Slmr 1913 01 30

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  • Words: 32,589
  • Pages: 28
VOL. 14. No. 20.









This is the "Oil Age" just as it is the age of mechanics; both are inseparably connect· ed. No commodity before or in our own gen· eration has had such a univer<sal variety of uses. One hundred years ago petroleum or any of its products was not considered a factor in the world's commerce. Today it is one of the greates-t factor·s. It supplies actual nec­ essities, has enriched the men who have re· fined and distributed its various products,



gether in buiJd:ng Nineveh and Babylon, of . for its wonderful curing power, a natural it being used as an illuminant by the Chi· medicine, ,pumped from a well in Alleghany nese, centuries before Clhrist. The Egyptians County, Pennsylvania. Four hundred feet be­ used it for embalming; the Romans and law the surface of the ground." This was an Greeks for building and paving; the French advertisement put on bottles by Dr. ,Samuel of the sixteenth century used it for medical Kier, a Pittsburg druggist, and sold in large purposes. quantities as a salutary nature medicine. The shale oil industry of the British Isles The best physicians still prescribe the grew to rather large proportions in the early salves, ointments and emulsions made from part of the nineteenth century. Miners dig· the petroleum by-products of crude oil. As printing :became general the people ging coal in England sa.w oil trickling down

Spring; Valley Field. Wyoming;. Where Oonsiderable High Grade Paraffine Orude 011 Is Produced for the Utah Oil Refining; 00.

and, becaUse it requires so much experience and capital to develop, store, transport, refine and di,stribute, it has enalbled a few men to manipulate it in such a manner as to build up the strongest financial corpor­ ation in existence today. While Colonel Drake's well drilled on Oil creek, Venago county, Pennsylvania, in 1859, really marked the beginning of the present petroleum age. and was the first oil well ever drilled, still we read of bitumen be· Ing used to cement the alabaster bricks to·

the coal and to this day a great percentage of the people refer to kerosene as "coal oil." Shale oil was obtained by digging out the oil bearing shale rock, putting it in closed ovens and catching the oil that was driven out of the rock ,by heat. A number of small rock oil refineries were established in Eng­ land and also In towns on the Atlantic sea· board before petroleum erude oil had been rproduced in what we would now call com· mercial quantities In this country. "Kiers Petroleum or Rock Oil, celebrated

were eager to read books, magazines and. neWEipapers. The old illuminants, sperm oil and tallow candles were both scarce and ex­ pensive, and the best of these fats were rather poor illuminants, so the people weI­ comed the coal oil made from crude oil. A high price, up to seventy-five cents per gal· lon, was obtained for kerosene. Oil fields were rapidly developed in Pennsylvania and large refineries w'ere built. The principal product was kerosen.e; the gasoline and napthas were not market­





and large quantities of gasoline were 'paraffine ,base found 'largely in Pennsylvania wn back into the wells to 'cut the para­ 'and adjacent states, However, sOlIIle crudes from the casing. The wax distillates in Oklahoma and Wyoming. Colorado and resliliums were either used :for fuel or Utah fields are also paz,aifine. These, how· wn away. However, methods of extract­ ever, are generally considered by oil men as the wax 'I;>y certain processes of refriger· semi-paraffine and asphaltic, running from

, Receiving Yards and Stiils

year 1912. Th's grade is also found in Texas and Wyoming; ho,wever, as a general thing, they are not quite as heavy as the asphaltic base crude in California. T·here is another grade known as the ole· fine found prinCipally in the Baku oil fields near the Caspiau sea in Russia. This oil has simply a trace of paraffiine but not suffi· cient to classify it as either. From this crude very valuable low cost cold-test lubricants are produced. They have a universal de­ mand for special purposes. Speaking gener· ally, these are the three .grades of erude pe­ troleum and from them a great variety of oils can be made. However, not all these olls produce varying 'percentages and qual­ ities of gasolines, napthas and kerosene. In 1859 the production in the United States was two thousand barrels. The total amount of barrels, containing forty·two gal· Ions each, produced in the United States in 1912 reached the grand total of two hundred twenty million, tw'o hundred thousand or with!n two hundred thousand barrels of the banner year, 19]1. The mid-continent and eastern fields declined about nine million barrels, whereas California enjoyed an In­ crease of about the same amount. Still, in the face of a two hundred thousand barrel decreased prodUction, the total valuation caused by the advanced prices for crudes was sixteen million dollars more than 1911, , or the splendid sWm of one ihundred and fifty of the Utah Oil Refining Co. million dollars, which is ,greater than the thirty·two to forty·eight Beaume ,gravity, but combined valuation of all the gold, lead and -the average Pennsylvania high grade crude silver the whole United States mined in 1912, runs about forty-one to forty-three. There There were no less than six advances are also several grades of paraffine crudes posted on light refining crudes 'by the big found in Borneo, which they are now refin­ pipe line companies in 1912. This increase ing there. was due, firstly, to the ten per cent decline

were devised and instead :of running 'S by fire heat down only to tar, steam were used the stills to keep the re­ ns sweet.- This made it possible to pro­ the highest grade lubricants to meet rgent needs of railroads, ,power plants a~tory machinery. • e comparatively recent invention and

-sal manufacture of the internal oil

Istion engine, principally for automo­ 3e, has steadily increased the commer·

~lue of gasoline, 'which on today's mar­

: refinery and distribUting points; aver­ 00 per cent higher in price than kero­

~or instance, the tank wagon price on

ne .in St. Louis is 9 cents per gallon;

Ie, 18 cents per gallon.

I,.phenomenal production of petroleum

country and the <modern methods of lorting through large pipe lines, ears and across the seas mk ,steamers, ha.s made it e for large American oil companies Dete successfully ,In foreign countr:es, ontrol 60 per cent of the oil trade in lavia,Britlsh'Isles, Germany, France, \lid China, !and 80 per cent in Africa Ith America. Whether in the jungles est Africa -or in the extreme border­ theA:retie regions, the five gallon kerosene is considered an essential ity. e are three grades :of crude oil and grades there are very many kinds. t grade and most valuable is the


, I • ;tf


The next grade of crude is the asphaltic; it is found principally in Californ'a; the greatest oil field in: the world, producing one· third the world's production, which amount­ ed to some ninety mlllion barrels during the

in light oil crude production; secondly, to the phenomenally increased demands for napthas, gasolines and lubricants; and third­ ly to the dissolution of the Standard Oil com­ pany of New Jersey as a holding company.




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The processes of refining crude petroleum are fundamentally the same today in the up­ to-date modern refining plants as they were in the old ,plant of forty years ago, The 'most iIlllPOrtant process in the refin­ ing of petroleum today consists essentially of two parts; .heating the oil in a still by firing underneath until it vaporizes in the same way as boiling water passes into steam; and condensing these vajors just as steam condenses on cold objects, The suc­ -cessful operation of the different product:> depends on the fact that each of the many hydro-carbons composing crude oil has its own p,articular boiling .point, and thus allows heating to carryon the process of division, or fractional distillation, as it is called, ThB crude oil stills, the condensers where the vapors are condensed back into liquid form, the receiving house, where the stillman separates the distillates 'by weighing their gravities, the recelvmg tanks, agitators and storage tanks repre­ sent the important ,parts of the skeleton of 'every refinery.




Referring to the method of distillation and percentages of various oils obtained from the crude oil stills, let us take ,for in­ stance the Casper, Wyoming, crude as a basis fr,om which to illustrate: A five hun­ dred barrel still is charged with four hun­ dred 'barrels of crude and the fire is built under the direction of the stillman. When the temperature arises to about one hun­ dred and sixty in the still, the light volatile vapor starts to rise and ascend into the vapor lines, d,own into the condenser box and on into the receiving house. By the time it gets into the receiving house it is again condensed down into liquid form. This is the

Type of Stills,

The oldest type of distilling tanks used by the early refineries of Pennsylvania was called the "cheese box type", which was higher in step than in diameter, Thecapa­ city ranged ordinarily around seventy-five barrels, but larger refineries built them up to two hundred and three hundred harrel capacities, Most ILP-to-date refineries have discarded them and, at the salme time, some of the refineries of the present time retain them for special reducing purposes, The cheese 'box stiU, with a capacity, say, of seventy-five .JJarrels, would not be charged to the full capacity, but only to about sixty barrels, This is to allow the most volatile fractions to arise and ascend over the vapor line and the heaviprcarbons to return into the still to be refractionated, The fire is built with coal or oil, whichever fuel is the cheaper of the two, and steam coils are also put into the still, ,which are perforated so that live steam can be thrown into the charge; the Ipurpose of this is to keep the residiums sweet, prevent the oil from being scorched and to assist the fire heat to frac­ tionate the paraf'fines. The modern crude still, which is a hori­ zontal cylindrical style, was first discovered by the Russians in the Baku fields to be more economical; a still having a capacity of five hundred ,barrels would be about ten and one"half feet in diameter by thirty-six feet in length. The fire 'box being under one end, naturally a great portion of the sur­ face of the still is brought in contact with the live heat, thus obtaining greater effi­ ciency out of the fire than with the cheese ,box type. In sOime of the large modern re­ fineries such as at Point Riohmond, Califor­ nia, Bayonne, New Jersey, and Port Arthur, Texas, these stills run from seven hundred and fifty to tWelve hundred 'barrels 'capacity.

Gusher in Salt Creek Field, Near Casper, Wyoming

beginning of the distillation and what is known as gasoline distillate; distillate, by the way, meaning no special part of the 'crude oil, but rather a product of distilla­ tion. When the still heat continues to rise, the stillman diverts the streaJm from the receiv­ ing house into one large tank, until the gravity in the receiving house is about fifty­ one, or until the temperature in the stilI is about three hundred; he then diverts the stream into what is known as the kerosene distillate tank, The first cut will yield him about twenty per ,cent, continuing to run

3 0,

1 9 1 3.


from fiftY'one gravity down to a:bout thirty­ eIght or about five ,hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit into the still, This goes into the kerosene distillate tank, This has an average gravity of about forty-three, If it were put on the market in this shape, it would be un­ satisfactory, making a smoky, sooty flame and often creating an unpleasant odor, There fore further treatment is necessary, It is put into an agitator holding from one hundred to fifteen hundred barrels, depending upon the siZ€ of the refinery, and treated with a certain almount of sulphuric acid and agitat. ed about thirty minutes, The acid has an af­ finity for tarry matter and fixed carbons; it precipitates these and they, being heavier, fall to the bottOim and are drawn off, The oil is then neutra],ized with a certain amount of soda-ash, eliminating all of the acid nature, and, afterwards, it is washed with a com­ paratively warm water, 'purifying it from all acids and forei,gn substances, From there it is pumped into settling tanks, until all the moisture settles to the bottom. This is generally done by raising the temperature through the use of heating coils. From there it is pumped into the general distribUting tank ready for the market. At this point it is cut out and run at from about thirty­ eight to thirty-five gravity, or from five hun­ dred and seventy-six to six hundred and twenty degrees, into another receiving tank, Thi,s oil is called ,solar oil or power-distil­ late, which is now being used very exten­ sively for traction engines and general power service, where there is a continual operation and high temperature maintained in the engine. The next 'cut is in the gas oil from about six hundred and twenty Fahrenheit to about seven hundred, or from thirty-five to thirty­ three gravity Beaume. At thirty-three grav­ ity the stillman diverts the stream into the wax distillate tank, and he runs this down from about seven hundred to seven hundred and fifty degrees in the still. This last dis­ tilLate is about twenty-nine to thirty gravity Beaume, and from it is obtained the wax or paraffine, also the lubricating oils, such as automobile, gas engine, stationary eng;ne, compressor and other machine and neutral oils. The reSfdium remaining in the stills is a finished product as far as distillation is con­ cerned. I,f this be strictly paraffine oil, then the residium left in the still is a finished cylinder oil, as far as distillin,g is concern­ ed, sweet in odor, green in color, say five !hundred and forty flash, twenty-one-twenty­ four gravity, and, after going through pro­ cesses of treating, filtering, and compound­ ing, is universally used for steam cylinder purpo~'es in steam pumps, stationary steam engines, locomotives, etc. If, on the other hand, it 'be an asphaltic base crude, this re­ sidium is an asphalt, or bitumen, generally used ,for a binder in road paving, and runs all the way from ten to one hundred and ten penetration. However, the penetration of




I!halt ordinarily used for street paving ually runs from seventy to eighty and the avier grades are generally used for roof­ s purposes and for manufacturing water­ oof felts. By stopping the still a little oner this same asphalt could be used for ad oil or fluxing. For instance sixty or sev­ ty per cent of this road oil or flux proper­ mixed 'lVith our Utah gHsonite, makes a ghly satisfactory asphalt both for roofing ,d paving purposes. A specimen of the binder-course which r. Heman recently put down in one of our Lit Lake City streets, made from this mix­ re, is thoroughly saturated and is Vf'! T nacious and has a resilency, which pre­ ,nts it from cracking, in the winter, and om overheating and becoming soft, In the ,mmer. Referring to the condensing phase of re-




might be interesting to know how the gaso­ line is made frQlm this product. If you would place a little of the distillate on a piece of paper you would soon notice the difference between the gasoline and this distillate; the gasoline would entirely evaporate leaving no mark whatever, whereas the distillate would leave a trace of oil, which would not evapor­ ate. This indicates, upOn the surface, that in the first distillation, in the crude still, the gaSOline distillate having been thrown over by live fire heat underneath and live steam in the still, a heavier oil has been fraction­ ated and thrown over with the more volatile properties. It i.s, therefore, necessary to take this gasoline distillate and place it in a spe­ Cial still, referred to as a steam still, 'w.hich is in appearance very similar to the crude oil still, being a horizontal, eylindrlcal type, ranging from one hundred to one thousand-.

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1 9 1 3.

Regarding the gravities of gasoline, there Is a general tendency to believe that it is ne­ cessary for a very high gravity of gasoline to run an automobile; this is a mistake, It has been proven by government e:x;perts, also by numerous autQlmobile manufacturers, that various crudes produce various kinds of gasoline. One crude might produce a large yield of sixty-six gravity, another ,crude a large percentage of sixty-three, another of sixty. Naturally the automobile men would say they want the sixty-six and would most likely pay a premium for it, but it has been proven that the sixty is equal to the sixty­ six in power and response. This is due en­ tirely to the native oharacter of the product and es])€cially to the low distillation point. &> gravity is not as serious as some consum­ ers would believe. Naturally on account of the tremendous

~ ':


10" Vapor










The Modern Steam Stili, In Which Gasoline is Refined

ing, you will notice from the cut that rm the vapor dome of the still, a vapor e eight, ten or tw~lve inches in diameter, pending upon the capacity of the still, is )wn attached, This enters a condensing t made of steel plates, say twenty to thir­ feet in length, eight to ten feet wide, and ht to ten feet high. A series of return Is are put in, commencing with an eight h, and then reducing to six,' four and ee, the three inch running into the re­ ving house. There is a constant stream ot d water 'being thrown into the condenser m the bottom of same and at the top of condenser there enters a three inch rHow pipe, which conducts the hot :er {lUt. The larger the still the larger condensing box, and the more water -equires for the condensation. Going back to the gasoline distillate, it

barrels capacity, de])€nding, of course, upon the capacity or size of the refinery. How­ ever, the still rests near the ground and has no fire box under it, and the only way it re­ ceives heat is through the steam which is conducted by a two inch line down into the bottom of the still and permits the live, wet steam to enter into the charge hun­ dreds of Slmall holes in the steam coils lying on the bottom of the still. The distillation of this product should be slow and gradual, and the condenSing water extra cold, so that all the vapors may 'be recovered in the gasoline_ If the still is rushed with a full head of steam, then the heavier hydro-cal'bons come off and it makes a pOor quality of gasoline. The stillman's knowledge and long exper­ ience enables him to know exactly what his still is doing, and the quality of the product that he is putting over.

demands on the refineries for gasoline, the gravities have been materially lowered. It was customary in early days to sell a seventy-e:ght and then a seventy-two. Sixty­ six was considered rather low. but now the great ·bulk of commercial gasoline in the United States runs between sixty and sixty­ one. This is due primarily to the extraor­ dinary demand caused by the universal use of motor locomotion and secondly. through the new crude oil fields Which produce a lower gravity gasoline which, however. as said above, is equally efficient. Referring again to the use of gas oil. it might be interesting to you to know that this oil is used principally by gas compan­ ies. even ![ they are running on coal gas, to enrich the candle power of their coal gas and also increase the heat units. For in­ stance, the ordinary coal gas produced by






bituminous coal, today, runs about fourteen candle power, whereas paraffine will make it sixteen to eighteen candle power. It will also add two or three hundred heat units per one thousand feet over and above the bituminous product. No doubt the wax distillate is the hardest Fart of the crude oil to handle. This is due entirely to the fact that the paraffiines must

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presses. The plates retain the crystalized wax flakes and the oil is pressed or squeez· ed out and drops in a grooved incline lead· ing to the receiving tank for this oil, and is known as pressed distillate. This wax in the plates in the press is generally called slop wax; after being thor· oughly washed or cleaned 'by live steam in some outside tank, it is pU'mped into large


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being packed in barrels and shipped to the various consumers, or, if higher grade wax. es are desired, the refiner makes two or three cuts and after putting' it through the filter of fuller's earth, a very fine white wax is produced. Large quantities of this wax are used for sealing fruit jars and ironing by the house­ wife and still larger quantities are used for candles. It has also numerous other uses. The pressed distillate oil, which has been extracted from this wax distillate, is put in. to a small reducing still of say one hundred to five hundred barrels capacity, again de. pending on the size of the refinery, and on account of its heavy nature; must be frac. tionated by fire underneath and steam coils inside. A great deal of steam is used in the distillation of this pressed dist1lJate. inas­ much as the residium reduced stock left in the still must be sweet oil. and steam also adds to its viscosity or adhesive nature. This stock is run, say to three hundred ninety or four hundred flash, is then either treated or filtered several times, depending entirely upon the purpose for which it is intended, and out of this still stock we get the numer­ ous machine and engine oils which are un!. versally used around mills, smelteries. rail­ roads and machinery of every conceivable kind. These Oils are generally referred to by refineries as viscous neutrals, and vary in color from a dark cherry red to almost a prime white. I have given a general idea regarding the main cuts or products from crude petroleum oil, 'but from these various main cuts some two hundred by-products can be and are be­ ing manufactured by the larger refineries, all illustrating the practical and universal value of petroleum oil as a commodity in 0;11' present day of civilization. *President. Utah Oil Refining Compa1lY. Address delivered before Utah Society of Engineers, Salt Lake City. ALTA ACTIVE,






S,.,I."" L 14K" CIT'i

U"'''M Modern Agitator In Which Kerosene Is Finished Info Water White Illuminating 011

be extracted 'before the oils beeome useable. In the early days, some very crude meth· ods obtained but, at the present time, the modern refinery of paraffine base crudes has large wax plants, consisting of ice machin· ery, whIch reduces the temperature of the distillate to, say, twenty or ten above zero, and, unde:r pressure, 'Puts it through filter

sweat pans, where it is chilled down to a still waxy form, then all the doors and win· dows are closed, the heat is turned on and the moisture and oil are melted 'out; the wax flakes remain on the bottom of the pan, a little more heat is added, sufficient to melt the wax, and it runs into a small receiving tank and is then sold for {)rude scale wax,

In spite of a severe winter season, the mlnes of the Alta, Utah. camp continue ac­ tive. Among the mines where development is Being pushed are the Emlma. Flagstaff, Alta Consolidated, South Hecla and Michi· gan-Utah. The Columbus Extension reports favor· ably,but o\"Iing to the destruction of the. 'boarding house, not much 'activity is mani­ fest. The Michigan·Utah tram is running steadily, keeping the usual force at the mine busy. Some thirty·five men are employed. Improvements here inclUde the 'moving of the hoist from the Coalition lower levels to the City Rocks, and the proposed small hoist for use on the Coalition. About 150 tons ·of ore are now at Tan· ners Flat awaiting ore teams, which ha,'e 'been hampered by the heavy snowfall. The other companies are confining "or~: to shaft sinking, raising and drifting.








