October 6, 2009
Dear Shawnee Mission Park Neighbor,
S H AW N EE M I S S I O N ON PA R K O FF FFII C ES 79 0 0 R e n n eerr R o a d Shawnee Mission, KS 6 6219 - 97 23 972
Voic e 91 3. 43 8 . 7 2 75 oice 913 438 T D D 91 3. 913. 3.8 831.33 42 F a x 91 3 . 4 9 2. 7 2 7 5 913
20 0 9 BOA RD OF PA R K & RECR E AT I O N RECRE C O M M I S S I O N ER S Gary K. Montague C h a iirr Anthony L. Adams Steve Baru Bill Flohrs
Please be advised that implementation of the initial phase of the Johnson County Park and Recreation District’s deer management plan will begin on or after October 9, 2009 and may continue through November 31. Because the initial phase is a police operation utilizing law enforcement sharpshooters, the specific harvest dates will not be made public. Please be assured, however, that public safety was the primary concern in the development of the plan and it will continue to be throughout its implementation. The many safety procedures and precautions incorporated into the police operations plan for the initial harvest include the following: -
The harvest will take place outside of normal park hours.
The specially trained police sharpshooters will be using rifles with sound suppressors.
All of the shots taken will be at short range and will be directed toward the interior of the park.
When the harvest is in progress the interior and perimeter of the park will be closely monitored by law enforcement personnel.
After the initial harvest has been completed, the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks will conduct a survey to estimate the size of the herd and the resulting data will be used by the District to determine whether a secondary harvest will be needed. The secondary harvest could begin as early as December 7, 2009 and continue through the month of January. If an additional harvest does take place it will involve certified archers that have been carefully screened and tested. The safety procedures and precautions for the secondary harvest would include the following:
George J. Schlagel
The harvest would be managed by Park Police in cooperation with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks.
The harvest would be confined to closed and restricted areas of the park, and would not impact normal park hours or interfere with regular park use.
In order to be considered, archers must be 18 years of age, have a valid Kansas hunting license, and have successfully completed a bow hunter education course.
In order to participate, archers must complete the District’s Shawnee Mission Park Archery Deer Harvest Class and pass an archery proficiency test.
Na n c y Wa l lle e r s te in en Dr. M a r v i n E . W oll ollen
D IREC CTT O R O F PA R KS & RECR E AT I O N RECRE Mi cha e l D . Mead o rs Mic ae Meado
For additional information on the District’s deer management program, please visit our website at www.jcprd.com. If at any point you have questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to give us a call at 438-7275.
Sincerely, The Board and Staff of the Johnson County Park and Recreation District
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