Soal 2

  • June 2020
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English Prediction for Even Semester Test (3 tkj) Arranged



SOAL – SOAL LATIHANs Memahami monolog yang muncul pada sistuasi kerja.

Business travelers usually find they have little time to exercise, especially when their schedules are suddenly changed by late meeting or late flights. But everyone should get some exercise. There are ways to make exercise part of your day, even when you can not make it to the hotel’s exercise room. Experts suggest stretching your neck, arms, back, and shoulders while sitting in your plane seat. At your hotel, you can stretch your legs and abdominal; muscles. Then you can run in place for a good aerobic workout. Exercise is not just for your body: it for your mind as well as. The mind body connection has long been established by professional medical associations. People who exercise regularly perform more efficiently at work and perform more effectively than their colleagues who don’t exercise. So to get ahead of everyone else, try to exercise everyday, even when travelling.

1. Who would be likely to read this article? A. Overweight people B. Frequent vacation – goer C. Business people who take trips D. Pilot and flight attendants E. The host and hostest 2. Why is it difficult for travelers to get exercise? A. Their schedules may change unexpectedly. B. They work too hard. C. There are no places to exercise. D. They don’t want to exercise. E. The place to exercise is too narrow. 3. Where can you exercise if you can’t get to the exercise room? A. In your meeting B. In your airplane seat C. In your car D. On the bus E. In hotel room 4. How can you get aerobic exercise in the hotel? A. Take the stairs. B. Work your abdomen C. Stretch your arms D. Run in place E. Do athletics 5. According to the report, why should one exercise? A. To perform better at work B. To lose weight C. To feel younger D. To be better at sport E. To lose wrinkle

Hints for the Business Travelers If you do a lot of business traveling, sooner or later you will need ground transportation. For trips that are too short for a rental car and too long for a taxi, it makes sense to hire a car service. such services are often called limousine services. they operate in large cities and in small ones, and even in rural areas where there are few airport s or major transpormation.

6. Why would you want to hire a car service? A. You need ground transportation B. You can’t take a taxi or rental car C. It’s less expensive D. You are in a large city E. They give the easiness 7. What is another name for a car service? A. Ground transportation service B. Taxicab service C. Limousine service D. Airport service E. Business service 8. According to this notice, who should hire a car service? A. People whose flights are late B. People whose flights are early C. People on leisure time D. People on business trips E. People on a journey Busy people don’t want their vacation to be a hassle. That’s why all – inclusive resorts are becoming popular. At these resorts, one price includes all meals, drinks, lodging, and sightseeing. Golf, tennis, and swimming are available for free. Other sports, such as scuba diving, deep sea fishing, and rock climbing, may require separate fees for equipment rental but instruction and excursion are included. Many resort also include children’s activities as part of the package. Check with a travel agent to find an all – inclusive resort with activity you would enjoy.

9. What does it mean to be an “all – inclusive” resort? A. Anyone can stay there B. One price include food, lodging, and activities. C. They take care of your children for you. D. Room price and airfare are included. E. You would enjoy the travel. 10.Why are all – inclusive resort popular?

A. They are not as much trouble B. They are cheaper C. They have more facilities. D. Travel agents handle all of the planning. E. No need to pay ticket. 11.What might cost extra at these resorts? A. Excursion and instruction B. Transportation for sightseeing C. Hotel maid service D. Sport equipment rental E. Diving equipment 12.What is the best way to find an all inclusive resort? A. Ask a friend B. Read in a travel guide C. Consult a travel agent D. Call some hotels E. Bring your friends with you As our company plans new products and processes, health, safety and environmental considerations are a priority. We are committed to operating our manufacturing plants and research facilities in a manner that protects the environment and safeguards the health and safety of all people. We will continue to allocate money to improve existing facilities as new safety information is brought to 13.What is the statement intended to do? A. Announce an expansion B. Tell about a merger C. Reassure the public about safety D. Given a new policy E. To announce the company

14.What will the company do with the existing facilities? A. Continue to make them safe B. Tear them down C. Have them inspected D. Operate them E. Heal the company

This new and unusual building in the downtown business district offers unique opportunities for small to midsized tenants to occupy an entire floor.