1 91 3,



3ut little has 'been written concerning camp of Re'public. In 1900 Ohatard and itehead 1 reported the results of some erilIlents with samples of ore from the ,ubUc mine, and a few years later Fritz

Poil river, in what W,ag formerly the "north· half" of the 'Colville Indian reservation. On Washington's birthday, 1896, thispor­ tion of the reservation was thrown open to mineral location, and within a few weeks

shipped frO'm the lWpublic mine netted the oW'ners $160 per ton, after being hauled sixty miles by wagon an-d 300 miles ,by rail. Prior to the advent of the railroads into the camp, this mine paid in dividends practically $400,000. Table I---'Produ1::tion of Republic Camp. An exact estimate O'f the productiO'n of Clas'S.ifiedPlroductJion from Jan. 1, 1896, to Dec. 31, 1905. the district is difficult to' secure. Table I has Disposal of Approximate I Total been compiled from all available data. Property. Tons, Value. Average Val.: Ore. 'Combining the total O'f classified produc­ -:;430,O()O $17.90 Milled .... c; • • • • • • • • • 24,000 tiO'n prior to' 190,5 with the sum of the an­ ubUc 80.00 1,040.000 Shipped .. ;" ........ , 13,000 262,800 nual .prO'ductiO'n since that date, We get fDr Ip . ........ . ................... Shipped ............. 24,422 10.76 10.83 130,000 the value of the tO'tal production to January .............. 12.000 llltain LiDn .............. ~ Milled 60,900 -1, 1912, $3,898,49,2, which I believe is very Shipped ............. 8,700 7.00 e Pine ........................... Shipped ............. 8,000 112,000 close to the truth. 14.00 Hur .................... -d =I 21.00 147,000 the whole state is plotted, shows very clear­ .... Shipped ............ , 7,000 ~k Trail ......... ...........

ly the successive stages Df the camp's prO's­ ~ Caliph ..... ................ .... perity, which continued una/bated until the Poil .................. 1 0

middle Df 1901, when the large mill of the lrgent . . .............. ' ,5 Total fO'r ten years, ending 1905 .... ........ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $2,182,000 Republic Power & Cyanide company clDsed down. In 1903, with the arriv,al of the railroads, Unclassified Annual Production. there was a sporadic activity, which died as I SODn as the smelting market had been glut­ Silver. Year. Tons Ore. Gold. Total. ted with the siliceDus Dre, in addition to which of course mO'st Df the ore 'available 6,233 $17,653 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _,.a •• $69,957 $87,610 was Df to'o Iowa grade to' stand a combinoo 4,700a 450 ........... ,. ................

4,032 8,732 freight and treatment charge of $10 per ton, 4,190 584 '.,. .......... "" ...........

15,343 . 19,530 11,299 27,817 209,114 ...................... ... "

236,931 which was only lessene-d in the case of large 33,781 100,082 ....................... .,.

713,604 813,686 contracts. 'Since 1909 the camp has again be­ 75,000a 475,0008. ............................. 24,500a 550,000a come vitalized, stimUlated largely by the activity Df J. L. Harper and his associates. 76,857 $229,442 Totals ..........

1$1,48' $1,716,492 Beginning with the opening of a previously overlooked (probably intentiO'nally) rich a Estimated. spur-vein in the old Republic mine, activities el' described the constructiO'n, opera­ important discoveries had been made. The have spread to the Surprise, Knob Hill, and results attained in the tmill at the present Eureka mining-district was organiz­ Blacktail, Lone Pine, San Poil, Ben Hur, ntain Lion mine. From time to time ed, the camp grew ,apace, and consignments Quilp, and other properties. t articles, mostly Of a semi-technical na­ 1,000,--,--­ i-r-1-r\-,...-..,...---,--.--.--..,...----;-1---,,-r--r--,-----r--,1,OOO,OOO

, have appeared in the mining period­ :. The general geology O'f the camp, es­ OOOn--I~[, I II OOO,OCO

ally in regard to its areal features, has &JO I, / i FOO,OOO nUy been ably described by Joseph B. lleby', 700 ! .00,00) '0' bring to mind the general features of 000 ._ /_~;;. .--.-L---+----+--+--+--1,.i-f'+ , +'1-'11600,00) listrict it may perhaps be well to review I 1 !\~;,., I i. I 600 ",.. --'--I-+-,--+--;hr-'---1500,OO) ]y some facts in regard to it, before dis­ Ing the treatiment of the O're. /1 400 • I : 400,00) History and Production,

.................... '1












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'he town O'f lWpublic is situated in the Ilwest corner O'f Ferry county, ,about Ity-five miles aouth of the international ldary, on the bead-waters O'f the San aper presented at a meeting of the Spo­ , Local Section, American Institute of ng Engineers, C{)pyrighted, 1913, by the rican Institute of Mining Engineers and nted by permission from Bulletin 73 of Institute. State College of Washington. Trans., A. I. M. E .. xxx., 419 (1900). Journal of the Canadian Mining lnsti­ vol. v., pp. 274 to 287 (1902). The Geology of the Republic District, 3tin No.1, Washington Geological Sur­ (Olympia, 1910).


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of ore were shipped by wagon to Grand Forks, thirty miles away; or to Marcus, a sO'mewhat greater distance. It is reported that the first 1,500 tons





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Up to the present time, however, this activity has ,been pernicious from the point of view of good mining. Many o.f the prop­ € r tieshave been Qperated as though by

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$ A LT


leasers, with the inevitable consequence that, to use the vernacular, "the eyes are being gouged out of the mfries," only that ore being shipped which will show a profit after .paying a combined >freight and treat­ ment cost of from $8 to $lQ per ton. This means that everything below $12 per ton is left in the stope, on the dumps or is not broken at all. These unfortunate condi­ tions will continue until successful local treatment Ls available. Republic is unusually fortunate in trans­ portation ,facilities. Two lines, the Washing­ ton & Great Northern and the Kettle Val­ ley and British Golumbia railroads, enter the camp, and almost every property, no matter how insignificant, has its own spur frO'm one or both of these roads. Geology. The geology of the -camp, from a mining engineer's point of view, is extremely sim­ ple. The veins are fissure-fillings, with con­ siderable wall-replacement at various points; all are inclosed in a series of terti,ary erupUves and eruptive brec­ cias, grading from andesite to rhyolite. According to Umpleby, the ore­ ·bodies are genetically related to (me of the




the streaks do not appear continuous, but are seen to be made up of nU'merous little points arranged along a continuous line. The determination of the exact character ot these metallic .particles is a problem of some importance in connection with the treatment of the ore. Various attempts have been re­ ported in this direction, none of them with any positiVe results. About four years ago I became interest­ ed in the problem of treating this ore, and at various times I have worked upon it, 'both personally and with the aid oJ !my students and assistants, and while I am not yet ready to pass positively on the enUre subject, the results obtained are interesting. In the first place, it became evident early in the investigation that the only hope of finding the exact character of the metallIc minerals lay in the examination of the high· grade specimens. This, of eourse, is open to .the objection that the minerals in the high-grade ore may be different from those in the low·grade. From examination of a large number of saimples from various parts of the camp, however, we have eome to the conclusion that the difference is one of de­ gree, rather than of kind, the minerals in

Table II.-Comparoson of Republic Mineral and Tetrahedrite. Element.


8b Cu Fe Ag

Republic Sample.

Tetrahedrite Analyses (Dana) Maximum.

Per Cent. 15.4 31.4 43.3

Per Cent. 29.6Q 3Q.18

4.8 5.2

13.Q8 31.29

latest of these flows. In general, the velll" strike almost due north south, varying a few degrees to the east and west; usually the dip is to the eastward at a high angle. In width they vary from ten inches to ten feet, usually from two to five feet, however, with an average of about four feet. The prevailing ore of the camp is a fine· .grained, close textured,chalcedonic ·quartz, the values consisting entirely of gold and silver. Free gold is frequently viSible in the 'hlgh·grade specilmens; free silver occurs, probably as an oxidation-product, in the up­ per ·portions of many of the veins. In the average grade ore, however, neither of these metals is visible. The most remarkable and characteristic feature of the ore is the unique banding, due to crustification. Indeed, the appearance of the ore Is so characteristic that anyone at all familiar with the district can identify a piece of Republic on') at a glance. This crust­ ification, or banding, is made evident by alterations of fine and coarse-grained quartz, together with psuedo-bands of metallic min­ eral. These "metallic bands" are usually so Indistinct that they have the appearance of pencil-streaks on the under side of a ground­ glass plate. Further examination heightens this resemblance, for under a pow'erful lem.



Per Cent. 19.66 9.06 lQ8

the high-grade ore being identical with thOse in the low-grade, but present in great· er quantity. One of the first samples examined con· s:sted of a piece of high-grade from the spur-vein in the Republic mine. This speci­ men, examined under the microscope by re­ flected light, showed particles of gold, in part apparently crystalline, and a few' small cubical crystals of pyrite, with IIDarked striations, scattered throughout a more abundant steel-gray mineral of metallic Ius· ter, devoid of crystalline form. A few crys­ tals resembling fluorite were noted. (Recent­ ly specimens have been secured in which fluorite is albundant.) An analysis of this high-grade specimen gave 8iO" 75.7 AI,O" 2.8; };'e 1 0; 8b, 6.6; Cu, 9.1; S, 3.2; Au, Q.3; Ag, 1.1; total, 99.8 per cent. If we discard the non-essentials, silica, alumina, and gold, and ignore the extremelY small amount of pyrite visible, we get, by recalculating the remaining elements, the figures shown in the first column of Table II. The data In the iast two columns of this table afford a comparison between this min­ eral and the tetrahedrites listed by Dana! • A System of Mineralogy, 6th ed., P. 139 (1892).


1 9 1 3.


The "Sulphur is 4.2 per eent beloW" the re­ corded minimum, the antimony 1.2 per cent above tlie recorded maximum; but in a min· eral showing such wide variations in com­ position, this does not seem an insuperable difficulty, and, pending correction by the mineralogists, I shall cal! it "tetrahedr!te." The specimen was sufficiently rich to sweat little bubbles of gold when roasted. It was handed to me as a sample of gold tel­ luride (Sylvanite?), its behavior on roasting being cited as evidence of its telluride Char­ acter. As an actual matter of fact, it con· tained no tellurium at all. Selenium, if pre­ sent, escaped detection. From time to time other high-grade speci­ mens 'have been exa;mined with substantially the same results, except that chalcopyrite has been added to the list of possible min­ erals. Recently we received some extremely rich samples from the 1QQ-foot Jevel of the Knob Hill mine. These samples, in which free gold is present in great abundance, show a comparative absence of the gray copper·mineral. Chalcopyrite, however, is quite abundant, as is also cerargyrite. In places minute sparkling black crystals of pyralmidal habit are abundant, which can only be detected under the microscope and are with difficulty made available for test­ ing. The work of investigating- these crys­ tals has been referred to Roswell E. Samp­ son, Assistant Professor of MetaJlurgy, State College of Washington, who reports the ex­ tremely rare metal selenium as 'being abund­ ant; silver also is present in considerable amount; antimony is suspected. (Provision· ally, it might be suggested that the mineral is perhaps a selen·antlmonide of silver; the antimonial analogue of the ·hypothetical mineral, rittengerite, of Dana) It is suggested by Mr. Umpleby, in his report, that probably a large part of the' ,gold occurs as a gold selenide. Such a com­ pound has not .been reported from anywhere else, and the prominence of free gold in all of the high-grade specimens, even from the levels well below the zone of oxidation, would be against the supposition. Tellurium, in our investigation, has not been found. The occurrence of selenium is unique and interesting; only in two other .places, so far as I am aware, has it ·been found on this con­ tinent-at Goldfield and at Tonopah. It need. however, not cause any uneasiness to the cyanider, since selenium is extremely soluble even in the most dilute cyanide solutions, and it will therefore be unlik~ly to interfere with the solubility of the gold even if com­ bined with it, which I seriously
o re-T reatme nt. From time to time in the history of thE camp of Republic attempts were made tt treat the ore on the ground, and the genera: impression appears to be abroad that all oj the plants were unsue,cessful. Such. how ever, is not the case.

int of historical order, the plants )resented as follows: Plant of the Republic Gold Mining 5 Co.-This plant used the Pelatan­ rocess, following wet-crushing In " and was reasonably successful in thenQw universally recognized de­ ;he process. For some time, with its cent recovery on high-grade ore, it ed upon as quite an achievement. It in all probability, 2,000 or 3,000 tons t is interesting to note tbat D_ W. of Repuhlic, has recently completed 'eatment of the entire tailings-pile, ich a good profit was realized. Barrel-'Chlorination Plant of the Reduction CO.-This plant, from ction of its remains, appears to have~ scarcely at alL Mountain Lion ~rm-This amalga­ ,nd cyanide plant began operation 5, 1900, and ran continuously till ~r 1 of the same year, according to ,sheet shown in Fig 2. It treated )Us of ore of an average value of "r ton', and made a total extraction ive per cent; forty-one per cent of )very being made lby wmalgamation balance by the cyanide treatment. ling cost per ton during this period as $3 73, which is quite a reason­ re for so small a plant, remote from tation. The mill is said to ha ve ut $SO,OOO and was thoroughly well ted from a mechanical standpoit. 'e keep in mind, ho,wever, the ex­ fine-grained C'haracter of the ore, , at all strange that cyanidation did d satisfactory results when applied ntington mill product. An eXaJmina­ the tailings from this plant showlI lrge part of the loss was in contain­ cles-,gold surrounded by a chalce­ atrix. 03 attempts were made to adapt the : electro-eyanide process to the needs llant, but presumably withou· satis­ results. Some experiments in vanner 'ation were conducted at a later date ~m told, a fair measure of success. le Plant of the Republic Power & 'Co'-This plant, locally known as l Republic Mill," was erected on the the plant of the Mercur Consolidated r, by D. C. Jackling, now of the Utah ~ompany, to whom I am indebted for the details here presented in regard lccess. mill 'began operation in October, d wa;s closed down in July, 1901, for reasons, chief of which being the lte ore supply, due to failure to keep ,lopment work ahead of the demands ilL Fig 3 shows the scheme of treat­ lployed and it is scarcely necessary into any further description. 19 nine ,months of operation this eated 21,240 tons of ore, averaging

,z Cirkel, IDe. cit,

..... '"

,. ...,".---,-


N"1'~';G:;REV I ~W.


gold, 0.77 oz., and silver, 2.3 oz. per ton. The recoveries (by bullion), as shown in Mr. Jackling's report issued August 1, 1901, were gold, 91.3; silver, 15.5; total, 85.05 per cent, the average eost during the last six months of operation being $4.S5 per ton, exclusive of general expense, amortization, interest, etc. A steady, uninterrupted supply of ore



filter had demonstrated their practicability and success in cyanide work, and we began to wonder if Repubilic ores would not prove amenable to the new order of things. In 1909 I undertook the investigation of the possible cyanide treatment of Republic ores by standard methods of fine-grinding and filtration, with the results shown in

(1) Shaft·Bins.

(2) Grizzly.

(3) 9"by 15-in. Blake Crusher.

(4) Gravity Tramway.

(5) Mm-Bins.

(S) Four 5·Stamp Batteries, 1,200 lb., 7-in. drop, crushing througb SO-mesh,

(7) Copper Plates.

(8) Four 5-ft. Huntington Mills (80- or 100-mesh),

(9) Bucket-Elevator.

(10) Cone-Bottom Settler (12 by 12 ft.)

Pulp. Return Water, to (S).

(11) Conteal Agitator (10 by 11.5 ft.). 8 hr. with 0.4 per cent KCN; 4 hr. with 0.2 per cent, KaN. (12) Six Percolating·Tanks (Decantini and Filtering with vacuum). Tanks 24 by 4.0 ft. Solution. Tailings. (13) Zinc-Boxes.

Precipitate. Barren Solution.

Fig. 2.-Flow-Sheet of the MOUntain Lion MilL

sufficient to enable the 'mill to run at full capacity would haVe reduced this cost ma­ terially. Of these four plants, the Mountain Lion mill is the only one in existence today. The railroads in 1903, as has been stated, did not bring the expected revival, for rea-

Table III. At the same time I advocated a thorough sampling of the entire camp, with a view to the erection-should the tonnage and values justify It-of a plant to be oper­ ated in -connection with one of the larger properties, as well as to provide custom mill­ ing facUities for the entire camp. It was ex­

(1) 'Crusher-Bins, (2) No.5 D Gates Gyratory. (3) Trommel, 0,75 in, Undersize. Oversize. (4) 15· by 36·in. Rolls. (5) Gates Gyratory" H," to (3). (S) Sample- and Storage-Bins. (7) Two 5- by 3S-ft. Driers, (8) Two 15- by 3S-in. Rolls. (9) Two 15· by 2S·in. Rolls. (10) 40·Mesh Shaking-Screens (90 per cent. through SO-mesh, 55 per cent. through 200­ mesh,) Undersize. Oversize, to six 30-in. Griffin Mills, to (10). (11) Four Jaekling Roasting-Furnaces. Hearth, 12 by 100 ft. (10 to 12 cords wood each per day). (12) 12 Steel Leaching-Tanks, 22 ft, sq. by S.5 ft. deep. Treatment, 4 to 6 days with 0.5 per cent. KON; 2 to 3 days with 0.3 per cent. KCN. Solution. Tailings. (13) Two "Gold" Tanks, 10 by 14 ft. (14) T,wo Zinc-Dust Precipitation-Tanks, 8 by 12 ft. Precipitate. Solution, to Sump. Four 24- by 3S-in, Johnson Presses. Precipitate, to Bullion-Room. ,Solution, to Sump. Fig. 3.-Flow-Sheet of the Old Republic Mill. sons already discussed, Republic then lapsed into "innocuous desuetude," the mines were nearly all abandoned, and not a few of the more important ones, including the Repub­ li-c itself, were sold for delinquent taxes. In the meantime, cyanidatlon had been making rapid strides, the tube-mill and the vacuum-

pee ted that this plant would follow the gen­ eral : "len laid down in Fig, 4, 3 1,;bject, of course, to some preliminary work to be undertaken by altering one of the existing plants into a testing-mill. Owing to reasons extraneouS to this discussion, the entire project was dropped; hut the correctness of



the mill scheme has been amply demonstrat­ ed by the success of the little mill erected by D. W. Rathfon to treat the tailings from the old Pelatan-Clerici process. Mr. Rath­ fon's plant consists of a 5x22-foot tube mill, short Pachuca tanks, Oliver filter, and zinc-





The plant of the North Washington Power & Reduction company, on which work was begun early in 1911,js just commencing operation. It is following standard lines and should, under proper conditions, yield satis­ factory results.

(I) No.5 Gates Gyratory.

(2) 50 Stamps, 1,500 lb., 6-in. drop, 110 per min_ 4-mesh Screen.

Crushing in KeN Solution.

(3) Chilean Mills, 20· to 30-mesh.

(4) Classifiers.

Sand. Slimes.

(5) Tube-Mills (70 per cent. through 200-mesh).

Sand. Slime.

(6) Muntz Metal Amalgamating·Plates.

(7) Classifiers.

Slimes. Sands to (5).

(8) Pulp-Thickeners.

Underflow. Overflow, to (11).

(9) Pachuca Agitators.

(10) Merrill or OliYer Filters.

Solution. Tailihgs.

(11) Clarifier.

Precipitate. Barren S-olut:on.

(12) Zinc-Dust PreCipitation-Plant. Fig. 4.-Flow-Sheet of the Plant Designed in 1909.


1 91 3.

on, I present, in Fig. 5, a flow-wheel of this mill. The SanPoil Consolidated company* also has recently undertaken the erection of a treatment plant along the lines shown in Fig,6. In neither of these plants has any provis­ ion been made for amalgamation or concen· 'tration; and while I believe that satisfactory extraction may be made in this way, it seems from our experi'mtmts, that a sufficient re­ covery is possible by amalgamation to make this simple addition to the mill scheme fully worth while. The omission of concentration is, I think, correct; although I understand that the contemplated additions to the Rathfon mill, which are designed to fit it Ifor the treatment of ore, as soon as the sup­ ply 'Of tailings is exhausted, include an equipment of belt-vanners. Table IlT.-Treatment of Typical Samples

of Republic Ores.

Agitation With 0.25 Per Cent KCN Solution

Agltation. Hours.

(1) Main Storage-Bin. (2) Shaking Grizzly. Oversize. Undersize, to (4). (3) 10- by 20·in. Blake Crusher. (4) Shaking Gr;zzly. Oversize. Undersize, to (6). (5) 10- by 12-ln. Dodge Crusher.

(To be replaced by 16- by 42,in. Rolls.)

