ork w ith m a rg ina lized c om m unities foc using on household s. There a re RSPs like NRSP, PRSP, SRSP, BRSP, SRSO, TRDP, AKRSP, GBTI, SGA, etc .) a re w orking in Pa kista n w ith c om m unity fo r development intervention with integrated approach at the households. Governm ent m a inly p la ns a t three levels i) short term , ii) m id term a nd iii) long term for soc ioec onom ic a nd hum a n d evelop m ent. Governm ent p la nned to c rea te p ub lic p a rtnership in servic e d elivery a nd fa c ility p rovid er institutions. So , w e thoug ht w hy d on’ t you ta ke over the a va ia lb a le servic es & up c om ing op p ortunities for your ow n villa g e the only issue w a s the rec eiving c a p a c ity & the c om m itm ent. We thoug ht if w e p rovid e you tec hnic a l & m a na g eria l skills & g uid elines tha n you w ill rea d y to ta ke over a nd lea d the d evelop m ent initia tives of your a rea . Governm ent is p la nning a lot for p overty era d ic a tion b ut it is ob served tha t there is less b enefit to p oor p eop le b ec a use they a re de-active and voiceless. He also shared the findings of PRSP dialogues; Resourc e Person sha red a b out the selec tion c riteria a nd nom ina tion p roc ess of the a c tivists. We b elieve tha t our org a niza ed m em b ers a re honest & they a re c a p a b le to ta ke over w ith som e va lue a d iition in their m a na g eria l c a p a c ities for the p urp ose w e w ill provide the opportunity to our activist to meet and learn from Dr. Sono Khangharani & A w ell know n Mr.Sho ib Sulta n Kha n Cha irp erson RSPN. We w ill a rra ng e a tra ining c ourse on role of activists in volunteerism and development of community. After training course, the qualified activists will work as good leader and professional way a t their loc a lities. It is sim p ly a n a ttem p t to ha rness the p otentia l of the p eop le & sha re the d ifferent exp erienc e a nd id ea s a b out the c om m unity d evelop m ent. It a lso ensures the trained members active participation at grassroots level. Za heer ud in sa id tha t you should a lso look in future stra teg ies & up c om ing d evelop m ent a c tivities in the a rea ra ther tha n foc using on short term a c tivities. The need & d em a nd

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” changes every day there are lots of factors which affect. All of us to have to be vigilant & m ore a na lytic a l, so w e m a y m old a ny d evelop m ent initia tive in the fa vor of our communities. Being a n em p loyee I b elieve the volunteer w orks w ith c om m itm ent a nd fully determina tion w hile em p loyees w ork for sa la ry. Onc e you a re on the volunteer job , you w ill c ontinue to serve a s long a s you feel tha t your efforts a re a c c om p lishing som ething , tha t your ta lents a re a p p rec ia ted , a nd tha t you m a ke a d ifferenc e. As long a s you a re truly serving throug h your volunteer w ork, In fa c t, it tend s to streng then your c om m itm ent to volunteering when you can see the benefits to both the recipient of your efforts and to yourself. And it is m uc h m ore c om forta b le tha n "c ha rity" b ec a use it up hold s the selfesteem of those w ith w hom you volunteer. Mr. Junejo b riefed the org a niza tion a nd c hild g row th p a ttern a re sa m e he exp la ined tha t everything w ill b e m a ture b ut w ith tim e you ha ve to w orks ha rd w ith c om m itm ent & c lea r a im a nd ob jec tives, the volunta ry a c tions a re a lw a ys in the m em ories of p eop le it d osent m a tter you a re a live or d ea d so lets memorize our self lets be in the mind of others with a good name & identity. The w orkshop w a s c onc lud ed w ith short listing of a c tivists for next reg iona l w orkshop a t Nara @ Chundiko.

The list participants # Name








Gul Shar










Yar Mohd Khaskheli Usman Panhwar


Nimani Khatoon


Kamal Khan



Amir Ali


M.Malook Shar



Manzoor Husssain





Zamir Hussain


Haji Umar




Ali Ghulam Shar


Haji Jamoon Goath



Mohd Jaman


Atta Mohd



M.Rasool Bux


Mohd Murad



Ghulam Hyder


Sodho Khan Khaskheli


Saving, decision making, negotiation skill, commitment, willingness and trained in managerial Saving, commitment, active, regular meeting, honest and willingness Active, honest, saving, meeting and negotiation skill and networking with line depts. Active, regular meeting, saving, negotiation skill, commitment and honest Educated, boldness, tolerance, saving, regular meeting, decision making and networking with stakeholders Active, meeting regular, saving, networking with different organizations, PST and local knowledge Saving, meeting, networking, commitment, Internal lending, willingness educated, and trained in managerial training Active, decision making, networking, regular meeting, internal lending and willingness Saving, regular meeting, educated, networking, internal lending and willingness Orator, active, saving, regular meeting, networking, willingness, decision making, well aware, and local knowledge Networking, CCB, Internal lending, saving, commitment and regular meeting


Human Resource Development – HRD - 33 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Persons: Venue: Date: Time: Event: Participants: Reported by:

Jalal Jani PO- HRD Fiaz Ganj Field Unit September 13, 2006 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. Activists Workshop 13 Activists Jalal Jani and Shabir Somroo POs- HRD

Introduction In the series of a c tivist w orkshop s, Tha rd eep - HRD org a nized a c tivists w orkshop on Sep tem b er 13, 2006: 1400-1600 hours a t TRDP field unit Fa iz Gunj, tota l 13 p a rtic ip a nts from 12 PDCs w ere p a rtic ip a ted in the event. The p a rtic ip a tion rep resented the 12 villa g es of 06 Union c ounc ils. The w orkshop sta rted w ith the rec ita tion of verses from Holy Quar`an. The Lead Person of Faiz Gunj unit welcomed all participants Discussion Ja la l Ja ni sha red the a g end a of w orkshop , told tha t tod a y w e d isc uss a nd sha re new things for enhancing the awareness for future development and review previous progress of VDO, w ha t a re the a c hievem ent a nd b rea kthroug hs. The p a rtic ip a nts resp ond ed tha t w e d evelop ed our skill, c a p a c ity a nd netw orking w ith sta kehold ers. Besid es this, w e made capital formation at village level; we are extending internal lending to members of VDO. We a lso sit tog ether, sha re our issue a nd p rob lem s a nd seeking the solution b y a c tive p a rtic ip a tion of VDO m em b ers a t villa g e level. Resourc e Person told tha t these a re very va lua b le efforts b ut these a ll a re m ig ht b e short term a c tivities, tod a y w e a re sha ring long term susta ina b le intervention w ith your a c tive p a rtic ip a tion. In a d d ition to the ob vious b enefits p rovid ed to org a niza tions, volunteers w ith d evelop m ent b enefits this a ll ha p p ened b ec a use of soc ia l inc lusion, p ersona l c ontrib ution, p ersona l d evelop m ent, netw orking , a nd sta tus. The ha rd w ork, sinc erity a nd c om m itm ent w ill lea d ea c h one of towards the success in achieving our organizational mission. Ja la l Ja ni sha red the selec tion c riteria he sha red a b out the sc reening p ha ses of the p roc ess in third p ha se a t Hea d Offic e , Dr. Sono Kha ng ha ra ni CEO- TRDP w ill sha re a nd d isc uss a b out the role a nd resp onsib ilities of volunteers/ c om p etent honest a c tivist a nd tha n short listed a c tivists w ould b e p a rtic ip a ting in a 15 d a ys tra ining c ourse. A w ell know n Soc ia l Sc ientist Mr. Sho ib Sulta n Kha n w ill d eliver the lec ture on c om p etent honest activists and volunteers at grassroots level. Why d o org a niza tions need volunteers a sked q uestion b y Mr. Mum ta z Hussa in a s a p a rtic ip a nt in d isc ussion. Ja la l Ja ni exp la ined tha t m a ny nonp rofit org a niza tions, especially smaller ones, have limited budgets and they are constantly looking for ways to red uc e their c osts. Using volunteers c a n sig nific a ntly sa ve org a niza tions m oney a nd therefore a llow them to sp end a d d itiona l m oney in other a rea s. Volunteerism g ea rs the d evelop m ent initia tives it b ring ow nership in a ll seg m ents of soc iety. volunteering c a n p rovid e a w a y to use your extra tim e m ore effec tively a nd to m a ke a d ifferenc e in people’s lives. Ja la l Ja ni sha red the c oord ina tion g a p b etw een Governm ent a nd p eop le , you a re no m ore voic eless p eop le. You a re g a thered to resolve your soc io-ec onom ic p rob lem s. You ha ve to just enha nc e your rec eiving & m a na g ing c a p a c ity. The sup p ort org a niza tions/ institutions a re tim e b ound a nd w ith lim ited resourc es. The only you a re ,

