Snack By The Sea V_3

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 5,860
  • Pages: 8
‘Snack By The Sea’ By GoldFox I do not own either of these characters. Nereus is copyrighted to Jidane and is used with permission. And Kurt belongs to Marvel. I’m just borrowing them! <><><><><><><><><> Kurt winced as his alarm clock blared, looking out from under the covers blearily. Ugh… Was it 9 in the morning already? He used his tail to push the button and shut off the offending sound before crawling out of the warm, soft bed. He yawned and stretched a bit before he left his bedroom, heading for the bathroom, yawning as he scratched at the fur covering his stomach. That fur always got matted when he slept. After a good hot shower to clear his head, he went back and dressed in his normal clothes, not bothering to put on his holowatch. Just as he was shrugging on his brown jacket, Scott came in, knocking at the door frame to announce his presence. “Oh good, you’re up.” Scott said, grinning. “Breakfast is on the table. Hurry up if you want anything.” Turning around, he left, humming a quiet tune to himself. Kurt nodded and thanked Scott, then finished dressing, teleporting himself downstairs into his chair as soon as he was done. The normal mayhem of breakfast soon followed, with over 15 people trying to get their morning sustenance. It was a very noisy affair, but Kurt managed to get his own decent share and leaned back in his chair, crunching the bacon strip as he watched Rogue, Jean and Kitty argue about fashion and how their clothing matched or didn’t match. This was of no interest to Kurt, so he just grabbed a few more bacon strips with his tail and slipped out the door and away from the noise, munching happily. He went into the large lobby of the mansion and settled down on the couch, happily eating his bacon. But soon enough, breakfast ended in the other room, and the lobby began to fill up as everyone tried to find something to occupy their time. Kurt frowned a bit and then teleported himself outside. Once outside, he climbed up into a tree and finally relaxed a bit. He had never been good with crowds. Thanks to his appearance, he had gotten used to the idea of people being frightened of him, not wanting to see him because of how he looked. So he had gotten into the habit of hiding his true form from people. This had extended into physical contact. Shaking hands was a dangerous idea thanks to his hands only having two fingers and a thumb and even something as innocent as rubbing against him could have repercussions if his fur was felt. When he had first come to the institute, he hadn’t even wanted to shake hands with anyone and had constantly hid behind his holowatch, not wanting to cause any problems. But over time, he had grown more comfortable and wore the watch less and less around the mansion, more of his playful nature coming out as his fears started to decrease. But he was still learning, so he avoided crowds whenever he could. He looked up upon hearing shouting and saw that there was going to be a baseball game. Kurt grinned and jumped out of the tree, joining in the game. While it was true that they DID try to play without powers, one thing led to another and soon, not only did you have to watch for the baseball, but you had to be sure no ice, fire, electricity or anything else came flying at you while you tried to run from base to base or when you tried to catch the ball! During the course of the game, a few of the student used their powers to help them at bat and all the students groaned more than once as a ball flew out over to the cliffs, tumbling down to the

ocean’s edge. But they kept playing by pulling out spare baseballs from their reserves, knowing that someone would have to recover the lost baseballs after the game. After the game had ended, they all stood together to chose the ‘lucky’ person to retrieve the lost sports equipment. They all wrote down a number on a scrap of paper, and put it into a bucket. Scott reached in and plucked a number out, reading it aloud. You would think that the chosen one could just lie and then they would try to chose another person, but with a psychic in their midst, Kurt had no choice but to raise his hand and admit that it had been his number that Scott had called. The scraps of paper were burned for fun and Kurt was given the empty bucket while the other students walked off, trying out their powers and generally having fun, not giving him a second thought. Kurt scowled, but walked over to the cliffs. Once he thought about it, it would actually be best if he did the searching. His teleportation would certainly help make it faster than normal! But still he grumbled and scowled and he searched among the rocks, going on all fours since that made it easier to hang on to the smooth rocks and not fall. His half hour long search uncovered 4 baseballs, but he knew that there were still 2 to find. Where could they be? Kurt found himself going closer and closer down to the water’s edge, finding more sand and shells amid the rocks. He found one of the missing baseballs right by a tide pool and he peered into it, his tail flicking back and forth. No matter who you were, tide pools were pretty cool. He chuckled in amusement as he saw a little crab scuttling along the bottom of the tide pool, hardly an inch across! “Cute…” he muttered, reaching into the water. It was cool against his skin and he allowed his hand to rest in the water. That felt nice… His blue skin, while perfect for hiding in the shadows, often had the side-effect of attracting too much of the sun’s rays and he tended to get hot very easily. Maybe he’d go for a swim after finding the other baseball! That would be great! With such a ‘reward’ in