OFFICE SUITES From 1.600 to 6.000 square feet are available for immediate occupancy. Commuting is easy, with the subway stop only one block away. It is convenient to shops, restaurants, hotels, and business services. For leasing information call; 303 – 572 - 5947 15.What is the advertisement for? A. Renting office space B. Buying a building C. Starting a business D. Staying at a hotel E. Leasing a house 16.Why does this building present a rare opportunity for smaller firm? A. It’s a new building B. They don’t have to share a floor C. Smaller firms are better tenants D. They get lower rates. E. The tenants get bonus 17.How soon are the suits available? A. When the building is finished B. Next month C. Right now D. In six weeks E. One year 18.What is NOT mentioned as being close to the building? A. Business services B. Shopping C. Hotels D. Restaurants E. Swimming pool Making reservation 19.Mahani : Ramayana taxi Denpasar. Good morning. Mr. Smith : Good morning. My name’s Black Smith. I’m calling from West Jakarta. Mahani : can I help you? Mr. Smith : I’d like to make a reservation for next week. Is that possible?? Mahani : could you mention the exact date, please? The bold type expresses ……………………….

A. B. C. D. E.

Asking direction Making reservation Apologizing Agreement Regret

20.Receptionist : Asian hotel. Good morning Mr. Yuwono : good morning, my name’s Panggih Yuwono. I’m calling from semarang, central java. Receptionist : ………………………….. Mr. Yuwono : I’d like to confirm our booking for 4 members of family. Receptionist : fine. Wait a moment, please What is the right answer to complete the dialog? A. Can I help you, Mr. Yuwono? B. Do you need help? C. Can you help me? D. Give me a hand! E. What do you want, Mr. Yuwono? 21.Mr. Aburizal : good morning, my name’s Aburizal Rina : Good morning, Mr. Aburizal. What can I help you? Mr. Aburizal : ………………………a single room for today. What is the right answer to complete the dialog? A. I’d like to do B. I’d like to make C. I’d like to book D. I’d like to reservation E. I’d like to reserved 22.I would like to confirmation our ticket booking for 5 people to Surabaya next Friday morning. A B C D E 23.You’ll go to Surabaya on train next week. You reserve a single ticket for business class and you A B C D wanted the seat next to the window. E 24.Waiter : are you ready to order, Sir? Mr. Anton : Ehmm, yes. I’d like a cup of coffee, please. Waiter : okay. And you, madam? Mrs. Anton : I think …………………….. Waiter : what about the drink?

Mrs. Anton : we’ll have a bottle of lemon ice tea, please. Waiter : okay. It won’t take long. What is the right answer to complete the dialog? A. I need special drink B. I’ll have the special fried rice. C. I’ll eat fried chicken under that big tree. D. Give me special fried rice E. I eat nothing

Conditional sentences and subjunctive wish 25.We would not have lost our bag, if we …………………it in the hotel. A. Left B. Have left C. Would have D. Would have left E. Would leave 26.“Did you buy the computer?” “No, but I would have if my father …………….. A. Had given the money B. Would give me the money C. Would have given me the money D. Gave me the money E. Given that money 27.We …………the work if we had been given enough time. A. Finished B. Would finish C. Could finished D. Could have finished E. Could be finished 28.“Why did you leave the job?” “I …………………if the pay had been better.” A. Will stay B. Have stayed C. May stay D. Would stay E. Would have stayed 29.It rained very hard this morning, but mother didn’t have an umbrella with her. We may conclude that …………….. A. If she had an umbrella, she didn’t get wet. B. If she had an umbrella, she could not get wet C. If she has an umbrella, she will not be get wet

