Small Engine Basics I

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 10
Name: Ms. Klingler Date: March 25, 2019 Area: PSTS Job: Understanding Small Engines (Basics) Class: 1st hour Ag. Mechanics Situation: After coming off of spring break we will begin a unit on small engines. The previous week before break, we working on oxyacetylene cuts, which the students completed. Today, we will begin the unit into small engines by covering the basics of the engine and how they function. The following lesson will cous on finishing covering the basics, as well as learning the difference between a two- and four-stroke engine. Standards: PSTS.08.01.a – Identify electric motors, small gas engines, and farm power systems and their applications. PSTS.08.05.a – Identify and describe functions of each small gas engine component. PSTS.08.06.a – Identify components of the system, engine nomenclature, and operating principles of the system (including ignition, exhaust, cooling, lubrication, fuel) for both diesel and gas engines. Targets/Questions/Objectives: Students will identify the common components on small gas engines. Students will explain the functions of the various components on small gas engines. Students will summarize their understanding of small engines before and after the lesson. Materials Needed: Computer PowerPoint YouTube Engine part pictures and names Student Notebooks Notecards Plan of Action (Time included): TOTAL TIME: 57 minutes  Bellwork: “What do you know about small gas engines? Explain.”  Have students Pair-Share their responses, then ask for feedback from the group.  Instructor may have to wait for announcements. (10 minutes) Body of lesson:  After discussing bellwork with students, start PowerPoint  Slide 1: discuss history of small engines. Did they know small engines began with steam engines?  Slide 2: share equipment that uses small engines for operation.  Slide 3: Share important small engine parts. Before moving on, have students try to match types of small engine parts to the pictures around the classroom.  Using the list on Slide 3, have students try to match up what they think each picture is to the terms they have. (~10 minutes)

Once students have figured out the different parts, discuss each part and its basic functions.  Slide 4 and 5: Share the images showing the whole set-up of the engine with all parts labeled.  Slide 6: Discuss the basics of how engines work.  Slide 7: Discuss the 4 cycles in engines. Watch the Briggs and Stratton Video (3:04).  Pause the video and have students take notes.  Have students heard of the 4 cycles before? What did they find interesting?  If there’s additional time, use the ATP book to go over some information for clarification.  Share some of this video: (Single Cylinder Engines; 2:30) (42 minutes) Closure:  Before the end of class, have students recall the 4 cycles in an engine. (Intake, Compression, Power, Exhaust). Have students create a hieroglyph/image that will help them remember the four cycles (ex. – Intake = inhaling person).  On a notecard, have students write down one thing they learned and one question they have. (5 minutes) Knowledge/Skills/Dispositions targeted on this lesson: Assessment Plan- What did students learn? How do you know? Today, students will have learned about the basic components of small engines and where they can be found or used. Students will also have learned what the highlighted parts in the lesson do and why they are important in the operation of the equipment. Students learning will be apparent through their participation in class through questioning and trying to figure out the various parts. Students will also be taking notes about the information covered. The notecard students fill out at the end of class will also the instructor to assess students learning and what they would like to learn more about. Attached:  Content –  Activity –  Assessment – Resources:   Google Images for pictures of small engine parts  

Cylinder Head

Cylinder Head

Spark Plug

Spark Plug















Fuel Tank

Fuel Tank







Connecting Rods

Connecting Rods



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