his mind, he withdrew his hand, shaking the saltwater from it as he began his search anew and with vigor. However, his cheerful attitude soured as his search went on for another hour. “Why can’t I find it?” Kurt muttered aloud. He now found himself down by the water’s edge, being careful where he walked so that he didn’t slip and fall. Finally, Kurt just sat down, huffing angrily. That stupid baseball had probably fallen into the ocean or something! He was now sitting by what looked like a bowl make of rock. It was a depression with one end being level with the water, thus allowing water to come in and fill the two foot deep ‘bowl’. The water, but then not being able to drain out. But thanks to waves continuously breaking on it, this bowl was devoid of any life and was simply a rock bowl with sea water in it. It was large in size, roughly 10 feet wide with a few shallower patches, but pretty evenly 2 feet deep overall. Kurt perched on the ‘rim’ of the rock bowl, staring out at the water. He sighed and let his tail flop into the ocean and then swirled it around a bit. The coolness of the water settled him down a little bit, and reminded him of that swim he wanted so badly. He leaned out over the water, shutting his eyes and enjoying the salty spray. It felt like those spray bottle things that he saw people using in gyms, to wet their faces, but it smelled better. Kurt got up on all fours, his tail up in the air to balance himself, peering down into the water. Maybe he would be able to see something swimming around down there? The water here was calmer than the other places.

As he stared into the water, he saw something white. His first thought was that it was a shell or a crab or something like that, but it was too round… He leaned further forwards, squinting to try and cancel the glare of the water. With his nose almost an inch from the water, he could tell that the object was perfectly round and pure white. And were those red stitches on one side? He grinned. He had found the baseball! The stupid thing had soaked up the water and had sunk! He leaned forwards, reaching for it. It didn’t look too deep. He’d get this back up to the mansion and then have a nice swim in the pool. The first thing that Kurt realized was that something was holding his tail. The next instant, something cold swiftly wrapped around his leg, winding from his ankle up to his thigh. It was cold and felt a bit slimy. And then he felt a sting in his right leg, like he’d been jabbed with a needle. He yelped in surprise and spun around, trying to see his attacker, but only saw two pale, thick ropes of some sort, one wrapped around his tail, the other around his leg. Idly, he noticed that each of the two ‘ropes’ seemed to have a broad, flat tip, almost like his tail. His Danger Room Training went into effect and he instantly tried to teleport, but for some reason couldn’t! He instantly switched tactics and tried to jerk himself free, using his powerful muscles to try and buck his way to freedom. It had worked before in Danger Room scenarios, so it was worth a shot. But the ropes held him firmly, like they were glued to his skin and clothes! He couldn’t get them off no matter what he tried! He started to shout, trying to call for anyone to come and help him, but even as he did so, he knew that it as a hopeless gesture. He was just too far out of range! He tried to loosen the ropes, digging his nails into them, trying to get a grip to pry them off, but found that they weren’t rope, as he had initially thought. They felt kind of rubbery, but were very strong and tough. He couldn’t even scratch the surface! Plus, they were wet from being in the water and this combined with the soft slimy surface made his hands slip and loose their grips. But he kept fighting, shouting in both English and German. He heard the soft sound of water splashing and looking up, froze. Where the edge of the rock bowl met the water, there was a person looking at him. They were in the water, with one arm up to hold the rock, smiling broadly at him. Or at least, it looked kinda like a person. He could only see down to the torso, but that much alone left Kurt puzzled. The first think he noticed was that the skin seemed to be slightly orange-ish color, with a darker shade of orange on the back but a lighter, creamier color on the front and face. However, on the shoulders and sides of the arm, neck and torso, where the color turned to a stronger orange, there were white streaks still, almost looking like tattoos and reminding Kurt of that weird little sea creature he had seen on a school field trip to the aquarium. What had it been called? Oh right, a cuttlefish! This guy had tattoos like a cuttlefish on his sides! But on his arms, going down from the shoulder, the color remained an orange, fading to white as it got to the hands. But that was the most normal thing about this guy. Since one of his arms was lifted, Kurt could see that there was webbing under the arm, one part at the elbow and stretching to the middle of the ribcage. Kurt could see that the fingers on the creamy-white hands were webbed as well as they gripped at the rock, sporting large, inch-long claws instead of nails. Kurt looked at the face and was stunned. The face was pretty much a soft white color, but then it darkened to orange approaching the ears, which were long and pointed at both the tip and the lobe, which were both white, while the rest of the ear was that dark orange color. Apart from that, the ‘hair’ of this person, if you could call it that, seemed to be seaweed, but the way it hung wetly and the fact that there were two windings of metal around the ‘sea weed’, showed to Kurt that it was really hair. He guessed it was some sort of camouflage.

