Soal Ujian Smp Smpbhsing0304c

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BAHASA INGGRIS (C2) PAKET 1 (UTAMA) SENIN, 24 MEI 2004 Pukul 10.00 – 12.00


Hak Cipta pada Pusat Penilaian Pendidikan – BALITBANG - DEPDIKNAS




PETUNJUK UMUM 1. 2. 3. 4.

Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan! Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya! Jumlah soal sebanyak 60 butir, setiap butir soal terdiri atas 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban! Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak atau jumlah soal kurang! 5. Mintalah kertas buram kepada pengawas ujian, bila diperlukan! 6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ujian! 7. Tidak diizinkan menggunakan kalkulator, kamus, hp, tabel matematika, atau alat bantu hitung lainnya! Read this passage to answer questions 1 to 3! MISSING

HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MAN? He is in his mid-twenties, of medium height and quite stout. His face is oval-shaped and unshaven. He has crew cut hair that looks like the sharp spikes of a porcupine. When he left the house, he was barefooted and was wearing an orange T-shirt with a red collar and a pair of black shorts. Tan Seng Huat was reported missing by his family when he did not return home after he had slipped out of the house at about eight in the morning. They are afraid that he might have forgotten where he lives as this has happened twice before. He seldom smiles but often talks to himself. He is harmless but can get angry if he is lauhghed at. A cash reward awaits the person or persons with information about his whereabouts that would help the police pick him up. Please contact 01 – 5417532 and ask for Inspector Lee. 1.

What does the missing person look like? a. He looks like the sharp spikes. b. He has oval-shaped face. c. He is short and rather fat. d. He has long hair with pointed nose.


What is the notice mainly about? a. A Missing Man. b. A Stupid Person. c. A Frightening Experience. d. An Escaped Prisoner.


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3. Which of the following is NOT TRUE of Tan Seng Huat? a. He will not hurt anyone. b. He is twenty years old. c. He doesn’t like people to make fun of him. d. He left the house without telling his family. Read the following text to answer questions 4 to 6! Black Beauty Farmer Gray was the kindest master in the world. He was proud of me, and called me Black Beauty. I had a white spot on my forehead and one white foot. He trained me to pull a carriage. Then I learn to wear a saddle and carry a rider on my back. One day, Farmer Gray said. “ A good horse like you do not live on a farm. So you will be going to live with Squire Gordon and his family. “I was very sad to leave my mother and my home.” However, when I saw my masters I knew I would be happy with them. They lived in a big mansion and welcomed me warmly. Mrs. Gordon was pale and ill, but she smiled when she saw me. The groom who looked after the stables was John Manly. He loved horses. He intro duced me to Merrylegs, the children’s pony, Ginger, and old mare. She was not a bad horse, but had been ill-treated in the past. Taken from : Bulletin Intensive English Course No. 17, November 2000 4.

What did Black Beauty learn from Farmer Gray? a. Working in a farm. b. Running in a farm. c. Carrying a rider. d. Pulling a carriage.


Why was the horse sad to leave Farmer Gray? a. Farmer Gray didn’t love it. b. It loved Farmer Gray. c. It couldn’t stand living on a farm. d. Farmer Gray hated it.


“He trained me to pull a rider on my back.” (paragraph 1) What does the underlined word mean? a. Taught. b. Learned. c. Studied. d. Imitated.


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Look at the photograph! Both of the persons have ... noses. a. big b. flat c. small d. pointed

For questions 8 and 9, choose the suitable word to complete the dialogue! Rosi : Do you usually have breakfast before going to school? Sita : Sure, I usually have rice, an/a ...(8), and meat. And you? Rosi : I don’t eat rice for breakfast. Only two …(9) of toast, and a glass of milk. 8.

a. b. c. d.

omelet cheese cucumber soup


a. b. c. d.

pieces plates loaves bowls


Teacher : ... boys! You disturb the students. They are having a test. Students : Sorry, Madam. a. Look at me b. Be quiet c. Sit here d. Open up


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Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following text!