(6) 4 by &-ft. Trommel. Oversize. Undersize, to (8). (7) 14- by 30·'n. Traylor Rolls. (8) 16·in. Belt-Conveyor. (9) Two Vezin .Samplers (in series). Dis<:ard. Samp'le to Assay Office. (10) Mill-Bin. (11) 6-ft. Trent Chilean Mill Crushing in Cyanide solution. (12) Akins Classifier. Sands, to (13). Sli<mes, to (15). (13) 5-by 22·ft. Tu'be-Mill, El Oro Laning, Scoop-Feed, 28 rev. per min. (14) Cone-Classifier. Slimes. (15) Four Trent Agitators, 33 by 20 ft. Pulp. Overflow from No.1, to (17) or (19) (16) Box 'Classifiers. Overflow. Spigot, to (18). (17) Trent Disk Thickener. Pulp. Solution, to (19). (18) Oliver Filter, 11.5 by 16 ft. Tail-ings. Solution. (19 ) Clarifier. (20) Trent Zinc-Dust Precipitation-Plant. (21) Gould Triplex Pump. (22) Perrin Press. Precipitate. Barren Solution.


8 Hi

Per Cent. 76 to 81 '19 to 85 On 150-Mesh.

8 16

78 to 88 80 to 88

80 to 82 82 to 84

On 200-:\:lesh. 8


89 to 94 95 to 99

82 to 86 86 to 9,

Amalgamation 'Of 200-Mesh Material. Gold-extraction. 31 to .}7 per cent.

Silver-extractioll. 8 to 10 per cent.

Repnblic is the best gold camp in the, state of Washington today, and there is no question that the ore can be satisfactorily treated on the ground for $2 or less per ton if cheap electric power is available. Conser­ vatively, then, we may say that all ore more than $5 per ton in value can ble handled at a profit. How much of this $5 ore is available is, 'Of course, the question. Personally, I be­ lieve the amount is large, possibly runnin:s up into millions of tons; but this estimate is based upon general impressiDn gained from numerous visits to the camp, supple· mented by knowledge gained in samllling two or three of the larger properties, and not through sampling and measurement of the ore exposed in the different workings of all tbe various mines, without Which, 01 course, no estimate of any value can bE made. *Flow sheet on following page.

Fig. 5.-Flow-Sheet of the Plant of the North Washington Power & Reduction Company. shaving precipitation boxes, and has given better than ninety per cent extra<:tion, by bullion, on the tailings mentioned.

By the courtesy of H. W. Newton, metal· lurgist, under whose superintendence the construction of the plant has been carried

The West End Consolidated of Tono pa.h, Nevada, made net p;rofits of $36,85! in December, from treatment of 4,350 tom which Yielded $8.50 a ton net.


(Special Correspondence.) rane, Wash., Jan. 25.-Through the o·f officials of the Washington Water company, which is desirous of en­ ng development of mining regions t to Spokane, a New York syndicate tiating for the purchase of the more cut mines of the Republic, Washing­ .trict and to erect a concentrating u1l'iciently large to treat the entire of the district. ons on a number of the properties een taken in the name of the SpoEastern Trust company, hut authen­ I'mation as to whether all the prop­ .amed are included Is not divulged.

D. L. Huntington, president of the Wash­ ington Water Power company, has admit­ ted that his company has been trying 0 en­ list capital in Republic in order to bring about full development of the mines in the district, that his company might increase its power service. Extensive development on existing and deeper horizons, underground connections that will provide miles of ,continuous work­ ings and the construction of a mill or a series of mills that will have a capaCity of 5,000 tons daily are said to be among the ambitions ()f the New Yorkers and their as­ sociates. Spokane mining men are greatly inter­ ested in a series of persistent and apparent­ ly well
(1) Ore-Bin. (2) 18-in. Belt-Conveyor. (3) Williams "Hammer Trommel" Mill'. (4) Elevator. (5) Storage·Bin. (6) 14- by 24-in. A-C Rolls "C." (7) 5- by 22-ft. Gates Tube-Mill, Trunn'on Feed, Iron Lining.

Crushing in Cyanide 8:o1utlon.

(8) Sand·Wheei. (9) Duplex Dorr 'Classifier. Slimes. 'Sands, to (7). (10) 10· by 25-ft. Don Thickener. Pulp. Overflow, to (12). 11) Nine "Grass·Valley" Air-Agitators (12 ft. in diameter by 18 ft.) in series arranged for decantation. Pulp. Solution, to (14). (12) ,Cone-Bottom Agitator used as Wash-Tank. Slimes. Overflow, to (14). Solution. (13) 16·ft. Oliver Filter. Solution. Tailings. (14) Clarifiers. (15) Zinc-Boxes. g. G.-FlOW-Sheet of the San Poil 'Consolidated Mill. ~

squirrel·c.age diSintegrator. 3 ft. in diameter by 6 ft, long, making 100 rev. per the same direction as a central shaft making 600 rev. per min., upon which are 32 hammers slung from the shaft by chains. The space between the bars Is 3·16 In .• e mill is intended to reduce mine-run ore to this ~ize.)


kane Chronicle publishes a story to It that options [or the following m secured at the prices named: for the Mountain LiDn, $250,000 for Thumb,$750,OOO for the Knob Hill. [or the Ben Hur, $1.000,000 for the ;onsolldated, $250,000 f{)r the Quilp 000 for the Old Repu,blic. An offer )0 is reported to have been made Jlaconda properties and $3,000,000 of the Republic Mines corpora­ msuccessfully. :ttions are -being handled locally Richards, M', E., /lIccording to the th J. C. Lawrence, M. E. handling fDrk end. Behind the activities is ·f Standard Oil operatDrs, it is o invested $5,000,000 in the Nickle . at Hedley and in Dther ,properties ielding dividends among the first tinent.

tion of their holdings in the Idaho. Coeur d'Alenes into a heavily capitalized operating corporation. The Federal has just taken over ,the Star property, adjoining its Morning mine at Mullan, under a two-year bDnd of $750,000. Ru'mors of the consolidation were current at the time Harry L, Day of Wallace, Idaho. was elevated to. the ,presidency of the Federal company. It is sald the Fed· eral company has been endeavoring for a number of years to acquire several import­ ant properties adjacent to its holdings. and that the making of Mr. Day -president is in accordance with well-matured ·plans for the taking over of these mines. the majority Df which the Day interests control. Thes!> plans, it is said, contemplate the organiza­ tion of a heavily capitalized corporation, which will absorb the Federal, the Tamar­ ack and CUster Consolidated, the Ambergris, HU'mming Bird and the numerous claims in

which the Days have secured interests in the last several months. and the Hercules, provided August Paulsen and L. W. Hutton will dispose of their hDldings in the mine, or consent to consolidation. ----(}---­ SIMPLE TEST FOR COKING COAL.

(By W. R. Calvert*.) In the course of my professional work many inquiries come to. me regarding the characteristics denDting a coking coal and the tests .for same. The usual field method Qf detel'lmining whether a coal will

Manager Frank expects to have the third section of the mill of the Ohio Cop· per company, at Lark. Utah, In operation in a few days.


~, ,\



(. A K E


R £ V lEW,




3 0,

1 9 1 3.

I let the Imen know what each costs, and 'educate them in the costs. can then see what everything cost they are intelligent men and will saVE they can if they know, but no man cal a loss if he does not know it is bein! Machinery is made to run. Emp] will run n, if you give them a chanc, show them details. In other words, it easy for your men to take advanta conditJions and tools, show them how they will accomplish ·more with less themselves, and at less expense. Give them a chance-Don't try to on labor. Increase the efficiencies, I the costs and pay labor more for inteJr effidency.

Is .it a fact, that the mining engineers or $216 per rmonth, or $2,592 per year on a of this country are so busy looking for 24-hour continuous operation. The valves more ore, faults, and other geological con­ were not absolutely tight, and a little leak ditions, thM they have no time to look in the piston packing or leaky rings re­ duced the efficiency of the' compressor and after the handling. of what they have? Is mining to ,be compared with an ef­ resulted ,in a loss at every stroke. I spoke fort to fill a barrel that is leaking between to the manager about it, and he said: "Oh, the compressor is big enough; it never every stave, and with every hoop loose? The cartoonists and humor,ists,of the notices these I'ittle leaks." I found a puddle da!ly press, would head these two ques­ of oil that had !been drained from the air tions, as "Impertinent Questions No. 1001 receiver-a waste of oiL The m<;lst complicated machine on a and 2," but it is time that the efficienCIY --~o--engineers of mines come to the front. or mine is the cable. Every strand has a STRIKE AT SHEEP CREEK. friction over the others at every swing course, the .big things of a mine must be right, 1 e., the head must be open \before of the cable, every jar, every bend over the Sherman McGarry, foreman at the we




,·Bodies Proving Up Well With System· atic Development and Exploitation.

R.ecent advices from the new mining

lpof Rochester Canyon, Humooldt coun·

Nevada, are of a most satisfactory and

:ifying nature, and the result of develop·

It is being watched with intense interest

over the country,

~uite a number of Salt Lakers have al­

ly secured a foothold in the new Eldor·

among the pioneers being John F. 'an, who is identified with the Rochester es company, Whose holdings embrace original discovery in the district. n speaking of the caimp, Mr. C{)wan in·, IS The Mining Review that he has re­ ly ,been advised that on lease No.1 the t has boon sunk to a depth of twenty-five all in ore, and that the bottom is show· six feet of pay-rock that is being sacked 5hipment as it is broken down, without ing; the lowest values being 'about 72 :es in silver to the ton. On lease No.2 a s·cut tunnel is being run, while on lease 4 a splendid shOlWing is being made and 'ge vein is being uncovered. 'he Rochester Mines Company, of which Nenzel is manager, is running a >cross­ tunnel which will be some 600 feet in th, and w.hich will cut the vein at a con· 'able depth. To accomplish this work require three or four months. 'chester is now a thrifty and growing ), notwithstanding the inclement her which has attended its advent into c Ufe; and, now has close to a thouinhabitants, whi.lebuildings of every 'iption are springing up on every hand. enger traffic is 'being handled ,by auto­ les, while heavy freighting is 'being by teams from the nearest railroad ,Oreana, which is eight miles from ----



J A"" U A R Y

face and evaporating for a. long time and no great pools can be logically expected near seepages) Prospectors and drillers should avoid 'Oil seepages as scenes of oper­ ations. Other mistakes have been made in drill­ ing 'On the sYnclines, where, if water is present, water alone will be found. The. 'Oil in ninety per cent of the wells is found 'On the anticlines. The ,fact that some wells strike oil In sYnclines is due to the lack of water qn which oil would 'Other­ wise be floated to higher levels_ One drawback in the development of the Utah fields, and others, as well, is the fact that the large companies are loath to come in before the preliminary WOrk has been d'One, and oil drilling is not a poor man's game. More attention should be paid to geo­ logy ,and a careful study of the formation made by geologists. Until prospecting is more intelligently directed we can look for Httle development of the Utah ,fields. Dr. Pack indicated that the best show­ ings were in the San Juan and Vernal fields, and stated also that he 'believed cer­ tain selected portions of the San Rafael section would produce oil, but that the field, as a whole, was not as promising as others, but should be intelligently :prospected. Dr. Pack discussed briefly the process of drilling for oiL Two styles of rigs are used, the standard heavy, square rig, erected in place, and the light porta:ble rig. All drilling is done by churn drills. The hole may 'be started with a diameter of twelve inches, casing driven to seal off sur­ face water, and drilling resumed. When a wateT crevice is struck, another casing is driven inside the first to seal it off, and S'O on until the hole becomes So srflall by the use 'Of successive telescoping casings that the drilling ,must cease. Tn one w'eU examined, the hole decreased in diameter from twelve inches t'O two inches in a depth of 1,{)00 >feet,at which depth the well had to be abandoned. ----{).---­

: a recent meeting of engineers in Lake City, Dr. F. J. Pack, professor of gy at the University of Utah, g1ave his )IT of the oil fields of Utah. T.aken as ole they show'~omepromise, but, so prospectinl? ii~d development have inadequa,te~

)st of' the liel.ds".are .,'marked oy oil ges, which preciildes' their becoming producers, notwithstanding that many now in the field have been erected seepages, in the mistaken be1ief that was the proper place to find oil. Oil i!;es have been likened to ore outcrops, ,t the driHer expects m'Ore oil, where ows at the surface, just as the miner ts more}re in depth, when he finds ,tcro!!. This analogy 1s wrong, howThe presence of an oil seep indl' lOiS; 011 has been coming to the sur·

Sharp & Irvine 'Of Spokane, Wash,ing­ t'On, recently received notice from Princ-e­ ton, BritioSlh C'OLumbia, tha:t negotiations in New York between the BritiS'h Coumbia CQPper company and Emil F. Voigt rela­ tive to the taking up of the bond held on the Voigt mines, near Princeton, by the British Columbia company, had resulted in the pr'Opert:ies being taken over under the bond agreement, and immediate reo sumption of activities at Voigt camp, sus­ pended a short timie before the conference was M.ned, is anticipated. The deal in· v'Olves .approximately $250,000. The oond was negotiated aoout a year ago, since when a large force of men has been em· ploy<ed extracting ore for shipment and making exhaustive explorations of the un­ developed portions of the mines with dia­ m'Ond drills.



Exhibit of Products and Methods in Which Utah Electrical Men Interested.

From January 27, to February 8, the Utah 'State Agricultural 'C'Ollege, at Logan, will hold a "round-up" at which all of the features of its work will 'be illustrated, Ir­ rigation, dry farming and kindred subjects will receive great attention, both by means of addresses and .practical demonstrations. Of especial interest to engineers wlll be the exh!bit arranged by the Utah Power and Light company. This company has got· ten the electrical manufacturers and deal­ ers of the state interested and the greatest exhibit of electrical appliances in the state will be the result. Of interest to the ,householder and es­ Pecially to mining men who are always with· 'Out gas, and can get fuel with difficulty, ,but who ordinarily are 'plentifully supplied with electricity, the bousehold appliances, including electric 'heaters, electr:<: stoves, vacuum cleaners, toasters, percolators and numer'Ous other devices, will ,be of interest. In connect:on with irrigation, there will be in operation a complete electric pumping plant working under a head of 100 feet, which will demonstrate the efficiency of electricity in irrigation. The farmer will be shown how he can l1g1ht, heat, and furn!sh water to his house, as well as do the major part of the dO'mes· tic work with the aid of electricity. 'Min­ ing will not be neglected. The Utah Electrical club, Which was or­ ganized in November of last year, with fourteen mem:bers, has grown to a member­ ship of nearly 400, including practically ah those connected with the electrical industry in the state. The club will go in a body, on a special train, as the guests 'Of the Utah Power & Light company, on February 1, "Marketing Day." It is expected that Gov­ ernor 'Spry will accompany the party and will deliver an address, if he can get away from his legislatiVe> duties.

---0'--­ Stevens County Light and Power com­ pany, with a plant at Meyers Falls,Wash­ ington, has secured the contract to furnish power to the United Copper and Aurora Miining companies at Chewelah for the next 10 years. The stipulation provld'es for It maximum of 1,000·harsepower daily, at $40 for each horsepower a ye'ar_The Stevens Oounty Light and Power company is con­ trolled -by J. A. Coram of Boston, ,Massa­ chuse.tts, for:merly with the Butte & Bos­ ton Mining company at Butte, Montana, w'ho opernte-s power plants in Montana un­ der the name of the Kootenai P'Owe.r and Construction company_ -,--0,---­

The production of the Utah Copper Com­ pany .for December w,as 5,975,246 pounds of copper.

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(By Wm. H. Kritzer.) A patient's life depends on your prompt action, . as the poison acts quickly. All cyanides are deadly poisons, and the J:)rus­ sic acid gas liberated from the solutions, it inhaled. causes almost instant death, and 'When diluted with all', causes dizziness, faintness, and a depressing frontal heaa· ache. Dilute solutions of cyan'ide are very poisonous when taken internally, and when .they come in contact with the skin, pro· dUce. in some persons, eruptions of paIn· ful red boils. H the poisoning is the result of inhaling prussic aClid gas, proceed as follows: water in the patient's face; start a.rtilkial respiration; make the patient in­ hale .e:U:er a small quantity of am1monia; Or a small c;.u~ntity of ether. or a small quantity of ehiorine gas which can be quickly made by sprmirling a small por­ tion of chloride of lime (lllf'aC'hing pow­ der) on a piece of .flannel cloth. mcjl'tened with acetic acid, and then holding the cloth to the nostrils of the patient. If the .poisoning is the result of tak­ ing cyanide solution internally, place the patient dn a hot bath, and apply cold water to the spine and neck. providing no (le ....l'S are ,permitted to intervene in carrying out the previous instructions. Incite vomiting by tickling the back of the patient's throat with the finger. or with a feather, or by causing him to drink luke warm water. or strong 'mustard and water; or 'by the use of a stomach tube and hot water; or by some physical means. Give ammonia water solution (dilut· ed) or nitrate of cobalt solution (diluted); or J:)eroxide of hydrogen solution (diluted). or give carbonate of iron (freshly precipi­ tated). made by mixing equal parts of fer· rous sulphate and sodium carbonate and administer it internally to the patient at once· Or follow special directions accompany­ ing antidote in cabinet compartment nu1m' ber 4. Place special wood cabinets with com­ partments of suitable size in conspicuous and easily accessable parts of the cyanide plant. Have the emergency orders ror the handling of patients affixed to the inside of cabinet door. Properly label each bottle. also see that its contents ar~ kept in a fresh and pure condition. Compartment 1 should contain: One large bottle of distilled water'. One large metal spoon; One pint metal cup for mixing the dif­ feren tan tidotes. Compartment 2 should contain for exter­ nal use: One bottle of ammonia;




a 0,

1 9 1 3.



Mlnlnlli Machlnery and SuppUe.... P:lge Allis-Chalmers Co_ ..••.•..•••..••..•..• 8 Central Coal & Coke Co................. 38 Denver Fire Clay Co. ......•........... 4 Diamond Drilling Co. __ . . . . . . . .. ...... 38 Jeffrey Manufacturing Co. . . . _.... .....• 5 Jones & Jacobs, Mill Builders .......... 4 Lane Mill & Machinery Co. . . . . . . . _.... " 4 Mine & Smelter Supply Co. .............. 1 Minneapolis Steel & Machinery Co....... 43 Porter, Charles F., Building M·ateriaL _ . . 6 Revere Rubber Co. ..................... 43 Richmond. F. C., Machinery Co. .......... 2 Roessler & Hass'acher Chemical Co..... 35 Salt Lake Hardware Co. ........ ....... 44 Silver Eros. Iron Works ................ 3 Utah }<'ire Clay Co. ................ 39 Utah Fuel Co. ......................... 40 \Vay's Pocket Smelter .................. 35 Western Heating & Sheet Metal Co.. . . . . . 6 Z. C. M. I. .............................. 6 Banklnlli Houses. McCornick & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 35

Merchants' Bank ....... .............. 35

Salt Lake Security Co. ... . ............ 35

Utah Savings & Trust Co. _............. 35

Utah State National Bank .............. 35

Walker Bros. . .................. ..... 35

A"lIJa,.ers and Chemists. A. F. Bardwell ......................... Bird-Cowan ...........'. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. Crismon & Nichols ..................... Currie, J. W. ..........•............... Officer & Co., R. R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Union Assay Office .................... Railroads. Bingham & Garfield Ry. ................ Oregon Short I~lne ...................... Salt Lake Route ..................... Mining Attorne,.... Booth, Lee, Badger & Rich ........ Bradley, Pischel & Harkrl(,ss ........... Callahan, D. A., Mining Law Books .... Davis & Davis ........................ Higgins, E. V. ......................... Hutchinson, W. R. ...................... Pierce, Critchlow & Barrette ........... Powers. MarioneRux, Stott & McKinney.. Sanford, Allen T. ................... Mine Dnd Stock Dealer... Orem & Co. . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .







41 39 H

37 37 37 37 :)7

37 37 37 37


One hottle of ether; One bottie of acetic acid; One bottle of chloride of lime (bleach­ ing powder); One piece of flannel cloth for admin­ istening the chlorine gas. 'Compartment 3 should contain for internal use: One bottle ammonia water solution (diluted) ; One 'bottie of cobalt nitrate solution (d:luted; One bottle of -ferrous sulphate (fresh); One bottle of sodium carbonte (fresh). Compartment 4 should contain for internal use: One bottle (sealed) containing 30 C. C. of caustic potash; One bottle (sealed) containing 30 C. 'C. of 33 per cent solution of ferrous sulphate; One package (sealed) containing oxide of magneSium (light), to be used as fol­ lows: 1st: Quickly empty the contents of the two sealed bottles and packages into the metal cup, and stir thoroughly with the metal spoon. 2nd: If patient conscious mak~ hIm swallow the mixture at once and lie dow'n for a few minutes. 3rd: If patient unconscious place him

Director,. of Engineer•• Page,

Adamson, W. G. ........................ 36

Arnold. Fisher & Calvert .............. 36

Boss. M. P. . ... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 36

Brooks, Chas. P. ..........•. ........... 36

Brown, G. Chester .................. ,.. 36

Burch, Caetanl & Hershey ............. , 36

Burke. James J. ....................... 36

Connor. P_ E. ........... _ . __ . _ . . . .. . . . 36

Craig, W. J. . ..................... _ . . . . . 36

Dunyon, N. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . _.. .. ...... .. 36

Fiske. 'Vinthrop W . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. . . . .. 36

General Engineering Co. .... .......... 36

Howard. L. O. _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Ireland, T. W. .......................... 36

Jennings, E. P. ........................ 36

Johnson. Jay Eliot _.................... 36

Knowlton. A. D. ........................ 36

Lee, Murray ................ _ . . . . . . . . . . 36

Leggat, J. Benton ...................... 36

McCaskeli. J. R. ..•......•...........•.•.. , 36

Pack, Mosher F. ....................... 36

Peet. C. A . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.................. 36

Pulsifer, H. B. ......................... 36

Safford, J. L. ........................... 36

Sherrill, S. C. . ........................ _ 37

Silver Bros., Engineers & Contractors... 37

Troxell, L. E. .......................... 37

Utah State School of Mines .... " " " " 37

Valtinke, Paul ........... _. . . . . . . . . . . .. 36

VEladsen Bros. ......................... 37

Waite, James W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. . . . . .. 37

'Valker. H. C. .......................... 37

W'iddicombe & Palmer .,................ 37

Wilson & Ott ........................ _. 37

Zalinski, Edward R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Century Printing Co. _.............. _.. 5

De Bouzek Engraving Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 41

Gardner & Adams ......... _. .. . .. . . . . .. 42

Harris, H. H., Accountant ........... .. 38

Hotel Stanford ......................... 33

Internationa.l Smelting & Refining Co... 8

Mountain States Tel. & Tel. Co. .......... 41

Nephi Plaster Co. ...................... 41

New Era Motor Co. ...... ............. 4

Official Directory of Mines.............. 40

Railroad Time Tables .................. :l9

Roberts, J. C., Dealer in Rare Metals .... 6

Salt Lake Photo Supply Co. ............ 3x

Salt Lake Stamp Co. .................. 38

Shiplers, Commercial Photographers .... 3S

Utah Ore Sampling Co. .......... ..... ~

"~alker Bros. Bank Building ........... 38

Whitaker, Geo. A., Cigars ...... ....... 30

on his back and pour the mixture down his throat in small quantities, if necessary pinching his nose in order to make him swallow_ 4th: Incite vomiting by one of the pre-' vious methods suggested. and it is advis­ able to keep a soft rublber stomach tube having a funnel and exhaust bulb in one of the cabinets. if the services of a pr.'.ysi. cian cannot 'be had promptly. N. B.-It is advisable to have aphy­ SIClan prepare the several solutions re­ quired and prescribe the dose of each to be taken by a patient in an emergency, and. to further assist in preventing mistakes, 'bottles of blue glass can be used as con­ tainers ·for the acids, and bottles of white glass for the alkalies. if it is desired. ------0------­

Elmer Duncan, of Silver City, Utah. superintendent for the United Tintic Mines company, wa.s a recent Salt Lake visitor. Mr. Duncan states that the property of the company is in promising condition, with a fine streak of ore exposed in the north drift on the 210 level. The company is shipping about a carload of good ore every other month, mine assays showing a value of about $40 in copper and silver. The ore is ·heavy in iron. and makes a desirable fluxing product. Development is being pushed and the ore outpnt is paying expenses.



lished Semi-Monthly by Will C. Higgins . and A. B. Greeson.

;e, Room 1601 Walker Bank Building, Top Floor. Phone, Wasatch, 2902.

The interior dep&rt~nt has at last granfed a patent to coal lands in' Alaska. W. (t. Whorf ,gets sixty-three a.cres at Port Graham, Cook's Inlet. The department claims this Is the first location to CQmply with the law. Let the law be c~anged, so that a man may get a coal mine, instead of a binful Oof coal. ----(01-----­

Rochester ca,!lyon, Nevada, promises to be on the map mOore than ever. It has a "L C. HIGGINS .•..•.•........••.. Editor newspaper of its own. May we hope t'hat •• HOWARD ...•••••....• Associate Editor 8. GREESON ..•.....•• Bnsiness Manager the features, characterizing the earlier Snbscription Rlites, (boolms in Nevada may be entirely missing year ......................••....... $2.50

in this promising camp. The usual crop of J\fonths ........................ ; .... 1.50 rle Copy............................ .15 exaggerated statements is already abroad. "ign Countries in Postal Union .•.... 3.75 Subscription Parable in Advance. It is our hope that the camp wHl justify them. Opinions as to. persistence in depth !]ntered November 29, 1902, at Salt Lak~ " Utah, as second-class matter, under Act are little more than guesses at this time. ;ongress of March 3, 1899. However, the surf.a.ce showings would make ld-.-ertl"lng Rate.. , Advertising rates fur­ any camp.

,cd on application.


B. Pulsifer. A. L. Sweetser. H. CalvElrt. H. W. McFarren. oy A. Palmer. Maynard Bixby. '" McLaren. B. F. Tibby. Jay Eliot Johnson.

Advertls:ng Agencies.

JENVER, Colorado.-The National Adver­ ~g Co., Quincy Building. ~EW YORK.-Frank Presby Co., General 'ertising Agents, 3-7 West 29th street. 30UTHERN CALIFORNIA. Hamman's 'ertising Agency, South Pasadena, Cal.

It has ~n said that the lead in most ,h mines is practically a by-product. ,m the scurrying about, when tariff r& .on is mentiQned, we would say it was main\mineral product of the state. ----0'---­ Petroleum and its derivatives are always lresting su.,bjects for discussion. In this Ie we publish another interesting article the refining of oil. Incidentally, the man­ d uses of the petroleum products are ught out.

---'''----0---­ Ore treatment at RepubliC, Washington, been throug'll a series of interesting .ses. In connection with the resume of t pra.ctice, publish€ d in this issue, we Ild call attention to the proposed mer­ for this camp, and the possi-ble entry strong interests., ----<0'---­

We note in the daily press that 8. bill been introduced in the Colorado legis­ Ire, providing for the building of a smelt­ , to be erected near the GQlden School \1Iines, and to be operated under the au& 3S of the school. It is a question whether h enterprises are of any great value, lpolicy in the stronger institutions of ming is against the use of such large .ipment, w'bichcan never be operated a basis approaching that of commercial erprises, and when used as a means of truction" it takes up time that could be ch ,better used elsewhere.



In our last issue we took up the relation of mine dividends to the market and ex­ pressed the opinion that what was required in order to induce the public to invest in min{ng shares was more information as to the actual conditions at mines. Our atten­ tion has si-ncebeen called to several arti­ cles, all ,bearing on the same question and treating it in a similar manner. The interest in the arguments set forth by so many writ­ ers is Widespread. It is now announced that the local exchange Will estabUsh a depart­ ment of p~blicity, the ,purpose of which shall ,be to ,give unbiased publicity to Utah mines, "to obtain for the use of the public, accurate and up-to·datei:nformation in regard to the mines of the state." Attention is called to the fact that mines furnish a majority of freight to railroads, yet the railroads do. not advertise the mines. It is said that official and semi-official or~anizations of the stat:e do not give publicity to the mining interests while promoting the other industries. The members of the exchange recognize the desirability of more accurate and trutn­ ful informatio.n regarding mines as evi­ denced by this statement of the 'proposed innovation, "It seems we would c,reate such a confidence and such a sense of security that any suspicion or hes:itation on the part (),f the investing public, as to the mining in­ dUistry, wfruld 'be removed, and their sup­ port secured." We welcome such a position, and trust that for the good of all interested, the plan may he inaugurated and receive strong sup­ port. The public has not the confidence in the literature of private, brokers that it would have in an impartial statement made by those who have no. especial interest in an individual stock. "Ve are all prone to overstate the case, when personally interest­ ed in any proPQsition, and this may 'be done in all honesty and with the best intentions. Yet where our bread and .butter is concern­

ed, who can blame us for exhibiting undue optimism? PubEclty statements should contain facts not given in the customary report. The bare statement that so many tons Qf ore are in sight not suftlce fQr the intelligent in­ vestor. He wants to know how the ore in sight is measured, just what the openings are, width of ore and value in each Qpening and prOoof that ore 'between openings is real­ ly blocked out, Two tunnels 1,000 feet apart vertically, revealing in each case veins whose characteristics are the same in every respect, does not mean that an ore shoot ex­ ists for the whole distance, And yet how many times are estimates of ore reserves based on just such showings. Emphasis is always placed on the Ibalance sheet of .operatiI1g cOlJllpanies, 'but maps which will enable one to figure for himself ·the possibilities and probal:iilities of the mine and its ore reserves arEl" nearly always lacking. Statements as to mining costs should be carefully analyzed to see that deprec!ation and amortization are included, and the per­ connel of the management should '00 given the most careful attention. In a.ddition, to make the purchase of an individual stock desirable, it should be frankly stated whether amortization is to be included in costs, Qr whether the investor is to take care of amortization for himself. In the lat­

ter case sOlJlle attempt should be made at a conservative estimate of the life of the mine, so that the investo.r may know how much he should set aside as a sinking fund to re­

tire his principal when the mine is exhaust­

ed. When all these matters are given pub­

licity, we may expect greater 'buying of min·

ing stocks, and these features must !be in­ conporated in any publicity plan that is to be anything but a tmisnomer.




A reader sends us the following query: b~gins w-ork on

same in the last m-onth of the year 191~,

and continues work on into 1913, being in

undisputed possession, is it necessary ro do

the $100 assessment work for the year


Thisquestio.n opens up a wide field for

discussion. Certain assumpti-ons must be

Imade in answering it. There is little' doubt

that the intent of the law is that a claim

.owner shall do the . required assessment

w.ork each year, and in a spirit of fairness

ihis should !be done. However, in connec­

tion with mining land, it has been the policy

of the government· to take no notice of

what is or is not done, under possesory

ttile, except when there is a contest. If

'then there are no intervening rights, that

is, if no one has attempted to jump the

claim In 1912, it is probably unnecessary

to do the work for 1912, in order to hold

possessi.on. However, if at the beginning

"If the owner of a claim

14 t


I ~






of 1913, another should jump the claim, on the ground that the assessment work for 1912 had not ,boon done, we believe it would ,be up to the original locator to prove that he had resumed work in 1912, and had prosecuted it diligently since that time. iY;e would say, then, that, providing there is no contest, the original locator need not do the work for 1912,but that, were there a contest, he might find himself in a ,bad position in the courts, when the ques­ tion of intent was considered, and would be In danger of losing tlhe claim. It has been decided,. in a case similar to the one pro­ pounded, that where, in December of one year, work was resumed, continued through the first of the new year and not completed to the amount of $100, that a .party locating on the same ground in August of the new year, had title to the claim. This would seem to conllict with de­ cisions that even after a lapse or several years, the old locator may go on the ground, do $100 worth of work and legally hold the elaim, although no work was d'One for the preceding year, provided, always, that no one else attempted to locate the ground in the intervaL Yet there is a difierence. In the latter case, the equivalent of $100 worth of work was done in the current year, with no ad­ verses. In the fOrlmer, t'he assessment was d'One neither for the previous year nor for the current at the time the ground was lo­ cated. The only case in which the original lo­ cator can hold the ground under the condi· tions of the query, are that in 1913, before the claim shall 'be relocated by anot'her, he do the work for 1913. The necessity 'of do­ ing it for 1912 is then overcome. Applying this point of view to a con· crete case, Suppose A, the original owner, resumes in December, 1912, and does $25 Worth of work before the end of the year, and continues on into 1913, dOing $75 worth in 1913. He is now safe for 1912, provided he chooses to apply this work. Suppose, however, that !he sees a reasonable chance of g,etting $25 worth more done, without in­ terference. He may, then, do $25 worth in addition, making a total of $125, $100 of which was done in 1913, and may be ap­ plied to 1913, and protect the claim, without finishing the assessment for 1912. If an· other locates ·before the first $100 of work is done, the oWner would be .forced by cir­ cU'mstances to apply the wmk on the 1912 assessment in order to hold the claim. The following, we ,believe, shows the possibilities. A locates in February, 1911. He need not have the work done until De­ cember 31st, 1912, and then, he may by January 31st, 1913, :have enough done, $100 'plus, to cover assessment for 1913, and need do no other work until the end of 1914, thus securing possession for practically four years, with a little over $100 worth of work. 0: course, without a contest he need do


REV I ~ W,


none at all, but by the above procedure, he ,prevents anyone interfering for nearly two yell-ra to come. ~~-o~---


We reprint the following editorial from the Mining & Engineering World, ,published at Chicago, from which city the object of the denunciation hails. No f!lrther comment is necessary. "You admit by what you have told me that you know nothing of the conditions in the mining states; that you know nothing of mining law and that you have never tried a milling case. I have asked you if you knew the meaning ofa half dozen terms used in mining and you say you do not. Doesn't that prove your incOimpetency?" "The a,bov,e excerpt ,from a Washington press dispatch appearing in a recent issue of a 'Chicago morning paper, refers to are­ ,ported interview between ,Secretary of the Interior Walter L. Ifisher and an Arizona United States senator. The interview w'as 'brought about by the senator's protest over the recent ruling of the secretary that "there could be no prospecting for valuable minerals as practiced for more than a quar­ ter of a century; that the miner must dis­ cover it on the surface and not sink any shafts." "At the time Mr. Fisher was called from Chicago by Presid<mt Taft to administer the afiairs of the important department of the interior, we were, to say the least, consider­ ably surprised. For here in Chicago we knew him best in connection with the tangled legal affairs of corporations, 'both cammer­ cial and municipal. That he was a success along these lines is surely evidenced by the "f,at" fees that usually fell to his portion. But that ,he aspired to, or that he had the ability to untangle the affairs Qf the inter­ ior department, which were so sadly dis· rupted by Roosevelt and Pinchot, was never given a thought, And now after hav­ ing been at the head of the department 1'01' several years, we are at a greater loss than ever to know just what qualifications he was supposed to possess which induced the pres­ ident to appoint him to this important office. "To those who have followed the admlll!­ istration of the land laws by the interior de­ partment the past few years, and especially the mineral-land Laws, there has been and still is apparent a decided lack of experience on the part of the secretary with the affairs of the great mining industry. w'ith the pub­ lic-lands question of the west. and with the needs of the -public-lands states and Alaska, "It surely is a matter for congratulation that the official life of Mr. Fisher, in his 'present capacity at least, will end with the inauguration of Woodrow Wilson. Who h1s successor will be is probably unknown at this writing even to Mr. Wilson himself; but judging from the recent utterances of the president-elect on matters pertaining to pub­

a 0,

1 91 3.


lic service, we feel assured that he will at leaJst select a man for his cabinet who really knows the difierence 'between a mine and a hole in the ground. That he should come from some :far-western state goes without saying."


Fred V. Bodfish, manager of the Amer­ ican Flag property at Park City, Utah, is to take charge of operations at the Union Chief mine at Santaquin. '\'TIile in the east he per­ fected arrangements for financing the prop­ erty. The drift from the lower tunnel has reached a depth of 1,100 feet below the sur­ face, and when this connects with the ore shoot exposed by the upper tunnel, much ground will be availllible for stoping, with low mining costs. The mine can be worked by overhead back stoping, all ore being put down ooutes to the tunnel level. Another item in low cost mining is the ab­ sence of pumping and hoisting machinery, the only power required being that for the machine drills, and for haulage. Electric power is now in use for driving the com­ pressor. Mr. Bodfish is quoted as saying: "I will gO to ,santaqUin. make a detailed examination of the Union Chief and map out a plan of development. I made a preliminary inspec­ tion of the property a few weeks ago, and I was very favorably impressed 'by its sihowing and prospect. I did not, however, make a study of it with a view to future operation. That is what I shall undertake now. "I am enthusiastic over the mining possi­ bilities of the Wasatch mountain range from Park City to Santaquin and Tintic. I am convinced that that range contains more mining surprises than any similar area in the west." ----!o----~


Morrow & Walker, of Salt Lake, leasing on the Muir Brook property at Stocl{ton, Utah, are awaiting returns ona car of lead ore recently shipped to a Salt Lake smel, tery. Another shipment is being prepared. So far the work has aU been done by thE lessees, ,but it is their intention to put two more men at work soon. There are threE .places where stoping may be carried on. The property is opened by an incline seventy-five feet deep, from the bottom oj which a drift enters the hill for about 12C feet. In this drift the showing is excellent and the ore appears to gO to the surface. It is also possible to sink in ore. The orE carries, in addition to an amount of lead w!hich makes it profitable. about one pel cent copper, and one ounce of silver to eael1 three per cent lead. A large amount of fair ore is now exposed, and it appears that these energetic young men are now in a position to realize on their efiorts.




rhe Prospector and His Burro


(By Will C. Higgins.) 'lease ante and 'pass the buck," said prospector to his 'burro. "HOIpe you for I think I have a. hand that will you out to an extent that a referec lnkruptcy will have to ,be appointed you, just the same as a receiver has been put in charge of that promising tidy-looking property just 'Over the hill our camp. Board o!!' play for you, you cannot take it back, which leaves In the same fix as the manager of the I have just mentioned. who under­ lated th~ hand that his opponent, e Nature, held, and played a two spot l he should' have lead the ace. And he has been sent down the hill, and a 1ge guy from the city is going over oooks and accounts, while a geology {. is at work in the mine fi,guring out :fficult problem of d.ips, spurs and ~S.

rhis mine I speak of," continued the )ector, "formed the basis for an incor· :ed company some three ()r [our years There was a fine showing of ore on surface, and everything indicated the ence of a big mine. A well-known 19 man was put in charge, and he ]:}e­ at once, an active campaign of shal­ development work. A tunnel was run 1 the vein for a distance 'Of over 500 all in ore Qf good milling grade. From Ildications the mine was going 00 de­ . into a whale, and. from the manager's 'point, was 'the latest, the greatest, the very UlP-to-datest' propositi'On in "hole mining field, and it crowded the ination with excess baggage from the start. But, here was where he made 3take and played a deuce when the ace ld hav~ oome out. for, th~ first thing id was to insist UJpon the building of 3tly ,milling plant, a swell 'bungalo for lanagement. and cottages for his superdent, foreman, engineer and as.sayoer. •ok at th~ layout one oould not imagine ling more successful or promising. The air of the place suggested govern· bonds, champagne suppers and auto­




moMles. Visitors from the east returned to their tickers and other highly intellec­ tual pursuits fairly wild over the future out­ look for the property, and homes were mortgaged and jewelry pawned in order that another ,block of stock in the com­ pany might be salted down until it should sell above par after it had paid more than 'faoo value in dividends. Oh, the whole thing W'lI.S swell, and afforded more joy to stock holders, in antiCipation, than would a bunny hug dance to a hall-full of coons. And, this feeling of serene- enjoyment and complete satisfaction continued for several months, for unlooked-for delays and non­ arrival of important parts of machinery prevented the starting up of the new m.ill at the time appointed. But. finally, every­ thing was ready, and the first run was made amidst great enthusiasm and hurrah. And it was a success, too, and the saving on the plates gave 'promise of profitable operation and a period of regular dividend paj'lments, A month passed. and alrea;dy the company had a nice balance to its credit at the bank when, almost without notice, the tonnage going to the mill ma­ ter.ially lessened. The president wired to the manager for an explanation. the man­ ager called in his superintendent, and the superintendent summoned his shift bosses. 'lihe session wa.s a warm one. 'but the answer was simple, for the ore in the mine workings had 'been exhausted, 'and no more was in sight. Whether the d€iposit was nothing more than a gash vein, or whether the ledge had merely pinched, no one could tell; for, as 'a matter of fact. no develop­ ment work had been done ahead of ore <extraction, and no depth had been at· tained. "Anyway, the mine Was nothing more than a hole in the ground, with nQ ore in sight,and it looked as bad to the manage­ ment as an empty 'barley sack would to ·you; and, the way the boss and his men s'et out looking for pay-rock reminded me ()f a pack of coyotes closing in on 'a mother sheep with a little lamb, lost out in the sage··brush. The elusive ore-body. however, would not stand without hitching, and led the management a merry chase through winzes, cross·cuts, upraises and drifts, and had not been c{)rralled up to the time when the surplus fundS had all been exhausted, and the receiver appointed, of which I bave just told you. Of course, ore may be found at depth; ,but, under present con­ diti'Ons everything is atastandstill, as far as production is concerned, and the mill stands as a monument t{) the folly of PUt­ ting in extensive and expensive reduction plants until the orebodies in the mine are systematically demonstrated as to extent and value, and future possibilities fully cop­ !pered. "I want to tell you. Old Long Ears," continued the prospector. "it is not always good judgment to be too cock sure about



anything. whether it is the number of face cards held by others in a. sluff gaJIDe. or the possibility of a surface deposit of ore going to the deep. It is far better and safer to develop the ore bodies in a mine and then build 'lI. milling plant. than it is to assume that the ore is there, put in reduc­ tion works, and then. later on, go d'iooey_ The same reasoning applies to all walks of life, tenderfeet and burros included; and there you are. and then some." ----o·~-­


The Eagle & Blue Bell Mining com­ pany has joined the list of dividend payers 'Of the Tintic district of Utah and will dis­ tribute its initial dividend of five cents a share on February first. Ther~ are 889.146. shares outstanding, so that the disburs~­ ment will total $44,457.30. The company is controlled by the Bingham Mines com­ lPany. which took qver its stock some time ago. The creditable showing is due largely to the excellent work of General Manager lmer Pett, the property being in very poor condition when he took charge. In order to get at the most pr()llllising section of th~ 'Property. Mr. Pett sank a new sha,ft at a considerable distanoo from the old one and demonstrated continuous ore from the 700 to th~ 1,OOO4'00t level. The company has ore also on the 1,300 and l,500·foot levels. Shipments are being made steadily and the property is in good condition for continued dividends. With the excellent record of the Chief C<>nsolidated. two new dividend payers have ·been added to the Tintic list. thus early in the new year. ----01---­ BOND COLORADO MINE.