There wasn’t a nose, only a brief rise to show where it would be, with some lines leading to the small nostrils. The eyes were a soft blue color and even though there was an iris and a pupil, the rest of the eye, which should have been white, was also a gentle aqua blue. It was a bit strange to look at. Kurt saw a small flutter of movement and saw that on the neck, amid the tattoo-like orange and white colorations, where three slits which twitched from time to time. As he saw some water trickle out, Kurt realized that these were gills, like for a fish! The guy saw how he was staring at him and smiled broadly, revealing that he had fangs like Kurt, only his were bigger and sharper than the blue mutant’s. As Kurt stared, open mouthed, the guy then swam a bit, to the rim, and using both hands, raised himself out of the water. As Kurt went still, staring, seeing with his own eyes that this guy wasn’t human. Kurt had expected to see a normal waist and legs follow, but below the waist, instead of the body slimming down to a pair of leg, it swelled out. As the guy slid the rest of his body out of the water and pulled himself into the shallow bowl of rock, Kurt saw that the weird appendages were attached to him, at that swelling below his waist. The guy then got himself completely out of the ocean and lay on his side at the edge of the rock pool and Kurt openly stared. The swelling was a base for the two appendages holding him, and there were eight more! The other eight weren’t nearly as long as the ones holding him, nor were they as thin. In fact, they looked almost stubby in comparison. They weren’t the soft creamy-white as the long ones, but ranged from a darker orange at the base and paling towards the tip. But still, those smaller appendages were still about 5 feet long, while the ones holding Kurt by the leg and tail were easily 10 feet each. Looking more closely, Kurt realized that the appendages holding him were tentacles. What WAS this guy?! Some kind of cuttlefish-human hybrid?! All in all, from head to the tip of his tentacles, this guy was about 20 feet long! Softly, Kurt managed to gasp, “What ARE you?” The guy gave him a toothy grin. “I’ll tell you if you tell me what YOU are!” This seemed to be a very childish response to the situation and Kurt didn’t reply, a tad confused. The guy brought Kurt closer to him and grabbed his arm, pushing up the red sleeve to expose the blue arm. “I mean lookit you! You’re all furry! Talk about weird!” he said. He rubbed at the fur, as if to prove his point, but then paused and did it again, saying, “Ooohhh… You’re so soft!” He was obviously pleased by this, rubbing his hand over the fur, ruffling it and getting it damp. Kurt didn’t like the way that felt and tried to struggle, saying sharply, “Stop that!” But the tentacles held him firmly and he could only wriggle fruitlessly and helplessly. “No.” the guy responded, sticking out his tongue before rubbing the fur again, feeling how soft it was. Kurt got annoyed and tried to scratch at the guy, but couldn’t as some of the smaller tentacles slid up and wrapped around his ankles and wrists and one of them even went around his tail, pulling it straight so that it couldn’t wrap around anything. He could only fume angrily as the weird creature started to look him over. After checking his arm, the guy went and pulled up Kurt’s shirt, exposing his stomach and started to rub the fur there, remarking, “Wow… Even here too? Are you furry all over?” “Yes.” Kurt replied through gritted teeth. Maybe this guy was just another mutant or something and was just curious about him. The sooner he satisfied his curiosity, the sooner he would leave. He then decided to try and get on friendly terms with the guy and said, “My name’s Kurt. What’s yours?” The guy looked up at him, saying, “Nereus.” He then blinked and brought Kurt to be nose-tonose with him, saying, “Wow… your eyes are funny…” He used one hand to pull Kurt’s eye to be open further, letting him easily see the golden orb with no pupil.