Slovakia upsets France in Fed Cup Reuters Bratislava Daniela Hantuchova outplayed Amelie to give Slovakia a surprise win over France and clinch a Fed Cup semifinal spot. Hantuchova and Martina Sucha both won their reverse singles to put the tie beyond the 1997 champions. After a jittery start against the powerful French number one, Hantuchova hit back to claim an impressive 2-6 6-4 6-3 11.

Daniela Hantuchova is from .... a. Italy b. German c. France d. Slovakia


What does the news tell us about? a. Tennis match. b. Badminton match. c. Athletic event. d. All England.


Who will play at the final match? a. Martina Sucha. b. Natalie Dechy. c. Daniela Hantuchova. d. Amelie Mauresmo.


“Hantuchova broke twice to seal victory.” The underlined word nearly means .... a. joy b. occasion c. satisfactory d. success


victory before Sucha edged out Nathalie Dechy 7-6 6-1. Mauresmo broke serve twice to take the first set in 29 minutes but Hantuchova, who has recently captured the attention of the media for both her solid play and good looks, began to take risks and leveled the match. The French 23-year-old came out strong in the third set to break Hantuchova’s serve but she could not sustain the pressure and Hantuchova broke twice to seal victory. Jakarta Post

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Read the text to answer questions 15 to 17!

15. The text is a kind of .... a. an advertisement b. a school time table c. a schedule of a performance d. an announcement 16. How do the people think about Mr. John Huang? a. He is a usual guest. b. He is a very important person. c. He is an impolite guest. d. He is an unrespected person. 17.

Which sentence is TRUE according to the text? a. The speech is the longest item on the programme. b. Finale is the first item on the programme. c. There will be four dance perfomances that night. d. The Chinese dance will last in 20 minutes.


Look at the picture! The girl would probably say “I’ve ...”. a. got a stomachache b. broken my arm c. got a cough and headache d. pain in my chest


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Son Mother Son Mother a. b. c. d.


The picture shows us that the girl is playing a flute. The underlined word is a .... a. musical wind instrument with a reed in the mouth piece and key for the fingers, made of brass b. musical wood wind instrument in the form of pipe blown at the side, with holes stopped by keys c. large brass musical instrument with a sliding tube d. musical instrument of parallel wooden bars, which produce different notes when struck with small wooden hammers.


Putri Nanda Putri Nanda a. b. c. d.


Rani : ... Indra : I’m so sorry. I’m busy doing my homework. a. b. c. d.


: What do most people in villages do? : They are farmers. : How do they ... their farms? : Most of them use tractors, but there are some who use traditional ones. work do cultivate look after

: Was Indonesia team as strong as Japan? : No, I think Japan was stronger than Indonesia. : But ..., China, Japan or Indonesia? : China. which team is the strongest which team is the weakest which country plays better which country plays the fastest

Do you want me to post this letter? Would you like me to post this letter? Can I help you to post this letter? Could you post this letter for me?

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For qustions 23 to 25, choose the most suitable words to complete the passage! Mount Galunggung is an active volcano. It ... (23) several times. First, Mount Galunggung ... (24) in 1889. Hundreds of villages were destroyed by the eruption. Many people ... (25) to avoid the calamity. 23.

a. b. c. d.

has erupted is erupting erupts erupted


a. b. c. d.

has erupted is erupting erupted erupts


a. b. c. d.