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” w ho c a n solve the p rob lem s & susta in the villa g e level org a niza tions. It is im m ense need to sustain your organization, enable yourself first than think and work for others. Otherwise, you w ill not a c hieve a nd suc c ess your g oa ls a nd ob jec tives. Ma ke d ura b le p la ns; a im high in hope and work with commitment there is nothing impossible. The shortlist VDO a c tivists a re w illing to w ork a nd c oop era te w ith sta kehold er for up lifting the loc a l c om m unity. They show ed w illing to a c q uire tra ining a nd sha re w ith a ll a nd w ork c ollec tively a nd a c tive p a rtic ip a tion a t g ra ssroots. Wo rkshop end ed w ith selection/shortlist the activists for next regional workshop.

List of shortlist activists # Name Design





Mumtaz Hussain


Mashgool Khan

Paka Chang


Sher Mohd


Mashgool Khan

Paka Chang


Muzfar Hussain





Ghulam Qadir Shar




Asd Rajpar



Sadaqut Ali



Ali Gul



Ghulam Akbar


Gh.Qadir Shar Hussain Pato Abdul Karim Mubarik Shar Abubakar Rajpar




Haji Mohd Talib

Paka Chang

10 Ms.Zebulnisa


Punhoon Faqueer


Leadership, confident, negotiation skill, trained in managerial training, saving, and regular meeting VDO, leadership, hard worker, positive attitude, experience, commitment, networking, and saving Active VDO, trained in managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking with line depts. and well educated Active, saving, internal lending, experience, willingness, tolerance and internal lending Saving, regular meeting, willingness, literate, patient and internal lending Saving, commitment, regular meeting, transparent record and networking VDO saving, internal lending, notable, regular meeting and experienced Active VDO, regular meeting, networking, notable, willingness to work for development and saving Active, confident, willingness, saving, internal lending, regular meeting and networking Saving, Internal lending, bank account, regular meeting and record

Kandiari Razaabad Karoondi Razaabad

Human Resource Development – HRD - 35 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” Resource Persons: Venue: Date: Time: Event: Participants: Reported by:

Jalal Jani and Shabir Somroo POs- HRD HRD training Hall Chundiko region September 14, 2006 1100 to 1300 hours Activists Workshop 19 activists Jalal Jani PO- HRD

Introduction Thardeep- HRD org a nized one d a y activists’ w orkshop on Sep tem b er 14, 2006: 1100-1300 hours a t Chund iko reg ion offic e , tota l 19 p a rtic ip a nts from 17 PDCs w ere p a rtic ip a ted in the event. The participation represented the 17 villages of 3 Union councils. The workshop started with the recitation of verses from Holy Quar`an by Ali Bux Shar (a participant) Mr. Sha b ir Som roo PO HRD w elc om ed a ll p a rtic ip a nts a nd sha red the ob jec tive of workshop and agenda of entire sitting. Discussion Ja la l Ja ni PO- HRD sha red the selec tion p roc ess, selec tion c riteria , he a lso sha red the short listing p roc ess & TRDP tea m w ill invite those short listed from reg iona l w orkshop a t Hea d Offic e, Dr. Sono Kha ng ha ra ni Chief Exec utive Offic er w ill m eet a nd d isc uss on c om m unity p a rtnership , volunteerism a nd role of honest a c tivists in their d evelop m ent a t village level. Head office team will identify and assess you for a 15-20 days long workshop, w here a d evelop m ent w orker a nd renow ned Mr. Shoib Sulta n Kha n Cha irp erson –RSPN will deliver lecture and exchange the ideas on competent honest activists. After tra ining c ourse, the q ua lified a c tivists w ill w ork for b etterm ent of their ow n village vicinity. It is simply an attempt to harness the potential of the people & share the different exp erienc e a nd id ea s a b out the c om m unity d evelop m ent. It is a n a ttem p t to ensure the active participation & ownership of trained members at grassroots level. Why w e w ork a s volunteer a nd w ha t is rea sons? a q uestioned a sked b y Mr. Um ed Ali Bhurg a ri a s a p a rtic ip a nt in the event. Resourc e Person exp la ined tha t p eop le w orks a s a volunteer for a w id e va riety of rea sons, esp ec ia lly w a nting to help others. But it is a lso to w a nt som e b enefits for yourself fro m volunteering . Som e p eop le a re unc om forta b le w ith the notion tha t a volunteer "b enefits" from d oing volunteer w ork. There is a long tra d ition of seeing volunteering as a form of charity, based on altruism and selflessness. Jalal Jani said that best volunteering does involve the desire to serve others, but this does not exc lud e others m otiva tions, a s w ell. Instea d of c onsid ering volunteering a s som ething you d o fo r p eop le w ho a re not a s fortuna te a s yourself, b eg in to think of it a s a n exchange. Consider that most people find themselves in need at some point in their lives. So tod a y you m a y b e the p erson w ith the a b ility to help , b ut tom orrow you m a y b e the rec ip ient of som eone else's volunteer effort. Vo lunteering a lso inc lud es "self-help ." So if you a re a c tive in your neig hb orhood c rim e w a tc h, your hom e is p ro tec ted w hile you protect your neig hb ors' hom es, too. Ad d ing your effort to the w ork of others m a kes everyone's lives better. He sa id tha t think a b out how m uc h you rec eive w hen you g ive a nd c onsid er w hy you w a nt to volunteer. You m a y ha ve severa l d ifferent rea sons. Sup p ose to feel need ed to sha re a skill, to know a c om m unity, to d em onstra te c om m itm ent to a c a use/ b elief, to gain leadership skills, for recognition, to donate your professional skills because there is no one else to d o it, to lea rn som ething new , to exp lore a c a reer, to b uild your resum e a nd to b e a n a g ent of c ha ng e in your interest a rea . When solving a p rob lem , d ig a t the roots

Human Resource Development – HRD - 36 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” instea d of just ha c king a t the lea ves. The activists’ w orkshop end ed w ith the selec tion and identification of activists for regional workshop at Nara region at Chundiko. Short list for next regional workshop








Mohd Manshad


Sofi.M. Sharif



Ali Bux Shar


Thado Khan Shar



Munwar Ali


Ali Nawaz Shar



Mola Bux Shar


Haji Bux



Mumtaz Ali


Ali Abad







Misri Khan


Qabool Mohd Irshad Ali


Hidyat Ali




Ali Bux


Haji Mohd Yousif Taj Mohd


Ghulam Hussain


Bhoral Khaskheli



Mohd Usman


Misri Bhambhro



Mohd Nawaz


Mohd Bux





Mohd Bachal


Negotiation and communication skill, notable, educated, willingness, local knowledge, trained in managerial training and PST Leadership, confident, mobilizer and support role, negotiation skill, analytical skill, commitment, initiator, trained in managerial training, and internal lending leadership, experience, commitment, networking, long- suffer, active and trained managerial training Active VDO, trained in managerial training, saving, regular meeting, networking and well educated Active saving, internal lending, active, experience, honest and willingness Saving, regular meeting, ownership, willingness, literate, patient and trained Saving, commitment, regular meeting, transparent record and networking VDO, saving, internal lending, notable, regular meeting and experienced Active VDO, regular meeting, networking, notable, and willingness to work for development Active, confident, willingness, saving, internal lending, regular meeting and trained managerial Active VDO, internal lending, notable, regular meeting, commitment and experienced Active, commitment, networking, hard worker, internal lending and saving Saving, regular meeting, networking, negotiation skill and willingness




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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

Human Resource Development – HRD - 38 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

Human Resource Development – HRD - 39 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

August,2006 S.No Cluster 1 Chelhar M Rind 2 Chachro Islamkot 3 Nanagarparkar Mithi Mohranu 4 Manjhthi 5 Diplo 6 Khetlari 7 Region Chachro 8 Region Mithi Umerkot 9 Mehndre Jo Par Meher K.N Shah Kakar 10 Seeta Road Dadu 11 Johi Bhan Sehwan 12 Sehwan Urban 13 Region Sehwan 14 Head Office



Tue Wed 1100hrs










Sun Mon Tue




Wed Thu Fri




Sun Mon Tue












Sun Mon


29 Tue

1100hrs 1100hrs 1100hrs 1000hrs. 1000hrs 1200hrs. 1400hrs. 1400hrs.