Kurt found this odd, considered how Nereus’ eyes looked, but remained silent about that. He blinked and tried to pull his head away, saying, “Hey, knock it off!” While Nereus did obey, he started instead to pinch at the tip of Kurt’s ears, feeling how they were pointed, saying with a grin, “Your ears are pointed too!” He kept touching them for a bit and then noticed Kurt’s mouth and what it contained. Before Kurt could respond, he jammed a finger into Kurt’s mouth and forced it open, feeling the fangs within. Kurt immediately tried to close his mouth and bite, but Nereus’ hand was too strong so he could only growl softly as Nereus giggled, “These are kinda like mine, but yours are a lot smaller! How cute!” Kurt growled a bit louder at hearing this and tried to turn his head free so he could bite, to show that his ‘cute’ fangs still had some power behind them, but Nereus had already turned his interest to the blue feet, separating the two toes playfully and chuckling as Kurt tried to clench them, barking, “I swear, if you don’t let me go, you’ll regret it!” In response, Nereus only started to tickle Kurt’s feet, forcing him to laugh and twist and squirm. He then looked at the teleporter’s feet again, noting how different they were, remarking, “I’ve never seen anything like you before!” Given a break from the tickling, Kurt gasped in air but before he could speak, he yelped as Nereus grabbed his tail, giving it a little yank as he released it from one of the tentacles. Nereus felt along the 5 foot length of the tail, ruffling the fur and making it go the wrong way, making shivers go up Kurt’s spine. Coming to the barb at the end, he started to finger it, feeling how the arrow-head shaped tip was devoid of hair and very muscular. He chuckled when the barb and some of the tail wound around his hand, Kurt growling softly, “Let go.” Nereus shook his head, replying with a grin, “Nope.” Kurt saw a strange light in the Nereus’ eyes as he smiled at him and something about it make Kurt feel weird inside, like there was something painfully obvious that he was missing. He tried to figure out what it was, but was frustrated as he came up blank. Nereus released his tail, but as soon as Kurt tried to use it to pry off one of the tentacles holding his foot, another one whipped up and grabbed it firmly above the barb, holding tight and not letting go. Nereus grinned and leaned backwards to be lying down on his back, leaning back on his arms while his lower body rested in the rock pool. Most of the water was splashed out by this action, but he didn’t seem to mind having only a foot of water around him. Kurt seemed to snap back into a normal state of mind and started to kick and shout, struggling to get free. Nereus chuckled, saying, “Isn’t this is a great day to have lunch by the shore?” Nereus then leaned back a bit more, to be pretty much on his back, smirking to himself. Kurt was confused at this but then watched, his eyes growing wide in terror. The eight little tentacles had, at fist glance, been the only thing at the creature’s waist, but now, with Nereus on his back, it showed that there was something under there. The eight tentacles all moved at once, some lifting up, some moving aside, to reveal a mouth, like you normally find on squids and octopi. But instead of a beak, there was a round mouth. It was closed for now, but as Nereus worked a few muscles, it opened, revealing a dark opening lined with two rows of small teeth. Kurt’s golden eyes grew huge as he stared. “No…” he murmured softly, unable to believe it. This couldn’t be happening! It was like something out of a nightmare! Kurt felt numb and distant and didn’t resist as Nereus turned him around, the tentacles wrapped around his leg sliding and moving to gently wrap both his calves, keeping them still as Nereus pushed them at the entrance of his second mouth. It was right when his bare toes were touching the warm, damp flesh that Kurt realized that what was going on was for real. He went crazy, shouting and wriggling and moving, and he screamed as his two-toed blue feet slid into the hot recesses of the creature up to the ankles.

