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SNOW WHITE VS. THE QUEEN Court of Staff: Please rise. The San Beda Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Palamos presiding. Judge: Please be seated. Please present the case. Courtstaff 1: For arraignment, Criminal Case Number ______, entitled People of the Philippines versus The Queen. Judge: Counsels make your appearance. Prosecution: Prosecutor 1: Your Honor, my name is Atty. BARRIOS and I am representing the People of the Philippines in this case. Prosecutor 2: Your Honor, my name is Atty. SIMBULAN and I am representing the People of the Philippines in this case. Prosecutor 3: Your Honor, my name is Atty. LAZARO and I am representing the People of the Philippines in this case. Private Prosecutor 1: Your Honor, my name is Atty. ISIDRO and I am representing the private complainant in this case (under the direct control and supervision of the Public Prosecutor). Private Prosecutor 2: Your Honor, my name is Atty. MADERA and I am representing the private complainant in this case (under the direct control and supervision of the Public Prosecutor). Private Prosecutor 3: Your Honor, my name is Atty. OLIVA and I am representing the private complainant in this case (under the direct control and supervision of the Public Prosecutor). Defense: Defense Lawyer 1: Your Honor, my name is Atty. _____ and I am representing the Accused in this case. Defense Lawyer 2-6: Your Honor, my name is Atty. _____ and I am representing the Accused in this case. Judge: Okay, arraign the accused. Clerk of Court: (Read the information: People of the Philippines vs The Queen) Judge: What is your plea? Accused: Not Guilty, your Honor. Judge: Let it be on record that the accused pleaded not guilty. Was there a proposal for amicable settlement? Prosecution and Defense: None, your honor. Proceed to pre-trial. TRIAL Judge: Is the prosecution ready? Prosecutors: (Stand Up) Yes Honor. Judge: Is the defense ready? Defense Lawyers: (Stand Up) Yes Honor. -----------------------------------------------PROSECUTION WITNESS DIRECT EXAM: SNOW WHITE

Judge: Does the prosecution wish to call any witness? Prosec1: Yes, your Honor. The prosecution would like to call Ms. Snow White to the witness stand to establish the following facts: 1. That she personally knows the Queen as her Stepmother; 2. That the Queen has ordered Mr. Totoy Tirador, the Faithful Huntsman, to kill her; 3. The the Queen in disguise tricked Snow White to let her into the cottage of the Seven Dwarves; 4. That the Queen has given her an apple which turned out to be poisonous and caused her to fall into a deep sleep and coma; 5. To identify object evidence to this case; 6. All other facts as may be material and relevant to the prosecution of this case. Court Staff: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Witness: I do. Judge: What do you say counsel? Defense: Subject to cross, Your Honor. Judge: Proceed Atty. ______ (Prosecution)

Q: Please state your name and personal circumstances. A: I am SNOW WHITE, 18 years old, Filipino, resident of #28 Brgy. Castle Ever After, Kingdom of Seven Mountains, Manila City Q: Ms. Snow White, do you know the QUEEN, Queen Grimhilde, the defendant in this case? A: Yes. Q: So if you see the Queen now, would you be able to identify her? A: Yes, I would. Q: Is the Queen, the defendant, in this court? A: Yes, she is. Q: Could you point to us the Queen? A: (points at the Queen) Prosecutor: Your Honor, may we put on record that the witness pointed the accused as the Queen, Queen Grimhilde, the defendant. Q: What is your relationship with her? A: She is my stepmother. My father, King White married her after my mother Queen White died. Q: How long have you known the Queen? A: I have known her since I was a little girl. Q: Did the Queen, your Stepmother, ever treat you like her real daughter? OBJECTION: LEADING Q: How was your relationship with your stepmother, the Queen?