1000hrs. 1400hrs.

1000hrs. 1400hrs 1400hrs

September, 2006 S.No Cluster 1 2 3 4 5

Head Jamraou Thari Mirwah Faiz Gunj Choondiko Region Nara












Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1400hrs 1000hrs 1400hrs 1100hrs 1100hrs

Sun Mon Tue

Wed Thu Fri





















Sun Mon Tue







Sun Mon







3 Tue

October, 2006 S.No Cluster








Umerkot Head Office

Prepared by

Approved by

Human Resource Development – HRD - 40 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77


Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro

District Name

Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar

Tehsil name

Mithi Mithi Nagarparkar Nagarparkar Nagarparkar Nagarparkar Nagarparkar Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Nagarparkar Nagarparkar Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo

UC name

Khario Ghulam Shah Khario Ghulam Shah Peelo Peelo Peelo Peelo Peelo Tigusar Tigusar Sengaro Islamkot Sengaro Sonalboh Islamkot Peelo Peelo Kahri Islamkot Kahri Kahri Islamkot Sonalboh Sonalboh Khario Ghulam Shah Islamkot Islamkot Rajoro Rajoro Rajoro Rajoro Heerar Heerar Chachro Chachro M.Charan Chachro M.Charan Sarangair Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Vejhiar Vejhiar Vejhiar Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Vejhiar Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Kantio Vejhiar Vejhiar Chelhar

Field Unit/RCB

Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Jaindo Dars Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot Islamkot M.Rind M.Rind M.Rind M.Rind M.Rind M.Rind Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar

Name of Activist

M Ramzan Saran Harchand Meghan Veenjhraj Mevo Odhani Asghar Ali Satram M Akbar Iqbal Ahmed Raza Imlan Bai Meva Ram Rano Mal Arjan Ratan Lal Essro Mal Sodho Khan Dosat Ali Saran Somjee Mal Peetho Mal Bhoro Nasurallah Radha Bai Dahoo M.Raffique Dharmoonmal Ghamoonmal Desar Kheto Chanesar Leelaram Sirajdin Raso Saroopo Khamiso Chooni Siroo Tagi Mohani Samoon Sohaind Anopo Hussain GH Muhmmad Photomal Ahmed Ali Aatm Luqman Motoo Mal Bhojo mal Kheta Ram Chetan Dev Wali Muhmmad Khanu Teekam M.Ramzan Amolakh Haroon Noor Muhmmad Nago Gunesh Goband Rejhu Mal Tejmal Chehno Morti Hasni Merwan Dheya Pathani Sughar Dhahoo Misran Parwati

Name of Village

Ade-jo-Tar Ade-jo-Tar Gori Gori Sonder Dabhi Bheel Sonder Dobhar Mithrio Halepota Vakrio Islamkot Yousif Ji Dhani Arniyaro Islamkot Babhan Tobho Babhan Tobho Tisingri Gogio Morano Kahri Kekari Malho Bheel Malho Bheel Shahmir Vikia Islamkot Islamkot Dhaklo Janjhi Hargan ji dhani Karnore Dharendro Roheraro Pinpario Bharmal Sawanre Jo Par Khohano Chaho Charan Sarangair Chachro Chachro Chachro Chachro Sokhru Chachro Mithrio Meghwar Roontio Mithro Muslim Kantio Kantio Tar Hameed Charkari Pabu Vero Pabu Vero Bhadari Pahanoon Valasro Phangario Arnore Tobario Akleeyoon Akleeyoon Qabool Jo Tar Matari Ji Dhani Bhadari Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Haryar Satilla Tar Hameer Kantio M Meghwar M Meghwar Kantio Kantio Phangario Pochando Chelhar

Name of CO



Almani Paro Male Meghwar Paro Female Samaj Sudhar Male Sughrain Sath Female Kesrani Paro Male Mahvo Paro Male Faqeer Abad Female VDO Male Chatrani Paro Male Burhanani Paro Male Khaskheli Paro Male Ahmed Paro Male Hakeem Paro Female Darela Paro Male Lakhani Paro Male Amersingh Paro Male Thar Jago Ithad Male Essaro Paro Male Sodho Khan Paro Male Baloch Paro Male Soomjee Paro Female Soomjee Paro Male Peetho Paro Male Nowjwan Paro Male Kumbher Paro Male Balo Paro Female Pataria p Male Missriani p Male Harijun Paro Male Aam Bhalai Male Ghamoonp Male Sahbani Male Ratan Paro Male Umedo Paro Male Sirajdin Paro Male Kudecha Paro Male Meghwar Paro Male Ramchandani Paro Male Kirtani Paro Female Soodra Paro Female Parmar Paro Female Bhojak Paro Female Tharwani Paro Female Jokhia Paro Female Meghwr Paro Male Malhia PARo Male Murad Paro Male Jeta Coluny Male Dal Paro Male Dharmani Paro Male Nohri Paro Male Katir Paro Male Ganhair Paro Male Rathore Paro Male Bhatti Paro Male RRDO Male Khanu Paro Male Sadain Qaim Male Sarlot Male Raho Paro Male Nohri Paro Male Bhagu Paro Male Balwani Paro Male New Harijun Male Meghwar Main Male Meghwar Main Male VDC Male Chehno Paro Male Dharmani Paro Female Malhia PARo Female Karmoon p Female Bhanani Paro Female Moolo Bheel Female Jeta Coluny Female Bkhtani Paro Female Permar Paro Female Malhi Paro Female


45 30 45 45 48 32 25 38 37 35 28 27 35 49 45 38 35 45 46 35 27 48 48 27 28 29 36 30 31 40 30 50 50 41 42 50 60 50 35 31 40 38 45 45 40 40 50 55 28 27 45 50 45 50 35 45 60 45 50 35 45 35 45 47 40 48 35 40 50 45 50 55 40 40 35 35 40

Shop Keeper H.Work Shop Keeper H.Work Teacher Farmer H.Work Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher N.Nazm TBA Gold smith R.Teacher Utc N.Nazm Farmer S.woker Nazm S.woker S.woker S.woker S.woker Teacher S.woker Teacher Stock Assistant Shopkeeper Teacher Shopkeeper Shop Keeper Shop Keeper Shop Keeper Shop Keeper Shop Keeper Farmer Shop Keeper H.Work H.Work H.Work H.Work B.O.D Memb H.Work Shop Keeper Labour Shop Keeper Rtd Teacher Store Keeper Shop Keeper Teacher Teacher Teacher Labour Shop Keeper Teacher Labour Shop Keeper Teacher Shop Keeper Shop Keeper Labour Shop Keeper Teacher Teacher Retire Teacher Teacher Shop Keeper

Education No yrs work as CO activist

primary no primary primary B.A Matric no B.A B.A M.A B.A Inter primary primary B.A B.A Matric primary primary Inter primary primary primary Matric M.A Matric B.A Matric primary Inter Pass Matric 7class Nil primary primary Nil Nil primary Nil Nil Nil primary Nil Nil Inter Pass primary 5 Years primary 3 Years Inter Pass6Years 12th Class4Year Pass 10th Pass 5 Years 12 th class5 Years 12 th class6 Years 12th Class5Pass Years 5 th Class 5Pass Years 12 th class5 Years MA 6 Years 8th pass 6 Years 5 th Class 6Pass Years B.A 6 Years 12th Class5Pass Years 5 th Class 5Pass Years 10 th pass5 Years 5th Class 5 Years BA 6 Years Med 6 Years BA 6 Years 12 th class6 Years 6 Years 2 5Years No 5Years No 5Years No 6 Years 2 Class 3 Years 5 Class 4 Year's No 6 Years No 4 Year's No 5 Years