Nereus moaned a little bit as Kurt’s feet moved, feeling the blue fur ruffling against his flesh, the soft fuzz tickling the inside of his second mouth. “Wow… Never had a furry one before… Sure feels nice…” Nereus smiled as he shifted his tentacle up Kurt’s legs, to his knees, and holding him still, pulled him in again with his muscles, groaning softly. But he then looked up as Kurt, with all his kicking and screaming, actually managed to free a foot and was kicking viciously at the edge of Nereus’ second mouth. He chuckled at this attempt and rewrapped the tentacle around Kurt’s calves, trapping the free foot, and shoved the two blue feet into him again and this time, used the teeth to keep him still. Kurt yelped in surprise and pain as his feet were captured again and then shoved back into the squishy, hot flesh and this time he felt something numerous and sharp and small digging into his ankles, keeping them trapped. He looked and saw that it was those little teeth he had noticed earlier. They were holding his feet! He struggled, trying to pry the other tentacle off his arm as he felt the second one winding up to his knees and pushing him in further, to his mid-calves. It was very hot inside Nereus, very slippery and slimy too and Kurt didn’t like it one bit. He felt the bottoms of his pants ruffle at the entrance of the mouth, getting pushed up to his knees as he was drawn further in, but the tentacle, with a bit of prodding from that flatten tip, pushed the jeans into the mouth, the slime inside wetting them and making them stick to Kurt’s leg and yet still kept a firm coil around his legs, right above his knees. Kurt rolled to his front, twisting his legs inside of the Nereus, who moaned at the wonderful feeling and used the movement to pull Kurt in sharply, now trapping him up to his thighs. Kurt mentally smacked himself for such a stupid mistake, and then began to claw desperately at the rock, glancing back over his shoulder at the creature holding him. His barbed tail, not yet trapped, was flailing around, trying to find something to hang on to, but it found nothing and only got soaking wet with the cold seawater. Nereus noticed this and leaning forwards, reached and grabbed the blue limb while Kurt growled and tried to pull himself free. Nereus fingered the slender, prehensile tail, chuckling as he said, “Well, as fun as this thing is, it’s time to tuck it away.” He held the tail up and one of the tentacles grabbed it again, but thanks to the fact it was slick with the salt water, it slipped from the tentacle’s grasp. Nereus saw this and instead of being angry, laughed. “You certainly are a squirmy little fellow, aren’t you?” But then Nereus looked down at himself more critically. While lying on the dark rock, his lightcolored body was making him a tad too visible for his liking. He grinned at Kurt and then, without pausing in his consumption of the teenager, said, “Oops… I’d better blend in, don’t you think? Don’t want anyone to disturb us!” and began to change his skin-color, darkening it to exactly match the rocks beneath him. Kurt stared at the tentacle on his arm, watching as the edges of it started to turn a darker color. He twisted his head around and saw that this was happening all over Nereus’ body, making him blend into the rock. It would make it impossible for anyone to see him from a distance. Kurt kept struggling, shouting as he felt his thighs get pushed and sucked inside of the hot tunnel. He started to shout, “Let me go! Why are you doing this?! Let me go!!” Nereus moaned as Kurt kept wriggling and kicking, now letting both long tentacles wrap around Kurt’s chest, keeping him in place. Those furry legs weren’t going anywhere now but in his stomach! He smiled and chuckled, answering, “Why? Because I’m hungry. I thought anyone could have figured that out by now!” This prompted even more struggling and Nereus chuckled at how it felt to have almost half of the mutant stuck inside of him. He shifted the two longest tentacles to have one wrapped around each of the blue mutant’s wrists and then forced both his arms down at his side, using his muscles to pull at the blue mutant, sucking Kurt into his waist, his hands how trapped to his sides. He found it was interesting as he felt the long, slender feet kicking around in his stomach,

forcing the walls out in little bugles. It felt terrific and it just looked so funny too! He pressed his hand to one bulge and chuckled when Kurt cursed at him and then started to kick more energetically. That felt funny! Thanks to his position, Kurt’s tail doubled over so that the tip now flexed and twisted in distress out past his head, but it was unable to grab at anything. He felt a weird suction and heard Nereus chuckle as his tail was drawn into the fleshy toothy mouth, slurped up like a bit of spaghetti. Kurt shouted as he was pulled past his waist, to his lower chest, his hands still held to his sides by the two tentacles. As he was pulled in deeper, he wondered if he could grab them once they let him go and use them to escape. But as soon as he had thought this, they did indeed let go of him and slide out. He tried to grab one, but he couldn’t move his hands at all! They were stuck too firmly against his sides by the tight, hot flesh! A bunch of the smaller tentacles lay on his shoulders and chest, giving him a little bit of a push and Kurt grimaced as he felt himself being pulled irrefutably inwards by powerful muscles. His feet and legs were starting to curl up now and though he couldn’t see it, he was starting to make a bulge in Nereus’ gut. He kept shouting and struggling to escape, but to no avail as he was pulled and sucked deeper and deeper into the hot, dark depths of this creature, those little teeth digging into his skin to keep him from slipping back out. Kurt started to feel despair once he was in to his mid-chest, panting hard in order to keep breathing. The strong muscles