A: I loved her as I thought of her as my second mother. She also loved my father very much. When I was young, we used to play a lot and she was very caring and loving. But I felt that as I grew older, she changed. Q: How did she change? Why do you say she changed? A: She changed because when I was a little girl, we always spend time together. She would teach me how to sing and dance, she would always play with me and pick flowers with me in the forest. But just last year, she became distant. She would ignore me and avoid me all the time despite my efforts to reconcile with her. Q: Do you know why she suddenly treated you differently? A: No, I had no idea why. I would always ask our helpers and guards in the Castle. They would only say that the Queen became jealous of my beauty but I never thought much of it. Q: Where do you live, Ms. Snow White? A: I live in the castle at #28 Brgy. Castle Ever After, Kingdom of Seven Mountains, Manila City. Q: Who lives with you in the castle? A: I live with my father, King White, my stepmother Queen Grimhilde, and the guards and helpers live in the castle as well. Q: Have you always lived there? A: Yes, Ma’am. I have lived there all my life. Q: How about the Queen? Has the Queen always lived there? A: Yes. Ever since she married my father, she lived in the castle with us. Q: In your estimate, how long have you lived with the Queen in the castle? A: About 17 years. Q: In those 17 years, has the Queen ever acted strangely? A: No, I do not think so. Q: Do you have any reason to believe that the Queen was suffering from any psychological disorder? A: No, Ma’am. Q: Why not? A: Ever since I was a little girl, when we were close, I have always adored her because she was smart, sensible and beautiful. Until I grew up, she had always been a great Queen. She always make sure the Castle was in order. She did not talk much to the guards and helpers but she always checked that they were doing their duties. Even my father, King White, talks fondly of her because she gives great advice on important Kingdom matters. She served as my King’s right hand since they were married. My father always tells me that the Queen is very smart and a natural in ruling the Kingdom. Q: So in those 17 years, you never witnessed an instance where the Queen behaved in a weird manner that would make you believe that she was suffering from any mental illness? A: No. Even King White, my father, heeds to her counsel for every major decision he has to make for the Kingdom.

Q: Ms. Snow White, where were you on December 24, 2018? A: I remember I was feeling sad and so I decided to go to the forest to pick wildflowers. Q: Please narrate to us what happened next. OBJECTION Q: What happened while you were picking wildflowers? A: I was singing while picking flowers when suddenly a man with a sharp knife approached me from behind and he was about to strike me with the knife. Q: Did this man strike you? A: No. He was about to but I begged him to spare my life and not kill me. Q: Do you know this man who tried to strike you with the knife? A: Yes. He is Mr. Totoy Tirador. Q: How do you know Mr. Totoy Tirador? A: He is the Queen’s faithful Huntsman. He lives with us in the castle. Q: Would you be able to identify Mr. Totoy Tirador, the faithful Huntsman? A: Yes. Q: Could you point to us who this Totoy Tirador is? A: (points to huntsman) Prosecutor: Your Honor, may we put on record that the witness pointed to Mr. Totoy Tirador. Q: What happened next? OBJECTION: Q: Ms. Snow White, after you begged Totoy Tirador to spare your life, what did he do next? A: I was surprised because he knelt down and asked for my forgiveness. He explained that my Stepmother, the Queen, had ordered him to kill me and bring back my heart as proof of my death. He advised me to run into the woods and never come back as the Queen will not stop until she is certain that I was dead. Q: Did you believe him? A: Yes. Q: Why did you believe what Mr. Totoy Tirador said to you? A: I believed him because I knew he and the Queen were close because they were friends since they were little. I feared that things I heard from the guards and helpers were true. Q: What things did you hear from them? A: They told me that the Queen was so jealous that I was the fairest of them all in the Kingdom. So I feared that she wanted me dead and so she asked her close friend to kill me. Q: Where did you go next when you ran into the forest? A: I ran into forest as fast as I could until I stumbled into a small cottage where I met the Seven Dwarves who took me in for the night and provided me with food and shelter.

Q: Where were you on the morning of December 25, 2018? A: I was still in the cottage where the Seven Dwarves lived. I was left in the house because the dwarves had to leave for work that morning. Q: What happened before the dwarves left for work? A: They warned me to be careful, especially to be cautious of the Queen. Q: Why did they tell you to be careful? A: The night before, I told them about the Huntsman and the attempt by the Queen to kill me. Q: What did you do after they left? A: I started making a pie for Grumpy, one of the seven Dwarves. Then, an old lady peeked at the window. Q: Can you describe her? A: She was wearing a black robe, her nails were long, her hair appeared to be white, her face was old, ugly and wrinkly, she had a big nose with a big mole on it. Q: Did you recognize who the old lady was? A: No I did not. Q: What did the old lady say to you? A: She told me she was selling apples and that they were good for making apple pies. She offered me to take a free bite. When I was about to take the apple, the birds suddenly pestered the old lady so I asked her to come inside. Once inside, she told me that the apple was a wishing apple and that whatever wishes I have would come true if I take a bite. Q: Did you take a bite from the apple? A: I did. Q: What happened after you took a bite? A: I felt strange and dizzy. I couldn’t breathe and I could not feel my body. I was gasping for air and then I fell to the ground. Everything went black. Q: If I show you the apple you took a bite from, would you be able to identify it? A: Yes. Prosec: I am now showing to the witness the apple which was taken from the scene of the crime. Ms. Snow White, is this the same apple the old lady gave you and convinced you to take a bite from? A: Yes, Attorney. Q: So you believe that you were poisoned through the apple that the old lady gave you? A: Yes. Q: Did you do anything to confirm this? OBJECTION: vague Q: What did you do to confirm that such apple was poisonous? A: We had the apple tested by a medico legal.