D. If she had an umbrella, she would not be wet. E. If she had had an umbrella, she would not have been wet. 30.He is not rich, and he can’t buy the house. This means ……………….. A. If he were rich, he could buy the house B. Were he rich, he could buy the house C. If only he were rich, he could buy the house D. If he had been rich, he could have bought the house. E. He isn’t rich, he can’t buy the house 31.If the car were in better condition, we could make a long trip now. It may conclude that the real meaning is we ………….. A. have to stay at home B. are enjoying the trip C. prefer staying at home D. enjoyed the trip E. stayed at home 32.if I had come earlier, I could have met Bobbi in person. Means ……………. A. I came very early so that I could meet Bobbi in person. B. I came late so I could not meet Bobbi in person. C. Although I came early, I could not meet Bobbi in person. D. I did not come late, nevertheless I could not meet Bobbi in person. E. I came early, therefore I could not meet Bobbi in person. 33.If he hadn’t been promoted, ……………………….. A. He’d have quit his job. B. He has quit his job C. His job is bad D. He would quit his job E. He quit his job 34.If my parents were alive, ………………………………. A. I would not have worked for tuition fee. B. I would not have to work for tuition fee. C. I would not work for tuition fee D. I worked for tuition fee E. I had worked for tuition fee. 35.“Mom, I feel like staying away from school today.” “I wouldn’t, if …………………………….. A. I were him B. I were you C. I was you D. I become you E. I have been you 36.If I had not quarreled with Johan, …………………………. A. I could have to go to a party with him

B. I could go to the party with him C. I could have gone to the party with him D. I could have went to the party with him E. I couldn’t have gone to the party 37.“I’m sure he will be successful in his job.” “Yes, ……………………………. A. If he should work hard enough. B. If he works hard enough. C. If he worked hard enough. D. If he work hard enough. E. If he had worked hard enough. 38.If the watchman had not fallen asleep, the thief would not has entered the house. A B C D E 39.If her mother had not been ill, Atin will have joined the study tour to Lombok. A B C D E 40.If you used a city map, you will not lose your way. A B C D E 41.If the company had not raise Bambang’s salary, he would have looked for another job. A B C D E 42.“Is Evita still sick?” “Yes, I wish she ..…….. here now to help type the report.” A. Is B. Will be C. Were D. Had been E. Would had been 43.I’m planning to go to a party tonight, but it’s raining very hard now. I wish ……………………… A. It stops. B. It will stop. C. It would stop. D. It has stopped. E. It had stopped. 44.I wish you …………….tomorrow. A. Have gone B. Are going to go C. Will go D. Shall go E. Would go 45.“Did you get a compensation for your car?” “No, I didn’t. if only …………….. A. I would insure it.

B. I have insure it C. I have insured it D. I wouldn’t insure it E. I has insured it 46.The staff ………………………..after 5.00 if there is work to finish. A. Will usually stay B. Will usually stays C. Will stay usually D. Usually will stay E. Will usually stayed 47.Salaries must be ……………………if we are to remain competitive A. Ascended B. Increased C. Escalated D. Risen E. rose 48.Neither lunch ……………dinner was served at the hotel. A. Or B. Nor C. But D. And E. either 49. …………………export have increased, the trade deficit has become smaller. A. Although B. During C. Since D. Rarely E. for 50.our office is ………………the post office and the bank. A. Among B. Between C. Beside D. Though E. behind 51.if you …………….……how to use the computer, consult the manual. A. Won’t understand B. Don’t understand C. Understood D. Not understanding E. Wasn’t understood 52.All visitors must ……………..their cots and packages before entering the museum. A. Checked B. Checking

C. Checks D. Check E. Being checked 53.The man ……………..shares this office is very good with computer. A. Who B. Which C. He D. Whose E. his 54.The woman who she applied last week is the best candidate for the job. A B C D E 55.If the product have been successful, the company would have made a large profit. A B C D E 56.We wish that you can come to the party tonight. A B C D E 57.She wished she have had more time to his task last night. A B C D E 58.If only his son has studied harder, he would have passed the test. A B C D E Memahami manual penggunaan alat INSTALLING THE SIM CARD AND THE BATTERY 1. With the back of the hand phone facing you, press the back cover release button. Slide the back cover off. 2. Remove the battery by lifting it with the fingertips. 3. Insert your SIM card under the metal plate. Make sure that the golden connectors are facing downwards. If you to remove the SIM card, carefully slide it out of the SIM card slot. 4. Replace the battery. 5. Slide the back cover into its place. 59.According to the instruction, the SIM card is inserted after …………. A. The battery is taken away B. It is slide out the slot C. The back cover release button is pressed D. The golden connectors are facing downwards E. The golden connectors are facing upward 60.“Replace the battery.” (Point 4) The synonym of “replace” is …………… A. Hold on B. Take out C. Put back D. Give away E. Hang out 61.“Insert your SIM card under the metal plate”.