5 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 5 5 3 8 8 4 4 4 10 10 6 10 10 10 10 5 8 6 3 8 3 5 5 5 8 6 6 7 3 3 8 8 8 8 8 6

Outstanding Achievements

Cr Recovery S. Worker PDC Formation S Worker Cr Recovery Traind Ativist Vocal Traind Ativist Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Cr Recovery PDC Formation Cr Recovery S.Worker Traind Activist Traind Activist S.Worker S.Worker Traind Activist Traind Activist Cr Recovery Honest S.Worker Support in Cr Rec Support in Cr Rec PDC Formation Support in Cr Rec Support in Cr Rec S.Worker S.Worker Honest Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Cr Recovery Traind Activist Traind Activist Honest Honest Honest Honest Coucilor,Knowledge of Honest Traind Honest Traind Cr Recovery PDC Formation PDC Formation Honest LeadRole LeadRole S.Worker S.Worker Honest BOD Member Cr Recovery LeadRole Honest Honest Honest Traind Ex Nazim Focul person ofvil Traind Traind Traind Traind Traind Traind Traind AGM member Traind Traind

RSP Reasons for selection

S. Worker S. Worker Traind BMST S Worker S Worker S Worker S Worker VDO Gen PDC Formation PDC Formation Intiatitive Taker N.Nazim PDC Formation Decission Maker Decission Maker Decission Maker N.Nazim S.Worker S.Worker Nazim S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker Honest, Decission Maker Vocal AGM Mem S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker Lead Role S.Worker Lead Role Honest, Honest, Honest, S.Worker Vocal Lead Role Decission Maker Lead Role Lead Role Honest, Active Honest, Decission Maker Honest, Honest, Honest, Lead Role Honest, Honest, Honest, Honest, Honest, S.Worker S.Worker Honest, Honest, Lead Role Lead Role Honest, AGM Mem Honest,Lead Role Honest Honest Lead Role Honest S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker

Human Resource Development – HRD - 42 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154


Chachro Chachro Chachro Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Umerkot Umerkot

District Name

Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparkar Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Tharparker Umerkot Umerkot

Tehsil name

Chacharo Chacharo Chacharo Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo

UC name

Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar M.Veena M.Veena M.Veena Mithi M.Veena M.Bhatti M.Bhatti M.Bhatti M.Bhatti M.Bhatti M.Bhatti M. Veena Mithi Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Joruo Khetari Khetari Khetari Khetari Khetari Khetari Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Bhakuo Bhakuo Bhakuo Bhakuo Bhakuo Bhakuo Bhakuo Sobhyar Sobhyar Sobhyar Sobhyar Sobhyar Sobhyar Diplo Diplo Diplo Dabro Jhirmiro Jhirmiro Jhirmiro Sobhyar Sobhyar Sobhyar Sobhyar Jhirmiro Dabro Jhirmiro Jhirmiro Sobhyar Jhirmiro Sobhyar Bolari UC-1 Gharibabad 2

Field Unit/RCB

Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mithi Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Mohrano Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Khetlari Manjhthi Manjhthi Manjhthi Manjhthi Manjhthi Manjhthi Manjhthi Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo Diplo RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot

Name of Activist

Name of Village

Nirmla Kamla Urmila Khangharsingh Gulab Rai Anopo Teekam Lehri Pertab Ambi Bai Ladharam Jalu Waryam Chandoo Muzfar Hothchand Khabar Girdhari Sikander Qurban Hothi Maghiladho Ashraf Hadi Aziz Koonbhraj Baboo Ajeemat Lalan Nathoo Akbar Ashrif Mir Mohd Ali Mohd Mohummad Din Mohd Akbar Ramji Jameel Nazia Asobai Pooran Marwan Sikander Sonan Seelan Rano Ranchoor Bhagwan Senghar Bashir Ghaman Darya Khan Sawai Mithan Gul Mohd Razia Agro mal Janan Karim Hothi Poonjo Gunesh Sorath Achar Ishaque Ibrahim Hakim Kewal Roopan Karman Noor Mohd Gajoo Peerano M.Khan Venjhraj Bhagwan das

Chelhar Chelhar Chelhar Kerti Nenisar Kapoosar Mithi Mithi M.Bhatti Rani Ji Wand Barach Tabho Menghwar Railo Rind Godhiyar Sobharo Mithi Amrio Bevato Loonihar Jarhyasar Sanysar Kharo Dangro Dabho WM Tayab Junejo Harpar Khario Nara Loonihar Sanysar Poserko Poserko Poserko Khoi Mora Nibrokar Hajhamaro Paboohar Nau Wango Bhukrio Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Kaloi Khetlari Bhakuo Bhakuo Alamsar New Tar Alamsar Taho Bheel Niknoo Dabri Dabokarani Kharoro Lasio Karyar Verijhap Diplo Motatio Diplo Sakri Choichapro Konral Gangalas Hilario Peer Hilario Peer Sobhyar Kathorio Dedsar Unrio Wandh Jhirmirio Khatho Bheel Karam Ali Jhirmirio Gajoo Khakhnyar Umerkot Kolhi Daro

Name of CO

Mehraj Paro Goswani Paro Rathi Paro Sada Behar Harwani Roshan Rahoo Dharmani Darzi Menghwar Kewal Suther Paro Kessrani Gulzar Mengh. Main VDA Suther Paro Meghwar BTPC WSW Essani Paro Bheel Paro Janani Paro Wali Mohd Tayab Sarwari Juneja Koonbhraj Paro Suhag Bheel Paro Sachar Sang Meghwar …. Karoonjhar Dil Pasand Veenjhar Bright Younis Sujag Jagarta Thar Arzoo Heerani Roshani Kavita Sojhro Dars Gul Bahar Rooh Rehan Nijhar Tan Pasand Narnani Paras Dabriabad Kessrani Roshan Rahoo Togani Khan Latif Ghareedabad Motian malha Umeed Shama Samoon Meghwar Ganpat Nayab Sangam Paras Sehkar Sath Wafa Sath Devo Veerbal Shama Devo Sik Preet Khan Kirshna Punhal Nagar



Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Male Male Female Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Female Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male


38 40 40 38 35 45 53 48 40 35 40 43 40 48 35 38 36 38 45 43 40 36 45 43 40 44 45 36 40 42 35 35 45 45 35 38 25 30 32 20 35 35 40 38 50 35 50 30 36 30 35 25 34 35 32 32 40 57 48 32 52 40 45 27 60 36 30 24 25 30 28 35 32 24 35 50 32 Teacher Teacher Teacher Shopkeeper Teacher Housewife Shopkeeper Housewife Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Teacher Teacher Shopkeeper Teacher Teacher Teacher Shopkeeper Worker Worker Worker Doctor Shopkeeper Housewife Teacher Housewife Housewife Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Housewife Teacher Teacher Coucillor Teacher Shopkeeper Handicraft Shopkeeper Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher Worker Shopkeeper Teacher Farmar Labor Shopkeeper R.Teacher Housewife Teacher Shopkeeper Teacher Shopkeeper Teacher Teacher Grocery shop Labor Teacher Teacher Housewife Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Business Shopkeeper Farmar Shop keeper Social Worker

Education No yrs work as CO activist

No 5 Years BA 5 Years No 4 Year's M.A 05 Years B.A 05 Years Middle 03 years Matric 05 Years Nill 05 Years Middle 05 Years Nill 05 Years Intermediate 04 years Primary 04 years Middle 04 years Middle 05 Years M.A 04 years M.A 05 Years Intermediate 04 years B.A 04 years B.A 04 years B.A 02 Years Intermediate 04 years Intermediate 04 years Middle 04 years Primary 04 years B.A 04 years B.A 04 years Primary-II 03 years Intermediate 03 years Nill 05 Years Primary 05 Years . 04 years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years B.A 02 Years Intermediate 07 months Nill 02 Years Nill 02 Years Primary 02 Years M.A 05 Years Middle 05 Years Nill 05 Years Primary 05 Years B.A 04 Years B.A 04 Years B.A 04 Years B.A 03 years Matric 03 years Matric 03 years M.Sc 03 years Matric 03 years Middle 04 years Primary 04 years Final 04 years Nill 04 years B.A 03 years Final 03 years Matric 03 years Primary 03 years B.A 03 years Final 03 years Matric 03 years Matric 03 years B.A 03 years B.A 03 years Nill 03 years Nill 03 years Intermediate 03 years Primary 03 years Intermediate 03 years Intermediate 03 years B.A 4 Years D.E 4 Years