Q: Ms. Snow White, if shown to you, will you recognize the test? A: Yes. Q: Is this the certificate which was prepared by the Medico Legal you were referring to? (prosec to offer the document) OBJECTION: Witness not competent to identify the results of document, as she has no hand in its preparation. Prosecution: Your honor, we are only asking the witness to attest to the fact that she recognizes the certificate and not to confirm the authenticity of the document. A: Yes. That is the document I was referring to. Q: What did you last remember before everything went black? A: I heard the old lady say something about the dwarves shall never awaken me. Q: What do you remember when you woke up? A: I remember I was in coffin in the middle of the forest and I saw the Prince and the dwarves surrounding us. Q: What did they say to you when you woke up? A: The Dwarves narrated to me that they saw the old lady coming out of their house and that they tried to go after her but to no avail. They also told me that they found me unconscious in their house and believing that I was already dead the Dwarves made a coffin and held an eternal vigil for me. They also told me that they could not find it in their hearts to bury me and that one day the Prince Charming arrived and saw me in a glass coffin, kissed me and then and there a piece of the poisoned apple which was lodged on my throat fell off. It was then I was able to open my eyes. Q: Why do you think the old lady wanted to poison you and kill you? A: Because the old lady was the Queen. And as I have said, the Queen was jealous of my beauty and that she attempted to kill before through the Huntsman. Q: Did the old lady appear or she look like the Queen? A: No but it appears that the Queen had disguised herself to look like an old lady in order to trick me. She really had put so much thought into the disguise because it was so elaborate- from her hair, her wrinkles, her nails, her clothes. Prosecution: That is all for the witness, Your Honor. CROSS EXAMINATION: SNOW WHITE Judge: Counsel, would you like to cross-examine the witness? Defense: Yes, Your Honor.

Judge: The defense may cross-examine the witness.

Defense: You said that you and the Queen spent a lot of time together when you were still young, correct? Snow White:



Because when you grew up, she was already living at the castle?

Snow White:



You also said that you’ve been living with her for about 17 years?

Snow White:

Yes. Defense: When you said that you spent a lot of time together, do you mean all the time or just most of the time?

Snow White:

All the time. Defense: You mean to tell us that you can remember vividly, as a child, that the Queen was always with you and there was no moment that the two of you were not together? Snow White: No. What I mean is that I can remember how she was behaving towards me and that’s my point of reference when I said that she has changed. Defense: In other words, Ms. Witness, there were times that you and the Queen were not together, and there were times that you were together? Snow White:


Defense: And in your testimony earlier, you were referring to the times that you spent together? Snow White:



But she became distant later on?

Snow White:



How can you say that she became distant?

Snow White:

She would ignore me and avoid me all the time.


How can you say that she was ignoring you? Snow White: She does not spend time with me anymore. She would no longer come pick flowers with me. She would always lock herself in her room. Defense: But it’s possible that maybe you’re an adult now and it’s possible that after so many years, things will really change, isn’t that possible, Ms. Witness? Snow White:

That is possible.

Defense: Don’t you think it is unfair that the Queen is being blamed for what happened. Did you ever think that maybe you’re just needy? Or that you were the one who changed? Or that the things you did then are no longer possible considering that the two of you have aged? Objection:


Court: Sustained. Defense: Ms. Witness, you said that you would always ask your helpers and guards in the castle and they would say that the Queen became jealous of your beauty, correct? Snow White:



Did you ever hear the Queen tell you that she is jealous of your beauty?

Snow White:


Defense: things?

Did your helpers and guards tell you that the Queen really said those

Snow White:


Defense: In other words, you are relying on what they said, that the reason why she has changed is because she is jealous of you? Snow White:


Defense: So you had no personal knowledge or direct information that this, possibly, the reason why she changed? Snow White:

Well, certainly, there has got to be something that triggered her.