The antonym of “insert” is ………………. A. Put out B. Put into C. Move D. Come into E. Move in How to Use Computer Management on the Local Computer To start and use Computer Management on the local computer: 1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. Click Performance and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, and then double-click Computer Management. The Computer Management window for the local computer is displayed. "Computer Management (Local)" is displayed at the root of the console tree. 2. In the console tree, expand System Tools, Storage, or Services and Applications to view the tools and services in each of these containers. 3. Click the item that you want (for example, Event Viewer) to use the tool, and then view the information that is associated with it. 62.The instructions above tells about ………………… A. Manual instruction on computer management. B. Manual usage on service and application. C. Manual usage on performance and maintenance. D. How to use control panel E. How to use manual instruction. 63.What do you have to do after you click administrative tool? A. Click computer management. B. Click computer management and tools. C. Double – click computer management. D. Double – click management area. E. Double the computer. 64.Where is computer management (local) displayed? A. At the system tools. B. At the root of system tools. C. At the root of the console tree. D. At the root of tree. E. At the tree. How to create a blog in blogspot Blogs are another kind of website. The content is usually organized by date and category with the most recent post/content displaying first. Blogs are also easier to setup than websites, and because of this reason people are often lured into thinking blogs are a better option than websites. Below is introduction how to create a blog in blogspot. You only need to do 3 easy step: created an account on blogger.comCreate a Blog

65.How many steps do we apply on creating a blog in blogspot? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four E. five 66.What must you do first before logging into A. Need to pay in cash. B. Created an id at yahoo messenger. C. Created an account on D. Created a pass on E. Created a blog on 67.Why do we need to type the verification word displayed on the page? A. To confirm that you are a real person and not a computer. B. To confirm that you are a real shadow and not a computer. C. To confirm that you are a real blogger not a fake. D. To confirm that you are not a real person but a computer. E. To confirm that you are a real guy. 68.To make the appearance of web or blog look nice as you wish, what must you choose? A. Choose a template B. Choose a temple C. Choose a place D. Choose a planet E. Choose a pamper 69.What is the antonym of “appear”? A. Look B. Disappear C. Seem D. View E. see A. Insert B. Sign in C. Stick into D. Put into E. Come into How to Replace Drive Character • • •

• •

First open control panel, choose administrative tools. Double click computer management Then click folder storage, next disk management (local). Right click drive you will change, next choose change driver letter After that click change to replace drive character. Next choose drive character which you want then

71.After we click folder storage, we must click ….. A. Local management B. Disk management C. Driver management D. Folder management E. Local drive 72.To choose drive character we want, what must we click next? A. Click confirmation dialog B. Click change to replace drive character C. Click computer management D. Click administrative tool E. Click drive letter 73.The right synonym of “tool” is? A. Hook B. device C. drill D. Aid E. organ To Solve the Hang Computer Firstly, push button (ctrl+Alt+Del) or underside right click desktop and choose task manager. Secondly, select application tab, left click the program which is in trouble. If the the program has status “running”, the problem doesn’t happen. But if the program is not responding, then click end task. Finally, you can shut your computer or laptop.

74.Why do you have to press button (ctrl+Alt+Del)? A. To solve computer B. To solve the personal computer C. To solve the hang computer D. To solve the problem E. To solve broken computer 75.Before we choose task manager, we must press …………. A. Button (ctrl+shift+Del) B. Button (ctrl+shift+Alt) C. Button (ctrl+Alt+Del) D. Button start E. Button application tab 76.When do you click End Task? A. If the program is responding B. If the program is running C. If the program is not responding D. If the program is not running E. If the program is broken 77.But if the program is not “responding”, then click end task. The synonym of the italic word is ……………….

