Soal Biologi Uas Kls Xi 08-09

  • June 2020
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SMA NEGERI 2 CIAMIS RINTISAN SMA BERTARAF INTERNASIONAL Jl. K.H.A. Dakhlan No. 2 Tlp. 0265 771709 Ciamis 46216 ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER GENAP Tahun Pelajaran 2008/2009 Mata Pelajaran : Biologi Kelas/ Program : XI / IPA Hari/ tanggal : Kamis, 11 Juni 2009 Waktu : 07.30-09.00 (90 menit) Kode Soal : 5/1/A.1/SBI/UU2/2009 PILIHAN GANDA Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dengan cara membubuhkan tanda silang ( X ) pada hurup a, b,c,d atau e pada lembar jawaban yang sudah disediakan! 1.Which of the following lists the four stages of food processing in order? a. ingestion, digestion, absorption, elimination b. digestion, ingestion, absorption, elimination c. ingestion, absorption, elimination, digestion d. ingestion, digestion, elimination, absorption e. absorption, digestion, ingestion, elimination

6.Researchers provided radioactively labeled food to a dog, and traced the movement of absorbed molecules. Which type of molecule would move along a path different from all the others? a. carbohydrates b. proteins c. nucleic acids 2.Imagine that you have eaten a meal containing the d. fats following nutrients. Which would not have to be digested e. All would follow the same pathway. before being absorbed? a. protein 7.Jenis gangguan sistem pencernaan yang sering b. polysaccharide terjadi pada bagian yang ditunjuk dari gambar di c. disaccharide atas adalah ........ d. nucleic acid . e. amino acid 3.The lungs consist of many small air sacs and blood vessels, which greatly increase surface area and improve the transfer of substances through their walls. The structures in the digestive system similar in function to these air sacs and capillaries are the a. villi. b. colon and rectum. c. gastric glands. d. high-density lipoproteins. e. sphincters 4. … are needed in the diet as components of teeth and bone, normal muscle and nerve function, water balance, and parts of certain enzymes. a. Amino acids b. Fats c. Minerals d. Nucleic acids e. Vitamins 5.In humans, most nutrient molecules are absorbed by the a. stomach. b. liver. c. small intestine. d. large intestine. e. pancreas. Posted by Drs. Mochamad Solehudin Hp 08122303255

a. b. c. d. e.

Apendisitis Ulkus Diare Konstipasi entritis

8.Berikut adalah hasil uji zat makanan terhadap sejenis bahan makanan.

Berdasarkan data dalam tabel secara berurutan 1, 2, dan 3, dapat disimpulkan bahwa bahan makanan tersebut mengandung zat ........ a. protein, glukosa, amilum b. amilum, glukosa, protein c. amilum, protein, glukosa d. glukosa, amilum, protein e. protein, amilum,glukosa

2.Alat ekskresi pada hewan diantaranya adalah sel api, vakuola berdenyut, nefridia dan pembuluh malfighi. 1.Alat pernafasan manusia berturut-turut adalah Alat-alat tersebut secara berturut-turut dimiliki oleh a. hidung-trahea-bronkus-bronhiolus-alveolus …. b. hidung-faring-trahea-bronhiolus-bronhus-alveolus a. Fasciola hepatica, Amoeba proteus, cacing tanah, c. hidung-faring-trahea-alveolus-bronhus-bronhiolus belalang d. hidung-trahea-faring-bronhus-bronhiolus-alveolus b. Belalang,Amoeba proteus, Planaria, Cacing tanah e. hidung-trahea-faring-bronhiolus-bronhus-alveolus c. Belalang,Amoeba proteus,Planaria,Cacing tanah d. Planaria,cacing tanah,belalang,Amoeba proteus 1.Jika otot antar tulang rusuk luar berkontraksi, tulang e. Planaria, Amoeba proteus, Cacing tanah, belalang rusuk terangkat ke atas, volume rongga dada membesar, 3.Pengeluaran keringat dari tubuh bertujuan untuk….. tekanan udara dalam rongga dada menurun, paru-paru a. mengatur pH darah mengembang, tekanan udara di paru lebih kecil b. mengatur suhu tubuh dibanding udara di atmosfer, maka akan terjadi….. c. mempercepat metabolisme tubuh terhadap a. inspirasi mineral-mineral b. ekspirasi d. mengurangi peranan paru-paru c. respirasi e. mengurangi air dalam tubuh d. pernafasan e. respirasi internal 4.Berikut yang bukan gangguan pada system ekskresi adalah….. 1.Seseorang yang terkena penyakit TBC mengalami a. emphisema gangguan dalam hal…. b. uremia a. pembuangan CO2 di paru-paru c. scarlet fever b. pernafasan di daerah tekak dari batang tenggorokan d. nefritis c. pengangkutan O2 di dalam darah e. anuria d. difusi oksigen pada dinding alveolus e. pengangkutan O2 di paru-paru 5.Salah satu perbedaan antara cara kerja sistem saraf dan sistem hormon adalah bahwa sistem saraf ........ 1. Setelah menarik nafas biasa, kalian masih bisa menarik a. membantu memelihara rangsang homostatis nafas sedalam-dalamnya, udara yang dapat masuk ke b. tanggapan terhadap rangsang lambat paru-paru setelah kalian menarik nafas biasa disebut…. c. impulnya dibawa oleh darah a. udara komplementer d. responnya tidak langsung b. kapasitas vital e. responnya langsung terhadap rangsang luar c. kapasitas total d. kapasitas residu 6.Karena tidak ratanya kornea mata maka cahaya e. udara cadangan sejajar yang datang tidak dapat difokuskan ke satu titik. Untuk menolongnya dapat dibantu dengan lensa silindris yaitu kelainan yang disebut ........ a. Hemeralopi B D C E A b. Presbiopi c. Astigmat teratur d. Hipermetrof e. Miopi