was evacuating has evacuated were evacuated evacuate


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Text for questions 26 to 30. Mr/Mrs. Smith 10/4 Epping Road North Ryde 2113 N.S.W. Australia Dear Mom and Dad, I am writing to share my enjoyable experience with you. I hope this letter will find you all well. Yesterday Budi’s classmates and I went to visit five tourist objects in Yogyakarta and its surrounding e.g. the Sultan Palace, Tamansari Water Castle, Yogya Kembali Monument, Prambanan Temple, and Borobudur Temple. We hired a mini bus. Budi, my closest friend in Yogya, acted as a tour guide. We departed very early in the morning and were back home at 6.15 p.m. So we spent the whole day. All of the five objects are interesting but Borobudur and Prambanan Temples are more interesting than the others. Borobudur is a Buddhist temple, while Prambanan is a Hindu one. A friend of mine said that these two temples were really wonderful. After I saw them by myself, they are even more wonderful than what I have imagined. Of these two objects, Borobudur is the most wonderful object I have ever seen. It is much bigger than Prambanan; it is one of the biggest temples in the world. No wonder it is famous throughout the world. Everyone there looked very amazed by this huge building. I am sure you will admire it, too. Make sure you take your camera with you when you visit it next year. Well, I will write to you again next week to tell you more about the temples mentioned above. Said that the two temples were really. Love, Jane 26.

What did the letter tell us about? a. Visiting tourist objects in Yogya. b. Various temples in Yogya. c. The famous Borobudur temple. d. Jane’s feeling during in Yogya.


Mr. and Mrs. Smith are Jane’s .... a. family b. relatives c. parents d. teachers


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“Borobudur and Prambanan temples are more interesting than the others”. This is the main idea of paragraph .... a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage? a. Jane is an Australian girl. b. Jane is in Yogya to study. c. Jane is inYogya to have a tour. d. Jane is very amazed by Borobudur.


“We departed very early in the morning” The underlined word means .... a. left b. reached c. took off d. went on


Ardi Lucky Budi a. b. c. d.


A : People come to Indonesia for its beauty, ...? B : Yes, especially for its beautiful view. a. isn’t it b. aren’t they c. doesn’t it d. don’t they


: How about swimming at the beach? : … it’s a good idea to swim at the beach now. It’s raining. : Yes, you’re right. It’s dangerous. I’m sure I doubt that I’m certain I think so

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Questions 33 to 36 are based on the following text. Transportation There are some railways on Java island. The great railway was built to link the DKI province, West Java, Central Java, the DIY and East Java. Today there are the Mutiara, the Senja Utama, the Parahyangan, the Pajajaran, the Mataram train, and the Argo Bromo train. We can go in the compartment of business class or executive class. Railways have faced competition from other means of transportation. People can go from one place to another by bus, private car, taxi, truck, van, “angkutan kota” and “angkutan pedesaan”. Most of the roads are good enough for the buses and cars to pass. But some roads are very bad. The buses and the cars bump along the rough road. The roads are bumpy. The road range from small gravel side roads to great concrete superhighways. Great concrete superhighways are found in Jakarta, West Java and in Surabaya. The Jagorawi toll concrete road connects Jakarta, Bogor and Ciawi. Every day thousands of vehicles travel this scenic highways. People in rural areas and in isolated areas need bicycles,”angkutan pedesaan”, “ojek” and “becaks”. They are still vital to the development of natural resources or agricultural products in isolated areas. Even in Kalimantan, people can go from one place to another by boats along the Mahakam and the Kapuas rivers. From Surabaya to Madura, and from Banyuwangi to Bali island people can go by ferry. Indonesia’s three main airlines are Garuda Indonesia Airways, Sempati Air and Merpati Airlines. Helicopters are used for observing the traffic jams along the roads in the north, coastal areas in West Java and Central Java. 33.

How is the condition of most of the roads? a. No roads are suitable to drive on. b. Some of the roads are in good condition. c. Roads condition are getting better and better. d. Most roads are in bad condition.