John H. Meager, of Silverton. 'Colorad'O, who has been spending the past ten days in Salt Lake, closed up a deal. while here, with the Amerioan Smelting & Refining company whereby the latter secured a !bond and op­ tion on the Merger group of mining cl~ims at Silverton. the purchase price running up into five figures. Preliminary examination will be made at 'an early date by Enginoor Wilson (If the American staff, and a payment is to ,be made May 1st. The entire purchase price is to be made within the year. The mine is only 2,000 feet ,from the Silverton reducti'On plant of the A. S. and R. cO'mpany, and but 1,500 feet from the railroad. The ore is a heavy sulphide carrying excellent values in copper. Mr. Meager is an enthusiast on the sub­ ject of ,building a direct railroad line from Silverton to Salt L.ake connections, and states that, with such a road in operation. at least 60 per cent of the ores of that section could :be handled by Utah smelteries. Wm. ,Meager, of Battle Mountain, Nev­ ada, assisted in rounding out the deal. and has returned hom~.





[Mine 0- Smeller Building I An electric pump wlllbeinstalled at the Toro Blanco shaft, at Manhattan, Nevada, An electric hoist will be installed at the Midget No, 2 mine at Cripple Creek, by the lessee, a Mr. Arbough. The Summit Hill mine, near Dobbins, California, '\\'111 be equipped with a ten­ stamp mJill in the spring. The Last Chz.nce Mining company, operating near SUmpter, Oregon, wi1J erect a milling plant in the spring. A 200-foot shart is to be sunk on the June-Eclho property at Chewelah, Washing­ , ton. Hoisting machinery is to be installed, ,A. T. Amado, of Tucson, Arizona, has acquired the Papago Chief mine in the Ba­ tboquivari district and will install new 'ma­ chinery. The Tonopah 76 Consolidated Mining company of Tonopah, Nevada, ds receiving bids 'for an electrically driven air-com­ pressor. The Goldfield Consolidated Mines com­ pany, of Goldfield, Nevada, will install dia­ mond drills, .for prospecting below its deep­ est levels. Russell & Morgan, of Cripple Creek, Colorado, have leased a property on Jeffer­ son 'Squaw mountain and will install an electric hoist. The EI Oro Mining & Mdlling company, of 'Cripple Creek, Colorado, has acquired the Jiener mine In Eclipse gulch and will in· stall a geared hoist. McGill & Company have leased the Black Jack claim on Beacon hill, at Cripple Creek, Colorado, and will install a fifteen-horse­ power electric hoist. The Pioneer Consolidated Mines com­ pany, of Pioneer, near Rhyolite, Nevada, may build a mill for the treatment of its free-milling gold ores. William J. Tobin is president of the company. The management of the Lincoln 'Consoli­ dated Mining company, of Jackson ,Cali­ fornia, is considering plans for the installa­ tion of new pumps in the Lincoln shaft. The Red Cross mine, near Dobbins, Cal­ ifornia, has been leased to George & Chambers. The terms call for a fifteen­ stamp mill, to be built within eight months. The North Georgia shaft, at Chloride, Arizona, will be equipped with a powerful hoist and suitable pumping macfuinery to handle the water recently encountered in sinking. It 1s reported from Telluride, Colorado, that E, H. Van Endert and G. C. Webber, who are interested in the Or





compose the board of trustees. The st holders authorized a mill to cost bet\\ . $15,000 and $20,000. The Diamond C mine, in McKean (

yon. fifteen miles from 'Winnemucca,

vada, will be equipped with a mill.

chief interests in the operating comjl:

are C. D. Cousins, of San Francisco, A,

Powell, of Hayward, California, and T

Merrigan, of Reno. Nevada.

An increase of capitalization from : 000,000 to $1,500,000 was authorized by 1 stockholders of the H. E, M. ;\llning cc llany at the annual session in Spoka \Vas,hington, recently. The purpOse of t increase is to 'supply funds for fllrth development and equipment of thc m' and to ·install a compre,ssor and COlleent tor, the aggregate eXjlense of which will $50,000. lssuance of gold bonds in the sum $500,000 was authorized by the stocklJold" of the Home Builder Mining and Develo ment company at the annual meeting, he in SpDkane, Washington. The monpy w be used for the erection ofa cyanid8 11) having a daily capacity of 5,000 toliS, '11 the development of a water power ar appurtenant equipment at the propprt" the company, situated about 65 mle" east J Spokane. An arrangement has been maE for the sale of the bonds. it is sta ted h '.Valter C. Brower, president of the <:01' pany. <so that ground may ,be b-roken for tt mill as soon as t.he snow is off, A. Hut of Tacoma, Washington, S. J. Net·drum. ( Seattle. R. E. Mcli':arland of Coeur d'Alen Idaho, G. W, Dickinson, of Spokane, an ,\V. C. Brov:er of Bro)'ter. Idaho. \\'el Allen L. Burris,president of the EI Paso elected directors for the year. Consolidated Gold Mining company, says 0----­ that a new drainage tunnel will be con­ CONSTRUCTION NOTES. structed in the 'Cripple 'Creek district of Colorado, 700 feet below the Roosevelt tun­ Bonds of the Plateau Valley Railrm nel, construction to begin early this year. company in the sum of $6,000,000, Ilan· bp, Miners' Reduction & MiHlng company, of sold for construction of the standard ,gall! Silverton, Colorado, has leased the North railroad from Yeckel Jundion, 011 tile R Star mill, located at the foot of Sutton Grande railroad in :\Lesa county. Coloretd mountain, and will in the next thirty days to Collbran, twenty-five miles through t1 open a custom plant for the treatment of Plateall valley. Construction to l;c,c; ores. New machinery is to 'be purchased ~farch 1. and installed. It is reported from Yreka, Califol'ni

A hoist is to be installed at the Silver Boy property, at Dun Glen, Nevada, recent­ ly bonded by E. Wicklund to Charles Olm­ stead. If the present showing continues, a mill will be built. Tibbetts, Oliver ,& Company have a

lease on the Sliver Dollar mine in Russell

,gulch, nealr Central City, Colorado, and contemplate the installation of an electric hoist and compressor. The Copper Reef Mdning company, of Globe, Arizona, contemplates the ,Installa­ tion of an electric station and a twelve-mile transmission line from San 'Carlos. An aerial tralmway will also be installed. William Reed has sold all his mining property at Hamilton, Nevada, to a Mr. O'Brien. This includes the IDberhardt and the rich mines of Treasure hill. It is un­ derstood a 'IDiIl will be erected in the spring. 'A syndicate, represented at Spokane, Was.hington, by J. V. Richards, is planning to secure control of the best pro.perties in the Republ.ic diSitrict with the intention of erecting a large concentrating pl'ant for the ores of that section. According to a report from Nogales, Ari· zona, a pump is to be installed on the Bob Lee mines In the Patagonia mountains, and a concentrating plant will be put up on the old Derazno mine in Magdalena district, for­ ty miles southwest of Nogales. The Granby Consolidated Mining com­ pany, of British Columbia, will try to secure a bond issue of $5,000,000 at its stockhold­ ers' meeting on February 25th. Among the Improvements wEI be the erection of a smeltery at its Hidden Creek property.

The Russel tract of 500 acres near Igo, California, has been acquired ·by a party of Seattle capitalists headed by Capt. H. Thompson. The new owners plan the In­ stallation of one, and possibly two, bucket­ elevator dredges. Er'lectricity will be the motive power.

that th€ 'California-Oregon Power compal! Sjskiyou diviSion, will erect, withil, tll!' months, a 600-kilowatt, 60,OOO-volt outdo substation and three miles of 60.0(;/)-\'( transmission Jines, and will purr:hai;e 0 60,OOO-volt pole-top switch. O. G. Steel division sU]1erintendent.

These officers OF the Idaho-Montana Amalgamated Mining cO'mpany, owners of a lead-silver property in the Cabinet range, were elected at a meeting in Spokane, 'Washington: A. D. J<'eyter, president; Pro­ fessor W. S. Morley, Vice-president, and A. F. Cook, secretary-treasurer. The officers, with J. B. Whalen of Spokane, and 1. L, Col­ lins and C. A. Tenwick: of Moscow, Idaho,

The Hydro-}<':;Iectric company has til with the county clerk at Hood River. OJ gon, for record, a 'mortgage for $](1(1,000. secnre a bond issue of like amount. T company j)roposes to develop two WIlt' ]lower sites on Hood river and ext,md j transmission Jines into the Daile;;. J. Thompson is vice'president of the C ..lI11par and general manager,




'onslruclion News

'municipal electric light plant is to be lied at Belen, New Mexico. Plans are being prepared. )s Angeles is planning a new water sup­ and in this connection will erect a hydro-electric station. 30rge Calhoun, a Bakersfield, California, lan, is considering the erection of an lfinery at Phoenix, Arizona. e Light Granite company of Everett, lington, R. H. McKee, promoter, will Id $20,000 in equipping a plant to cut ~ teo lle Pacific Power & company is egin work at once on its proposed ·horsepower 'hydro-electrio plant at River, .oregon. ians are under consideration by the ~ Fe railroad to build a cuton: between 'unta, Colorado, and Amarilla, Texas, nee of 200 lIlliles. R. Martineau, of Salt Lake, has re-o d word that the city of Pocatello, ), has granted him a street railway electric lighting franchise. r the $6,500,000 power bonds to be voted ebruary 25th, at San Francisco, $750,000 }e required to complete the power plant under construction by the city. lle municipal electric light and power at Clayton, New Mexico, which was ttly destroyed by fire, is to be rebuUt equipped with modern machinery. he Holton Power company. of Holt­ California, contemplates improvements extensions to its system, for which s to the amount of $150,000 have been d.

he town trustees of Gunnison, 'Colorado, x)llsidering w.ays and means to build a concrete reservoir and extend the light A committee has been appointed to :tigate the matter. onds in the sum of $37,000 have been I to establish a municipal electric light poWer plant at Glendora, California. 1 G. Dressery, HI-bernian building, Los ,les, is city engineer. he Kootenai Power company of Coeur 'ne, Idaho, is contemplating the con­ tion of a dam and electric power plant ,bby, Montana. Paul D. Pratt of Ubby, :al representative. I:lOshone 'Electrk Light & Power com· of Cody, Wyoming, expects to pur ~, within the next three months, two ads of Idaho cedar poles and fifty me­ D. A. Tinkom is superintendent. he Bend Water, Light & Power com­ 'has been sold to Charles A. Brown Kempster B. Miller, of Mdfeen & :r, of Chicago, the corporation being rn as the Central Orego{l, Power COm­




pany. Work on the proposed power house is to be resu'med at once. A 35()-kw. turbo­ generator unit is to be installed. T. H. Foley will be retained as general manager. The city of Pasadena, California, will in­ stall two electrically driven centrifugal pumps in the new sewer system on South Grand avenue. Van Nor brnum, city engi­ neer, is in charge of the work. The Mountain Development company is preparing to Install a 2,500-horsepower hy­ dro-electric pow'er 'plant on Berry creek, near Sattley, California. The plans call for construction of several dams. W. O. Peck is interested. The Western States Gas & Electricity company, is planning to distribute electri· city in and about Lodl, California. Work will soon ,begin on installation of the sys­ tron. W. ,So Butler, of Stockton, California, is general manager. Bids will be received by Warner Thomas, city clerk of Redlands, California, until Feb­ ruary 5 for construction of an electric 'power plant ,for municipal water system. F. E. Track, Union Oil building, Los Angeles, is consulting engineer. The Crane Power & Irrigation company, Ltd., of Boise. Idaho, is to complete, within the next twelve months, a 12,000 horse­ power sub-station to supply electricity for pumping water for irrigating purposes. .os­ wald H. :Slcott is secretary. The Williams Water & Electric company is to purchase, within the next three months, 'boilers, engines, generators, ,pumps and condensers, etc. Luther 'Stover is in­ terested in the company, whose headquar. ters are at WHliams, Oregon. Plans are preparing in hands of the Southern California Edison company to en­ large its auxiliary steam generating plant on the ocean front at BeaCh, Cali­ fornia. The work will include power house and installation of second unit. Bids are to be received by the Los An· geles board of public works until January 31 for 353 steel towers for a 1l0,OOO-volt transmission line. Forms, etc., to be ob­ tained on application to the Los Angeles Aqueduct Board, Los Angeles, California. The gradual relaying of 90·pounds rails the entire distance ,from 'Salt Lake to Los Angeles by the Salt Lake Route will begin immediately. InWal expenditure will be $250,000 for the first thirty·six miles out of Los Angeles. The entire sum to be spent aggregates $3,500,000. The Nevada. Valley Power company has filed with the county recorder at Reno, Nevada, a trust deed in favor 'Of the Inter­ national Trust company of Denver, Colorado, to secure a bond issue of $3,000,000 to pro­ vide funds to build Its power plants. The power site proposed to be used by the com· Pllny is located on tlhe Truckee river about

3 0,

1 9 1 3.

seven 'miles from Reno. The directors are: H. D. Danforth of Reno, who Is local agent; Edson Adams, Edward Boewes, Milton Ham­ ilton and A. F. Tarley, all of Oakland, 'Cali­ fornia. The Corvallis & Eastern railway will make extensive i'mprovements th!s summer. It will erect at Albany, Oregon, a car shop, addition to machine shops, large stewm boiler, one or more electric motors, turning lathes, etc, D. ~r. McLaughlin is master mechanic. The light commission of Glascow, Mon­ tana, is to purchase one 65-k.w., 60-cycle, three-phase alternating current generator, directly connected, and a condensing outfit for the municipal electric light plant, within the next twelve months. A. J. Melvin is snperlntendent. The board of public works has Instructed City Engineer Dimock of Seattle, Washing­ ton, to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a dam at 'Cedar lake for th'3 city water and light system, to cost about $1,500,000. PI::ns will be ready for estimates about March 1. The plant and holdings of the Deming Land & Power company have been pur­ chased by C. E. Miesee, of Chicago, Illinois, and associates. The development of 9,500 acres of land, proposed by the company, will cost $1,000,000. A central power plant will be installed, also pumping .plants. The Rawlins Electric Light & Fuel com­ pany is to erect, within the next twelve months, an elevatcd coal track to facilitate the unloading of coal and may purchase a 50·horsepower condenser, one ton of Wire, seventy-five meters and a sm.all amount of miscellaneous supplies. J. H. Jacobucci 1s manager. ,

J.S. Harker, 'president of the :M~unta!n Progressive club of Madera, California, is promoting construction of an electric rail· way from Madera to Yosemite valley. To secure power for the proposed railway it is proposed to store the waste waters of the North Fork watersheds to be utilized to drive a hydro·electric plant.

, !


The possibility of installing a hydro-elec­ tric power ,plant at Grace, Idaho, to light and heat the towns of Grace, Bancroft, Alexander, Turner, Lund and Centrah is be­ ing discussed by the Last Chance Canal company of Grace, which controls a power site capable of generating ample power for the :purpose. T. E. Stanton is manager. The Great Falls Power company of Great Falls, Montana, has ,geen granted M<mtana's federal permit for double power transmission line of 150 miles to furnish ,power to Puget Sound for electrification of 450 miles of main track between Harlow­ ton, Montana, and Avery, Idaho. The ago gregate cost of installing the new system will be approximately $5,000,000.