reabsorpsi adalah …. a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E

7. Perhatikan gambar penampang telinga tersebut! Jika bagian ini rusak, maka bagian telinga tengah mudah terinfeksi. Bagian tersebut ditunjukkan oleh nomor ........

Posted by Drs. Mochamad Solehudin Hp 08122303255

a. b. c. d. e.

1 2 3 4 5

8.Tabel hasil pengujian sample urin Indi- Warna vidu awal 1 2 3

Jernih Keruh jernih

Warna setelah diuji dengan Fehling Biuret AgNO3 A+B Biru muda Ungu Keruh Hijau muda Kekuningan Keruh Merah bata Kekuningan keruh

Dari data tersebut dapat ditentukan bahwa individu 1 dan 3 mengalami gangguan/kelainan…. a. albuminuria dan uremia b. diabetes insipidus dan uremia c. diabetes mellitus dan uremia d. albuminuria dan diabetes mellitus e. diabetes insipidus dan diabetes insipidus 9.Gambar berikut menunjukkan susunan alat kelamin dalam wanita. Pada bagian manakah terjadinya 12345

Pernyataan yang tidak benar mengenai siklus tersebut adalah a. Siklus menstruasi berlangsung lebih dari 25 hari b. Ovulasi terjadi pada hari ke-14 c. FSH dikeluarkan mulai hari ke-1 s.d. hari ke-14 d. LH dikeluarkan menjelang hari ke-14 e. Hormon yang berperan setelah hari ke-14 adalah estrogen 11.Spermatogenesis terjadi didalam tubulus seminiferus. Tahapan proses tersebut terlihat pada gambar berikut!






Urutan tahapan dari nomor 1 s.d. 5 adalah .... a. Spermatid-spermatogonium-spermatosit primer-spermatosit sekunder-spermatozoa b. Spermatozoa-spermatogonium-spermatosit primer-spermatosit sekunder-spermatid c. Spermatozoa-spermatosit sekunder-spermatosit primer-spermatid-spermatogonium d. Spermatogonium-spermatid-spermatosit primer-spermatosit sekunder-spermatid e. Spermatogonium-spermatosit primerspermatosit sekunder-spermatid-spermatozoa 1.Perbedaan utama antara oogenesis dan spermatogenesia adalah…. a. Oogenesis menghasilkan sel telur, spermatogenesis menghasilkan spermatozoa b. Oorgenesis menghasilkan oosit sekunder,spermatogenesis menghasilkan spermatozoa c. Oogenesis menghasilkan 1 sel telur haploid,spermatogenesis menghasilkan 4 spermatozoa haploid d. Oogenesis menghasilkan 1 oosit sekunder haploid,spermatogenesis menghasilkan 1 spermatozoa haploid e. Oogenesis menghasilkan 1 oosit primer haploid,spermatogenesis menghasilkan 1spermatid haploid 2.

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 10.Perhatikan grafik siklus menstruasi berikut!