Defense: But you are not really aware of what it is exactly. Okay next question, Ms. Witness, you said earlier that you’ve been living with the Queen for about 17 years, correct? Snow White:


Defense: And of course, you cannot remember everything because it covers the time that you were still an infant. Snow White:


Defense: You said that in those 17 years, or maybe, 10 to 12 years (from Age 5 to 17), you didn’t think that the Queen ever acted strangely? Snow White:

Yes, I said that I don’t think she ever did.

Defense: You were also asked if you ever believed that the Queen was suffering from any psychological disorder, and you said no, correct? Snow White:

I said no.


How old are you again?

Snow White:



Are done with college?

Snow White:



So you haven’t gone to medical school either?

Snow White:



Are you a doctor?

Snow White:



So you have no specialization in psychology?

Snow White:


Defense: any disorder.

In other words, it was your personal opinion that she was not suffering

Snow White:

That’s what I saw based on her behaviour.

Defense: Based on your personal opinion. Next question, Ms. Witness, you said that on December 24, 2018, while you were picking flowers, a man with a sharp knife approached you and tried to strike you with the knife. Snow White:



Were you hurt?

Snow White:



Why, what happened?

Snow White: I begged him to spare my life. Then he asked for forgiveness and explained that it was my stepmother, the Queen, who order him to kill me. Defense:

And you believed him?

Snow White:


Defense: Ms. Witness, it appears that you have the tendency to always believe what other people are telling you. From the helpers, to the guards, to the huntsman. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they are not telling the truth? Snow White: No. I believed them because I feel like they are telling the truth. You can feel it if someone is lying. Defense:

Did you ever give that benefit to the Queen?

Snow White:

I don’t understand the question sir.

Defense: Did you ever hear her side of the story? Like did you ask her question and did you ever feel like she was lying or telling the truth? Snow White:

No. Because she is always avoiding me.

Defense: But Ms. Witness, isn’t it unfair that you relied on what these strangers are telling you rather than asking you stepmother yourself? Snow White:

It is not my fault if I never had the opportunity to talk to her.

Defense: Ms. Witness.

So you relied on what other people tell you. That says a lot about you

Next question, you said that the huntsman explained that the Queen ordered him to kill you, correct? Snow White:



So you had no personal knowledge of what the Queen really said?

Objection: It was already pointed out by the counsel that the witness only relied on what other people said. Defense: Why did you believe the huntsman when he said that it was the Queen who ordered him to kill you? Snow White: Because I know that they are very close because they were friends ever since they were little. Defense: Exactly, Ms. Witness. It is possible, that because she is no longer able to spend time with you, she sent her most faithful friend, the huntsman, to accompany you? To protect you in the forest, and to do what you and the Queen used to do together? Snow White: It is also possible that she sent him to kill me because I feared that the things I heard from the guards and helpers were true. Defense: Yes, we see both possibilities. And you mean to tell this court that you would rely more on what third persons would say rather than what your own stepmother would say, considering, Ms. Witness, that you’ve spent time together as you were growing up? Snow White: She kept distant so it’s not my fault I can’t confirm it from her. It was an instinct of self-preservation. Defense: apple?

Next question, you said that an old lady tried to poison you with an

Snow White:


Defense: And you described the lady as wearing a black robe, her nails were long, her hair appeared to be white, her face was old, ugly and wrinkly, she had a big nose with a big mole on it.

Snow White:


Defense: You were asked why you think the old lady tried to poison you and you said, and I quote “Because the old lady was the Queen.” Snow White:


Defense: How can you say that they are the same person? You said in your testimony that the Queen did not look like the old lady. Snow White: Because no one else had the motive to kill me. It is the only logical conclusion. She just disguised herself to look like an old lady. Defense: So you’re telling this court, Ms. Witness, that the Queen is so desperate to kill you that she was so persistent to the point that she made herself look ugly to be able to kill you? Snow White:


Defense: Assuming, but not conceding, that the Queen is jealous of your beauty, she made herself look ugly to be able to kill you? Snow White:


Defense: Isn’t it a bit strange, that a person, who, as you say, is so obsessed with her own beauty, would turn herself into something ugly. No further questions, Your Honor.

Judge: Prosecution, re-direct? Prosecution: None your Honor. Judge: SO what is your pleasure counsel? Prosecution: Your honor, we would like to proceed already to our formal offer of evidence. If the court allows your honor. After which, we will be resting our case. Judge: Okay, you may proceed. *paste formal offer* Judge: Any comment from the defense? Defense: None your honor. Judge: Admitted. Prosecution: And with the admission thereof, the prosecution hereby rests its case. Thank you your honor. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------



Defense, you may call your witness. Defense: Thank you, Your Honor, we would like to call on the witness, Totoy Tirador, the Faithful Huntsman.