... transportation is commonly used in Kalimantan because of the availability of big rivers. a. Air b. Land c. Public d. Water


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People drive ... along the superhighway. a. slowly b. very fast c. very slowly d. not too fast


“We can go in the compartment of business class of executive class.” (paragraph 1) “We” in the sentence refers to .... a. the train crew members b. the writer and friends c. passsengers of the train d. you and your friends


Nancy : Hi. Zaenal! How was your flight? Zaenal : It was wonderful. I saw many tall and big buildings from the .... They looked great. a. train b. bus c. plane d. ship


The plane will depart at 7.30 a.m. The underlined word means .... a. arrive b. take c. leave d. land


Anita wants to go to Surabaya by plane. She is at the … to buy a ticket now. She doesn’t want to buy the ticket at the airport because it is often crowded. a. company b. travel agent c. train d. ticket counter


Irfan : Here we are! The busiest harbour in Jakarta. Indah: Look! A ship is coming. Myra : .... Irfan : Yes. You know it can carry 2000 passengers at one time. a. What is a big ship? b. How big is this ship? c. What a big ship! d. How comfortable is the ship?


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The pictures show us that ....


a. b. c. d. 42. Leti Tia Leti Tia

: : : :

Saloon car

the caravan carries more passengers than the saloon car the caravan carries fewer luggages than the other vehicle the saloon car looks bigger than the caravan the saloon car has more wheels than the caravan

How did you go to Jakarta? By bus. .... My brother did.

a. b. c. d.


Who helps you to carry your bag? What did you go to Jakarta for? Whom did you want to visit? Who accompanied you?

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Read the following text to answer questions 43 to 46! CONTENTS Features Out there 18. Extreme sport-fishing frontiers, South Sulawesi, South Sulawesi is an undiscovered paradise for sporting anglers Chat room 22. Mien Uno, a model of Indonesia grace. Head of John Robert Powers, Mien Uno gave us this exclusive interview Focus 26. E-commerce and the travel industry Ennovations are making your holiday planning easier than ever 48.

Big Brother is listening High-tech surveillance and government conspiracies.

On the road 30. Art of the Jungie Discover the willd frontiers of Indonesia’s eastern-most province, Papua. Good taste 36. Sydney on a plate Australia’s Olympic city offers gourmands a smorgasboard of delectable choices.


Cross cultural 44. Garuda the winged messenger Garuda is not only the name of the national airline, he is the winged messenger who travels between worlds. 52. Old wives tales Tales of the supernatural across cultures. REGULARS 56. Indonesian Business Focus from Harvest International. Around Bali 60. Places to see on the island of the gods. Whats New… 64. Books and music. Mind games 63. Illusions and brain teasers. Tail Wind 72. Of patron Saints and national Icons Taken from : Garuda Magazine

What is the text about? a. A table of contents. b. A schedule. c. Time table. d. TV programme.


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If we want to know the latest information about music we will find it on page .... a. 60 b. 63 c. 64 d. 72


What is the name of the magazine? a. Indonesia Feature. b. Garuda. c. Business Focus. d. On Board.


The information about the eastern province in Indonesia will be found in ... section a. Out there b. Chat Room c. Focus d. On the road

For questions 47 to 49, choose the suitable word for the numbered space based on the picture! We are now living in a small tiny world. You just sit on your chair, read the ... (47), listen to the radio and watch the news and … (48) that happens on the other parts of the world from a radio and ... (49) to explore the universe. This mass media technology develops day after day. 47.

a. b. c. d.

brochure journal magazine newspaper


a. b. c. d.

events stories articles advertisements


a. b. c. d.

internet telephone television walky talky


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: : : : a. b. c. d.



Koko Cery Koko Cery

I think I won’t borrow this magazine But why? ... of the articles is interesting. Oh yeah? But I like the short story in it. Some All Both None


Study these sentences! 1. Radio gives us information. 2. Radio gives us pleasure. These two sentences can be combined as .... a. Radio gives us not only information but also pleasure b. Radio gives us only information or pleasure c. Radio not only gives us both information and pleasure d. Radio gives us information only, not pleasure


Which is true according to the picture? a. This animal is very tall. It likes to eat meat. Everyone likes to ride on its back. b. This animal is very dangerous because it is wild. Grass is its favourite food. c. It is a big animal. It is grey. Many people like to hunt it because its ivory is very expensive. d. It is a cute animal. Children like to have it. It eats carrots.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It is different from that jasmine. Look at that jasmine. But you must be careful. There are thorns on the stem. These roses are beautiful. Besides the smell is nice. It is beautiful, and there are no thorns.