Outstanding Achievements

RSP Reasons for selection

Traind Traind Traind

S.Worker S.Worker S.Worker

Social Mobilization Capacity Build

Strong Mobilization Honesty

Human Resource Development – HRD - 43 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No

155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231


Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA

District Name

Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Umerkot Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur

Tehsil name

UC name

Gharibabad 2 UC.1 UC.2 UC Faqeer Abdullah UC Faqeer Abdullah UC Faqeer Abdullah UC.2 Faqeer Abdullah UC.1 Gapno UC.1 Khejrari

Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara

Chajro Chajro Chajro Sher Khan Chandio Bustaan Bustaan Bustaan Bustaan Bustan Nabisar thar Nabi sar Road Nabisar Road Talhi Talhi Kunri Memon Kunri Memon Dhoronaro Dhoronaro Dhoronaro Dhoronaro Shah Mardan Shah Mardan Pithoro Pithoro Atta Mohd Atta Mohd Sabho Sabho Satryoon Satryoon Satryoon Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Road Samaro Road Padrio Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari

Field Unit/RCB

RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot RCB Umerkot M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par M J Par Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Kunri Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Soofi Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Samaro Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao

Name of Activist

Name of Village

Mohan Bahrari Thar Danesh Umerkot Rano Veharo Miandad Janhero Taj Mohd Waris Panhwar Meeno bai Amerhar Bhugro Rohal Wah Ramesh Janhero Ram Ratan Umerkot Dayaram Bodar Form Ganga Umerkot Eman Shah Khejrari A. Khalique Somoon Chetan Sabir Bheel Teekam Khararo Hameed Chore Anwer New Chore Noor Mohammad Okraro Doult Haveli Haleem Mohd Holephoto Mohammad M. Sultan Jeram Sinohee Gulsheer Khokrapar Ramesh Bhitaro Inayat Bandho Ali Mohammad Kerlo Umer Hakimani Nawab Ahmed Kumber Ismail Fabsaleabad Amir Bux Mured abad Bhemraj Mandhal Nanger Ahori Om Parkash Faqir Ahmed Ali Dadro Chhagan Kachi Versi Kachi Ali Murtaza Lal Shah Rehmat Ali Nawab Khan Rind Mohd Shafiq Rana Dewan Rano Mal Soomraj Bagh Dayaram Soomar jo Goth Ali Sher Nawab Yousif Talpur Ali Akbar Saleh Dandal Kewal Nabisar thar Chelaram Nabirsar Road Kajoo Mal Nabisar Road Amoolak Mahmood abad Moroo Hanif gishkori Mohd Ashrif Hasal Khan Rind Ghulam Mustafa Belo Khan Rind Faiz Fazal Chopan Habib allah Sader Jalal Khunhar Gul Hasan Daro Shevaram Ghulam Nabi Shah Parshotam Hondo Hanjorjo Ameer Hondo Hanjorjo Ms Shanti Pithoro Popat Badho Kolhi Poonam Walidad Rejhoo Kunbi Daro Mohd Suleman Rehmat Allah Riachand Mufti Asad Okoo Kolhi Magho Lalji Major Pali Soomji Abdul Rehman Burgri Karim Hassan Shah Bagban Kastooro Murid Khaskeli Mohammad Ismail Burgri Nanji Samaroo Road Ms Hydait Ibrahim Shahani Booro Mahwaji Kolhi Sajan Chang Chanesar Chang Ali Dino Ali Nawaz Chang Dholan Sadique Chang Sher Mohammad Shar Barocho Shar Liaqat Ali Shar Chibhar Shar Sain Bux Aradeen Luqman Aradeen Turab Araden Belati

Name of CO



Hameer Bajeer Male Tejani Male Dhanani Male Sanooro Sameja Male Panhwar Male Mehandrani Female Amrani Male Pir Khanghar Male Peethani Male Young Meghawar Male Khentlia Female Hashmani Male VDO Male VDO Male Bheel paro Male Sada Bahar Male Moher singh Male Dost Paro Male Hemoon Paro Male Jam Pur Male Hajam Paor Male Gar Jad Male VDO Male VDO Male Ali Paro Male Hajiani Male Hakemani Male Kumber Male Rahiman Male Hyder Paro Male Rashi Balmik Male Gaji Paro Male Meghwar Paro Male Kachi paro Male Kazmi Itehad Male Nawab Khan Male Rajput Paro Male Jamami Paro Male Soomar Paro Male M.Alam Paro Male Saleh paro Male Gulab paro Male Al mutahad Male Shah Latif Male Muki Paro Male Gishori Itahad Male Mohranoo Male Rind Paro Male VDO Fazal Chopan Male Arisar Paro Male Jalal Paro Male Karim Paro Male Heerani Male Sehkar Male Bakh Male Akri Female Soofi Sadiq Male Bachani Male Baghat Male Rehmat Allah ParoMale Novo Kolhi Male Okoo Kolhi Male Manseengo Male Chotharam Male Hassan Shah Male Sagar Male Garib Nawaz Male Ponamchan Male Hydait Female Radha Kirshan Male Chanesar Chang M Ali Nawaz Chag M Hur Mujahid M Barocho Shar M Chibhar Shar M Luqman Aradeen M Al - Noor M


30 30 35 38 25 28 30 35 25 38 25 30 25 23 20 20 19 30 20 20 35 35 28 22 23 20 23 27 20 20 28 30 25 40 30 30 30 30 35 28 25 25 30 25 30 40 30 25 25 22 25 24 45 23 25 23 25 50 26 24 23 35 30 21 32 27 30 22 50 27 21 25 25 25 45 30 26

Education No yrs work as CO activist

Electricition Movi Maker Mason Shopkeeper Social Worker Carpet worker Shopkeeper Handicraft Shopkeeper Shopkeeper House Wife Social Worker

Inter B.A B.A Primary Primary Matric Inter B.E.A Inter Inter Inter B.A F.A Matric Matric Matric Matric B.A F.A F.A F.A Matric F.A F.A F.A F.A F.A Matric Matric Matric F.A F.A private teacher BA labor Matric trader F.A Shop Keeper local F.A Shop Keeper local F.A Shop Keeper local Matric labor B.A Shop Keeper local F.A Student F.A cabel operator F.A Shop Keeper local F.A Shop Keeper local Matric Shop Keeper local Matric cycle mechnical Matric labor Matric Shop Keeper local F.A Counsiller B.A B.A Dispensir B.A Labor B.A Counsiller Private Teacher M.A PCO operator B.A Matric B.A M.A B.A

4 Years 4 Years 4 Years 4 Years 1 Years 4 Years 2 Years 2 Years 4 Years 2 Years 4 Years 2 Years

Contactor Shop Keeper Farmer trader Farmer Tailor Hair cutter Shop Keeper L.H.W Farmer Former Shopkeeper Teacher Driver Hakim Teacher Former

2 years 2 years 8 month one year 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year 15 month 2 years 2 years 2 years one year 1 year 1 year 1 year 5 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 3 years 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 2 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year Two Year Two Year Two Year One Year 18 Months Two Year Two Year

BSC Primary Primary Middle F.A F.A Matric Primary Middle Matric Primary Primary Inter Primary Middle M.A M.A

Outstanding Achievements

Social Mobilization Hard Worker Social Mobilization -

RSP Reasons for selection

Faithful -

good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute good repute

Good Activist support in Recovery Best Activist support in camp vaccination

Support in female trainings Traind Activist &Support in VDO Committed F. Recovery support Active PDC Formation & Recovery .Faithful followup Recovery support S Worker Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Traind Social Worker PDC Formation & Recovery Sfollowup Worker Recovery support Reliable

Human Resource Development – HRD - 44 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No

232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308



District Name

Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur

Tehsil name

Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Thari Mir Wah Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Faiz Gunj Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara

UC name

Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Khenwari Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Sikaderabad Mandan Mandan Mandan Mandan Mandan Mandan TMW TMW Hundiyari Hundiyari Hundiyari Hundiyari Hundiyari Mehar Veesar Sabar Rind Hundiyari Sabar Rind Hundiyari Hundiyari TMW Mehar Veesar TMW Hundiyari Hundiyari TMW Sabar Rind TMW TMW TMW TMW Akri Akri Kandiari Kandiari Kandiari Akri Pacca Chang Pacca Chang Pacca Chang Bhangu Behan Pacca Chang Pacca Chang Kandiari Pacca Chang Razza Abad Bhangu Behan Kandiari Tajjal Choondiko Choondiko Sikenderabad Sikenderabad Sikenderabad Sikenderabad Sikenderabad Sikenderabad

Field Unit/RCB

Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao Head Jamrao TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW TMW FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG FG CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK

Name of Activist

Name of Village

Name of CO



Qayoom Aradeen Qayoom Aradeen Qayoom Aradeen M Ghulam Rasool Aradeen Ummar Saho Al - Saeed M Dater dino Saim Saheto Saim Saheto M Ali Khan Keeryo Kamal deen Keeryo - 1 Kamal deen Keeryo M-1 Najam deen Kamal deen Keeryo - 2 Kamal deen Keeryo M-2 Ranjhan Rajpar Khalid Rajper Khalid Rajper M Kareem Bux RajperShah Beg Rajper Shah Beg Rajper M Meer Hassan Obahyo Gaho Mehran M Baksh Gaho Obahyo Gaho Mehran M Ali Muhammmed Nawaz Jan Muhammed Karero Jan Muhammed Karero M Bahadur Shar Nindo Shar Nindo Shar M Meer Muhammed Mallah Haji Zulfiqar Mallah Haji Zulfiqar Mallah M Majnoon Wazir Shar Wazir Shar M Khadim hussain Manik Shar Abdul Qader M Sarang Hamzao Shar Hamzao Shar M Ali Nawaz suleman Aradeen suleman Aradeen M Wakeela Jhando Rajper Wakeela F Zubeda balati Shader F Raj Bhai Ubhajan Ara deen Shama F Rashima Fakir Mohammad Aradeen Shumaila F Jannat Chanesar Chang Reham F Manzoor HiussaonManandan Manadan Manandan M Mohammad Ismail Mohammad Bhatti Ismail Mohammad IsmailM Sanjar Khan Khaskeli Sarai Wahid Bux Sarai Wahid Bux M Liaqat Ali Mallah Hussain Bux Mallah Hussain Bux Mallah M Aamir Ali Shar Mohammad Malook SharMohammad Malook M Shar Sikander Ali Sradar Khan Shar Sradar Khan SharM Nizakat Ali Dasti Ali Abad Ali Abad M Juman Ali Veesar Atta Mohammad VeesarAtta Mohammad Veesar M Rasool Bux VeesarMohammad Murad Veesar Mohammad MuradMVeesar Mohammad Sharif Haji Ummar Khan Veesar Haji Ummar Khan M Veesar Ali Nawaz Shar Gul Mohammad shar Gul Mohammad shar M Najam den VeesarHaji Abul Veesar Haji Abul Veesar M Ghulam Rasool Shar Sadayo Khaskeli Sadayo Khaskeli M Budhal Khan Chana Saifal Shar Saifal Shar M Barkat Ali Soomro Mohammad Hashim Soomro Ujjala M Mohammad udeenMiandad dasti Dasti Miandad Dasti M Nadeem Shahbaz Zawar Mouj Ali Zawar Mouj Ali M Ali Mohammad Kamal Khan Dasti Kamal Khan DastiM Ali Ghulam Tooh Khaskeli Tooh Khaskeli M Abdul Hussain Veesar Haji Bajhi Khan veesar Haji Bajhi Khan veesar M Lal Mohammad Khaskeli Sodho Khan Khaskeli Sodho Khan Khaskeli M Saima Usman Panhiar Usman Panhiar F Sughran Gul Mohammad Shar Gul Mohammad Shar F Hazooran Yar Mohd Khaskhali Yar Mohd Khaskhali F Nimani Kamal Khan Dasti Kamal Khan DastiF Razia Mazar Khan Mazar Khan F Rafia Thari Bakhtawar F Fouzia Thari Jamia Masjid TahriF Safooran Thari Bagh Mallah F Samreen Thari Tahri F Ghulam Qader Ghulam Qader Ghulam Qader M Muzfar Shah Akri Mehran M Mohammad Waris Noonhani Banbhan Hamdard M Mohammad Asad Hussain Pato Mehran M Sadaqat Ali Abdul Klarim Rajpar Abdul Klarim Rajpar M Atta Hussain Hesab Ali Heesbani Hesab Ali Heesbani M Munwar Hussain Memon Peer Bux Memon Peer Bux Memon M Safi Ullah Chang Mohammad Talib ChangMohammad Talib Chang M Ali Gul Shar Mubarak Shar Mubarak Shar M Ali Gul Siyal Bhangu Behan Roshni M Shamim Anwar Chang Rehmatullah Chang Ummair F Razia Majeedano M. Malook Majeedano M. Malook Majeedano F Zarina Chana Haji M Ismail Chana Haji M Ismail Chana F Fahmeeda Shar Shah Ali Chang Shah Ali Chang F Rahat Rajpar Hamid Rasjpar Hamid Rajpar F Zaib - un - Nisa Shar Punhoon Fakir Shar Punhoon Fakir Shar F Faryaz Pato Hussain Pato Akash F Ali Bux Thado Shar Thado Shar M Mohd Nawaz Modle Village M:Bux Modle Village M:Bux M Misri Khan Irshad Bhurgri Irshad Bhurgri M Usman Misri Bhambro Misri Bhambro M Salik Soomerajee Soomerajee M Mula Bux Thendi Thendi M Pirano Uthh Wari Uthh Wari M Molan Pir Bux Channa Pir Bux Channa M Sher Mohd Shah Dino Shah Dino M


23 22 30 23 32 30 30 32 28 45 30 40 22 33 35 30 22 30 28 22 22 30 40 29 24 38 31 32 34 38 28 34 31 39 41 25 39 27 32 24 44 38 30 55 35 20 27 22 50 25 25 52 27 35 27 30 35 30 35 30 30 27 26 26 27 45 35 27 28 35 30 45 27 55 40 32 35

Former Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Dispencer Teacher Teacher Driver Former Shopkeeper Former Former Teacher Dispencer Teacher Shopkeeper Grower House wife LHW LHW House wife House wife Teacher Farmer Teacher Tailor Master Teacher Private Job Teacher Stock Assistant Despensar Private Job Farmer Teacher Govt Employee Farmer Farmer Farmer Farmer Teacher Farmer Farmer Farmer House wife House wife Teacher House wife House wife House wife House wife LHV LHV Teacher Grower Teacher Student Farmer Teacher Shopkeeper Shopkeeper Farmer Hotel House wife Teacher House wife House wife House wife House wife House wife Teacher Teacher Teacher Farmer Private Job Un Employed Un Employed Un Employed Un Employed

Education No yrs work as CO activist

Matric Two Year Matric 15 Months Matric Two Year Matric Two Year M.A Two Year Inter One Year Matric One Year Inter One Year Matric Two Year Primary One Year Matric One Year Primary One Year Matric Two Year M.A Two Year Matric Two Year Inter Two Year Matric 9 Months Matric Two Year Middle 15 ,onths Illitrate One Year Primary Two Year M.A 19 Months Matric Two Year M.A 9 Months Inter 17 Months M.A Two Year M.A Two Year B.A Two Year Diploma Vet. 18 Months B.A 18 Months M.A 14 Months B.A Two Year B.A 14 Months B.A 18 Months B.A 9 Months Inter 16 Months Inter 17 Months M.A 17 Months B.A 18 Months Inter 19 Months Matric 16 Months Matric 17 Months Primary 9 Months Illitrate 18 Months Inter 15 Months Primary 16 Months Primary 16 Months B.A 16 Months Illitrate 16 Months B.A 14 Months B.A 16 Months M.A 15 Months B.A 18 Months B.A 11 Months B.A 8 Months Matric 16 Months B.A 13 Months.. Inter 11 Months Matric 11 Months Primary 12 Months Matric 6 Months M.A 17 Months B.Sc 14 Months B.A 10 Months B.A 17 Months Primary 15 Months Illitrate 13 Months.. B.A 7 Months BA Inter BA Primary Matric Primary Illitrate Primary Illitrate