SAL 't


ill! I N IN G

REV i E W,



191 S.



I Personal


Lorin N. Morrison, of Salt Lake, has .gone to NeVada. F. A.Sweet, of Salt Lake, transacted business in Idaho, last week. A. A. Brim, of Arco, Idaho, was in Salt Lake City early in the month. John A. Steele, of Lane City, Nevada, was a recent visitor in Salt Lake. W. T. McArdle, of 'Contact, Nevada, is in Twin Falls, Idaho, on mining r company, has gone east on company ·business. E. K. ,Stone, mining near Imlay, Nevada, has gone to Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for a m()nth. George Weston, of the Copper Queen property, which is twenty-five miles w~st of Elko, Nevada, is in Salt Lake. W. W. Oharles of the Tonopah Min­ ling COmpany of Tonopah, Nevada, has gone to Los Angeles !for 'a brief trip. H. B. Dow, manager of the Virgin Valley opal mines, Ilear Denio, Nevada, has re­ turned from a trip to California. Henry Greenwell, manager of the Provi­ dencia Maning company, has returned to Nogales, Arizona, from a trip to Ohio. Sam S. Porter, of San Diego, California, who is heavily interested in Utah mines, has gone to Chicago ona ,business trip. Herman Freudenthal, prominently iden­ tified with the business and mining interests of Pioche, Nevada, was a recent Salt Lake visitor. ,Charles Knox, president of the Tonopah Mining company, has returned to Tonopah from a visit to the Commonwealth mine in Arizona. L. Loranger, of Duluth, MJnnesota, has been investigating properties near Silver City, Idaho, in the interests of eastern acquaintances. Newton Farr, of Salt Lake, rooently returned ,from Battle Mountain, Nevada, where he has started Work on the Hider· Nevada property. H. S. Barnhardt, one of the directors of the California-Utah M~ning company, oper· ating at Doyle, California, is in Salt Lake for an indefinite stay. L. F. Clemmons, of Denver, recently vis­ 1ted properties in the South Mountain Imin­

J. E. Garr, of Cripple Creek, Colorado, manager of the Golden Cycle mine, was in ,Salt Lake, last week, en route to Los Angeles. Mr. Garr Informed The Mining Re­ view that he is working a force of 250 men and producing in the neighborhood of 250 tons of shipping ore daily. The mine is paying $250,000 in dividends monthly, and Is one of the big mines of the camp. At one time it gained considerable notoriety by paying $1,000,000 in one dividend. Mr. Carr is an old-time friend of F. V. Bodfish, of Salt Lake, the well-known and successful mine operator and Imanager. George St. Clair, of Ophir, Utah, man­ ager for the Uon Hill Consolidated ;,\'1in­ ing company, was in Salt Lake, the first of the week, with a carload shipment of good ore. l\f:r. St. -Clair states that he is ship­ ping at the rate 'Of a.bout 100 tons of ore, JJlonthly, and that the mine is in good con­ diti-on. He also says tha.t the camp of Ophir is looking exceptionally well, and that the Clark railroad is busy all the time handling traffic for the camp. The Ophir Hill is shipping regularly and the remodel­ ing and equipment of its mill is now nearly c()lmplete; while the CUf!' is maintaining a regular output and is now in the dividend­ F. s.. Sizer, of Wikox, Arizona, general pa.ying class. manager of the Mascot Copper company, ----0--­ SCRANTON REACHES ORE SHOOT. has been in San Fl"ancisco, in conference with the directors of the company as to Production at the Scranton mine, in the future development at the property. North Tintic district of Utah has been ham­ A. O. Jacobson, superintendent of the peredby the failure of the ele'ctrical trans­ Alta ConsoUdated Mining company, of Alta, formers to arrive, according to Manager N. Utah,has returned to Salt Lake from a A. Dunyon, who has just returned from an trip to the Santa Fe district of Nevada, inspection of the property. Prospecting and where he has been looking over property develop'ment has ,proceeded at the usual rate, with the object of taking over S()lIlle of the however, and the point :where the vein, more promiSing ground. which has been nearly flat, begins to dip George W. Tarkington, manager or the downW'ard, has ibeen reaohed. The beddillg Pelican and Seven-Trinity mines, at Silver plane has been followed for 1,500 feet, and Plume, Colorado, has gone to Kentueky, to has been the source of the company's ship­ confer with -officials of the Parkington ments. Several working places are now be· Mines company, which has recently taken ing opened up in addition to the work being over these properties. done 'On the downward extension of the main ·\Vm. Ace, of Rock Springs, Wyoming, a vein. W'here the change in the inclination prominent business man of that 'place, of the vein occurs, a great orebody 250 feet who is president ·of the Rock 'Springs Ex­ square ,has ;been found, the average content ploration company, whose holdings are 10' ,being about twenty per cent zinc. Leaching cated in the copper camp of Contact, Ne­ ihas been pronounced here and it is ,prob­ vada, was in Salt Lake last week, visiting ·able that ore of commercial grade will be with A. J. Taribet, one of the members of the found at greater depth. The zinc ore on the c()lmpany.Mr. Ace is enthusiastic over the Delmonte level, from which shipments have present outlook for Contact, and is well sat· 'been made, is running about thirty-six per isfied with conditi-ons as they exist there. He cent zinc. is especially pleased with the fact that the If the shoot, now found at the foot of the camp will doubtless enjoy excellent railroad Knapp incline, shows enrichment with depth, d:acilities in the near future, as two lines are the mine should be ,back on its old produc· now projected into that section. A number of ing basis in a few weeks. 'pieces of very choice mining property have ---0---­ recently changed hands in the district, in­ The Cleveland CHf!'s Iron Co., Ispem­ cluding the noted Bonanza mine, which has ing, Michigan, will install in the Lloyd mine passed to an English syndicate which is ac­ at Morris,Michigan, a 100-k.w.-motor-genera­ quiring a considerable area in the district. tor set and three 6-ton electric mining loco­ The Bonanza adjoins the property of the m'Otives in the Ispeming mines. The orders Rock Springs Development company, and is for this apparatus have been placed with on the same immense vein system. the General Electric company.

1ng district of Idaho, in which he is in­ terested,and has started development on the Standard Mining & Milling eompany's properties near Silver ·City. N Gl'man 'Carmichael, general manager of the Arizona Copper company, of Clifton, Arizona, made a trip to the Panama canal during the Ohristmas holidays. Bob Mabry, 'president and general man· ager of the Credo-Eureka Mines company, Edward A. MoYe and N. C. Titus, all of s.po­ kane, Washington, are in Eureka, Nevada, inspecting the company's mines. S. H. Williams, president and general manager of the Smokey Development com­ pany, which is operating at Ely, Nevada, was a recent visitor in ,salt Lake on his way to the property from the east. L. M. Elvans, one of the western repre­ sentatives of the A. Leschen & Sons Rope cOllwany, of St. Louis, was in Salt Lake, last week, from a trip into Idaho, where he had been in the interest of his firm. R. L. Edward,s, general manager of the Mus'grove Mining ·company, of ldaho, is in Salt Lake. The new mill of the company has 'been thoroughly tested out, and enough ore is in 'sight !fora long run.

John Olmstead, of the, engineering force of the Calumet & Arizona Copper company, I 1 at Bisbee, Arizona, has gone to San Diego, l_ . 1 The MacNamara mine of Tonopah, Ne­ F. V. Bodfish, of Salt Lake, is in Cali· CaUornia, on a pleasure trip. L. V. Waterhouse and A. W. Wincey, of f-ornia on important mining business. vada, ,is nOW in milling ore on its GOO-foot C. E. M'Oulton, of Salt Lake, has gone to the Broken Hill mines, of Australia, have level. Yerin.gton, Nevada, as engineer for the New been 'making a tour of western mines, and \Vork & Company have their mill run­ recently vis'ted the Utah -Copper company's ning on CQvode mountain, Georgetown, Yerington Copper company. properties at Bingham, Utah. Their trip Colorado. J. A. MeCaskell, of Salt Lake,has return­ has included besides the mines and smelter­ ld from a trip into central Nevada, where he Electricity has been turned on at th2 ies in America, a study of mining and smelt­ lttended to Dmportant professional business. Sheep Rock mill, in Beaver county, and ing in European countries. the plant will probably be running by the W. H. Block, of Salt Lake, with the Desert Don Maguire, of Ogden, one of the noted time this issue is out. "ower & Mill company, at Millers, Nevada, metallurgtstsand engineers of the west, who las been visiting relatives and ,fr~ends in lt is reported that the Craven sUmer was in Salt Lake, last week, informs The ;:'jon, during the past week. Mining Review that, in Camp Floyd district, may be tested at the Utah Copper com­ TO'm Mlorrow, of Salt Lake, now operate Utah, he has uncovered one of the finest pan,y's mi.lls, the inventor, P. H. Graven, ng in che Stockton district of Utah, ~has bodies of chlorutahlite ever disclosed in the n'Ow being in Salt Lake dn an endeavor to ~'One to Carlin, Nevada, and will examine west. This is a gem stone, emerald green in have the machine tI'ied out. Jroperties in the LYnn camp for Salt Lake color, and is used quite extensively in the It is reported that Joseph Nenzel plans llients. manufacture of jewelry. From this point Mr:­ to incorporate a company to build 'a power Frank G. Janney, in charge of the mills Maguire has already taken from 1,000 to 1,­ plant at Oreana, Nevada, to supply power and light to the mines at the head of )f the Utah Copper company at Garfield, has 500 ounces. Roches'ter cany.on and Lincoln hill. -----0 . ;one to Butte, Montana, to inspect the Butte RICO ARGENTINE SHIPPING. l; Superior mill, which is operated by allied The recently organized Nenzel·Crown nterests. The Rico Argentine Mining company, Point comp'any of Rochester canyon, Ne­ H. F. Widdecomb, of Pioche, superintend­ with properties at Rico, Colorado, has ship­ vada, is about to start a long tunnel from ,nt of the Bristol C'On., who was in Salt ped ten cars of ore during the past two the American canyon side 'Of Nenzel peak .ake, last week, stateji,. that conditions with weeks, in an effort to test the posslbili­ to tap the main vein on Crown Point No.3. he company are most satisfactory and ties for favorable eontracts from various Ed Cach, manager 'Of the Gold Fissure 'ramising. smel:eries. Three thousand feet of aerial property on Covode mountain at George­ Sam Treloar, formerly manager of the tramway has been built, 1,bUO feet of tun­ town, Colorado,has just shipped three cars Jtah Metals Mining company, at Bingham, nel development done, hoisting plant, of ore of varying grades, ,the lowest of s in the city, from Los Angeles, and may blowers, orebins, and houses built. New di­ which is expected t'O run about '$20 to the ton. !ecide to locate here and engage in the rectors were recently elected as ·follows: 'ractice of his profession. Two and one-half to three feet of five C. D. Ray, president; C. B. Smith, vice­ J. E.. Spurr, consulting engineer of the president; S. A. Greenwood,secretary and per cent copper ore has been opened in the 'Qnop,ach-Belmont Development company, treasurer; G. A. BlaCK, Charles Read, S. A. lower level of the Oopper King mine, near as been examining properties in Rochester King and L. O. Hoffman, additional direct , Mullan, Idaho. Thall' adjoins the National, in w:hich a similar strike wa,s recently :re­ anyon, Nevada, in company with W. H. tors. Director King is quoted as saying: ,Jackburn, superintendent of the company. "During recent months the Argentine 'ported. The Ozokit-Ceresin company has been Douglas W. Jessup has resigned from the management has opened eight new ore J.perintendency 'Of the Home RunCQpper bodies, the values being in lead, zinc, eop­ incoTPorated by Salt Lake interests, witll a )mpany, of the Day·Bristol district to take per, silver and gold. In the last ,sixty days c'apitaIlzation of $100,000. Officers are L. position at the MJidvale smeltery of the two of these bodies have been opened, one V. Sheare,r, president and treasurer; 'A. L. nited States Smelting, Refining & Mining of which was crosscut for thirty feet and Hoppal1gh, vice-president; R. E. M8Irk, sec­ it was twenty·seven feet thick, the aver­ retary. )mpany, at Midvale, Utah, The Tonop,ahcRelmont Mining {:'Ompany, Fred J. Siebert is now in charge of the age value being 5 per cent copper. This body carries good zinc values as well, and of Tonopah, Nevoada, ea!rned net profits of ~velopment of the group of claims in Roch­ Iter canyon, Nevada, recently acquired by the two characters of ore are well sep­ $172.450.32 in December from 11,740 toM arate!, s'O that they ean be mmen separ­ -of ore of a net value of $257,007.32. The '. R. Evans, W. H. Webber and John T. ods'On, of Salt Lake, and inwhic.h George ately. There are twelve or more places gold bullion produced was 3,095.9G4 ounces, showing ore in the property other than silver bullion, 315,634.37 ounces. rlngfield has ·became interested. these bodies, but the company has not had Rene Engel, a graduate of the UniVersity The Exploration Syndicate, controlled sufficient time to do mueh work on them. Paris, is in the city a guest 'Of Dean Bry'On ,by Seeley & Mudd and Philip Wieseman, of I believe that the property at this time J.mming, of the U. 'Of U. Mr. Engel may Los Angeles, has taken a long lellse of the easily shows $1,000,000 worth of ore de­ Reymart properties, eighteen miles north­ cate in Salt Lake in the practice of his east of Florence, Arizona. Under the terms 'ofession; chemical and mining engineer­ veloped. -----0-----­ g. For some time ,past he has been employ­ The deal whereby the Nabob Mining of the lease, lessees are to sink a I,OOO-foot shaft. [ in Colorado fields. company was to acquire the V group on The Mineral Ridge Mining company has The General Engineering company, of Pine creek, Idaho,has Ifallen through. been incorporated by Ogden, Utah, men. lIt Lake, is making the experimental tests -----0'----­ J. C. Greenway, manager of the Calu­ to work three claims in Box Elder county. ld perfecting the process for the treatment ores in the new mill to be built in Tintic met & Arizona smeltery at Douglas, Ari­ The 'Officers and directors are Henry B. strict, Utah, by the Knights, of Provo. The zona, says that the plant will probably be Baker, president; Adolph M. Miller, vice­ mpany will also make the plans for the started in May, but will not be finished be­ president, and George M. Flowers, secre­ tary and treasurer. fore August. 9.nt and superintend its construction.

Engineers and Millmen

Pips, Spurs and Angles .\










1 913.


camp with a corps of assistants to mak~ lead. The property is 95 miles from Tono­ pah, and it is planned to put on auto an exhaustive invesbigatJion. It is repOTted also that one of the New York directors of trucks to haul to Tonopah. Other shipments the company, ,accomp,anied by several min­ ran $245 and $180 to the ton. 'ing engineers and eastern capitalists, will The Mine!rs' Reduction & Milling com. arrive 'here in a
The capacity of the mill of the North Washington Power & Reduction company, at Republic, Washington, is to be doubled, according to Clyde L. Andrews, millwright. A new tube mlill is included in the equip­ ment. Harry 'V. Newton is superintendent of the plant. The Clara COll>Sl::Jlidated Gold & Copper company will soon 'be dissolved, the as­ sets to be taken over ·by the Swansea Con­ solidated Gold & Copper Mining company, of Pierce, Arizona. The lattelr w,as or­ ganized to r€<3cue the Cliara from its fin­ ancial difficulties. A strike on the Flaxies,at Jarbidge, Nevada, is reported. A long cross-cut tun­ nel ,struck ore at a depth of 340 'feet, which is twenty·two feet wide, 'and twelve feet of which runs over $40 to the ton. TMs property 1,s about a .mile northeast of the Success and Bluster. T,he appropriation 'bill, as passed by the United States ISena.te, includes the appro­ priations for the m.aintenance of the asSiaY offices at Salt Lake City, Boi'se, IdahO, and Carson City, Nevada, which it was feMed wou.ld be left out, and which was left out in the house ·bill. On February 26th, civil servdce exam­ inations will be held for the appointment of jun.ior chemiists ,in radio-chemistry. This is in keeping with the recently announced policy of .Dhe B.UJreau of Mines, in­ tion with the investigation of the uranium, radium and carnotite question.


be pUSIhed by the new owners. EX'amination of the San Poil, Old Re­ public and Ben Hur mines at Republic, Washington, in compliance with the agree­ ment under whic·h the properties were re­ cently ol'tioned under direction of the 'Vashington '\Vater Power company, is to begin ,immediately. J. W. Richards, the Spokane mining engineer, who is repre­ senting the option holders, has gone to the

The Willow Creek Mining company, reo cently incorporated to work property in the Willow Creek section of Nevada, with Zeb Kendall, president; Dave Jenkins, vice­ president, and George Banovitch, secretary and treasurer, recently shi·pped a car of ore of a 'gross value of over $190 per ton. The o,re came from a hole thirty-five feet deep, and the ledge shows for 300 feet. Values are chiefiy silver, with some gold and

(Prellared for The }Iinin<:; Hede'\\' 11 Davis & Davis, patent attorneys. Washin§ ton.) l,f140,251-0re-screen-C. O. }Iicliaelsen, On aha, NebI'. 1,040.288-0re-collcentrator-K IJeisrer. VOl '\\'ayne, Jnd. 1.040 460-Fllme-arrester for !'p?,""IlPrativ maCing·furnace-· \\'. F Taylo Tacoma, ,Vasl!


A round the State

At the Wild.Bill, in Beaver county, A.. B. ,mer has a five foot vein of high grade lore and will SOOn send three cars to smeltery.

American Fork Citizen: The Pacific shipped another 50-ton car of good ore yes­ terday. -from W'hich the company expocts to net $2,000. Part of another shipment is already on the dump. The connection be· tween the north and south workings will be made about January 10th, when a larger force can work upon the ore, with good air connections. The shipments will then be more frequent. Maybe dividends long de­ layed will follow.

rhe Silver King -Consolidated Mining lpany, of Park City, will sink its main rt another 500 feet, fTom the 1,300-foot ,1 to the 1,800. On the morning of January 11th, fire de­ rheSilver King Coalition ha.s let a con­ stroyed the ,boarding and 'bunkhouse of the t for sinking a three com,partment shaft, 'Columbus Consolldatedand Columbus Exten­ 1 the Alliance tunnel, at Park City. The sion Mining Companies at Alta, entailing a :h will be 1,200 feet. loss estimated at $20,000. The house had ~ car of ore from the United Tintk gave accommodations for 200 men, but only following returns: $1.10 in gold,­ twenty·five were in it at the time of the fire. ~es of silver, 8.12 percent copper, 15,2­ These were unable to save anything, and cent silica, 29.4 per cent iron and 8 per the building was a total loss. Much discom­ zinc. fort was 'caused by the extreme cold. It is 'he Crown of Gold I\Hning 'Company has expected that the ,building will be rebuilt. n over the Kitty 'Clough, Humboldt and The Chief Consolidated at Eureka, pro· r properties six miles southwest from duced 31,OQO tons of ore during 1912, from ord. A. B.. Lewis is president of the new which the company derived a net profit of ~any. The main shaft is now down 120 $312,000. Nearly a mile of development work was done 1iuring the year. The annual 'he new machinery of the No. 1 shaft of report will soon be issued to .stocknolders.. Iron Blossom mine, in ,the Tintic dis- The first dividend will soon ,be IJ'llid. Work has been started, so that development will be continued on the main shaft, and the [lOW be undertaken on the dwpest level, ~pper portion may'< be made two compart­ 1,900. This electric hoist has some ments to correspond with the lower section. Ie features which have been touched 'Present plans call for a depth of 1,800 feet. in these columns before. The annual repor~ of the Lower Mam­ Ilil Clark and Wil1iaJm Christopherson, moth, operating in the Tintic district, shows es at the J<Jureka Hill mine at Eureka, that 'operations for the}ast four months cov­ ;etting ready for shipments. They have ered by the report resulted in profits of high grade ore 'broken and the ,back nearly $3,000. Considerable development 100r of the drift in which they are at work .was done and there is now showing on nt working is in high grade ore. The the levels between the 1,300 and 1,800, a low act Ifor selling allows a profit on $10 grade zinc orebody, estimated to contain 125,000 tons carrying 12 per cent zinc. This Ie Lion Hill at Ophir continues to sink Is useless unless methods of concentration .osa shalt, which lies to the east of the can be devised, and the company is now ex­ yry 1iike which cuts through the Ophir perimenting along this line. lnd -Cliff mines. In this development, The -Moscow Mining & Milling Company, )ropany is taking out some ore ;contain­ of Beaver county, has inaugurated the pay­ s much as fifty ounces silver, twenty­ ment o.f monthly diVidends, which are to be er cent lead, $1.20 in gold and five per at the rate of one cent a share for the pre­ ~opper.

e Ketchum Coal Company, prinCipal of business, Salt Lake, has been in­ 'ated with the following officers: A. T. , president and general manager; T. A. um, vice ,president; G. S. Payne, sec­ and treasurer. The capital will be ). The company owns eighty acres o.f .nd atC:astle Gate. Relonia Mining Company, operating Mt. Nebo district, has a tunnel into ountain 300 feet, where it recently two feet of high class lead ore. It is ed that this district will have at least dozen shippers this year, as all the )rs report satisfactory progress in de­ lent, and see the approach of the lesired day of shipments.


sent. In accordance with this plan, th€ company will pay $8,176 on February 15th. The company Is shipping one car a day. On the 600, the ore is ten to fifteen feet wide, and on the 500-foot level a station is being cut at the winze which connects with the 600, and an air hoist will be installed at this point. About ninety men are employed at the mine. Beavel' Press: Andrew Cochrane and Thomas H. Tulloch were in Milford last week, and while there made an examina­ tion of the Milford-Utah claims in the Beaver Lake mining district about sixteen miles northwest Df ~1;ilford. They were very well pleased with th€ showing of ore at this prop­ erty, and will soon start a lease on n. 'fhe ore in sight Is of shipping quality and as­

1 913.

says from seven to fifteen per cent copper. There is a considerable tonnage blocked out, and the leasers will put a crew of men to work and start shipping at once. The Opohongo, of Tintic, has declared a dividend -of ,one cent a share, payable Jan­ uary 30. Approximately $9,000 will he dis­ tributed, making a total of about ,$74,000 to date. The company is producing 100 to 200 tons a week of ore carrying eight to nine per cent copper, $1.50 in g'Old, -and six to seven ounces in silver, this ore coming from the 300, 600 and 700-foot levels. The Ophir Hill, Cliff and Lion Hill Consolidated mines, 'Of Ophir, are shipping about four cars aI' ore daily. The Montana will soon join the ship­ pers, under the management of William Kelly. It is expected that the Spring Canyon Coal company, one of the Knight properties, OIperating lat Spring Canyon, will start ship.. ments early in February. A:bout 500 tons will be produced daily. at the 'beginriing. About 300 men are now employed in getting the property ready. The property is equipped with coal cutting machinery, and an aerial tram will deliver from the mine to railroad cars, a distance of three-quarters of a mile. Its capacity will be 2,000 tons a day. This Is a new departur'il in western coal mines. In all respects, the ,plant is said to ,be the most modern in the state. --~~o)----