Will the witness please stand to be sworn in by the court staff. Totoy: I am TOTOY TIRADOR, 45 years of age, Filipino citizen, a resident of #28 Brgy. Castle Ever After, Kingdom of Seven Mountains Manila City. Court Staff: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Totoy: I do. Defense: Your Honor we are offering the testimony of Totoy Tirador to controvert the allegation that Queen Grimhilde (Queen) is criminally liable for the demise of Snow White because at the time of the alleged commission of said acts, Queen Grimhilde was of unsound mind and is deprived of reason to fully understand the consequences of her actions. Judge: What do you say counsel? Prosecutor:

Subject to cross, Your Honor.

Judge: Proceed Atty. __________. Q1-Defense:

Mr. Witness please state your name and other personal circumstances:

Totoy: I am TOTOY TIRADOR, 45 years of age, Filipino citizen, a resident of #28 Brgy. Castle Ever After, Kingdom of Seven Mountains Manila City. Q2-Defense:

What brought you here? Totoy: I received a subpoena ordering me to be a witness for the criminal case against the Queen for the killing of her step-daughter, Snow White.


What is your relation to the accused?




Your Honor I will establish the relevance eventually if I am allowed to proceed.


Overruled. Totoy: I am a very close friend of the Queen, ever since we were young. I am also her Faithful Huntsman.


Can you repeat. How long have you known the Queen?


Since we were young.


How many years exactly?

Objection: Irrelevant. The witness already said that they have known each other since they were young. Defense: Your honor I would like to establish the credibility of the witness to testify as to the character of the accused. Court:



We grew up together so I guess around 30 years. (Since 8 years old, more or less)


How did you become the huntsman of the Queen? Totoy: Growing up with the Queen, we were not very rich. We often had to hunt for food to have something to eat. But since the Queen was a girl and she did not want to get dirty, I did most of the work. That was the routine until a few years ago, when the King married her. Q-Defense: Did she ever tell you to kill a certain animal? Or cheer you whenever you were out hunting? Totoy: Not really. She’s just there. It’s just that. Q-Defense:

So what moved you to go hunt for food?

Totoy: Survival instinct, I guess. It was painful to see that we were starving. I can’t stand seeing the Queen in pain because of starvation. Q7-Defense:

So you’re saying that at a young age, you already had a thirst for blood?




Sustained. Reform your question. Q8-Defense: Mr. witness, you’re saying that a young age, you already know how to use weapons and use whatever strategy to get your prey?


Irrelevant. Defense: Your honor whatever may be the answer of the witness will be used eventually to establish the guilt of the accused.




To have something to eat, yes.


Your honor I would like to proceed first with establishing the character of the accused. Mr. witness, you said that you’ve known the accused since you were children, correct?



Q10-Defense: And you’ve been together ever since even up until today that she is now the Queen? Totoy:


Q11-Defense: Was it only the two of you when you were young? Don’t you have other friends? Totoy:

Only the two of us.

Q12-Defense: Why? Aren’t there a lot of people in the village within the Kingdom?


There were a lot.

Q13-Defense: And would you say that all these people are rich? Totoy:

No. A lot are struggling because many were poor.

Q14-Defense: Then a lot of people are similarly circumstanced? Totoy:


Q15-Defense: Then why was it that it was only you and the Queen despite this fact? Totoy:

I don’t know. She really didn’t want to associate herself with a lot of people.

Q16-Defense: Why is that? Totoy:

She would often tell me that she has too many friends already.

Q17-Defense: Have you met any of the friends she refers to? Totoy:


Q18-Defense: So it was just the two of you all along? Totoy:


Q19-Defense: So it’s possible that you developed some liking for the Queen? Totoy:

I invoke my right against self-incrimination.

** Insert here re Par. 5 that “he always seeks her”; and Par. 8 “that he was worried about her attitude then” Q20-Defense: Did you ever feel jealous that a lot of men were fond of the Queen? Objection: Misleading. The witness did not even say that he had developed some liking for the Queen. ** Insert here re Par. 3 of his had then taken a liking to her because of her beauty and tenacity, so I let her accompany me in my hunts; and Court:


Q21-Defense: Would you say that the Queen is beautiful? Objection:



Your Honor I would like to lay the basis to establish the character of the accused.




You might say that. The King had taken a liking in her.

