Smart Home Technologies: Networking

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Smart Home Technologies Networking

Networking for Smart Homes   

Requirements Network Topologies Technologies 


Service Discovery

Requirements 

Noise Rejection  

Bandwidth 

Sensors have to be connected to processing units

Integration 

Smart Homes can contain many sensors and actuators Sensor data can be generated at different rates

Connectivity 

Network has to allow for reliable communication Requires preservation of data and synchronization of data lines

Network structures have to be integrated into buildings

Privacy and Security 

Smart Home networks will transfer private and sensitive data

Bandwidth Requirements Example        

Camera (15) – 320x240, 8-bit color Motion (15) – distance, direction, velocity Temperature (12) Humidity (12) Light (12) – frequency, intensity Microphone (12) – 8000 Hz Gas (4) Pressure (100)

Bandwidth Requirements Sensor


Bits/sec (1)

Bits/sec (total)

Camera (320x240) 8-bit color




Motion (dir/dis/vel)












Light (inten/freq)




Microphone (8KHz)
















Other Bandwidth Requirements 

Audio    

Phones (16 kHz, 8 bit) Radios (44 kHz, 16 bit) TVs (44 kHz, 16 bit) Media players (44 kHz, 16 bit) Monitoring (16 kHz, 8 bit)

2.4 Mbits/sec (one each) Internet, control, …

Video 

Phones (30fps, 320x240, 8-bit color) TVs (60 fps, 1024x768, 24-bit color) Video players (60 fps, 1024x768, 24-bit color) Monitoring (30 fps, 320x240, 8-bit color)

~6.9 Gbits/sec (one each)

Other Bandwidth Requirements

Other Network Requirements   

Worst-case throughput: 10 Gbits/sec Maximum throughput: 5 Gbits/sec Quality of Service (QoS) 

Audio, video

Plug and play (service discovery)

Network Topologies 

Infrastructure-Based Networks  

Point-To-Point Networks   

Pre-defined routes through the network Nodes can directly address each other and routers forward packets appropriately Addition of nodes changes the routing pattern Every node has a connection to every other node Communication is directly between the nodes High overhead setting up the connections for new nodes

Ad-Hoc Networks   

Routes are determined “on the fly” and can change Nodes forward signals for other nodes Addition of nodes can be handled relatively straightforwardly

Topologies (Point-to-Point) 



Every device is connected to every other device Good points 



  

simplest approach no addressing needed everyone is your neighbor you can always talk to your neighbor

Bad points 

number of ports/lines grow relatively quickly with the number of devices

Topologies (Hierarchy) 


Devices are connected via hubs to other devices 

Good points 


fewer connections devices can have neighborhoods

Bad points 


If everyone is connected to a single hub, it is called a Star topology

 

you need an address you may have to wait to talk to a neighbor asymmetric communication with some devices

Topologies (Broadcast) 

A 


All of the devices are connected to a single wire Good points 


Bad points 


single wire everyone is your neighbor

  

you need an address you may have to wait to talk to anyone collisions can occur communication times become statistical

Physical Addresses 


0001 

If more than two devices are on the same wire (bus), you will need an address to send and receive data Approaches 



Issues 


1000 


separate vs. combined data/address lines hardwired vs. selectable address

as the number of devices increase, the address space (size of the address) must increase hardwired addresses may tell you nothing about the network topology addresses will be used up by devices that might not be on-line 

so your address space may be too big, causing too much overhead

Virtual Addresses 



A solution to some physical address problems is a virtual address 

01 10

Approaches  



the address space (size of the address) can be reduced by only giving addresses to on-line devices addresses can be set up to support network topology fixed vs. run-time addresses universal vs. p-to-p addresses

Issues  

how to assign them their relationship to the physical address

Network Technologies 

Wired   

Phone Line Power Line New Wire

Wireless  

RF Infrared

Wired Network Technology Examples 

Phone line 

Power line  

 

Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA) X10 Consumer Electronics Bus (CEBus) HomePlug LonWorks

New wire   

Ethernet (coax, twisted pair, optical fiber) Universal Serial Bus (USB) IEEE 1394 Firewire 

Home Audio Video Interoperability (HAVi)

Specialty: audio, video

Phoneline Networking 

Home Phoneline Networking Alliance (HomePNA) 

IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet)  Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD)

10 Mbps (HPNA 2.0) Length: 500 feet

HomePNA Packet

HomePNA Frequencies   

Standard voice (POTS): 20Hz - 3.4kHz UADSL: 25kHz - 1.1MHz Home network: 5.5MHz - 9.5MHz