2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 1

Outstanding Achievements

RSP Reasons for selection

Traind Activist &Support in VDO .Faithful F. Recovery support Traind Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist Recovery support Committed Recovery support .Faithful Recovery support .Faithful Recovery support Committed PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist Recovery support Traind Ativist Recovery support .Faithful Good repute Honest Good repute Traind Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Honest followup Good repute Traind Ativist Good repute Traind Ativist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Honest F. Good repute Committed PDC Formation & Recovery Honest followup Good repute Traind Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Honest followup Good repute Traind Ativist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Traind F. Ativist Good repute Honest PDC Formation & Recovery Honest followup Good repute Committed Good repute Honest PDC Formation & Recovery Honest followup Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Traind Ativist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Committed Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Realistic Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Traind Ativist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Best Activist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Best followup Activist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Best F. Activist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Best followup Activist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Traind Ativist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Best Activist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Traind Activist &Support in VDO Committed F. Support in VDO form: Recover Committed Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Traind Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Committed F. Support in VDO form: Recover Committed Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful

Human Resource Development – HRD - 45 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No


309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385

NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA NARA Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan

District Name

Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Khair Pur Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu

Tehsil name

Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Nara Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah

UC name

Sikenderabad Sikenderabad Choondiko Sikenderabad Sikenderabad Choondiko Choondiko Choondiko Choondiko Choondiko Choondiko Choondiko Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Choondiko Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Tajjal Choondiko Choondiko Tajjal Choondiko Choondiko Tajjal Choondiko Tajjal Kolachi Kolachi Tharri Mahbat Tharri Mohbat Tharri Mohbat Tharri Mohbat Kolachi Faridabad Qazi Arab Qazi Arab Faridabad Faridabad Faridabad Qazi Arab Qazi Arab Qazi Arab Gozo Gozo Sindhi Butra Gozo Gozo Gozo Sindhi Butra Gozo Sindhi Butra Sindhi Butra Gozo Gozo Gozo Gozo Gozo Kandi Chokhi Kandi Chokhi

Field Unit/RCB

CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK CDK Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar Mehar K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah

Name of Activist

Name of Village

Name of CO



Haji Pato Yousif Bhambro Yousif Bhambro M Gh.Hussain Bhooral Khaskhali Bhooral KhaskhaliM Karamullah Qaim Khan Qaim Khan M Haji Jumo Bhambro Jumo Bhambro M Gh.Hyder Arbab Mallah Arbab Mallah M Umaid Ali Irshad Bhurgri Irshad Bhurgri M Mumtaz Ali Abad Ali Abad M Hidayat Ali Yousif Panhyar Yousif Panhyar M Haji Mula Bux Mula Bux M Abdul Ghafoor Sajan Panhyar Sajan Panhyar M Manghan Mehrab Mehrani Mehrab Mehrani M Allah Dino Mehro Shar Mehro Shar M Khuda Bux Jumo Soomro Jumo Soomro M Manshad Sofi Sharif Bhatti Sofi Sharif Bhatti M Umer Gul Hassan Shar Gul Hassan Shar M Iqbal Ahsan Jaro Ahsan Jaro M Ali Bux Taj Muhammed Taj Muhammed M Ali Mardan Moula Bux Mallah Moula Bux MallahM Mevo Qabool Muhammed Qabool Muhammed M Nawab Ali Bux Soomerwari Ali Bux Soomerwari M Munawer Ali Nawaz Ali Nawaz M Same Peer Bux Peer Bux M Hazoor Bux Hamid Banbhan Hamid Banbhan M Ghulam Mustafa Saman Aradin Saman Aradin M Acher Makhno Mehrani Makhno Mehrani M Majnoo Ladho Ladho M Mehmood Mehmood Chandio Mehmood ChandioM Saeedullah Pahlwan Shar Pahlwan Shar M Akram Zaman Shar Zaman Shar M Sughran Sabhago Chandio Sabhago ChandioF Amna Mehmood Shar Mehmood har F Khanzadi Kirir Khaskheli Kirir Khaskheli F Wazeeran Sajan Panhyar Sajan Panhyar F Dhano Yousif Panhyar Yousif Panhyar F Lachmee Taj Muhammed MehraniTaj Muhammed Mehrani F Suhni Bahram Mallah Bahram Mallah F Ruksana Muhammed Bux Bhanbro Muhammed bux Bhanbro F Benazeer Foto bhanbro Foto Bhanbro F Noor Bano Jabbar Shar Jabbart Shar F Arbee Dadu Mallah Dadu Mallah F Sughran Irshad Bhurgri Irshad Bhurgri F Khanzadi Makhno Mehrani Makhno Mehrani F Hajra Bachal Bhanbro Bachal Bhanbro F Sabhaee Ghulam soomro Ghulam Soomro F Mohammad Bux Chandio Jhando Solangi Surhan Male Mahboob Khoso Hasal Khoso Jeay Latif Male Gul Bhatti Sultan Bhatti Bhatti Male Ashique Hussain Shoro Butt Serai VDSociety Male Arbab Ali Mitho Jhatial Sofi Chaniser Male Zulifqar Ali Mitho Jhatial Sofi Chaniser Male Liaqat Ali Ghari Noor Mustfa Male Mushtiaque A. Chandio Mathion Aliwal Bilawal Male Meeral Khoso Khondi Wali Mohd Male Mohammad Umar Khondi Wali Mohd Male Ali Murad Salero Selra Selra Male Rustam Ali Matien Akh Kadhie Chandia Male M.Khan Chandio Faridabad Kacho Male Javed Ahmed Mahesar Qazi Arab Qazi Arab Male Soofi G.Abass Loong Mahesar Al Madina Male Gulan Khoso Khondi Hafiz Aboobaker Male Bakhat Hussain Peejaho Hassan Shah Male Khadim Hussain Pandhi Samoo Al-Hyderi Male Mohd Yousaf Kanyara Sachwa Male Abdul Nabi G.Hussain Leghari Meeral Shah Male Abdul Qadir Gul Mohd Gul Mohd Male Khair Mohd Abdullah Leghari Mohd Sadique Male Mohd Bux Khaber Khan Khaber Khan Male Lakhmir Khan Paryal Khoso Al-Murtza Male Noor uddin Gul Soolangi Al-Noor Male Hussain Bux Sanwal Arool Arool Male Sabit Ali Wadi Choopar Al-Abass Male Shah Nawaz Wadi Choopar Lal Shah Male Nill Jan Mohd Jan Mohd Male Ali Asghar Sher Mohd Al-Hussaini Male Nazar Ali Sohrab Gachal Hussaini Male Photo Khan Lal Bux Al-Madina Male Manzoor Ali Khathri Al-Hyderi Male


35 25 28 27 60 35 28 29 25 29 30 35 28 30 32 28 30 30 38 30 30 28 25 20 60 28 38 30 45 26 29 45 32 27 25 33 30 26 35 40 26 29 31 36

Education No yrs work as CO activist

Un Employed Primary Un Employed Matric Un Employed Matric Un Employed Primary Retd Teacher B.ed Teacher BA Teacher BSC Teacher Inter Un Employed Teacher B.A Teacher Inter Costable (Police)Matric Un Employed Inter Teacher Inter Teacher B.A Illitrate Matric Teacher B.A Un Employed Matric Un Employed Primary Teacher Inter Un Employed Matric Un Employed Matric Un Employed Matric Un Employed Matric Un Employed Primary Un Employed Matric Un Employed Primary Teacher B.A Teacher Inter TBA Matric Teacher Matric House wife Illitrate Mid Wife Primary House wife Primary House wife Illitrate House wife Illitrate House wife Primary Health Worker Primary Health Worker Primary House wife Illitrate Teacher Matric House wife Illitrate House wife Illitrate Mid Wife Illitrate

1 2 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1.5 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 1.7 1.9 1.6 1.8 1.5 3 1.9 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.9