Q22-Defense: As you two were growing up, did the Queen have a lot of admirers? Totoy:

There were a few.

Q23-Defense: And what did the Queen tell you about this? What did she feel? Totoy: She would often tell me how happy she was having a lot of men courting her. That she felt very pretty.

Q24-Defense: She would tell you that she felt pretty? Totoy: Yes. Q25-Defense: What does she say? Totoy: She would often brag that she’s the prettiest girl in town. Because a lot of men were courting her. She said that she is the fairest of all women. Q26-Defense: She thinks that she is the prettiest girl in town? Totoy: That’s what she tells me. Q27-Defense: Does she still feel like that up to this day? Totoy: Yes. Q28-Defense: How can you say? *Consider citing Par. 6 of affidavit re Q28 and 29 Totoy: She tells me that she is being complimented by other people that she’s the fairest of all. Q29-Defense: Who are these people? Totoy: I don’t know. Q30-Defense: Have you met them? Totoy: No. **Consider adding something to cite Par. 7 re “When I talked to her about it, she told me that some of her friends said that she was no longer the fairest of all in the Kingdom. She was told that it was Snow White, her step-daughter;” (or after Q32 or pwede din after 34? Q31-Defense: Does she leave the castle often? Totoy: No. Q32-Defense: Do other people visit the Queen? Totoy: No. Q33-Defense: So these “people” are those who live here in the castle? Her friends inside the castle maybe? Totoy: I doubt. Not many are fond of the Queen because she is an outsider. The people here favor the former wife of the King. Q34-Defense: So the Queen does not go out of the castle, she does not get visitors, the people in the castle are not fond of her, but she tells you that she receives compliments from other people saying that she is the fairest of all? Totoy: Yes. Q31-Defense: So you’re saying that the Queen is telling you that other people are telling her that she’s the fairest of all? Totoy: Yes. Q32-Defense: Has there been any instance that you’ve been together with these “people”?

Totoy: No. Q33-Defense: Why do you say that? Totoy: Because I’m always looking after her. We’re the only outsiders inside the castle. Everyone there is practically a stranger to us and the same goes for them. Q34-Defense: So you’re telling us that you never lose sight of the Queen? Totoy: No also. ** Cite his statement in Par. 5 re lesser interactions x x x Q35-Defense: What do you mean by that? You just said that you never lose sight of her. Totoy: I can’t follow her inside her room. and whenever she goes inside another room. Q36-Defense: What do you mean by other room? Totoy: The Queen spends most of her time inside a room in the castle. Q37-Defense: Is it possible then that she meets people inside this room? Totoy: No. Whenever she’s inside that room, I kind of guard the door and I see no one enter this room. Q38-Defense: So you’re telling this court that the Queen does not leave the castle, she does not get visitors, the people in the castle are not fond of her, she spends most of her time inside a certain room and you see no one else enter this room? Totoy: Yes. Q39-Defense: and yet, she tells you that there are other “people” who tell her that she is the fairest of all women? Totoy: Yes. Q40-Defense: You said that you have never met these “people,” correct? Totoy: Yes. Q41-Defense: Did she ever mention or describe any of them to you when she tells you stories? Totoy: Yes. Q42-Defense: What did she say about them? Can you give us a few of the names of these “people”? Objection:

The questions calls for an answer that is hearsay.

Defense: Your Honor we are only asking about what the accused tells the witness, not the veracity of such statements. Court: Overruled. Totoy: She said that they’re very nice and they always tell her that she’s the most beautiful woman in the land. I think their names are Mir Ror, Mushu, but I don’t remember the others.

Q43-Defense: You said earlier that you don’t know them. How come you are telling us now their names? Totoy: Well, I don’t really know who they are in person because I do not know of people with such names. But the Queen mentioned them to me. Q44-Defense: How many times did this happen? Totoy: Many times. Q45-Defense: But you were never able to confirm the truth of such stories? Totoy: No. Q46-Defense: Has the Queen been obsessed about her looks ever since? Totoy: Yes. Q47-Defense: How can you say that? Totoy: Because even when we were young she had a lot of suitors. and she felt good about it. When she was courted by the King, things became worse because now it was not just an ordinary man courting her. and so she became more obsessed about herself and her looks. Q48-Defense: Did the Queen ever get mad whenever she hears that she’s not the fairest of all? Totoy: Yes. Whenever we walk around the castle and hear that Snow White is more beautiful than the Queen, the Queen would get infuriated. Q49-Defense: Who is Snow White, Mr. Witness? Totoy: She is the daughter of the King and the Queen of the Kingdom. Q50-Defense: The daughter of the accused Queen? Totoy: No, of the first Queen. But she is the accused’s step-daughter. Q51-Defense: So they have a close relationship? Totoy: I wouldn’t say that. Q52-Defense: Why? Totoy: Because the Queen almost never interacted with people in the castle. Not even with Snow White. She is always in her room, or the room I mentioned earlier, or with me walking inside the castle. In fact I have never seen them together. Q53-Defense: So there is no reason for the Queen to get mad at Snow White? Totoy: There is. Because people are saying that Snow White is the fairest of all. Q54-Defense: You said that the Queen never interacted with Snow White, correct? Totoy: Yes. Q55-Defense: And you said that the Queen gets mad when she hears the castle staff say that Snow White is the fairest of all, correct? Totoy: Yes.