Phoneline Network Issues 

Random wiring topologies & signal attenuation 

Home phoneline wiring system is a random “tree” topology Simply plugging in the phone or disconnecting the fax changes the tree This topology can cause signal attenuation

Signal noise 

Appliances, heaters, air conditioners, consumer appliances & telephones can introduce signal noise onto the phone wires

Powerline Networking   

Ubiquity of power lines 10+ Mbps Technologies   

X10 Consumer Electronics Bus (CEBus) HomePlug LonWorks

X10 

X10 controllers send signals over existing AC wiring to receiver modules X10 technology transmits binary data using the Amplitude Modulation (AM) technique

X10 

To differentiate the data symbols, the carrier uses the zero-voltage crossing point of the 60Hz AC sine wave on the cycle’s positive or negative transition Synchronized receivers accept the carrier at each zero-crossing point X10 uses two zero crossings to transmit a binary digit so as to reduce errors

X10 

Every bit requires a full 60 Hertz cycle and thus the X10 transmission rate is limited to only 60 bps Usually a complete X10 command consists of two packets with a 3 cycle gap between each packet 

Each packet contains two identical messages of 11 bits (or 11 cycles) each A complete X-10 command consumes 47 cycles that yields a transmission time of about 0.8s

Consumer Electronics Bus (CEBus) 

Open standard providing separate physical layer specification for communication on power lines and other media  

Electronic Industries Association (EIA-600)

Data packets are transmitted by the transceiver at about 10 Kbps Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) Employing spread spectrum technology (100Hz-400 Hz)

OSI and CEBus (EIA-600)

Spread Spectrum Modulation 

Frequency spectrum of a data-signal is spread using a code uncorrelated with that signal Sacrifices bandwidth to gain signal-to-noise performance

HomePlug 

HomePlug Powerline Alliance 

Spread-spectrum technology

HomePlug 

Speed  

Support file transfers at 10BaseT-like rates Either node-to-node file transfer or scenarios with multiple nodes performing simultaneous file transfers HomePlug 1.0 (14 Mbps)

Voice over IP (VoIP) 

Maintain adequate QoS while supporting multiple, simultaneous VoIP calls while other nodes are transferring files and during multiple media streams

HomePlug 

Interoperability  

Interoperate with other networking technologies Co-exist with existing powerline networking technologies such as X-10, CEBus and LonWorks

Security  

Contain strong privacy features Support multiple logical networks on a single physical medium Be applicable to markets in North America, Europe and Asia

LonWorks  

Local Operation Networks (LonWorks) Developed by Echelon Corporation 

 

Provides a peer-to-peer communication protocol, implementing Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) techniques 1.25 Mbps Works for other wired and wireless media

LonWorks 

A common message-based communications protocol LonTalk protocol implements all seven layers of the OSI model using a mixture of hardware and firmware on a silicon chip Protocol can be run as fast as 20 MHz

Powerline Network Issues 

Noise  

Switching power supplies Wound motors 

Vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, drills


Security Signal attenuation

New Wire Networking   

Ethernet (coax, twisted pair, optical fiber) Universal Serial Bus (USB) IEEE 1394 Firewire 

Home Audio Video Interoperability (HAVi)

Specialty: audio, video

Ethernet 

IEEE 802.3  

IEEE 802.3ae  

CSMA/CD Up to 1 Gbps 10GBase-X, 10 Gps Lengths up to 40 km

IEEE 802.3

Universal Serial Bus (USB)        480 Mbps Plug and Play Hot pluggable Up to 127 devices simultaneously Powered bus 5m maximum cable length

IEEE 1394 Firewire (i.LINK) 

Digital interface 

No need to convert digital data into analog and tolerate a loss of data integrity Transferring data @ 100, 200, 400 Mbps

Physically small 

The thin serial cable can replace larger and more expensive interfaces

IEEE 1394 Firewire  

No need for terminators or device IDs Hot pluggable 

Users can add or remove 1394 devices with the bus active

Scaleable architecture 

May mix 100, 200, and 400 Mbps devices on a bus

IEEE 1394 Firewire 

It can connect up to 63 devices @ transfer rate of 400Mbps Up to 16 nodes can be daisy- chained through the connectors 

Standard cables up to 4.5 m in length for a total standard cable length of 72 m

IEEE 1394 Firewire 

Flexible topology 

Support of daisy chaining and branching for true peer-to-peer communication


IEEE 1394b 

1394b is a significant enhancement to the basic 1394 specification that enables:  

Speed increases to 3.2 Gbps Distances of 100 meters on UTP-5, plastic optical fiber and glass optical fiber Significantly reduces latency times by using arbitration

Fully backwards compatible with the current 1394 and 1394a specifications


(Inter-Integrated Circuit) 

