
  • May 2020
  • PDF

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Download & View Sll+-+clean+71509 as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 1,415
  • Pages: 12

Short ID

Smart Location and Linkage SLLp1: Smart Location SLLp2: Imperiled Species and Ecological Communities SLLp3: Wetland and Water Body Conservation SLLp4: Agricultural Land Conservation SLLp5: Floodplain Avoidance SLLc1: Preferred Location SLLc2: Brownfields Redevelopment SLLc3: Locations with Reduced Auto Dependence SLLc4: Bicycle Network and Storage SLLc5: Housing and Jobs Proximity SLLc6: Steep Slope Protection SLLc7: Site Design for Habitat or Wetland / Water Body Conservation SLLc7_Select2 SLLc7_Select3 SLLc7_3 SLLc7_4 SLLc7_1 SLLc7_2


link_SLLp3o2a_1 link_SLLp3o1_2

link_SLLp3o2a_2 link_SLLp3o1_3

link_SLLp3o2a_3 SLLc7_7 SLLc7_8

SLLc7_9 SLLc7_10 SLLc7_11 SLLc7_13 SLLc7_12

SLLc7_14 SLLc7_16 SLLc7_15

link_SLLc9_1 link_SLLc9_2 link_SLLc9_3 SLLc7_20 SLLc7_22

link_EndHab link_EndHabY SLLc7_25 SLLc7_29 SLLc7_24 SLLc7_26 SLLc7_30 SLLc7_27 SLLc7_24

SLLc7_28 SLLc7_31 SLLc7_36




SLLc8: Restoration of Habitat or Wetlands / Water Bodies SLLc9: Long-term Conservation Management of Habitat or Wetlands / Water Bodies

Description (Def'n, custy facing)

Required/ Optional/ Read only/ Static

ecies and Ecological Communities

Water Body Conservation

and Conservation


h Reduced Auto Dependence

ork and Storage

Jobs Proximity

or Habitat or Wetland / Water Body Conservation [1] Case 2A - No change since Stage 1 [2] Case 2B - Change since Stage 1 [3] Case 2C - Did not submit at Stage 1 [1] Case 3A - No change since Stage 2 [2] Case 3B - Change since Stage 2 [3] Case 3C - Did not submit at Stage 2 Provide updated versions of the items submitted at the previous stage


No change has been made since submittals in previous stages that would affect credit compliance.


Required Static

ALL PROJECTS Map SLLc7.A. Upload a map with site base; project boundary; significant habitat and buffers; wetlands, water bodies, and buffers; previously developed land; man-made wetlands and water bodies, including wetlands created incidentally; development footprint Select one of the following [1] Option 1 – Sites without habitat or wetlands/water bodies [2] Option 2 – Sites with significant habitat [3] Option 3 – Sites with wetlands/water bodies OPTION 1 – SITES WITHOUT HABITAT OR WETLANDS/WATER BODIES


SLLp3 Stage 1 Option 1 Points Documented

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SLLp3 Stage 1 Option 2a Points Documented

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SLLp3 Stage 2 Option 1 Points Documented

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SLLp3 Stage 2 Option 2a Points Documented

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SLLp3 Stage 3 Option 1 Points Documented

read only

SLLp3 Stage 3 Option 2a Points Documented

read only

Please document achievement of SLLp3 Option 1 or 2a before attempting SLLc7 Option 1.



Map SLL7c.A confirms the absence of significant habitat, land within 100 ft of such habitat, and wetlands/water bodies and their SLLp4 buffers. OPTION 2 – SITES WITH SIGNIFICANT HABITAT


Describe efforts and cooperation taken, or to be taken, with state Natural Heritage program to delineate habitat on the project site. Describe efforts and cooperation taken, or to be taken, with the state fish and wildlife agency to delineate habitat on the project site. Name of individual and/or organization assisting in habitat delineation, and qualifications:


Map SLLc7.A confirms that significant habitat and buffers are not located within the project development footprint.


Select one of the following: [1] Agreement: Project team will upload land sale or easement agreement transferring habitat and buffers to qualified party. [2] Commitment: Project team will upload a commitment to prepare a land sale or easement agreement transferring habitat and buffers to qualified party,

required required

Upload a commitment to prepare a land sale or easement agreement transferring habitat and buffers to qualified party Upload land sale or easement agreement transferring habitat and buffers to qualified party


Select one of the following ongoing management activity paths: [1] Path 1 - SLLc9 documented point [2] Path 2 – Applicant-proposed management Path 1 – SLLc9 documented point


SLLc9 Stage 1 Points Documented

read only

SLLc9 Stage 2 Points Documented

read only

SLLc9 Stage 3 Points Documented

read only

Please complete the SLLc9 form before attempting this SLLc7 path.


Path 2 – Applicant-proposed management Upload description of proposed management activities, including identification of responsible organizations, funding, specific habitat management activities, and duration of activities following project build-out. OPTION 3 – SITES WITH WETLANDS/WATER BODIES


Does the project have negative impacts on habitat for federal/state endangered species, or NatureServe G1/G2/G3/S1/S2 species? This option is not available for projects that negatively impact such habitat; please select another option or unattempt the credit. Upload resume of biologist preparing wetlands/water body assessment, or commitment to hire.