(Special Correspondence.) iStockton, Utah, Jan. 27.--Stockton ship.. ments fOil" t'he current month are as 101­ IDws: Bullion Coalition Mines, company ore, 23 cars, lessees ore, 2 cars; John Connor lease on slag dump, 3 cars; Eagle, Mills & cDmpany, lessees, on the IBen Harrli.,son, 5 cars; J. A.Beaman, sub-lessee from Eagle, Mil1s & Company, 3 cars; Ea;gle lease on Cyclone, 1 car; Galena King, 1 car; Mor­ row & Walker, lessees on the Muilr Brook, 1 car; Total, 39 ears, No :shipments were made from the Dry canyon district owing to the heavy snow­ fall and cold Wleather. However, develop­ ment is being 'carl1ied on by large crews in several of the mines and shipments will be resumed as early as possiJjle. The car 'shDrtage continues, not so much a shortage of cars seemillgly as of loco­ mD.tives in sufficient ,repair to get the ton­ nage over the road. Mr. W.F. Oden, manager for the Bul­ lion Coalition M,ines, during the past two years, has accepted a position with the Wllbert Mining company of Arco, Idaho. Mr. E. J. Raddatz succeeds 'him.


t In


Adjo.ining States







At the old Dominion smeltery at Globe two of the Great Flails types of converters were recently blown in. In the Jerome district, a large low grade ore body has been found on the Arkansas and Arizona property. The work is being pushed on the 1,400·foot level. The 'Cinnabar claims, owned by H. H. Bowman, near the Sunflower ranch, in the eastern end of Maricopa county, h'ave been ,bonded by C. N. Sears and associates. The H'arqua Hale mine, now the Yuma Warrior, in Yuma c-ounty, is being oper· ated by the Martin Broth~rs, who believe that this old producer will again yield profits: The Frisco mines of the Union Pass section treated 14,000 tons with a recov· ery of $115,000 In gold.- All of this ore was dr-illed by hand, twslve men being em· ployed. It Is~ stated that nineteen more auto /trucks will be gradually put on the road hauling ore from the property of the Arizona·Empire Mining company, operating near Parker. George O. Ford, superintendent of the Ford Mining company, at Mineral Point, has the !buildings erected, and power drills and hoist installed, and it is his purpose to resume operations at once. The Humboldt 'Consolidated Mining com· pany, operating at McCabe, will deepen its shaft another 100 feet. Some rich silver ore has been recently found on the prop­ erty. Ben Rybon is superintendent. 1.t is reJported hat the old Conger mine in the Cherry Creek district will be re­ opened. The Cactus Gold Mining company is the present owner of the property, which, in the old days, with a poor mill; ran ore which p4tted about $17 a ton. . The Tom Reed mines, in Mohave county, Were producers of approximately one-third of the gold output of the state, and paid in dividends during the year $53G,637, from the treatment of about 44,000 tons of crude ore and 10,000 tOllS of tailings. James S. Douglas 'and associates, who recently took over the United Verde Ex· tensjonproperty have taken an option on the Jerome-Verde, which adjoins the other property. The syndicate of which Mr. Douglas is a member has been very active in the Jerome distrkt in acquiring new properties and has ·several others under consideration. J. M. KeLlogg and Paul Crawford are taking out some good ore from the Blue Lead property near Ivanhoe camp, five or six miles from Patagoni!a. James Kane of Patagonia has received encouraging reo

turns from the ore recently shipped from the Blue Eagle lProperty in the Santa Rita mountains, and will get another shipment off as soon as poSsible. The Grand Gulch Mining company, oper· ating in the Bently district, is shipping about 15{) tons of ore monthly, hauling the same to 8t. Thomas. Auto trucks are now being tried out fur this work. It is esti· mated that $127,000 in copper and silver values was taken out during the last year. The Magna Copp"r company in the Sil· ver Belt disrtlct, is shipping 100 tons ot high grade ore to the EI Paso smeltery, Weekly. The copper occurs in the fOl'1m of ibornite and chalcocite. The property is equipped with two compressors, com· pressed air hoist, 200 horsepower boiler ,capacity, and buildings. The Gunn-Thomp­ son interests control the property. Bisbee Review: At Courtland the Lead· ville mine, oonded several weeks ago bY O. llo NeeI', of Douglas, and his associates, is now producing copper ore with a force of fifo ty men employed, and the ore from the Leadville is 'ooing hois·ed 'by the GreaJt West­ ern company through the Mary shaft. At Gleason the Tijon Mining company, of which W. H. Kittrick js the prinCiple owner, Is working a force of mln-ers and last week one of the shafts ent'efed a body of suI· phide copper ore at a depth of three hun­ dred feet. The shaft has now pierced this ore body for eight feet and is still in ore. COl.ORADO.

The Argo mill at the mouth of the tun· nel at Idaho SiPrfngs will be put in com· mision early in Flebruary. The compressor plant at the Mendota mine at Georgetown, has ,been started up, and from now on a full force of men will 'be employed at the mine ·and mill. The Primos Chemical company will soon use 200 horsepower at its plant at New­ mire. Employees of the Utah Power & Light company are now stringing wires from VanCe. The EJrnpire Zinc company. a subsidiary of the New Jersey Zinc company. has pur· chased the St. Joe. Silver Wave, Eagle Bird and the Belden group, located on Battle mountain, Red Oliff. in Leadville district. Leadville operators are elated over the fact that the zinc smelteries of Oklahoma. 'and Kansas wIll now take carbonate ore running as low as eighteen per cent zinc, for which a net flat rate of $5 a ton is made. The ore mined at Leadville in 1912 is said to have had an average value of $24 a ton. The Arkansas Valley smeltery treated an average $15 ore. but handled no carbonates. The Leadville district, there­ fore, stilI depends on relatively high grade ore.


1 9 1 3.


Leopold Sternberger has made consider. ab:e progress in equipping the Cherub mine, near Centml 'City. A new shaft house has been erected, power connectipns made, fifty. horsepower electric hoist installed and a double comp'artment shaft put down eighty. five feet. At Idaho Springs, Hyland & JUles are opening up a good showing on the first level of the Shafter, and will 'Put in ma­ chine drills. Shaffer Brothers & King are shipping $15·ore from their lease on th" eleventh level of the Gem, at the rate of 100 tons ,a month, John Edwards has a five-inch streak of $60 ore in the Florence vein, which he is working through the Tro:pico tunnel. The Pozo mine is to have a shaft con. nection with the Newhouse level at Cen. tral City. The shaft is now down 265 feet and must go about 1,300 more. About ten cars of $40 ore are coming out of the tunnel each day. In the shaft is a four to six foot vein of good ore. William Bishop re­ cently made a shipment frO'm the Winne­ ;bago property which was settled for on a basis of 2.46 ounces gold, seven ounces of silver 'and 7.25 'Per cent lead. Ben T. Lloyd, manager of the Buckley mine at Central City, has secured the old Anderson mill to use for the Buckley ore. He estimates that the ore can be mined and milled for $1.75 per ton. The average value is above $8 a ton, so that there will be considerable margin for profits. The Bezant company, of which O. J. Duffield is president and manager, has installed a 50· horsepower electric hoist, and a four drill compressor. The mainshafi is dOWn 500 feet, and crosscuts are being driven on the 160 and 250-foot levels to cut the Knowles vein. New shops will be erected at once. John Calderwood and J. B. Oonger, of Den­ ver, purchased the steam holst of the Bezant, and are sendlng jt to Cyrene group at Twelve Mdles, where they have a shaft down IG5 feet. The veins averages four feet wid€ with an average content of Six per cent copper. F;-om the 100-foot level, a stope "''as carried up to the surface in ore running $25 to $30 a ton for smelting grade and $10 a ton for milling grade. Jaimes Moody and Michael Klais have opened up some ore of $22 grade in the Bonanza shaft of the Mabel tunnel in Rus· sell gulch. IDAHO.

The deal whereby the Federal ::YIining company obtains the Star ground at Mullan, has been completed. This wW add greatly to the life of the former company. Harry Ingals, of Mullan. secretary and manager of the Copper King M.ining com­ panys. reports that the long tunnel, which the CO'ID1}any has been driving for the ]last four years, has crosscut a fourteen-foot




assaying 5* per cent copper and 9 cent lead. The vein was reached at listance of 4,000 rfeet, from the portal, is 1,700 feet vertically below the sur­ > It has been drifted on for thirty


The Elmpire CQPpercompany shIpped ;y-one oars of ore to the Salt ]jake ,lteries. [rom the l\f,ackay district, in :ember. The company is working about men. Recent work on the Black Jack mine. r Bellevue. justifies the owners. J. Irge Arkoosh and n. B. Smith, in be­ ing th,at it will become a valuable prop· r. 'TWO gQod stopes 'Of ore have been ned since December 12th. when wo~k ; begun. Four carl'Oads of ore have been shipped the last sixty days frO'm the Qld Climax Ie In the Lead Belt district. twenty·five es west of ArcO'. The ore is worth $20 on and cO'mes frO'm just belO'w the sur­ e. A. A. Grim Qf ArcO' is wO'rking a perty in this sectiO'n which has pr'Omis· showings. Development is active in the Pine Creek tion. The A1my & Matchless is adver­ ng fO'r 'bids on 2.000 feet O'f tunnel wO'rk. ~ Nabob is awaiting the coming 'Of the ~er lines IbefQre pushing development on V group of claims. An electrical driven en·drill cO'mpressor has been O'rdered other equipment is on the ground. Judge W'Oods in rendering his decision the case Qf the Ontario and Stewart Ipanies, d~lded in llavor O'f the defend· ;. He said that while there might be .e question as to the apex, there was e in his mind as to the course Qf the t. and that the vein passed out of the 11 through Qne side line, which. -there­ • became the end line. On this basis jecided in favor of the defendants. nterest is .intense .in the struggle O'f Bunker Hill & Sullivan company and Stewart cQmpany over the O'wnership he Ontar!'O vein. which the Stewart 1S by apex right. Many experts wit· es have arrived at Wallace. On the ze, or Stewart sid·e. are H. V. Win­ , of Minneap'Olis, MinnesO'ta; C. F. lan, O'f Leland StanfO'rd University; ,d Frank. of SaIt Lake, genern.1 man· O'f the OhiO' Copper <-"Om[Jany; Fred n, fO'rmerly with the AnacO'nda cO'm· . O'f Butte, Montana; GeO'rge N. Ken­ O'f Denver; W. H. Swart, O'f the United s Smelting. Refining & Mining com­ ; W. ClaytO'n Miller, formerly man· of the Federal Mining & Smelting any. and John ,"V. Finch, O'f Denver. lpposing daims wiII be upheld by Max ner, 'Of Denver; ,"Valter A. Wylie. of •ngeles; A. C. LaWson, of the Univer­ CalifO'rnia; Fred Searles. O'f the GO'ld· Jons'Olidated, O'f GO'ldfield, Nevada; be·






1 91 3.

The Alpha grO'up at JJll'bidge, owned by L. O. Ray and associates, has been SO'ld to the JO'hn A. Jess syndicate, which has had a force of men at work for the last six O'mnths, under bond and lease.

Merten & Cantwell have put a 15·hO'rl:le· The Butte·Alex Scott will sink its shaft. power hoist on their lease on the Crescent at Butte, frO'm the 1,600 to' the 2,200-foO't Imine at Manhattan. The White Caps shaft level. The cO'mpany has been wO'rking be· will soon re·ach the 300·fO'O't level, at which IO'W the present deep level, by using the P'Oint waste and O're PO'ckets will be cut. ,"Vest C1)lusa workings. Shipments continue The Vernal prO'perty, in the Diamond­ steadily. ' field district of Goldfield, is shipping $50 The North Butte ·continues to add to' its ore to' the samplers, while piling a cO'nsid· ore reserves in its deeper levels. The Gran. erab;e tO'nnage Qf lower grade on the dump. ite MO'untain shaft is 'being extended to the Work is being carried O'n on the fifty and 2.200·fQot level. When it has reached 'anO'ther 100,fO'ot levels. 400 feet. the Speculator will be ret!mbered There are several goO'd showings in the and the hO'isting done through the Granite S'anta Fe district, near Luning. W'Ork so MO'untain. The East Butte cO'ncentrating plant at ., far is mostly at the surface, in the lime. Butte, is to' be increased in capacity from The 'Ore 'being shipped averages six to seven 300 to' 500 tons, and the smeltery will alsO' per cent cop,per. It is shipped abO'ut forty mBes to the smeltery at Wabuska. be enlarged. The furnaces are treating frO'm six to seven hundred tQns a day and will nO't It is rePO'rted that the fO'llO'wing groups be shut down at present fO'r the enlargement at Contact have ,been bO'nded to' Emil Moyer, because .of the excellent copper market. The who is supposed to represent interests in shaft will be deepened to' the I,800·fO'ot level Hc..lland"CO'ntact Copper, 'Copper Shield. !frO'm the 1,200. Henry A. Smith group, M,cGilvray grO'uP. The TuO'lumne Copper Company has Zetta Blanchard grOup, and Salt Lake grO'Up. stmck, on its 2,000·foot l lean on the 1,800 and was struck Qn the 2,000 changes were 'being made the mill was run some fO'rty feet sO'oner than expected. T·he O'n dump O're. Pr'Oduction nO'w 'be re­ company will c'Ontinue the crosscut to de­ sumed O'n a larger scale. teJ1mine whether the dip has changed O'r the The Butte & Ely .copper c'Ompany Is vein forked, the latter a cO'mmon O'ccurrence busily engaged in drilling its ground in the at Butte. search for workable copper depO'sits. The prO'perty adjoins that O'f the GirQux at Ely. NEVADA. PresIdent J. B. CO'ttO'n has just issued an The Oro shaft at GO'ldfield, now down exhaustive report on this work. The re­ 350 feet, will be enlarged and sunk anO'ther sults O'f the work have been fair. 650 feet. A 100·ton O're bin is under cO'nstruction Clayton & Brine, who are operating near at the Earl shaft, at Manhattan. Several Dayt'On, recently shipped a car O'f copper hundred tons from the 350·foot level have O're and appear to' have a good prO'spect. ibeen dumped on the surface, and the new The hQisting plant and building at the .cO'nstruction will facilitate handling the Jumping Jack mine at Manhattan was reo current output. A neW triplex pump is cently destroyed by fire and explosiO'n Qf :be'ng placed at the 350"fO'O't level. a PO'wder thawing device. The legislature prO'Poses to limit the The GirO'ux, of ElY, cO'ntinued to ship number of non·English speaking miners in excess of 1,000 tons a day during the whO' may be employed underground. Tak· recent cold snap and seemed to be little ing intO' cO'nsideration the numerous acci· affected by conditions wh!ch hampered most dents which result through- unfamiliarity of the western mines. with the English language. this law should The 'Centennial property, adjO'ining the ,be a w'elcome relief to those who have the J\,1lcDonald·Elly, at Ely, has been leased for interests of the industry at heart. The production of the TO'nQpah mines a year. In the Metzger shaft, wO'rk was 'begun on a drift where twelve inches O'f for December in tons is given as f'OIlO'ws. ore showed. In ten feet it has Widened to a gain O'f 2.20J tons over November, two feet 'Of twenty-five per cent CO'Pper ore. TO'nQpah M.ining 00., 14,850; TonO'pah A w;nze will be sunk O'n the ledge to trace BelmO'nt CO'., 11,734; Montana Tonopah, the shoO't, and a drift will afterwards be 4,218; Tonopah Extension, 4,634; West End run from the shaft to' cut it. HO'pes are







Along the boundaries of the Yerington Malachite Copper company and the Mason Valley property, at Yerington, a three-foot vein of cop'per ore has been found in the limestone, on the No, 4 level of the latter property. This indicates that the lime­ stone maybe the source of more ore than was expected. Work h'as been resumed on the Giroux property owned by Joseph L, Giroux and associates, of Los Angeles, and situated at Atlanta, in the northern part of Lincoln 'county. The main shaft, now dow'n 200 feet, will be deepened. Other work will also 'be undertaken in the camp and the old timers are looking for a revival. The Nenzel lease, at Rochester, which John F. Cowan and associates of Salt Lake control, has started its ore shipments. Three cars will be sent to different smelter­ ies, to get returns on which to base smelting contracts. Three shifts are work­ ing steadily. The ore is hauled to teams in boats, 'and six-horse outfits haul it, then, to Oreana, for shipment. The annual report of the Jim Butler Tonopah Mining company, of Tonopah, for the year ending September 30, showed that mU-Qh dev~lopment had been done, but no ore shipped at a profit. In December, how­ ever, the Wandering Boy workings showed great improverment and, in the latter half of the month, 760 tons of an average value of $35 a ton were shipped. Bour mlfimg companies have been formed by C. H. McIntosh, W. C. Pitt and John Cleghorn, to operate in the Rochester district. Each company is capitalized at a million dollars, The companies are desig­ natedas follows,-Rochester 1fining De­ velopment company, Original Rochester Mines company, Crown Point Extension Mining company and Rochester-Belmont Miningoompany. At a depth of 130 feet in the Combina­ tion mine of the Goldfield Consolidated Mines company, at Goldfield, a new orebody has tl'een found, northWest of the main shaft. One crosscut has shown the 'body to he forty feet wide and to average about $25 per ton. This discovery has added some $500,000 to the value of the reserves, Further developments on this discoverY' will be watched with interest, for there is 'a possi:bility of another large ore body in it. Diamond drills are to be used by the company in prospecting from its lower levels. The Montana-Tonopah has cut a new ore ,body on the 700-foot level, which is three feet wide and of good grade. The MacNallliara has a new ore body on the 300­ foot, where an eight-foot ve;n has been opened up, carrying values averaging around $25 a ton. Up to the end of 1912 Tonopah had produced ore of a value of $58,144,490 from which dividends to the




473,112 tons of ,a value of $9,431,603 were produced. The mines -credited with this production are the following: 'Tonopah Mining, 173,809 tons, value $3,215,460; Bel· mont, 123,847, $3,149,580; Tonopah Exten­ sion, 53,201, $731,513; Montana, 51,875, $1,­ 023,500; West IDnd Con., 41,081, $824,820; MacNamara, 20,195, $252,437; Midway, 1,001, $46,792; North Star, 500, $19,375; Jim But· ler, 6,008, $133,900; Tonopah Merger, 1,­ 485, $33,005; Mizpah Extension, 30, $1,22l. The last four Were not ·producers in 1911. The dividends paid were by four companies, Tonopah Mining paying $1,600,000, Belmont, $1,500,000, Montana, $199,786, and Tonopah Extension, $47,500. The latter was added to the dividend list in 1912.

---0---­ OREGON.

The Buckeye mine near Sumpter, and the Black Butte, in the Vicinity of Canyon City, have suspended operations for the winter. There are a number of properties which are steadily operating in this sec­ tion, among them the Ben Harrison,CoIum­ 'bia, Snow Creek and Last Chance. It is rumored that the latter will build a mill in the spring. The Powder River Gold Dredging com· pany put its new dredge at work near Sumpter on the 7th of January. The capacity of the dredge is over 8,000 cubic yards per twenty-four hours. The hull is 100 by 52 feet, the digging ladder 86 feet long, equipped with sixty-five buckets of nine cubic feet each. The dredge is held to the 'bank by two spuds, weighing 21,000 pounds each. All power is electrical. the total horsepower -of the motors being 475.

----0---­ THE ALTA MERGER.