Q56-Defense: Then the Queen should get mad at the castle staff, not at Snow White because they have not met each other. Isn’t that the most logical conclusion, Mr. Witness? Totoy: You could say that but--Q57-Defense: Mr. Witness can you tell the court what happened on December 24, 2018? Totoy: It was the day before Christmas and the Queen told me to accompany Snow White and pick flowers at the forest. Q58-Defense: What for? Totoy: So there would be flowers to decorate the castle for christmas eve, for the noche buena. Q59-Defense: And then? Totoy: The Queen told me to kill Snow White. Q60-Defense: Why? Totoy: Because of the rumors that Snow White was the fairest of all and that made the Queen mad. Q61-Defense: What else did she tell you? Totoy: That as proof of Snow White’s death, I should bring her heart to the Queen? Q62-Defense: And then what happened? Totoy: I could not kill Snow White. So I told her to run away and I gave the Queen the heart of a boar instead. Q63-Defense: What did the Queen do to the heart you gave her? Totoy: She ate it. Q64-Defense: She ate it? Totoy: Yes. Q65-Defense: Mr. Witness, you’ve known the Queen for how long again? Totoy: More or less 30 years. Q66-Defense: Has she exhibited that kind of behavior ever since? The stories, jealousy, envy, violence, etc.? Totoy: Yes, except the violence. It was my first time to experience that when she told me to kill Snow White. Q67-Defense: So she’s been exhibiting this kind of behavior even while the two of you were young? Totoy: Yes. Q68-Defense: You’re her friend. Did you do anything about it? Totoy: Yes. We had her checked.

Q69-Defense: Check for what? Totoy: If she was suffering any psychological disorder. Q70-Defense: How many times did you have her checked, where, and where? If you can remember. Totoy: The first time was when she was already living in the castle and she told me about the people complimenting her. It was in the castle infirmary. Q71-Defense: Why did this prompt you to have her checked? Totoy: Because as I said earlier, we were the outsiders. We only had each other. No one else socialized with us and I know that she didn’t interact with other people. So I thought she had imaginary friends. Q72-Defense: So you had her checked because of that. And what were the findings? Objection:

Hearsay. The person best to testify is the doctor and not the witness.

Court: Sustained. Q73-Defense: What about the second time that you had her checked? Totoy: It was just last month. At the Philippine General Hospital. Q74-Defense: Why did you have her checked again last month? Totoy: It was a mental examination upon order of the court in relation to this case filed against her. Defense: Your Honor I would like to submit this medical certificate issued by the Philippine General Hospital concerning the findings regarding the mental state of the accused herein and that the same be marked as exhibit ____. Defense:

No further questions, Your Honor.


The Prosecution may cross-examine the witness.

PROSECUTOR: Mr. Totoy Tirador, you said in your direct testimony that you are close with the Queen? How do you define “being close”? HUNTSMAN:

I am one of the Queen’s most trusted man under her employ.


do you consider yourself as the Queen’s confidant.


I think so.


You think so? Do you interact daily? How often do you report to the Queen?


Everyday. She always sends me on patrol to guard the Castle.


What exactly do you do as a huntsman?


Sometimes I hunt wild animals and offer them to the Royal Family


How about hunting people, is this also your job?




Does the Queen give you any special orders on ordinary days?




Is there an instance where the Queen ordered you to find and kill someone?


Question is incriminating


Your Honor, the question does not confirm any criminal act.






Mr. Totoy Tirador, did the Queen ever order you to do an act against your will?





PRO: Mr. Totoy Tirador, do you know the private complainant in this case? The one who was nearly killed by the poisoned apple? HUNTSMAN:



Could you identify his/her name?