One of the oldest controller buses 

Philips (1980s)

Low-cost chip-to-chip communication link 

uses two wires to form a clocked serial bus 

one called Clock (SCL) and the other Data (SDA)

the SDA carries address, selection, control, and data

Overview   

multi-master bus (up to 1024 devices) can run at speed up to 3.4 Mbps can be used as a SAN 

but normal ranges are on the order of 14 cm

Home Audio Video Interoperability (HAVi) 

HAVi is a digital Audio Video networking initiative that provides a home networking software specification 

Seamless interoperability among home entertainment products

Designed to meet the particular demands of digital audio and video

HAVi 

Defines operating-system-neutral middleware that manages:  

Takes advantage of chips built into modern audio and video appliances 

Multi-directional AV streams Event schedule Registries

Provides the management function of a dedicated audio-video networking system

IEEE 1394 (i. LINK or FireWire) has been chosen as the interconnection medium

Specialty Wiring 

Audio   

Video   

Coax RCA Speaker wire Coax RCA VGA

~100m maximum cable lengths

Automotive Inspired Busses


(Local Interconnect Network)  

Designed for European cars (still used) Very simple  

single wire single mastered bus

Overview   

1 master, up to 16 Slaves uses a message-based protocol maximum distance of 40 m Two data rates 

9,600 and 19.2 Kbps


(Controller Area Network ) 

CAN was designed to support emission control system in European cars 

Capable of 

but became a general automation control bus high-speed (1 Mbits/s) data transmission over short distances (40 m) low-speed (5 kbits/s) transmissions at lengths of up to 10,000 m

Overview  

a multi-master bus highly fault tolerant 

Built-in support for error detection and handling


(Media Oriented System Transport) 

An inexpensive automotive and appliance network 

25 Mbps fiber-optic bus for real-time data transfer used in surroundsound systems and CD and DVD players

FlexRay 

 

Designed to replace LIN, CAN and MOST as a ‘by wire’ solution for future cars It is a fiber-optic bus (like MOST) Current speed 

But it is designed to go much higher 

10 Mbps could run faster than 100 Mbps

But remember 

that is faster than most current microcontroller’s internal bus speed

Wireless Network Technologies 

   

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) HomeRF Bluetooth IEEE 802.11 HiperLAN2 Infrared

General Wireless  

Narrow band Spread spectrum  

Direct Sequence (DSSS) Frequency Hopping (FHSS)

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)


     

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) Digital radio technology Dynamic channel selection Encryption, authentication, identification 500 Kbps – 2 Mbps Cordless phones

HomeRF   Shared Wireless Access Protocol (SWAP)  

IEEE 802.11 for data DECT for voice

HomeRF 

Specifications  

  

2.4 GHz band FHSS 1.6 Mbps (10 Mbps with SWAP 2.0) 50m range 127 nodes

Bluetooth   Ericsson, the principal inventor, borrowed the name from Harald Bluetooth (son of Gorm)  

The King of Denmark circa 900AD United Denmark and Norway

Bluetooth 

Specifications  

2.4 GHz FHSS (79 channels)  

  

1600 hops per second Error correction

1 Mbps capacity, 780 Kbps throughput 10m distance Low power (1 mW)

Bluetooth  

Personal Area Networks (PANs) Piconet 

Collection of up to 8 devices using same hopping sequence

Scatternet 

Collection of piconets, each with different hopping sequence

IEEE 802.11 Standard

Frequency PHY Layer

Data Rate



5 GHz


54 Mbps



2.4 GHz


11 Mbps


802.11e, MAC layer

Offers QoS and backwards compatibility (in committee)


2.4 GHz


54 Mbps

* Data rate degrades with distance.


HiperLAN2        5 GHz 54 Mbps OFDM Automatic frequency allocation TDMA/TDD (Time Division) QoS support

Infrared   Directed – line of sight 

Diffuse – reflective 

1m range

Limited to room size

Speed   

4 Mbps available 16 Mbps coming 50 Mbps possible

Wireless Networking

Wireless Issues  

Distance 2.4 GHz interference 

 

Microwave ovens Cordless phones

Security Not a backbone solution

Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) 

802.15.X 

Intended for low cost, low distance, low power personal networks Often intended for mesh networking 

E.g. ZigBee (build on 802.11.4)

Ad-Hoc Mesh Networks 

Ad-Hoc networks of wireless sensors and devices 

Benefits:   

Easy to build (require no infrastructure to be available) Dynamic and mobile Fault tolerant (usually no single point of failure)

Challenges: 