Describe qualifications of biologist preparing wetlands/water body assessment


Select one of the following: [1] Agreement: Project team will upload wetlands/water body assessment summary [2] Commitment: Project team will upload a commitment to prepare a wetlands/water body assessment summary Upload a commitment to prepare a wetlands/water body assessment of the following functions: water quality maintenance, wildlife habitat protection, and hydrologic maintenance, including flood protection if applicable Upload wetlands/water body assessment summary of the following functions: water quality maintenance, wildlife habitat protection, and hydrologic maintenance, including flood protection if applicable. Map SLLc7.A confirms that wetlands, water bodies, and buffers are not located within project development footprint. Select one of the following: [1] Agreement: Project team will upload land sale or easement agreement transferring wetlands/water bodies and buffers to qualified party. [2] Commitment: Project team will upload a commitment to prepare a land sale or easement agreement transferring wetlands/water bodies and buffers to qualified party, Upload a commitment to prepare a land sale or easement agreement transferring wetlands/water bodies and buffers to qualified party Upload land sale or easement agreement transferring wetlands/water bodies and buffers to qualified party


Upload description of proposed management activities, including identification of responsible organizations, funding, specific wetlands/water body management activities, and duration of activities following project build-out. SUMMARY


SLLc7 Site Design for Habitat/Water Conservation Stage 1 Points Documented

read only

static required

required required required required


SLLc7 Site Design for Habitat/Water Conservation Stage 2 Points Documented

read only

SLLc7 Site Design for Habitat/Water Conservation Stage 3 Points Documented

read only

f Habitat or Wetlands / Water Bodies

onservation Management of Habitat or Wetlands / Water Bodies


radio radio text checkbox upload radio




Y/N text check box

narrative narrative narrative check box

Format (including sig.figs)



number number number text upload

Y/N text upload narrative radio upload upload check box radio



0, 1


0, 1


0, 1



if link_SLLp3o1_1 = N and link_SLLp3o2a_1 = N, then show SLLc7_7 if link_SLLp3o1_1 = N and link_SLLp3o2a_1 = Y, then show SLLc7_8 if link_SLLp3o1_1 = Y and link_SLLp3o2a_1 = N, then show SLLc7_7 if link_SLLp3o1_1 = Y and link_SLLp3o2a_1 = Y, then show SLLc7_8 if link_SLLp3o1_2= N and link_SLLp3o2a_2 = N, then show SLLc7_7 if link_SLLp3o1_2= N and link_SLLp3o2a_2= Y, then show SLLc7_8 if link_SLLp3o1_2= Y and link_SLLp3o2a_2 = N, then show SLLc7_7 if link_SLLp3o1_2 = Y and link_SLLp3o2a_2 = Y, then show SLLc7_8 if link_SLLp3o1_3= N and link_SLLp3o2a_3 = N, then show SLLc7_7 if link_SLLp3o1_3= N and link_SLLp3o2a_3= Y, then show SLLc7_8 if link_SLLp3o1_3 = Y and link_SLLp3o2a_3 = N, then show SLLc7_7 if link_SLLp3o1_3= Y and link_SLLp3o2a_3 = Y, then show SLLc7_8

if link_SLLc9_1 = 0, then show SLLc7_20 if link_SLLc9_2 = 0, then show SLLc7_20 if link_SLLc9_3 = 0, then show SLLc7_20

if SLLc7_2 = [1] then if SLLc7_1 uploaded and SLLc7_8 checked, then 1, else if SLLc7_2 = [2] then if SLLc7_9 and SLLc7_10 have value, SLLc7_1, [SLLc7_14 OR SLLc7_16] uploaded, SLLc7_11 has value, SLLc7_13 checked AND [SLLc7_22 uploaded OR link_SLLc9_1 > 0], then 1 point, else if SLLc7_2 = [3] then SLLc7_1, SLLc7_25, [SLLc7_26 OR SLLc7_30], [SLLc7_28 or SLLc7_31] uploaded, SLLc7_27 checked AND [SLLc7_36 uploaded OR link_SLLc9_1 > 0], then 1 point, else 0 points

CASE 2A if SLLc7_4 checked, then if SLLc7_2 = [1], then this value equals pt_SLLc7_1 if SLLc7_2 = [2], then if SLLc7_16 uploaded, then this value equals pt_SLLc7_1 if SLLc7_2 = [3], then if SLLc7_30, SLLc7_31 uploaded, and SLLc7_29 has value, then this value equals pt_SLLc7_1, else 0 points CASE 2B and 2C if SLLc7_2 = [1] then if SLLc7_1 uploaded and SLLc7_8 checked, then 1, else if SLLc7_2 = [2] then if SLLc7_9 and SLLc7_10 have value, SLLc7_1, SLLc7_16 uploaded, SLLc7_11 has value, SLLc7_13 checked AND [SLLc7_22 uploaded OR link_SLLc9_1 > 0], then 1 point, else if SLLc7_2 = [3] then if SLLc7_29 has value, SLLc7_1, SLLc7_30, SLLc7_31 uploaded, SLLc7_27 checked AND [SLLc7_36 uploaded OR link_SLLc9_1 > 0], then 1 point, else 0 points CASE 3A if SLLc7_4 checked, then this value equals pt_SLLc7_2, else 0 points CASE 3B and 3C same as stage 2 above