The best arrangement to be a good paragraph is .... a. 3–1–2–5–4 b. 3–5–4–2–1 c. 3–2–1–4–5 d. 3–2–1–5–4


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Arrange the paragraphs into a good text by looking at the pictures!

1. Our government realizes this and has taken some steps to prevent the problem. Some regulations have been issued to protect the forests. In addition, reforestation project are being carried out. 2. Unfortunately many of us didn’t know about the importance of forest for us. We cut the trees carelessly and irresponsibility. 3. Some years ago Indonesia was very famous because of having lot of forest trees. Many scientists from other countries came here for a research. 4. The effect of cutting down the trees came true. Flood happened everywhere. Many people lost their houses and their wealth. a. b. c. d.


2, 3, 4, 1 3, 2, 4, 1 2, 4, 3, 1 4, 3, 2, 1

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Read “State of the Earth-The Facts” and answer questions 55 to 57! STATE OF THE EARTH-THE FACTS 1995 was the warmest year on record, and the ten hottest years in recorded human history have all been in the 1980 and 1990s. The earth has this century undergone the fastest warming since the end of the last Ice Age around 10.000 years ago. The major impact on the atmosphere is the release of carbon dioxide throughout burning fossil fuels such as oil and coal, which creates a greenhouse effect. A warmer world would bring higher sea level as well as more frequent floods, droughts and hurricanes. Carbon Emissions Industrial nations are still responsible for almost half the carbon emissions, despite making up only 15% of the world’s population. But the developing world is fast closing this gap, while the emissions of former Eastern Bloc countries have recently fallen OZON ACTIONS The Good News Production of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which deplete the ozone layer continues to drop following international agreements to phase them out. They are not back below the level produced in 1965. BUT .... * production od CFCs in develoving countries is increasing; it surged by 87 per cent between 1986 and 1993. * A black market in CFCs is developing at least 10.000 tons of CFCs were believed to be smuggled into both the US and the European Union (from Russia, India and China) during 1995 * Ozone-depleting substances already in the atmosphere will continue to be active for decades. 55.

According to the diagram 2 world production of CFCs reached a peak in .... a. 1992 b. 1990 c. 1988 d. 1986


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Which of the following best summarizes the information given in the introduction? a. Greenhouse effect fossil-fuel burning carbon dioxide release. b. Carbon dioxide release greenhouse effect fossil-fuel burning. c. Fossil-fuel burning greenhouse effect carbon dioxide release. d. Fossil-fuel burning carbon dioxide release greenhouse effect.


According to the information on ozone action, CFCs are still an environmental problem because .... a. the US and the European Union want to continue the production of CFSs b. the CFCs already in the atmosphere will not break down for many years c. international agreements allow the importation of CFCs d. countries have yet to return to their 1965 CFC levels


Japan has four seasons. France has four seasons. The best combination of the two sentences above is .... a. Japan has four seasons and France has too b. Japan has four seasons and neither has France c. Japan has four seasons and France does too d. Japan has four seasons and neither does France

For questions 59 and 60, choose the correct option to complete the dialogue! Teacher Yogi Teacher Andi Teacher

: What do you think of the world’s population, Yogi? : I think it … (59) in the year 2004 if the people don’t follow the family planning. : I think so, but what do you think, Andi? : Of course we … (60) more food and houses for more and more people. : Good! Now let’s discuss how to solve this problem.


a. b. c. d.

double doubled will double Has doubled


a. b. c. d.

want need build program


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