Pernyataan yang salah berdasarkan gambar tersebut adalah…. a. Sumber rangsang berasal dari tendon lutut b. Saraf motorik menuju otot paha Posted by Drs. Mochamad Solehudin Hp 08122303255

c. Pusat sarafnya adalah ruas tulang belakang e. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) d. Jeda antara rangsang dan respon sangat singkat e. Respon otot kaki terjadi setelah impuls sampai ke otak 9.Pregnancy tests detect a hormone in a woman's urine that is present only when an embryo is 3.Which of the following best describes a nerve signal? developing in her uterus. This hormone is secreted a. flow of electricity along a neuron by…. b. passage of ions through the membrane of a neuron a. the ovary c. flow of neurotransmitter chemical along a neuron b. a follicle d. movement of tiny filaments of protein inside a neuron c. the embryo e. change in a neuron so that the inside becomes more d. the pituitary negatively charged e. the endometrium 4.Which of the following is part of the central nervous system (CNS)? a. cranial nerve b. spinal nerve c. spinal cord d. sympathetic nerve e. ganglion

10.A vasectomy is an effective technique for birth control in males because it a. reduces the alkaline secretions in the semen and the sperm are destroyed in the female reproductive tract b. causes the prostate gland to enlarge and seal off the ejaculatory duct c. severs the capillaries to the spermatozoa, which 5.The gray matter of the cerebral cortex, where most higher then die level thinking occurs, is composed mostly of d. severs the capillaries of the testes and prevents …. the arrival of pituitary hormone. a. interneuron cell bodies e. severs the route used by the sperm to exit the b. myelinated axons of neurons male's body c. sensory neuron cell bodies d. Schwann cells 11.As a young girl, Maria suffered a head injury that e. motor neuron cell bodies damaged her pituitary. An injury to the pituitary is particularly serious because of all the functions 6.As light passes into the eye, it goes through which of the controlled by this gland. As Maria got older, she and following first? her doctors found that all of the following except … a. lens were affected. b. pupil a. metabolic rate c. aqueous humor b. growth d. vitreous humor c. her menstrual cycle e. cornea d. milk production e. blood sugar level 7.Which of the following correctly traces the path of sperm from their site of production to exiting a man's body? 12.The largest variety of digestive enzymes function in the…. a. Large intestine a. seminiferous tubule - vas deferens - epididymis – b. Small intestine urethra c. Gallbladder b. epididymis - urethra - seminiferous tubule - vas d. Stomach deferens e. Oral cavity c. seminiferous tubule - epididymis - vas deferens – urethra 13. Researchers provided radioactively labeled food to d. epididymis - seminiferous tubule - vas deferens – a dog, and traced the movement of absorbed urethra molecules. Which type of molecule would move e. vas deferens - epididymis - urethra - seminiferous along a path different from all the others? tubule a. Carbohydrates b. Proteins 8.Which of the following hormones is the first to increase c. Nucleic acids significantly every 28 days or so and initiates the ovarian d. All would follow the same pathway cycle? e. Fats a. Progesterone b. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) 14.An antigen is…. c. Estrogen d. Luteinizing hormone (LH) Posted by Drs. Mochamad Solehudin Hp 08122303255

a. a protein molecule that helps defend the body against c. Tears, saliva, and mucous secretions contain disease lysozome, an enzyme that digests the bacterial b. a type of white blood cell cell wall c. an invading virus or bacterium d. Mucus traps microbes and other particles that d. a foreign molecule that evokes a specific response by a contact it lymphocyte e. all of the above e. a body cell attacked by an invading microorganism URAIAN 15.During a secondary immune response…. a. selected B cells generate antibody-producing effector 18.Jika kamu mengkonsumsi daging ayam, bagaimana proses pencernaan yang terjadi di saluran B cells called plasma cells. pencernaan sampai siap menjadi asam amino yang b. the stricken individual may become ill siap diserap kedalam pembuluh darah? c. about 10 to 17 days are required from exposure to maximum effector response. 19.Please eksplain, what do you know about gases d. the generation of effector cells begins with memory exchange in the human respiratory system! cells produced during the primary immune response. 20.What sections of the nephron are affected by an e. all of the above increase in the levels of ADH? 16.When you are immune to a disease? a. Antibodies against the disease are constantly 21.What is the minimum number of neurons that can make up a “reflex arc”, and what would these circulating in your blood neurons be? b. Certain lymphocytes are able to make the proper antibodies quickly 22.Explain the understanding of menstruation an c. Your nonspecific defenses are strengthened ovulation ! How is relationship between those two d. B cells are stimulated to quickly engulf invaders process ? e. Antigens are altered so invaders can no longer attack your tissues 17.Which of the following could be considered a Good luck nonspecific defense? a. Intact skin creates a barrier that cannot normally be penetrated by bacteria or viruses b. Secretions from sebaceous and sweat glands give the skin an acidic pH that prevents bacterial colonization

Posted by Drs. Mochamad Solehudin Hp 08122303255

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