were crushing him, holding him tight, and all those little teeth poking him weren’t helping to make breathing any easier! No longer needed to hold him still, the tentacles withdrew from his body, sliding off of him and making him shudder and cry out. He was starting to sweat from the extreme heat that the lower half of his body was exposed to, and he felt that his legs were bent up now, sliding around in a very hot, slippery chamber. He tried to kick, to find some resistance and thus push himself back out, but the flesh only stretched to accommodate him and he got nowhere. Kurt could barely see any of the outside world anymore. He only saw the dark flesh surrounding the mouth and when he looked up, his vision was blocked by all those smaller tentacles which twitched and waved as Nereus moaned and made noises of pleasure. Kurt got angry at hearing this and started to kick and squirm angrily, shouting, “You let me go right now! I mean it!” When Nereus only chuckled at his words, saying, “Are you kidding me? This feels wonderful!”, Kurt got very angry indeed. As soon as one of the smaller tentacles drifted within range, Kurt opened his mouth, clamped his fangs down on the appendage and bit as hard as he could, drawing blood. It tasted warm and salty in his mouth and he could see that it was pretty much the equivalent to a paper cut for Nereus, but he wasn’t about to let go, growling softly. Nereus raised a green eyebrow in surprise as he felt the little bite and then used another of the smaller tentacles to smack the mutant on the head, saying, like to a misbehaving puppy, “Bad! No biting!” Kurt yelped at being hit, releasing his bite and then started cursing again in German as he felt himself get sucked in again. Nereus sighed in pleasure as he felt a few more inches of the teleporter get drawn into his stomach. Kurt was struggling and wriggling like crazy and it only helped to please Nereus, who was now in a state of utter bliss. With a grin, he tensed all his muscles, calling out to Kurt, even though he couldn’t see him anymore, “One last deep breath now!” Kurt heard this and against his will, he instinctively took a breath as, with a powerful muscle spasm, he felt himself get drawn inward all the way in a rush, the hot flesh creeping up and completely covering his head. He cried out immediately and thrashed, trying to resist as he felt

himself get pulled along, finally ending up in a hot, slimy chamber. He started to twist and turn around, like a cat, trying to bite, to scratch to cause some sort of harm, but the flesh was slippery and tough, defying his nails and fangs. Nereus groaned and sighed in both pleasure and relief as he felt Kurt finally squirm and wriggle his way into his stomach, which was now hugely distended with his meal. He smiled and then thought that now that he had his prey tucked away, it should be safe enough to return to his normal colors. He quickly returned to his normal orange and white coloration and looking at his bloated belly, laughed. Thanks to his distended and stretched flesh, his normally white belly was blue and red, the shirt and blue fur of his lunch showing quite clearly through his flesh. He patted at his gut, smirking as he felt Kurt retaliate with a lot of kicking and struggling, still shouting at him and trying to escape. Nereus smiled, rubbing at the prominent bulge. He felt how strongly Kurt was struggling and knew that if he kept that up, his air wouldn’t last for more than half an hour! Nereus was tempted to tell him this, but upon feeling a powerful shove and kick that only made him grin, he decided to let Kurt discover this on his own. Nereus patted again at his stomach before turning towards the ocean again. It was time to get going. While coming on land was okay for getting a meal, staying there wasn’t such a good idea. By pulling with his arms and pushing with his tentacles, he managed to pull himself to the edge of the rock bowl and slid himself into the water, his swollen gut causing him to create a modest splash. Once in the water, he inhaled deeply, and then exhaled all the air from his lungs. He inhaled again and felt his gills take over, the cool water flowing over them feeling like refreshing air. He sighed in content as he felt Kurt still kicking, not realizing what on earth was going on. Kurt had felt a sensation of falling and then had heard a splash and now he felt really weird, like he was in water, but he wasn’t! What was going on?! He pushed again at the slick walls, not to hurt, but this time to try and find a way out, using his feet and tail as well, to shorten his searching time. His roving tail found the way he had come in, but no matter how much he wriggled or pushed his fingers, toes and tail tip, he just couldn’t get the opening to widen. He was stuck here. Sorrow finally caught up with him and while he started to struggle again, he felt hot tears flow down his slimecovered cheeks. Nereus paused a moment to savor these delicious sensations before he started to swim, heading to a small underwater cave. It wasn’t wise to swim around all bloated like this; he was too much of a target. He’d have to rest for a few days, until his body slimmed down again. As he swam around, looking for a small cave or something, he felt that Kurt was still struggling. He smiled as he swam, relishing every push and kick and shove. Finally finding something suitable for his liking, Nereus settled down. He rested both hands on his stomach, poking and prodding at Kurt as he moved. He felt a tad disappointed, knowing that the struggles would last, at the most, another 30 minutes, but he didn’t mind. While they lasted, they felt terrific! Nereus leaned his head back on the rock wall, sighing in bliss. Maybe he’d stick around here for a while. Kurt obviously had friends around this place. Wouldn’t they come looking for him sooner or later? FIN?

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