Outstanding Achievements

RSP Reasons for selection

Support in VDO form: Recover Best Activist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Traind Activist &Support in VDO Committed F. Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Traind Activist &Support in VDO Traind F. Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Committed Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Committed Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Traind Ativist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Traind Activist &Support in VDO Best F. Activist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Best Activist Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Faithful Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Traind Ativist Support in VDO form: Recover Best Activist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Best followup Activist PDC Formation & Recovery Faithful followup Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful Support in VDO form: Recover Best Activist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Traind Ativist PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist Leader ship Role in Social Mob: Best Activist Traind Activist &Support in VDO Faithful F. Support in VDO form: Recover Best Activist Support in VDO form: Recover Faithful PDC Formation & Recovery Traind followup Ativist

Human Resource Development – HRD - 46 -

Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No


386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462

Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan

District Name

Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro

Tehsil name

K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Dadu K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Dadu Dadu K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Dadu Dadu K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Dadu Dadu Dadu K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Johi Johi Johi Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Manjhand@San Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan

UC name

Kandi Chokhi Kandi Chokhi Kandi Chokhi Sindhi Butra Sindhi Butra Sindhi Butra Sindhi Butra K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Sindhi Butra Sindhi Butra Gozo Piaro Station Bughia Bughia Bughia Bughia Piaro Station Paria Bughia Bughia Bughia Bughia Paria Paria Paria Bughia Piaro Station Piaro Station Seeta Bughia Seeta Paria Bughia Piaro Station Piaro Station Paria Bughia Paria Seeta Bughia Seeta Chor Qamber Mitho Baber Chor Qamber Chor Qamber Thalho Chor Qamber Thalho Makhdoom Bilawal Moonder Pipri Pipri Dadu Pipri Dadu Pipri Pipri Drigh Bala TRK Chini Chana Chana Chana Chana Jhangara Amri Chana Chana Chana Jhangara Chana Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan

Field Unit/RCB

K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah K.N.Shah Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Seeta Road Kakar Kakar Kakar Kakar Kakar Kakar Kakar Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Dadu Johi Johi Johi Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Rural Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban

Name of Activist

Name of Village

Aijaz Ali Sattardino Roshan Ali Nagan Mehar Ali Reejhpur Ali Gohar Mubarakh Bhurgri Mohd Gulab Jurio Halo Ranjho Khan Malik Shah Nawaz Gul Solangi Wali Mohd K.N.Shah Zulifqar K.N.Shah Mashooque Ali K.N.Shah Shah Nawaz A.Rasheed Sand Koro Khan G.Hussain Jatoi Mohd Sadique Loong Khoso Gulab Khan Sher Mohd Abro Gul Mohd Ibrahim Chan Ghulam Nabi Khabyari Sher Mohd Alla Bux Kaloi Abdul Ghaffor Mir Mohd Mohd Yousaf Shahdad Birhmani Ali Sher Gaberji Mohd Rajab Sultan Abdul Majeed Daim Bahader Ibrahim Chana Shahid Hussain Bathi Shamsuddin Budho Chowan Amanat Ali Kara Bhan Shabir Ahmed Ghulam Hussain Farida Ibrahim Chana Zubida Shahdad Birhmani Shahida A. Rahim Abro Zeenat Seeta Lal Khatoon Rahmat Allah Colony Khairul Nisa Seeta Shahzadi Talib Palipoto Rizwana Ibrahim Chana Zarina Shahdad Birhmani Azra Shahdad Birhmani Musrat Ganhwer Rind Janat Khatoon Gul Mohd Londer Shahida Miani Naseem Seeta Moor Ali Hassan Naseem Shah Seeta Faiz Mohd Sahib Khoso Baddurdin Khanpur Ahmed Sohrab Bughio Mohd Siddique Lal Bux Wadha Ali Gohar Murad Chandio Essa Khan Bahadurpur Sohbat Khan Ladhan Wahid Bux Mallah Dity-je-Miani Jurial Shah Monder Rasool Bux Kareemdad Lund Waheed Nabi Bux Solangi Rasheeda Dadu Noshad Pechoha Abida Kamaldin Solangi Nusrat Sultan Bhand Dilshad Pechoha Shafi Mohd Bakher Jamali Mukhtiar Mitho Rustmani Khadim Gaji Shah Nisar Ali Karampur Ghulam Akber Bachal Chana Ali Hassan Lal Bux Jatoi Ramzan Lal Bux Jatoi Mohd Khan A.Rakhio Shahani Haji Shakal Khaskali Yasmeen Sanch Amna Dilawer Jatoi Madina Lal Bux Jatoi Khadiat Gohram Birhmani Zeenat Karampur Allah Bachi Sehwan Fatima Sehwan Zareena Sehwan Shahzadi Sehwan

Name of CO




Education No yrs work as CO activist

Outstanding Achievements

RSP Reasons for selection

Qalandri Male Al-Shah Baz Male Sadam Male Shah Latif Male Barkati Male Malik Male Sayeed Male Al-Shah Baz Male Al-Quresh Male Shah Baz Male Rasheed Sand Male Jatoi Male Ghulam Mohd Male Mohsan Male Bhittai Male Pir Nathen Shah Male Kaloi Male Suhani Male Doolah Darya Khan Male Ghulam Hyder Male Sultan Male Daim Male Bahder Male Mallah Mastoi Male Pir Bux Male Ghualm Nabi Male G.Hussain Male Ibrahim Para Female Alqara Female Al-Poorhiat Female Zeenab Female Faqir A.Ghaffor Female Al Madina Female Palipota Female Umerdin Female Alsameer Female Alsameer Female Rind Para Female Londer Female Rahmani Female Bismillah Female Doost Para Female Batool Female Qalandri Male Sher Shah Male Sohrab Bughio Male Goth Sudhar Male Ahmadi Male Shah Najaf Male Sindh Sujag Male Malah Male Sher Shah Male Kareemdad Male Nabi Bux Solangi Male Aminat Female Asma Female Kamaldin Female Sultan Bhand Female Pechoha Female Shadab Male Kushhal Male Shadabad Male Roshni Male Bachal Male Sachal Male Haq Shahbaz Male Kohistani Male Qambrani Male Mah-e-Noor Female Sasui Female Najma Female Asia Female Anjam Female Dua Female Muskan Female Zareena Female Nasim Female

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP” S.No


463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492

Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan

District Name

Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro Jamshoro

Tehsil name

Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan

UC name

Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Dal Dal Dal Dal Talti Talti Bhan Bhan Talti Talti Bhan Talti Talti Talti Talti Talti Talti Dal Dal Dal Dal Talti Dal

Field Unit/RCB

Name of Activist

Name of Village

Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Sehwan Urban Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan Bhan

Shahar Bano Shamshad Tahmina Fahmida Arbab Nusrat Zeenat Nizam Ganbher Gul Hassan Asghar Shah Mir Mohd Brohi Mohd Hassan Abdul Rasool Yousaf Bughio Zareef Ahmed Hafiz Ramzan Roshan Naseem Khursheed Razia Leela Hussana Basheeran Nawabzadi Gulshan Hafeeza Rasheeda Sakeena Pathani Aisha

Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Sehwan Rabdino Ganbher Rabdino Ganbher Lal Bux Ganbher Mir Mohd Brohi Bhooral Jatoi Misri Jatoi Gido Bagh Gido Bagh Noa Wahan Wahan Bhan City Talti Talti Talti Noa Wahan Mahi Otho Misri Jatoi Sadique Burra Rabdino Ganbher Qasim Ali Purano Dalo Nao Wahan Qasim Ali

Name of CO

Muniza Shahida Fatima Rahmat Kaz Bano Sindho Hoor Sarmast Sada Bahar Roshni Mir Mohd Brohi Al-Madina Mohd Ali Al-Faisal Abidabad Al-Madina Al-Madina Sapna Mahnoor Irum Leela Janat Zainab Yasmeen Gulshan Sujag Pirah Shahnaz Mantsha Mehran




Education No yrs work as CO activist

Outstanding Achievements

RSP Reasons for selection

Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Female Submitted by Zaheer Udin Junejo

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

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Thardeep Rural Development Programme – TRDP “SOCIAL CAPITAL WORKSHOP”

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