Choice of routing to optimize performance  

QoS Power consumption

Synchronization and collision avoidance

Service Discovery  

Self-configuring devices Device becomes aware of network, network services and other devices Automatic, as opposed to manual (e.g., DHCP, DNS, LDAP) Several incompatible protocols

Service Discovery Protocols     

Salutation Service Location Protocol (SLP) Jini Universal Plug and Play Zero-Configuration Networking

Salutation   Architecture for looking up, discovering and accessing services and information

Salutation 

Abstractions for devices, applications, and services Current definitions 

   

 

Printers Fax machines Document storage devices Address book Schedule Voice message answer, send, storage More coming (e.g., display, OS)

Salutation   

Capabilities exchange protocol Service request protocol “Personalities” (standardized protocols for common services) APIs for information access and session management

Service Location Protocol (SLP) 

 

Developed by Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Applies existing Internet standards to service discovery problem

SLP Agents 

User Agent (UA) 

Service Agent (SA) 

The SLP User Agent is a software entity that is looking for the location of one or more services.

The SLP Service Agent is a software entity that provides the location of one or more services.

Directory Agent(DA) 

The SLP Directory Agent is a software entity that acts as a centralized repository for service location information.

SLP Messages 

Service Request (SrvRqst) 

Message sent by UAs to SAs and DAs to request the location of a service.

Service Reply (SrvRply) 

Message sent by SAs and DAs in reply to a SrvRqst. The SrvRply contains the URL of the requested service.

SLP Messages (cont.) 

Service Registration (SrvReg) 

Service Deregister (SrvDeReg) 

Message sent by SAs to DAs containing information about a service that is available. Message sent by SAs to inform DAs that a service is no longer available.

Service Acknowledge (SrvAck) 

A generic acknowledgment that is sent by DAs to SAs as a reply to SrvReg and SrcDeReg messages.

SLP Messages (cont.) 

Attribute Request (AttrRqst) 

Message sent by UAs to request the attributes of a service.

Attribute Reply (AttrRply) 

Message sent by SAs and DAs in reply to a AttrRqst. The AttrRply contains the list of attributes that were requested.

SLP Messages (cont.) 

Service Type Request (SrvTypeRqst) 

Message sent by UAs to SAs and DAs requesting the types of services that are available.

Service Type Reply (SrvTypeRply) 

Message by SAs and DAs in reply to a SrvTypeRqst. The SrvTypeRply contains a list of requested service types.

SLP Messages (cont.) 

DA Advertisement (DAAdvert) 

SA Advertisement (SAAdvert) 

Message sent by DAs to let SAs and UAs know where they are. Message sent by SAs to let UAs know where they are.

Unicast or multicast messaging

Jini 

Service discovery for networks of Javaenabled devices


Jini   

Services Lookup Communications 

  

Java-RMI, CORBA, …

Security Leasing Events

Universal Plug and Play  

Microsoft’s service discovery approach IP-based discovery protocols 

 

XML Examples

Universal Plug and Play 

Devices  

Containers for services XML description

Services 

Actions (i.e., methods)  

 

Control server Event server

State (i.e., variables) XML description

Universal Plug and Play 

Control points 

 

Retrieve the device description and get a list of associated services. Retrieve service descriptions for interesting services. Invoke actions to control the service. Subscribe to the service’s event source. Anytime the state of the service changes, the event server will send an event to the control point.

UPnP Protocols 

Protocols   

UDP, TCP/IP, HTTP, XML Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) Generic Event Notification Architecture (GENA) 

Send/receive event notifications using HTTP over TCP/IP and multicast UDP

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 

XML and HTTP for remote procedure calls

UPnP Protocol Stack UPnP Vendor Defined

UPnP Forum Working Committee Defined

UPnP Device Architecture Defined


HTTPMU GENA (Discovery)


HTTPU (Discovery)


SOAP (Control)

HTTP GENA (Events)

HTTP (Description)



Zero-Configuration Networking   

Zeroconf ( IETF standard Objectives 

Allocate addresses without a DHCP server Translate between names and IP addresses without a DNS server Find services, like printers, without a directory server Allocate IP Multicast addresses without a MADCAP server 

Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol

Zeroconf Protocols 

Address autoconfiguration    

Configure interfaces with unique addresses Determine which subnet mask to use Detect duplicate address assignment Cope with collisions

Name-to-address translation  

Multicast DNS Decentralized

Zeroconf Protocols 

Service discovery  

Service Location Protocol (SLP) DNS Service Resource Record 

Use expanded DNS for service requests

Multicast address allocation 

Zeroconf Multicast Address Allocation Protocol (ZMAAP)   

Allocate unique addresses and maintain them over time Prevent reallocation of assigned addresses Be notified of multicast allocation collision

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