Yes. She is Snow White.


How do you describe the Queen’s relationship with Snow White?


The question calls for an opinion.



PRO: Mr. Totoy Tirador, did you happen to have an interaction with Snow White on the 24th Day of December? HUNTSMAN:



Where were you on that day in the morning?


I was in the forest.


What did you do in the forest?


I was ordered to follow Snow White into the forest.


Ordered by whom?


By the Queen.

PROSEC: You followed Snow White into the forest as ordered by the Queen, do you consider this as a special order? One that is different from your usual duties around the castle? HUNTSMAN:


PROSECUTION: Mr. Totoy Tirador, I have here an affidavit of complaint of Snow White, testifying that while she was picking flowers in the forest, she saw you in the woods, on the 24th day of December. Do you confirm this? HUNTSMAN:


PRO: According to this testimony, Snow White narrated that you tried to kill her in the forest but you spared her life instead? HUNTSMAN:

I was ordered to but I retreated even before I got close to her.


But you said you had an interaction that day.

HUNTSMAN: Yes. What I mean was. I did not proceed to killing her and told her that she should run away and fear for her life. PROSECUTION:

And so after that, you returned to the queen to report?




Mr. Totoy Tirador, were you ordered to kill Snow White on that day?



PROSECUTOR: You said, the Queen ordered you to follow Snow White on that day, does that follow that the order included killing Snow White? HUNTSMAN:

PROSECUTOR: You confirmed earlier that you spared Snow White’s life, can you tell us how exactly you spared Snow White’s life? What did you tell her?



PROSECUTOR: Totoy Tirador, you have been loyal to the Queen and even follow special orders from her. Why do you do it if you tell us that the Queen is insane? HUNTSMAN:



Totoy Tirador, do you know who tried to kill Snow White on the 25th Day of




Can you tell the name of that person?


The Queen. But she must be exempted from criminal liability because of insanity.


Do you have any evidence that the Queen is indeed insane?


Yes. Based on the medical certificate presented as evidence.

PROSEC: years, is that correct.

According to your testimony earlier, you have been friends with the Queen for 30


Yes, more or less.


In those years of friendship, when did you discover that the Queen was insane?

HUNTSMAN: met them.

When she started sharing stories that she has so many friends but I have never


So from that, you think the Queen is insane by making up stories?




What exactly is the mental illness of the Queen if you have knowledge?



PROSECUTION: hallucinations?

Do you think the Queen has been experiencing some mental delusions? Or




You knew about this yet you continue reporting duty to her?



PROSEC: Totoy Tirador, if the Queen is mentally ill, why isn’t she staying in a mental hospital or a place where she could be prevented from doing things without discernment?



PROSEC: The incident between your attempt to kill Snow White and the Queen’s act of poisoning her happened within more or less 24 hours, do you think this manifests an evil motive on the part of the Queen to truly kill Snow White which makes her fully, if not partially aware of the consequences of her act? HUNTSMAN:


PROSECUTOR: Mr. Totoy Tirador, I have here a poisoned apple. The same apple that nearly killed Snow White. Do you know where to get the poison from this apple? HUNTSMAN:

I don’t know.


Do you think killing Snow White by poisoning her is planned by the Queen?


Like I said, it could not be planned at all since she was of unsound mind.

PROSECUTOR: Do you think going through all the trouble of locating Snow White in the forest and bringing a poisoned apple could be done by a person of unsound mind? HUNTSMAN:

Yes, a lot of things could be running into the head of an insane person.


Even the trouble of disguising herself as an ugly old woman?


Like I said, anything is possible.


No further questions, Your Honor.

JUDGE: Defense counsel, re-direct? DEFENSE: None your honor. JUDGE: So what is your pleasure counsel? DEFENSE: Your honor, we would like to proceed already to our formal offer of evidence. If the court allows your honor. After which, we will be resting our case. JUDGE: Okay, you may proceed. DEFENSE: *paste offer of evidence* JUDGE: Any comment from the Prosecution? PROSEC: None your honor. JUDGE: Admitted.

DEFENSE: And with the admission thereof, the defense hereby rests its case. Thank you your honor.

---------------CLOSING ARGUMENTS Judge: Both prosecution and the defense have now rested their cases. The attorneys will now present their final arguments. Prosecution you may begin. Prosecution: (Presents closing arguments) Judge: Defense, you may proceed with your closing argument. Defense: (Presents closing arguments) Judge: the court will now take a recess.

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