A. B. C. D. E.

Giving Giving Giving Giving Giving

a reply repay comment complain a word

Complaining 78.Visitor : waiter, I want to complain about this food, the beef is not done well! Waiter: we are really sorry for that, sir. Would you like me to change with another one, please? The italic words means ……………. A. Expressing forgiveness B. Expressing anger C. Expressing complain D. Expressing apology E. Expressing thank 79.If the customer …………………not satisfied, please have him call the manager. A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Be E. was 80.the seminar was canceled because the invitation were not …………… time. A. Printer B. Printed C. Printing D. Print E. prints 81.if the waiter can not handle your request, the captain …………………….assist you. A. Will B. Has C. Did D. Is E. was 82.At the end of the year, bonuses are distributed to the employees. A B C D E 83.In the morning there will be a ten minutes coffee break between speeches. A B C D E 84.The catering staff has scheduled a meeting in the same room where us are holding a meeting. A B C D E 85.Receptionist : excuse me, Sir. Can I help you? A B Guest : I’m sorry to say this, but this room was very dirty. C D E Making an appointment 86.Mr. Ali : Could I schedule a time to meet with Mr. East on Monday?

Mrs. East Mr. Ali

: ……………………………… : How about Friday at 4:00? Mrs. East : Friday at 4:00 will be fine. What is the right answer to fill in the blank?

A. B. C. D.

Sorry, his calendar is full on Monday. Sorry, her calendar is full on Monday She will be out on Wednesday What time is best for you?

E. Okay. Tuesday morning at 9.00

87.You arrange an appointment with another person because you want to ......... or see them. A. Encounter B. Meet C. Greet D. Talk E. Look 88.The two things that are important for an appointment are the time and the place. You say for example: Let's meet next Monday ......... 10 o'clock. A. On B. In C. At D. Of E. for 89. My clients contact our office via email or phone and then we ......... an appointment. A. Make B. Take C. Give D. Do E. had 90. I'd like to make an appointment …… Dr Lee please.

A. B. C. D.

To see To hear To meet To gather

E. To call 91. I'd like to have ………….. with the plumber, please.

A. B. C. D. E.

To appoint With An appointment Agree agreement

report presentation

Why to Create a Useful Outline

Why create an outline? There are many reasons; but in general, it may be helpful to create an outline when you want to show the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information. For research papers, an outline may help you keep track of large amounts of information. For creative writing, an outline may help organize the various plot threads and help keep track of character traits. Many people find that organizing an oral report or presentation in outline form helps them speak more effectively in front of a crowd. How to create an outline? • Determine the purpose of your paper. • Determine the audience you are writing for.

92.Why do people create outline? A. to show the hierarchical relationship or logical ordering of information B. to show the hierarchical relationship or illogical ordering information. C. To show the reader the logical information. D. To show the hierarchy of information E. To persuade the reader how good the outline we made 93.In what skill do we use outline? A. Research paper B. Creative paper C. Oral report or presentation D. Research and creative paper E. Research, creative paper, and oral report/presentation 94.Why does a presenter/speaker on podium feel confident to be in front of the crowd? A. Outline helps them to speak loudly B. Outline helps them to speak in front of the president C. Outline helps them to speak more creative D. Outline helps them to speak more effectively in front of the crowd. E. Outline helps them to speak in the crowd 95.For creative writing, an outline may help organize the various plot threads and…………… Which is one of the words below suitable to replace “organize”? A. Make B. Arrange C. Order D. Have E. hierarchy 96.…… create an outline when you want to show the hierarchical relationship…. The synonym of the underlined word is …………………. A. To tell B. To expose C. To perform D. To share

E. To persuade MEMORANDUM To From Date Sub

: : : :

All personnel Simon Gonzales May, 15, 2009 Company Travel

Effective June 1 all personnel travelling on company business must use the most economical means possible. Not flights under five hours can be booked in Business Class. No flights regardless of duration can be booked in first Class or on the concorde.

97.If a flight is over five hours, what class can be booked? A. Economy B. Business C. First D. Concorde E. Entrepreneur 98.When will this rule go into effect? A. In about two weeks B. At the end of the summer C. At the first of the year D. In five months E. This year 99.Why was this memo written? A. To save time B. To save money C. To reward the employee D. To increase company travel E. To reduce the staple 100. Who is affected by this memo? A. Only the board of directors B. Only frequent travelers C. Only the personnel department D. Only the managers E. All personnel

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