The officials of the ColumbusConsolidat· ed Mining Company of Alta, Utah, have SUJb­ mitted to the stockholders of the company the details -of the proposed merger in the Alta camp of which We have made mention in a general way. As 'will be seen, the mer­ ger would include, besides the above com­ pany, the Colu'mbus Extension, Flagstaff 'Copper and Superior-Alta. The details, as given by A. H. Cowles, president, and W. O. \VJliams, secretary, follow: "You are well aware of the vicissitudes through which the company has passed in recent years, and of the necessity of effect­ ing an amalgamation with the adjacent prop­ erties, in order to secure the co-operation necessary to the ilmmediate future develop­ ment of this company's property. We are confronted with a constant expense in the handling of water, which must be obviated in order to ena.ble us to develop the known resources in the lower levels of our prop­ erty, and the expense of constructing this tunnel is too great a burden to impose upon anyone of the operating companies, all of



equally benefited by the drainage jJ posed. "The suggested consolidatioll ha given most careful consideration h, directors in all its aspects, and the has been thoronghly gone into and ed "'illl the d'rectors of the other Cal h1l'0lved, and it is the unanimolls Olli all concerned that the proposed eo tion is the proper and only solution difficulties with which we have her had to contend. The plan of con so] contemp' ates the transfer of the pro of the companies designated in to a CO'lll!l'1ny to he immediately known as the \Vasatch :lIines co' which will be capitalized at l.OOO,i)!)I} of the val' ntiue of $5 each, wllie:l posed to distr'ume as follows: Colulllbus Contiolidated :lUning COIl, pan)' Columbus E'xlension :Ilining (·nn., [lctny . . :Flagstctff COIJPer :\Iining company, Superior·Alta :llining company .. , . ' 'Vhich wili be ratably distributed am", sJ,or:khoJrlers of record, "The treasury share,s will he ,j< dispOSition for lawful corpora!" ;)l1I and for the pnrpose of raising W(lil;' the eon~truction of the tunnel, and '1. iI"e development of the lower le,'pi~ ! l'al'iollS Pl'Ollf'rtie~, where ore become impossib;'e ty reason 01' Ill,' III iug volume of w3tel' render'ng ~ ('('I) cal extraction illlpracticabl('. Tl", '1''' shal'€ s will also afford means fOl' th,., dation of the outstanding obligalnlJ6 , companif's to he amalgamated. a n,j ayoid the necessity for future a,i""'~!1 if the ore bodies proye to be or ,,"f: extent to place the llro\lertiflS un ;1 l' basis, That they are of sncll f'XH'lJl ('olll'ictioll of the officers of all or 'ile' [1:1t:i",,, inyolyect." TRADE NOTES.


L'tah Apex :'Ilining


!lUlll Canyon, l-tah, will plane in .)PC' a n(~\\' ;j-toll electric Inini.~ lO('Olllf'IL i, ('('!ltly [)l':l('red from the (;('n<'l''' 1 1.'1 (,0111[1an",

The .'\naclJllcia COl)per :'Ilillillcc bUill'.

:'II 011 lallH. 11'i11 add



of its mines at lJIack Eagle tani-l.



and t\yo

.,,:, :"

SI~ri'J1L j

lHilling lo('omotil'es. The 01'1[,-.;' .,. lO(,lllllotin's has l)e"n placptl I'll i, 1I,.

enl! J<:leC'tl'ic company,

The Hollisler ;mllinu; COHll'ali\, (' Fa ll~, ,\1 ichigan. "'ill insta 11 it 6:n·lc,·" ti" t\lri1o"u;enel'ator in Its pOlYP!' lda!! I :'>J insia;lation al'l' incJlIded a ~,ji"~\\ ('rat:)L

1,-d)-b.ll. motor, Tirr111

:20 k\'-a.~tran~ronnel'S and tWv t-tOll E'Iectl'lc rninin:2:' tIlt.> ;t[Jliaratns has h(lPI1



~n('n!i!()ii','( ~ {H'r1{:l'(:,:i



Quotations on the local exchange, Satur­ lay morning, .January 25; Listed Stocks.

January 17. Silver, 63 cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca­ thode, $17.32%; zinc (St. Louis), $7.15. January 18. Silver, 63 cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca­ 1 thode, $17.32 06. zinc (St. Louis), $7,15. January 20. Silver, 6311. lead, $4.35; copper cathode, $16.22¥.,; (St. Louis), $7.15. January 21, Silver, 63 cents; lead, $4.35; copper Ca­ thode, $16.22 %; zinc (St. Louis), $7 .15.


1 Sales. I Chino. ....... 5001 Goldfield Con.. 200 Nevada Con.. 400

H. I 43 2% 18',4,

Close. L. 43

42',1,1 2~



1811. 1 Bid. 1 Asked. 19 'h ~:Xn. C~~'p. .. ..... ~~~ ... :~~~ ... ~~~~ 33% 3eck Tunnel .............. $ .08%1$ .13

MiamI Copper. 100 24%, 24%, 24 'li 3ingham Ama.lgamated . . . . . . . . . . . . , .06

54% Utah Copper. 400 55 54%1 3lack .Jack ............... .10 .15

Inspiration ........... 17'1.,

~edar-Talisman ... . . • . . . . . .01 % .02 Studebaker Cn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 %

~entral M'ammoth ...•..... '.10 On t~Lrio Silver. I.... ..:....... .. ... .. 3

~entury . . ................ .10 colorado Mining .......... .17 .19'1.,

~olumbus Consolidated .... .10 .30 TRADE NOTES. ~rown Point .............. .03 .03%, January 22. )aly .•....•............... 1 1.20 1. 75

Silver, 63'li cen ts; lead, $4.35; copper ca­ )aly-Judge . .............. 6.00 1 6.50

The Miller-Cahoon company, of Murray, )astern Prince ............ .01 .02 '4 thode, $16.22',1,; zinc (St. Louis), $7.05. Utah, is now handling the Bj,g Four "30"

:ast Crown Point ......... 1. . . . . . . . .01 January 23. :ast Tintlc Consolidated .. r.••..••. 1 .01 Silver, 62<"4; cents; lead. $4.35; copper ca­ gas traction motor and the Reeves "45" trac­ :ast :t'intic Development ..•........ , .01

thode, $16.22',1,; zinc (St. Louis), $7.05. merald . ................. .03 .10 tor. These are especially adapted to hill

old Chain ............... .40 .43 January 24.

work, and for ploughing. Catalogues and

rand Central ............. .72 .76 Silver, 62% cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca­ ldian Queen ......... ... .00'1., .01 % thode, $16.22'1.,; zinc (St. Louis), $7.05. other printed matt-er .mailed Upon req uest. 'on Blossom ............. 1.25 1.27'1.,

le Bowers ...... ,........ .00% .10 January 25.

The Inter-Mountain Transportation com­ ing WilHam............. .02% .O~%

Silver. 62% cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca­ ,ad King ............... .00% ....... . thode, $16.22':2; zinc (St. Louis), $7.05. pany of ,Salt 'City, the new enterprise

,hi Tintlc ................ .OO¥., .00i)(,

which is solving the ore !hauling pwblems

on Hill .... .............. .02'li .05 ttle Bell .....•.......... .35

of many mine operators, whose properties NEW YORK C1JRB R4NGE. ,wer Mammoth .......•. .04'12 .05

,son Valley............. 8.00 9.00 are far from railroad points and far from

;;;;:=-=-..-;-~-:::--,-;;1 H. 1 L. ! .close.

Ly Day.................. .22 .22% water, has closed a contract during the past F,irst N. Cop. • 1. . . . . . . \' . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . . ) 2%

'~~J:inBrtfi~~ ::::::::::: ... :~:.. :~g Giroux Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7-16 w-eek with the Wilbert Mining company

Yukon Gold .. I....... I....... ....... 314

vada Hills ............ 1.45 1 1.60 and has shipped motor truck equipiment to

Ohio Copper ......... 1-16 .00'41 .02'4 w York ............... \0 Copper .............. .98 I 1.00

N. Keystone ............... 2 the Wilbert mine, forty-two mlles from Arco,

South Utah ........ " . . . . . .. ....... 'I.,

ohongo . .......•....... .05 % .06 ,che Demijohn ......... .04 .07 % Mason Valley ........ 8% Idaho. The mine has a daily output of

Braden Copper ... " ......... 9%

'che Metals ................. 5' O· • • .02 twenty tons and hauling with motor trucks Ely Con. ..... 1.600 , 1 2 12: 12 tsburgh-Idaho : ....•... 1.25 :tus . . ................. .06'4 .07% Nevada Hills .. / 1,50° ' 1 9-1611 9-161 1 9-16 will ,be commenced immediately. Two round Kerr Lake ..•. 200 1 9-16 3 9-16 3 1-16 nee' Consolidated ...... .95 .99 1 (all. ................... .01 .04 Belmont . . . . . :....... 1· ...... / 8~ trips from mine to railroad will be made Tonopah . • . . 1" ..... ,....... ....... 6~

en Troughs ........... .01 % .02 '4 Alaska . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 13%1 13%1 13% daily with the motor trucks.

en Troughs Coalition .. .40 'er King Coalition ..... 1 2.75 3.05

er King consolidated"1 . 75 I ..... · ..

LIST OF DIVIDEND·PAYING STOCKS. thern Pacific .......... .01 '41 .12

IX Consolidated ...•..• .03% .•...... ! th Iron Blossom ... " . . ........ .01 Dividends on Stock Issued .nsea Consolidated ..... i .OO%, .01% ic Central ............ \ .01 .ont No. of

Par NAME OF COMPANY ed Tintic ............. .01 .01'4 Date of Payment Shares

Value Paid in Total to 'e Sam................ .11 .13 1 Consolidated ........ ' . Ol';~ ,02 1913 Date Amount Date ,n Chief............... .05'li .06 oria Consolidated ..... .57 .60 'ert . ................ .09 .11 500,O()0 April, '05 Annie Laurie ..•.•.......... $ .50 439,561 $25.00 $ {ee Consolidated . 18 1,000,000 .1() Oct. 20, '07 .02 Beck Tunnel Con.•....•.... 675.000 . 32 July 12, '12 400,000 .10 Bingham & New Haven ..... 5.00 480,219 Nov. 2, '11 250,000 .03 'li Boston-Sunshine ........... 27,261 1. 00 UnUsted Stocks. July 11, '08 .10 Bul'ion B. & Champion ...... 1,000,000 lO.OO 2,768,400 Dec. '05 Carisa ..................... 600,000 .01 1. 00 60.000 Oct. 16. '12 100,000 1.50 Centennial-Eureka ......... 3,60().OOO 25.00 Feb. 15, '07 .02 150,000 Century ....'............... 1. 00 39.000 .10 87,000 Feb. 3. '13 1,000,000 87,000 Chief Consolidated ......... 1. 00 Dec. 20, '12 .03 Colorado ................... 1,000,000 .20 2,600.000 .......... Oct. 15, '07 .20 300,000 Columbus Con...... , ...... , 5.00 212.623 . July 10, '12 .03 3,420,312 Cons. Mercur ............... 1,000,000 5.00 Jan. 2, '12 .10 300,000 · .. 60,000 Cliff Mining Co............. 1.00 July, '01 2,500,000 350,000 .10'h Dalton & Lark ............. 1. 00 Forenoon Sales. ., Dee. 20, '12 .30 495,000 DalyJudge ................ 300,000 1.00 own Point, 1,000 at 3'12c. .25 2,925,000 Mch.. '97 Daly ......................

150,000 20.00 .. '2'7'.000' io Copper, 100 at $1. .15 6,606.00() Jan. 15, '13 Daly West. ................ 180.000 20.00 ince Con., 100 at $1. 100 at 97c. J.i""leb. 10'1 'l .05 44,457 44,457 1.00 Eagle & Blue Bell ......... 1,000,000 Open Board. 6.00 Nov. I, '12 Gemini Keystone ...........

5,000 • • * • • • • • 2,060,000 100.00 tck Jack, 500 at 12c. .03 70,000 Dec. 23. '12 Gold Chain ................. •• * • • • 19 William, 1,000 at 3c. .O~ 1,452.750 Grand Central ............. '

600,000 1.00 Oct. 25. 12 nce «Jon., 300 at 98c. .05 5,662,000 Sept. 30. '07 Horn Silver ................ 400,000 25.00 .10 100,000 Jan. 25, '13 Iron Blossom .............. 1,000,000 1,470,000 Totals. .10 .05 · Sept. 22, '10 Little Bell ................. 300,000 60,000 1.00 ~ular, 1,300 shares for $332. • •••••• < • .07 'I., Lower Mammoth ...........

65,073 Dec. 29. '09 250,000 1.00 m, 2,100 shares for $519. .15 2,280,000 Oct. 10, '12 ::>fammoth ................. 400,000 .25 ai, 3,400 shares for $851. .03 24,000 132,000 Feb. 10, '13 MayDay .... , .............. 800,000 .25 ---0'---.01 16.352 32,704 Feb.15, '13 Moscow M. & M. Co.......... 1,000,000 1.00 rHE LOCAL ~IETAL :!!IARKET. .06 " .

12,054 Aug., '06 Mountain View ............. 150,000 1. 00 .50 600,000 . Nov. 20, '07 Newhouse ................. 600,000 10.00 .05 · 20.000 Feb., '04 Northern Light. ...........

400,000 5.00 Janaary 11. .30% • < ••••• • 14,962,500 D(j'c.• '02 Ontario ............... , .... 150,000 100.00 er, 63% cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca­ .02 7,990 74,916 Jan. 30, '13 Opohongo .................. 1,000,000 .25 $17.35; zinc (St. Louis), $7.20. .04 . 65,000 Aug., '06 Petro ........ , ............. 800.000 1.00 1.50 · ....... 1,100,000 Mch.. '02 .50 QuIncy .................... 150,000 January 13. .00'h 308.000 Dec., '06 Sacramen to ...........•.... 1,000,000 5.00 ;r. 63% cents; lead, $4.35. copper ca­ .01 6,500 Aug., '04 Salvator ................... 200,000 1.00 a 7.32 %; zinc (St. Louis), $7.20. .25 12,834,885 Dec. 24, '12 5.00 Silver King Coalition ....... 1,250.000 4,500 1. 00 FeD., '01 Silver Shield ...............

300,000 January 14. .04 . 872,630 July 25, '11 1. 00 Sioux Cons................. 750.000 ,r, 6311. cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca.02% · ...... 470,000 Apr., '04 South Swansea .............

300,000 1.00 17.32'1.,; zinc (St. Louis), $7.20. .05 334,500 Mch.,'07 Swansea .......•........... 5.00 100.000 .01 18,000 Dec., '04 1. 00 Tetro ...................... 300,000 January 15. .05 470,000 Sept. 20. '11 750,000 1. 00 Uncle Sam Cons............

r, 6311. cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca.75 17,068,722 Dec. 30, '12 10.00 Utah Copper ............... 2,500.000 17.32'1.,; zinc (St. Louis), $7.15. .02 ........ 281,860 10.00 Dec. 21, '10 100,000 Utah .................... · .

1.00 7,500,000 5.00 Dec. 12. '12 • "w ••••• Utah Con, ............... ··· 700.000 January 16. .04 207,500 1.00 Mch. 25, '10 Victoria .................. , 1,000,000 r, 6311. cents; lead, $4.35; copper ca.03 182,500 1. 00 Jan. 15, '07 300,000 Yankee Cons, ..... , ........

17.32'h; zinc (St. Louis), $7.15. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .





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Established 1871

Salt Lake Clt7. Utah

Joseph F. Smith, Pres.

Rodney T. BBdger, Cuhler

UTAH STATE NATIONAL BANK Capital. $600.000. 8urplus and Undivided Profits. $297.687.86. Deposits $5.042.229 Cor~

)fatn ..nd 18' South ate.

H. P. CLARK, Pre•.

Salt L&ke City, Uta.h



Cerllf 1.111 ... Bnadlll)'. SAlT LAKE CITY. UTAa

billY 10m

4 Per tnt II SlItllS II1II nlll eenmcatet

F. E. McGURRIN. President

82 Main Street Salt Lake City


1 9 1 3.

Start a Savings

Account with the

Has been made forcibly apparent to us recently. Either advertising hali! produced the most mar­ velous results or-the peo­ ple have suddenly awak­ ened to the realization of our unsurpassed facilities for giving them just about the right thing in Bank­ ing Service. ,Both in the city and outside new checking accounts and savings accounts have been eoming to us in large numbers. Why not yours?

New Year.

$1 Will Do It

Walker Brothers


"In the tall bnlldlng"

SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST CO. 3% on Checking 4% on Savings

6% on Time Deposits

Capital and Surplus, $400,000

3 0,

Utah Savings &Trust Co. A Commercial lad Saviags 8aak

Nearly 24 Years Old

235 Main Street

Get Next to The Mine Owner,

The Mill Man Through

The Mining Review


San Francisco'. New Leadln& Hotel


KEARNY STREET, SAN FRANCISCO (Between Sutter and Bush)

Goldfield was discovered by a kicking mule, Cobalt by a campfire. You may be sitting, right now on the making of a great mine. This hand is holding out to you a test from



The Most Centrally Located Hotel In the City







[ts grasp offers you opportunity, for

by Way's Process, you 'can test,

right on the spot, any rock you

find. You can make fifty tests for

the cost of one good assay. Can

you afford to take chances of over­

looking a good mine?

Write today your name on the mar·

gin of this ad. It will bring you a copy of the "Prospector's Outfit," which tells many things that will save you money.

J. W. SWAREN & COMPANY Room B06, 112 Market St.

San Francisco, Cal.

Cyanide 98·99~

Cyanld. of

Sodium 128·180~

AII4 Oth., Ch.lld..l, for

Millin. Pur,....


Moved to 62 West 2nd Soulh. Salt Lake





Three or four hundred pounds Eureka en­ gine and pump packing, different sizes. Never unpacked, Will sell at half price. Address 753 East Second South. Phone Wasatch 4987-W.

Invites all of bis friends and customers to meet blm at the new location, wbere a first-class smoke can be seWholesale and Retail cured at all times Phone Wasatch 6M



ADAMSON, W. G. Consulting Mining Engineer and


P. O. Box 69.





Mining Engineer.

326 Judge Bldg.,



Consulting Geologists and Engineers.

Mining Engineer.

Coal, Oil. Gas and Non-Metalliferous. Deposits. 711 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City.

Expert Examination and Develop­ ment a Specialty_ 721-722 McIntyre Bldg., Salt Lake City.



Phone Waa.tch 41?6

Mechanical Engineer and Millman••

Expert in Ore Crushing and Con­ centration. General Delivery, Salt Lake City.

Mining Engineer.

Twenty-eight years Practice, Eight Years Experienee in Mexico. J arbi dge, N evad'a.


BRQOKS, CHAS. P. Civil and Mining Engineer.

U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor 228 Doo1y Blk., Salt Lake City. Phone W ....tch :t9S"

Consulting and Contracting Engineers

Complete Ore Plant. Engi­ neers or Contractors for all Classes of Reduction Plants. Salt Lake City.

Mining Engineer.

Albert Burch

San Francisco.

Cel••io Caetanl

Mining, Metallurgy and Mining


;rocker Bldg., ~1ble= UBurch"

ri.O- Caetani"

Associate Editor, Salt Lake Mining

Review. H. Relllhey


Salt. Lake City.

Mining En!;!!neer.

U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor-. Stockton, Utah.

LEGGAT, J. BENTON Consulting and MinIng Engineer. 224 Kea.rns Bldg.,

Salt Lake City.

Phone WautchH79

McCASKELL, J. A. Mining Engineer.

503 Felt Bldg.,

Salt Lake City.

Phone Wasatch 1131

Consulting Engineer.

Mining Engineer.

609 Mills Bldg.,

U. S. MinAral Surveyor.




Mining and Hydraulic El'lgineer.

For Prospects or Developed Mines, write me. Third Ave. & P St., Salt Lake City.

Economic and Structural Geologist. 1026 Kea.rns Bldg., Salt City. Phones Wasatch6()l6,




Mine Examinations and Reports.

Mining Engineer.

San FrancIsco. Codes.

Bedfhrd McNeill, Moreing &; N cal


Years of Actual Experience In Mine Development and Operation, and in MU1ing Practice. Success in Locat­ ing Faulted Veins. Placer Mining a Specialt)". Correspondence Solicited. Best of References.

624 Judge Bldg.,

Salt Lake City.

PULSIFER, H. B. Mining. and Metallurgy.

Armour Institute of Technology. Engineers and Contractors

Golden, Utah.

Mining and Milling Machinery and Steel Construction.



;-706 Kearns Bldg., Salt Lake City.

Consulting Mining Engineer

819 Newhouse Bldg., ne Wasatch 761

Salt Lake City.

P. O. Box 841

~NOR, P. E. Surveyor and Draftsman.

aehine Design, Patent Drawings,

Chicago, Ill.

Mine Examinations and Reports.

Ores Sampled and Tests Made. Ref­ erence and Experience on Demand. Winnemucca, Nevada.


JOHNSON, JAY ELIOT Mining Engineer.

Mining Geologisf.

rt Designs. Map Work of All Kinds.

Kearns Bldg., ,W... tch SS79

Salt Lake City.

223 Bost.on Bldg.,

Salt Lake City.

Salt Lake City.

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